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Guru Gobind Singh Super Thermal Plant, Ropar

Power Comparison between Variable Frequency Drive and

conventional flow control techniques for Induced Draft Fan

Submitted by:
Geetika Gupta
Student ID-12104067
Department of Electrical Engineering
PEC University of Technology,


Fans for Power Plants
Existing system (Damper Controls) and its shortcomings
VFD (Variable Frequency Drive)

Merits of using Variable Frequency Drives for ID Fan

Limitations of VFDs
Case study

Rapid growth of electrical energy demand, discussions on fossil fuel reserves and the impact of
thermal power generation on global warming, have increased the focus on alternative primary
energy sources and the efficiency improvement techniques for the conversion of the fossil fuels
into electricity. Development efforts are ongoing to reduce, capture and/or store CO2 emitted
from burning fossil fuels.
Thermal power stations use 3 to 8 % of their gross generation capacity for auxiliary processes. A
conventional coal-fired thermal power plant uses slightly more (5 8%) of the electricity it
produces for the auxiliary load. Auxiliary processes are required to keep the generator running;
they are, for instance, conveying fuel coal to coal mills and maintaining the cooling water
flowing through the condenser. ID fan alone contribute to about 12% of total auxiliary power
consumption. The increasing demand for clean coal and CO2 emission capture and storage
technologies will increase the auxiliary electricity consumption of electric power generation.
Power stations, especially base-load ones, are running at full load all the time. It is easy to
imagine that not much change or control is needed for the auxiliary processes in such cases. The
fact is however, that very few power stations run at their maximum capacity throughout the year;
instead the capacity is being adjusted all the time to match demand and various operation
conditions and parameters.
Auxiliary load machines, like centrifugal blowers, pumps or compressors, must be designed to
operate reliably under all operating conditions, which leads to part load operation most of the
Electrical power plants run on the balanced draft principle. A forced draft (FD) fan is used to
push air into the boiler for combustion. An induced draft (ID) fan is used to draw the unused air
and the gaseous combustion products out of the boiler and into the chimney for release. These
two fans must work together for optimum performance. Both the inlet and outlet air flows of the
boiler must be controlled in order to have optimal combustion and to maintain a balanced draft.
Additionally, they have to work under safe operating conditions. If there is too much air flow,
the energy is being wasted. However, if there is not enough air flow then the area can become
polluted with fuels and there is risk of the boiler explosion. Also, if not enough air is drawn from
the boiler, the boiler will become pressurized and small particles will be blown out of the

openings and into the atmosphere polluting it. On the other hand, if too much air is drawn from
the boiler, a trip will happen so that the boiler doesnt implode. So its a very delicate process to
get the induced draft fans and the forced draft fans set correctly for the ideal operation. In most
power plants, the air flow is controlled so that it holds the boiler pressure at one-half inch water
column. The fans that power plants use to control this air flow are usually very large and have
single speed fan motors. The air flow is controlled by modulating the inlet vanes on each force
draft fan while the vanes on induced draft fans are modulated to control the pressure of the
boiler. These fans are one of the largest consumers of power in the whole power plant.
In Ropar thermal power plant, the flow of the fans is controlled by mechanical dampers. The
mechanical damper for control of the flow may reduce the load on the motor/fan/pump motor,
but the constriction itself is an energy loss, which is obviously an inefficient technique. If the
flow can be controlled by reducing the speed of the fans motor according to the requirement this
would offer a more efficient means of achieving flow control of air. In fact the saving is greater
than that might initially be expected by mechanical damper.
This report focuses on efficiency improvements of the plants own electricity consumption.
Variable speed control technology is being introduced as alternative to traditional mechanical
control methods. The considerable economical benefits will be demonstrated in a case example.
VFDs reduce maintenance costs and improve heat rate by increasing the efficiency of auxiliary
processes, which, in turn, reduces emissions. The improved heat rate and power output results in
a higher profitability and faster return on investment.
The performance of a fan is standardly expressed in terms of three affinity laws (see Fig.1) stated
as under :
1. The capacity or air delivery rate is directly proportional to the fan speed.
2. The pressure (static, total, or velocity) is proportional to the square of the fan speed.
3. The power required is proportional to the cube of the fan speed.

Figure 1


There are three types of fans basically used: ID Fan, FD Fan and PA Fan which
-Supply air for combustion in the furnace and for evacuation of the flue gases formed from the
-Maintain Balanced Draft inside the furnace.
-Supply air for cooling of equipments working in hot zones.
-Supply air for sealing of gates, feeders & mills bearings etc.
Air used for combustion is divided into 2 parts:
1. Primary Air
Portion of total air sent through mills to the furnace. This air dries the pulverized coal and
transport it to the furnace for combustion.
2. Secondary Air
Large portion of total air sent to furnace to supply necessary oxygen for the combustion.

FD FANS (Forced Draft Fans)

Supplies secondary air to the furnace through APH (air pre-heater) to assist in

Supplies total air flow to the furnace except where an independent atmospheric P.A fan is

Provides air for sealing requirement and excess air requirement in the furnace.

PA FANS (Primary Air Fans)

Supplies high pressure primary air through APH needed to dry & transport coal directly
from the coal mills pulveriser to the furnace.

ID FANS (Induced Draft Fans)

Suck the flue gases out of the furnace and throw them into the stack into the atmosphere
by creating sufficient negative pressure or draft in the furnace (5-10 mmwc) in
cooperation with FD Fan that we so called balanced draft units.

Located in between the ESP and Chimney in the flue gas path.
Handles large volume hot dust/ash laden flue gas (temp up to 150 deg C) from furnace

and all leakages occurring in the system till the inlet of the fan.
Overcome the pressure drop inside the furnace, Super heater, Re -heater, Economiser,

Gas ducting & ESP.

Consumes max. power in all boiler auxiliaries as it handles the large volume and heavy
pressure drop of the flue gas.



Figure 2: Flow control of ID Fan using Dampers vs using VFDs

Dampers are used to control air flow.
They may be required to fully shut off air flow or regulate flow.
Types of Control Damper
Two main types are in use; parallel blades where the blades rotate in one direction and in
parallel or opposed blades where the adjacent blades rotate in opposite directions. (see Fig. 3)

Figure 3: Types of Control Damper

Damper Characteristics
Inherent Characteristic
The relationship between damper blade position and airflow through the damper is defined as the
inherent characteristic. The inherent characteristic is defined at a constant pressure drop with no
series resistance (coils, filters, louvers, diffusers, or other items).
The Fig.4 below shows a typical inherent characteristic for parallel blade and opposed blade
dampers. It can be seen that a parallel blade damper lets more air through than an opposed blade
damper for any given percentage opening. This difference in airflow is important when selecting
the proper damper for a system.

Figure 4: Parallel versus Opposed Blade Damper Inherent Airflow Characteristic Curves at
Constant Pressure Drop

Notice that neither damper has a linear characteristic. Opposed blade dampers give a very slow
increase in the flow when the damper begins to open. Parallel blade dampers have an inherent
curve that is not as pronounced, so the flow increases more rapidly when the damper begins to
open. It is very important to realize that the inherent curves are measured under laboratory
conditions, with a constant differential pressure across the damper. (In a real installation the
curves will be distorted).
Boiler area is provided with 2 numbers if ID Fans. Each ID Fan is provided with regulating
damper control and scoop control for controlling the loading on fans, Inlet/Outlet gates for
isolation to facilitate startup/maintenance of fan. The fan is operated continuously at constant
speed and the damper setting determines the flow. Dampers can be located at inlet or outlet.
Dampers provide a means of changing air volume by adding or removing system resistance. This
resistance forces the fan to move up or down along its characteristic curve, generating more or
less air without changing fan speed. However, dampers provide a limited amount of adjustment,
and this is the least efficient means of control because the system resistance is increased to
reduce the flow.
These vanes and dampers restrict the flow area and generate pressure drop. The increased fan
pressure puts more load on the constant speed motor causing a large energy loss. To avoid the

energy loss, the best solution is to remove the dampers so as to eliminate all flow resistance, and
control the fan speed.
Also, the gas flow needs to be controlled in order to maintain ideal burning conditions inside the
boiler. This will often necessitate a modification or a replacement of the ID fan. The most efficient way
to control the speed of a fan is by using an electric variable speed drive system. With the power
consumption varying as the cube of the speed, considerable savings in power consumption are
achieved when the fan is operated at lower speeds.

A variable frequency drive (VFD), which controls the frequency of the power, is connected to the
motor. In this way the motor speed can be adjusted to match the desired fan speed and flow. The
energy used is much less than using an output damper to control flow. VFDs control the
frequency of the power supplied to a motor to establish its operating speed. Unlike multiple
speed motors that operate at discrete speeds, VFDs allow motors to operate over a continuous
range of speed. This flexibility provides accurate matching between fan output and the flow and
pressure requirements of the system.

Figure 5: Power consumption comparison between damper control and VFD based system

Variable Speed Drives

Although , variable speed drives are expensive, they provide almost infinite variability in speed
control. Variable speed operation involves reducing the speed of the fan to meet reduced flow

requirements. Fan performance can be predicted at different speeds using fan laws. The variable
speed fan control can be considered as a simple and inexpensive way to increase the power of the
power plant. There are no additional operation or fuel costs and no CO2 emissions. It has a
positive effect on the plant controllability and due to the smooth starting capability it reduces
mechanical maintenance and extends equipment lifetime.


What is a Variable Frequency drive?

Figure 6: Variable Frequency Drive

A variable-frequency drive (VFD) (also termed adjustable-frequency drive, variable-speed

drive, AC drive, micro drive or inverter drive) is a type of adjustable-speed drive used in electromechanical drive systems to control AC motor speed and torque by varying motor
input frequency and voltage. VFD is a power electronics based device which converts a basic
fixed frequency, fixed voltage sine wave power (line power) to a variable frequency, variable
output voltage used to control speed of induction motor(s). It regulates the speed of a three phase
induction motor by controlling the frequency and voltage of the power supplied to the motor.

Since the number of pole is constant the speed Ns can be varied by continuously changing
If an application does not require an electric motor to run at full speed, the VFD can be used to
ramp down the frequency and voltage to meet the requirements of the electric motors load. As
the applications motor speed requirements change, the VFD can simply turn up or down the
motor speed to meet the speed requirement. Induction motor rotates near synchronous speed, the
most effective and energy-efficient way to change the motor speed is to change the frequency of
the applied voltage. Variable-frequency drives provide continuous control, matching motor speed
to the specific demands of the work being performed. Variable frequency drives are an excellent
choice for adjustable-speed drive users because they allow operators to fine-tune processes while
reducing costs for energy and equipment maintenance.
Construction and Working
The majority of general purpose VFDs produced today have four fundamental sections. These
1. The input rectifier or converter.
2. The DC bus.
3. Inverter.
4. The controller.

Figure 7: VFD Construction

Rectifier Stage
A full-wave power diode based solid-state bridge rectifier converts single phase or three-phase
50 Hz power from a standard 220, 440 or higher utility supply to either fixed or adjustable DC
voltage and charges the capacitors in this part of the circuit. The system may include
transformers for high voltage system. In the rectifier section six diodes are connected as a 3phase full-wave bridge rectifier. On larger VFDs the diodes can be replaced with siliconcontrolled rectifiers (SCRs). One diagonal pair of rectifier will allow power to pass through only
when the voltage is positive. A second diagonal pair of rectifier will allow power to pass through
only when the voltage is negative. So two diagonal pair of rectifiers are required for each phase
of power.
DC bus
The next components in this circuit are the choke and the capacitors that make up the filter
section of the VFD. The capacitors and choke provide a filter that removes all of the sinusoidal
ripple and any trace of the original frequency and smoothes out the waveform. The smoother the
DC waveform, the cleaner the output waveform from the drive. The voltage at this point in the

VFD is pure fixed DC voltage. In a 460V unit, you'd measure an average DC bus voltage of
about 650V to 680V. You can calculate this as line voltage times 1.414. The DC bus acts as a
small reservoir for power on which the output VFD draws. If any regenerated energy from the
load remains, it is stored on the DC bus in the capacitors.
Inverter Stage
The DC bus feeds the inverter. As the name implies, this section inverts the DC voltage back to
AC. But, it does so in a variable voltage and frequency output. The inverter contains three pairs
of transistors that deliver power to the motor. Power electronic switches-power transistor or
thyristors such as IGBT, GTO or SCR switch the rectified DC on and off, and a produce a current
or voltage waveform at the desired new frequency. The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
(IGBT) is a common choice in modern VFDs. The IGBT can switch on and off several thousand
times per second and precisely control the power delivered to the motor. The IGBT uses a turnon method named pulse width modulation (PWM) to simulate a current sine wave at the
desired frequency to the motor. Power Electronic switches such as IGBT switch DC voltage at
high speed, producing a series of short-width pulses of constant amplitude. Output voltage is
varied by varying the gain of the inverter or by changing the width and polarity of the switched
pulses. Output frequency is adjusted by changing the number of pulses per half cycle or by
varying the period for each time cycle or by changing the switching cycle time by using
microcontroller. The resulting current in an induction motor simulates a sine wave of the desired
output frequency. The high speed switching action of a PWM inverter results in less waveform
distortion and hence decreases harmonic losses. A diode is connected in reverse bias across each
IGBT to protect it from excess voltage spikes that may occur. The IGBTs are controlled as pairs
so that one will provide the positive part of the PWM sine wave and the other will provide the
negative part of the wave.
Control System
Its function is to control output voltage i.e. voltage vector of inverter being fed to motor and
maintain a constant ratio of voltage to frequency (V/Hz). It consists of an electronic circuit which
receives feedback information from the driven motor and adjusts the output voltage or frequency

to the desired values. Control system may be based on SPWM (Sine Wave PWM), SVPWM
(Space Vector modulated PWM) or some soft computing based algorithm. Controllers may
incorporate many complex control functions. The voltage and the current for the output signal
will be adjusted to provide the correct amount of torque to the motor load. The VFD will
maintain a volts-per-Hertz ratio (V/Hz) to ensure that the motor has sufficient power to provide
torque to respond to changes in the load. The V/Hz ratio can be adjusted slightly to provide more
voltage at lower frequencies if the motor is used in these applications where larger loads must be
moved accurately at lower speeds.

Figure 8: Block diagram of VFD

Drive operation of Motor using VFD

In starting a motor, a VFD initially applies a low frequency and voltage, thus avoiding high
inrush current associated with direct-on-line starting. After the start of the VFD, the applied
frequency and voltage are increased at a controlled rate or ramped up to accelerate the load. This
starting method typically allows a motor to develop 150% of its rated torque while the VFD is
drawing less than 50% of its rated current from the mains in the low-speed range. A VFD can be
adjusted to produce a steady 150% starting torque from standstill right up to full speed. However,
motor cooling deteriorates and can result in overheating as speed decreases such that prolonged
low-speed operation with significant torque is not usually possible without separately motorized
fan ventilation.
With a VFD, the stopping sequence is just the opposite as the starting sequence. The frequency
and voltage applied to the motor are ramped down at a controlled rate. When the frequency
approaches zero, the motor is shut off. A small amount of braking torque is available to help

decelerate the load a little faster than it would stop if the motor were simply switched off and
allowed to coast. Additional braking torque can be obtained by adding a braking circuit (resistor
controlled by a transistor) to dissipate the braking energy. With a four-quadrant rectifier (active
front-end), the VFD is able to brake the load by applying a reverse torque and injecting the
energy back to the AC line.
VFD -Voltage to Frequency Ratio.
In an induction motor voltage induced in stator, E is proportional to the product of the slip
frequency and the air gap flux. The terminal voltage can be considered proportional to the
product of the slip frequency and flux, if stator drop is neglected. Any reduction in the supply
frequency without a change in the terminal voltage causes an increase in the air gap flux which
will cause magnetic saturation of motor. Also the torque capability of motor is decreased. Hence
while controlling a motor with the help of VFD or Variable Frequency Drive we always keep the
V/f ratio constant.
The ratio V/f is kept constant up to the motor base (rated) frequency. From this frequency
upwards the voltage is kept constant at its base (rated) value, while the frequency applied on the
stator windings keeps growing, as shown in Fig.9.

Figure 9

Thereby the region above the base frequency is referred to as field weakening, in which the flux
decreases as a result of frequency increase, causing the motor torque to decrease gradually. The
typical torque versus speed curve of an inverter fed induction motor is illustrated in Fig.10.

Figure 10

It comes out that torque is kept constant up to the base frequency and beyond this point it falls
down (weakening field). Since the output is proportional to torque times speed, it grows linearly
up to the base frequency and from that point upwards it is kept constant. This is summarized by
the graph in Fig.11.

Figure 11


Energy Saving
Primary function of VFD is to provide smooth control along with energy savings. The variable
speed motor drive system is more efficient than all other flow control methods including valves,
turbines, hydraulic transmissions, dampers, etc. Energy cost savings becomes more pronounced
in variable-torque ID fan and pump applications, where the loads torque and power is directly
proportional to the square and cube of the speed respectively. Sometimes it is difficult to match
all three parameters (flow, pressure and speed) at the maximum efficiency point. To select a fan
at maximum efficiency, sometimes the fan needs to be selected at a speed other than synchronous
speed, which becomes possible with a variable speed drive. Also, a fan has higher efficiency
when inlet vanes or inlet dampers are totally eliminated.
Because benefits vary depending on operating speed of the system hence it is important to
calculate benefits for each application before specifying a variable frequency drive.

Figure 12: Power consumption curves of fixed-speed (damper control) and speed controlled (VFD)
ID fan

Increased Reliability, controllability, operability

Adjustable speed motor-drive systems are more reliable than traditional mechanical approaches
to control speed and flow. Unlike mechanical control system they dont have any moving parts
hence they are highly reliable.
Faster and better control together with an increased control range are major reasons for
considering variable speed drive control. Controllability is a major advantage over any damper or
vane controlled fans. Flow varies directly proportional to speed and pressure varies with the
square of the speed. Additionally, the system resistance (pressure drop) varies with the square of
the flow. The superior control of these parameters, flow and pressure, is achieved by adjusting
the speed of the fan with an electric variable speed drive. With inlet vanes or inlet dampers the
control is not as precise.
Lower noise Due to the fact that dampers are eliminated in the fan for flow control and the
elimination of throttling action, the noise level is considerably lower. This usually amounts to 8
to 10 dBA noise reduction.
Soft Starting capability
There is no motor inrush current i.e. starting current (which typically can be 650% of the full
load current), which means less wear and tear and increased lifetime of the motor, coupling and
fan. Additionally, the impact on the supply network is greatly reduced, meaning less likelihood
of causing problematic voltage drops during starting. The inherent feature of the variable speed
drive makes it possible to nullify the effects of inertia and the rate of acceleration of the system
can be adjusted or programmed. Single-speed drives start motors abruptly, subjecting the motor
to high torque and current surges up to 10 times the full-load current. Variable frequency drives
offer a soft start, gradually ramping up a motor to operating speed.
Extended Machine Life and Less Maintenance
Inlet vane or damper control usually requires some periodic maintenance and elimination of inlet

vane controls reduces maintenance costs. As the speed is reduced, the peripheral velocity of the
fan rotor is reduced and, as a result, impingement and sliding velocity of the particles in the gas
is greatly reduced compared to constant speed fans. This increases the fan lifetime and reduces
maintenance. Large ID fans equipped with inlet dampers at certain damper settings can cause a
rotating stall. This can result in ductwork vibrations of very high magnitude, which forces the
user not to operate the fan at the onset of stall or below. Inlet vane controls can cause cone vortex
problems because of too much swirl and can cause ductwork pulsations in the discharge side
ductwork. Speed control of the fan eliminates the use of damper or vane control and, thus, the
pulsation problems are avoided. VFD minimizes the mechanical and electrical stress on the
motors and can reduce maintenance and repair costs and extend the motor life.
Reduced investment in other parts of plant
Because of the soft start capabilities, a less expensive motor having lower inertia capabilities can
be utilized (as long as there is no drive by-pass requirement). When the motor power can be
reduced, savings can also be achieved in the electrical distribution system, as voltage drop due to
direct on line starting is no longer an issue. The distribution system can have a lower fault level. .
Variable frequency drives offer the possibility to rotate the fan at a lower speed to avoid thermal
stratification, thereby eliminating the need for a turning gear. Ability to start a hot gas fan at
ambient conditions at slow speed Though power consumption varies directly with the density
of gas, with speed control, power consumption varies as cube of the speed. As such, a variable
speed fan makes it possible to operate a hot gas fan at ambient conditions at lower speed, and
eliminates the need for a two-speed motor or a larger motor.
High Power Factor
Power converted to rotation, heat, sound, etc. is called active power and is measured in kilowatts
(kW). Power that charges builds magnetic fields or charges capacitor is called reactive power and
is measured in kVAR. The vector sum of the kW and the kVAR is the Apparent Power and is
measured in KVA. Power factor is the ratio of kW/KVA. Typical AC motors may have a full
load power factor ranging from 0.7 to 0.8. As the motor load is reduced, the power
factor becomes low. The advantage of using VFDs is that it includes capacitors in the DC Bus

itself which maintains high power factor on the line side of the Variable Frequency Drive. This
eliminates the need of additional expensive capacitor banks.

Although VFDs offer a number of benefits in terms of lower operating and maintenance costs,
they are not appropriate for all applications. Decreasing the rotational speed of a fan too much
often risks unstable operation, especially with axial fans and some centrifugal fans, such as
backward inclined airfoil and forward-curved types. With these fans, careful review of the
performance curves should precede the selection of a VFD. And these limitations need to be
overcome for use of VFD.
Resonance- Fans, like most rotating machinery, are susceptible to resonance problems.
Resonance is an operating condition in which the natural frequency of some component
coincides with the frequency set up by the rotation. Fans are usually designed so that their
normal operating speeds are not near one of these resonant speeds. However, decreasing the
rotational speed of a fan increases the chances of hitting a resonant speed. The effects of
operating at resonant speeds can be damaging. Depending on which component of the assembly
is in resonance with the fan rotational speed, the vibrations can cause a wide range of problems,
from annoying noise to destructive failure. Shafts, bearings, and foundations are particularly
susceptible to problems with resonance. To avoid resonance problems, VFDs should be
programmed to avoid operating near resonant speeds. This requires knowing what these resonant
speeds are, which, in turn, requires input from the fan manufacturers. Similarly, programming the
VFDs accordingly often requires input from the VFD manufacturers.
High Static Pressure- Another concern is the effect of reducing fan speed in a system with high
static pressure. When a fans rotational speed is reduced, the fan generates less pressure, and
some fans, like many types of turbo-machinery, operate poorly against shut-off conditions. For
example, in many fan systems, duct outlets are equipped with normally closed dampers that
require a certain amount of static pressure to open them. If a VFD slows the fan so that this static
pressure requirement exceeds the pressure generated by the fan, no airflow will be generated and
the fan may operate poorly.

Power Quality- In some VFD applications, power quality can also be a concern. VFDs operate
by varying the frequency of the electric power supplied to the motor. The solid-state switching
that accompanies inverter operation can create voltage spikes that increase motor winding
temperatures, accelerating the rate of insulation degradation. To account for the added winding
heat, conventional motors usually must be de-rated by 5 to 10 percent when used with VFDs. A
classification of motors known as inverter-duty has been developed to improve the matching of
VFDs to motors. VFDs can also generate electrical noise that interferes with the power quality of
the supporting electrical supply. These problems are typically correctable with the installation of
coils or electrical filters. Systems that are sensitive to minor power supply disturbances should be
served separately from the VFD power supply.
VFD Efficiency- Finally, in some applications, anticipated energy savings from VFDs are not
realized because of incomplete consideration of all the losses associated with a VFD installation.
Although at full capacity VFDs can achieve efficiencies of 98 percent, their efficiency at
partloads is often much lower. When considering VFDs, test data from the manufacturer should
be evaluated for the efficiencies at the actual load of the application. Although VFDs offer an
attractive opportunity to reduce energy consumption in many applications, all of these
considerations should be included in any feasibility study or system analysis.

Technical specification of ID Fan:
General specification:
Application: ID Fan
No. per unit: Two
Medium handle: Flue gas

ID Fan Motor rating:

Stator voltage= 6600 V

Type= AC-14236H6A

Current= 137.8 A

Specification= IS:325-78

Stator connection= star

Insulation Class= F

Rotor connection= squirrel cage

Weight= 13130 Kg

Speed= 993 rpm

Serial No. = 32294 - A - 401 01 1

Power= 1300 KW

Division = Haridwar

Frequency= 50 Hz

Year of manufacturing= 1989

Efficiency= 94.90

Bearing Type= Slip Type, Oil Lubricated

Power factor=0.87

Observations: (From Unit Control Board Unit-3, Stage-2)

Damper 100% opened:

Damper 80% opened:

ID Fan A Amp= 140

ID Fan A Amp= 124

ID Fan B Amp=140

ID Fan B Amp=122

Total Air flow= 700 T/H

Total Air flow= 635 T/H

To find air flow at 80%:Let the equation of air flow vs damper opening be:
y = kx2 ;

where y is air flow and

x is damper opening.

Since at 100% damper opening the air flow is 350 T/H.

Hence, 350 = k (100)2
i.e. k= 0.035
Therefore, y = 0.035x2
From above equation,
the air flow at 80% opening= k x2

; where x= 80

= 0.035 *(80)2
=224 T/H
A change in speed (rpm) of any fan will predictably change the pressure and power necessary to
operate it at the new rpm.

Calculation:From the fan law ( flow speed )

Volume threw per rotation by fan is same at different rpm.
At 100% damper opened:
Total Air Flow =350 Ton/ hr
Motor rpm= 993
So Volume threw per rotation= rated air flow / (rated rpm * 60)
=350 / (993*60)
=0.00587 Ton
At x% damper opened:
Total Air Flow y = 0.035*x2 Ton/ hr

Now, no. of rotation required to throw y tons of gas in 1 hour = y / (Volume threw per rotation)
So, no. of rpm for 1 hour = y/ (Volume threw per rotation * 60)
=y / (0.00587 *60)
=(0.035 * x2) / (0.00587 *60)
= 0.0993* x2 rpm
So, At 80% damper opened:
Total Air Flow =224 Ton/ hr
Now, no. of rotation required to throw 224 tons of gas in 1 hour = 224 / (Volume threw per
So, no. of rpm for 1 hour = 224/ (Volume threw per rotation * 60)
=224 / (0.00587 *60)
=635 rpm
Power consumed in conventional way (when damper control system is used) at 80% damper

3 *V*I*cos

3 *6600*124*0.87

=1,233.234 kW
Power consumed in conventional way at 100% damper opened

3 *V*I*cos

3 *6600*140*0.87

=1,392.361 kW
In case of VFD control system:
Power required at 635 rpm (equivalent to damper 80% opened case in conventional way)
(From the fan laws:

Power is directly proportional to speed cube.)

So, power consumed when damper is 80% opened
=(power consumed when damper is 100% opened) * (rpm at 80% damper opened/rpm at 100%
damper opened)3
=1,392.361 * (635/993)3
=364.104 kW
Total power saved= power consumed in conventional way power consumed using VFD
= 1,233.234 364.104
=869.13 KW
If cost of power is Rs. 3 per unit.
Money saved in one year = 869.13*1000 * 3 * 24 * 365
=Rs. 2284.074 crore
Considering 80% availability of a unit in a year
Money saved in one year = 869.13*1000 * 3 * 24 *0.80* 365
=Rs. 1827.259 crore
Similarly, power saved can be calculated at other points.

If we use VFD instead of damper control system in stage-2 ID fan motor then total amount of
approx. Rs. 1827.259 crore can be saved in a year.












damper opening %

power savingin kW







90 100 110

damper opening %

Here, Power saved= Power consumed in conventional way Power consumed using VFD

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