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25 CFR Ch. I (4-1-15 Edition) 214.12: 214.12 Time of Payment of Royalties

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25 CFR Ch. I (4115 Edition)

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214.12 Time of payment of royalties.

Royalties on all minerals produced in
any quarter (January-March, AprilJune, July-September, October-December) shall be paid on or before the 25th
day of the month next succeeding, and
the remittance shaIl be accompanied
by sworn reports covering all operations, whether there has been production or not. Annual advance rentals
shall be paid within 10 days after the
beginning of the lease year.
214.13 Diligence; annual expenditures; mining records.
(a) Lessees shall exercise diligence in
the conduct of prospecting and mining
operations, and on all leases referred to
in 214.8(a) shall expend annually in development work a sum which with the
annual rental shall make an amount of
not less than $5 per acre. On all leases
referred to in 214.8 (b) and (c) there
shall be expended annually in development work a sum which inclusive of
the annual rental shall make an
amount of not less than $1 for each
acre or fraction thereof included in the
lease. The lands covered by each lease
referred to in 214.8 (d) shall be
prospected for lead and zinc ores by
drilling within 1 year test holes aggregating 2,000 feet unless a sufficient ore
body is discovered to justify the sinking of a shaft to the ore body and the
erecting of a mill when such tract may
be released from further prospecting by
the written consent of the superintendent: Provided, That within 90
days after an ore body of sufficient
quantity is discovered, and shown by
the logs or records of the drill holes, to
justify the expenditure, the sinking of
a shaft to the ore body, and the erection of a mill shall be commenced and
continued to completion without cessation of work thereon, barring unavoidable accidents or causes beyond
the control of the lessee.
(b) Lessee shall keep upon the leased
premises accurate records of the drilling, redrilling, or deepening of all holes
showing the formations, and upon the
completion of such holes, copies of
such records shall be transmitted to
the superintendent by the lessee after
the first completion and of any further
drilling thereafter, and a failure to so
furnish report within the time pre-

scribed shall be considered a violation

of the regulations. Lessee shall, before
commencing operations, file with the
superintendent a plat and preliminary
statement of how the openings are to
be made and the property developed.

Use of surface lands.

(a) Lessees may use so much of the

surface of the leased land as shall be
prospecting and mining operations and
buildings required by the lease, and
shall also have the right-of-way over
and across such land to any point of
prospecting or mining operations, but
such use of the surface shall be permissible only under condition of least injury and inconvenience to the allottee
or owner of the land. Lessees before
commencing and during such operations shall pay all reasonable damages
for the use of the surface land and to
any growing crops thereon, or to improvements on said land, or any damage that during the life of the lease
may be occasioned in any manner
whatsoever by the use of the surface,
to the allottee or his successor in interest or assignee, or to a lessee of the
surface of said land or to an oil and gas
lessee, damages to be apportioned
among the parties interested in the
surface, whether as owner, lessee, or
otherwise, as the parties in interest
may mutually agree or as their interests may appear. If the parties are unable to agree concerning damages the
same shall be determined by arbitration.
(b) All agreements (or authenticated
copies thereof) providing for the settlement of damages shall be filed in the
Osage Agency if the surface owner is a
restricted Indian, and all such amounts
which may be due and payable to any
such Indian shall be paid to the superintendent and by him immediately remitted to the Indian entitled thereto.
All sums due as royalty or damages
shall be a lien on all equipment on
leased premises.


Lessees and those acting under them

shall not conduct prospecting or mining operations within or upon any
homestead selection without written


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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior


consent of the Secretary of the Interior.

214.16 Settlement of damages.
Any person, other than a lessee or an
allottee or the heirs of a deceased allottee, claiming an interest in any
leased tract or in damages thereto
must furnish to the officer in charge a
statment in writing showing his interest, and failure to furnish such statement shall constitute a waiver of notice and estop said person from claiming any part of such damages after the
same shall have been disbursed.
214.17 Use of timber from restricted
Lessees will not be permitted to use
any timber from any Osage lands not
relieved of restrictions upon alienation
except under written agreement with
the owner approved by the officer in

lpowell on DSK54DXVN1OFR with $$_JOB

214.18 Assignments.
Approved leases or any interest
therein may be transferred or assigned
with the consent and approval of the
Secretary of the Interior and not otherwise. Transfers or assignments, when
so approved, shall be subject to the
terms and conditions of the original
leases and regulations under which
such leases were approved as well as to
such additional requirements as the
Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. The transferee or assignee shall
furnish with his transfer or assignment
a satisfactory bond as prescribed in
214.4 in connection with leases. Any
attempt to transfer or assign an approved lease or any interest therein
without the consent and approval of
the Secretary of the Interior shall be
absolutely void and shall subject the
original lease to cancellation in the
discretion of the secretary.
214.19 Cancellation.
When a lessee makes application for
the cancellation of a lease in whole or
in part, all royalties or rentals due up
to and including the date of the application for cancellation must be paid,
and that part of the lease delivered to
the lessee shall be surrendered before
such application will be considered. In
the event a lease is surrendered for

cancellation in whole or in part, after a

new lease year has been entered upon,
the lessee and his surety shall be liable
for the advance rentals required to be
paid under the lease for that year, and
no part of such rentals which may have
been paid shall be refunded.
214.20 Annual reports by corporate
Lessees and assignees must submit to
the officer in charge on January 1, of
each year and at such other times as
may be required by the Secretary of
the Interior, a statement containing
the information called for in 214.3(a)
and (f) and also showing any changes in
officers or changes in or additions to
stockholders. At any time individual
stockholders may be required to show
to the satisfaction of the Secretary of
the Interior in what companies or with
what persons or firms they are interested in mining leases on the Osage
Reservation and whether they hold
such stock or interest for themselves
or in trust.
214.21 Inspection of lessees books
and records.
Lessees shall allow the agents and
representatives of the lessor, or any
authorized representative of the Interior Department, to enter, from time
to time, upon and into all parts of the
leased premises for the purpose of inspection, and their books and records
showing manner of operations and persons interested, shall be open at all
times for the examination of such officers of the department as shall be instructed by the Secretary of the Interior to make such examinations.

Serving of notices.

Wherever notice is provided for in

this part it shall be sufficient if notice
has been mailed to the last known
place of address of the party, and time
shall begin to run with the day next
ensuing after the mailing or from the
date of delivery of personal notice; but
where the party is outside the State of
Oklahoma the officer in charge may, in
his discretion, increase the time allowed.


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