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Indenture of Madrasah Suffatus Sahaabah

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The key takeaways are that an educational and charitable trust has been established with a fund of Rs. 10,000 for disseminating Islamic education and running madrasahs and mosques for underprivileged communities.

The name of the trust is Madrasah Suffatus Sahabah, Hyderabad. Its purpose is to disseminate Islamic education, way of life and moral values based on the teachings of the Quran and Hadith.

The objectives of the trust are to disseminate Islamic education, run Islamic madrasahs and institutes, promote higher education, and work for the social, cultural, scientific and economic advancement of society.



Indenture for the Trust
This indenture is made and executed at Hyderabad by SETTLOR: Mohammad Zahid Nasri S/o Quari Abu Umar Nasri, aged 28 years, r/o 18-90, Balapur Village, Keshavgiri Post, Saroornagar, Ranga Reddy District (hereinafter called the SETTLOR) Wherein the SETTLOR is desirous of creating an endowment by setting apart Rs. 10,000.00 from his wealth and establishing thereby a Trust Fund for the purpose of disseminating education, establishing and running madrasahs and mosques, etc. for the benefit of the poor and deserving persons from the underprivileged strata of the society with the intention of parting with all his rights, ti tles and claims therein and vesting the same with the Trust. The settlor is nominating a Governing Body of the Trust consisting of the persons as mentioned in Schedule 1 for the purpose of managing, preserving and utilizing the Trust Fund for the aims and objectives of the Trust.

The Trust
1. Name of the Trust 2. Trust Fund The name of the Educational and Charitable Trust shall be MADRASAH SUFFATUS SAHAABAH, HYDERABAD . The said sum of Rs. 10,000.00 (Ten thousand rupees only) now made over by the SETTLOR shall form the Trust Fund of the Trust for the present. The registered office of the Trust shall presently be situated at House No: 6-31246/41/A, Wadi-e-Omar, Shaheen Nagar, HYDERABAD 500005 (AP, India). The objects for which the Trust is established are : a) to disseminate Islamic education, way of life and moral values based on the teachings of the Qur'n and the Prophets Sunnah as understood by his noble companions (the Sahbah) and later pioneers (Imms of Hadth and Fiqh) and as transmitted to us by the illustrious clerics of Darul loom, Deoband, India b) to run Islmic madrasahs, institutes, training centers, etc. in cities, towns, remote villages and settlements and to populate derelict mosques and Islmic centers all over India, keeping away from prejudices and biases based on region, caste, color, race, language, etc. c) to promote higher education in oriental, national and international languages d) to work for social, cultural, scientific and economic advancement of the society

3. Office

4. Objects of the Trust

5. Functions and powers The functions and powers of the Trust shall be as follows :of the Trust a) to organize public meetings, conventions, camps, conferences, seminars, study groups, etc. to promote Islmic knowledge and moral values b) to cooperate with other organizations and trusts having aims and objectives wholly or partially similar to those of the Trust c) to initiate and patronize research in various Islmic sciences and such other subjects d) to disseminate useful and beneficial information about Islam by publishing journals, magazines, periodicals, books, pamphlets, etc. and by using other modern media of mass communication e) to do such acts as are ancillary or conducive to and necessary for the attainment of the above objectives 6. Restrictions on disposal of immovable property No immovable property of the Trust shall be disposed of in any manner whatsoever without the approval of governing body

7. The names and See Schedule - I addresses of the Governing Body members

The names and the addresses of the Governing Body members of MADRASAH SUFFATUS SAHAABAH, HYDERABAD are: Sl. No. 1 Name Address


1. Definition:
i) In these rules and regulations unless there is something repugnant or contrary to the subject or context, the words or expressions used shall have the conclusive meaning as defined below. In the event of any difference of opinion on the meaning of any word or expression, the decision of the Governing Body shall be conclusive, final and binding. ii) In these rules unless otherwise provided: a) "Rules" shall mean rules and regulations of MADRASAH SUFFATUS SAHAABAH, HYDERABAD b) Trust shall mean MADRASAH SUFFATUS SAHAABAH, HYDERABAD c) G.B." shall mean the Governing Body of the Trust d) Council shall mean the Advisory Council of the Trust e) Chairman shall mean the Chairman of the Governing Body of the Trust (Sadr, in Urdu) f) Managing Trustee shall mean the Managing Trustee of the Governing Body of the Trust (Nzim, in Urdu) 2. The registered office of the Trust shall presently be situated at House No: 6-3-1246/41/A, Wadi-e-Omar, Shaheen Nagar, HYDERABAD 500005 (AP, India). The office may be relocated by the Governing Body keeping in view the best interests of the Trust. 3. The Trust will be run by a Governing Body of five or more members. 4. There will be a larger body called Advisory Council which will be a super set of the G.B.

5. The Governing Body: Composition

i) The G.B. of the Trust shall consist of the following members: a) Managing Trustee: b) Nominated Members: Persons / entities nominated from time to time to the G.B. who promote or are likely to promote the aims and objectives of the Trust shall be: (1) Institutional (2) Organizational (3) Individual ii) The current (founding) Governing Body members presently nominated by the Settlor will remain lifelong members of the G.B. iii) Afterwards, the existing members of the Governing Body may nominate a member of the G.B. at their discretion for a period of three years at a time. However, the same person may be nominated for more than one term each of three years duration. iv) In the event of such physical or mental disability of a G.B. member which renders him unable to discharge his duties for the remaining period of his term as G.B. member, the G.B. at its discretion may terminate his membership. v) The G.B. must comprise at least five members. If at any time, the number falls below 5, the G.B. shall appoint new member(s) to make the number equal to or greater than five at the earliest.

vi) The G.B. of the Trust may terminate the membership of its member, if he remains absent from three consecutive meetings of G.B. without any valid reason, or if he is found to be uninterested in the affairs of the Trust. vii) The members of the G.B. of the Trust shall not be individually responsible for the liabilities of the Trust. viii) The members of the G.B. shall work for the Trust without pay. However, if a G.B. member is willing to devote his full time to the service of the Trust, the G.B. may at its discretion accept him as a full-time official of the Trust. In that case, the G.B. may fix such a monthly salary for him by which he and his family may live a comfortable life according to the current social standards.

6. The Governing Body Functions and Powers

i) It shall be headed by the Chairman. ii) In all cases, the Managing Trustee shall be responsible for running the day-to-day affairs of the Trust. iii) The G.B. shall be competent to and responsible for: a) The proper arrangement of the affairs of the Trust b) Raising funds by subscription, donation and such other lawful means c) Acquiring and holding the property by way of purchase, lease, gifts, waqfs, charities etc. d) Alienating or transferring any movable or immovable property of the Trust by way of mortgage, lease, exchange or sale. e) Making or approving service rules and regulations for the madrasahs, institutions, professional centers, etc. working under or affiliated to the Trust. f) Doing all such acts necessary in furtherance of and for achieving the aims and objectives of MADRASAH SUFFATUS SAHAABAH, HYDERABAD. iv) The Chairman and the Managing Trustee shall be the office-bearers of the Trust. Unless otherwise decided by the G.B., the managerial staff shall be appointed/engaged by the Managing Trustee in consultation with the Chairman as and when necessary. v) The G.B. meetings shall be convened at least twice a year by the Managing Trustee in consultation with the Chairman. vi) The G.B. meetings shall invariably be chaired by the Chairman. In his absence it will be chaired by the Managing Trustee. In the absence of both, a G.B. member nominated by the Chairman or the Managing Trustee for that purpose will chair the meeting. vii) The G.B. shall have the power to accord concurrence to properly constituted Management Bodies looking after the activities of madrasahs, institutions, professional centers, etc. established by the Trust or affiliated to the Trust. viii) The G.B. may constitute a committee(s) to review the work and progress of madrasahs, institutions, professional centers, etc. established by the Trust and to hold enquiries into the affairs thereof and to report thereon in such a manner as the G.B. may stipulate. Upon receipt of any such report, the G.B. may take such action(s) and issue such direction(s) as it may consider necessary in respect of any of the matters dealt with in the report. The institution concerned, as the case may be, shall be bound to comply with such direction(s). ix) In case any madrasah, institution, professional center, etc. established by the MADRASAH SUFFATUS SAHAABAH, HYDERABAD is not functioning properly, the G.B. shall have the powers to take over the administration and assets of such institution. 5

x) All the decisions shall be taken by the G.B. according to the majority opinion of its members. In case of a tie, the Managing Trustee shall have a casting vote which shall be in addition to his vote as a G.B. member.

7. Advisory Council
i) Advisory Council of MADRASAH SUFFATUS SAHAABAH, HYDERABAD shall comprise the following: a) Members of the G.B. b) Institutional Members c) Organizational members d) Individual members ii) Any person, institution or organization desirous of becoming a member of the Council may apply in writing to the Managing Trustee of the G.B. iii) Anyone desirous of becoming a member of the Council of the Trust, shall be ine ligible to become the member if: a) he is a minor or a female b) he does not believe in the aims and objectives of the Trust c) he is of unsound mind d) he in the opinion of the G.B. is likely to act prejudicially against the interests of the Trust iv) The applicant must be in a position to contribute to the Trust in a substantial manner academically, financially, by his long experience in the public field, by associating other benefactors to the Trust, or in any other suitable manner. v) The Managing Trustee of the Trust on receipt of the application shall scrutinize the same . After having satisfied himself of the applicants compliance with the rules, the Managing Trustee in consultation with the Chairman shall appoint the applicant as a member of the Council for a term of three years. The same member(s) may be re-appointed for more term(s) at the discretion of the Managing Trustee. vi) The G.B. of the Trust shall reserve the right to terminate the membership of any member of the Advisory Council if he acts against the interests of the Trust. vii) Meetings of Advisory Council shall be called at the most twice a year to review the working of the Trust, and to recommend to the G.B. through a resolution passed by 2/3 majority of members present in the meeting measures for improvement in functioning of the Trust. viii) A meeting of the Council shall be summoned by the Managing Trustee of the Trust who will give a notice at least 15 days in advance in writing to the Council Members. ix) The quorum for the Council meetings shall be 33% of the total number of Council Members. x) If 20% or more of the Council Members desire to have an additional meeting, such council meeting shall be summoned by the Managing Trustee within one month of receiving the request in writing to this effect. xi) All the Council meetings shall invariably be chaired by the Chairman. In his absence it will be chaired by the Managing Trustee. In the absence of both, a G.B. member nominated by the Chairman or the Managing Trustee for that purpose will chair the meeting. xii) Member(s), whether institutional, organizational or individual, who tender their resignation in writing to the G.B. shall cease to be member(s) of the Council of the Trust the moment the G.B. accepts it.

xiii) As the G.B. members are also members of the Council, they must satisfy all the criteria laid down for Council members, else they will lose their position. The final decision in this regard will lie in the discretion of the Managing Trustee. xiv) The members of the Advisory Council shall work for the Trust without pay. However, if a Council member is willing to devote his full time to the service of the Trust, the G.B. may at its discretion accept him as a full-time official of the Trust. In that case, the G.B. may fix such a monthly salary for him by which he and his family may live a comfortable life according to the current social standards.

8. Chairman: Functions & Powers

i) The Governing Body shall appoint the Chairman for a term of three years. However, the same person may be appointed as the Chairman for as many terms as the G.B. considers suitable where each term is of three years. ii) The person to be appointed as the Chairman may or may not be a member of the G.B. In case he is not a member of the G.B., he will automatically become a G.B. member as soon as he is appointed the Chairman and shall continue as a member as long as he remains the Chairman. iii) The Chairman must satisfy all the eligibility criteria laid down for the members of Advisory Council and the G.B. iv) In case the current Chairman dies or is disabled from discharging his duties for the remaining period of his term due to reasons of health, etc., or his term of service comes to an end, the Managing Trustee will take over as the caretaker Chairman with all his duties and powers till the appointment of a new Chairman by the G.B. v) If the chairman is out of station for a period of more than three months or he is unable to discharge his duties for a fairly long period due to some genuine and valid reason, the Managing Trustee with the concurrence of the G.B. will take over as the caretaker Chairman with all his duties and powers till his return to service. vi) The Chairman shall invariably preside over the meetings of the G.B. and the Advisory Council unless absent. In that case, the meetings will be chaired by the Managing Trustee. In the absence of both, a G.B. member nominated by the Chairman or the Managing Trustee for that purpose will chair the meeting. vii) He shall be accountable/answerable to the G.B. for the smooth functioning of the Trust. viii) He shall discharge all his official duties in accordance with the advice of the Managing Trustee. ix) He shall strive his best to ensure the implementation of the policies and programs of the Trust through his suggestions, proposals, plans and schemes. x) He will utilize his social status, financial capability, etc. to popularize the Trust. xi) He will work to ensure financial stability of the Trust. xii) He will play the lead role in the development and growth of the Trust and its affiliate institutions and in the furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Trust, through his suggestions and recommendations from time to time.

9. Managing Trustee: Functions and Powers

i) The Settlor, Mohammad Zahid Nasiri will serve as the lifelong Managing Trustee of the Trust.

ii) The person to be appointed as the Managing Trustee must be a Fzil (post graduate) of Darul Uloom, Deoband; Mazahirul Uloom, Saharanpur; Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow; or any other renowned madrasah following the curriculum and school of thought of any of the aforementioned madrasahs. iii) The term Fzil (post graduate) shall mean a person who has successfully completed Daura e Hadith class of Darul Uloom, Deoband or an equivalent class of other aforementioned madrasahs. iv) The Managing Trustee must satisfy all the eligibility criteria laid down for the members of Advisory Council and the G.B. v) In case the Managing Trustee dies or is permanently disabled from discharging his duties due to reasons of health, etc., or his term of service comes to an end, the Muhtamim (Chancellor) of Darul Uloom, Deoband, India shall appoint the Managing Trustee in consultation with the Governing Body. vi) The person to be appointed as the Managing Trustee may or may not be a member of the G.B. In case he is not a member of the G.B., he will automatically become a G.B. member as soon as he is appointed the Managing Trustee and shall continue as a member as long as he remains the Managing Trustee. vii) The Managing Trustee shall be appointed for a term of five years. However, the same person may be appointed as the Managing Trustee for more terms each of five years. viii) The G.B. may appoint a caretaker Managing Trustee to manage the affairs of the Trust till the decision of Muhtamim of Darul Uloom, Deoband regarding a new Managing Trustee. ix) The Managing Trustee shall administer the overall affairs of the Trust. x) He shall have the power to appoint any G.B. member in any capacity for the smooth functioning and implementation of the programs of the Trust. xi) He shall be responsible to control all the financial matters of the Trust. However, in respect of the madrasahs, institutions, professional centers, etc. established by the Trust or are affiliated to the Trust, the local Managing Committee properly constituted with the concurrence of the G.B. shall look after its recurring financial matters to which the Managing Trustee shall have access as and when necessary. xii) He shall be responsible for convening/calling the meetings of Governing Body and the Advisory Council and for preparing the agenda for the same, in consultation with Chairman. xiii) He shall maintain the records of the Trust. xiv) He shall be responsible to prepare a brief resume of proceedings of and copy of decisions taken in the G.B. and the Council meetings and circulate the same among the G.B. members. xv) He shall prepare an annual report of activities of the Trust every year and present the same in the G.B. and Council meetings. xvi) He shall represent the Trust in all legal proceedings by or against the Trust and shall execute all the documents by or in favor of the Trust in his capacity as Managing Trustee. xvii) He shall co-ordinate the activities among various madrasahs, institutions, professional centers, etc. established by the Trust or affiliated to the Trust for ensuring implementation of the programs of the Trust.


Bank Account and Finances:

i) The G.B. shall maintain a fund to which shall be credited: a) All money received by the Trust by way of public donations, contributions, gifts, charities, etc. b) All money received by the Trust in any other manner approved by the G.B. 8

ii) The fund shall be deposited in any scheduled bank and the account shall be operated upon by the Managing Trustee. iii) The financial year of the Trust shall be reckoned from the 1st Shabaan of every lunar year to the last day of Rajab of the subsequent year. iv) The Trust shall bear the traveling and other relevant expenses of the members of the G.B. and the Council for the meetings. The Trust shall also pay the members and officials any expenses required for a Trust-related work.



i) No benefaction shall be accepted by the Trust which in the opinion of the Governing Body involves conditions or obligations opposed to the spirit and aims and objects of the Trust. ii) No immovable property of MADRASAH SUFFATUS SAHAABAH, HYDERABAD shall be disposed of in any manner whatsoever without the approval of the G.B. iii) The Trust is not for any profit and all the income of the Trust shall be spent for the purpose of the Trust only. iv) If, on the winding up or dissolution of the Trust, there remains, after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property or assets whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the G.B. members or Council members of the Trust or any of them. The remaining assets shall be transferred legally to Darul Uloom, Deoband, India. v) Liquefied Petroleum Gas connection will be obtained for the Trust by the Managing Trustee in accordance with the current needs. 12. All the above rules and regulations shall be final and binding. They may be modified, revoked, or additions may be made to them only by the Governing Body. 13. We, the members of the Governing Body of the Trust, certify that the above Rules of the Trust are correct and that we agree to them completely. We accept the responsibilities assigned to us and undertake to perform them and to work for the benefit of the Trust and keep away from any activity that goes against the interest, aims and objectives of the Trust.

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Date: ______, ______ / ______ / ______






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