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A Guided Tour of The Fast Fourier Transform

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A guided tour of the fast

Fourier transform
The fast Fourier transform algorithm can reduce the time
involved in finding a discrete Fourier transform from several
minutes to less than a second, and also can lower the
cost from several dollars to several cents
G. D. Bergland
For some time the Fourier transform has served as a
bridge between the time domain and the frequency
domain. It is now possible to go back and forth between waveform and spectrum with enough speed and
economy to create a whole new range of applications
for this classic mathematical device. This article is intended as a primer on the fast Fourier transform,
which has revolutionized the digital processing of
waveforms. The reader's attention is especially
directed to the IEEE Transactions on Audio and
Electroacoustics for June 1969, a special issue devoted to the fast Fourier transform.
This article is written as an introduction to the fast
Fourier transform. The need for an FFT primer is apparent from the barrage of questions asked by each new
person entering the field. Eventually, most of these questions are answered when the person gains an understanding of some relatively simple concept that is taken for
granted by all but the uninitiated. Here the basic concepts will be introduced by the use of specific examples.
The discussion is centered around these questions:
1. What is the fast Fourier transform?
2. What can it do?
3. What are the pitfalls in using it?
4. How has it been implemented?
Representative references are cited for each topic
covered so that the reader can conveniently interrupt this
fast guided tour for a more detailed study.
What is the fast Fourier transform?
The Fourier transform has long been used for characterizing linear systems and for identifying the frequency components making up a continuous waveform.
However, when the waveform is sampled, or the system
is to be analyzed on a digital computer, it is the finite, disIEEE

spectruml JULY 1969

Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.

crete version of the Fourier transform (DFT) that must
be understood and used. Although most of the properties
of the continuous Fourier transform (CFT) are retained,
several differences result from the constraint that the
DFT must operate on sampled waveforms defined over
finite intervals.
The fast Fourier transform (FFT) is simply an efficient
method for computing the DFT. The FFT can be used in
place of the continuous Fourier transform only to the
extent that the DFT could before, but with a substantial
reduction in computer time. Since most of the problems
associated with the use of the fast Fourier transform
actually stem from an incomplete or incorrect understanding of the DFT, a brief review of the DFT will first
be given. The degree to which the DFT approximates the
continuous Fourier transform will be discussed in more
detail in the section on "pitfalls."
The discrete Fourier transform. The Fourier transform
pair for continuous signals can be written in the form
X(f) = r x(t)e-i2ft dt

x(t) =

X(J)ei2tft dl


for-Xo<f< c,- co<t co,andi = -1.The

uppercase X(f) represents the frequency-domain function;
the lowercase x(t) is the time-domain function.
The analogous discrete Fourier transform pair that
applies to sampled versions of these functions can be
written in the form


X(j) = - E x(k)ei2j /N
N k 0


x(k) = E X(I)ei2Xjk/N




for]j = 0, 1, * * , N - 1; k = 0, 1, * * , N - 1. Both

X(j) and x(k) are, in general, complex series. A derivation

of the discrete Fourier transform from the continuous
Fourier transform can be found in Refs. 12 and 23.
When the expression e27ri/N is replaced by the term WNV,
the DFT transform pair takes the form

X(j) =-N E x(k) WN-k





E X(J) WNk


FIGURE 1. A real signal and its complex discrete Fourier

transform displayed in the FFT algorithm format.

x(k A T)

An example of a real-valued time series and its associated DFT is shown in Fig. 1. The time series x(kAT)
is assumed to be periodic in the time domain of period T
seconds, and the set of Fourier coefficients X(jfo) is assumed to be periodic over the sample frequency fi. Only
one complete period of each function is shown.
The fundamental frequency Jo and the sample period
AT do not appear explicitly in Eqs. (5) and (6), but each
j should still be interpreted as a harmonic number and
each k still refers to a sample period number. That is, the
0true frequency is the product of j and fo and the true
time is the product of k and AT.
When the x(k) series is real, the real part of X(j) is
symmetric about the folding frequency ff (where f =
and the imaginary part is antisymmetric. Since X(j)
interpreted as being periodic, these symmetries
ha been
are equivalent to saying that the real part of X(j) is an
even function, and that the imaginary part of X(j) is an
odd function. This also means that the Fourier coefficients between N/2 and N 1 can be viewed as the
/"negative frequency" harmonics between - N/2 and -1.
Likewise, the last half of the time series can be interpreted
as negative time (that is, as occurring before t 0= ).
Derivation of the Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm. A derivation of the Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm8 for evaluating Eq. (6) is given in this section for the example of
N = 8. This derivation is also appropriate to the forward
transform, since Eq. (5) can be rewritten in the form9


___ I / .
k =0O


2 AT

3 AT

* *
* * *







j =0

fo = 1/T



3fo... ff...




where the asterisk refers to the complex conjugate operation. Alternatively, the FFT algorithm used for comput-


FIGURE 2. A flow diagram of the Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm for performing an eight-point transform.








A0(01 1)



















A0(1 11)

A0(1 10)
















X(1 11)

IEEE spectrum JULY 1969

ing Eq. (6) can be altered by redefining WN to be exp

(-27ri/N) and dividing each result by N.
Using Cooley's notation,8 the FFT algorithm involves
evaluating the expression


X(j) =E A(k) Wk


k 0

wherej = 0, 1, ..., N - 1, and W = exp (27ri/N). Note

that X and A can be interpreted as X* and x*IN, re-

spectively, if the forward transform is being computed,

and can be interpreted as x and X, respectively, if the
inverse transform is being computed.
When N is equal to 8, it is convenient to represent both
j and k as binary numbers; that is, for
k 0, 1, *, 7
i = 0, 1, * , 7
we can write
k = kA4 + k12 + ko (9)
i = j24 + j]2 + jo
where Jo, 1, 12, ko, ki, and k2 can take on values of 0 and 1
only. Using this representation of] and k, Eq. (8) becomes


= Z




ko=O k1=O
k2= 0

Noting that


w -


Wn, we have

W(j24+i12+io)k24W(i24+12+jo)ki2W(i24+j)2+io);o (11)
If we look at these terms individually, it is clear that
they can be written in the form
w(i24+ji2+io)124 = [W8(i22+ii)k2] Wiok24

-L[W8i2kli w(i12+io)ki


W(i24+i12+-o)ko= W(j24+i12+Jo)ko


Note, however, that


[e-27/8]8= e2r=


ko =0 A2(joJ,]ko)







The terms contributing to each sum are shown in Fig.

2. Each small number refers to a power of W applied
along the adjacent path. The last operation shown in Fig.
2 is the reordering. This is due to the bit reversal in the
arguments of Eq. (20).
This set of recursive equations represents the original
Cooley-Tukey formulation of the fast Fourier transform
algorithm for N = 8. Although a direct evaluation of
Eq. (8) for N = 8 would require nearly 64 complex
multiply-and-add operations, the FFT equations show

48 operations. By noting that the first multiplication in

each summation is actually a multiplication by +1, this
number becomes only 24. By further noting that WO =
-W4, Wl = - W5, etc., the number of multiplications
can be reduced to 12. These reductions carry on to the
2, reducing the computation
more general case of N
from nearly N2 operations to (N/2) 1og2 N complex
multiplications, (N12) 1og2 N complex additions, and
(N/2) 1og2 N subtractions. For N = 1024, this represents
a computational reduction of more than 200 to 1. This
difference is represented graphically in Fig. 3.


can it do?
The operations usually associated with the FFT are:
(1) computing a spectrogram (a display of the shortterm power spectrum as a function of time); (2) the convolution of two time series to perform digital filtering;
and (3) the correlation of two time series. Although all of
these operations can be performed without the FFT,
its computational savings have significantly increased the
interest in performing these operations digitally.
Spectrograms. The diagram in Fig. 4 represents a
method of obtaining estimates of the power spectrum of a
time signal through the use of the fast Fourier transform.


Thus, the bracketed portions of Eqs. (12) and (13)

can be replaced by a one. This means that Eq. (10) can be
written in the form


A3(io,J2) =

FIGURE 3. The number of operations required for computing the discrete Fourier transform using the FFT algo-

rithm compared with the number of operations required

for direct calculation of the discrete Fourier transform.

Wjok24 W(ji2+jo) ki2w(Y4+Yi2+Yo)kg



A i(jo,ki,ko)




(iO, il, (16)



In this form it is convenient to perform each of the

summations separately and to label the intermediate resuits. Note that each set consists of only eight terms
and that only the latest set needs to be saved. Thus the
equations can be rewritten in the form

Ai(]o,ki,ko) = E A(k2,k1k0)WJok24


A2(j0,.j1k0) = E Ai(]o,ki,ko) W(J1 +jo) 1,




Bergland-A guided tour of the fast Fourier transform


Direct calculation
of DFT





128 _/

64 128 256



In this case the square of the magnitude of the set of complex Fourier coefficients (that is, the periodogram) is used
to estimate the power spectrum of the original signal.
A snapshot of the spectrum of the signal can always be
computed from the last T seconds of data. By taking a
series of these snapshots, estimates of the power spectrum
can be displayed as a function of time as shown in Fig. 5.
When the audio range is displayed, this is usually called a
sound spectrogram or sonogram.

XI (ifo)

'X(ifo) 2

In some cases it is of interest to go one step further.

When the spectrum of a signal contains a periodic component, this spectrum can be compressed by taking the
logarithm, and then the fast Fourier transform can be
taken again. The result is called a cepstrum (pronounced
"kepstrum"). 13,19 An example of using the cepstrum to
determine the pitch period of a speaker is described in
Ref. 14. For a more complete discussion of short-term
spectrum and cepstrum analysis see Refs. 10-21.
Digital filtering. In a linear system, one is frequently
confronted with the problem of either (1) determining the
output, given the input and the impulse response, or (2)
finding the impulse response, given the input and the
output. Both of these problems can be approached
rather easily in the frequency domain.
In Fig. 6, the output c(t) is formed by convolving the
,)E -W_-,, _%
X* f /f^~ ~ - _ _input g(t) with the impulse response of the system h(T).
For sampled functions this convolution takes the form


N--r=r_ --r-

-r iT

FIGURE 4. The power spectrum of a real function computed by taking the sum of the squares of the real and
imaginary components of the discrete Fourier transform
Fourier coefficients.

FIGURE 5. A spectrogram made by using the fast Fourier

transform algorithm.

| t | | | /l
V | K1
- l -,| i1 '-,

i l l



| i



This equation represents the linear system in Fig. 6,

as long as h(r) is assumed to be zero for T < 0. If both
g(k) and h(k) consist of N consecutive nonzero samples,
the series c(k) can consist of 2N - 1 nonzero terms.
Since the FFT algorithm gives us a fast way of getting
to the frequency domain, it is interesting to consider
CU) = G(j)- H(j)


where C() is the DFT of c(k), G(j) is the DFT of g(k), and

H(j) is the DFT of h(k). By Eq. (6), this is equivalent to

c(k) = E tG(j)lH(j)]Wik(23)
i !1|
Eq. 1(5), this can be written as


g(r)h(k T)

g(ET)W i )(N

hE 6) W _j


Since all of the sums are finite, this can be rewritten as

; l *

| | l |!
| |

| |

~~~~IV1N- N- I



N IrI 11

E -t-^r)](25)

I 1111 I I l i 11 li * l g _lV=li
FIGURE 6. The response of a linear system to a driving
function g(k) expressed as the convolution of the input
sgnal with the impulse response of the system.

Digital filter



c(k) =





g(r) h(k - .)

= g*h
IEEE spectrum JULY 1969

This can be simplified through the use of the orthogonality relationship

E WNnjWN-mj= N if n = m mod N


= k - r, for


Thus Eq. (25) is equal to zero unless

which we have
1 N-1
c(k) - N g(T)h(k - r)
N i=O


This equation is identical to the desired Eq. (21) but the

requirement that h(i) be zero for r < 0 is not met. In
representing g(k) and h(k) by their Fourier coefficients
the assumption is made that they are periodic functions.
A method of sidestepping this problem is described later.
Correlation. By considering the equation




and following a developmentsimilartothatofthepre-

ceding s

welobtant sult


g(r)h(T- k)
c(k) = N


This is the form of the cross-correlation function of g(k)

and h(k). When h(k) = g(k) we obtain the autocorrelation
function. The problem again is that both g(k) and h(k)
were assumed to be periodic in finding their Fourier coefficients. This problem is discussed further in the next
From Eqs. (29) and (27), it is clear that convolution is
simply the process of correlating one time series with
another time series that has been reversed in time.
What are the pitfalls?
The three problems most often encountered in using the
discrete Fourier transform appear to be aliasing, leakage,
and the picket-fence effect. Also of interest are the problems associated with the blind use of Eqs. (22) and (28)
to perform convolutions and correlations. An everpresent problem,.-which is not discussed here, concerns
finding the statistical reliability of an individual power
spectral estimate when the signal being analyzed is noiselike. A discussion of this last problem can be found in
Refs. 11, 16, 17, 19, and 21.
Relating the DFT to the CFT. Most of the time, engineers are interested in the discrete Fourier transform
only because it approximates the continuous Fourier
transform. Most of the problems in using the DFT are
caused by a misunderstanding of what this approxima-

tion involves.
In Fig. 7, the results of the DFT are treated as a corrupted estimate of the CFT. The example considers a
cosine-wave input, but the results can be extended to any
function expressed as a sum of sine and cosine waves.
Line (a) of Fig. 7 represents the input signal s(t) and its
continuous Fourier transform S(f). Since s(t) is shown to
be a real cosine waveform, the continuous Fourier transform consists of two impulse functions that are symmetric

about zero frequency.

The finite portion of s(t) to be analyzed is viewed
through the unity amplitude data window w(t). This rectangular data window has a continuous Fourier transBergland-A guided tour of the fast Fourier transform

form, which is in the form of a (sin x)/x function. [When

this function takes the form (sin irx)/irx, it is referred to
as the sinc x function. 2 The portion of s(t) that will be
analyzed is represented as the product of s(t) and w(t)
in line (c) of Fig. 7. The corresponding convolution in
the frequency domain results in a blurring of S(f) into two
(sin x)/x-shaped pulses. Thus our estimate of S(f) is already corrupted considerably.
The sampling of s(t) is performed by multiplying by
c(t). (In Ref. 12 this infinite train of impulses is called a
Dirac comb.) The resulting frequency-domain function is
shown in line (e).
The continuous frequency-domain function shown in
line (e) can also be made discrete if the time function is
treated as one period of a periodic function. This assumption forces both the time-domain and frequencydomain functions to be infinite in extent, periodic, and
discrete, as shown in line (f).
The discrete Fourier transform is simply a reversible
mapping of N terms of s(k) into N terms of S(j). In this
S(j) approximate s(t)
example, the N terms of s^(k) and
and S(j) extremely well. This is an unusual case, however,
in that the frequency-domain function of line (e) of Fig. 7
was sampled at exactly the peaks and zeros. The problems

FIGURE 7. The Fourier coefficients of the discrete Fourier

transform viewed as a corrupted estimate of the continuous
Fourier transform.











S(f) W(f)

s(t) . w(t)



s(t) * w(t) * c(t)





1 11t
llSl 21
u-N termsA





S(f) W(f) C(f)



* .t
, *j


FIGURE 8. An example of a high frequency "impersonating" a low frequency.

of leakage, aliasing, and picket-fence effects are associated with variations from this ideal condition.
Since both s(k) and S(j) are periodic, with a period N,
any set of N adjacent terms can be used to characterize
either set. The magnitude of S(j) is the same for samples
of si(k) that are symmetric about the origin as it is for the
DFT of a set of samples starting at the origin. The
change in the phase of S(j) for different time origins can
be determined by application of the DFT shifting



Aliasing. The term "aliasing" refers to the fact that

high-frequency components of a time function can impersonate low frequencies if the sampling rate is too low.
This is demonstrated in Fig. 8 by showing a relatively
high frequency and a relatively low frequency that share
identical sample points. This uncertainty can be removed by demanding that the sampling rate be high
enough for the highest frequency present to be sampled at
twice during each cycle.
I___________________________ lleast
In the diagram of Fig. 1, the sampling frequency f, is
shown to be 1/AT samples per second. The folding fref(t) w(t)
quency (or Nyquist frequency) fJ is shown to be equal
to fS/2. In this example, an input signal x(t) will be represented correctly if its highest frequency component is
less than the folding frequency. A frequency component
5 Hz higher than the folding frequency will impersonate a
FIGURE 9. The rectangular data window implied when a
frequency 5 Hz lower than the folding frequency. Thus
finite record of data is analyzed.
any components in x(t) that are higher than the folding
frequency are aliased (or folded) into the frequency interval below the folding frequency. In Fig. 7, aliasing occurs
FIGURE 10. The leakage of energy from one discrete frewhen S(f) extends over a wider range of frequency than
quency into adjacent frequencies resulting from the analyone period of S(j).
sis of a finite record.
The cure to this problem involves sampling the signal
at a rate at least twice as high as the highest frequency
present. If the signal is known to be restricted to a certain band, the sampling rate can be picked accordingly.
If the signal has been passed through a low-pass filter, a
sampling rate can be chosen so that the components
above the Nyquist frequency are negligible. Aliasing is
discussed in more detail in Refs. 1-3, 10, and 12.
Leakage. The problem of leakage is inherent in the
Fourier analysis of any finite record of data. The record
has been formed by looking at the actual signal for a
period of T seconds and by neglecting everything that
happened before or after this period. As shown in Figs.
7 and 9, this is equivalent to multiplying the signal by a
rectangular data window.
Had the continuous Fourier transform of the pure
cosine wave in Fig. 9 been found, its contribution would
have been limited to only one point on the frequency axis.
x / \ ot (This is represented by the impulse at frequency fi in Fig.
> /10.) The multiplication by the data window in the time
domain, however, is equivalent to performing a convolution in the frequency domain. Thus this impulse function
is convolved with the Fourier transform of the square
data window, resulting in a function with an amplitude of
the (sin x)/x form centered about ft.
This function is not localized on the frequency axis
in fact has a series of spurious peaks called sidelobes.
objective is usually to localize the contribution of a
~~~~~~givenfrequency by reducing the amount of "leakage"
through these sidelobes.
~~F(f) *W(f)
usual approach consists of applying a data window
P //4/
the time series, which has lower sidelobes in the frel
quency domain than the rectangular data window. This is




IEEE spectrum JULY 1969

analogous to weighing the outputs of a linear antenna

array to reduce the sidelobe levels of the antenna pattern.
A host of different data windows have been discussed
in the literature; see Refs. 11, 12, 19, and 21. An example
of Tukey's "interim" data window is shown in Fig. 11.
In this window, a raised cosine wave is applied to the
first and last 10 percent of the data and a weight of unity
is applied in between. This window was suggested with
reservations in Refs. 11 and 19. Since only 20 percent of
the terms in the series are given a weight other than
unity, the computation required to apply this window in
the time domain is relatively small. Another window that
can be applied conveniently is the Hanning window, described by Blackman and Tukey.'2 This window is a
cosine bell on a pedestal, but it can be applied by convolving the DFT coefficients with the weights - /4,
1, and -%ii1
When the computation required is not the overriding
consideration, one can find a number of windows that
risrapidly decreasing sidelobes than the
rise toto
give give~~~~~..
cosine tapers described previously. An application of the
hap oof I1 *- tt* fo
fr --E <
Pre wido
(wic ha a shp
t < 1) is described in Ref. 21, and an application of the
Dolph-Chebyshev function is described in Ref 31. The
spectral window arising from an application of the
Dolph-Chebyshev function has a principal lobe width
that is as small as possible for a given sidelobe ratio and a
given number of terms. I
Whatever the form of the data window, it should be
applied only to the actual data and not to any artificial
data generated by filling out a record with zeros.
Picket-fence effect. In Fig. 12, an analogy is drawn between the output of the FFT algorithm and a bank of
bandpass filters. Although each Fourier coefficient would
ideally act as a filter having a rectangular response in the
frequency domain, the amplitude response is in fact of
the form shown in Fig. 10 because of the multiplication
of the input time series by the T-second data window.
In Fig. 12, the main lobes of the resulting set of spectral
windows have been plotted to represent the output of the
FFT. The sidelobes are not shown here. The width of each
main lobe is inversely proportional to the original record
length T.
At the frequencies computed, these main lobes appear to
beNindependent filters; that is, a unity-amplitude complex
exponential (of the form eiwt) with a frequency that is an
integral multiple of 1T, would result in a response of
unity at the appropriate harmonic frequency and zero
at all of the other harmonics.
The picket-fence effect becomes evident when the
signal being analyzed is not one of these discrete orthogonal frequencies. A signal between the third and fourth
harmonics, for example, would be seen by both the
third- and fourth-harmonic spectral windows but at a
value lower than one. In the worst case (exactly halfway
between the computed harmonics) the amplitude of the
signal is reduced to 0.637 in both of the spectral windows.
When this result is squared, the apparent peak power of
the signal is only 0.406. Thus the power spectrum seen by
this "set of filters" has a ripple that varies by a factor of
2.5 to 1. One seems to be viewing the true spectrum
through a picket fence.
A cure to this problem involves performing complex
interpolation on the complex Fourier coefficients. This
can be accomplished by the use of an interpolation funcBergland-A guided tour of the fast Fourier transform

tion29 or through modification of the DFT. The latter

approach will be described here.
By extending the record analyzed with a set of samples
that are identically zero, one can make the redundant FFT
algorithm compute a set of Fourier coefficients with terms
lying between the original harmonics. Since the width of
the spectral window associated with each coefficient is related solely to the reciprocal of the true record length (T),
the width of these new spectral windows remains unchanged. As shown in Fig. 13, this means that the spectral
windows associated with this new set of Fourier coefficients overlap considerably.
If the original time series is represented by g(k) for
k = 0, 1, *--, N - 1, then the series analyzed in this
example can be represented by g(k), where
for 0 < k <N
(k) = g(k)
for N < k < 2N

(k) = 0



additional Fourier coefficients that result are interleve wit th
AvAs shown
wit tin Fig.iginal
13, the ripple in the power spectrum
has been reduced fro
60 percent to 20
approximately 60
reduce from apomately
per to 2020
percent.ethe pe e
In practice the picket-fence problem is not as great as
this discussion implies. In many cases the signal being
processed will not be a pure sinusoid but will be broad
enough to fill several of the original spectral windows.
Moreover, the use of any data window other than the
rectangular (or boxcar) data window discussed here,





FIGURE 11. An extended cosine-bell data window.

FIGURE12. TheresponseofthediscreteFouriertransform
Fourier coefficients viewed as a set of bandpass filters

(picket-fence effect).

Independent filters




Harmonic number


1.0 F




_F IV Y51V V V

Yg Vg


usually tends to reduce the picket-fence effect by widening

the main lobe of each spectral window.
Convolution and correlation. The blind use of Eqs.
(22) and (28) to perform correlation and convolution is
often inconvenient and usually incorrect. An example of
incorrect usage is discussed first.
Given a function g(t), one is frequently interested in
convolving this function with another function h(t). As
shown in Fig. 14, this involves reversing (or flipping) h(t),
and sliding it by g(t). The convolution of these functions
is formed by computing and integrating the product
g(r) * h(t - r) as a function of the relative displacement t.
As indicated by Fig. 14, both functions are considered to
be identically zero outside of their domain of definition.
Where g(t) and h(t) are finite and sampled, this corresponds to the sliding, multiplying, and summing operations of Eq. (21).
When convolutions are computed with the aid of Eq.
(22) and the fast Fourier transform, both of the functions
are treated as being periodic. The corresponding forms
of g(r) and h(t - r) are shown in Fig. 15. The result
is a cyclical convolution, which is entirely different from







FIGURE 13. The reduction of the picket-fence effect,
brought about by computing redundant overlapping sets of
Fourier coefficients.

FIGURE 14. The procedure for performing noncyclical

convolution on two finite signals.
Usually we want


the noncyclical convolution described previously.

Fortunately, this problem is easily sidestepped by
simply defining and convolving g'(r) and hI(t - r) as
shown in Fig. 16; see Refs. 7, 10, 23, 24, 28, and 31. In
this case

0 < k <N
N < k < 2N

= g(k)

'(k) = 0


Thus the appropriate procedure iS to

(1) Form g(k) and (k).
(2) Find G(j) and H(j) via the FFT.
(3) Compute C(j) = G(j)*H(j).
(4) Find 2c(k) = F-1[C(j)] via the FFT.
The series c(k) represents the 2N-term series resulting
from the convolution of the two N-term series g(k) and
h(k). This technique is expressed in general terms in the
section on "select-saving" in Ref. 24, and it is appropriate
to correlation as well as convolution.
When one of the series convolved or correlated is
much longer than the other, transforming the entire record of both functions is inconvenient and unnecessary.
If h(k) is an N-term series and g(k) is much longer, the
procedure shown in Fig. 17 can be used. The h(k) series can
be thought of as the impulse response of a filter that is
acting on the series g(k). As shown in Fig. 14, the "pres_ent" output of the digital filter is merely a weighted sum
of the last N samples it has seen. In the example of Fig.
17, this means that the 2N-term series h(k) convolved
with one of the 2N-term segments of g(k) would result in
N lags (or displacements), for which the correct N-term
history is not available, and N lags for which the correct
N-term history is available. Thus the first N lags computed are meaningless and the last N lags are correct.
WIn Fig. 17, overlapping sets of 2N-term segments of
g(k) are shown. When convolved with h(k), each of these
segments contributes N correct terms to the final convolution. When all of these sets of N terms are pieced
together, the result is the desired convolution of g(k) and
h(k). Thus the length of the required FFTs is determined
by the length of the short series rather than the long one.
The length of the long series doesn't need to be specified.
Having exactly half of the values of i(r) be zero is a
specific example of the "select-saving" method24 and is
made a requirement only to limit the discussion.
The segmenting technique used in convolving a short
series with a long series can also be applied to the problem

Filtered by


Past 4

> Past




FIGURE 15. The cyclical convolution of two finite signals

analogous to that performed by the FFT algorithm.


Accomplished by sliding and summing


- FutuJre




IEEE spectrum JULY 1969

of computing N lags of the autocorrelation function of an

M-term series when N << M. Figure 18 shows a function
g(t), which can be sampled to form an M-term time series.
To compute N lags of the autocorrelation function of
g(t), this series is broken into overlapping segments of at
least 2N terms. For each segment, the functions g(t) and
g(t) can be formed and sampled such that
= g(k)

k(k) = g(k)


< kk<2N(32
< 2N
0 < k<N


= 0N < k <

ideal low-pass, high-pass, and bandpass filters that are

so difficult to come by in the real world. This should not
be done, however, without exercising great caution.
When a digital filter is specified in the frequency domain, this is equivalent to multiplying the Fourier coefficients by a window. This multiplication in the frequency domain is equivalent to performing a convolution
in the time domain. Thus, the constraints discussed previously still apply but are not as readily apparent. For
this discussion, the constraint is that at least half of the
impulse response implied by the frequency domain filter

~~be identically zero.

When an ideal filter, such as H(f) in Fig. 19, is specified

An appropriate procedure is to
in the frequency domain, this implies a (sin x)/x impulse
(1) Form G(j) and G(j) via the FFT.
A ^ ^response in the time domain. In this example of an ideal
low-pass filter, h(t) does not go to zero, meaning that the
(2) Compute C(j) = G(j) G*(j).
tails of the (sin x)/x impulse response fold back into the
(3) Find c(k) = F-'[C((j)] via the FFT.
T-second region. The result is aliasing in the time domain
The first half of the c(k) series represents the contribucaused by undersampling the filter function in the fretion of the first half of the 2N-term segment to the first
quency domain. This is directly analogous to the aliasing
N lags of the autocorrelation function of g(k). When the
in the frequency domain caused by undersampling in the
contributions from all of the segments are added together,
time domain.
the result is the first N lags of the autocorrelation funcThe cure to this problem is always to choose a filter
tion of all M terms of g(k). This technique, called "overwith an impulse response that dies out or can be trunlap-adding," is described in detail by Helms.24
cated so that at least half of its terms are essentially zero.
The choice of 2N zeros is made to limit the present disTwo procedures based on truncating the impulse recussion and can be changed. The optimum choice with
sponse are described in detail by Helms30'31; see also
respect to computational effort is discussed in Refs. 22
Refs. 32 and 33. In specifying a filter in the frequency doand 24. It is also a simple matter to compute any set of N
main, remember that a filter with a real impulse response
lags and to apply this same technique to computing
implies a set of Fourier coefficients whose real part is an
cross-correlation functions.
even function and whose imaginary part is an odd funcFrequency-domain filter design. Given the capability
tion. In the fast Fourier transform format, this implies
for convenient and efficient digital filtering, one possesses
that the real part be symmetric about the folding freconsiderable degree of freedom in specifying the form of
quency [the (N/2)th harmonic] and the imaginary part be
the filter. It becomes very tempting to make use of the


/\/\/\ ~~~~~~~(r)~

FIGURE 18. A method of using the fast Fourier transform

algorithm to compute N lags of the a utocorrelation function
of an M-term series.
Partial correlation


FIGURE 16. Noncyclical convolution of two finite signals

analogous to that performed by the FFT algorithm.





FIGURE 17. A method for convolving a finite impulse response with an infinite time function by performing a series


of fast Fourier transforms.

Digital filtering





2 ll






Bergland-A guided tour of the fast Fourier transform


~ ~-

2N terms-

H- 2T seconds ---


JLj~ ~ =]2(r,)+ r,)

antisymmetric, as shown in the example of Fig. 1.

Applications. An example of a radar signal processing
system is shown in the top half of Fig. 20. A chirped radar
pulse, s(t), is shown entering a matched dechirping filter
followed by a Taylor weighting network.62 In practice the
input signal is corrupted by noise, the atmosphere, the
equipment, etc., and the problem is to determine the effect this has on system performance.6" In Fig. 20 this
degradation is expressed in the form of a weighting function applied to s(t) before it enters the matched filter. In

Specifying a filter in the frequency domain




this example the weighting is of the form 1 - x(t).

For our discussion, the matched filter can be viewed as
finding the autocorrelation function of the chirped signal,
and the Taylor weighting can be viewed as applying a
weighting function in the frequency domain. The autocorrelation can be thought of as convolving the waveform
s(t) with itself reversed in time-that is, with f(t). The
multiplication by the Taylor weighting coefficients in the
frequency domain corresponds to convolving the result
of the first convolution with the impulse response of the
Taylor weighting network w(t). Thus the response of the
system, r(t), is actually the result of performing two convolutions. If s(t), f(t), and w(t) can all be represented by
N-term series, they each should be augmented with 3N
zeros to assure that the final convolution is noncyclical.
The application of the fast Fourier transform to radar
and sonar ranging systems can be viewed in terms of performing a correlation. Since correlation can be viewed as
one function searching to find itself in another, it is
clear how echo-ranging systems using a chirped or even
a random-noise signal can operate. Since these correlations can now be done by means of the FFT, many of
these operations can be performed digitally in real time.
How has it been implemented?

Software. The number of variations of the FFT algorithm appears to be directly proportional to the number
of people usingit. 3 4-53Most of these algorithms are based
on either the Cooley-Tukey or the Sande-Tukey algorithm," but are formulated to exploit properties of the
series being analyzed or properties of the computer being


Jr-\ /

\ , -'

FIGURE 19. The (sin x)/x impulse response of a filter implied when a rectangular frequency response is specified.
FIGURE 20. Block diagrams illustrating the use of the FFT
for simulating a radar signal processing system.

Equations (17) through (20) represent the CooleyTukey formulation of the FFT algorithm. By separating
the components of ] instead of the components of k in
Eq. (11), the Sande-Tukey equations would have resulted.
In either case, the recursive equations can be written in
the form of a two-point transform followed by a rereferencing (or twiddling9) operation. The resulting

counterparts of Eqs. (17)-(20) are as follows:



A(k2,k,ko) Wj0k24 W4jok (34)


Ai(jo,k1,ko)W2 'A" W,(j'2+jo)ko

J -i











s(t) Y





r(t) = [l - x(t)]

s(t): f(t); w(t)

A2(]o,l]ko) W2i2jo}




The extension of the FFT algorithm from radix-two

algorithms to arbitrary-radix algorithms is accomplished
by representing the j and k variables of Eq. (8) in a mixed
radix number system.34'51 For the example of N =
rlr2r3, they take the form

r(t) = s(t) * f(t): w(t)




_k = k2(r,r3) + k1(r:3) + ko
* , r, - 1;]', k1 = 0, 1, * * , r2 -1;

where]jO, k2 = 0, 1,

and 12, ke = 0, 1, * * , r3 -1. The resulting recursive

equations can functionally be separated into r, point
transforms, r2 point transforms, r3 point transforms, and
rereferencing operations.

IEEE spectrum JULY 1969

Since four-point transforms can be performed with

only additions and subtractions, an algorithm with a
large number of factors that are four requires less computation than a radix-two algorithm. 44 In much the same
manner, a further reduction can be made by forcing the
algorithm into a form where a large number of eightpoint transforms can be done very efficiently. 5 The
number of multiplications required by the resulting
algorithms is reduced by 30 percent and 40 percent, respectively, compared with radix-two algorithms.
Several variants of the FFT algorithm have been
motivated by characteristics of the series being transformed. When the series is real, the expected two-to-one
reduction in computation and storage can be obtained
by either putting the N-term real record in the form of an
artificial N/2-term complex record,7 or by restructuring
the FFT algorithm.36
An algorithm that allows the value of N to take on
any value (including a prime number) has recently
been proposed.25'38 For any value of N, the discrete
Fourier transform can be written

X(j) =

The author would like to thank D. E. Wilson for the loan of the
Kaenel and W. W. Lang for their M. Rader, and
and B.R.P. A.
Bogert, W. T. Hartwell, H. D. Helms, C.encouragement;

P. T. Rux for suggesting several improvements, which were incorporated in this article.

i N-1
x(k) W
N k=O



NXo x(k)W-jk+[(k2-k2+j2ij2)/21


tice-Hall, 1966.

X(j) = W


we can now build a relatively inexpensive special-purpose

processor that is able to meet the real-time constraints
of a wide variety of signal-processing problems.
A survey of FFT processors and their characteristics is
reported in Ref. 55. Most of these processors can be
classified in one of the four families of FFT processor
machine organizations discussed in Ref. 56. These four
families represent varying degrees of parallelism, performance, and cost.
Most of the hardware implementations built to date
have relied on either a radix-two or a radix-four algorithm. The regularity of these algorithms and the resulting
simplification in control have tended to discourage the
use of the more general arbitrary-radix algorithms. In
addition, most users of real-time FFT hardware seem
to have adapted quickly to thinking in powers of two.

NE~& [WVV2x(k)JVW V-k)2.


Note that Eq. (41) is in the form of a convolution; i.e.,

Wj2/2 N-1

X(j) Q
= -

E g(k)h(]-k)


where g(k) = W-k2/2x(k), and h(j - k) = W(i k)2/2.

In performing this convolution, both of the series can be
augmented with zeros until they contain a highly factorable number of terms N. These extended series can be
transformed by a conventional N'-term FFT algorithm to
obtain the noncyclical convolution required by Eq. (42).
The Fourier coefficients corresponding to the original Nterm DFT of Eq. (39) are obtained by multiplying the
results of this convolution by the unit amplitude complex
exponential Wj~2~2 where W = exp (22 i/N.
This algorithm should be very useful when employed
with a hardware FFT processor that otherwise would be
restricted to values of N that are powers of two.
A variety of different FFT programs for performing
one-dimensional and multidimensional fast Fourier
transforms have been made available by Cooley,41'42
Sande,48 Singleton,49-52 and Brenner,39 who have programmed most of the options described here plus several
others as wel.l.
Hardware. The advent of the FFT algorithm reduced
the time required for performing a 2 10-point discrete
Fourier transform from several minutes to less than a
second. The advent of special-purpose digital hardware
further reduced this time to tens of milliseconds.54~60
The cost of finding a 2 10-point transform used to be
The FFT agorlth
algorithm reouca
reduced tnls
m dolars. Te
cost to a few cents. Special-purpose hardware has reduced it further to hundredths of a cent.
Thus in the past five years, both the cost and execution

timeof cmputng disreteFourer ransorm ave een

reduced by nearly four orders of magnitude. Therefore,
Bergland-A guided tour of the fast Foulrier transform

Introduction to Fourier analysis

1. Arsac, J., Fourier Transforms. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Pren2. Bracewell, R., The Fourier Transform and Its Applications.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965.
3. Papoulis, A., The Fourier Integral and Its Applications. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1962.
Historical development of the fast Fourier transform
4. Cooley, J. W., Lewis, P. A. W., and Welch, P. D., "Historical
notes on the fast Fourier transform," IEEE Trans. Audio and Electroacoustics, vol. AU-15, pp. 76-79, June 1967.

Introduction to thefast Fourier transform

5. Brigham, E. O., and Morrow, R. E., "The fast Fourier


form," IEEE Spectrum, vol. 4, pp. 63-70, Dec. 1967.

6. Cochran, W. T., et al., "What is the fast Fourier transform ?"

June 1967.
7. Cooley, J. W., Lewis, P. A. W., and Welch, P. D., "The fast

IEEE Trans. Audio and Electroacoustics, vol. AU-15, pp. 45-55,

Fourier transform algorithm and its applications," IBM Research

RC-1743, Feb. 1967.
8. Cooley, J. W., and Tukey,

J. W., "An algorithm for the ma-

chine calculation of complex Fourier series," Math. Comput., vol.

19, pp. 297-301, Apr. 1965.
9. Gentleman, W. M., and Sande, G., "Fast Fourier transformsfor fun and profit," 1966 Fall Joint Computer Conf., AFIPS Proc.,
vol. 29. Washington, D.C.: Spartan Books.
10. Gold, B., and Rader, C. M., Digital Processing of Signals.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.
Spectrum and cepstrum analysis
11. Bingham, C., Godfrey, M. D., and Tukey, J. W., "Modern
techniques of power spectrum estimation," IEEE Trans. Audio and
Electroacoustics, vol. AU-15, pp. 56-66, June 1967.
12. Blackman, R. B., and Tukey, J. W., The Measurement of
Power Spectra. New York: Dover, 1958.
13. Bogert, B. P., Healy, M. J. and Tukey, J. W., "The frequency

analysis of time series for echoes: cepstrum, pseudoautocovariance,

cross-cepstrum and saphe-cracking," Time Series Analysis, Murray Rosenblatt, ed. New York: Wiley, 1963, pp. 201-243.
14. Noll, A. Michael, "Short-time spectrum and 'cepstrum' tech-

niques for vocal-pitch detection," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 36, pp.
296-302, 1964.
15. Oppenheim, A. V., Schafer, R. W., and Stockham, T. G., Jr.,
"sNonlinear filtering of multiplied and convolved signals,"
Proc. IEEE, vol. 56, pp. 1264-1291, Aug. 1968. (Reprinted in

Trans. Audio and Electroacoustics, vol. AU-16, pp. 437-465,
Sept. 1968.)
16. Parzen, -E., "Statistical spectral analysis (single channel case)
in 1968," Tech. Rep. 11, ONR Contract Nonr-225(80)(NR-042234), Stanford University, Dept. of Statistics, Stanford, Calif.,
17. Richards, P. I., "Computing reliable power spectra," IEEE

Spectrum, vol. 4, pp. 83-90, Jan. 1967.


IS. Tukey. J. W., "An introduction to the measurement of spectra," in Probabiliti anid Statistics, Ulf Greniander, ed. New York:
Wiley, 1959, pp. 300-330.
19. Tukey, J. W., "An initroduction to thle calculations of niumerical spectrumn analysis," in Spectral Anati-sis of Time Series, Beriiard Harris, ed. New York: Wiley, 1967, pp. 25-46.
20. Welch, P. D., "A direct digital method of power spectrum estimationi," IBM J. Res. Develop., vol. 5, pp. 141-156, 1961.
21. Welch, P. D., "Thie use of the faist Fourier transform for the
estimiation of power spectra: a methodi based on timne averaging
over shiort, modified periodogratms," IEEE Traits. Aud(io anid
Flectroacouistics, vol. AU-I5, pp. 70-73. Junie 1967.
Use of the fiast Foutrier trantsformi int couvoluttioo, correlatio,,, dligital
filterinig, etc.
22. Cooley, J. W., "Applications of thec fast Fourier trantsform
miethod." Proc. IBM Scienitific Conipuptintg S.t'nip. oni Digital Si,nutlatio,, of Co,,ttittuons Srvstemns, Thomas J. Wattsoni Researchi Center,
Yorktowni Heights, N.Y., 1966.
23. Cooley, J. W., Lewis, P. A. W., anid Welch., P. D., "Applicationi of the faist Fourier trainsformi to comiputation of Fourier integratls, Fourier series, anid conivolution initegrals." IEEE Tranis.
Auedio anid Electroaconstics, vol. AU-IS. pp. 79-84, Junie 1967.
24. Helmis, H. D.. "Fast Fourier tranisform miethod of computing
difrerenice equations and simulating tilters." IFEE Trants. Auldio
anid Electroacou(stics, vol. A U-IS5, pp. 85-90, June 1967.
25. Rabiner, L. R., Schiafer, R. W., anid Rader, C. M.. "Thie chiirp
Z-tranisforni algorithmi antd its applications.'" Bell SyVstemi Tech.
J., vol. 48. pP). 1249-1292, May-June 1969.
26. Sanide, G., "Oni ani alternativec miethiod of calculatinig covarianice funictions," unipublished techniical niote, Prineceton Uniiversity,
Priniceton, N.J., 1965.
27. Sinigleton., R. C., "Algorithim 345. ani Algol conivolution p)roceduire based oni the fakst Fourier tranisformi," Cominuniii. Assoc.
Contipit. Mach.. vol. 12. Mar. 1969.
28. Stockhami, T. G., "High-speed conivolutioni anid correlation."
1966 S5printg Jointt Conmputer Coutf.. AFIPS Proc., vol. 28. Wastiinigton, D.C.: Spatrtant Books. pp. 229-233.
The picket-ftnuie e/i'ct
29. Hartwell. W. T., "An alternate approach to thec use of discrete
Fourier tranisformis." to be publishied.

44. Gentleman, W. M., anid Sande, G., "Fast Fourier transforms -ror funi anid profit." 1966 Fall Jointt Comiputer Conf.,
AFIPS Proc., vol. 29. Washington. D.C.: Spartani Books.
45. Good, I. J., "The interactioni algorithm and pracetical Fourier
series," J. Royv. Statist. Soc., vol. 20, series B, pp. 361-372, 1958;
addendum, vol. 22, pp. 372-375, 1960.
46. Pease, M. C., "Ani adaption of the fast Fourier tranisform for
parallel processing," J. Assoc. Comiput. Mach., vol. 15, pp. 252264. Apr. 1968.
47. Rader, C. M., "Discrete Fourier transformns wheni the number
of data samples is prime," Proc. IEEE, vol. 56, pp. 1107-1108,
June 1968.
48. Sanide. G., "Arbitrary radix one-dimensionial fast Fourier
transformn subroutinies," University of Chicago. Ill., 1968.
49. Sinigleton., R. C.. "On computing the fast Fourier trainsform." CTomninii. Assoc. Comtpuit. Maclh., vol. 10, pp. 647-654,
Oct. 1967.
50. Singleton. R. C.. "Algorithml 338. Algol procedures for the
fitst Fourier tranisformi." Com,in,mi. Assoc. Comnput. Mach., vol. II,
pp. 647-654, Nov. 1968.
SI1. Singletoni, R. C., "Algorithim 339, an Algol procedure for the
faist Fourier tranisform with arbitrary factors," Comm,uuu. Assoc.
Comput. Maclh., vol. I 1, pp. 776-779, Nov. 1968.
52. Sinigletoii, R. C... "Algorithmn 345. an Algol conivolutionl procedure based oni the fast Fourier tranisformn," Commntii. Assoc.
Comtpuit. Mfach., vol. 12, Mar. 1969.
53. Yavne. R., "Ani econiomiical mnethiod for catlculatinig thec discrete Fourier tranisform," 1968 Fatll Joinit Computer Con!f, 1FfIPS
Proc.. vol. 33. Washinigton., D.C.: Spartani Books. pp. 115-125.


Berglanid, G. D., anid Hale, H. W.. "~Digital real-timie spectral

anailysis," IEEE Trants. Electronic Computers, vol. EC-16, pp.

180-185, Apr. 1967.

G. D.,


"~Fast Fouirier tranisformi



-at survev," IEEE Trails. Audtio and Electroacontstics, vol. AU-17, Junie 1969.




G. D.,
Fourier transform
implementations---an overview,"' IEEE Trants. Aufdio anid Electroacontstics, vol. AU-17. Junte 1969.
57. McCullough, R. B.. "A real-time digital spectrumi anialyzer,"
Frequenc~r-doinain filter (lesigitStaniford Electronics Laboratories Sci. Rept. 23, Stanford UniiFrequenci-domnninfilter rlesign
~~~versity. Calif., Nov. 1967.
30. Helmis. H. D., "Fast Fourier transform miethod for compuiting
M. C., Ill,
Goldberg. J.,
study of a
dilferencec equattionis anid simulatinig filters,"~IEEE Tratits. Autdio
spciluroedgtlom trfro--inFuiranlys,
aiidElecroaoitsies,vol AU-5, l). 5-90 Juie
No. 989. Advanced Research Projects Agency, Washington,
31. Helms, H. D., "'Nonirecursive digitail filters: design miethiods
D.C., Maty 1967.
for achieving specificattionis oni frequenicy response." IEEE Trunis.
in real
processor to
59. Shively, R. R., "A
Aiti(iaii Elctrttettsies vl. U-1, p. 36-32, ept 198.
time," IEEE Tranis. Comnputers, vol. C-17, pp. 485-491, May 1968.
32. Kaiser, J. F., "Digital filters," in Sriste,ip Anialrsis bhi Digital
60. Smith, R. A., "A
.. processor,"
Comiputter, F. F. Kuo anid J. F, Kaiser, eds. New York: Wiley,





genierate spectrat


33. Otnics. R. K., "Ani elemnenitary designi procedure for digital

tilters," IEEE Traits. Audiio antd Electroatcouistics, vol. AU- 6, pp.
336-342, Sept. 1968.

AlIgorithmis anid soft ware

34. Berglanid, G. D., '"Tlie fast Fourier tratisformn recursive equations for arbitrary lenigthi records," Maith. Comiput., vol. 21, pp.
236--238, Apr. 1967.
35. Berglanid, G. D., "~A fast Fourier trantsform algorithmn usinig
base 8 iterattionis.' Math. Compupit., vol. 22, pp. 275-279, Apr. 1968.
36. Berglanid, G. D., "A fatst Fourier transform algorithim for
real-valued series." Comntu,iit. Assoc. Conitpit. Muich., vol. 11, pp.
703-710, Oct. 1968.
37. Berglanid. G. D., and Wilsoin, D. E., "Ani FFT algorithmt for a
globail, highly pairallel processor," IEEE Traits. Audcio amid Electroacoustics, vol. AU-17. Junie 1969).
38. Bluestein., L. I., "'A liniear filtering approach to the computationi of the discrete Fourier trainsforml," 1968 NEREM Record,
pP). 218-219.
39. Brennier, N. M., "~Three Fortrani programiis thatt performi thle
Coolcv-Tukey Fourier trainsformi," Tech. Note 1967-2, Lincoln
Laiborattory, M.I.T., Lexingtoni, Mass., July 1967.
40. Cooley, J. W., anid Tukey, J. W.. "An algorithm for the
machinie calculation of complex Fourier series," Math. C'omtput.,
vol. 19, pp. 297-301, Apr. 1965.
41. Cooley, J. W., "Hairmionic anialysis complex Fourier series,"
SHARE Doe. 3425, Feb. 7, 1966.
42. Coolcy, J. W., "Complex finiite Fourier transform subroutinec,"
SHARE Doc. 3465, Sept. 8, 1966.
43. Danielsoni, G. C.. anid Laniezos. C.. "Some
practical Fourier anialysis and their applicationi to X-ray scattering
from liquids," J. Franiklini liust., vol. 233, pp. 365-380, 435-452.



61. Gilbert, S. M., Privatte commiunicationi, Bell Teleplione Laboratories, Inc., Whiippaniy. N.J.
62. Klauder, J. R., Price. A. C.. Darlingtoni. S., antd Albersheim,
W. J., "Thie theory and designi of chiirp radars.,' Bell Systemn Tech.
J. vol. 39, pp. 745-808. Julv 1960.

G. D.

Bergland (M) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. de-

grees from Iowa State University in 1962, 1964, and 1966, respectively. While at Iowa State he was a teaching assistant

asistanletrincth Engineering DexperimentSation. Frome1964
he thelaEnationaleSienxeienFoundation.
t 96h edaNtoa cec onaintanehp
joined the Digital Systems Laboratory at Bell
Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Whippany, N.J., where he

conducted research in the area

of special-purpose computer
organizations. Since 1968 he has
been the supervisor of the Cornputer Systems Studies Group,
which is involved in the study
and evaluation of real-time applications of special-purpose

data-processing techniques. He
is a member of Sigma Xi, Phi
Kappa Phi, Eta Kappa Nu, and

Tau Beta Pi.

Bergland-A guided tour of the fast Fourier transform

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