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Aghamolaei et al.

BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14:322


Open Access

Service quality assessment of a referral hospital in

Southern Iran with SERVQUAL technique:
patients perspective
Teamur Aghamolaei1, Tasnim Eghbal Eftekhaari2, Shideh Rafati2, Kobra Kahnouji3*, Shamsieh Ahangari4,
Mohammad Esmaeil Shahrzad5, Ataollah Kahnouji6 and Seyedeh Hamideh Hoseini7

Background: Providing services to patients according to their expectations and needs is necessary for the success
of an organization in order to remain in the competitive market. Recognizing these needs and expectations is an
important step in offering high quality services. This study was designed to determine the service quality gap of the
main hospital of Hormozgan province.
Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in 2013 in Bandar Abbas ShahidMohammadi Hospital in the
south of Iran. All 96 participants of this study were provided by SERVQUAL questionnaire. Data was analyzed by
Wilcoxon and Kruskal-Wallis tests.
Results: Service quality gaps were seen in all five service quality dimensions and the overall quality of service. The
mean of quality perception score and quality expectation score was 3.44 0.693 and 4.736 0.34, respectively. The
highest perception was in assurance dimension and the highest expectation was in Responsiveness and assurance
dimensions. Also, the lowest perception was in responsiveness dimension and the lowest expectation was about
empathy. In this study, 56.1% of participants defined the quality of services as average.
Conclusion: According to the results, this hospital was not able to meet patients expectations completely.
Therefore, action must be taken to decrease the gap between the perception and expectation of the patients.
Keywords: Hospital, Quality, SERVQUAL, Patients, Iran

Nowadays, quality is becoming a burden to organizations in order to satisfy their customers. Quality of
services is an important factor for the growth, success
and persistence of an organization and is becoming an
important factor for forecasting the organizations
perspective [1].
In the health sector the importance of health services
and their relation with human life, quality assurance and
quality promotion have increasingly caught the attention
of tax payers having increasing expectations from hospitals and other health providing organizations. Because of
the importance of health care services, improving their
* Correspondence:
Social Determinants for Health Promotion Research Center, Hormozgan
University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

quality is becoming more and more substantial and the

demand for quality control and quality management is
increasing [2].
Quality is a familiar term that is used in many settings.
Compatibility between the service and what the customer needs and expects is the most common definition [3]. Quality is achieved when the service meets
customers needs and expectations [4]. Any attention
to the service, without counting on customers opinion
will not improve quality, necessarily. Accordingly, inquiring customers opinion for adapting the services is
important [4].
The quality of health services has two dimensions;
technical quality and functional quality [5]. The technical quality of health care services is on the bases of
the authenticity of identification and management

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Aghamolaei et al. BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14:322

procedures. On the other hand, functional quality is related to non-clinical aspects [6].
Since most of the patients have no knowledge towards
the assessment of technical services, the functional quality is used to evaluate the quality of healthcare services
[5]. In order to assure that medical procedures are effective not only from the experts viewpoint (technical
quality) but also having the ability to satisfy the functional quality patients expectations must be considered
in health system delivery; hence it is essential to evaluate
services explicitly and implicitly based on consumers
viewpoints [6]. Providing the services according with
patients needs and expectation is essential for survival
and success of the organization in the competitive environment of the health care market [7].
The expectations of consumers are related to their
previous expectations, attitude and perception towards
the competitive markets. Also, after providing services
the organization managers must measure the amount of
expectations that have been met [8].
Usually there is an imbalance between the patients
real needs and discernments and awareness of managers
from perceptions of the patients which decreases the
quality of services [9].
(One of the most important reasons is that direct relation with the customer is not available. Therefore the
managers will not be able to determine the priorities and
cannot answer the expectations which lead to quality
gaps [10].
However, recognizing the expectations and perceptions
of costumers regarding the quality of services will facilitate prioritizing and strategic resource allocation and will
decrease quality gaps [11].
There are different methods for determining the expectations of patients. SERVQUAL is one of the best
and most used models in this regard [12]. This questionnaire was reviewed many times and is now summarized
in 5 dimensions of perceptions: responsiveness, assurance, reliability, empathy and tangibility [13].
This tool is used in order to measure the quality of
service, which has 5 dimensions and 22 components for
measuring the expectations and perceptions of the patients on the dimensions of the service qualities [14].
SERVQUAL assesses the exact insight of the patients
from the services they receive and compares it with their
ideal expectation. Parasurman believes that the quality of
services is related to their expectations before and during
purchasing and its perceived quality after purchasing. He
also defines service gap as the difference between customer expectation and their perceptions. This model is
also recognized as the gap analyzer model and is the
strongest tool in assessing the quality of services [15].
This study follows the aim of determining the different
dimensions of the quality of the services being provided

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in ShahidMohammadi hospital in south of Iran and

evaluating service quality from the patients perspective.

The study population consisted of all the patients who
were hospitalized in ShahidMohammadi Hospital of
Bandar Abbas in south of Iran during the spring of
2013. Only children under age of 15 yrs were admitted
because of surgical, orthopedic or neurosurgical problems or major burns. The patients were assured their information would be kept confidential and an informed
consent was obtained. For the children younger than
15 years the consent was filled out by their guardians or
parents. This hospital has 21 wards and 450 beds.

The sample size was calculated according to the results

of other studies. With a maximum error of 0.05, standard deviation of 0.22 and confidence level of 95%, the
sample size was 97. The samples were selected using
multistage cluster method. At first, all the hospital wards
were listed and among them, eight wards were selected.
Then, according to the size of each cluster, the samples
were selected from patients who were hospitalized for
more than 24 hours. A total of 100 questionnaires were
distributed among the patients on the day of discharge
and filled by an interviewer. Out of 100questionnaires,
11 were excluded from the study due to incompleteness.
Survey instrument

The required data were collected using Parasuraman

questionnaire [12]. This questionnaire consists of a part
with demographic questions and another part with 22
multiple choice questions; four questions related to tangibility, four questions related to responsiveness, five
questions related to reliability, four questions related to
assurance and five questions related to empathy. In this
part, the expectations and perceptions of patients were
measured. In the first section, the perception of patients
of the quality of services is measured and in the second
section, their expectations of quality of services is
assessed using Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5) to assess the level of patients expectation and perception of service quality. To
classify the perception and expectation of the patients
from the hospitals service quality in each of the 5 dimensions, perceptions was divided to good, intermediate
and weak; expectation was divided to very important,
relatively important and least important (Table 1) according to the total score of questions in each dimensions. So that maximum score in that dimension was
subtracted from minimum score in that dimension, and
added by one and divided by three. The resulted number
showed the array of the groups.

Aghamolaei et al. BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14:322

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Table 1 The state of perception and expectation of participants of the study





Very important

Relatively important














































Total quality









The quality gap was defined as the difference of the

perception and expectation scores.
The validity of the Persian translation of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and had been previously
used by many Iranian researchers. The Reliability of the
questionnaire was also confirmed (Cronbachs = 0.94).

Collected data was entered in SPSS ver19 software.

Wil-coxon test was used to calculate the quality gap of
services and Kruskal-Wallis was used to define the significance of difference between the mean score of expectation
and perception in different age, gender, educational status,
and employment groups.

This study was approved by the ethics committee of

the Deputy of Research and Technology, Hormozgan
University of Medical Sciences (code: HEC-92-12-14).

The mean age of the participants was 32.9 10.05 and
most of the participants were male (64%). Most of them
were unemployed (58.4%) and the education level of
55.1% was below high school.
As shown in the Table 1 based on the perceptions of
the patients, 56.1% of the participants recognized the
total quality as average and Based on their expectations
96.6% of the patients believed that quality was the most
significant aspect of services. Also, none of the patients
recognized any of the services as not important (96.6%)
(Table 1).
Based on our findings, the mean expectation score was
high. It was 4.87 for the cleanliness status and 4.62 for
the neat and well-dressed personnel status of hospital
employees. Among the five dimensions of quality, the
highest expectation score was related to responsiveness
and assurance (4.76) and the lowest score was related to
empathy (4.69 0.47). The mean score of perception
varied from 3.92 (neat employees and well-dressed
personnel) to 3.02 (cleanliness of hospital environment).
The highest perception score was associated with

assurance among all of the dimensions (3.56 0.86).

And in the next order were reliability, tangibility, empathy, and responsiveness.
The quality gap of the services was calculated and
Wilcoxon test showed that the difference between the
expectation and perception of the patients was statistically significant in all of dimensions. And hence, there is
a gap between the patients perception and their expectation of the service quality of ShahidMohammadi hospital
(P < 0.001) [Table 2].
Our findings showed that the highest quality gap was
related to the responsiveness dimension (1.426) while
the lowest gap of quality was related to the assurance
(1.202) [Table 2].
Kruskal-Wallis test showed that age, gender, education
level and employment status had no relationship with
the quality of hospital services.

This study was designed to determine the quality gap of
services according to the perception and expectations of
patients in an educational hospital in south of Iran, furthermore to aid health policy makers in suitable programming for appropriate hospital medical services.
According to the patients perceptions the quality of
services in ShahidMohammadi hospital was in average.
The lowest perception was related to correct performance of the services at the first time, willingness of
personnel to help patients, attending of personnel whenever called, telling when services will be performed; that
was constituent responsiveness dimension. Which was
parallel with results of Laus study in Malaysia [16] and
Lims study in Singapore [17].
Also the highest expectation score was related to responsiveness dimension. Since the highest expectations
and the lowest perceptions was in responsiveness dimension and that low perceived responsiveness threatens the
hospitals ability to achieve patients satisfaction, if the
hospital is looking for improvement of hospital services
and increasing the patients satisfaction, in the first
instance training of staff on patient requirements is essential. And it is also recommended that hospital

Aghamolaei et al. BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14:322

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Table 2 Mean score of perception, expectation and quality gap of services provided by Shahid Mohammadi Hospital


Quality gap


3.42 0.83

4.73 0.40

1.30 0.96


P value


3.49 0.72

4.72 0.43

1.22 0.87




3.34 0.81

4.76 0.38

1.42 0.91




3.56 0.86

4.76 0.47

1.20 0.96




3.39 0.8

4.69 0.47

1.31 0.96



Total quality

3.44 0.69

4.73 0.34

1.29 0.81



authorities pay more attention towards patients rights

and be more responsible against them. Therefore hospital staffs especially those who are in direct contact
with the patients and have the most significant effect
on the hospital service quality and the patients satisfaction, should get enrolled in the service quality improvement programs.
According to patients perception, assurance was the
most desirable dimension of service quality in this study.
This result was consistent with the results of Lim and
Tang and Karydis et al. [17,18]. In a study by Aghamolaei al, the most important dimension of the service
quality was found to be assurance, followed by responsiveness and empathy [19]. Since assurance is related to
the instilling confidence in patients, feeling safety and
security in interaction with personnel, existence of
knowledgeable personnel to answer patients needs, and
polite and friendly dealing of personnel with patients, It
can be concluded that according to patients belief in
this medical training center, physicians and employees
have sufficient knowledge to manage the patients, and
with their courteous behavior, cause the patients to feel
secure and safe.
Also the results showed that the lowest expectation
was related to empathy and the highest expectation was
related to responsiveness and assurance dimensions.
Moreover the results showed that the expectation of patients is high. This part of results is parallel with a study
conducted by Lim and Tang and other studies by Zarei
et al. and Ranjabarezatabadi et al. [17,8,20].
As the results showed, in all of domains of services,
patients expectations of the services provided were
higher than their perceptions and the gaps between patients perceptions and their expectations were negative.
The highest negative gap was in responsiveness dimension
and the lowest negative gap was in assurance dimension.
The negative gaps indicate that patients expectations of
the services provided are higher than their perceptions.
Many researchers have tried to assess the gap between
expectations and perception of costumers regarding
the services. Caha in a private hospitals in Turkey [21],
Yesilada and Direktor in general hospitals of Cyrus
[22], Nekoei Moghadam and Amiresmaeili in educational
hospitals of Kerman [6], Tabibi in outpatient clinics of

Tehran [23], and Ranjbarezatabadi in ShahidSadughi

hospital of Yazd [20] reported negative gaps in some
dimensions of SERVQUAL. Ranjbarezatabadi reported
that tangibility and responsiveness dimensions had the
highest gaps, while assurance and empathy had the lowest gap.
Today quality is defined as the demands of customers
and customers perceptions and expectations are the main
elements of quality [24,25]. Hence, responding the customers expectations has an important role in improving
the quality of services and increasing the satisfaction of
Our study had some limitations that restrict the
generalization of the results. The findings are based on
the results of one referral hospital in Hormozgan province, located in south of Iran, so other studies must be
piloted in other parts of the Hormozgan province and
private hospitals in Bandar Abbas to increase the
generalizability of results of this study. Another limitation was the small number of patients which could not
be generalized to Hormozgan provinces actual population for estimation of actual hospital service quality.

The results of this study showed that the quality of services is in average and there were negative gaps between
patients perceptions and expectations in all of dimensions of service quality provided. So, to achieve the ideal
level, proper planning and effective efforts should be
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing of interest.
Authors contributions
TA: Developed the concept. Designing the study. TEE: Technical and
Scientific editing of the manuscript. SR: Analyzed the Data. KK: Developed
the Main Concept, interpreted the data. Writing the manuscript SA:
Reviewed the literature. MES: Translated the manuscript. Review of the
literature. AK: preparing the draft. SHH: Data collection. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
Authors wish to thank the staff of Shahid Mohammadi hospital for their
participation in the study and Research Deputy of Hormozgan University of
Medical Sciences for the financial support.

Aghamolaei et al. BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14:322

Author details
Department of Public Health, Social Determinants for Health Promotion
Research center, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas,
Iran. 2Shahid mohammadi Hospital Clinical Research Development Unit,
Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran. 3Social
Determinants for Health Promotion Research Center, Hormozgan University
of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran. 4Department of Management,
University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran. 5Research Committee,
Hormozgan Universtiy of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran. 6Islamic Azad
University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran. 7Health information management
Research Center, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas,

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Cite this article as: Aghamolaei et al.: Service quality assessment of a
referral hospital in Southern Iran with SERVQUAL technique: patients
perspective. BMC Health Services Research 2014 14:322.

Received: 6 November 2013 Accepted: 11 July 2014

Published: 27 July 2014

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