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Taweez and Ruqyah

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The key takeaways are that ruqyah involves reciting prayers or verses to treat illnesses, while ta'wiz involves writing prayers on an amulet. Both can be permissible if they only involve invoking Allah and do not include shirk.

Ruqyah involves reciting prayers and blowing over the body to treat illnesses, while ta'wiz is an amulet with prayers written on it worn for protection. Ruqyah was practiced by the Prophet (SAW).

Ruqyah and ta'wiz are permissible if they only contain prayers to Allah and do not involve shirk or prayers to other than Allah. Ta'wiz can be used by those unable to do ruqyah like children.

Ta'wiz and Ruqyah

Ruqyah also called spell, charm and incantation consists of reciting some prayer or spell and then
blowing over the body of the person being treated. In Urdu, it is called jhar-phook and mantar. Ruqyah
containing prayer to Allah was a practice of the holy Prophet

Ta'wiz, also called amulet is a paper or some other material on which prayer or spell is written. The
person under treatment keeps it on his body or in his house, shop etc. This is used as a substitute to
Ruqyah for people who are unable to read (like small children, illiterate people etc.).
If the Ta'wiz or amulet contains texts from the Quran or Hadith or its text invokes Allahs help and
protection, then wearing an amulet is permissible. However it is best to avoid it. Ruqyah which consists
of reciting Du'a and Zikr and then blowing over body should be preferred instead.
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When Ruqyah or Ta'wiz contains prayer to non-Allah (Shaitan, false gods, prophets, saintly men, etc.), it
is very close to Shirk in sin.
Hazrat Mufti Said Ahmad Palanpuri writes that ailments that afflict us are either physical or spiritual in
nature. Most of our ailments are physical, so they get cured quicker through medicines, however they
benefit from incantations and other spiritual cures too1. On the other hand, the spiritual ailments get
cured by incantations and spells.
The holy Prophet

used to recite Surah Falaq and Nas, then blow over himself in his last
sickness. When he became too weak, Hazrat 'Aishah

used to do it for him2. There are scores

of Hadith which prove that Allahs Prophet did or taught incantations for himself or for others. As for the
people who cannot recite because they are too young or too weak or illiterate, the substitute as
presented in the following Hadith is amulets.

The Hadith of amulet

: :


Tuhfatul Almai'i by Mufti Sa'eed Ahmad Palanpuri 5/370

Bukhari 5735:





Hazrat 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr ibn Al 'As

reported that Allahs Messenger (SAW) said:

If any of you gets a nightmare, he should say:

A'uzu bikalimati-llahi-ttammati min gazabihi wa 'iqabihi washarri 'ibadihi, wamin hamazati-shsh ayatini
wa a yahzurun.
I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah against His wrath and His punishment, and the mischief of His
slaves, and from the temptations of the devils and the evil effects that they bring.
If the person says this, the dream will not harm him.
Hazrat 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr used to teach this supplication to his grown-up children, and he would write it
down on something and hung it on the neck of those who had not attained puberty.
Imam Tirmizi classifies this Hadith as Hasan with a single chain of narrators.3 According to Imam Hakim
and Shaikh Ahmad Muhammad Shakir, the chain of narrators is authentic. This Hadith has also been
reported by Imam Abu Dawud in his Sunan, Imam Bukhari in Khalqu Af'alil 'Ibad, Baihaqi, Ibn 'Abdul
Barr, Ibnus Sunni and many other scholars of Hadith.
According to Imam Jazari, this Hadith proves that putting amulets on small children is permissible.4

Amulets and incantations not based on Hadiths

Hazrat 'Auf ibn Malik

used to do incantations during Jahiliyyah. On embracing Islam, he asked

the Prophet whether it was permissible. The Prophet

said: Present your incantations
before me. There is no sin in incantations as long as they are not Shirk.5
Based on this Hadith, scholars have laid out that incantations and amulets are permissible if:
The meaning of its words are known.
The words are permissible in the Shariah. They should invoke Allah and ask Him for help and
protection. They should not be to seek help from anyone other than Allah like the Prophet,
buzurgs, Jinns, false gods, etc.

Tirmizi 3528, Abu Dawud 3893, Ahmad (d. 241 AH): 6696, Musnad Ahmad researched by Ahmad Muhammad
Shakir (d. 1378 AH) 6/246 () , Khalqu Af'alil 'Ibad by Bukhari 1/96, Ad Da'watul Kabir by Baihaqi 429,
Kitabul Fawaid ash shahir bil Ghailaniyat by Abu Bakr Ash Shafi' 608, Al Asma was Sifat by Baihaqi 407, At Tamhid
lima fil Muwatta minal Ma'ani wasl Asanid by Ibn 'Abdul Bar 24/110, 'Amalul Yaumi wal Lailah by Ibnus Sunni
1/674, Mustadrak by Hakim (d. 405 AH) 2010 () .
Tuhfatul Alma'i 8/183, Tuhfatul Ahwazi 9/356
'Aunul Ma'bud 10/275

Abu Dawud 3886
]11: [:



The purpose of using the incantation should also be permissible like curing a disease. If the
purpose is to unjustly harm somebody, or make a woman fall in love with a stranger boy, then it
is Haram even if it contains an incantation from Sahih Bukhari.
)(based on Hazrat Thanawis quotes6

Amulets of Jahiliyyah were mostly shirk

Allahs Prophet

said: Incantations, amulets and the magical spell to make the husband
fall in inordinate love with his wife are shirk7. This Hadith refers to the incantations and amulets widely
prevalent during Jahiliyyah.
Mulla 'Ali Qari writes that incantation being shirk applies only to the ones containing the name of an idol
or Shaitan, or words of Kufr (like praying to gods other than Allah), or other words which are not
permissible in the Shariah or whose meaning is not known8.
Hafiz Ibn Hajar writes that the detestability and prohibition of amulets is applicable when they do not
contain the Quranic verses and other similar things (like Allahs Zikr). If the amulets contain Allahs
name, then there is no prohibition as it is used for getting the blessings from Allahs name, seeking His
protection by invoking His name and attributes9.
Shaikh 'Abdur Rahman ibn Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn 'Abdul Wahhab writes that a group of scholars
among the Sahabah, Tabi'in and their followers like 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr bin Al 'As, Hazrat 'Aishah, Abu
Ja'far Al Baqir and Imam Ahmad (according to one report) have permitted wearing amulets based on the
Quran, and Allahs names and attributes10.

Amaliyya o Ta'wizat ke Shara'i Ahkam by Shaikh Mufti Muhammad Zaid, p.98

Mishkatul Masabih 4552



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Mirqatul Mafatih 7/2878


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Fathul Bari 6/142

Mir'atul Mafatih 8/239
( : )127
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1. Hadith in books,

Tuhfatul Almai 5/371pdf abwabu tib

Fathul bari ibn hajar 6/142
Mirqatul Mafatih 4/1716


Aunul Mabood 10/275

Miratul Mafatih 8/239

( : - - : .
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FAthul Bari 10/195


Fathul Bari 6/144

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