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A Static Compensator Model For Use With Electromagnetic Transients Simulation Programs

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IEEE Transactions on Power Dclivery, Vol. 5, NO. 3, July 1990


A.M. Gole, Member

Dept. of Electrical Engineering
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Abstract - A static var compensator (SVC) model based on state variable techniques is presented. This model is capable of being interfaced to a parent (or host) electromagnetic transients program, and a
stable method of interfacing to the EMTDC program, in particular, is
described. The model is primarily that of a thyristor controlled reactor
(TCR) and a thyristor switched capacitor (TSC) . Capacitor switchings
within the TSC have been handled in a novel way to simplify storage
and computation time requirements. During thyristor switching, the
child SVC model is capable of using a smaller timestep than the one
used by the parent electromagnetic transients program: after the
switching, the SVC model is capable of reverting back to a (larger)
timestep compatible with the one used by the parent program. Other
features that are considered include the modeling of a phase-lockedloop based valve firing system. The paper ends with the discussion of
an application of this model in the simulation of a SVC controlling the
ac voltage at the inverter bus of a back-to-back HVdc tie.
Keywords : Static compensator model, Transient simulation, Variable
timestep, HVdc transmission.

Some of the popular electromagnetic transients simulation programs
[1,2] utilize the modeling algorithm proposed by Dommel [l], in which
an inductor, capacitor, transmission line or other device is represented
as a parallel combination of a resistor and a current source; the values
of these depend on the past history of current and voltage in the device. This representation is used to solve for node voltages at any time
t , based on known values from the previous simulation instant (t-At),
At being the simulation timestep. This approach has the great advantage of simplicity, because an entire network can be quickly reduced
to one containing resistors and current sources, and from which the
network admittance matrix Y is readily constructed. There is no need
for the user to actually write down the differential equations associated
with the network to study its transient behaviour. There are two major
disadvantages of this approach, however.
Firstly, it requires a relatively small timestep to avoid spikes (numerical) whenever switching due to convertor/compensator models within
the network takes place. This requires a premium in terms of CPU time
for the overall simulation. It is difficult to change the timestep dynamically during the simulation run, because that would mean re-calculation of all resistor values and current sources and a re-inversion of the
network matrix. (This may be possible if these electromagnetic transients programs are re-written, and this feature introduced, but that
would entail a great deal of effort.) One approach to overcome this
limitation is that used by the 'NETOMAC' simulation program [ 5 ] . In
this approach the timestep is not changed but the history terms in the
trapezoidal algorithm are interpolated and modified so that the simulation timestep can be synchronized with the switching instant.
Secondly, since the Dommel algorithm is not state variable based, it
leads to a poorer conditioning of the network admittance matrix Y due
to its unequal treatment of inductors and capacitors within the network.
For example, the equivalent resistance associated with an inductor L is
2L/At, and for a capacitor C it is Atl2C. Thus, elements in the network
admittance matrix for L and C are affected in opposite ways when At is
reduced leading to a poorer conditioning of the V matrix. Although this

V.K.Sood, Senior Member

Hydro-Quebec (IREQ)
1800 Montee Ste. Julie
Varennes, Quebec.

algorithm usually works, at times this drawback may cause the system
to show numerical instablity. A state variable formulation, on the other
hand, always integrates the differential equations of the system and
solves the equations for capacitor voltages and inductor currents, not
for node voltages as in the Dommel method. Thus all the variables
have the same dependance on the timestep, and the resulting matrices are better conditioned and less likely to give numerical instability.
Another advantage of the state variable approach is that the dependence of the system matrices on the value of the timestep is directly
proportional, and the timestep can be readily changed during a run.
The major disadvantage, however, of the state variable approach is
that it is difficult to write code for the automatic generation of the state
equations given the network connectivity information; the Dommel algorithm, on the other hand, handles this with ease.
For the above mentioned reasons it was decided to use a compromise
approach in modeling the static compensator and its associated external network by developing a stand-alone (child) state variable model
for the static compensator, but retaining the powerful network modeling capabilities of the parent transients program for modeling the external network. The compensator model program interfaces as a Norton
current source with the transient simulation program. The state variable based static compensator module results in a robust algorithm for
calculating the currents and voltages internal to the static compensator, and also allows for features such as the introduction of a variable
local timestep required for the switching elements to be modeled adequately. This approach is similar to that proposed by other authors
[111 who have interfaced a dc convertor model in an electromagnetics
transients program (EMTP) to a Transient Stability Program where the
two programs run with different (though not variable) timestep; interfacing between programs was achieved by using Norton and Thevenin
The authors' program differs from the NETOMAC approach and
merely selects a smaller timestep which is a submultiple of the parent
program's timestep. Also, unlike NETOMAC, the authors' approach
uses a state variable based formulation which has the advantages
mentioned earlier. In addition the authors' approach can be used to
develop models which can be interfaced to electromagnetic transients
simulation programs (such as EMTP or EMTDC) that do not have the
time mesh shifting capability of NETOMAC.
Many authors [ 3 , 4 ] have successfully used state variable based modeling for HVdc convertors, but in their approaches even the associated
external systems have been modeled in state variable form. These external systems cannot therefore be easily changed to a different topology (without rewriting the equations) as is possible with the Dommel
The following sections of this paper deal with details of modeling the
SVC, the method of making a stable interface between the child model
and the parent EMTDC (although the same could be done with EMTP,
or any other programs based on the algorithm proposed by Dommel)
and present some sample results. The paper concentrates on the
modeling of the SVC itself because the bulk of the controls are simulated with the control system building blocks (EMTDC CSMF functions
or EMTP TACS functions) of the parent program. Some modeling details of the phase-locked-loop (PLL) firing system used here, are also
discussed because this is modeled internally in the SVC module. The
paper concludes with the simulation of a SVC regulating the ac voltage
bus at the inverter end of a back-to-back HVdc tie.


The Basic Model
Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the SVC. The SVC transformer
is modeled by nine coupled windings on the same core with three windings representing the primary winding, and three each representing the
wye and delta secondaries. The special case of 3 single phase transformers can also be represented with the proper selection (of zeroes
in the appropriate locations) of the inductance matrix.

0885-8977/90/0700-1398$01.000 1990 IEEE

The matrices in the equation are functions of the states of the thyristors, and the appropriate entries are re-calculated whenever the firing
logic requires the turning on or off of a thyristor. Also, the capacitor
voltages and the capacitance values are initialized whenever the TSC
Method of lntearation
The trapezoidal rule has been extensively used in electromagnetic transient programs [ 11. However, implementing it here would have entailed
a matrix inversion every time a switching occurred, or whenever the
timestep had to be changed. For this reason, an Adams second order
closed formula [7] was used, the numerical stability of which is identical to that of the trapezoidal rule. Equations I A , 2A - 5A in the Appendix can be written as

where X is the state variable vector, and U the vector of inputs (primary voltages). To apply the chosen method of integration, the increment in X is defined as
AX = [A.X(t -At)

+ B.u(t)]At

(1 b)

Then the state vector estimate is updated as

Xe,(t) = X ( t - A t ) + A X
Equation 1b is re-evaluated with X(t - At) replaced by Xe,(t), to find a
new update X,,(t) , which is used to re-evaluate AX again, until there
is negligible change in the updated Xe,(t) . In practice, for the range
of timestep values used (25 - 50 ps), 3 iterations are found to be
sufficient. Notice also, that no matrix inversions are involved. An application of the trapezoidal rule would have involved only one evaluation
intead of 3, but would have required a matrix inversion, every time the
value of matrix A changed with a switching or change of timestep.
Figure1 : SVC Circuit Diagram.

Variable Timesteo for handlina thvristor switching

The TCR elements are connected in c Ita, with the thyristor switches
modeled as changing resistances. The snubber circuik are modeled
as R-C elements in parallel with the thyristors.
The TSC branches are modeled as capacitors. Regardless of the number of TSC branches in operation at a given time, all of these are represented together as an equivalent single capacitor per phase. The
value of this equivalent capacitor and its initial voltage are adjusted
when the TSC switching logic indicates the turning on or off of a capacitor bank. The advantage of this approach is that only one state
variable per phase (6 phases in all) is required. With a TSC having
many stages, each extra stage would increase the number of state
variables by 6 (3 for the wye, and 3 for the delta), and the number of
state variables would rapidly become very large. This approach is exact only if the TSC branch is comprized of a pure capacitance. It was
decided not to include a series inductance (at this stage) because it
would require each arm to be modeled separately. Since the aim was
to obtain a model for relatively long duration studies (typically 100
-2000 ms), and since capacitors are switched only a few times in a
simulation run. this was a small price to pay in making the program
Saturation of the transformer is represented by flux-dependent current
sources in parallel with the transformer windings. The flux is calculated
from the integral of the voltage across the winding. A flux magnetizing
-current relationship is then consulted to determine the extra magnetizing current that must be injected for that particular flux level. At
present, there is no representation of the hysteresis loop, but there is
a provision for the representation of some core losses via a selectable
shunt resistor across each winding. The details of the equations used
are presented in Appendix. These equations are obtained by graph
theory techniques [ 6 ] .The state variables (variables to be integrated)
are the primary, secondary-delta and secondary-wye currents
(ip, is,, isy); the TSC capacitor voltages (VCA. VCY) ; the TCR inductor
currents (ii,, ii,) : and the snubber capacitor voltages (VSCA. vScy)
Each of these except VCA. vcY and iiy have three state variable components, corresponding to each individual phase. Since the capacitors
are connected in delta, the three voltages add up to zero, so that only
two capacitor voltages can be chosen as independent state variables.
Likewise, in the wye connected transformer secondary winding, the
three currents sum to zero, thus allowing for only two independant
state variables. One could have introduced a fictitious (large) resistance to ground at the neutral point to make the formulation more symmetrical, with all three currents as state variables, but such solutions
often lead to numerical problems. Instead, the algorithm is made
more robust by eliminating variables when capacitor loops or inductor
cutsets are present. Thus, the SVC model has 21 state variables in all.

Since the simulation algorithm works with discrete timesteps, the zero
crossing of a current often falls in-between two timesteps as in Figure
2a. When the turnoff of a thyristor in series with a current carrying
inductor (such as in a TCR) is being simulated, there is the distinct
possibility of a spurious voltage spike appearing in the thyristor and
inductor voltages. Figures 3a(i) and (ii) show simulated TCR current
and voltage waveforms respectively for a simple SVC system (Figure
6), with timestep A t = 50 ps.

Figure 2a : Thyristor switchoff with Fixed Timestep.

At= Original Timestep


6t= Submultiple Timestep

Dt= Catch-up Timestep

Figure 2b : Thyristor switchoff with Variable Timestep.

Many solutions to this problem are possible, and one of them includes
increasing the snubber capacitance but at the expense of excessive
snubber circuit losses. Another way is to reduce the timestep, but this
entails a heavy computer CPU time penalty, particularly because the
smaller timestep may not be necessary while simulating the transient in
between switching instants.

Figure 4 shows a block diagram of this type of PLL. The three phase
synchronising voltages derived from the commutating bus are Va. Vb
and Vc. Using a 3-phase to 2-phase transformation, the direct and
quadrature axes voltages, Valpha and Vbeta respectively, are derived
according to the following equations'
Valpha = (213)Va - ( l i 3 ) V b - (l13)Vc
Vbeta = (1 /43)(Vb - Vc)


v coq9






Figure 4 : Default built-in PLL

An Error signal is generated according to the following equation:
Error = Valpha.VsinO - Vbeta.VcosO


where 0 is the phase output of the VCO. The Error signal is acted upon
by a PI controller with proportional gain K1 and integral gain K2. This IS
followed by a VCO to derive a control signal Theta 0 for a Sine-Cosine
Oscillator: the nominal frequency of the VCO is controlled by a reference voltage Uref; dynamic modulation of this reference voltage can
be accomplished by the input AUref. The outputs of the Sine-Cosine
Oscillator, VsinB and VcosO, are fed back to derive the Error, as indicated in equation ( 4 ) . The output of the VCO. which is limited between
0 and 180 degrees, generates the timing Sawtooth waveform 0 (derived as in eq.5). which is utilised to derive the firing pulses for the
valves of the compensatoriconvertor.
0 = [ (Kl1s + K2) (Error) + Uref + AUref ] i s
b) Variable timestep with A t = 50 ps and fit = 10 p s
Figure 3 : TCR waveforms for fixed and variable timesteps.

The authors' approach to this problem is to use a smaller timestep

where required (Figure 2). Consider that the program has been operating with timestep At (Figure 2a). A t point t A , the current in an i n d u c ~
tor iL is positive, but at the next simulation instant tn , it is negative.
If a thyristor in series with the inductor attempted to switch off at either
tA or tg , a voltage spike would result because of the chopping of a
large inductive current. When a change of sign in the current value i,,
is detected, the program does not update the state variables, but reverts back to point tA , and resumes simulation with a submultiple
timestep St = A t i n (points tA1, tAz. .........t A n etc.). The switching instant is now more finely straddled depending on the number of submultiple timesteps; a value of n between 2 to 5 is recommended. The
thyristor switches off at time (say) t A j , which results in a smaller spurious voltage spike because the current magnitude being chopped. is
smaller. The program then takes one more 'catchup' step Dt to come
back in synchronism with the original sampling instant t B . The values
of At and S t are under the user's control. Figure 3b shows results
from a re-simulation of the test but with At = 50 ps and St =10 k s : the
voltage spike is no longer evident.
In the proposed method, the smaller timestep is used only where re^
quired. Since switchings within the child program are being more precisely simulated by this smaller timestep, it is more economical tnan
changing the timestep for the entire program (parent plus child). In the
case of EMTDC or EMTP (standard versions), it is not possible to use
variable timestep anyway. As an assessment of the benefits and overhead of the use of the variable timestep strategy, the simulation time
for a i o 0 m s run increased from 40.90 s to 43.26 s or roughly 5.5%,
which is much smaller than the 500% increase in time which would
have resulted if the timestep had been set to 10 ps throughout the run.
Modelina the Firina Svstem

Twelve ramps for the 12 thyristor firings are generated from this basic
ramp, and each is compared with the firing angle order. Thus it is even
possible to modulate the firing angle order to provide controlled individ-

c) Sine of phase angle error





The external control system controlling the compensator generates two

signals: i) a firing angle order for the TCR, and ii) a capacitor switch
oniswitch off order for the TSC. The exact instant of valve firing for the
TCR is determined when a reference angle derived from a phase
locked loop (PLL)equals the ordered angle. A built-in dq0-transformation based PLL, referred to as of the 'Transvektor' type [SI is provided
as the default PLL. The user may replace it with his own model. To do
this, the user must build his PLL model by selecting building blocks
from the parent program control system functions, and provide1 2
ramps, in the correct time sequence, for firing the SVC thyristors.




0 7

0 1

d) Dhase A volts and Sine of VCO output

Figure 5 : PLL performance under single line to ground fault

ual phase firing such as may be required for, say damping a given
harmonic in a system [ 9 ] . The PLL also shows improved immunity to
system harmonics and rapidly regains a lock on phase following faults
causing loss of synchronising voltage [ 131.
Figure 5, is a typical simulation of this PLL where a single phase to
ground fault on Phase a reduced Va to zero. The following results are
presented in Figure 5: (a) Va Single Phase AC voltage input signal (b)
Valpha and Vbeta signals, (c) Error signal as defined by e q . ( 4 ) , (d)
Va(fund) and VsinO signals. The fault resulted in a reduced magnitude
for Valpha to one third of its original value, and no change in Vbeta. A
second harmonic component is observed in the Error signal. These
results are consistent with theoretical predictions. The synchronization
of the fundamental component of Va, Va(fund), and VsinO signals is
rapid and achieved in less than one cycle after the fault is removed
(Figure 5d). Two-phase and three phase faults gave similar results.

The value for R, is chosen to approximate the very short term behaviour of the SVC (for example R, = 21"/At where l" is the zero
sequence inductance of the SVC transformer). The exact value chosen
is not too important because an extra current i, is injected to compensate for any errors introduced by R, . This compensation current is
estimated from the most recent (and therefore stale by one timestep)
voltage information available to the SVC model. If i, =V(t-At)/R,
added to Is(t) and injected into the parent program, a current. V(t)/Rc
bleeds into R, and the current entering the rest of the system is
I s ( t ) + [V(t - At) -V(t)]/R,. Note that the second term of this current
vanishes in the limit At
0, and so the current has a value very nearly
equal toI,(t), as was intended.

a) Currents in primary of SVC transformer.



Modelina the Switchina of Caoacitors

A s discussed in the introduction, a novel method of modeling the

thyristor switched capacitors has been used. The order of the model
would quickly increase if each of the capacitor stages were modeled
separately (6 new state variables per extra branch). Instead the switching onioff of a capacitor bank is carried out by re-adjusting the initial
charge on the capacitors, and changing their capacitance values. This
approach is exact only if there are no series inductances which are
often present in practical TSCs. This simplification was deemed a
worthwhile tradeoff between modeling detail and simulation speed
since the primary objective of this model was to study power system
Capacitors are switched on when the voltage difference between the
system and the capacitor to be switched is a minimum. Capacitors are
switched off only at a current zero.
Figure 7 shows (a) the 3-phase currents in the primary of the SVC
transformer, (b) 3-phase secondary voltages of SVC transformer, (c)
3-phase capacitor currents in the delta TSC for the switching onioff a
capacitor bank, (d) the reactive power supplied by the TSC together
with the capacitor switching order (switch on at 20 ms and switch off at
60 ms). and (e) the capacitor votage in the simple test system of
Figure 6. Note that the TCR pulses have been blocked so that only the
transients associated with the capacitor switching are present. From
Figure 7e, it is evident that a capacitor switch on occurs at a voltage
zero (at 20 ms); also a capacitor switch off occurs at a current zero
(Figure 7c) which corresponds to a maximum capacitor voltage (at 60
ms) , The voltages on switched off capacitors are caused to decay at a
user specified rate (barely evident in Figure 7e). The detailed equations
for capacitor switching are presented in the Appendix.

1 0

0 0

- 1 .o

b) Voltages on secondary (delta) of SVC transformer.






0 2
0 0

-0 2

c)TSC capacitor currents.




d) Reactive power and capacitor switching

u v n ( x 103) 1


0.2 I










0 0


b toi m e





r switchings
0 1

rv(x ,02)

Figure 6 : Test system for capacitor switching

lnterfacina to the Darent Simulation Proaram

e) TSC capacitor voltage.


0.2 -



The child SVC model is a separate stand alone subroutine written in

FORTRAN. Consequently, features such as the variable timestep etc.,
can readily be introduced without impacting on the parent program.
The only drawback is that the information between the SVC model and
the parent program is exchanged at the end of a parent program
timestep, and the calculations within that timestep by the SVC model
and the parent program each have to work with one timestep old information about the other. Care is necessary to avoid numerical instability when interfacing the SVC model to the parent program. This instability may arise because the model interfaces to the parent program as
a current source whose value is not affected by the results of the calculations in the parent program until one timestep later. Therefore for
the duration of the present timestep, this current source appears like
an incremental open circuit. Such 'open circuit' terminations have a
destabilizing influence on the simulation particularly if they occur at the
end of inductive branches [2],To get around this problem, a technique
used before with success in interfacing machines and HVdc valve
groups to transient simulation programs [2,10] is employed. Figure 8
shows the SVC current for some phase Is(t) calculated by the model
for injection into EMTDC. A fictitous resistance to ground R, is introduced in the main program,so that there is no longer an open termination at this node and the numerical instability problem can be avoided.

Voltage decay




Figure 7 : Capacitor switchings in system of Figure 6









Figure 8 : Interfacing to the EMTDC program

A rams

In addition to this termination the phase voltages applied to the SVC

model can also be estimated for the next timestep. For example if Va.
Vb. and Vc are the most recent instantaneous values (with the common zero sequence removed), then the SVC model uses Va' instead
of Va where
Va' = V, + [w.At(V, -Vb)][ 1 - (w.At) ]/1.732
where w is the system frequency and At the timestep. This small correction (which vanishes as At -,0) is a good estimate of the expected
value of Va one timestep later, and further reduces errors associated
with the one timestep delay.



Figure 9 shows a 500 MW pole of a back-to-back HVdc tie between

sending and receiving end systems of short circuit ratios (SCR) 4.5
and 2.5 respectively. (The tie rating is based on one pole of the
Chateauguay link in Quebec). The rectifier side ac bus is rated at 315
kV and has 250 MVAR of harmonic filters, and the inverter ac bus is
rated at 120 kV and also has 250 MVAR of filtering. In addition, a SVC
rated at +167 (with 2 stages of switched capacitance) MVARi-100
MVAR is present at the inverter ac bus to regulate the voltage.


13. H r

1 1 . 13, HP

7; 6


to TSC

T 6 0 H z





Figure 9 : Back-to-back dc tie with SVC.

The block diagram of the SVC controls is shown in Figure 10a [ 1 2 ] , and
a steady state control characteristic typical of SVC model is shown in
Figure 10 b. The SVC controls are identical to the compensator used at
Chateauguay. It consists of a three phase bus voltage measurement
block and a three phase current measurement block. These measurements are used to indicate the reactive power Qsvc of the compensator. The magnitude of the voltage measurement VL is used to derive
a droop. This is followed by a block that adds the droop, proportional
to the reactive current of the SVC, to the magnitude of the measured
voltage. This signal is then filtered. The error between this filtered signal and the reference bus voltage Vref is passed through a PI controller
that results in a reactive power order (BSVS) to the SVC. This order is
split by the 'allocator' into a capacitor onioff signal for the TSC and a
reactive power demand (BTCR) from the TCR. Hysteresis between capacitor stages is built into the model. A relationship representing the
non-linear dependence between BTCR and the required firing angle cy
is consulted and the required cy-order passed on to the PLL-based
firing system in the SVC model. All these control blocks are modeled
with the control system modeling facilities of the parent program
(CSMF in EMTDC). In addition there are the usual set of controls
(based on Chateauguay tie) for the dc system which are similarly modeled but not described here. The HVdc convertors and the SVC are
modeled as 12 pulse valve groups.

Figure1Ob : SVC Regulation Characteristic

Figures 11 & 1 2 show the system's response to a 8% voltage reduction

of the equivalent source on the inverter side: this perturbation was
selected to show essential features of the SVC behaviour. This perturbation is meant to simulate a 12 cycle remote three phase ac fault.
During the fault period (0.05 s to 0.25 s in the simulation), the SVC
switches on one more capacitor bank (Figure 1l g ) in order to regulate
the inverter ac voltage (Figures 11a and b) . On removal of the undervoltage at 0.25s there is a subsequent transient overvoltage which is
again regulated by the TSC switching off a capacitor bank and the TCR
generating the appropriate inductive current (Figures 11 f,e). Also
shown in Figure 11 are total demanded reactive power from the SVC
(Figure 1 1c) and the TCR firing angle cy (Figure 1 1d) . Figures 11e & f
show the TCR and total SVC currents. The step change in TCR firing
angle 01 when a capacitor is switched is a result of the action taken by
the allocator (Figures l l d .8 9). Figures 12a, b and c show the response of the dc system variables (dc current, dc voltage, rectifier
firing angle and inverter extinction angle). The ramping down of the
ordered dc current during the undervoltage is a consequence of certain dc control functions which are not discussed here.
The computer CPU time for the above example on a SUN 3/60 workstation with 8 MB memory is approximately 45 minutes for 1 second of
real time using a 25 ps timestep. The simulation time for the SVC with
a simple external system (similar to one shown in Figure 6) was 7 minutes 13 seconds for 1 second of real time using a 50 ps timestep.



a) Three phase AC volts at Invertor.

0 2

1 0


0 2

0 4

0 6


1 6 -

0 2
0 4

d) TCR firing angle



0 2

0 4

and Invertor y

0 6

1 6

I '






0 4


1 0 4



0 2



A detailed state variable based model of a SVC has been presented

and modelina details of the firina control circuit and the novel treatment of capacitor switching are explained.

e) Three phase TCR currents.

With proper care, models such as the one developed here can be interfaced to commercially available transient simulation programs and
provide the benefits of a variable timestep and stable numerical performance. From the simulation example presented in the last section,
it is evident that the model can be used succesfully in very detailed
simulation studies.


f ) SVC currents in primary side of transformer.

Further work: The techniques presented here can also be used for
detailed representation of other switching models such as an HVdc


. fi



g) Number of capacitor stages.


This program was developed at IREQ where A.Gole was on sabbatical

leave from the University of Manitoba. The authors are grateful to IREQ
for providing the facilities and to the University of Manitoba for approving Dr.Gole's sabbatical leave. The financial assistance of NSERC Canada is also appreciated, The authors benefited greatly from numerous
discussions with other IREQ research staff, and in particular they express special thanks to Alpha Oumar Barry and Lewis Vaughan.

Figure 11 : SVC waveforms for simulation study.

The state variable technique is a powerful tool for modeling power
electronic circuits, even though accomodating topological changes in
these circuits means rewriting the state equations. The Dommel algorithm (used in popular electromagnetic transients programs) has the
ability to accomodate such changes with ease, but often suffers from
the numerical problems associated with poorly conditioned matrices. In
addition, many of these modern programs do not allow the variable
timestep feaure which economises computer CPU usage when simulating power electronic circuits. A technique has been presented in this
paper which uses the advantages of both these techniques.


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[3] M.D.Heffernan. K.S.Turner, J.Arrilaga and C.P.Arnold; "Computation of AC-DC System Disturbances Part I " , IEEE Trans. PAS, Vol.
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[4] K. R. Padiyar, Sadchidanand, A.G.Kothari, S.Bhattacharya and
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[ 5 ] K.H.Kruger. R.H.Lasseter,"HVDC Simulation Using NETOMAC",
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[6] N.Balbanian and T.A.Bickert; "Linear Network Theory: Analysis,
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[ 8 ] K.Bayer. H.Waldmann and M.Weibelzahl; "Field Oriented Closed

Loop Control of a Synchronous Machine Using the New Transvektor
Control System", Siemens Review, XXXIX,No.6, 1972, pp 220-223.
[ 9 ] G.B.Mazur and R.W.Menzies; "Advances in the Determination of
Control Parameters for Static Compensators", IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New York, Jan.29-Feb.5, 1989, Paper No. 89 WM 052-2 PWRD.
[ 101 A.M.Gole, R.W.Menzies, D.A.Woodford and H.Turanli; "lmproved Interfacing of Electrical Machine Models in Electromagnetic
Transients Programs", IEEE Trans. PAS, Vol PAS-103, No.9,
Sept.1984, pp 2446-2451.
i l l ] J.Reeve and R.Adapa, "A new approach to Dynamic Analysis of
AC Networks incorporating Detailed Modeling of DC systems - Parts I
and 11," IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vo1.3, No.4, Oct. 1988.
[ 121 Static Compensators for Reactive Power Control, Editor
R.M.Mathur, Canadian Electrical Association Publication, 1984. Ch. 5.
[13] A.Gole, V.K.Sood and L.Mootoosamy, ' ' Validation and Analysis
of Grid Control System using dqz Transformation for Static Cornpensator Systems", Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sept. 17-20, 1989, Montreal, Canada.

primary wye


secondary delta
= [ \ ' P I , " p i , vp31T


ip =


~ ' P \ = [ ~ S I I ~


Vs12, \ s \ 3 1 T



= [VC:

primary voltages,

primary currents,

secondary wye

Figure A l : Equivalent circuit of SVC

- delta secondary voltages,


wye secondary voltages

- delta secondary capacitor volts.


(only two voltages linearly independant)


= rVC4. VC51T

- wye secondary capacitor volts,

(only two voltages linearly independant)

\ ' C s i = ['CY:.

\'CS:. v C s j l T

" C s ? = [ \ C s i - vCs:, \.C16IT

ii, =

i 1 2 . i131.r

ii, = [iii. ill, i i J T

i > \ = [is

. is:.


i ' s ) = Li--.

TCR currents (wye winding),

secondary currents (delta)

C:. C ; C i . C:. C ,
ri:. r i :

(only t w o currents linearly independent)

- secondary currents (wyej,


Snubber capacitor voltages (wye) ,

TCR currents (delta winding),

- secondary currents (wyej,

i 5 , = [iCl. i,i]'

- Snubber capacitor voitages (delta),

Loss resistor.

TSC capacitors,
equivalent resistors
TCR Inductor,

r ~ - - Thyristor

r t l . r1:.


- Snubber Capacitor

L , ~ . --


- -



Snubber Resistor.

Transformer inductance matrix elements.

Summar4 of state variable e a u a t i o q

Using standard graph theory technlques [ h ] one obtains for the SVC
equivalent clrcuit (Figure A l ) the following five state equations:


Data for the svstem used in simulation study
AC network equivalents
Sending end 315 kV SCR 4 5 at 85 degrees damping angle
L l = 22 2 mH L2 = 95 4 mH, R = 13 1 ohms
Receiving end 120 kV SCR 2 5 at 85 degrees damping angle
L1 = 10 49 mH L2 = 21 mH, R = 10 8 ohms


Convertor Transformers
Sending end 315 kV 120 kV 610 MVA XL = 18
Receiving end 120 kV 120 kV. 610 MVA XL = 18 %
Saturation (both) knee 1 2 pu. slope 0 4 pu
AC Filters
Sending end:
11 th harmonic: R = 1.13 ohms, L = 27.4 mH, C = 2.12 UF
13 th harmonic: R = 0.25 ohms, L = 19.5 mH, C = 2.12 UF
C = 2.4 uF.


Receiving end:
1 1 th harmonic: R = 0.163 ohms, L = 4 mH. C = 14.6 uF.
13 th harmonic: R = 0.14 ohms L = 2.85 mH, C = 14.6 uF.
C = 16.58 uF.

I + [


Transformer 120 kV 12 65 kV 200 MVA
X LD = X LY = 17 " 0 . X LDY =2 1 U.
knee level = 1 2 pu Saturation slope 0 4 pu

is,chosen as a state variable equations 1A


+ Bti


6 = Cp

TCR L = 22 mH (100 MVA )

TSC C= 202 UF stage [ 83 MVA)

- 5A have the form

which is the standard state variable form

Accountino for caoacitor Switching

Consider Figure A2 in which the capacitor C Z x of initial voltage \z xo is
switched in parallel to capacitor C2 Initial voltages on capacitors C1,
C2 and C3 are \ C I O $c?o and \c?r3 respectively The switching
causes a charge Iq to trasfer from each capacitor to the next as in
the figure Assuming q
w e have


- 9;" = 9 3 - 9 30



*$ 2 ~ 0
where s o = 9:o +
There are thus two independent equations


9 3 - 920


- s i 0 = 9 3 - 930


in the three unknowns q, q:and

the third equation
\, + \ 2 t \ ? = 0

Kirchoffs voltage law provides


On solving for q 92and q; and adjusting the after switching volt

ages on C1 C2 and C3. the values on the capacitors are also

changed C2 now becomes Ci = Ci + C : 1. Removing a capacitor bank

of value Cr


q ? and q l to be the post-switching charges

= 91 - 9 1 0 = 9 2

91 - 910 =

DC system
Rating 140 6 kV 506 MW. 3 6 kA
Smoothing Reactor 34 mH on each side

is equivalent to adding a capacitance of value

c: 1

A.M.Gole (S'77,M'82) obtained the

B.Tech.(E.E.) degree from the Indian
Institute of Technology Bombay in 1978
and the in Electrical
Enginnering from the University of
Manitoba in 1982.
Dr. Gole is currently an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Electrical
Engineering at the University of Manitoba. From Sept. 1988 to
Aug.1989 he was on sabbatical leave at IREQ in Varennes, Quebec. His
research interests include HVdc transmission, power system transients
simulation and the use of optimization techniques.
Dr. Gole is a Registered Professional Engineer in the Province of

V.K.Sood (SM 1985) obtained the

B.Sc. (1st Class Honours) degree in
Electrical Engineering from University
College, Nairobi (Kenya) in 1967, the
M.Sc. degree from University of
Strathclyde, Glasgow (Scotland) in
1969 and the Ph.D. degree from
University of Bradford (England) in
From 1969-76, he worked at the Railway Technical Centre, Derby (UK)
carrying out research in DC Choppers for rapid transit applications.
Since 1976, he has been at the Hydro-Quebec research institute
(IREQ) in Varennes, Quebec working with the HVdc analog simulator.
His present research interests include HVdc transmission, Forced
Commutation and analoginumerical simulation techniques.


Dr.Sood is Senior Member of the I.E.E.E. , Member of the I.E.E. and a

Registered Professional Engineer in the Province of Quebec. He is also
an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering at Concordia University.
Figure A2 : Switching on a Capacitor

C 2 ~in phase 2.



D. Povh and H. Tyll (Siemens AG, Dept. EV NP, P. 0. Box 3240, D8520 Erlangen, Germany):
A u t h o r s a r e t o be commented f o r a v e r y i n t e r e s t i n g p a p e r o n t h e m o d e l l i n g o f SVC i n t h e
t r a n s i e n t s i m u l a t i o n program
p r e s e n t i n g new i d e a s t o i m p r o v e t h e EMTP and
We u n d e r s t a n d t h a t t h e m a i n
EMTDC p r o g r a m s .
i s s u e o f t h e work i s t o overcome t h e d i f f i c u l t i e s a t t h e c a l c u l a t i o n s o f SVCs a n d HVDC i n
these programs.
As m e n t i o n e d i n t h e p a p e r t h e p r o g r a m NETOMAC
has i n c o n t r a r y t o o t h e r programs t h e a b i l i t y
t o i n t e r p o l a t e t h e time step t o switch a t curr e n t zeros and t o a d j u s t t h e f i r i n g i n s t a n t o f
according t o t h e i n s t a n t
g i v e n b y t h e f i r i n g p u l s e c o n t r o l . The m e t h o d
u s e d i n NETOMAC i s s u p e r i o r t o o t h e r m e t h o d s
and e n a b l e c a l c u l a t i o n o f S V C a n d HVDC w i t h o u t
any r i s k s o f n u m e r i c a l i n s t a b i l i t i e s . T h i s has
been a l s o v e r y i m p r e s s i v e d e m o n s t r a t e d i n t h e
r e f e r e n c e 5 o f t h e paper.
The a u t o m a t i c r e d u c t i o n o f t i m e s t e p when
a p p r o a c h i n g c u r r e n t z e r o o r when h i g h f r e q u e n c y o s c i l l a t i o n s o c c u r i n t h e c i r c u i t was f i r s t
u s e d i n o u r p r o g r a m ADIEU / l / , w h i c h was p r e d e c e s s o r o f NETDMAC and was u s e d i n o u r company
years. O u r experiences w i t h t i m e s t e p red u c t i o n a r e , however, s i m i l a r t o t h e a u t h o r s ' .
I t i s m o s t l y more c o n v e n i e n t t o c a l c u l a t e t h e
t r a n s i e n t s continuously w i t h t h e reduced step.
I n NETOMAC t h i s p o s s i b i l i l t y i s a l s o i n c o r p o rated.
An e x a m p l e o f u s e o f NETOMAC t o c a l c u l a t e S V C
p e r f o r m a n c e i s shown i n F i g . 1 w h i c h i s t a k e n
o u t o f r e f e r e n c e / 2 / . The SVC s i m u l a t e d c o n s i s t s o f one TCR a n d t w o T S C b r a n c h e s o f d i f f e r e n t r a t i n g s t o g e t h e r w i t h a c f i l t e r s on t h e
side of
t h e m a i n t r a n s f o r m e r . The
c o n t r o l o f t h e S V C was r e p r e s e n t e d v e r y d e t a i l e d . F i g . l shows t h e c o m p a r i s o n o f NETOMAC
and s i m u l a t o r
u s i n g o r i g i n a l c o n t r o l c u b i c l e s . The c a s e p r e s e n t e d shows t h e l i n e a r c h a n g e o f t h e SVC a d m i t t a n c e a n d shows an e x c e l l e n t a g r e e m e n t b e t ween m e a s u r e m e n t s a n d c a l c u l a t i o n s .
To t h e a u t h o r s ' s u g g e s t i o n t o s i m u l a t e t h e S V C
we h a v e f o l l o w i n g q u e s t i o n s :


How i s t h e SVC c o n t r o l r e p r e s e n t e d ? I s
t h e n u m e r i c a l s o l u t i o n i n t h e c h i l d model
f o r t h e c i r c u i t and f o r t h e c o n t r o l
i n t h e same s t e p ?




Fig 1

Response of SVC lollowing admiltance characlerisbcpredelerininedby lhe cor!lrol

NETOMAC calculations (a) andn!easurements on simulalor (b)

t h e transformer represented which should

i n t r a n s i e n t TSC c u r r e n t s o f
approx. harmonic order o f 4 .

I t was u n d e r s t o o d t h a t t h e c h i l d m o d e l
c a n be u s e d o n l y f o r c a l c u l a t i o n o f S V C
i n t h e n e t w o r k b e c a u s e on
t h e s e c o n d a r y s i d e o f t h e t r a n s f o r m e r an
e q u i v a l e n t c i r c u i t i s used f o r c a p a c i tors.
Does i t mean t h a t t h e i m p o r t a n t
on s t r e s s e s a n d p e r f o r m a n c e a t
t h e i n t e r n a l f a u l t s can n o t be done? Are
t h e corresponding v a l u e s o f TSC c u r r e n t s
and secondary s i d e v o l t a g e s a l s o c a l c u lated?

/1/ D. Povh
Berechnung von
i n
e l e k t r i s c h e n Netzwerken insbesondere z u r
E r m i t t l u n g der
d e r V e n t i l e e i n e r Hochspannungs - G l e i c h strom - Ubertragungs - Anlage b e i Erdkurzschlul3
D i s s e r t a t i o n d e r TH D a r m s t a d t , 1 9 7 1

D. Poch;



S t a t i c Var C o m p e n s a t o r s
f o r High-Voltage
11. Symposium o f S p e c i a l i s t s i n E l e c t r i c
O p e r a t i o n a l and Expansion P l a n n i n g
( 1 1 . SEPOPE), Sao P a u l o , A u g u s t 1 9 8 9
Manuscript r e c e i v e d February 28,


I f more SVCs a r e c o n n e c t e d t o t h e n e t w o r k a n d p o s s i b l y t w o SVCs on t h e same

ac bus, a r e any a d d i t i o n a l measures p r o vided t o avoid i n s t a b i l i t y or numerical
o s c i l l a t i o n s b e t w e e n t h e SVCs?

Subroto Bhattacharya and Sachchidanand (ABB Advanced Systems

Technology, Pittsburgh and University of Western Ontario, London,
Canada): The authors are to be complimented for a well-written paper on a
SVC model using the state variable approach. We would appreciate the
authors' response to the following questions and comments:

( i i i ) The t r a n s i e n t s i n t h e TSC c a p a c i t o r c u r r e n t s o f F i g . 7 c show r a t h e r s t r o n g damping.

Our e x p e r i e n c e i s b a s e d o n f i e l d
measurements t h a t t h e s e harmonic c u r r e n t s o s c i l l a t e l o n g e r and have impact
o n t h e c a p a c i t o r v o l t a g e . Does t h i s damp i n g r e s u l t from t h e r e p r e s e n t a t i o n i n
8? How i s t h e l e a k a g e r e a c t a n c e o f

1 . The state variable approach is suitable for handling event-driven

1 -

systems. A switching event occurs when a thyristor current goes zero.

To find the instant of current zero, the proposed algorithm restarts its
simulation from the previous time value with a timestep (6t = Ath)
which is an integer sub-multiple of the original timestep (At). With
this procedure the current zero instant is approximated within a
submultiple time interval (Figure 2b) and is not determined precisely.
Also, we feel that this part of the algorithm is time consuming. The


references [4, A, B] find the time instant (k) at which the current
through a thyristor goes to zero between the two integration timesteps
(tAand tB) by using linear interpolation of thyristor current. All other
state-variables are interpolated to determine their values at k.This
procedure does not result in any numerical abnormalities even
when the original timestep (At) is kept around 2 electrical degrees (or
approximately 100 ps for a 60 Hz system). Once is obtained the
program can perform the catchup step. Have the authors tried
some such approach and if so, what has been the experience?
The child program is interfaced with any parent program by using
Norton and Thevenin equivalents. Does the child program receive a
Thevenins equivalent (i.e., a 3 phase voltage source and an
impedance matrix) from the parent program on every timestep? Does
the parent program wait for the child program to compute the current
It is mentioned in the text that the parent and the child programs use
one timestep old information. Is there an inherent delay between the
child and the parent program? In case of the EMTP any such
interconnection between the parent (EMTP) and the child (non-linear
or linear network elements) programs can be achieved as described in
Sections to of [C] to avoid any delay if it may so
It is possible to run the child program with a larger timestep than the
parent program?
What factors prompted the authors to choose a timestep of 25 ps for
the case shown in Figure 9? Did a larger timestep than 25 ps cause
numerical instability?
As a final remark, the paper reinforces the use of state-variable approach
for representing power semiconductor circuits using graph theory. Earlier,
this approach has been used to model HVDC converters [4, A] and
industrial converters [B]. The authors have made a comment in the paper
about [4] with reference to which we would like to mention that the statevariable model of the HVDC converter proposed in [4] does not warrant
representation of the associated external system (ac system or dc network)
in the state-variable form. Hence, it is not a limitation of the modeling
approach. Instead, it shows that a flexibility exists to model each subsystem
(ac system, converter system and dc network) in any desired manner and to
any desired degree of detail. Norton-Thevenin interface between power
semiconductor circuits and an external system has been presented earlier [4,

K. R. Padiyar and Sachchidanand, Digital simulation of multiterminal HVDC system using a novel converter model, IEEE
Transaction on PAS, Vol. 102, June 1983, pp. 1624-1632.
S. P. Yeotikar, S. R. Doradla and Sachchidanand, Digital Simulation of a three phase AC-DC PWM converter-Motor system using a
new state space converter model, Proceedings of IEEE-Industry
Applications meeting, 1986, pp. 672-679.
H. W. Dommel, ElectroMagnetic Transients Program Reference
Manual (EMTP Theory Book), prepared for Bonneville Power
Administration, Portland, OR, USA August 1986.

A.M.GOLE and YK.SOOD, (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,

Manitoba and Hydro-Quebec, Varennes, Quebec) :The authors thank
the Discussers for their kind compliments, discussion and interest.
In response to the discussion by S.Bhattacharya and Sachchidanand, we have the following comments:
The variable timestep feature described in the paper is only one
alternative to get around the numerical instability problem due to
switching of components. Other techniques exist, as noted by the discussers, but it should be pointed out that all methods whether interpolative or not, are never-the-less approximations as to the point of zerocrossing. The great advantage of the variable timestep feature
described here is that it is simple and yet effective; moreover, it is totally contained within the child model where, incidentally, it is most
needed. Furthermore, it permits the child program to be interfaced to


a standard parent program such as EMTP or EMTDC without any

modification of the code in the parent program. We feel the variable
timestep technique described here is a computationally efficient
means to alleviating the numerical instability problem, although not
completely overcoming it. The time overhead of the algorithm is estimated as below:
Using a typical value of 10 pS for the submultiple timestep and
a 50 pS main timestep, an average number of 2.5 extra steps per cycle
are required. Thus, for a 12 pulse converter 30 extra timesteps per cycle
are required. At 60 Hz, one cycle has 333 timesteps; hence an average
overhead of 30/333 i.e. 9% is required. We feel that this is quite acceptable.
Only the parent program receives a Norton Equivalent since the
interfacing technique requires it only in one direction.
The problem of one timestep delay is inherent to the procedure
of interfacing. One way to avoid this delay is to incorporate the child
model within the parent, in which case the flexibility due to the childparent relationship is lost. Another possibility is to iterate the parentchild solutions within one timestep, which is time-consuming.
In the present version, it is not possible to run the child program
with a larger timestep than the parent timestep. This is, however, not
a limitation of the method, and should a need exist then this could be
The choice of timestep of 25 pS for case shown in Figure 9 was
determined by reasons of simulation faithfulness during commutation
failures. Timesteps of 50 pSwere used and no numerical instability was
As a final remark, we agree with the discussers that the state
variable technique is a powerful tool for developing robust models of
power electronic elements such as the one described in the paper.
We are particularly pleased to acknowledge the discussion from
Povh and Tyll to share their experience with NETOMAC and state
variable modeling. It confirms that the straightforward application of
Dommel Algorithm based programmes to simulate power electronic
circuits has certain difficulties. The program NETOMAC has been
one succesful approach to this problem ; here we have presented an
alternative approach that has worked very well. It is encouraging to see
also that their experience with state variable modelling is similar to
ours. In response to their specific questions:
Only the innermost control loop - the phase locked loop based
firing system - has been modeled inside the SVC child program and
works in the same timestep. The other control system components
(upto the generation of the (Y order in Figure 10a) have been modeled
with the control system building blocks (CSMF) of the EMTDC parent
program, where a one timestep delay is not critical.
The simulation also works well with more than one SVC on the
same bus. Indeed, the case simulated in the paper is with one SVC and
two HVDC converters on the same bus. We attribute the stability of
the solution directly to the interfacing technique used.
The SVC transformer has been modeled with the entire 9x 9 matrix representing the coupling between all 9 windings; and so the leakage impedance is modeled accurately. We do not attribute the extra
damping (if any) to the interfacing technique used because the interface has been carefully designed to offset only the negative damping introduced by the numerical procedure. In our case (for the timestep
used) the compensation resistor carried less than 0.3 % of the main
current and hence should not contribute to the damping. If there is
more damping we attribute it to the data used by us such as the quality
factor of the SVC capacitor and the values of the snubber circuit elements, and not to the model itself. We can demonstrate less damping
by changing this data.
All currents and voltages on both the primary and secondary sides of the SVC transformer are calculated and are available for observation. In addition, TCR and TSC thyristor voltages and currents are
also similarly available as outputs. Although the model has been designed primarily for system side studies, certain faults that do not affect
the circuit topology of the SVC can be studied. These include 1-1 short
circuits and valve misfires. However, faults such as a secondary side
I-g short circuit cannot be simulated because it would mean a change
in circuit topology and a change in the state equations describing the
circuit. The program could be modified to allow for such simulations
but for the requirements of our simulations, we were not interested in
doing so. At present the circuit topology must conform to that in Figure l a of the appendix.

Manuscript received March 29, 1990.

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