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Internship Report Asifali

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Report summary

This report is based on the activities performed during the internship in Bata pvt Ltd.
The purpose to write this report is essential for obtaining B.Com (Hons) Degree. It is
a requirement of getting an Internship certificate. At Internship duration was 8 weeks
and it provided practical knowledge of working in professional environment that how
a different unit works and how industry work as whole.
In the first section, there is some detail about the company, likes company history,
present status, organization structure and. I have also discussed the brief
introduction of departments Bata pvt Ltd.
The second section provides information about the activities that I performed during
the internship. I worked as an internee mainly in Accounts and finance and marketing
departments. However, I also spent 1 week in other department for getting
information about their working.
The third section provides information about Ratio Analysis of the company.

History Shoes factories in Pakistan

Pakistan Footwear Industry is rapidly growing day by day and it has more
establishment and improvement in the Footwear brand. As Metro Shoes, Bata
shoes, stylo shoes are one of the leading footwear brand in Pakistan which
enhance their fashion trend globally all over the world. People without having
knowledge about fashion trend are like person without life and have no charm.
Footwear is the only manufacturing industry which has increased its exports at large
extent. Both in Pakistan and around the globe, the demand for footwear is increasing
day by day.
Footwear industry in Pakistan is very established and improving with the passage of
time. The footwear industry is Pakistan is very developed industry, because there are
huge numbers of branded shoes outlets have been opened in every big city market
in Pakistan. All of these outlets have large collection of shoes i.e. Womens shoes,
Mens shoes, kids shoes etc. Every person love to do shopping and buy shoes
according to his/her choice.

This company came into being in year 1894 .The T.& A. Bata Shoe Company is registered in
Zlin, Czechoslovakia by the siblings Tom, Anna and Antonn Bata. Innovative from the
beginning it departs from century old traditions of the one-man cobblers workshop.
Bata Pakistan
Bata Pakistan was established in 1942 when Pakistan came into being, it was ready
to serve the nation. It was incorporated in Pakistan as Bata Shoe Company
(Pakistan) Limited in 1951 and went public to become Bata Pakistan Limited in the
year 1979.
Since its inception, the company has not only maintained a reputation of
manufacturing high quality footwear for all the socioeconomic segments of the
society but has also been designing shoes in accordance with the changing fashions
and trends.
During the last year Bata produced over 17.2 million pairs and sold 16.9 out of them
with the help of their large distribution network of 400 Retail Stores and Agencies, 13
Wholesale Depots, 23 Distributors and about 400 Registered Wholesale Dealers
who are selling goods as independent retailers. In 2009 the company generated
turnover of Rs.6.5, billon showed an increase of 26% against previous year.
The Company has an organized Export Department which is constantly engaged in
exploring new export markets in order to earn the foreign exchange for the country.
During the current year i.e. 2010, it is expected to export 1 million pairs of various
styles of footwear to European and African countries.
Bata is a multinational company and has played a vital role in the economic progress
of Pakistan. It has transferred sophisticated technology and business skills to the
country and provides direct and indirect employment to about 10,000 people. Bata
also supports a large number of local manufacturers by buying raw materials from
As corporate responsible citizen Bata is actively fulfilling its responsibilities since
when its started its business in the country. We are permanently patronizing many
charitable organizations and helping them in the form of cash and free shoes. The
renowned names on our list are S. O. S Children Village, Shoukat Khanam Cancer

Hospital and Rising Sun Institute. Besides these we have also running many welfare
schemes for our own employees.
Bata has always been the market leader and in order to maintain its leadership it has
invested millions of rupees in updating its systems and equipment during the last few
years. This will enable the company to expand, modernize and develop its
operations and in the process provide additional employment opportunities.
Bata the market leader is well equipped to cater the customers demands and to
meet future challenges.

Bata today

1 million customers per day

Employs more than

40,000 people


5000 retail stores

Manages a

retail presence in over 50 countries


40 production facilities across 26 countries

Corporate information





MR. Syed Waseem Ul Haq Haqqie
MR. Fakir Syed Aijazudin
MR. ijaz ahmad choudhary
MR. Shahid anwar (nominee of NIT)
MR. Riyazul Hque (nominee of NIT)


MR. Fakir Syed Aijazudin


MR. ijaz ahmad choudhary





MR. ijaz ahmad choudhary


MR. Fakir Syed Aijazudin






MR. S.M.Ismail


Ernst & Young Ford Rhodes Sidat

Hyder charted Accountants
Mall view building 4-bank square
P.O.Box No.104,Lahore



Surridge & Beecheno 60,

Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam, ghulam rasool



United bank limited
Summit bank limited


Corplink (Pvt) Ltd

Wings arcade, 1-k commercial area,
Model town , Lahore.


Bata pur, G.T. Road,

P.O. Bata pur Lahore.

Factory Address

Bata pur, G.T. Road,

P.O. Bata pur Lahore

Laision office

138 c-II commercial Area

P.E.C.H.S. Tariq road Karachi

Vision statement
To grow as a dynamic, innovative and market driven domestic manufacturer
and distributor, with footwear as our core business, while maintaining a commitment
to the country, culture and environment in which we operate

Mission statement
To be successful as the most dynamic, flexible and market responsive organization,
with footwear as its core business

Organizational structure
There are many departments in BPL which are described under below
1. HR department
2. Finance department
3. Purchasing department

Local Purchase

4. Marketing department
5. Quality assurance Department
6. Production department
7. Non-Retail Sales Department
8. Designing department
9. Export Department
10. Merchandizing department

Seasonal planning
8 week forecast
4 week forecast
1 week forecast

11. Costing department

12. Internal Audit Department


The organizations effectiveness depends not only on how it is structured but also on
how well its personnel are selected, trained, directed motivated and evaluated. The
personnel department of Bata shoe organization well aware of its responsibilities
selects the qualified, experienced, hardworking, semiskilled and unskilled persons
after observing them from different angles. Once the person selected he or she is
motivated through several incentives .The department already has a tradition to offer
on the job training to the personnel .A semi skilled or unskilled person while in
learning process enjoys all the benefits offered by the company to all the skilled
employees. Employees are encouraged developed and trained to become more
capable and competent in their jobs so that they can confront to the forthcoming
challenges and problems .Several lectures ,development programs ,and seminars
are arranged for the employees in this respect. Thereafter employees performances
are also evaluated .The department future organizes different courses throughout
the year to train and develop the personal. Moreover the company sends many of its
personnel to attend local courses organized by the local institutes .it also sends
every year some of its personnel to attend out side courses organized by the Bata
limited ,Toronto and Bata shoe companies all over the world.
The company invites its employees to send their suggestions regarding
improvements in work methods, saving on materials, improvements in production
and sales departments. Bata Pakistan limited publishes a forthrightly bulletin to
inform the employees about events took place, development, sales as well as some
other items of interest. Some social; happenings and educational instructions about
discipline, rules and regulations, housekeeping and welfare are broadcast every
week for the employees.
For motivational purpose sometimes personnel department assigns a challenging
project to a person. Similarly some sort of other incentives and goals are given to the
personnel for the purpose of motivation and performance evaluation. All these
training,developments and motivational practices ultimately contribute to the overall
progress of the company.


Companies that consider environmental protection,occupational health and safety at

work as important as providing quality products usually have managers and
departments responsible for these issues. They are called Environmental, Health
and Safety (EHS) departments, also SHE or HSE departments. EHS management
has two general objectives: prevention of incidents or accidents that might result
from abnormal operating conditions on the one hand and reduction of adverse
effects that result from normal operating conditions on the other hand.For example,
fire, explosion and release of harmful substances into the environment or the work
area must be prevented. Also must action be taken to reduce a companys
environmental impact under normal operating conditions (like reducing the
companys carbon footprint) and to prevent workers from developing work related
diseases. Regulatory requirements play an important role in both approaches and
consequently, EHS managers must identify and understand relevant EHS
regulations, the implications of which must be communicated to top management
(the board of directors) so the company can implement suitable measures.

Finance Department
Finance is the study of funds management, or the allocation of assets and liabilities
over time under conditions of certainty and uncertainty. A key point in finance is the

time value of money, which states that a unit of currency today is worth more than
the same unit of currency tomorrow. Finance aims to price assets based on their risk
level, and expected rate of return. Finance can be broken into three different sub
categories: public finance, corporate finance and personal finance.


Bata Pakistan Limited (the Company) was incorporated in Pakistan as a public
limited company and its shares are quoted on Lahore and Karachi Stock Exchanges.
The registered office of the Company is situated at Batapur, Lahore. The principal
activity of the Company is manufacturing and sale of footwear of all kinds along with
sale of accessories and hosiery items. The parent Company of Bata Pakistan
Limited is Bafin B.V., Nederland, whereas the ultimate parent is Compass Limited,
2.1 These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with approved
accounting standards as applicable in Pakistan. Approved accounting standards
comprise of such International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the
International Accounting Standards Board as are notified under the Companies
Ordinance, 1984, provisions of and directives issued under the Companies
Ordinance, 1984. In case requirements differ, the provisions or directives of the
Companies Ordinance, 1984 shall prevail.
2.2 Standards, interpretations and amendments to publish approved accounting

2.2.1 Amendments to published standards effective in 2010 The Company have

adopted the following new and amended IFRS and IFRIC interpretations as of 1
January 2010.
Standard or Interpretation

Effective date
Standard or Interpretation
(periods beginning on or

IAS - 27

Consolidated and separate

01 July 2009

Financial Statements
IAS - 39

Financial Instruments:

01 July 2009

Recognition and
Eligible hedged items:
IFRS - 2

Share-based Payments:

01 January 2010

Amendments Relating to
Cash-settled Share-based
IFRS - 3

Payment Transactions
Business Combinations

01 July 2009


In May 2008 and April 2009, International Accounting Standards Board issued
amendments to various standards primarily with a view to removing inconsistencies
and clarifying wording.
These improvements are listed below:

Issued in May 2008

IFRS 5 -Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
Issued in April 2009

IFRS 2 -Share-based Payments

IFRS 5 -Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
IFRS 8 -Operating Segments
IAS 1 -Presentation of Financial Statements
IAS 7 -Statement of Cash Flows
IAS 17 -Leases
IAS 36 -Impairment of Assets
IAS 38 -Intangible Assets
IAS 39 -Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement
IFRIC 9 -Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives
IFRIC 16 -Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation
The adoption of the above standards, amendments / improvements and
interpretations did not have any effect on the financial statements of the Company.
Budgeting process and planning
The budget is an important annual planning document for the university and reflects
choices, priorities and tactics set forth as the result of intensive planning. Because
needs and opportunities change over time, Carnegie Mellons budget process allows
reasonable flexibility and incentives for academic unit managers to adapt and
optimize their activities as events unfold, while still requiring university-wide financial
planning and accountability. The resource allocation process, including the creation
of operating and capital budgets as well as space allocation, is directed by the
president and provost. The budget plan is reviewed and approved by the Board of
Trustees. The Presidents Council advises on revenue and expenditure assumptions,
budget parameters, university-wide priorities relative to resource allocations, and
institutional policies relating to finances. The undergraduate tuition rate is
established in consultation with faculty, parents and students, and approved annually
by the Board of Trustees.. Savings realized during the course of the fiscal year will

result in onetime budget allocations to support qualitative improvements in academic

programs and facilities consistent with the established priorities of the university. The
aim of the budgeting strategy is to ensure a solid financial position for the university,
to prevent the extension of base operations beyond current revenue capacities, and
to maximize the universitys ability to respond to favorable variances throughout the
course of the year.

The Presidential Advisory Board process has permitted the administration, with
significant assistance from the Board of Trustees, to identify priorities and allow the
university to capitalize on existing strengths or ameliorate weaknesses in line with
the strategic plan. In fiscal 2004 a multi-year approach to the strategic allocation of
all financial resources was put in place. The overall budget provides a more
comprehensive breakdown for the budgeted amounts, since all revenues and costs
are now in line with the reporting in the annual report. This new approach required
many changes in the planning process, including gathering input from participants
across the campus. During the last three fiscal years, the university has worked to
refine and improve the process for forecasting and budgeting. It has also developed
a multi-year plan, which includes all sources and uses of funds. The budget process
begins each year in early fall. Each unit develops or refines its budget for the
upcoming fiscal year as well as for the following two future fiscal years. This is a
continuous budgeting process that results in a fully integrated three-year budget in
accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).The main focus
by the Board of Trustees in May of each year.

The chief financial officer gives colleges and major administrative units preliminary
allocations as a starting point for building their budgets. The deans and vice
presidents have great latitude in reallocating funds within their areas of responsibility.
In addition to unrestricted operating allocations, many units have other sources of
revenue, such as gifts, grants, and sponsored research. During the fiscal year (which
begins on July 1), the vice president and chief financial officer and the provost lead
two comprehensive financial reviews (fall and winter) of each units financial
performance. While the primary purpose of these reviews is control of the current
years expenditures, the feedback and discussion at these reviews also assists in
planning for the budget for the upcoming year.

Purchasing department headed by Purchases Manager, deals with the purchases of
raw material (excluding hides and skins) that is ultimately used to manufacture
different stores of products. Actually that department not only maintains records of
material essential to produce the products but also considers the average weekly
consumption of one particular material in factory so that production process may not
be hampered due to non-availability of material. That also places orders for instantly
needed materials and keeps record of goods on way. Purchasing department
acquires raw material through two channels.

Local Purchases

The company mostly acquires raw material form different business people dwelling
in Pakistan. The company through local purchases on the one side, encourages the
local business people on the other side, endeavors to safe valuable foreign
exchange. Generally, its local purchases are Buckles, Straps, lashes and chemicals
that are used in production of leather, rubber, P.V.C. BSO while working for the
progress of the country, sometimes suffers due to preference given to the local
purchases because the local businessmen dont possess the quality that can easily

be assessed from imports. Instead of having knowledge of all these aspects still the
company prefers to buy from local business community.
As mentioned earlier the company makes all out efforts to get raw material within
Pakistan, then no other option left except the import of that required material from
other countries. The imports are done through letter of credit which is the safest way
of doing international business. Nevertheless, before placing an order of import,
purchasing department makes comparison list of prices, advantages and
disadvantages associated with the prospective purchases of material from one
businessman to another businessman. Finally business whose rates are appropriate
and yielding more advantages is given order to ship that specific merchandise in
stipulated time.

Batas marketing system runs in a systematic way. It adopts the marketing research
system that is based on periodic research. BATA Pakistan Limited arranges for
advertisement (pre and post), observation in store, mystery shopping, usage and
attitude surveys, focus groups for its marketing research programme. Before
launching a new product in the market, it is a part of Batas marketing strategy to
conduct interviews with the targeted customers and ask them about their likes,
dislikes and preferences about the Bata brands/ products. Bata conducts marketing
research and relevant interviews, distributes discount vouchers and offers other
attractive incentives to its expected customers for their active participation in Batas
marketing research-oriented programmes. The main reason behind the success of
Bata Pakistan Limited is direct research process and directly contacting the target
customers. It appears mentionable that in regard with the marketing research for
new brands, pre-launch marketing research has played a very helpful role for paving
the way of Batas marketing strategy. Batas marketing research system keeps Bata
in touch with the needs of Batas customers and assists Bata in making its marketing

Segmentation is splitting customers into different segments; similar groups of

customers, within which customers with the similar characteristics have the similar
needs. Market segmentation is important and useful as market is the set of all actual
and potential buyers of a product and buyers are not homogeneous. Marketing
segmentation is vital for well- understanding of the market and it plays a key role for
a successful business as it helps you know the target market better than your
competitors. Batas market segmentation is comprised of geographic, demographic,
psychographic and behavioral features of its market segments having taken into
consideration of the area (rural/urban/city/town/village), age, gender, social class,
occupation, income, personality attributes and lifestyles). For example, from age
point of view, Bata segments the age groups into children, young and old age
people. From marketing point of view, all the three categories are rationally focused
by Bata with the priority to provide the customers the best footwear, comparable both
in quality and price, according to the needs of each segment. Bata has come out
remarkably successful in children segment that has helped Bata make high sales
proving the segment worthwhile.
Targeting is an important part of marketing strategy. The key
step in target marketing is dividing a market into distinct and meaningful groups of
customers. (Kotler and Karen F.A Fox 1985). After segmentation it is time to target
the main and important segmented groups. In Batas marketing strategy, target
groups are children, ladies and adults of different age levels. For an adequate
targeting, Bata has offered Bubblegummers along with a wide range of accessories
including school and casual bags, stationery, etc for children that has proved a huge
success, Marie Claire for ladies offering them a nice blend of active lifestyle and
contemporary modern designs, Power for young age and sport-spirit people,
Weinbrenner for office and ceremonial use, and Bata Comfit featuring comfort and
modernly designs, suits kids and young to old age people segment for their free,
leisure time shoes usage.

Positioning is customers perception of a product in relation to alternatives on the

market. For its being an important part of marketing strategy, positioning has been
given due attention in Batas marketing strategy. Customers attitudes towards Batas
shoe brands and accessories is regularly observed and measured. It helps Bata
identify the scope for new brands and also reposition the current brands. An edge
that Bata Pakistan has got on other footwear manufacturing and selling companies in
the market is that Bata has a large number of retail outlets throughout the country; it
is footwear giant in the country, so it has a much bigger space for impressive and
appealing positioning. Supported with good customer service and direct customers
contact, Bata has come out with successful positioning.
Product is the offer that is exchanged between the manufacturer/seller and the
buyer and consists of goods (tangible) and services, ideas (intangible). In Bata
Pakistan Ltds case, products (shoes and accessories) are tangible. At Bata,
products are featured in accordance with the need/benefits of the customers and
customer-satisfaction is given due priority. As product is the key/base thing to be
offered to the customer against his/her money, so Bata shoes and accessories, both
in terms of product-quality and comparable price in the competitive market, are
considered vital for the success of the company. Batas brand and packaging are of
good standard and two months period free of charge after sale service is also
offered to the Bata customers. In order to satisfy the target market, Bata manages
the existing and new product efforts in a systematic way. Thats why, Bata has
earned trust of its customers.
Price is the value a buyer exchanges for the benefits of a product or service. It is
also one of the key factors in the marketing strategy as it works for the survival,
profit, return on investment, market, share and status quo of the manufacturer /
seller. Customers can judge the quality of the product from the price being charged
that makes the pricing very important in the marketing strategy of a company. As
paying high price, customers want the product quality to be good while against low

price, they (customers) normally assume a product to be of low quality. Bata has
tried to do its products pricing quite reasonably as Bata shoes and accessories are
of good quality while their prices are highly comparable that gives Bata a competitive
edge over its competitors. Value for money and competitiveness are basis of Batas
pricing policy. Batas pricing strategy does not simply aim to match the competition,
but it focuses on beating its competitors both in good quality and reasonable prices
that keeps its position strengthened in the market.
It is about how and where a manufacturer/seller sells its products and it can include
using different distribution channels. It is very beneficial if a companys business
place is conveniently accessible for the customers and the distribution channel is
also possible less costing. Bata Pakistan Limited holds more than 373 retail outlets
and 12 wholesale depots throughout the country. To cater the middle upper income
segment of the market, 13 city concept stores have been opened in 2006-07 in the
major cities ; Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Mirpur, Gujranwala and Gujrat.
Obviously, place counts much more importance for Bata with such a wide business
network. Bata has a good channel structure and channel management giving it an
easy, in-time and cost-effective access to the market. Bata has its own
manufacturing units and wholesale depots at easily accessible locations from where
it can make timely supplies to its retail outlets. With a good retailer image, Bata is in
a position where it can make its position even stronger.
Promotion concerns with how you reach your customers / potential customers. It is
the communication of an organizations marketing mix to the desired audience and
works as a backbone of a companys marketing strategy. Bata Pakistan marketing
strategy gives a very considerable importance to the promotion. It applies all the
important tools of promotion including advertising, sales management, sales
promotion, promotional mix, direct marketing and public relations for expanding the
companys business. Though the fair-price selling is the base of Batas marketing
strategy, yet different attractive promotions and promotional mixes are also offered to

the customers. Accessories including socks, shoe laces, shoe polishes and school
bags for the children are offered free with different brands of shoes as promotional

Brands Names

Four New Bata Stores

Four New Exclusive Bata shoe stores have been opened recently on 10 May, 2013,
Friday at Laxmibazar, Kakrail, Kafrul and Ashkona Dhaka with modern &
international look.
These internationally designed shops has 2500, 1500, 4000 and 2500 sqft area
respectively and the internal decoration many international branded footwear like
Bata, Power, Marie Claire, North Star, B.first, Bata Comfit, Ambassador,

Weinbrenner & Bubblegummers exclusively to satisfy the growing need of target

customer groups. These stores have been highlighted with new collections and
proper decoration with relevant promotional materials and branding with different
brands. These stores have separate corners for different types, ages and segments
of customer with very pleasant shopping environment


Quality assurance (QA) refers to the engineering activities implemented in a quality
system so that requirements for a product or service will be fulfilled It is the
systematic measurement, comparison with a standard, monitoring of processes and
an associated feedback loop that confers error prevention. This can be contrasted
with quality control, which is focused on process outputs.
Two principles included in QA are: "Fit for purpose", the product should be suitable
for the intended purpose; and "Right first time", mistakes should be eliminated. QA
includes management of the quality of raw materials, assemblies, products and
components, services related to production, and management, production and
inspection processes.[citation needed]
Suitable quality is determined by product users, clients or customers, not by society
in general. It is not related to cost and adjectives or descriptors such "high" and
"poor" are not applicable. For example, a low priced product may be viewed as
having high quality because it is disposable where another may be viewed as having

poor quality because it is not disposable


It is the goal of the MDEP/RCRA to implement a Quality Assurance Program (QAP)
for all environmental activities that generate data. The QAP is a management tool
that will help guarantee that data is of sufficient known quality to withstand scientific
and legal challenge relative to the use for which the data is obtained.
A laboratory is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific
research, experiments, and measurement may be performed.

Labs used for scientific research take many forms because of the differing
requirements of specialists in the various fields of science. A physics lab might
contain a particle accelerator or vacuum chamber, while a metallurgy lab could have
apparatus for casting or refining metals or for testing their strength. A chemist or
biologist might use a wet laboratory, while a psychologist's lab might be a room with
one-way mirrors and hidden cameras in which to observe behavior. In some
laboratories, such as those commonly used by computer scientists, computers
(sometimes supercomputers) are used for either simulations or the analysis of data
collected elsewhere. Scientists in other fields will use still other types of laboratories.
Despite the great differences among laboratories, some features are common. The
use of workbenches or countertops at which the scientist may choose to either sit or
stand is a common way to ensure comfortable working conditions for the cabinets for
the storage of laboratory equipment is quite common. It is traditional for a scientist to
record an experiment's progress in a laboratory notebook, but modern labs almost
always contain at least one computer workstation for data collection and analysis.
Scientific laboratories can be found in schools and universities, in industry, in
government or military facilities, and even aboard ships and spacecraft. A laboratory
might offer work space for just one to more than thirty researchers depending on its
size and purpose. Recently, a new type of laboratory called Open Laboratory has
emerged. Its format allows the sharing of space, equipment, support staff between
different research groups and also fosters information exchange through
communications across fields.

Quality Control Process

At OSE, quality is not only a mindset, but also a formalized system. Through strict
documentations and procedures, our engineers and operators maintain control of
quality throughout every step of production.
Our division of the quality control process into three separate processes ensures that
specialized expertise is applied to each stage of our operation. This system also
provides the redundancy necessary to prevent any quality problem from evading

Incoming Quality Control

It is the job of the IQC process to conduct inspections and handle quality problem
before the assembly process starts.

Specific tasks of IQC include:

Perform approved vendor list check;

Evaluate supplier quality records;

Perform sampling of incoming materials based on the MIL-STD-105E


Assess dimension, visual and functional inspection of material samples;

Monitor quality control chart of inspected properties and alert engineering staff
of significant deviations;

Continuously enhance the IQC process.

In-Process Quality Control

Our IPQC process governs the quality systems during the assembly process, to
detect and handle problems that may arise as a result of assembly.
Specific tasks of IPQC include

Perform inspections on assembled and in-process materials according to IPCA-610D standards;

Conduct in-line automated and manual inspections (see our Testing

Equipment page for details);

Apply first-article inspection after process setup;

Utilize statistical control techniques and watch for significant deviations;

Perform in-process audits to ensure processes are up to standard, and to

identify factors needing improvement.

Outgoing Quality Assurance

OQA is the last process before products ship to customers, and hence is every
important to ensure our shipment is defect-free. Numerous redundancies with IQC
and IPQC is performed here to ensure the validity of previous processes.
Specific tasks of OQA include

Perform visual and functional inspection;

Verify first-article inspection;

Repeat approved vendor list check;

Apply sampling based on the MIL-STD-105E standard;

Conduct reliability testing;

Submit failure analysis reports and alert engineering staff.

Raw Materials Testing & Specifications

Intertek tests raw materials, feed stocks and other commodities, ingredients and
components used in a wide range of products. Testing raw materials can include
evaluation and screening of feed stocks, unprocessed materials, semi-processed
materials and finished products for quality specifications, impurities and more,
including higher-end analytical testing and characterization if required. The
manufacturer assigns specifications to ensure consistency of the material from lot to
lot. But the boundaries of what any particular manufacturer determines to be
consistent can be, and often are, much wider than the boundaries that are
acceptable for GMP manufacturing purposes. Many times the manufacturer is
making the material for a different use by the majority of its clients than the ones that
the implantable/controlled delivery device manufacturer intends. If the
manufacturers specifications are inadequate for a GMP manufacturing process the
final product may fail lot clearance while the original material was accepted for use
because it was within specifications. This approach of adopting the manufacturers
specification often stems from a sense of inadequacy in defining the material
specifications in the first place. By not confronting the problem of defining adequate
GMP raw material specifications early in the process, many implantable/controlled
delivery device manufacturers are forced to confront this issue later in the
development process when their time and effort are better used with other activities.

Production department
The leather manufacturing process is divided into three sub-processes: preparatory
stages, tanning and crusting. All true leathers will undergo these sub-processes. A
further sub-process, surface coating may be added into the sequence. The list of
operations that leathers undergo vary with the type of leather. Traditionally the calves
whose skin is used for the famous Freudenberg calf leather come from the European
Alps. Delicate calf leather can only be produced from top-quality rawhide. The
production of leather is a world of its own. A fascinating world full of secrets and with
immeasurable experience and the handcraft tradition. And all the technical perfection

from the computer-controlled production to the recycling of water in its own

purification plant to the recycling of tannic acid cannot replace the unerring eye and
the sensitive touch of Freudenberg's master-craftsmen.
The most important stages of the leather production

Sewing & prefabrication

Leather can be a tricky material to sew with. I recently knocked off a very expensive
designer bag for my boyfriends birthday, which happened to be trimmed with leather.
I learned a lot during this experience and thought I would share it with our readers.
Believe it or not, I sewed this bag entirely on my domestic sewing machine!
Some general tips on sewing with leather or vinyl:

When purchasing, see if the shop has any leather scraps. It could be much,
much cheaper.

Hold your pattern piece down on the leather with some weights and use a
metallic or grease pen to trace the pattern onto the leather. Then follow the
outline to cut. If you tried to cut the leather the way you would another fabric,
youll end up with a distorted piece.

Use a teflon presser foot it glides over the leather and helps to keep your
stitches even.

Use the specialized leather sewing machine needles they are shaped
differently than sharps so that they cut through the leather as you sew.

I was told to use a special, very thick thread, but it was too heavy for my
machine. Some domestic machines can handle a thick thread, but mine is
apparently not one of them. Good quality polyester thread worked just fine for

Leather tape is your best friend. Its a double sided tape that you will be glad
you have. Get a width that will easily be hidden within your seam allowance.

I used 3/8 because my seam allowance was 1/2. You cant pin leather
together before you sew, but if its not attached somehow it will move around
and youll be unhappy with the results. Taping the leather down before you
sew works wonderfully. Your needle may get gunked up a bit, but just buy
extra needles in case you need to switch one out.

Slow and steady wins the race. Go slow because you can only top stitch
once. Once the needle punctures the leather theres no going back Well
you can, but it wont be pretty.

Practice on a scrap piece of leather first!

With these tips, you should be ready to go forth and sew with leather or vinyl! Be
sure to check out the tutorial in the required reading for information on making your
own straps and binding.

Prefabrication is the practice of assembling components of a structure in a factory or

other manufacturing site, and transporting complete assemblies or sub-assemblies
to the construction site where the structure is to be located. The term is used to
distinguish this process from the more conventional construction practice of
transporting the basic materials to the construction site where all assembly is carried
out.The term prefabrication also applies to the manufacturing of things other than

structures at a fixed site. It is frequently used when fabrication of a section of a

machine or any movable structure is shifted from the main manufacturing site to
another location, and the section is supplied assembled and ready to fit. It is not
generally used to refer to electrical or electronic components of a machine, or
mechanical parts such as pumps, gearboxes and compressors which are usually
supplied as separate items, but to sections of the body of the machine which in the
past were fabricated with the whole machine. Prefabricated parts of the body of the
machine may be called 'sub-assemblies' to distinguish them from the other

Reeling from a sexual-harassment scandal that forced one assemblyman to resign
and has raised questions about the conduct of their speaker, the New York state
assembly is turning its attention to a pressing issue: borders for bowling shoes.A bill
sponsored by state senator Patrick Gallivan (R., 59th) and assemblyman Robin
Schimminger (D., 140th) would require bowling-alley owners to post signs warning
keglers not to wear bowling shoes outside, lest they become wet and increase the
likelihood that a bowler could slip and fall when they come inside.Bowling-alley
owners claim that, since the state outlawed smoking in bowling alleys, bowlers have
taken to ducking outside for smoke breaks during games, without taking their shoes
off. When its raining or snowing, the shoes become slippery, bowlers fall on the
lanes, and owners get sued.If it seems like common sense to recognize that you
might slip on wet shoes, well, thats because it is. Except in Albany, apparently.

Plastic Injection
Injection molding is the most common method of producing parts out of plastic
material. It is an extremely versatile process that is capable of producing parts with a
wide range of attributes. Melted granular plastic is fed by gravity from a hopper dryer
into a heated barrel. As the granulates are slowly moved forward by a screw-type
plunger, the plastic is forced into a heated chamber, where it is melted. As the
plunger advances, the melted plastic is forced through a nozzle that rests against the
mold, allowing it to enter the mold cavity through a gate runner system. The mold
remains cold so that the plastic solidifies almost as soon as the mold is filled. Once
the part is sufficiently cool, the mold opens and the part is ejected. The word plastic
is derived from the Greek plastikos meaning capable of being shaped or molded.
Plastic has become increasingly important in our every day lives. 18.000 different
types and more than 100 Million tons of plastic are actually produced per year, so
that a broad range of consumer needs can be covered. For the most part, plastics
are organic high polymers. The raw materials needed come mainly from petroleum
and natural gas.
PU Pouring process
The various shoe-manufacturing techniques and can be broken down into four major
categories. These categories are single density unit soles, dual density unit soles,
single density direct attach, and dual density direct attach. Chem-Trends years of
production floor experience working with shoe sole manufacturers around the globe
has allowed us to understand and overcome the molding challenges found in each of
these processes.

Single Density Unit Soles

For single density unit soles, the polyurethane foam system is poured directly into
the mold cavity (open pour) and a lid is secured over the cavity. At the completion of
the cure cycle, the lid is removed and the completed part is de-molded. Single
density unit soles are then attached to the upper material to complete the shoe
manufacturing process. In many cases, single density unit soles are subjected to
some type of post-mold operation to obtain the desired finished appearance on the
part. Basic mold release agent requirements for this type of process include release
performance, low build-up in the mold cavity, and compatibility with the post-mold
finish operation and final shoe building process.
Dual Density Unit Soles
The dual density process requires bonding a midsole to an outsole in the same
molding process. The outsole polyurethane foam is poured into the mold cavity, and
a dummy last is used to close the mold. The dummy last is a type of false lid
designed to cover the mold cavity, creating the proper thickness for the outsole while
leaving room in the mold cavity for the midsole portion of the part. At the end of the
outsole cure cycle, the dummy last is removed, and the midsole foam is poured on
the backside of the outsole. A new lid is used to secure the mold, and a second cure
cycle is completed. The molded soles may be subjected to post-mold finish
operations and, as described above, are attached to the upper to finish the shoe.
Release agent requirements for dual density unit soles are similar to those described

for single density unit soles with one important difference: the mold release agent
must be applied to the dummy last in order to separate it from the outsole. As a
result, the release agent can be transferred to the outsole, but it must not interfere
with adhesion between the outsole and midsole foam layers.
Direct Attach Processes
As the name suggests, the direct attach process is used to mold the sole directly to
the upper material, eliminating the need for gluing or sewing to produce a finished
shoe. Direct attach requires that the upper is secured to the top of the mold, and the
polyurethane system(s) is injected into the mold cavity. For dual density direct attach,
a dummy last is used to form the outsole, and the upper is secured into the mold
prior to midsole injection. Scrap produced using a direct attach process is very
expensive due to the fact that an entire shoe is wasted. It is also very difficult to
complete a post-mold finish process on direct attach unit soles without affecting the
upper portion of the shoe. For these reasons, mold release agent selection is critical.
Direct attach mold release agents must produce a defect free urethane part, as well
as impart a uniform gloss appearance. Gloss requirements are defined by the
manufacturer, but can cover a broad range from low (matte) to high (shiny). Other
important performance attributes for direct attach release agents include release, low
build-up in the mold cavity, and dual density adhesion.
The Manufacturing Process of Urethane Molds
Molded Urethane Products typically contain 2-4 components consisting of a resin
base, 1-2 curatives, and a colorant such as a pigment or dye. Most manufacturers
use meter-mix and dispense machines to mix the components into a homogenous
liquid which can then be introduced into a heated mold to create the finished product.
Typical methods used by Precision Urethane to mold Urethane Products include
Compression Molding
Liquid polyurethane is poured into an open mold and placed in a heated
compression press and pressure is applied to extrude the material into all
areas of the mold.

Open Cast Molding

Liquid polyurethane is poured into an open mold which is placed in an oven or
on a heated table.

Spin Casting
Liquid polyurethane is poured into an open mold which is spinning. This
process is designed to remove any air entrapped in the pouring process.

Low Pressure Injection Molding

Liquid Polyurethane is injected into a closed mold which is fastened together
with bleed gates designed to allow the air to bleed out of the mold in the
injection process.

Physical Properties of Cast Polyurethane Products

The performance criteria of polyurethane products is measured using data
obtained from tests designed to isolate an individual characteristic of the
finished material. These tests are typically run according to an established set
of standards provided by an accredited organization such as the American
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) who define the procedure in detail.
There are many different tests and procedures which can be performed on
polyurethane materials. The primary function of these procedures is to
establish a set of predictable performance properties which can be used to
design a product which will meet a predetermined set of performance
requirements. Precision Urethane has developed a significant base of
polyurethane material data which we use to determine the correct material for
application conditions

Non-Retail Sales Department

Non-retail sales supervisors oversee salespersons and sometimes related
employees including customer service representatives, wholesale salespersons,

sales engineers, stock clerks and order fillers. They often oversee the activities of
salespersons who sell industrial items or services such as financial or advertising.
Some of these supervisors have titles such as department manager or sales
Some sales worker supervisors prepare budgets, create sales-incentive programs
and approve sales contracts. Many non-retail sales supervisors interview, hire and
train employees. Also, in small companies, non-retail sales supervisors may oversee
the operation of the entire business.


Prepare work schedules

Assign specific tasks to employees

Resolve customer complaints

Work with managers to create strategies for increasing sales

Monitor sales staff to see if sales goals have been reached

Assist staff with complicated tasks

Attend company meetings

Create sales and inventory reports for management and budget departments

Depots & Distributor

Welcome to the, the Pakistan bata area's premier provider of brand name bata and
apparel. With over 16,000 square feet of showroom space, the Bata is truly a
shopping experience for the entire family.
Featuring one of the largest collections of Wolverine World Wide products, The Bata
offers it patrons a variety of selections from manufacturers including Bates,

Caterpillar, Harley-Davidson, Hush Puppies, Merrell, Patagonia, Sebago, Wolverine,

and more.
City Store
Bata operates stores in many of the worlds fashion capitals. Bata City Stores offer
urban customers the best in todays fashion footwear and accessories. These stores
are in city centres prime locations, and provide a high level of customer service,
exclusive fashion shoelines with complementary accessories, and contemporary
shopping environments to discerning shoppers.
Family Store
Bata is the worlds leading family footwear chain thanks to the wide assortment of
everyday fashion footwear available in our stores The products are primarily the Bata
brand, with a carefully selected assortment of articles from both local and
international brands.
Bata Shoe Organization always keeps eyes on the changing circumstances,
fashions, trends as well as preferences of the customers. However as changes take
place in market. Bata is also required to cope with metamorphosis in market
conditions with the changes in product line and changes in designs of the products.
Therefore Bata Pakistan limited has poised designing department where the
processionals re utilizing their inherent talent.
The professionals are also sent abroad for training every year to attend designing
and other international seminars. This gives the first hand opportunity to survey new
trends in the word market and to distill the best of these in their own designing for the
Bata Shoe Organization has its own laboratory where professionals busy to examine
the quality of materials and ultimate products. Each new brand first checked in the
laboratory and after the confirmation the production is start. The laboratory also
conducts systematic research med at improving manufacturing process at Batapur.

In order to compete in international export markets, businesses must have access to
resources that can help them improve their knowledge and their export management
readiness. ITCs Export Management Development team offer training and advisory
services to businesses with the ambition to export. Trainings are available to support
exporters, as well as export advisors.

Institutional Sales
Shoe major Bata Pakistan Ltd is gearing up for institutional sales of footwear besides
enhancing its retail presence across the country. Large industries and private or
public institutions who need to buy footwear for their own workers.
The Pakistann arm of Canadian outfit Bata Shoe Organisation (BSO) claims that its
vast international product portfolio and tech expertise will give it an edge to bolster
institutional sales in Pakistan like it has successfully done in Chile and s few other
South American countries. Initially, the company is eyeing specialized footwear for
the Pakistann defence forces, aviation, construction and hospital sectors.
On the retail front, the company is planning to open 240 new outlets, both companyowned and franchised, and upgrade 60-80 existing stores over the next three years.
Bata currently has a retail network of 1,200 stores, of which 143 are company-owned
ones and the rest franchised.

Bata Pakistan, which has posted a profit of Rs. 47.4 crore in 2007 on a sales
turnover of Rs. 890 crore is also planning to close down some of its loss-making
stores in north and western part of Pakistan if efforts to revive them doesnt bear
Speaking to reporters at the 75th annual general meeting here, Bata Pakistan
chairman PM Sinha said that currently the numbeswr of such cash drained stores
are 74. Sinha said that Bata has also sold its hugely popular hawaii brand of
chappals to a Brazilian firm Al Pragatis for Rs. 3.9 crore. Stiff competition and higher
cost of production has prompted Bata to sell off the Hawaii that has now become a
household name in Pakistan.

Our client base ranging from some of the largest global institutional investors to
hedge funds at the cutting edge of innovation in the industry turns to Morgan
Stanley's depth of talent, global product range and leading market share for sales,
trading, and market-making services in virtually every type of financial instrument.
More than ever, we work across a broad range of asset classes to find new forms of
investment that aim to generate superior returns.
Sales assistants: This position is most often a dead-end job. Sales assistants take
on a primary clerical role on the desk. Handling the phones, administrative duties,
message taking, letter writing theres nothing glamorous for the assistants.
Associates: The newly hired MBA is called an associate, or sales associate. Like
analogous associates in other investment banking departments, a sales associate
spends a year or so in the role learning the ropes and establishing himself.
Associates typically spend one to two months rotating through various desks and

ensuring a solid fit between the desk and the new associate. Once the rotations end,
the associate is placed on a desk and the business of building client relationships

Bata Industrials shoes & sales

Bata Industrials is a specialized division of Bata Pakistan Limited catering to
footwear needs of various industries and institutions. Large industries and private /
public institutions are sold safety footwear for their workers by Bata Industrials
Division directly and through specialized distributors.
Whilst comfort and durability are essential properties of our footwear, we provide
special features like impact resistance, heat resistance, oil resistance, lightweight
etc. depending upon specific industry requirements like steel, oil, cement etc.
In addition, we provide excellent quality canvas PT shoes, miner's shoes etc. to meet
specific requirements of army, police forces and mining industry.
For corporate offices, we have a selected range of regular wear occupational shoes
for management level people working in an industry or construction environment. .
Protecting the ankles, feet and knees of employees from accidents with good
industrial footwear cuts lost work days due to injuries, improves productivity and
heightens morale. Our Red Wing Shoe Store is staffed with a well-trained sales team
that can work closely with an employer to fit workers for safety shoes designed for
their work environments. In many cases, safety shoes are a necessary and

significant expense for many companies. Our store can select from Red Wing Shoe
Companys extensive safety product offering to develop a footwear program that
meets your needs, your budget and your employees.

Bata shoes and leather industries are potential on its road of speedy
development. The International Exhibition on Shoes & Leather Industry (Shoes
& Leather Guangzhou 2013), organized by Top Repute Company Limited, will be
held at Bata Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex, Guangzhou on May 29-31,
2013. With the year-on-year record breaking & remarkable recognition, International
Exhibition on Shoes & Leather Industry (Shoes & Leather Guangzhou) has
become a premium international event for reaching sales lead and business contacts
of the shoes & leather industries in Bata as well as in the Asia Pacific regions.
Within a 3-days show period, trade buyers had spanned over the machinery, tannery,
material and chemical halls to visit the fair.
Retail is the sale of goods and services from individuals or businesses to the enduser. Retailers are part of an integrated system called the supply chain. A retailer
purchases goods or products in large quantities from manufacturers directly or
through a wholesale, and then sells smaller quantities to the consumer for a profit.
Retailing can be done in either fixed locations like stores or markets, door-to-door or
by delivery. Retailing includes subordinated services, such as delivery. The term
"retailer" is also applied where a service provider services the needs of a large
number of individuals, such as for the public. Shops may be on residential streets,

streets with few or no houses or in a shopping mall. Shopping streets may be for
pedestrians only. Sometimes a shopping street has a partial or full roof to protect
customers from precipitation. Online retailing, a type of electronic commerce used for
business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions and mail order, are forms of non-shop
Shopping generally refers to the act of buying products. Sometimes this is done to
obtain necessities such as food and clothing; sometimes it is done as a recreational
activity. Recreational shopping often involves window shopping (just looking, not
buying) and browsing and does not always result in a purchase.

Merchandising was not taken into consideration. Products were filled in a storeroom
and had been brought on only when customers asked for them. Therefore, at that
point in time, a lot depended on spoken selling abilities. Today, using the advent of
grocery store sand niche stores, visual merchandising offers assumed enormous
importance.Shoe displays especially involve efficient organization and stylish
delineation. Of course, the primary aspect for setting up appealing shoe displays is
creativity. You can either opt for your own suggestions or outsource the job in order
to professional show experts. Whatever your preference, some basic visual retailing
tips can invariably come useful. Some practical Visual Merchandizing Guidelines for
Shoe Displays Consider the following visual merchandizing guidelines for exhibiting
your shoe range within the most desirable fashion: Are your footwear associated with

enjoyable outings, formal wear or stylish events? produce themes that are in
synchronize with the brand perception. Begin by using revolutionary window
displays. The home windows are easily the most crucial areas for executing your
visual merchandizing ideas. Make certain your discount rates and promotion ideas
are suitably displayed through eye-port displays ,given that they guarantee optimum
exposure. Make sure all your items are labeled and all possess relevant info
attached. With respect to shoe displays , the brand , make and size should be clearly
mentioned along with the product. Also, never forget to mention prices and discount
rates , if any , as customers are always in a rush. Besides, they would certainly
possess several options to choose from. Therefore, you ought to be making it as
convenient on their behalf as possible. Grouping your items logically is just as
important. Make sure that you have segregated sports shoes through formal
footwear and ladies shoes from the men EUR(TM)uses boots. Sorting things out
will make it more convenient for the customer to choose. If you have the obtainable
space at hand ,consider regrouping them based on sizes too. This would help to
make matters even simpler for somebody who wished to buy quickly. Make sure you
opt for fixtures for shoe displays which can be removed and refitted easily Consider
interchanging systems and fixtures forgiving your store a fresh look. The display
fixture patterns should be duly spaced out.

Merchandising department occupies the back bone place in the entire production of
Bata Shoe Organization. That department shoes whole planning for production.
i) Seasonal Planning

ii) 8 Weeks Forecast

iii) 4 Weeks Forecast
iv) 1 Week Freeze
This sort of planning is done two times in one fiscal year, Besides, factory
management the store management also participates and determines what would be
produced coming season.
Eight weeks before the start of production management again get together if
management anticipates any amendment is required they do it. Here production
related issued are profoundly analyzed and discussed.
Again 4 weeks before the start of production the raw material production facilities,
production related issues and difficulties are seen and discussed. Furthermore, it is
tried to pave the way for smoothes production.
That is the last stage of planning where all the production related issues are finalized
and production orders are issued one week before actual production. Thereafter no
changing in production is possible.
Merchandising Department considering demands and order from different stores
gives green signal to distribution department to fulfill the orders.

1. To provide a forecast of the estimated result on:a) Any particular shoes

b) The total factory half year production plan.

2. To provide a measure of control over all sections of business by comparing actual
results with estimated result and taking corrective action where necessary, using the
latter as measure of efficiency.
3. To reduce costs, while maintaining or improving quality. The basis of all our
costing is the seasonal production and sales estimates, which tells us the production,
deputies and price and profit, adrift, article-wise.
The retail sale price of our shoe comprises component for:a) Material
b) Wages
c) Expenses or (O/Heads). Gross Margin.
The total of these makes the retails sale price.


What is internal audit?

Internal Auditing is an independent, objective assuring and consulting activity

designed to add value and improve an Organizations operations.

It helps an Organization to accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic,

disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk
management, control and governance process.

The Internal Audit Department is authorized by the Board of Directors through its
Audit Committee to:

Have full access to all functions, records, property and personnel.

Have full and free access to the Audit committee.

Allocate resources, set frequencies, select subjects, determine scope of work,

and apply the techniques required to accomplish audit objectives.

Obtain the necessary assistance of personnel in various departments and

sections of the company where they perform audits, as well as other
specialized services from within or outside the company.

What internal audit can do

To check the compliance of Company Policies, Procedures and Local Laws.

To give suitable recommendations to improve the internal controls.

To make follow up to ensure the compliance of final actions decided in the Audit



Code of Corporate Governance - Pakistan

Code of Corporate Governance was framed by Securities and Exchange

Commission of Pakistan (SECP) in the year 2002.

The Code includes powers, functions, qualifications, meetings and other

regulations of Board of Directors, CFO, Company Secretary, Audit and the role
of Audit Committee in order to facilitate good Governance in Corporate Sector.

Special attention was given to Internal Audit to ensure good Corporate

Governance and strong Internal Controls. Code

Requirement for Internal Audit

Compulsory Internal Audit function by Public Listed Companies.

Appointment of Chief Internal Auditor.

Appointment of Audit Committee.

Composition of Audit Committee and its Meetings.

The Boards Responsibility for Internal Controls

The Board of Directors of every Listed Company shall determine the Terms of
Reference / Role of Audit Committee.
In addition to other duties the Audit Committee is also responsible to recommend
appointment of External Auditors to the Board
Audit Committee shall comprise not less than three members including the
Majority of the members of the Committee shall be among the non-executive
Directors of the Listed Company and the Chairman of the Audit Committee shall
preferably be a non-executive Director.
Main Function of Internal Auditor
To assist the management through Audit Committee and the Company Manager in
the discharge of their oversight, management, and operating responsibilities through
independent financial, compliance and operational audits.
To ensure that the Companys system of risk management, control and governance
process as designed and represented by the management are adequately
functioning in a manner that:
An objective evaluation of the existing risk and Internal Control framework is being
done Systematic analysis of business processes and associated controls is being

Companys assets are safeguarded and used for business purposes only.

Reviews of the compliance framework and specific compliance issues are


Significant financial, managerial, and operating information is acEmployees

actions are in compliance with the policies, standards, procedures and applicable
laws and regulations

Objectives set by the management are established, implemented and


Significant legislative or regulatory issues impacting the company are

recognized and addressed appropriately

Continuous quality improvement is being made in the Companys internal

control process.

Curate, reliable and timely.



Internal Audit Department was established by the Bata Pakistan Ltd. to comply with
the Code of Corporate Governance.

Operational / Departmental Audit

Compliance Audit

Continuous Audit

Physical verification of assets at Retail Stores and Wholesale Depots by

surprise visit

Ensure the safeguard of Fixed Assets

So far Specific Tasks Accomplished

Commercial Policy of Wholesale Department

Purchase Policy

Advertisement Policy

Merchandizing Buying Policy

Special Study-Review of Inventory Management and Controls

Special Study-Review of Local Manufacturing and Outsourced Activities

Special Study-Fixed Assets Management

How to Conduct Operational Audit

Intimation along with BSO Operational Review Questionnaire sent to

Auditee Department for filling the same.

To highlight risk areas in the light of the answers given by Auditee


Detailed vouching, review of transactions, walkthrough tests and useful

data analysis.

Observations noted.

Draft Report along with recommendations handed over to Auditee

Department for offering comments.

Final Actions decided by Managing Director

Audit report

Area wise monthly reporting to relevant Manager and Company Manager.

Consolidated quarterly reporting to Audit Committee.

Work done by me
When I start my internship in Bata Pakistan Pvt Ltd. as a internee i almost visit all
department but especially finance and account departments. on 1 st day I visit human
resource department and observe the working condition and all important thing
related to human resource department like hiring new staff procedure and interview
procedure this department attach with all department and all important information
first come in this department then pass out to hire management or MD. after it I visit

to account depart in which head of department carlos gomes tell me about the
working software which manage the all accounting procedure how to make salary of
persons on monthly weekly and fortnightly basis .i made some salaries on weekly
basis almost 40 employees by manage the working hour . then I visit finance
department and MR.liaqat ali tells me about the financial condition of Bata to day
how we can manage budget and estimate the expenditures and tells me about the
software oracle financial system to manage and control all important data related to
financial systems. then I visit to designing department how to make a design of new
articles different mould are available made by wooden and draw a design of new
article and now machine is available for making and control the designing
requirement . I enjoyed a lot when I add in this procedure i draw only 2 designs on
wooden mould .i visit to market department and check the segmentation procedure. I
visit to factory outlet and questionnaires to customers satisfaction about Bata
products. I also spend 2 days in export department and check the procedure how to
open the Lc documents and receive the order by foreign countries and similarly I visit
internal audit department and get only information and doing nothing.

Ratio Analysis
Current Ratio
The current ratio, one of the most commonly cited financial ratios, measures the
firms ability to meet its short-term obligations. It express as follow
Current Ratio =

Current Assets
Current Liabilities



= 3.18 times

= 3.08 times

current ratio


Current ratio for the year of 2012 is less than previous year 2011 current ratio.

Working Capital
Working capital is another measurement often used to express the relationship
between current assets and current liabilities. Working capital is he excess of current
assets over current liabilities. It is calculate to determine the company is in a sound
financial position or is soon likely to encounter financial difficulties. Working capital is
calculate as given below
Working Capital = Current Assets Current Liabilities


= Rs 2,609,950

= Rs3,178,932

working capital


Working capital for the year of 2012 is more than the year 2011.

Average Collection Period

The average collection period or average age of accounts receivable, is useful in
evaluation credit and collection policies. It is arrived at by dividing the average daily
sales into the accounts receivable balance:
Average Collection Period=

Accounts Receiable
Average Sales Per Day



= 5 days

= 11 days

Average collection period





Average collection period for the year of 2012 is more than the year 2011

Total Assets Turnover

Total Assets Turnover=

Total Assets



= 2.12 times

= 2.03 times

ToTal Assets Turnover

value in




Total assets turnover for the year of 2012 is less than the year 2011.

Debt Ratio
Debt Ratio=

Total Liabilities
Total Assets


= 24.82%

= 30.46%

Debt Ratio



Debt ratio for the year of 2012 is more than the year 2011

Total Liabilities to Equity

Total Liabilities Equity=

Total liabilities
Total equity



= 0.35 times

= .43 times

Total Libilities to Equity Ratio

value in




total liabilities to equity ratio for the year of 2012 is more than the year 2011.

Gross Profit Margin

Gross Profit Margin=

Gross Profit



= 36.06%

= 37.11%

Gross Profit Margin




Gross profit for the year of 2012 is more than the year 2011.

Operating Profit Margin

The operating profit margin is calculated as follows:
Operating Profit Margin=

Opreating Profit



= 10.96%

= 12.54%

Operating Profit Margin




Operating profit for the year of 2012 is more than the year 2011.

Net Profit Margin

The net profit margin is calculated as follows:
Net Profit Margin=

Net Profit



= 7.62%

= 8.89%

Net Profit Margin




Net profit margin for the year of 2012 is more than the year 2011.

Earnings Per share (EPS)

It is calculated as follows:
Earning Per Share( EPS)=

Earnings available for common stockholder

No s of share of common stock outstanding

If preferred stock is not given then take the net income.

Earning Per Share( EPS)=

Net Income
No s of share of common stock outstanding



= Rs 98.96

= Rs 135.02





EPS for the year of 2012 is more than the year 2011.

Return on Total Assets (ROA)

The higher the firms return on total assets the better. It is calculated as follows:
Returnon Total Assets ( ROA ) =

Earnings available for common stockholder

Total Assets

If preferred stock is not given then take the net income.

Return on Total Assets ( ROA ) =

Net Income
Total Assets


= 16.17%

= 18.1%

Return on Total Assets




Return on total assets for the year of 2012 is more than the year 2011.

Return on Common Equity (ROE)

Return on common equity (ROE) is as follows:

Net Income
Common Stock Equity



= 22.83%

= 26.04%

Return on Common Equity




Return on common equity for the year of 2012 is more than the year 2011

Dividend per Share

It is calculated as follows:
Dividend Paid

Dividend Per Share= Shareholdes

No . s of out standing Shares



= Rs 20

= Rs 30

Dividend per Share





Dividend per share for the year of 2012 is more than the year 2011.

SWOT Analysis

Bata has strengthened its business in 2007 on the base of improved marketing
strategy that is a sign of success. The return on average assets and the return on
average equity have improved gradually. Batas success in business and better
financial position have resulted in improved health and safety, and several key
performance improvements. Good brand name, low cost work force, high efficiency
on standard products, best in children shoes, good logistics, good local labour pool,
good manufacturing units, wide network of retail outlets are all strengths of Bata
Poor inter-company relations and less attractive salaries and incentive bonuses for
the employees have been a halt in the possibly faster progress of the company that
results in poorly motivated staff as a weakness of the organization.
The industry is suffering from the problems of design innovation, less production and
inward/domestic demand-orientation of the market. Bata, by adequately utilizing its
resources of modernly equipped manufacturing units and capabilities of trained staff,
can take enough advantage of this loop hole. Poor delivery performance in the
sector, well-paid and motivated staff placement, improvement in intercompany links
and new buyers, are all good opportunities for Bata.
The risk of losing skilled staff to the competitors due to lack of attractive salaries and
incentive bonuses as cost of living rising rapidly. While the competitors might prefer
to hire skilled and well-trained staff of Bata at higher salary packages. Imports of
cheap price shoes and accessories especially from Chine, skilled staff movement to
the competitors, relatively shrinking sector for leather shoes, increasing cost of raw
materials and unreliable alternative raw materials suppliers, are all threats for Bata.

In the whole time of my internship I identified the positive attitude of employees in
Bata Pakistan Pvt Ltd. I observed that whole organization worked like a home every
one cooperate with each other and achieve their goals for the company .I feel that
failure of one is the failure of all. Human Resource in Bata organization is very

enthusiastic and keep contact with other departments every time. Company divides
their sale in local and export to all over the world. When I enter in organization I feel
strange himself but due to having confidence I create friendly environment. All
employees are so cooperative and sympathetic with me when I feel any problem
they guided me and I feel I am one of the members of Bata organization. I am very
thankful to all member of the organization. The overall analysis is indicating that the
company's progress has mainly attained through dedication of employees. The
effectiveness of its management, their willingness to take advantage of opportunities
and face challenges of changing economic picture, this all contributes to the very
much improved and sound position of company. This is really appreciable for the
devotion and hard work of all the employees of the company

In Bata Pakistan find the problems from customers side that Bata not
introduced some dashing ladies shoes design I recommend that introduce
some design in this way customers not switch to other outlet like stylo shoes.
Parking area should be expanding.
Overtime should not be allowed to the ladies workers.
Bonus should b provided on half year basis on the actual performance.

Leave-encashment should be given on the Gross Salary, not the Basic Salary.
Avoid the Qadiani Products like SHEZAN in canteen.
Give one time lunch to all employees in one week.
Outlet doors should be 2 sided enter and exit.
Overtime should be paid in double and give in time not give after some days.
Arrange sports completion after 6 month for employees in this way they feel

them fresh and increase their energy for working.

Arrange high quality fan in the heated room of production.
increase brand name.

Skills acquired during internship

Its my best first experience in any organization and to see how organization worked
and enjoyed a lot and acquiring some important thing which polish my abilities.
Thank you Hailey College of Commerce and Bata organization give me opportunity
of internship. the following abilities which I acquired during internship as internee.

Communication Skills
Strong Work Ethic
Teamwork Skills (work well with others)
Interpersonal Skills (relates well to others)
Problem-solving Skills
Analytical Skills
Flexibility / Adaptability
Computer Skills
Technical Skills
Organizational Skills


Leadership Skills
Friendly/Outgoing Personality
Strategic Planning Skills
Entrepreneurial Skills / Risk-Taker
Sense of Humor

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