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30TH APR 2024








THIS AGREEMENT is made the day and year stated in Section 1 of the First Schedule
hereto between the party whose name and description are stated in Section 2 of the First
Schedule hereto (hereinafter called the "Landlord") of the one part and the party whose
name and description are stated in Section 3 of the First Schedule hereto (hereinafter
called the "Tenant") of the other part.


1. The Landlord is the registered/beneficial proprietor of the property more

particularly referred to and described in Section 4 of the First Schedule here to
which said property is (hereinafter referred to as the Demised Premises).

2. The Landlord is desirous of letting and the Tenant is desirous of taking the Premises
together with furniture, fixtures and fittings as described in the Second Schedule
hereto (hereinafter referred to as "the Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings") subject to the
terms and conditions hereinafter contained.


1. Subject to the terms and conditions herein contained the Landlord hereby grants and
the Tenant hereby accepts a tenancy of the Demised Premises for the term,
commencing from the date and terminating on the date stated in Section 5(a), 5(b)
and 5(c) respectively of the First Schedule hereto.

2. The monthly rental stipulated in Section 6 (a) of the First Schedule hereto shall be
due and payable in advance in the manner and at the time stipulated in Section 6 (b)
of the First Schedule hereto.

3. The Tenant shall upon execution of this Agreement and prior to the occupation of the
Demised Premises pay the Landlord the Security Deposit stipulated in Section 7 of
the First Schedule hereto (receipt whereof the Landlord hereby acknowledges) as
security for the due observance and performance by the Tenant of all his duties and
obligations hereunder and on its part to be performed and fulfilled. The said sums
shall be maintained at this figure during the term of this tenancy and shall not without
the previous written consent of the Landlord be deemed to be or treated as payment
of rent and the same shall be returned to the Tenant free of interest upon expiry or
sooner determination of the term hereby created less any sums as may then be due
to the Landlord for damage caused to the Demised Premises and/or the Furniture,
Fixtures and Fittings by the Tenant (damage due to normal wear and tear excepted).

4. The Tenant shall upon execution of this Agreement and prior to the occupation of the
Demised Premises pay the Landlord the water and electricity deposits stipulated in
Section 8 of the First Schedule hereto (collectively as the Utility Deposits). The
Utility Deposits shall be refunded free of interest to the Tenant upon the
determination of the term hereby created less such sums as any be due and
outstanding. For the purposes of determining the current deposits, it is hereby agreed
that photocopy of the requisite receipt notice or other written communication from the
relevant Department shall be provided to the Tenant and shall be conclusive.


5.1 To pay the reserved rent on the days and in the manner aforesaid.
5.2 To pay all charges due and incurred in respect of electricity, telecommunication
charges and water consumed on the Demised Premises as well as sewerage
disposal. Upon request from the Landlord the Tenant shall produce the receipts to
show that the charges are paid up-to-date.
5.3 To keep the said Demised Premises, the Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings listed in the
Second Schedule hereto (if any) together with any additions thereto in a good and
tenantable repair and condition (normal wear and tear excepted) and to replace or
repair any of the aforesaid items and any part of the Demised Premises and the
Landlord's Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings which shall be damaged.

5.4 Not to make or permit to be made any alterations in or additions to the Demised
Premises or the Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings decorations therein without having
first obtained the written license and consent of the Landlord thereof and in the event
of such license and consent being given to carry-out at the Tenant's own expense
such alterations with such materials and such manner and at such times as shall be
designated by the Landlord and upon the determination of the term hereby created, if
required by the Landlord, to restore the Demised Premises to its original state and
condition at the expense of the Tenant.

5.5 To permit the Landlord and/or his duly authorised representatives upon giving three
(3) days' previous notice at all reasonable times to enter upon and examine the
condition of the said Demised Premises, whereupon the Landlord shall be entitled to
serve the Tenant a notice in writing specifying therein any repairs necessary to be
carried out and requiring the Tenant to forthwith to execute the same and if the
Tenant shall not within fourteen (14) days after service of such notice proceed
diligently with the execution of such repairs or works or shall not have selected a
contractor that can execute such repairs or works, then the Landlord with or without
workmen and others shall be entitled to enter upon the said Demised Premises and
execute the repairs and the Tenant agrees that the costs thereof shall be a debt from
the Tenant to the Landlord and be forthwith recoverable upon demand and provided
that the Landlord provides the Tenant with proof of such debt having been actually

5.6 To use the Demised Premises only for the purpose stipulated in the Section 10 of the
First Schedule hereto and not to use or permit or suffer the use thereof for any other
purpose Save and Except for the specific purpose herein stated and further not to do
or permit or suffer anything to be done in or about the Demised Premises or any part
thereof which may become a nuisance or cause damage or inconvenience to the
Landlord or the Tenant or occupiers of neighbouring premises.

5.7 Not to assign, sublet, or part with the actual and/or legal possession or the use of the
said Demised Premises or part thereof for any term whatsoever without first obtaining
the previous consent in writing from the Landlord.

5.8 Not to do or permit to be done on the said Demised Premises anything which may or
will infringe any of the laws, bye-laws or regulation made by the Government of the
Federation of Malaysia or any competent authority affecting the said Demised
Premises or whereby the policy or policies of insurance against loss or damage by
fire may become void or voidable or whereby the rates of premium payable thereon
may be increased to repay the Landlord upon demand all sums paid by way of
increased premium.

5.9 On the termination of the term hereby created to clear up any rubbish and peaceably
and quietly deliver up to the Landlord vacant possession of the Demised Premises
and the Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in good, clean and proper state of tenantable
repair and condition. The Tenant may remove all fixtures, fittings or other
installations belonging to the Tenant but shall make good any damage caused to the
Demised Premises or any part thereof by the installation or removal of such fixtures,
fittings or installations.
5.10 Not to store or bring upon the Demised Premises arms ammunitions or unlawful
goods gunpowder or any-explosive or any article or articles of a specially
combustible inflammable or dangerous nature and unlawful goods in any part of the
Demised Premises.

5.11 During the two (2) months immediately preceding the termination of the tenancy
unless the Tenant shall have given notice of his intention to renew the tenancy as
hereinafter provided, to permit persons with the written authority from the Landlord at
all reasonable times of the day to view the Demised Premises for the purpose of
letting the same.

5.12 To have the air-conditioners provided by the Landlord cleaned and serviced at least
once every Six (6) months by a competent agent or contractor and a copy of the
payment receipt is to be given to the Landlord.

5.13 To be responsible for all minor repairs and routine maintenance of the Demised
Premises throughout the term of this Tenancy in respect of any item, the cost of the
repair of which does not exceed RM200.00 only. In respect of the repair of other
items of which exceeds RM200.00 such costs shall be borne by the Landlord in full,
provided that it is not due to the negligent or careless acts or omissions of the
Tenant. For the purpose of this clause, minor repairs and routine maintenance does
not include any repair, maintenance or attendance to the structure of the Demised
Premises which includes but not limits to the roof, exterior, walls, ceiling and wiring,
structure, major plumbing works, drains and pipes.
5.14 At any given point in time, there would be only a maximum of 5 persons will reside in
the said premises. The details of which are mentioned in the Third Schedule


6.1 To pay the Quit Rent, assessment, service charges and other outgoings relating to
the Demised Premises other than those herein agreed to be paid by the Tenant.

6.2 At all times through the period of this Agreement to keep the Demised Premises
except the furniture, fixtures therein belonging to the Tenant insured against loss or
damage by fire or tempest and in case of destruction by fire or tempest to replace or
reinstate the same as speedily as possible.

6.3 To maintain and keep the main structure of the Demised Premises that is the roof,
main walls and timbers, drains, water pipes and electrical wiring in good and
tenantable repair condition throughout the term hereby created except as regards
damage to the premises caused by or resulting from any act of default or negligence
of the Tenant or his servants or agents and except as hereinbefore covenanted to be
done by the Tenant, then the Tenant shall carry out such repairs at their own cost
and expenses.

6.4 Upon the Tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and observing and performing the
covenants, obligations and stipulations herein on his part contained, to allow the
Tenant to peaceably hold and enjoy the Demised Premises without interruption from
the Landlord or any persons rightfully claiming through under or in trust for him.


BOTH PARTIES as follows:

7.1 If at any time the rent or any part thereof (whether formally demanded or not) shall
remain unpaid or unsatisfied for fourteen (14) days after becoming payable or if any
of the Tenant's covenant shall not be performed or observed or if the Tenant
shall suffer execution on the Demised Premises or if the Tenant shall become a
bankrupt or being a company or corporation shall go into liquidation otherwise than
for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction or if the Tenant for the time being
shall enter into any composition with the Tenant's creditors or suffer any distress or
execution to be levied on the Tenant's goods then and in any of those events it shall
be lawful for the Landlord or any persons authorised by the Landlord in that behalf at
any time thereafter to re-enter upon the Demised Premises or any part thereof in the
name of the whole and thereupon this tenancy shall absolutely determine but without
prejudice to any right of action or remedy of the Landlord in respect of any breach of
the Tenant's covenants herein contained. In addition the Landlord has the right to cut
water supply should the rent remains unpaid for more than 1 (one) month.

7.2 If the Demised Premises or any part thereof shall be destroyed by fire (except where
such fire has been caused by the fault or negligence of the Tenant) so as to be unfit
for use, then the Landlord shall undertake best effort to provide the Tenant with a
suitable alternative and the rent hereby covenanted to be paid shall be cancelled until
the Demised Premises shall again be rendered fit for habitation and use and if the
Demised Premises or any part thereof is not rendered fit for occupation or use within
fourteen (14) days from the date of the event either party hereto may determine the
Tenancy immediately.

7.3 In the event the Tenant shall be desirous of taking a tenancy of the Demised
Premises for a further term, the Tenant shall before the expire of the term hereby
created give the Landlord Two (2) months' written notice of the same. Provided
always that the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall have been duly
observed and performed by the Tenant, the Landlord shall grant the Tenant a further
term of tenancy as is specified in Section 9 of the First Schedule hereto upon the
same terms and conditions (save and except for this clause) and at a rental to be
agreed upon, before the expiry of the term hereby created. If upon the expiry of the
term hereby created, the parties are still unable to agree upon a new rate of rental for
the Demised Premises, the Tenant shall be deemed not to have exercised his rights
stipulated hereunder in respect of the renewal of the tenancy for a further term and
thereafter Clause 5.9 of this Agreement shall apply.

7.4 There shall be no termination of the tenancy during the first twelve (12) months by
either party. In case of early termination, a sum equivalent to the remaining period of
the first eight months tenancy period shall be compensated by whichever party who
initiated the early termination.

7.5 After the period of twelve (12) months, the Tenant shall be entitled to terminate this
tenancy agreement at any time before the expiry of the term hereby created in the
event of any of the following:

7.5.1 the Tenant being a natural person or the occupant (in the case of the Tenant being a
Company) shall be required to obtained the issue or renewal under the Immigration
Act 1959/63 and the regulations made thereunder of a work permit for the Tenant's
or, as the case may be, the occupant's continued employment in Malaysia but shall
be unable to obtain such work permit or the renewal thereof, or

7.5.2 the Tenant being a natural person or the occupant (in the case of the Tenant being a
Company) shall die or resign from the employment , or

7.5.3 the Tenant being a natural person or the occupant (in the case of the Tenant being a
Company) shall be transferred out of Wilayah Persekutuan or Selangor then the
Tenant shall be entitled if the Tenant shall have performed and observed stipulations
contained in the Tenancy Agreement and on the Tenant's part to be performed and
observed, to terminate the Tenancy in the manner as follows:

7.5.3i) by giving the Landlord not less than two (2) month's notice in writing of termination
together with reasonable evidence in the case described in sub-clause 7.5.1
aforesaid of the refusal of the Work Permit or the renewal thereof or in the case
described in sub-clause 7.5.2. of the death or resignation of the tenant or, in the case
described in sub-clause 7.5.3 of the transfer of the Tenant: or

7.5.3ii) by paying the Landlord two (2) months' rental in lieu of notice thereof.

7.6 In the event the Landlord shall be desirous of selling the said Demised Premises
prior to the expiration of the term hereby created, the Landlord hereby covenants,
undertakes and agrees that such sale shall be subject to this tenancy and shall
procure the Purchaser to continue with the terms and conditions of this Agreement in
lieu of the Landlord.

7.7 All costs and incidentals to the preparation and completion of this Agreement
including stamp duty shall be borne by the Tenant.

7.8 Any notice in writing under the terms and conditions of this Agreement to be sent to
either party hereto on the other shall be by prepaid registered and shall be deemed
to be sufficiently served at the time when the ordinary course of post would have
been delivered.

8 In this Agreement :

8.1 The terms "Landlord" and "Tenant" shall include their heirs, personal
representatives and successors in title.

8.2 Words importing the masculine gender only shall include feminine and neuter
genders and vice versa.

8.3 Words importing the singular number only shall include the plural and vice versa.

8.4 This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Federation of
Malaysia and the parties hereto submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts
of Malaysia.

(The rest of the page is intentionally left blank)

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunder set their hands the day and
year specified in Section 1 of the First Schedule hereto.



PASSPORT NO: Z3673510 )

In the presence of: )



SDN BHD (1433475-T) )

In presence of )
(Which is to be taken, read and construed as an essential part of this Agreement)



1. Date of Agreement This 30TH day of APR 2024

2. Description of Landlord RAJIV JAYANT MANGHNANI

(Name,Passport NO) INDIAN PASSPORT No: Z3673510


3. Description of Tenant


Premises LUMPUR 50480.

5 a. Term One (1) years

5 b. Commencing 01 MAY 2024

5 c. Terminating 30 APR 2025

6 a. Monthly Rental Malaysian Ringgit Two Thousand One Hundred Only


Payment of rent to be made by banking into:

BANK ACCOUNT NO: 8000591266

7. Security Deposits Malaysian Ringgit Two Thousand One Hundred Only

(1. 5months rental) (RM3,150.00)

8. Utility Deposits Malaysian Ringgit One Thousand One Hundred Twenty

Five Only (RM1,050.00)

9. Option To Renew One (1) year at rental to be mutually agreed upon.

10. Use of the Demised Residential purpose only.

List of Fixtures, Furniture & Appliances:-

Living Room:-
1. Dining Table with 6 chairs
2. A sofa set (3 pieces)
3. T.V Trolley
4. 32” LED TV
5. Wooden Sitting Area
6. Lights & Fixtures
7. 1.5 Ton split Unit Air conditioner
1. Fridge
2. Microwave
3. Toaster
4. Kettle
5. Washing Machine
6. Pots, Pans & Cutlery
7. Mugs & Glasses
8. Taps, Lights & other fixtures
Master Bedroom
1. Three Door Wardrobe
2. Table Fan
3. Kind Size bed with mattress
4. 1.5 tons split Unit Air Conditioner
5. Side Table with Mirror.
Master Bedroom Toilet
1. Water Heater
2. Basic Lights & Fixtures
Bedroom 2 (Adjacent to Master Bedroom)
1. 1.0 Ton Split Unit Air Conditioner
2. Ironing Board with Iron
3. Small Centre Table
4. Queen Size with mattress
5. Basic lights & fixtures

Toilet 2 (Adjacent to bedroom 2)

1. Water Heater
2. Basic lights & fixtures

Bedroom 3 (Guest Bedroom)

1. 1.0 Ton Split Unit Air Condiitioner
2. Queen size bed with mattress
3. Basic Lights & Fixtures

Details of Persons Staying in the said property

Sr No Name Nationality IC/ Passport #


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