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"Jesús en La Vida, Jesús en La Muerte, Jesús para Siempre" Continued The Priest, Speaking With More

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Demon Tongue Dripping venom from its teeth, the Malificant stalked along the long stone hallway,

darting between tall arches that lead into the cavernous chapel. Every muffled step drew it closer to the altar, where a priest in fine robes edged with golden thread bowed his head, unaware of the black shadow that approached. Fangs poked from behind it's red lips and a pink tongue darted between them to taste the still air. Graven images of stoic martyrs and glorious crusaders stood in judgment in the limestone alcoves lining the hall. Hissing softly, black cloak dragging across the tiled floor, the Malificant stepped from out of the shadows and crossed the floor to stand behind the priest, who muttered prayers under his breath. I have returned rasped the cloaked demon for your time is up, Father. Jess en la vida, Jess en la muerte, Jess para siempre continued the priest, speaking with more urgency than before. Kind eyes squeezed shut, the priest's voice grew louder as the bony hand rested on his shoulder, gripping with inhuman strength. Look at me it spoke with command in its voice, and the priest was compelled to turn his head at the sound. Masked with shadows, the Malificant's hooded face loomed indistinctly above its narrow shoulders, two dark eyes glinting in the light of the candelabrum. Nervously, the priest stuttered his reply I...I didn't think you would ever come back. Over his prostrate body the chill of the Malificant's voice poured Bound by your words, twenty years past, and now you are unable to fulfill the terms... Please cried the priest, I will take you to him, I prepared just...just in case. Quietus settled over the vaulted chapel once they had departed through a small, ornate door set at the end of the southern transept. Reaching before him with a lantern, the priest lit the way, losing site of the cloaked figure that followed as it slipped in and out of the darkness. Silence reigned as they descended a cramped set of stairs into a rough brick catacomb. The ceiling was low, and they both had to duck their heads to avoid the ribs that supported the passage. Under the terrific weight of carved stone they made their way deeper beneath the cathedral until they came to a wooden door. Victima peccatorum patrem whispered the priest, making the sign of the cross before opening and entering the small chamber. Wavering light cast the room in a pattern of shifting shadows, leaving the furthest corner in darkness. Xanthic slime stained the walls, dripping onto the bare stone floor. Years of dust and dirt were marked with two sets of footprints that led into the darkness, but only one pair led away. Zealous as he was, the priest trembled in fear before the Malificant as it brushed past him, towards shadow and the low whimpering that emanated from within it. As the priest raised the lantern over his head, the shadows retreated into the cracks of the walls, revealing a young boy in white robes crouching in the corner, secured around the ankle with a heavy chain that was bolted to the stone. Back in the hall, the priest swung the door shut and dropped a bar across it, sealing the occupants inside before hurrying back down the crypt. Covering his ears, he failed to hear the screams that followed him.

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