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Land of Pakistan

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Q1. Describe the importance of Location of Pakistan.
Ans. Pakistan is a new state. It came into being one 14 August 1947. It is a
traditional society with a low literacy rate trying to acquire modern technology. It is a
developing country with a high rate of population growth. It has in the recent past
been heavily burdened with foreign debt. It has an unfavourable balance of trade,
although the manufacturing sector is growing. The past 9/11 events have coincided
with marco-stability and an economic breakthrough.
Pakistan is the Land of Pure, is strategically placed all the crossroads of Asia.
The official name of the state is Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Capital of Pakistan is
Islamabad but the first capital of Pakistan was Karachi from 1947 to 1959. Then
President of Pakistan Ayub Khan shifted the capital from Karachi to Islamabad in
Pakistan is located between 23½ degree North to 37 degree North and 61
degree East to 77 degree East as far as the latitudinal and longitudinal extents are
Geo-Strategic Position:
Pakistan is surrounded by various countries:
West & North West ……………………..Afghanistan
South West Iran …………………………Iran
South………………………………..……Arabian Sea
Pakistan came into being on August 14, 1947. Its official name is Islamic
Republic of Pakistan. It has an area of 7,96,096 square kilometers. Area of Pakistan
is four times as larger as UK and one fourth of the size of India. 58% area of
Pakistan is consists of Mountains and plateaus, while 42% area of Pakistan consists
of plains and deserts.
According to censes of 1998 total population of Pakistan was 14 Crore 23
Lacs & Eighty Thousand and the current population is more than 15 Crore. 98% of
the total population is Muslim while 2% Christians, Hindus, Parisis and Ahmadis also
live in this country and density of population in Pakistan is 164 persons per sq. km.
1. Pakistan and China:
China is situated in the north of Pakistan. Length of common border between
Pakistan and China is 600km. Silk route connects these two countries. These
countries have warm relations, and their friendship is stronger than Himalayas.
China has helped Pakistan in the development of many projects including the
defence projects.
2. Pakistan and India:

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


In east of Pakistan is India, which is demographically second to China in the

world. Length of common border between Pakistan and India is about 1600km,
cease fire line between Pakistan and India of Kashmir is not including in it. India
has emerged as an agricultural, industrial and military power in the region. Since
independence, India and Pakistan have never felt themselves at ease with each
other. Moreover, four wars have been fought between these two countries until now.
As a result, no progress could be made in the region. Both countries have been
spending the major part of their budget on their defence. These countries have gone
too far away in the race of nuclear weapons and missile technology. The dispute of
Kashmir between these two countries is still pending in the UNO. Now once again
they are trying to resolve it peacefully. The earlier the peaceful solution is found the
better it is for them.
3. Pakistan and Iran:
Iran is in the West of Pakistan. The common border between Pakistan and
Iran is 900 KM long. Pakistan and Iran have very close brotherly relations. The two
countries united together by the bonds of Islam for fourteen centuries and they have
always been cooperating with each other in the fields of diplomacy, economy, culture
and education.
4. Importance for Afghanistan and Central Asian States:
Afghanistan lies in West of Pakistan common border between Pakistan and
Afghanistan is called Durand line which is 2552Km long which was marked in 1893.
Afghanistan and Central Asian countries are too far away from coastal areas and
they are land locked countries. These countries have to go through the land of
Pakistan to reach the sea. They are famous for their oil and gas fields. They are
included among the agriculturally high productive countries. Thus they are important
in regard to our future needs.
The total population of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,
Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan is even less than Pakistan through they are six times
larger in area. If we join these countries with a motor way, it will definitely open the
door of fortune for them as well as for Pakistan.
5. Importance of Coastal Area of Pakistan:
The industrial progress of most of the Western countries depends on the oil of
the Gulf countries. Geographically, Pakistan is located in the South Asia. Persian
Gulf is located in the south-west of Pakistan. Persian Gulf has a geographic
importance and countries like Iran, Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain,
Oman, United Arab Emirates etc are located along it. These Muslim countries
possess the wealth of oil, which has enhanced their importance. Pakistan has cordial
relations with these countries.
6. Religious Cultural and Trade Importance of Pakistan:
In the north west of Pakistan, there is a narrow strip of the Wakhan Valley (9 –
14 km wide) that separates Pakistan from Central Asian Islamic countries. These
Central Asian countries are land locked but rich in natural resource. Pakistan has
religious, cultural and economic relations with these countries.
7. Trade Rout between East and West:
On the southern side of Pakistan lies the Arabian Sea, which is the part of the
Indian Ocean. Pakistan links the east with the west. Most of the trade between east
and west is through Indian Ocean. So Pakistan lies on an important trade route of
the world. Pakistan through Arabian Sea is linked with the Muslim countries of
Persian Gulf. All of them are rich in oil. The Persian Gulf has always been the center

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


of the big power‟s politics. Karachi, Bin-Qasim and Gawader are important sea ports
of Pakistan.
8. Relations with Islamic Countries:
Pakistan has good relations through Indian Ocean with the Islamic countries.
In this respect South-East Asian Muslim countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Buruni-
Daruslam) and South Asian Muslim countries (Bangladesh and Maldives) are
important. So Pakistan has an important strategic position in the Islamic world.
9. Importance of Pakistan from Defence Point of View:
Pakistan is situated in the region of great political, economic and military
importance. Among its neighbouring countries, People‟s Republic of China and
Russia are recognized as super powers of the world‟s politics. India is another
atomic power, which is also a neighbouring country of Pakistan.
10. Center of the Muslim World:
Pakistan is situated in the center of the Muslim World. To the west of Pakistan
starting from Afghanistan and Iran, stretches a long chain of Muslim countries.
11. Position in the Third World:
Pakistan is a great supporter of the unit of the third world countries. The
organization of non-aligned countries provides great importance for its useful role in
the third world.

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


12. Economic Cooperation Organization (E.C.O)

In 1964 Regional Cooperation Development was signed among Pakistan, Iran
and Turkey. While in 1984 it was renamed as E.C.O. Later on its number of
members was also increased from 3 to 10. Now Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Tajikistan,
Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are member of
this organization. The main object of the ECO is to promote trade among Pakistan,
Iran and Turkey and other member countries.
13. Fortress of Islam:
Pakistan is an ideological country which was obtained on the basis of Islamic
ideology, where roots of Islam are very strong. Many Islamic countries follow
Pakistan. Many Islamic leader call Pakistan the “Fortress of Islam”.
14. Pakistan is an atomic power:
Pakistan became an atomic power in 1998 when Pakistan made atomic blasts
at Chaghi. Pakistan is also the first Islamic Power in the region where the Pakistan is
situated with India, China and Russia also other atomic powers.

Q.2 Define Natural Resources and describe the importance of

Natural Resources for the National Development of the
Ans. Those resources which Allah has created for every type of life are called
natural resources. These natural resources are Waters, Forests, Minerals,
Soil and Mountains etc.
Important Natural Resources:
Important Natural Resources are as under:
i. Soil ii. Mountains iii. Forests
iv. Minerals v. Water (Rivers & Oceans)
(i) Soil:
Fertile Plains and deserts are also important part of natural resources. How
many fertile plain a country has, the agricultural department will be more developed.
We cultivate different kind of crops to fulfill the food requirements of the human
beings. Allah has gifted many fertile plains to Pakistan.
(ii) Mountains:
Mountains are the gift of the nature. They protect Pakistan from the cool
winds from the South Asian states and the Indian Oceans. These mountain provide
water to our rivers. These mountains are rich in minerals especially the Western
Mountain Ranges.
(iii) Forests:
Forests are the important part of the natural resources. These are very helpful
to moderate the climate as well as their wood is also used for energy purposes,
furniture making and other purposes. Forests are also the gift of the nature. Forests
are also very essential for the survival of the human and wild life too.
(iv) Minerals:
Minerals are also the important part of the natural resources. Minerals affect
the economy of the country directly. How much the mineral, a county has, it means
its economy will also be stronger. Human beings allocate the minerals and use them
for the welfare of the human beings.
(v) Waters:
The underground water, rivers and oceans are natural resources because
water is created by the nature (God) for the Human beings as well as the other living
things. We use water for drinking purposes and store the water of the rivers and use
Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad

it for different purposes like irrigation, for hydroelectricity etc. This water is also
essential for water creatures. Pakistan is a lucky country because there is several
rivers which Allah as gifted us.
Pakistan is a vast country and Allah has gifted all kinds of resources. The
progress of a country or a nation totally depends upon the utilization of the available
(1) Source of National Development:
Natural Resources are very important because they are the source of National
Development and prosperity if a country has much resources, its economy will be
stronger and due to strong government paid a lot attention to increase the literacy
rate and improve the health, recreational, communication and transportation system.
(2) Positive effect of National Income:
Due to the Natural resources, National Income also increases. It means that
National Income depends on the natural resources directly. If a country has fewer
resources its national economy will not be much stronger.
(3) Reward from God:
Natural resources are the reward from God because we only allocate the
Natural resources and use them for the welfare of the human life but can‟t be
(4) Increase in Individual Income:
Due to the natural (Revise this caption) resources, individual income of the
people also increases because, more services or job opportunities are present in the
country. Salary packages are also better so we can say due to the increase in
natural resources individual income of the people also increases.

(5) Completion of Necessities of life:

Due to Natural resources necessities of life are also fulfilled. We utilize these
resources for the welfare of the human life. Mineral oil, Gas, Copper, Gold etc are
used to fulfill the necessities of life. Fertile plains and water are used for irrigation
purposes and we obtained different kinds of crops to fulfill our food necessities.
(6) Balance of Payment:
Due to the increase in National Income through natural resources, the
balance of payment also occurred, because natural resources increase the foreign
exchange in the country.
The population of Pakistan is increasing rapidly. It is very important that the
people should work hard sincerely for its development. In recent years, some of the
nations, with their hard work have got the status of developed countries. So we
should have to exploit the natural and human resources to the maximum to develop
our country.

Q.3 Describe the importance of forests?

Ans. The climate of Pakistan is relatively dry. It is not suitable for the forests.
Pakistan is a forest deficit country with 4.2 million hectors, which covers 4.8 percent
of the total area of Pakistan. Forests provide 1/3 of the total energy requirements of
Pakistan. For balanced economy, a country must have forests on about 20-25
percent of area.
Pakistan has various types of forests due to variation in climatic conditions.
Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad

(1) Forests of Northern & North Western Areas:

North Western areas consist of evergreen forests of Deodar, Firs, Blue Pine,
Spruce and Chalghoza. These forests have broad leaves & tall trees. These forests
are found up to the height of 1,000 meters and more. These forests includes oak,
chestnut and walnut are also important. Murree, Abbotabad, Mansahra, Chitral, Swat
and Dir are parts of them.
(2) Forests of Foot Hill Areas:
In the foot-hill areas, the forests consist of Phulai, Kao, Jand, Acacia, Wild
Olive, Black Berry etc. The districts of Peshawar, Mardan, Kohat, Attock, Rawalpindi,
Jhelum and Gujrat are important in this respect.
(3) Dry Hill Forests:
The dry hill-forests are in the divisions of Quetta and Kalat of Balochistan.
Other than thorny forests, Mazoo, Chalghoza, Poplar Junipers are important trees.
(4) Plain Areas Forests:
In the plains, some of the forests are found in the river valleys. Shisham,
Poplar, Tamarind, Prosopis and Babool are the important trees. They are found in
the reserves of Chhanga Managa, Chichawatni, Khanewal, Tobatake Singh,
Burewala, Thal, Shorkot, Bahwalpur, Taunsa, Sukkur, Kotri and Guddu. Other
important trees are Mulberry, Sumbal, Dhrek and Eucalyptus.
5) Forest of the Coastal Plains
These forests are found along the coastal area of Pakistan from Karachi to
Coastal of Makran. These forests also found in the delta of River Indus and River
Hub. These forests are also known mangrove type of forests. These are found in
Pakistan on the area of 3,000 hectors.
Forests are very important natural resource. Forests play a dominant role in
the development of a country. Let us see how much forests are important in the
economy of any country.
(1) A Source of Water:
The climate of Pakistan is generally arid and semi-arid. Water is available for
the irrigation of agriculture. The northern mountainous areas of Pakistan receive
more rain and snow. These areas are the main source of water for rivers. The forests
on the slopes of hills stop soil erosion. They also slow the speed of the flow and
irrigate the plains regularly.
(2) A Source of Energy:
In Pakistan energy resources are limited. The forest wood is used as fuel and
meets the deficiency of coal.
(3) A Source of Wood & Timber:
Forests provide timber, fire wood, gum and other useful articles which are
very important for the trade of a country.
(4) A Source of Pleasant Climate:
Forests make the climate of an area very pleasant. They lessen the intensity
of heat.
(5) A Source of Rain Fall:
Forests cause, to a great extent, rainfall in a region. The presence of forests
measures the amount of water vapours that cause rainfall.
(6) Protection from soil erosion:
The roots of the trees keep the soil intact. It stops the soil erosion and the
layer of fertile soil does not wash away and soil fertility remains unaffected.
(7) Advantages of Forests:

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


Due to lack of forests the rivers carry huge amount of sand and silt that fill our
dams and artificial lakes and destroy hydroelectric power projects.
(8) Protection from Water Logging and salinity:
Forests are very useful in water logged and salinity affected areas. Trees
absorb water from the soil and lower water level of underground reserves.
(9) Attainment of Herbs:
Forests, herbs are used for the preparation of medicines.
(10) Promotion to Tourism:
Forests promote tourism. There are many places in the northern and
northwestern mountainous area of Pakistan, which are covered with forests
and known for recreations.
(11) Importance for wild life:
Forests are very important for wild life (animals and birds).
(12) Source of Employment:
Forests provide employment to a large number of populations in Pakistan.
(13) Sour of Fruits and fodder:
Forests provide different kinds of fruits and fodder to animals.
(14) Importance in National Economy:
Forests have an important role in the economy of Pakistan. About 5 million
people have been directly or indirectly engaged in this sector.


The government has taken different steps for the promotion of development in
Pakistan. Some of them are as under:-
1. Forest Department
Government had established forests department in Pakistan, which is
responsible for the plantation in Pakistan, across the roads, railway lines, rivers and
other artificial forests like changa manga, Cheehawatni, Toba Tek Singh etc. This
department is also responsible to create the awareness among the people for the
plantation in Pakistan.
2. Forest College Peshawar:
For the training of the workers of the forest department government
established a forest college in Peshawar. This college trained a lot of workers of the
forests department which are working in the different part of the country for the
development of the forest. It also provides the research facilities on the plants.
3. Forest Research Laboratory Bahawalpur:
The government of Pakistan established a forest research laboratory at
Bahawalpur, which provide the research opportunities to the people of the different
deceases of plants and provide consultation to the people on the base of their
research for the protection of plants from the strong winds and heavy rainfalls.
4. Conferences:
Forest department also held different conferences in the different part of the
country to create awareness among the people and motivate the people for
plantation. In these conferences a lot of experts of the forest department of the
Pakistan and the other countries provide consultation and suggestion to the people.
5. Plantation Campaign:
The government also motivate the people for the plantation in Pakistan, in this
regard the government start campaign for the plantation twice in a year. Government
also provide the plants to the people on a very cheep rates during this campaign.
6. Plantation in Thal & other Desert Areas:

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


Government also provides opportunities to the people for the plantation in the
Thal and other desert areas of the country to minimize the desert like characteristics
of these areas.

Q4. Write a note on the important minerals of Pakistan.

Ans. In Pakistan there is wide scale availability of mineral resources, but these
resources remained unexploited for years. It is due to lack of technical skill, finance
and technology.
Types of Minerals:
There are three types of Minerals:
 Metallic Minerals
The minerals in which electricity can pass through easily are
called metallic minerals. These are good conductor of heat & electricity.
For example iron ore, chromate, copper, gold, silver etc.
 Non-Metallic Minerals
The minerals in which electricity cannot pass through easily are
called non-metallic minerals. These are not good conductor of heat &
electricity. For example mineral salt, gypsum, marble, china clay, fire
clay, limestone etc.
 Power Resource Minerals
Power resource minerals are those minerals which are used to
generate electricity or power. These minerals include coal, mineral oil
and natural gas.
Important minerals of Pakistan as under:-
(1) COAL:
The annual coal production of Pakistan is 3.2 million tones.
Uses of Coal:
The coal produced in Pakistan is used in brick kilns, for producing thermal
electricity house hold purposes.
Areas of Coal:
 The biggest coal reserve was discovered at Lakhra (Sindh). The following
areas are important for coal production in Pakistan.In Salt range, the main
coal mines are at Dandot, Padh and Makarwal. The NWFP has only Hungo
coal mine.
 In North-east of Balochistan Khost, Sharing, Harmai are important coal mines.
Others are Sor range and Daigari, Shirin-ab areas and Mach Bolan coal
 The Sindh coal mines are at Thar, Jhimpir, Sarang and Lakhra.
Mineral oil is an important source of energy in Pakistan.
Areas of Mineral Oil:
The main oil producing areas are mostly located in the Patwar Plateau. The
Khaur, Dhulian, Jayamair, Balkassar, Karsal, Tut, Sarang and Mial, Dakhni, Adhi,
Qazian (Distnict Attock and Rawalpindi), Dodkhak (Dera Ghazi Khan) Khaskhali,
Aghari (Badin) and Tando Allah Yar (Hydrabad). These oil fields play an important
role in meeting the oil needs of the country.

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


Four oil refineries are working in Pakistan, the Attock Refinery, Pakistan
Refinery, National Refinery and Pakistan-Arab Refinery.
Natural gas is the cheapest good means of getting the energy. The natural
gas was discovered in 1952 at Sui (district Sibbi in Balochistan). This gas field is
considered the biggest reserve not only of Pakistan but of the world.
This gas is being used for domestic use, power generation and industrial
In Pakistan, a number of gas-fields are also located in Patwar Plateau and
Salt range. Production has been started in Dodkhak, Pirkoh, Dhulian and Mial
(Punjab), Uch, Zin (Balochistan) Khairpur, Mazarani, Marri, Kandhot and Sarang
In Pakistan, the production of iron ore was started in 1957. Total reserves of
iron ore in Pakistan is 500 million tons.
The iron ore deposits were discovered in many areas of the country. Among
them Kalabagh (District Mianwali) has the biggest deposits of iron ore, but the quality
is not good. The Dammel-Nissar (Chitral) deposits have good iron ore content. Other
important iron ore producing areas are Langrial (District Haripur), Chilghazi (District
Chagai), Mazari Jang, Marri Bela etc.
Pakistan has rich deposits of copper.
Copper is used in the production of electric goods especially wire networks.
The deposits of copper have been discovered in Balochistan and NWFP. In
Balochistan copper reserves are in District Ghagai, Sandak and other areas.
Pakistan has rich deposits of Chromite.
Chromium obtained from chromite is used in making high speed machines,
stainless steel, aeroplanes and tools of photography.
Chromite was discovered in Muslim Bagh District Zhobe, Chagai, Khraran
(Balochistan), Mala-Kand and Mehmend agencies of NWFP.
Pakistan has a vast reserve of food salt (rock salt) in the Salt range. The
annual production is 1275 thousand tones. The total estimated reserves are 4 million
 Khewra (District Jhelum) has thick deposits of rock salt.
 Other important areas of production are Warchha (District Khushab).
 Kalabagh (District Mianwali)
 Bahadar Khail and Khark.
 Salt is also available in Maripur (Karachi) and near the Lasbela and
Makran coast.

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


 The salt is also obtained from lakes.

It is used for food and in chemical industries.
Limestone is a useful raw material of cement industry. The annual production
of limestone is 9.9 thousand tones.
Limestone is found mostly in the northern and western mountain areas of
Pakistan. The thick deposits are located in Daudkhel, Wah, Rohri, Hyderabad and
The annual production of Gypsum is 358.5 thousand tones.
Gypsum is mostly available in the Salt range and western mountainous areas
of Pakistan. The important mines are in Khewra, Dandot, Daudkhail, Rohri and
Gypsum is used in cement industry, Plaster of Paris, Sulphuric Acid and
Ammonium Sulphate.
(10) MARBLE:
Marble is available in different colors and varieties in Pakistan. The annual
marble production is 586.6 thousand tones.
Marble found in Pakistan in Mulla Ghori (Khyber Agency), Mardan, Swat,
Noshara, Hazara, Ghagai (Balochistan and Gilgit). Black and white marble is
available in large quantity in Kala-Chitta hills (District Attock). Other important areas
of marble are District Muzzaffarabad and Mirpur of Azad Kashmir.
China clay is available in Mangora (District Swat) and Nagar Parkar (Sindh).
China clay is used in chemical industries, ceramics, pots of china clay and
decorations tiles.


Fire clay deposits are available in Salt range and Kala-Chitta hills. Fire clay is
used for making bricks for use in steel melting furnaces.
Fire clay is used for making bricks which are used in fire kilns.
Sulpher is found in Province of Balochistan from District Chaggi (Koh-e-
Sultan) and District Khichi.

Q5. Describe the importance of agriculture in Pakistan and write

down the causes of the industrial backwardness in Pakistan.
Ans. Agriculture plays an important role in the economy of Pakistan. Agriculture
contributes 23 percent to GNP of the country. Over the last one decade, agriculture
grew at an annual average rate of 4.5 percent. Pakistan is among those few
developing countries, where the growth rate in agricultural production is high.

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad



Pakistan is an agricultural country. It has four seasons that are suitable for
agriculture. There are two cropping seasons in Pakistan. 50 percent of the total
cultivated area lies in Punjab while one third of the total cultivated area in Sindh:
(i) Rabi Season:
Rabi season starts from the month of October and ends in the month of
March. This season is also known as winter season. Wheat, Barley, Oil seeds and
Tobacco etc. are the Rabi Crops.
(ii) Kharif Season:
Kharif season starts from the month of April and ends in the month of
September. This season is also known as summer season. Rice, Maize, Cotton,
Sugarcane, Jawar, Bajra are Kharif Crops.
In Pakistan, both food and cash crops are very important.
Food Crops:
Food crops are those crops which are cultivated to fulfill the food necessities
of the people. Food crops like wheat, rice, maize, bajra, jawar etc. are important for
the food requirements of the increasing population in the country.
Cash Crops:
Cash crops are those crops which are not used as food items and we export
to other countries to earn the foreign exchange. These are cotton, rice, tobacco etc.
Pakistan is also an important producer of different types of cereals and fruits.
Pakistan is famous in producing good quality of fruit. All the provinces of Pakistan
are important for fruit production. Important fruits are mango, orange, grapes, apple,
date, apricot, peaches etc. NWFP also produces dry fruit. Pakistan exports a large
quantity of fruits to other countries.

To meet the requirements of the growing population of Pakistan a lot of
attention has been paid to develop the agriculture sector. The production of food
grain has increased to save the foreign exchange for its imports. Cultivated areas
have increased. About 25% of the total area is under cultivation in Pakistan.
Agriculture is the most important sector of the economy of Pakistan. The detail of the
utility and development of this sector is given below:
1. Availability of Food Grain
Pakistan is an agriculture country. The important crops are wheat, rice, maize,
barley and oats etc. They fulfill the needs of growing population of the country.
Pakistan is self-sufficient in the production of food grain.
2. Availability of Cash Crops
The cash crops are cotton, sugarcane, rice and tobacco etc. They are
valuable for our country. Major portion of foreign exchange is earned from their
export. They are also an important source of industrial raw material. The industry of
textile, sugar and cigarette depends upon these crops.
3. Availability of Fruits
Our country is famous for fruits. Major portion of fruit is produced in the
provinces of Punjab, Serhad and Balochistan. Mango, orange grapes, apple, p1um
and peachs etc. are the important fruits. Dry fruits are mostly produced in Serhad.
Pakistan earns a lot of foreign exchange from the export of fruits.

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


4. Source of Employment
Agriculture is both a profession and an obligation. About 55% of population is
attached with agriculture directly or indirectly. 37% of the national production is
provided by agriculture.
5. Source of Increase in National Income
In agriculture sector the government provides loans to farmers on easy terms
so that the maximum number of people may get employment, and the migration from
villages to cities may remain low. It increases, the national income, and the country
becomes prosperous.
6. Source of Economic Development
The industrial and commercial development of Pakistan depends upon
agriculture. In these days agriculture is being mechanized according to the modern
7. Promotion of international Trade
Agriculture Promotes international Trade which earn foreign exclude for the
8. Availability of Live Stock and Dairy Products
Live stock or dairy forming is included in agriculture. We obtain meat, Milk,
Ghee, Cheese, Butter and other Dairy Products from live stock.
9. Promotion of Agricultural industries
Agriculture also promotes industries related to agriculture, live Sugar Mills,
Rice factories, latter industries, Dairy Product Producing industries, which erects
industrial revolution in the country.
10. Availability of Raw Material
We also obtain raw material for industries from agriculture. Cotton is a raw
material for Textile industry, Leather is a raw Material for Later industries, Rice and
Wheat is also raw Material for Rice factories and flour Mills .
11. Control on Economic Crises
If we increase the production of agricultural crops, we increase the National
income. In this way we can control the economic crises.
12. Better Living standards
If we increase the production agricultural crops, so income of farmers also
increases, that why living standard of the farmers and the people attached with
agriculture will also become batter.


They are a lot of problems which are facing by our agricultural sector. Some
of them are as under:-
i. Water logging & Salinity
Pakistan has an extensive and comprehensive canal system. The canal
system of Pakistan and rivers are the source of water logging and salinity. Due to
and estimation one lac acre area is facing this problem every year.
ii. Lack of Mechanism
In Pakistan in this modern age the farmers of Pakistan are using old and
outdated methods of the cultivation. Due to the poor economy and illiteracy,
the farmers are unable to use latest agricultural machines in the agriculture
iii. Floods & Strong winds
Heavy rains, strong winds and floods damage the crops on a very large area
every year. Due to this reason a lot of crops destroy every year.

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


iv. Soil Erosion

Due to heavy rainfalls and floods the transportation of the soil is started. Due
to this reason a lot of cultivated area is unable to cultivate for the different type of
v. Limited Cultivable Land
Pakistan is an agriculture country but only 25% area is under cultivation. Due
to increase in population this area is reducing day by day.
vi. Less use of Fertilizers, Better Seed, Pesticides & Insecticides
In Pakistan mostly the farmers have small peace of land for agriculture. There
economy is very limited. They are unable to use fertilizer better seeds, pesticides &
insecticides to overcome to the diseases of the crops and increase the every yield
per hector.
vii. Lack of Agriculture Research
In Pakistan agricultural department is established for agricultural research on
different crops for the discovery of high yielding variety of different crops.
Unfortunately the trend of agriculture is very limited.
viii. Illiteracy
Education of the farmer plays a vital role in the agricultural process but in
Pakistan mostly the people which are attached to the agriculture sector are not
educated properly so they can not plain and try to increase the average yield per
ix. Non-Availability of Agricultural Loans
Due to the poor economy of the country the availability of agricultural loans is
very limited. Due to this reason farmers cannot purchase latest machines & tools
which are used in agriculture and they cannot increase the production of their crops
by using pesticides and fertilizer.
x. Feudalism
Another problem of the agriculture department in the Pakistan is feudalism.
Only the few families in Pakistan have owned large cultivated area.


(1) Use of Fertilizers:
The use of fertilizer also contributes to the growth of per acre yield, and
overall increases the agricultural production.
(2) Control over Diseases of Crops:
The climate of Pakistan is helpful for the growth of pests and insects that
attack the crops and reduce the yield. The government has to import the insecticides
and pesticides to save the crops from them and to increase the production.
(3) Use of Improved Seed:
Seeds play an important role in boosting agricultural production. Some
improved seeds are imported from other countries. So the improved seeds increase
the per acre yield of the crops.
(4) Mechanization:
Mechanization has played an important role in increasing agricultural
production. This reduces pre and post harvest losses and helps in achieving self-
sufficiency in agricultural production.
(5) Agriculture Reforms:
Agriculture reforms have also played an important role in increasing
agricultural production in Pakistan. The agriculture reforms of 1959, 1972 and 1977
Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad

are important in this sector. The scattered lands of the farmerg were consolidated to
enable them to manage them well. This increased the per capita agricultural income
of the farmers and facilitated the farm holdings. It improves the relationship both
between the landowner and the tenant.
(6) Control over Water-logging and Salinity:
The canal irrigation has created the twin problems of water logging and
salinity. The government has taken the steps to tackle them in the province of
Punjab and Sindh. It increased the area of cultivated land. Tube wells and drains
played the key role in reclamation. About 60 reclamation schemes has been
completed. The 18 million acres of land have been reclaimed. It increased not only
the cultivable land but increased the agricultural production. But the reclamation
schemes still have a long way to go.
(7) Improvement of Roads:
Means of transportation especially roads have an important role in carrying
the production from field to the market, the raw material to the industries and their
products to the markets. The government of Pakistan has done a lot to improve the
network of roads especially in linking the far flung areas of the country.
(8) The Education of Farmer:
The education of a farmer is essential. The education in all respects is the key
to success in life. Most of the farmers are uneducated and face lot of problems due
to their ignorance. The government has taken practical steps to improve the
educational standard of the rural areas and taught them the improved methods of
cultivation to increase the production in agriculture.
(9) Planning:
The pressure of population on agriculture is great. The population is
increasing day by day but resources especially food production is not going up
according to the demand. We have to decrease the growth rate of population, and
increase the production. The government should encourage the cottage and small
scale industries in the rural areas so that the farmers may remain engaged in their
spare time.

Q6. Write the note on Canal System of Pakistan.

Ans. In Pakistan mostly canals are used to fetch the river water to the
agricultural fields. Pakistan has a very extensive developed canal network in
the world. It is about 150 years old. This canal system consists of small and
large dams, barrages and link canals. About 43 small and large canals are
used for irrigation. Pakistan depends upon the water of rivers Indus, Jhelum
and Chenab. These rivers have maximum quantity of water during summer
but minimum in winter season, about 84 percent of the total water flows in
these rivers.
Different types of canals are present in Pakistan depending upon the
supply of water from rivers.
1. Perennial (Permanent) Canals
Those canals in which water flows throughout the year are called
Perennial or Permanent Canal. These canals supply the water to the areas
where the underground water is salty like District of Jhang, Toba Tek Singh
and Faisalabad etc.

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


2. Non-Perennial (Non-Permanent) Canals

Those canals in which water cannot flows throughout the year are
called Non-Perennial or Non-Permanent Canals. In these canals the water
flows for almost six months. These canals supply the water to the mostly
Districts of Punjab and Sindh.
3. Flood Canal
Those canals in which, the water flows only in the rainy season.
4. Link Canal
Link canal are those canals which use to connect the water of rivers.
These canals are dug in Pakistan according to the Indus Water Treaty in
1960. These canals putted the water of three main rivers of Pakistan (Indus
Jhelum & Chenab) into the two rivers (Ravi & Sutluj).


(1) The Canals of River Ravi:
Important canals of River Ravi are:
i) Baloki-Sulmanki link Canals 1
ii) Baloki-Sulmanki link Canals 2
iii) Upper Bari Doab Canal
iv) Lower Bari Doab Canal
The Upper Bari Doab is an old canal which was constructed in 1861,
these canals provides the water to Lahore, Dipalpur, Qasoor, Shaiwal,
Pakpattan Vihari and Khaniwal.
(2) The Canals of River Chenab:
Important canals of River Chenab are:
i) The Upper Chenab Canal
ii) Lower Chenab Canal
iii) Ringpur Canal
These canals irrigate the area of Rachna doab. The Haveli system of
canals if also located in this doab that comes from Trimmu Head Works, these
canals irrigates the area of Sialkot, Narowal, Gujranwala, Shaikhupura,
Faisalabad Muzafargargh, Jhang, Toba Tek Singh and Multan.
(3) The Canals of River Jhelum:
Important canals of River Jehlum are:
i) The Upper Jhelum Canal
ii) Lower Jehlum canal
These canals are important canals of Chaj Doab. The Upper Jhelum,
Upper Chenab and Lower Bari Doab are a part of the Triple Canal Project.
Rasool Qadarabad, Qadarabad Baloki and Baloki Sulemanki link canals link
the western rivers with eastern rivers. These canals irrigate the areas of Mandi
Bahawaldin, Jhelum, Gujrat, Sargodha and Khoshab.
(4) The Canals of River Sutlaj:
In this area Sutlej Valley Project has been started. Four headworks
have been built, three on river Sutlaj at Ferozpur, Sulemanki and Islam.
Whereas fourth on the Punjnad. These canals irrigate the areas of Nili Bar and
Bahawalpur. Important canals of River Sutluj are as under:

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


i) Canal Depalpur ii) Canal East Sadiqia

iii) Canal Bahawal iv) Canal Melsi
v) Canal Pakpattan vi) Canal Abbasi
vii) Canal Qaimpur viii) Canal Punjnad
ix) Canal Forawdeh
(5) The Canals of River Indus:
Important Barrages and canals of River Indus are as under:
i. Jinnah Barrage:
Jinnah Barrage was constructed in 1947 near Kalabagh. The
canals from this barrage irrigate the desert areas of Thal.
ii. Chashma Barrage:
A barrage has been constructed at Chashma, from where a link
canal irrigated the districts of D.G. Khan and D.I. Khan.
iii. Taunsa Barrage:
The Taunsa Barrage was constructed in 1958. It irrigates the area
of D.G.Khan, Rajanpur & Muzafargarh.
iv. Guddu Barrage:
The Guddu Barrage was constructed in 1962, which is 150 miles
north of Sukkar. Three canals from this barrage, irrigate cultivated areas
of this region that increases the agricultural production.
vi. Sukkar Barrage:
Sukkar Barrage was constructed in 1932 at river Indus. It is
largest Barrage of Pakistan. Seven Canals are dug from this Barrage
which irrigates the areas Sindh.
vii. Kottri Barrage:
Another Barrage of Pakistan is Kottry Barrage. Four canals are
dug from Kottri Barrage. It irrigates the area of Hyderabad, Sanghar,
Nawab Shah, Badin, Mir Pur Khas & Thatta.
(6) Canals of River Sawat:
The canals from Swat river irrigates the Peshawar, Mardan and
Charsada area. The upper Swat canal starts from Malakand and lower Swat
canal starts at Abazai.
(7) Warsak Project OR Canal of River Kabul:
In 1961 a project was started in the north 20km west of Peshwar at
Warsak. It is important for the local requirements of vale of Peshawar. Two
Canals are dug from here. This project also produces electricity.
(8) Canal of River Kurrum:
The Kurrum-Garhi project on Kurrum river was started near Bannu. The
canals from this project irrigate the adjoining areas of Bannu. It also produces
(9) Canal of River Bollan:
At Narri one Cannal is dug from River Bollan in Balochistan, which
irrigates the area of Quetta.
(10) Canal of River Gomal:
A canal is dug from River Gomal and River Zhob at Kjhore Kuch near
D.I.Khan. It irrigates the area of D.I.Khan.

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


(11) Canals of Tanda Dam:

In NWFP at Tanda Banda a canal is dug to irrigate the area of district Kohat.
(12) Canals of River Hub:
In Balochistan a canal is dug from River Hub 35Km away from Karachi.
It provides the water to the industrial area of Karachi and Hub.
(13) Rawal Dam:
Rawal Dam is constructed near Rawlpindi on River Korang. It provides
water to Rawalpindi and Islamabad Districts.
(14) Construction of Link Canals:
Seven link canals have been constructed, which are as follow:
(i) Rasul – Qadirabad Link Canal
(ii) Qadirabd – Balloki Link Canal
(iii) Balloke – Sulaimanki Link Canal
(iv) Chashma – Helum Link Canal
(v) Trimmu – Sidhnai Link Canal
(vi) Sidhnai Mailsi – Bahawal Link Canal
(vii) Taunsa – Panjnad Link Canal
The total length of these link canals is 590 km. These canals shift the
water of three western rivers (Indus, Jhelum and Chenab) to eastern rivers
(Ravi and Sutlaj), to meet the shortage of water.
(15) Extension and Construction of Barrages:
The extension of the barrages has been made and new projects are
started in which Ghazi Bharotha project has been completed and Kalabagh
dam is planned. Present government has started a number of new projects to
increase reservoir which include Gomal zam Dam, Greater Thal Canal, Rainy
Canal, Merani Dam, Subakzi Dam, Satpara Dam and extention of Mangla
The Government of Pakistan has taken steps for the development of
agriculture, especially to increase the production. In this regard, the ground
water and surface water are being used for agriculture. So, it has increased
not only food crops but also cash crops which are necessary to earn foreign

Q6. Define industry, write down the different types of industries

and also explain the causes of the industrial backwardness in
Ans. The industry of country is essential for the economic development. In this
modern age Pakistan can‟t totally depend on agriculture. Agriculture provides
food grain and raw material. Industry provides more jobs in a small area. It
fulfills our needs by producing various industrial goods and industrial raw
material, and supply new products for marketing.
Industry is such a place where the entrepreneur (Capitalist) and labour
through the machines and tools convert the shape of capital, raw material and
natural resources in a way that their utility may increase to fulfill the needs of the
people to a large extent; and may fetch maximum price in the market and maximum
profit for the entrepreneur.

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


Types of Industries
There are four types of Industries of Pakistan which are as under:-
1. Handicrafts or cottage industry
It means that industry or productive work which is done at the home of the
workers. Manual workers purchase the raw material by themselves, use their own
tools and utilize the efforts of their family to produce things which are a part of our
culture and tradition. They sell their products in the market to fulfill the needs of their
family. Tools are very common and simple whereas the work is very technical. It is
usually done at home. The cost is low and it helps the poor to enhance their income.
Industries included in Handicrafts industry
In handicraft industry woodwork, ironwork, hand made carpets and rugs,
goods made of leaves and cane for daily use, stone work, clay pots, embroidery and
toys etc. are included.
2. Small-scale Industry
Small-scale industry has always been praised in different ways in various
countries. In Pakistan this industry is that one which after employing 2 to 9 workers,
produces different goods for the market on small scale. Every industry is included,
whether it produces goods at home, or by setting up few machines on a rented place
and employing few workers to produce various goods.
Industries included in Small Scale Industries:
Majority of the workers are attached with small scale industry. In our small
industry poultry farms, dairy farms, honey making industry, carpet industry, pottery,
sports, goods, fans and electric motors and iron goods of daily use are included.
3. Heavy Industry
Usually heavy industry is that industry which not only produces goods on
large scale but also produces machines and raw material for other industries, for
example Pakistan Steel Mill and Shipyard in Karachi. In Pakistan the large scale
industries are those which produce major parts of industrial products for the
Industries included in Heavy Industry:
The percentage of industrial progress is 13.1% in 2003-04. In large scale
industry 11 types of industries have progressed rapidly including
(1) The petroleum and petroleum products industry,
(2) Automobile industry,
(3) Cement and chemical fertilizers producing industry,
(4) Vehicle manufacturing Industries,
(5) Electrical Appliances Manufacturing Industries,
(6) Sugar industry,
(7) Food products, i.e., ghee, cooking oil, etc, tobacco and cigarette,
(8) Textile and textile related industries,
(9) Leather and leather goods industry,
(10) Paper and paper products industry, Cosmetics and chemical materials,
(11) Rubber and plastic goods industry,
(12) Tires and tubes

4. Defence Industry
Ordinance and allied products producing industry is called defence industry.
Texila Engineering Works manufacture missiles whereas Khota Laboratories
promote our nuclear program. Some other industries have been set up by Fauji

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


Foundation in which retired army personnel work to produces uniforms of army and
various other goods.
Factors of Industrial Development
The factors of industrial development are as follow:
1. Survey of the local and foreign markets for the sale of local products.
2. Adequate exploitation of labour and capital e.g. there are more workers and
less capital in Pakistan.
3. The capacity of industrial units.
4. The analysis of the factors effects the industrial development in the country
e.g. the study of the employment opportunities.
5. Availability of type of labour, skilled or unskilled in respective fields.
6. Analysis of the productivity of national income.
7. Quantum of the balance of payments in international trade.
8. Nature of exports of the country.

Hurdles in the way of industrial development in Pakistan

Pakistan is basically an agricultural country. It is mostly depend upon
agriculture crops. Govt. is not taking much interest in the development of Industries
in Pakistan.

1. Foreign Loans
Te major portion of national income is consumed for making the payments of
foreign loans.
2. Deficit in Budget
Pakistan is basically a developing country. It faces deficit in Budget of
payments in Pakistan.
3. Deficit in balance of payments.
There is a negative balance of payments in Pakistan, due to increase in
imports and less export.
4. Shortage of capital.
Pakistan has low economy and huge population govt. can not issue loans on
easy conditions to the people.
5. Preface of agricultures
Pakistan has less dependence on the industrial development and more on
6. Rapid growth of population
Rate of increase of population is very high in Pakistan. But resources of
Pakistan are limited.
7. Huge Military Expense
Pakistan has to consume a lot of money on defense and maintenance of
active army on borders that requires huge military expenditure.
8. Political instability
Although Pakistan is a democratic country but from the last 60 year mostly
under control of dictatorship that is way there is political instability in Pakistan.
Due to the change of Governments with in short period of time there industrial
policies also change that is a great problem for industry.
9. Lack of Technology
There is a lack of latest Technology in Pakistan. By using Technology in
industries we can increase the production of the goods and produce standard
good that is way Pakistan is facing a lot of problems in indusial sector.
Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad

10. Miss Management and corruption

Another hurdle in the way of industrial progress in Pakistan is Miss
Management and corruption.
11. Black marketing and Tax aversion
Industrial sector facing another great problem that is Black Marketing and Tax
aversion Industrialists are not paying their full Taxes to the Govt. So Govt. is
not facilitating to the industrialists.
12. Slack ness in international Markets
Pakistan goods are not better in Standard on to international level. So the
demand of Pakistan goods is decreases day by day.
13. Problem of power Recourse
In Pakistan a lot of areas having no facility of electricity, other areas are facing
problem of load shedding and power facility. And electricity is very expensive
in Pakistan. So Pakistan is Backward in Industrial Sector.
14. Illiteracy
Mostly people of Pakistan are uneducated and Standard of education in
Pakistan is very low. So we are not producing personally and Technically
better workers, Manger, Machine operators and betters skilled people.
15. Lack of Speedy means of Transportations
Means of Transportation play a vital role in progress of industry. Unfortunately
Means of Transportations in Pakistan are not up to the Mark. So industries
are backward in Pakistan.


If we want to promote industrial progress in Pakistan, we have to take
following steps in this regard.
1. Improvement of means of transportation & Communication:
If we want to promote the industrial progress in Pakistan, we have to
constructed better roadways, railways and motorway in the country. We have to
supply better air and water transportation facilities and communication facilities to the
2. Access to the International markets:
If we want to increase the ratio of industrial development in the country, we
have to supply the better facilities to the people to access the international markets,
and held industrial exhibitions inside & outside the country for the Pakistani goods.
3. Availability of banking Facilities:
Industry is a sector in which a large capital and better banking facilities are
required. Without provide the easy loan facilities to the people we cannot increase
the ratio of industrial progress in Pakistan.
4. Availability of cheap energy resources:
In Pakistan electricity and other energy resources are very expensive. Due to
power failure & load shading industry suffers a lot, so if we want to increase the
industrial progress ratio in the country. We have to provide cheap electricity to the
5. Political Stability:
Unfortunately there is no political stability in Pakistan. That why the local
investors as well as the foreign investor are not invested their money in Pakistan. So
if we want to increase the industrial progress in Pakistan we have to adopt the
permanent industrial policies that can be happen only if the Pakistan will be political

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


6. Availability of skilled labour:

Educated, trained, experienced and hard-worker people are required for the
industrial progress in country. Because in Pakistan there is lack of skilled and train
7. Centers of Industrial Research:
For the promotion of the industries we have to established different industrial
research center in the country. In 1953 the government established industrial
research center in Pakistan but this council is not working efficiently. So there is a
need of establishment of proper and effective industrial research center in the
8. Establishment of Industrial Zone:
The government already declared industrial zone and industrial states in the
different parts of the country where all the facilities of electricity, water, natural gas
and better means of transportations, but there is the need of establishment of more
industrial zones and industrial states in the country.
9. Exemption in Taxes:
Exemption in taxes for a particular period for the new industries is very
helpful. In this way we can maximize the industrial progress ratio in the country. We
should lower the tax ratio on the raw materials and industrial machinery.
10. Industrial Development Corporation
The government established different organization like Pakistan industrial
corporation, Pakistan Development Corporation and small industries corporation in
the country for the promotion of industries. There is a need of make these
corporations efficient and effective.
Q8. What are the problems of the education department in
Pakistan and give proposal to over come these problems?
(OR) Also Describe Government Steps for the betterment of
education department in Pakistan?
Ans. Education is the basic necessity of man. It is a life long process. It is not a
general process of reading and teaching but it is a constant process through
which a man is introduced to environment and culture to develop an
association with them. Knowledge is the wealth that is not decreased by its
use rather it keeps on increasing.
Importance of Education in Pakistan
Education is very important for the industrial, social, economic, agricultural
and mineral development of the country. Education is an obligation of the Muslims.
Pakistan is the country in which only the 54% of the people are educated. This ratio
is very low as compared to the develop countries as well as the neighbouring
countries so we have to the increase the literacy rate in Pakistan. Then we can
increase the national economy and provide the better living standard to the people.
Types of Education in Pakistan
There are two types of education in Pakistan:
i. Formal education. ii. Informal education.
Formal education:
Education which is acquired by going regularly to some institute, school,
college, university, is called formal education. Every society establishes such
educational institutions where the education is given to achieve specific objectives.

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


There are a lot of problems of education in Pakistan but some of them are as under:
(1) Low Literacy Rate:
The problem is that a major part of population of Pakistan is not formally
educated. The literacy rate is very low in 1951 literacy rate was only 16% but in 1998
only the 45% people of Pakistan were literate. According to the economy survey of
Pakistan 2003 the literacy rate was 54%.
(2) Low Standard of Education:
The second problem is low standard of education. There are many reasons
for it, for example:
 The appointment of teachers with average abilities.
 Appointments of teachers on the basis of political quota.
 Shortage of training institutes to develop the better teaching skills.
 Use of unfair means to pass an examination.

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


(3) Lack of Quality Textbooks:

Third problem is the non-availability of quality books and necessary reference
material. The curriculum is changed to make necessary changes in the courses to
meet the challenges of changing times but the books are either unavailable or so
much expensive.
(4) Limited Extra Curricular Activities:
Another problem is the limited facilities of healthy extra curricular and social
activities. This unavailability gives birth to student politics and other destructive
(5) Lack of Guidance in the Selection of Subjects:
There is a lack of student counseling facility. There is no guidance for the
students to make selection of suitable subjects to acquire professional skills to meet
their future need.
(6) Poor Economy of the People:
Pakistan is a developing country where the economical resources are very
limited. Due to the lack of resources, education department faces a lot of problems
and people are unable to afford the huge expenses of the education of their children.
(7) Lack of Educational Institutions:
Lack of educational institutions especially in the rural areas is another
problem that results in low literacy rate. In Pakistan there is the shortage of
institutions of professional and technical education.
(8) Un-Employment:
After getting education, a lot of people fail to achieve job. This lack of job
opportunities in the country motivates the people to send their children to some jobs
in their school going age.
(9) Insufficient Educational facilities:
In the major parts of the country there are insufficient education facilities like
libraries, laboratories and other facilities.
(10) Defective Examination System:
Examination system is defective there is a lot of problems in this system like
cheating, use of unfair means, selection of studies and corruption.
(11) Aimless Education:
The objects of education are not fixed to meet national needs rather the
„international obligation‟ is kept in view. Most of the schemes are imported from USA
which does not suit Pakistan and her people. Already existing system was devised to
provide workers for foreign rulers. The necessary changes to meet the needs the
free nation have not been made.
(12) Repugnant to the ideology of the Country:
Our system of education, specially the modern reforms, is devised to spread
the secularist ideas in the name of modernism. Its hard fact that existence of Muslim
ummah lies in the force of convection and readiness to sacrifice live for it.
(13) Insufficient Education of Science and Modern Knowledge:
The education is Pakistan has failed to grow creative spirit in the field of
science even. The Systems of Objective Type Questions develop cramming
tendencies and discourages deep understanding and innovation.
(14) Weak Educational Base:
The education standard at primary level is not kept constant in Pakistan. So
the educational base of students remains weak.
(15) Character Building Ignored:

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


Pakistanis are talented people with good health and enormous working
capacity. What we lack is character, honesty and firm will. Unfortunately our
educationists do not impart any importance to character building. This is highly
injurious to over future.
(16) Political Trends in the Educational Institutions:
Politics in the educational institutions has done a great harm to the education
system of Pakistan. The college and universities have become centers to
demonstrations and protests. The students are divided in opposite‟s camps. The
political parties, in this way, are directly damaging the future of the next generation.
If we want to promote our education sector so we have to keep in mind the
following suggestions:
1) Standard Educational Syllabus:
The institutions of text book board should be improved and made functional
for making a standard educational syllabus for all classes.
2) Improvement in Examination System:
The examination method should be formulated once again and the mental
level of students by improved. The students should be discouraged morally form use
of dishonest means and memorization. Besides the examination method should be
molded on scientific and modern bases and then the intelligence of students should
be tested.
3) Improvement of Primary Education:
The primary education should be made compulsory and of standard so that
students become interested in gaining education.
4) Increase in Educational Budget:
An increase in the national budget for education department should be made
and the salaries and allowances of teachers should be increased so that they can
devote all their attention on building of students, besides arrangements should be
made to give scholarships to intelligent and hardworking students. Resources should
be increased and new education institution should be formed so more and more
students can get education.
5) Better Education Policy:
The educational policy should be improved for ending the educational
backwardness and solution of problems. Education should be made compulsory up
to matriculation level and later according to the trends of the students they should be
given education in concerned fields.
6) Religion and Moral Training:
An organized arrangement for religious and moral training should be made in
all educational institutions. Students should be made aware of their real aim of life
students should be often lectured on religious and moral subjects.
7) Political Stability:
The political instability should be ended and the government machinery
should be put to work for educational improvement. The administrative machinery
should keep a vigilant eye on performance of educational institutions and the annual
promotion of teachers should be attached to their performance.
8) Increase in Literacy rate:
Government should take steps to increase the literacy rate in the country
and government should provide facilities in this regard. Government should also
motivate the private sector too.
9) Availability Standardized Books:

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


Government should provide the standard books to the students. Government

should also take suitable steps for the error free printing of the books. Government
should encourage the people who write standard books.
10) Student Counseling:
Government should arrange for student counseling in the institutions.
They should be a close coordination teachers, parents and students. Government
should open new educational institutions especially in rural areas. Government
should make the policies to enhance the education in the country on the permanent

Pakistan Studies: Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad

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