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Availability Analysis of A Power Plant by Computer Simulation

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering

Vol:9, No:4, 2015

Availability Analysis of a Power Plant by Computer

Mehmet Savsar

 considered by many researchers, and several papers have

Abstract—Reliability and availability of power stations are appeared in the literature. Proctor et al. [1] developed a
extremely important in order to achieve a required level of power stochastic algorithm for reliability modeling of a gas turbine
generation. In particular, in the hot desert climate of Kuwait, reliable standby system in Saudi Arabia. Eti, et al. [2], [3] have
power generation is extremely important because of cooling considered reliability analysis of a thermal power station in
requirements at temperatures exceeding 50-centigrade degrees. In this
paper, a particular power plant, named Sabiya Power Plant, which
Nigeria and discussed related issues. Majeed and Sadeq [4]
has 8 steam turbines and 13 gas turbine stations, has been studied in have studied availability and reliability analysis of a
detail; extensive data are collected; and availability of station units hydropower station in Iraq and used Markov model to study
are determined. Furthermore, a simulation model is developed and system reliability. Borges and Falcao [5] have studied the
Digital Open Science Index, Energy and Power Engineering Vol:9, No:4, 2015

used to analyze the effects of different maintenance policies on optimal distribution of electrical generation, reliability, losses,
availability of these stations. The results show that significant and possible improvements. Alardhi et al. [6] developed a
improvements can be achieved in power plant availabilities if
appropriate maintenance policies are implemented.
preventive maintenance schedule for multi cogeneration
power plants with production constraints by using
Keywords—Power plants, steam turbines, gas turbines, mathematical programming. Kancev and Cepin [7] showed
maintenance, availability, simulation. that testing and maintenance improve the reliability of safety
systems and components in nuclear power plants, which is of
I. INTRODUCTION special importance for standby systems. Marseguerra. and Zio

P OWER generation is a vital operation in all countries.

Extensive reliance on power in today’s society makes it
essential to have a necessary production with reliable output
[8] tried to optimize maintenance and repair policies via a
combination of genetic algorithms and Monte Carlo
over time. Power stations in Gulf countries are driven by In this paper, we have considered availability analysis of a
inexpensive and generously available fuel and gas. Kuwait is special power plant in Kuwait. In particular, we have selected
one of these countries where the real beginning of electricity one of the six power plants in Kuwait and collected extensive
generation started in 1934 by the establishment of Electrical data on failures and maintenance over the past ten years. Next,
National Company. Since then, several power plants with we have utilized this data to determine mean time between
numerous steam and gas turbine units have been established in failures and related distributions for steam and gas turbine
order to meet the ever-increasing demand for electricity. units. Inherent and operational availabilities of the stations.
A steam turbine is used in a cogeneration plant, which Are determined based on the data collected. A simulation
generates electricity as well as desalinated water in a complex model is then developed to determine the effects of two
process consisting of several subsystems. In general, a steam different maintenance policies, namely the age-based and the
turbine cogeneration station consists of a furnace, a boiler, a block based maintenance policies, on system availability.
turbine, a generator, a condenser, and some auxiliary units. A
gas turbine station, on the other hand, consists of an air II. POWER STATIONS IN KUWAIT
compressor, a combustion chamber, a turbine, a generator, and Starting from 1934, several power stations have been
auxiliary units. Gas turbines are used to generate electricity established in Kuwait. While gas turbine stations have a
only and may be of open type cycle or combined cycle. Both, smaller capacity and are utilized for generating electricity only,
steam and gas turbines include very complex machinery, steam turbines are used in cogeneration systems with the
which are subject to various types of failures that affect larger capacity to generate electricity and desalinated water
availability. together. Table I shows the list of power plants, power units
It is necessary to determine system availability for both in each station, and the installed capacities. In this paper, only
types of stations, in order to be able to predict maximum Sabiya power plant has been considered, and detailed
possible electrical utility generation from these stations. availability analysis is performed, while other stations are left
Reliability and availability analysis of power plants have been for future studies. As seen in Table I, Sabiya power plant has 8
steam and 13 gas turbines, with a total installed capacity of
Mehmet Savsar, Professor of Industrial & Management Systems Eng., 4870 MW.
Kuwait University, P.O. Box 5969 Safat 13060, Kuwait (e-mail:

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 9(4) 2015 495
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
Vol:9, No:4, 2015

Table II shows different types of failures, which have obtain overall combined mean time between all maintenance
frequently occurred in Sabiya steam turbines. The related and mean time to perform a maintenance (MT) for both
mean time between failures (MTBF), failure rates (λ) and corrective and preventive actions:
mean time to repair (MTTR) are given in the table based on
historical data. Table II shows the two different types of MTBMc=1/(1/MTBF+1/MTBM) =1/(λ+π) (3)
failures for the gas turbines in Sabiya Station and related
MTBF, mean corrective time (Mct) and failure rates. Table IV MT=(λ*Mct + π*Mpt)/(λ+π) (4)
shows the maintenance parameters, including mean time
MTBMc calculations are done by using combined MTBF,
between preventive maintenance (MTBM), mean preventive
combined failure rates, MTBM, and maintenance rates from
time (MPMT), and related rates for steam turbine and gas
Tables II and III for steam and gas turbines. Furthermore, MT
turbine units. Note that two failures are combined as follows:
calculations are made using the combined Mct values from
TABLE I Tables II and III and Mpt values from Table IV for the steam
POWER STATIONS IN KUWAIT and gas turbines separately. Table V shows the calculated
Number Installed Number Installed combined MTBMc and mean maintenance time (MT) values
Station Name of Steam Capacity of Gas Capacity
Turbines (MW) Turbines (MW)
for each type of turbine. There are three types of availabilities
Shuwaikh 0 6 42 in a system with related formulas as given below:
Shuaiba 6 120 4 108
Digital Open Science Index, Energy and Power Engineering Vol:9, No:4, 2015

Doha East 7 150 6 18 Inherent Availability, Ai = MTBF/(MTBF+Mct) (5)

Doha West 8 300 5 30
Al Zor South 8 300 19 124
Achieved Availability, Aa = MTBMc/(MTBMc+M) (6)
Sabiya 8 300 13 190
Operational Availability, Ao = MTBMc/(MTBMc+MDT) (7)
Combined MTBF= 1/(λ1+λ2) (1) where MDT=MT+logistic and administrative delays.
Assuming such delays are negligible, system availabilities are
Similarly, two MTTR for different types of failures are
calculated and presented in Table V for steam and gas turbines.
combined by using weighted average as follows:
MTBMc: Combined Inherent Operational
TABLE II Types of
Combined down time Availability Availability
(Hours) (MDT) (Ai) (Ao)
MTBF Failure Rate/ MTTR (Hours) Repair Rate/ Steam 3829.75 599.77 0.986 0.865
Types of Failures
(Hours) 1000 hours. (λ) (Mct) Hour (µ) Gas 723.70 181.89 0.967 0.799
Emergency 79000 1.2658E-05 232 0.00431
Tripping 11500 8.6957E-05 131 0.00763
As it can be seen from Table V, inherent availabilities are
Combined Failures 10038.7 0.0000996 143.8 0.0069541
high, such as 0.986 for steam turbines and 0.967 for gas
turbines. However, operational availabilities, which are real
DIFFERENT FAILURE AND REPAIR RATES FOR GAS TURBINES availabilities in the operational environment, are low such as
Types of Failures
MTBF Failure Rate/ MTTR (Hours) Repair Rate/ 0.865 for steam turbines and 0.799 for gas turbines. This is
(Hours) 1000 hours. (λ) (Mct) Hour (µ) due to the performance of maintenance, which are essential for
Emergency 1130 0.000885 24.7 0.040486
keeping the system operational. Exclusion of maintenance
Tripping 3160 0.000317 38.3 0.026111
may result in frequent failures, which in turn could result in
Combined Failures 832.4 0.001201 28.3 0.035336
extended down times and very low availabilities. In order to
increase operational availabilities, Mpt and Mct, should be
MAINTENANCE PARAMETERS FOR STEAM AND GAS TURBINES reduced by employing more repair personnel.
MTBM Maintenance Rate/ MPMT (Hours) PM Rate/
Types of Turbines
Steam 6192 0.0001615 881 0.0011351 AVAILABILITIES
Gas 5544 0.0001804 1205 0.0008299
Maintenance procedures and policies can have significant
effects on system availabilities. In order to analyze the effects
of maintenance policies on Sabiya Power Station availability
In order to determine availability measures, it is necessary for both steam and gas turbines, we have developed a
to combine MTBF for corrective maintenance and MTBM for simulation model based on ARENA [9] software. As it is
preventive maintenance and come up with a combined known from general practice, there are two types of equipment
MTBMc. Also, related repairs must be combined by using stoppages in the most general sense. The first type is the
appropriate rates as weights. The following equations are stoppage due to random failures, which require a corrective
utilized to combine these maintenance and repair times to maintenance (CM) or repair actions. The second type is the

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International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
Vol:9, No:4, 2015

stoppage due to preventive maintenance (PM), which require rescheduled from the time the repair is completed. Effectively,
time to perform PM. The corrective time is denoted as MCt, it is assumed that the equipment is renewed and starts as fresh.
while the preventive time is denoted as Mpt. As a result of The second policy is called block based maintenance (BBM)
these two stoppages, there are two general types of policy, in which case, each stoppage is independent of the
maintenance, called maintenance policies. The first policy is others and if a failure occurs and a repair is completed, the
called age-based maintenance (ABM) policy, in which case, following PM is not rescheduled; it is performed at the
whenever the equipment is stopped for either CM or PM, scheduled time even if it is shortly after the failure.
whichever comes first, the next maintenance for CM or PM is

ST C M Firs t C M
0 Tru e
R es c hedule PM
PM Before CM W ait U ntil PM Perfor m PM
and C M

0 Fa l s e
ST PM Firs t PM

W ait U ntil C M Per for m C M
Digital Open Science Index, Energy and Power Engineering Vol:9, No:4, 2015

Fig. 1 Snapshot of simulation model for ABP

0 T ru e
ST CM First CM PM Schedule Wait Until PM Perform PM Reschedule PM Count CMs

0 Fa ls e

ST PM First PM
Wait Until CM Perform CM Reschedule CM Count PMs

Fig. 2 Snapshot of simulation model for BBP

The simulation model is run for each maintenance policy is changed from blocked based policy to age-based policy. For
for each type of system, steam turbines and gas turbines, in example, for the case of steam turbines, the availability is
order to observe the system availability under different increased from 85.88% to 88.60%, while in the case of gas
operational conditions. Fig. 1 shows a snapshot of the turbines, it is increased from 78.72% to 93.1%. This very high
simulation model for the ABP and Fig. 2 shows a snapshot for increase in the gas turbines is because gas turbines fail more
BBP. In the simulation model, failures and maintenance are frequently and each time a failure occurs, the following PM is
generated based on the random times and the necessary repairs eliminated by combining with the failure. The next PM is
are done based on the selected policy. As it can be seen in the rescheduled from the time repair is completed. Effectively, the
model of Fig. 1, in ABP, the next failure or maintenance is majority of the times the PM are combined with the CM since
rescheduled after any failure or maintenance is performed. MTBF is much smaller than MTBM.
However, in the BBP, the next failure or maintenance is
rescheduled after occurrence the respective failure or the TABLE VI
maintenance operation and the completion of the necessary POLICIES
repair or maintenance action. The difference is in the Types of Ao Ao- ABP Ao Ao- BBP
rescheduling of the next CM or PM. Using the data collected Turbines ABP Confidence Limits BBP Confidence Limits
for each type of turbine unit in the power station, we have Steam 0.886 (0.876, 0.896) 0.8588 (0.839, 0.879)
simulated the steam turbines and gas turbines separately and Gas 0.931 (0.930, 0.932) 0.7872 (0.7772,0.7972)
determined the effect of different policies on system
availabilities. The simulation was run for a period of 10 years, V. CONCLUSIONS
assuming 24 hours of operation per day. Each case was One of the major problems faced in the operation of power
replicated 30 times in order to determine 95% confidence plants is a determination of turbine unit availability under
limits on availability values estimated. Table VI shows the different operational conditions and maintenance policies.
simulation results for each case. This is essential in order to estimate the expected maximum
As it can be seen from the results in Table VI, power station possible electrical utility output from the se stations. In this
availability is significantly increased when maintenance policy paper, we have taken a particular power station, which

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
Vol:9, No:4, 2015

consisted of 8 steam turbine units and 13 gas turbine units.

Data was collected from historical records, and various failure,
and maintenance related parameters were estimated. Next, a
simulation model was developed, and the power station
availabilities were determined assuming system was operated
under different maintenance policies. It was found that ABP
resulted in higher availabilities than BBP. Assuming that the
system was operated with ABP, the operational capacity for
utility electrical generation could be calculated by multiplying
the availability with the installed capacity. For example,
operational capacity would be 8*(300)*0.886=2126.4 MW for
the steam turbines, and 13*(190)*0.0.931=2299.57 MW for
the gas turbines. Modeling and analysis procedures and the
results presented in this paper are expected to be a useful
guide for operational engineers and maintenance managers in
power plants for further analysis and improvements of systems.
Digital Open Science Index, Energy and Power Engineering Vol:9, No:4, 2015

[1] Proctor, C.L., El-Tamimi, A. and Savsar, M., “Reliability Modeling of a
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improved operation of the Afam thermal power-station,” Applied
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[4] Majeed, A. and Sadiq, N. (2006) “Availability & Reliability Evaluation
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[5] Borges, C.L.T. and Falcao, D.M. (2006). “Optimal distributed
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[6] Alardhi, M., Hannam, R.G., and Labib, A.W. (2007). “Preventive
maintenance scheduling for multi-cogeneration plants with production
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[7] Kancev, D. and Cepin, M. (2010). “The price of risk reduction:
Optimization of test and maintenance integrating risk and cost,” Nuclear
Engineering and Design, 22, 35-45.
[8] Marseguerra, M., and Zio, E. (2000), “Optimizing maintenance and
repair policies via a combination of genetic algorithms and Monte Carlo
simulation”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 68(1): 69-83.
[9] Kelton, W. D., Sadowski, R. P., and Swets, N. B. Simulation with Arena,
5th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 2010.

Mehmet Savsar is a professor of Industrial Engineering at College of

Engineering & Petroleum at Kuwait University. He has over 160 publications
in international journals and conference proceedings. He is on the editorial
board of several journals and conferences. He is a senior member of the IIE
and a member of INFORMS.
Dr. Savsar holds a Ph.D. degree from the Industrial Engineering
Department of the Pennsylvania State University, USA. Prior to joining
Kuwait University, he worked in USA, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia as a
researcher and faculty member in various universities. His main research areas
are quality, reliability, maintenance, simulation, and facility location analysis.

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