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The Epistle: Building A Catholic Home

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The Epistle

points of

V o l u m e

Evening Prayer
at St. Anselms
December 5th
4 pm
December 6th,
after mass
Feast of the
December 8th,
The Art of
December 12th,
7:30 pm
Advent Lessons
and Carols
December 13th,
7:30 pm

Inside this
Music at Mass 2
this month

Our New

The Art of

From the

I ,

I s s u e

D e c e m b e r

2 0 1 5

Building a Catholic Home

s Catholics it is of the utmost
importance that we grow in our love
and knowledge of Jesus Christ, in His
Church and its faith, Father Mark Lewis
said in a letter to parishioners of St. Luke's
at Immaculate Conception. In order to
more fully accomplish this mission, St.
Luke's is launching a new education
program called The Domestic Church:
Building a

With this
St. Luke's is
proposing a
model of
one that
focuses on
the family
and takes
place in the home. Recognizing that
the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the
Solemnization of Holy Matrimony, and the
Baptismal rite, all make it clear that parents
have the first responsibility for the
education of children, this course is
designed to help them in this sacred duty.
But the program isn't just for families! All
St. Luke's parishionerswhether married,
single, or living alonewill want to take

advantage of this opportunity to make

their homes more Catholic and to learn
about customs that might be new to us.
To be held the first Sunday of every month,
the program will kick off immediately after
Sunday Mass on December 6. Each session
will feature a brief presentation on the
month's topic, followed by general
discussion and information about specific
prayers or practices that can be
incorporated into our lives in the coming
month. We'll learn about both hallowing
the time, which includes prayers at
specific times and the colors of the
liturgical year, and hallowing the place,
through such customs as having holy
water in the house. There will also be
sessions on the role of art and music.
Remember: every guest who enters our
home should be able to see that it is a
Catholic household.
Since sessions will generally be held the
week we have coffee hour in the convent
instead of the school, we anticipate an
informal and friendly atmosphere in which
St. Luke's parishioners can talk about how
they are building Christian lives or ask
questions about how others are doing this.
It will be a time to reflect on what works, or
doesn't work, for us. For example, are you
having trouble remembering to say prayers
at bedtime? Maybe another member of St.
Luke's has had an experience that will be
helpful. Please make plans to join us.

Page 2

Music This Month

6 December: The Second Sunday in Advent
Mass for Four Voices [William Byrd, 1592-3]
Deus tu convertens [Joseph Gruber-Carlo Rossini, 1941]
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen [Michael Praetorius, 1599]
13 December: Gaudete SundayThe Third Sunday in Advent
Missa Rorate coeli desuper [Joseph Haydn, 1748]
Benedixisti Domine [Carlo Rossini, 1941]
Rejoice in the Lord alway [anonymous, 16th century]
20 December: The Fourth Sunday in Advent
Mass for Five Voices [William Byrd, circa 1594]
Ave Maria [Joseph Gruber, arranged by Carlo Rossini, 1941]
Alma Redemptoris Mater [Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, late 16th century]
27 December: The Feast of the Holy Family
Missa Quaeramus cum pastoribus [Cristbal de Morales, 1544]
Quaeramus cum pastoribus [Jean Mouton, early 16th century]

Upcoming Events In December

I am

Revelation 22:20

The Epistle

Evening Prayer at
St. Anselms Abbey
St. Lukes holds a monthly service of
Evening Prayer on the first Saturday of
each month, September to May [January
excepted] at 4 pm, at St. Anselms Abbey
[4501 South Dakota Ave NE,
Washington, DC 20017] with a coffee
hour to follow. All are welcome.

Advent Lessons and Carols on Gaudete Sunday

St. Luke's popular service of Lessons and
Carols will be held on Sunday, December
13th, at 7:30 pm at Immaculate
Conception Church. Music will include
works by Mouton, Palestrina, Vaughan
Williams, Poulenc, Warlock, and James
Macmillan. There will be a reception
following the service. Mark your
calendars and bring your friends. This is
a wonderful way to introduce people to
St. Luke's!
Please check our website for more
information on upcoming events!

Volume I, Issue 3

Page 3

New Bishop for the Ordinariate

On November 24th, Pope Francis named the
Rev. Monsignor Steven J. Lopes to be the first
bishop of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair
of St. Peter. He will replace retiring Ordinary
Msgr. Jeffrey N. Steenson, who has led the
Ordinariate in America since 2012.
Steven Joseph Lopes, 40, is a Catholic priest of
the Archdiocese of San Francisco. As the bishopelect of the Ordinariate, he will reside in
Houston, Texas. Born and raised in Fremont,
California, the only child of Dr. Jos de Oliveira
Lopes (deceased) and Barbara Jane Lopes,
Bishop-elect Lopes attended Catholic schools in
the Golden State, including the St. Ignatius
Institute at the University of San Francisco. He
earned licentiate and doctoral degrees in sacred
theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University
in Rome. He was ordained a priest in June 2001
and spent the first several years of his priesthood
as an associate pastor at two California parishes:
St. Patrick Catholic Church [San Francisco] and
St. Anselm Catholic Church [Ross]. Since 2005,
he has served as an official of the Congregation
of the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican office
responsible for promoting and preserving
Catholic teaching. He was named a monsignor
in 2010.
Though not raised in the Anglican tradition,
Bishop-elect Lopes was directly involved in
developing Divine Worship: The Missal, our new
book of liturgical texts for the celebration of
Mass in the Personal Ordinariates; since 2011, he
has served as the executive coordinator of the
Vatican commission, Anglicanae Traditiones,
which produced the new texts.

The Art of Christmas

On Sunday, December 12, at Immaculate
Conception Church, renowned soprano
Carmen Balthrop, who may be best known to
St. Luke's parishioners as the director of our
superb choir, joins pianist Jose Caceres
Danielsen to present The Art of Christmas.
The program features rare and delicate
Christmas art songs by composers from the
United States, the Caribbean, Europe, and
Australia. Known for her astonishing

In his first public statement after his

appointment, Bishop-elect Lopes said:
It is a great joy and privilege to be joined to this
Particular Church under the patronage of St.
Peter and to share in its mission of proclaiming
the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I stand among
women and men for whom Catholic
communion is no abstract concept. They have
sacrificed for it. They have displayed courage
and fortitude in favor of it. They have thrown
wide open the doors of their hearts to the
infinite possibilities of what Gods grace can
accomplish in and through them. It can and
should move the heart of every Catholic to
witness this amazing courage and this vitality in
our Church.

Bishop-elect Lopes will be installed as Bishop of

the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter
on February 2, 2016, in Houston. Texas.

repertoire that ranges from Baroque opera

to contemporary song literature, Carmen,
who also serves as professor of voice at
the University of Maryland, has sung at
The Metropolitan Opera House in New
York, Venice's Teatro La Fenice, and the
White House. Come and hear songs by
such composers as Ravel, Debussy,
and Ives.
The concert is free and
open to the public.

1315 8th Street NW

Washington DC 20001
The Very Rev. Mark W. Lewis, Pastor
4002 53rd Street
Bladensburg, MD 20710

The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter
That we all may be one

St. Lukes at Immaculate Conception

is a parish of the
Personal Ordinariate
of the Chair of Saint Peter,
which was established on January 1, 2012
by Pope Benedict XVI
in response to repeated requests
by Anglicans
seeking to become Catholic.
Ordinariate parishes are fully Catholic
while retaining elements of
their Anglican heritage and traditions,
including liturgical traditions.

From the Pastor

My dear brothers and sisters,
Holy Mother Church provides us with a four-week
period to prepare for the coming of our Lord Jesus

there is a direct correlation between repenting and

believing- that in repenting we are better prepared
to receive God?

According to the Gospel of Mark, the very first

teaching of Jesus-after His baptism and return from
being tempted in the wilderness was, The time is
fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent
and believe in the gospel. The message of Jesus is
consistent with the message of all the prophets who
had come before-repent and believe. Could it be

The Advent Season is a time of repentance, but it is

also a time of great anticipation. Repentance opens
the way to greater belief in God, and anticipation of
a great event calls for one to make ready in every
way possible for the occasion.
The birth of Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all
salvation history, and in His love for us, He comes
anew to all who open their heart to Him. May we use
this Advent season to prepare ourselves for His
Coming anew in our hearts, and in preparing
ourselves for a life eternal with Him.
I pray all of you have a very merry and blessed

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