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SICK White Paper Part 3 - Risk Assessment

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The Risk Reduction Process Utilizing a Hierarchy of Controls

Part 3 of 5 in a series addressing the primary milestones to a safe machine

After risks have been identified, evaluated and analyzed as outlined in Part 2 of this series (The Risk
Assessment Process), there will inevitably be some if not many residual risks not at an acceptable
level. In these instances, it is important to take action to mitigate the risk to a level deemed tolerable for
your organization. Before rushing into a knee-jerk reaction to implement possible solutions, however, it
is important to consider the rational approach to risk reduction known as the Hierarchy of Controls.

Why Use a Hierarchy?

The ultimate goal of implementing protective measures is to reduce risk of harm. This objective can be
achieved by the elimination of hazards, or by separately or simultaneously reducing each of the
elements that determine the associated risk. Risk reduction can be accomplished by:
Decreasing the potential severity of harm presented by a hazard,
Improving the possibility of avoiding the associated harm, and/or
Reducing the need for access to the hazardous area, either by number of people exposed or
duration of each exposure.
Also referred to as the Hazard Control Hierarchy, the approach described here identifies risk reduction
measures in a ranked order of preference. As the name implies, the risk reduction measures
(principles of controlling hazards) are categorized according to both their effectiveness and preference.
When correctly applied in the proper order, the level of residual risk will continue to decline and
approach the goal of a tolerable or acceptable level of risk. Furthermore, following the preferential
order can result in overall reduction of costs associated with safety, both in terms of initial application,
as well as long term deployment. By following this well-tried methodology, the frustrations and misuse
of resources associated with a trial and error approach to reducing risk can be eliminated.

What is the Hazard Control Hierarchy?

The theory of applying risk mitigation concepts in a preferential order has been addressed in many
regulations and standards for some time. While there are many different representations of the
hierarchy, Figure 1 represents a common delineation of the key elements.

Part 3 of 5 in a series addressing the primary milestones to a safe machine

Figure 1: Typical Hazard Control Hierarchy

Who Should Apply Risk Reduction Measures?

The most effective risk reduction measures result when steps are taken by both the supplier (OEM
and/or integrator) and the end user. Regardless of which entity is applying risk reduction measures, a
hierarchical approach is always recommended to ensure the
largest steps of risk reduction are achieved by the most reliable
As discussed in Part 1 of this series (Selecting Safety Standards
for Machine Safeguarding Requirements), varying regulatory
requirements and market expectations exist in different world
regions addressing who is responsible for reducing risk.
Regardless, the approach of applying risk reduction measures in
a tiered approach is a common methodology in both International
and North American standards. In the International market, the
primary standard addressing this concept is ISO 12100:2010
Safety of machinery General principles for design Risk
assessment and risk reduction. Historically, this standard has
roots in previous European Norms (EN 292-1 and -2), which
address the European concept of placing new equipment on the
market in a safe condition. The approach recommended in this
standard is often referred to as an iterative Three-Step Method.
When examined closely, it is clear that the three steps establish a
tiered approach applied in a preferential order (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Three-Step Method

Part 3 of 5 in a series addressing the primary milestones to a safe machine

While the ISO 12100 approach includes additional risk reduction steps to be applied by the user
(employer), these measures are considered outside the scope of the International Standard.
Additionally, this standard was adopted in the U.S. as an American National Standard as ANSI/ISO
12100:2012. To better focus on the North
American regulatory requirements for
employers to make all equipment safe
(regardless of the vintage of the equipment),
other consensus standards exist which also
focus on the importance of the users role in
overall mitigation of risk, with the most broadly
applicable standard being ANSI B11.0-2010
Safety of Machinery General Requirements
and Risk Assessment. This standard includes
the hierarchy shown in Figure 1 above, and
parallels ISO 12100 in both scope and
applicability to a broad category of equipment.
It should be noted that both ISO 12100 and
ANSI B11.0 (as well as other standards) follow
the direction provided by ISO/IEC Guide 51
Safety aspects Guidelines for their inclusion in
standards, which was recently updated in April
2014. The intent of the guide is to establish
common terminology and methodologies to
standards writers when addressing key
concepts of risk reduction for inclusion in safety
standards around the world. A graphical
representation is included in Guide 51,
illustrating that risk reduction directly follows the
risk assessment process and is a combination
of efforts applied at both the design and use
phases of equipment. Figure 3 is an adaptation
of this image, modified to express that each
iterative application of additional risk reduction
measures following a hierarchical approach
further reduces the associated residual risk.

Figure 3: Risk Reduction Efforts Applied During

Design and Use Phases

By combining these approaches, proactive organizations can reap great benefits. Machinery suppliers
are the most equipped to understand the design and intended use of the equipment, and therefore are
in the best position to successfully implement cost effective risk reduction measures at the design
phase. However, as is the case with most common off the shelf machine designs, many OEMs are
not fully aware of each end users intended use of the equipment. In these instances, the user is best
positioned to select and apply risk reduction measures that are most effective based on the process
and intended use of the machinery.

What are the Elements of the Hierarchy?

As John Tyler, the tenth President of the United States, correctly remarked, Everything dependent on
human action is liable to abuse. This observation succinctly identifies the basis of the hazard control
hierarchy in that the measures most dependent on human action or behavior are less preferred, and
therefore placed near the bottom of the hierarchy.

Part 3 of 5 in a series addressing the primary milestones to a safe machine

Numerous documents have been developed to outline the hazard control hierarchy and provide
guidance on its implementation. As such, different models exist; some go to great detail to define each
minute approach, while others are more general in their examination of the concepts. Figure 4 below
identifies a few of the more common classifications (into either three, five, or eight tiers) of the
hierarchy, some of the guidance associated with each, as well as a number of justifications for the
preference of order of the elements. The classifications of risk reduction measures are explored in
more detail further on.

Figure 4: Evaluation of the Hazard Control Hierarchy

Inherently Safe Design

In many circumstances, risk avoidance (also known as risk transfer) simply cannot be performed.
Through the nature of the process, many risks simply cannot be avoided. In such cases, the concept of
safe design must be applied.
It is widely acknowledged that safe design measures are most effective when applied as early in the
lifecycle of the equipment or process as possible whether for the design of a new piece of equipment
or the creation of a new process utilizing older components. Even for relatively low risk applications,
safe design concepts may prove to be a simple and effective approach to mitigate residual risks. A
simple example is that of a hand wheel which may rotate automatically in certain modes of operation;
rather than using a spoked design, a solid wheel can eliminate risks associated with crushing or
severing if located near the edge of a non-moving member of the machine.
Prevention through Design
Measures which can be incorporated at the earliest stages of the machine lifecycle including
conceptualization and design of the process are preferable to (and generally more effective than)
those which are implemented at later stages. The concept of moving prevention upstream in the
design process is the core principle of a relatively new movement call Prevention through Design.

Part 3 of 5 in a series addressing the primary milestones to a safe machine

Prevention through Design (PtD) is a national initiative lead by the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH), a U.S. federal agency under the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) that conducts research and
makes recommendations to prevent worker
injury and illness. PtD incorporates all of the
efforts to predict and design out hazards to
workers and its focus is on individuals who
execute the designs or have to work with the
products of the design. The initiative has been
developed to support designing out hazards,
the most reliable and effective type of
prevention because it lessens the reliance on
lower hierarchy control measures. Additional
benefits of PtD include greater ease of
implementation as well as lower overall cost,
as depicted in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Model of Prevention through Design

The multi-year initiative, started in 2006, has resulted in a number of work items, including the
consensus standard ANSI/ASSE Z590.3-2011 Prevention through Design Guidelines for Addressing
Occupational Hazards and Risks in Design and Redesign Processes. As addressed in Part 1 of this
series, this standard includes guidelines and requirements for risk assessment as a key element to
identify sources of potential risk.

Safeguarding and Complimentary Protective Measures

Safe design measures are often more difficult to implement without undergoing a complete redesign as
the equipment or process advances through its lifecycle. Instead, engineered controls can be provided
to detect and/or prevent access to hazards that cannot be eliminated.
Barriers are most commonly used to provide a physical boundary to a hazard. Depending on the level
of identified risk, barriers can be used to deny intentional access to a hazard area, prevent unintended
exposure, provide simple guarding against inadvertent exposure, or create tactile or visual awareness
of the hazard. It is important to note that there are different types of barriers:
Barrier guards are used to prevent exposure to hazards. Proper design (including materials
used, size, and location) must adhere to established guidelines in order to perform as expected.
Shields are barriers used to either keep hazards (e.g., chips or coolant) within the confines of
the machine, or to reduce the potential of hazards (e.g., tooling parts, work pieces, or radiation)
from being ejected or emitted from the machine. Effective design must account for the nature
and energy of the hazards to be contained.
Awareness barriers are devices that warn individuals by means of physical contact. Awareness
barriers, although physical obstructions, do not provide complete isolation from hazards, and
therefore do not suffice as safeguards. Instead, these are grouped under awareness means
(discussed below).
Access and/or Hazard Control
When complete and permanent isolation cannot be achieved through the use of barriers, other
safeguarding devices may either:
be used to prevent access until the hazard has ceased, or
be located such that an individual cannot reach the hazard before it has reached a safe
condition (typically at a safe or zero speed).

Part 3 of 5 in a series addressing the primary milestones to a safe machine

Many categories of engineering controls exist, as portrayed in Figure 6. Some may be integrated
into barriers (such as interlocking devices), while others may detect the presence of an individual or
other obstruction at a predetermined location (such as light curtains, area scanners, and safety
mats). Furthermore, some measures may detect the absence of an individual at a predetermined
location (such as two-hand controls), and others may be used to control access to the hazard area
(such as pull-backs and restraints).

Figure 6: Examples of Engineering Controls

Complimentary Measures
Some engineering controls cannot be relied upon as primary safeguarding measures, although they do
assist in reducing risk. A common example is emergency stop (e-stop) devices. E-stops are not
considered safeguarding devices because they neither detect nor prevent access to a hazard.
However, because these devices can help minimize the extent of injury in the event exposure to the
hazard does occur, they clearly qualify as a risk reduction measure.
Safety-Related Part of the Control System
As part of an overall risk reduction strategy, some measure of risk reduction is typically achieved
through the application of safeguards and/or complimentary measures employing one or more safety
functions. When this occurs, engineering control components also become elements of the safety
related part of the control system (SRP/CS). By definition, the SRP/CS is the part of a control system
that responds to safety-related input signals and generates safety-related output signals. These are
parts of machinery control systems that are assigned to provide safety functions, can consist of
hardware and software, and can either be separate from the machine control system or an integral part
of it. In addition to providing safety functions, SRP/CS can also provide operational functions (such as

Part 3 of 5 in a series addressing the primary milestones to a safe machine

two-hand controls as a means of cycle initiation). The combined

elements start at the point where the safety-related input signals are
initiated (for example, obstruction of an optical beam of the safety light
curtain) and end at the output of the power control elements (for
example, the main contacts of a contactor), as shown in Figure 7.
Selecting the appropriate performance requirements for SRP/CS
based on the level of risk is a core principle of many risk assessment
and risk reduction processes. There are many standards available to
provide guidance on this topic, including but not limited to those
identified in Table 1, as follows.

ANSI B11.0


ANSI B11.19



ANSI B11.26



Figure 7: Basic Elements of


Safety of Machinery General Requirements and Risk Assessment
American National Standard for Machines Performance Criteria for Safeguarding
Functional Safety for Equipment (Electrical/Fluid Power Control Systems) Application of ISO
13849 General Principles for Design



ANSI Technical Report for Machine Tools Risk assessment and risk reduction A guide to
estimate, evaluate and reduce risks associated with machine tools

ANSI B11.TR4 2)


ANSI Technical Report for Machine Tools Selection of Programmable Electronic Systems
(PES/PLC) for Machine Tools

ANSI B11.TR6 2)


ANSI Technical Report for Machine Tools Safety Control Systems for Machine Tools

ANSI / PMMI B155.1


Safety Requirements for Packaging Machinery and Packaging Related Machinery

ANSI / RIA R15.06


1999 (R2009)

American National Standard for Industrial Robots and Robot Systems Safety Requirements

CSA Z432


Safeguarding of machinery

ISO 12100 4)


Safety of machinery General principles for design Risk assessment and risk reduction


Safety of machinery Safety-related parts of control systems Part 1: General principles for

ISO 13849-1


Safety of machinery Safety-related parts of control systems Part 1: General principles for

IEC 61508 (all parts)


Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems

IEC 62061


Safety of machinery Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable

electronic control systems

EN 954-1



This standard is in final draft phase and is expected to be published by end of 2014 or early 2015.


This standard is expected to be withdrawn upon publication of ANSI B11.26.


This standard is intended to be formally withdrawn at the end of 2014. The new revision of this standard, ANSI/RIA R15.06-2012, does
not include specific guidance, but rather references ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061.


ISO 12100-2010 was a consolidation without technical change to ISO 12100-1:2003, ISO 12100-2:2003, and ISO 14121-1:2007. ISO
12100:2010 was also adopted as an American National Standard, ANSI/ISO 12100:2012.


EN 954-1 was subsequently elevated to ISO 13849-1 in 1999. In turn, ISO 13849-1 was revised in 2006, effectively replacing both EN
954-1 and the 1999 ISO revision as of 1 January 2012.

Information listed is believed to be accurate at time of publication; subject to change at any time. Check with appropriate SDO for additional
information regarding scope and content of standards listed.

Table 1: Examples of Standards Addressing Safety-Related Parts of Control Systems (SRP/CS)

Part 3 of 5 in a series addressing the primary milestones to a safe machine

Administrative Controls (Informing about Hazards)

Following design and engineering control methods to reduce risk, additional risk reduction measures
are applied to further reduce risk to a level considered As Low As Reasonably Practical (ALARP).
Steps taken here are at the lower end of the hierarchy since they are all essentially dependent upon
human actions or behaviors to achieve the fullest level of mitigation possible. Due to the inconsistency
of human nature, these lower order measures should always be applied later in the process. It is
worthy to point out, however, that these lower value controls may be used in the interim until long-term
controls are implemented.
Awareness Means
Awareness means inform people of any significant residual risks which have not been eliminated by
design or protected by guards or safeguarding devices. Awareness devices include warnings (such as
signs or labels), lights, alarms, awareness barriers or other measures. Visual signals (such as flashing
lights) and audible signals may be used to warn of an impending hazardous event (such as machine
start-up or over-speed). The most common type of awareness means are as follows.

Awareness barriers, as noted above, differ from engineered barrier guards because they must
be installed such that a person cannot reach into the hazardous area without a conscious effort
and/or contact with the barrier. Examples include railings, chains, or other devices, which allow
entry of work pieces of varying sizes, but prevent the operator from reaching the hazard without
their awareness. Additionally, awareness barriers provide a visual boundary to the operators
movements and indicate the location of the hazard area.
Awareness signals are devices that warn individuals by means of audible sound or visible light.
Effective design of visible indicators will address unambiguous positioning, patterning, labeling
or flashing to ensure clear communication of the hazard zone. Consideration should also be
given to the prevalence of color blindness, as well as consistent color coding within the facility
and in accordance with applicable standards. Audible signals should have a distinctive sound
and intensity that distinguishes them from the highest ambient noise level in the area.
Awareness signs (also referred to as safety signs) are used to warn individuals of potential or
existing hazards. These too must be in compliance with applicable regulations and standards to
ensure that proper formats, colors, and symbols are used to provide appropriate hazard
avoidance information for risks that may be encountered.

Training and Procedures

Proper training, procedures, and supervision are essential to the care and use of risk reduction
measures applied to mitigate risk. Safe work procedures and training should be used to supplement
existing guards, safeguarding, and awareness devices not as a replacement. Procedures and
training may include, but are not limited to:
Formal or informal training
Standard operating procedures
Personnel certifications
When developing training material, the content should include, but is not limited to:
Nature of the hazards
Significance of the risk reduction measures applied
Capabilities/options of risk reduction measures
Description of risk reduction measures for a specific application and hazard
Function of the risk reduction measures
Proper installation and operation of the risk reduction measures

Part 3 of 5 in a series addressing the primary milestones to a safe machine

Functional testing of the risk reduction measures

Limitations of the risk reduction measures
Abnormal or unexpected operation of the risk reduction measures
Adjustment, maintenance, and operation of the risk reduction measures to ensure proper

The equipment supplier is obligated to furnish information about the intended use of the machine
considering all intended operating modes as well as reasonably foreseeable misuse. This information
must contain documentation (as appropriate) for the risk reduction measures applied, including
installation requirements, operating instructions, and maintenance requirements. Furthermore, the
supplier should provide all instructions necessary to ensure safe and proper use of the machine, and
also inform and warn the user about residual risks, including need for additional protective measures,
training, and personal protective equipment.
It is then the employers responsibility to ensure that all exposed people (not just employees) are
trained based upon the program developed. The employer must then verify the understanding and
provide for the continued competency of each person. In turn, each individual has a responsibility to
follow the training and safety procedures provided, to avoid the hazards that are identified or known to
them, and not intentionally attempt to circumvent the risk reduction measures which have been applied.
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal protective equipment (PPE) must be used in conjunction with but not in lieu of other risk
reductions measures, or when no other control methods are available or feasible. Typical PPE
includes, but is not limited to, eye protection, hearing protection, gloves, non-slip and/or steel toe
footwear, respirators, etc. Again, many standards exist in industry regarding how specific PPE must be
designed and tested. When different levels of PPE exist, selection of the appropriate PPE for the
application is often based on the risk assessment process.

Considerations when Applying the Hierarchy

Identify New Hazards
After each iterative step through the hierarchy of applying risk reduction measures, it is important to
evaluate the system to determine if new hazards have been introduced. If so, the risk assessment
process (as discussed in Part 2 of this series) must be repeated to effectively address new task /
hazard combinations, and the hazard control hierarchy must be applied again to reduce the associated
risks to an acceptable level.
Confirm Effectiveness
After appropriate risk reduction measures have been identified and selected according to the hierarchy,
it is imperative that the effectiveness of each measure is confirmed following implementation.
Confirmation (also referred to as validation, verification, or test and check) is the process of
confirming that a system design performs to a pre-defined confidence level. Confirmation of the
effectiveness of risk reduction measures can include but is not limited to:
Testing and verifying operation of safety devices and circuits
Review of training material and programs
Presence of warning labels
Presence of lockout procedures and safe work procedures
Functioning of complementary equipment
It is also important to note that confirming the effectiveness of any risk reduction measure must not
expose an individual to potential harm should the measure not provide the protection expected.

Part 3 of 5 in a series addressing the primary milestones to a safe machine

Incentives to Defeat or Circumvent Risk Reduction Measures

Incentives to defeat or circumvent risk reduction measures must not be overlooked when confirming the
effectiveness of risk reduction measures. The incentives depend on the circumstances considered, the
combination of multiple measures from the hierarchy, and the design details of each measure applied.
Incentives to render a risk reduction measure ineffective may include but are not limited to the following
Risk reduction measures prevent the task from being performed
Additional tasks exist which were not identified and assessed for hazards and risks
Risk reduction measures slow down production or interfere with other activities or preferences
of the user
A specific risk reduction measure is difficult to use
Personnel other than the intended operator(s) are needed to perform the task, such as:
o Operator resets a safeguard while maintenance personnel are inside the hazard area
o Safeguards intended to protect an individual are inappropriately used for multiple
personnel (such as two-hand controls)
Individuals do not recognize a risk reduction measure and/or its associated hazard
Risk reduction measures are not accepted as suitable, necessary or appropriate for their
When risk reduction measures are applied properly, they not only reduce the associated risk to a
tolerable level, they also allow personnel to effectively complete necessary tasks without defeating or
circumventing the prescribed measures.
Assess Residual Risk
Once viable risk reduction measures have been applied following the hierarchy, the residual risk must
be assessed. When assessing the residual risk, the risk factors are estimated assuming that the
selected risk reduction measures are in place and have been confirmed to be functional. The residual
risk must be assessed to verify that the selected measures are appropriate for the application and that
they sufficiently reduce the risk to an acceptable level. After the residual risk has been established for
each hazard, a decision must be made to either accept or further reduce the residual risk.
Following application of the hierarchy, adequate risk reduction is typically achieved when:
All operating conditions and all expected tasks have been considered
The hazards have been eliminated or risks reduced to the lowest practicable level (ALARP)
Any new hazards introduced by the risk reduction measures have been properly addressed
Affected individuals are sufficiently informed and warned about the residual risks
Risk reduction measures are compatible with the equipment and one another
Sufficient consideration has been given to the consequences that can arise from the
foreseeable misuse of the machine
The risk reduction measures do not adversely affect the working conditions of personnel or the
usability of the machine
The risk reduction measures do not jeopardize the ability of the equipment to perform its
The risk reduction measures implemented are adequately reliable for the associated risk(s) and
their functionality can be appropriately sustained
Risk reduction is complete when the measures are correctly applied and acceptable residual risk has
been achieved. When deciding if acceptable risk has been reached, it is also important to determine if
compliance with local, regional, and national regulations has also been attained.

Part 3 of 5 in a series addressing the primary milestones to a safe machine


Maintenance of Risk Reduction Measures

Confirmation that all risk reduction measures are provided, installed and functional must be completed
as part of the commissioning process. This applies whether the equipment is new, recently rebuilt
and/or modified, or simply relocated. The concept of change management was addressed in further
detail in Part 2 of this series.
Following the initial commissioning of all safety functions, proper use and maintenance of the risk
reduction measures will preserve the acceptable level of residual risk throughout the lifecycle of the
equipment. A regular inspection program is a proven method to ensure that measures used to reduce
risk maintain proper functionality and are still effective to the application even after seemingly minor
process changes have occurred. Greater focus on this topic will be provided in Part 5 of this series.

As discussed in the previous white paper in this series, zero risk is virtually unattainable and all
machinery applications have some level of residual risk. However, application of the hazard control
hierarchy is essential to achieving adequate risk reduction. By applying effective risk reduction
measures from each step of the hierarchy of control, reaching an acceptable or tolerable level of
resulting risk is possible.
As stipulated in most consensus guidance documents, the hazard control hierarchy is a proven
approach to ensure that acceptable levels of machinery safety are achieved. Even for organizations
with limited expertise selecting and applying risk reduction measures, the benefits of a rational and
organized process are easily realized. When implemented as part of an overall risk assessment
methodology, results can be fulfilled which are consistent, justified, and practical.

This white paper is meant as a guideline only and is accurate as of the time of publication. When
implementing any safety measures, we recommend consulting with a safety professional.

For more information about the hierarchy of controls, contact SICK Safety Application Specialist Chris
Soranno at, or visit our web site at

Part 3 of 5 in a series addressing the primary milestones to a safe machine


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