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DCU Professional Diploma in Accounting Factsheet

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Professional Diploma in Accounting

(PAC Code: DC500)
1 Year Full-Time Programme

Programme Overview Entry Requirements

The Professional Diploma in Accounting (PDA) is The minimum entry requirement is a second class
designed to fast-track graduates who wish to pursue honours degree in a discipline other than accounting
careers in accountancy or taxation, but whose primary (for those who have studied in any country) or accounting
qualifications are in areas other than accounting. In this (for those who have studied outside Ireland and the U.K.).
sense, it is what we call a “conversion” programme.
Due to the regulatory nature of accounting, holders of
Accredited in 1982, the PDA is the longest established degrees awarded by institutions overseas are not eligible
programme of its kind in the Republic of Ireland and for direct entry to Masters degrees in accounting in
attracts high-quality graduates from a wide range of Ireland. Hence, holders of such degrees are eligible to
disciplines including arts, engineering, law, education, apply for entry to the Professional Diploma in Accounting
science and business. It provides students with an and, on successful completion of the programme, to
excellent foundation in accounting and its related DCU’s M.B.S. in Accounting.
disciplines, bringing them to a high level of competence When demand from qualified applicants exceeds
such that they are excellently prepared to commence the available places, applicants are ranked for admission
advanced examinations of professional accountancy and purposes on the basis of prior academic performance.
taxation bodies.
Professional Diploma in Accounting 1 Year Full-Time Programme

Aims and Objectives Career Prospects

The key objectives of the PDA are two-fold. Firstly, the PDA graduates typically proceed to qualify as
programme aims to develop students’ understanding professional accountants and/or taxation specialists
of the conceptual underpinnings and practice of and pursue careers in accountancy firms, financial
accounting. Secondly, it strives to enhance students’ institutions, and manufacturing and service companies
problem-solving, analytical, critical thinking and in Ireland and abroad.
independent learning skills so that they are equipped
Graduates are exempt, in full, from the CAP 1
appropriately for challenging careers in dynamic
examinations of Chartered Accountants Ireland.
professional and business environments.
Exemptions are also available from CIMA, ACCA,
ICPAI and The Irish Taxation Institute. However, it
Programme Structure and Content should be noted that professional bodies review the
The Professional Diploma in Accounting lasts for one exemptions available to programmes offered by all
academic year (September to May). It operates on a universities on an annual basis. PDA graduates, who
semester basis with a mix of semester- and year-long achieve a minimum overall grade of a credit, are eligible
modules. Some modules are assessed at the end of to apply for a place on the M.B.S. in Accounting
the first semester and others at the end of the programme offered at DCU Business School.
second semester.
Chairperson of the Programme
The modules on the PDA cover: Marann Byrne, B.Comm., M.Mgt. Sc., Ph.D., F.C.A., A.I.T.I.
n Financial Accounting
Contact Details
n Taxation
Enquiries should be directed to the DCUBS School
n Financial Management
Office at: +353 (0)1 700 5265 or email:
n Management Accounting
View full programme details, including fees and
n Law
closing dates for application, at
The programme commences with an introductory
To apply for a postgraduate taught programme,
accounting course, which takes place one week before
visit the Postgraduate Applications Centre (PAC) at
the standard University commencement date. to complete an online application.

Additional Programme Feature

FGS, Chartered Accountants, award a prize to the
student who achieves first place overall on the
programme. The Irish Taxation Institute awards a
prize to the student who achieves first place in the
taxation module.

“The standard of the lecturers and the lecture material was the best I have experienced
at third level. The course is highly respected in the workplace and invariably leads to very
good employment prospects after graduating. It gives an excellent basis for any career
in the accounting or business fields and I would highly recommend this course.”

Joseph Kelly, KPMG

Professional Diploma in Accounting, Class of 2008

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