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Sample IELTS Writing Essays

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The overuse of natural resources causes an ultimate exhaust

of them. People have been using them to be in swim of new

styles such as making new furniture of recent design. This
causes a huge harm to the environment. Therefore,
government should discourage people the overuse of these
To what extent do you support or oppose the idea?
You should write at least 250 words.
Model Answer 1:
In our life, we use the natural resources in many different ways and in fact natural resources are vital for
our existences. Our lives will simply stuck if we stop using natural resources. But it is a matter of pity that
the way we overuse those resources. The existing natural resources are limited and the demand and
consumption are increasing day by day as the world population is increasing. As a result natural
resources are rather being reduced with the increased and imprudent uses. We must control the overuse
of these priceless resources for our own survival
The population and their demand are increasing and with technological improvements the natural
resources are being used more than any other time of the human history. We use those to meet our daily
and vital needs. For instance, we use natural gas to cook food. But the natural resources like fuels and
gas are also used to fulfill our luxury. In fact the mass people will try to use natural resources to adopt
new fashions and changing demands. People changes their furniture-model, car-model so frequently and
it has become a symbol of their prominence. Thus they use natural resources like wood and fuels so
unwisely and in my opinion this is quite unnecessary.
Government of a country is involved to look after the betterment of countrymen. People are unaware
about the aftereffects of this over use. So the Government has to play a vital role by sending the message
to the mass population and by taking necessary initiatives to prevent this overuse of the natural
resources. However we all should understand the issue and should take part to prevent the overuse of
our natural resources. Government can not stop such a bad trend all alone. Making new furniture is a
right to a citizen and Government can not stop this by enforcing laws only. The citizen must be conscious
about the devastating aftereffects.
In conclusion, I personally believe that the Government should be strict and discourage the mass people
overusing natural resources. In addition, a comprehensive effort by all is needed to make the steps taken
by the Government successful.

(Approximately 357 words)

(This model answer has been prepared by the site developer. However, please note that this is just one
example out of many possible answers.)

Idea Generation for this IELTS Essay:

Essay Type: Argumentative (Support or oppose an idea).
Main question of this IELTS Essay:
A. Should government discourage people from overusing the natural resources as this overuse
causes harm to the environment.
Argument in support of this view point: Why government should discourage people the overuse
of natural resources.

The use of natural resources must be controlled for our own survival.

The existence of natural resources is limited and that is why we should prudently use those
resources. Otherwise we will endanger the environment and the natural ecosystem.

Scarce of raw materials for other generations. For instance, shortage of fossil fuels, which are the
leading source of energy for heating and transportation.

This has widened the gap between rich and poor countries. Western countries have moved their
industries to developing ones, consuming more their natural resources. So, the latter will face more
environmental challenges and become poorer.

We will have more starved humans. Eroding of soil and contamination of freshwater will damage
farming products, leading the world to have more malnourished humans.

War might happen. Now, in many countries shortage of freshwater has led a tremendous conflict
between them, and this will become worse if uncontrollable usage continue.

The alternative sources of energy are yet to be fully accepted throughout the world. So we should
preserve as much natural resources as we can.

Ultimate exhaust of natural resources would create a chaos and many wild lives would be
endangered as well.

There is no easy and usable artificial technique to reproduce the natural resources again.

It is too selfish not to think about the next generation and by consuming natural resources we will
give them a worse world than the one we live in.
Opposing the view point: Why government should NOT discourage people the use of natural

Raw materials would be restored by novel technologies. As technology develops, factories will be
able to find better ways to restore the wasted resources being used before.

This strategy will have huge drawbacks on economy of countries. Accessing less to natural
resources, their production will fall and a considerable economy recession will occur.

This will raise the rate of unemployment. Consideration of more restrictions on industries will
cause them to become less profitable, so they will lay out more employees.

Using of modernized filtering systems, disposals will be restored and recycled far more quickly
than now, so consideration of more constrains is not necessary.

Having more different variation in life, variety of goods and manufactures, peoples living condition
has improved fundamentally.
[The above points should be helpful to aid you generating your own ideas and then turning them in to a
nicely written IELTS Essay. Add any point you think we have missed in the comment section.]
Model Answer 2:
Nowadays many people express a contention that natural resources will have been used up by the end of
the century. However, others do not share this concern and keep buying luxurious items which are far
from being environmentally friendly. There is no doubt that some measures have to be taken to save the
environment. Some people think that government is capable of solving this problem by discouraging the
overconsumption of the natural resources. I strongly believe that to be effective this measure should be
accompanied by developing new technologies.
Undoubtedly, government should make effort to save as many resources as possible, which can be
realized by introducing various laws. Many countries have already witnessed traffic congestion schemes
and improvement in public transportation. Quite often people are encouraged to cycle in order to reduce
the consumption of petroleum. Nevertheless, much more can be done on the governmental level. For
instance, it might be effective to the introduce a special tax on luxurious items such as powerful sport cars
which consume a lot of fuel or elaborate furniture which is made of rare kinds of trees. This way, people
will think twice before getting something which cannot be described as environmentally friendly.
Therefore, government has the authority to make natural resources last longer.
Furthermore, government has to invest a substantial amount of money in the research and development
of new sources of energy. Although many nations have been working on solar and wind power for a
considerable period of time, the results are not impressive enough. The process of developing
unconventional sources of energy must be sped up, which can only be done by extensive cooperation.
Scientists in all developed countries should be willing to unite their efforts for the common good. Such
cooperation can be achieved by creation of the governmental incentives or any kind of financial support. If
more countries will be interested in finding alternative sources of energy, natural resources will no longer
be at risk.
As it can be seen, the issue of the natural resources overuse can be resolved. Implementation of
particular laws coupled with the development of the environmentally friendly technologies is bound to give

a positive result and let future generations live a better life having no concerns about the exhaust of vital
(Answer Submitted by Yulia Fedoseeva)
Model Answer 3:
Man has always been dependent on natural resources. Since prehistoric ages, humans have used natural
resources for their survival and well being. Ancient humans used wood from trees to light fire and to build
houses, water from lakes and rivers for drinking and bathing. Evolution of humans from a forest dwelling
hunter and gatherer to a modern day social animal has seen a huge surge in the usage of these natural
resources. Coal is used in huge quantities to provide electricity and to power factories. Oil is used to run
automobiles in daily life.
The indiscriminate extraction and use of natural resources have done a great harm to the environment.
Forests are cut to clear land for cities, create paper and furniture. These forests are natural habitat of
several flora and fauna species. Mass forest cuts have led to extinction of many plants and animal
species. This disturbs the food chain, putting survival of other animals and birds at risk. Cutting of forests
and burning of coal and oil has led to an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The
increase in carbon dioxide gives rise to global warming through greenhouse effect. The rise in global
temperature causes the polar ice caps to melt, raising sea levels and thus causing floods and draughts at
many places.
It is only imperative that man understands the significance of the environment for his survival and limits
the use of natural resources. Governments of the world should consider alternate sources of energy such
as solar or wind energy to generate electricity. They should encourage the research of bio fuel that can
replace oil as a fuel for automobiles. Only then can the survival of our lonely planet be contemplated.
(Answer Submitted by Pankaj Kohli)
Model Answer 4:
"Natural resources are the god given gift to the mankind for their survival on the earth". The author says
that the overuse of natural resources will lead to extinction of the resources, I agree with the author's
statement. Overusing the resources to make the furniture of latest design and use for unnecessary
purposes. Below I will justify why I support the author.
Firstly, natural resources are the primary requirements to live on the earth. Natural resources like coal,

crude oil, wood, etc. are being used around the world for various reasons but today they are being used
more than what they should be. All this resources are produced by the earth as some are found on the
surface and some in subsurface. It takes some 1000 years to generate these things in the earth's crust.
So if we keep using the resources without any limit then it is sure that they get exhausted. For example, in
the year 2000 India had coal reserves of 125000 million metric tons and due to the overuse and exporting
of the coal it depreciated to 90000 million metric tons by 2006. This happened due to increase in the rate
of electricity power generation using the coal reserves in the country. Apart from that the transportation
facilities and link between the cities also increased which lead to increase in the railway transport, where
almost all the rail engines are of steam working.
Secondly, I think due to improvisation in the technology and its advancement lead to increase of different
trends, styles and designs around the world almost in all the fields. The people on our planet show a lot
interest in these things due to their attractive and unique features and for instance, in the olden days there
used to be a simple model and design of the doors and windows. They used to be placed where ever they
are actually required but today due to increase in technology and research people have n number of
choices to make and houses today have lot of architecture work and interiors which will certainly increase
the amount of wood required. Today we have different door, windows, furniture, interior designs, etc. All
this will require a lot of wood and with increasing rate of population and standard of living the demand is
I would like to conclude by saying that government should bring amendments and orders to decrease the
usage of resources and a strict observation should be implemented in usage and extraction of these
resources. So i think awareness should be brought around the world to safe guard the resources and
save them for the future generations.
(Answer Submitted by Ralla Avinash)
Model Answer 5:
Natural resources can be found all around us. Ranging from the air we breathe in to the oil found deep
underground or in the seas. No one can come up with an exhaustive list of the natural resources around
us. Nevertheless, overuse of these resources can lead to an imbalance in the ecosystem which can be
detrimental to the environment. In my opinion, the government should come up with ways and means to
limit the overuse of natural resources.
In the first instance, the government should take responsibility of the environment around us. They should
ensure good practices among individuals. For example, in societies that live in the rainforest such as the

Amazon where lumberjacks are employed to cut down trees, the government should educate people on
the importance of the rainforest to the environment. They should educate them on the effect of
deforestation to the environment which leads to erosion and desert encroachment. Secondly, the
government can put law against certain unhealthy practices. An example is the killing of elephants in
certain parts of east Africa which has led to certain elephant species going into extinction. The
government can put a law against such practices which would be made punishable.
Furthermore, the government can increase taxes in other aspects. For instance, government can increase
taxes in exploitation of certain minerals such as petroleum, diamond and gold. Therefore, any company
that ventures into it knows they will have to abide by the rules so as not to exploit too much of it.
In conclusion, even though individuals need to take care of their environment, the government should
take it as its sole responsibility to ensure the environment is preserved not just for us but for our
descendants. This can be done through educating individuals, putting laws against certain practices and
putting high taxes in certain areas. All this is to ensure the environment remains habitable to each and
every one of us.
(Answer Submitted by Abdurrahim Zakari)
Model Answer 6:
People have overused natural resources in the last few decades. In fact, humans have used them for
unimportant things, such as for luxurious furniture or motor racing. Consequently, it has given negative
impact the environment. For that reason, governments must persuade the public not to overuse the
resources. I totally agree with the statement and the following essay will discuss in details about it.
It is a fact that the main treat of the environment is human being. Mankind have overexploited natural
resources in such an exaggerate manner, as it has caused serious damage to the earth. Firstly, people
have logged forests areas in such an inappropriate manner, as it has caused the extinction of many
unique animals. Pathetically, some of the timbers were not used for human's basic urgent needs, but they
were utilized for the purpose of fancy and luxurious things. Secondly, with the invention of fossil fuel in the
19th century, people have used oil as their main source of energies. People become more dependent on
this energy, as the demand of oil keep on increasing in the past few years, and it is forecasted to increase
more in the future. Many people do not realize that the fume of this energy have caused catastrophic
effect to the earth, such as global warming. Besides that, it is reported that many oil mining plants have
caused serious damaged to their surrounding areas.

Therefore, governments should take some steps in preventing this problem. One of the steps that the
government could do is by switching the type of energy. They could do extensive research on safer
energy resources such as the windmill or the solar power; therefore these energies could substitute the
fossil fuel types. Besides that, governments should conduct some campaigns to their residents, regarding
to the usage of timber. And then luxurious furniture should be charged with high tax rates, and people
should be encouraged to use electronic paper and reduce the usage of paper. By doing these kinds of
things, it is hoped that it could recover the environment.
In conclusion, it is true that people have harmed the environment by over exploited the natural resources.
Forests have been destroyed and the ozone layer has been damaged due to the exaggerate use of them.
In my opinion, I strongly agree that governments should take some actions in preserving the
environments, as the overused of natural resources would be a serious treat for the future generation.
( by Darwin Lesmana)
Model Answer 7:
Protecting natural resources is a big responsibility of every citizen in the country, but some people do not
care and would like to take financial benefits by exploiting resources in their vicinity irrespective of its
detrimental effects on the society. For instance, deforestation, which is exercised immensely to avail
maximum financial benefits and to fulfill people demands of modern furniture has dire consequences and
could leads to other severe problems. There is a dire need of creating awareness among people about
the use of natural resources and government must process with it resources to do so.
It is clear that use of natural resources has dramatically increased over the last few years. The primary
reason for this approach is to earn money by using all the means, for example developers are removing
large numbers of trees to acquire vacant lands, so that they can build new apartments and shopping
malls that would provide them lofty profits. Excessive use of resources led to various issues such as lack
of fresh and clean air, increased pollution and global warming.
Government should adapt pragmatic approach to mitigate the use of resources. There should be attempts
by government to educate people about effective and efficient use of resources. There is also dire need of
legislation so that people refrain from activities that could harm the environment.
To sum up, I would like to say that disseminating awareness and strict rules of law will substantially help
in saving resources. It is also individuals duty to take preemptive measure to protect environment. Mutual

efforts by the government and individuals of country would leave positive impact on environment safety.

Work Performance
Sample Answer 1:
The supplied bar graph compares different factors which affect the work performance of two different age
As is presented as a result of a survey in the given bar chart, for the both age group of 18-30 and 45-60,
team spirit affects work performance equivalently and that is little over 60%. The reason ' chance for
personal development' works for the younger age group about 90% which is more than twice than the
older age group. The similar scenario is true for the relaxing environment too and this reason affects more
than 80% to the 18-30 age group workers and about only 30% to the 45-60 years workers. About 45%
younger workers' work performance is affected by the job security compared to little over 20% older
workers. The only case where 45-60 years workers are influenced more than their younger counterpart is
'respect from colleagues' which is about 50% for this age group workers in contrast to 40%
(approximately ) for the 15-30 years age group. Promotional prospects is a reason that drive younger
employees to work better and this reason affects 80% younger workers compared to almost 45% aged
job holders. For the lower age group job satisfaction, work environment & money affects their job
performance about 50%, 30% & about 75% consecutively compared to about 45%, 30% and 70% of 4560 years job holders.
In short , workers job performance are highly affected by chance for personal development, team spirit,
promotion prospects, job satisfaction and salary.
(Approximately 249 words)
Model Answer 2:
The given graph presents information on a variety of reasons that tend to impact job performance and it is
divided by differentiating between two age categories of 18-30 years and 45-60 years. The data sample is
collected from a personnel department at a big company.
Firstly, the graph shows that 90% value personal development between the age ranges of 18-30; followed
by comfortable work environment and promotional prospects at an 80%.

Secondly, the age range of 45- 60 are motivated by monetary aspects as 70% of the mentioned age
group seem to perform better in this category. Thereafter, the particular age group values team spirit as
60% of the age range is provided in the graph chose this category after money.
However, though each group varied on their factors affecting their work performance, both age groups
were highly motivated and at par by team spirit (60%) and Money (70%- 74%).
[ Written by - Rashidah ]
Answers submitted by our IELTS candidates:
Model Answer 1:
The given bar graph shows the results of a survery conducted by a company and gives data on the
important factors that determine the work performance. The survey was conducted among the employees
dividing them in to two age groups, namely 18-30 and 45-60. As is observed from the comparison bar
graphs chance for personal development, relaxed working environment, promotion prospects and salary
are the main motivating factors for young people for their work performance. On the contrary,
comparatively aged people's work performance are affected by the factors like money, competent boss
and team spirit.
The survey results are presented in a bar graphs and there are total ten factors that affect the employees'
work performance. The survey was done on two age groups: 18-30 and 45-60 years. The young
employees put the 'chance for personal development' as the most important factor for work performance
and more than 80% of them consider this as the most important factor. Relax working environment,
promotion prospects and money are three other important factors for work performance for this age
group. The employees of the young group place the work environment, job security and respects from
colleagues are the least preferred reasons for work performance for comparatively young employees.
On the contrary, the aged people who are over 45 years old and are less than 60, consider the money
and team spirit are two most important issue for their performance in job place. Job security, relaxed
working environment and work environment affect this group the least. Interestingly, the issues which are
preferred by the same percentage of both age groups of employees are team spirit (60%), competent
boss (50%) and job satisfaction (50%).
In summary the survey makes it clear that the young people work hard for their personal development,
promotions, money and relaxed working environment whereas the aged people perform better for money,
team spirit, competent boss, promotion and job satisfaction.

Model Answer 2:
The stipulated vertical bar chart depicts the outcome of a survey carried out by personal department of a
major company and the survey was conducted among 18-35 and 45-60 age groups in order to show
various elements that influence their job efficiency. At a glance, money is the motivating factor among
both age groups.
To commence with, apparently, among both age groups of 18-35 and 45-60, team spirit motivates equal
proportion of people that is 60%. Not only the chance for personal development but also relaxed working
environment is influenced youngsters about 90% and 80 % respectively which is twice than older age
group. Surprisingly, competent boss as well as job satisfaction has been affected almost equal proportion
of workers in both age groups. Apparently, job security only motivates 20 percent of elders whereas, it is
among youngsters 40. Even though, 80% youngsters are motivated by promotion prospects, in the case
of old group only 45% work for promotion. Interestingly, both age groups take money as the most equally
encouraging factor to work with 75% while work environment was least with 30%.
To conclude, youngsters give great value to chance for personal development at workplace.

Social Behaviour

Although some people would argue that we don't change in any

fundamental ways as we develop from young children to adults, I
feel that there are some marked differences in our social
behaviour as we get older.
Firstly, most young children tend to express themselves much
more openly than they do when older, showing great extremes of
happiness and misery. However, when they are adults they learn
to hide their real feelings. This can mean that children have very
volatile relationshipsfor example, groups of youngsters will
often fall out and row with each other at one moment, and then
immediately afterwards they have mended their differences and
are back as close companions. Some people say this change in
behaviour is good, that showing extreme feelings is selfish and

being a member of any community requires moderation of

expression. Other people condemn this change, saying that
childish openness about feelings is more honest and as such, it
should be valued. In many cultures there are proverbs which say
something like 'truth comes from mouth of the very young', and
adults sometimes lament the fact that they no longer feel things as
deep as they did when they were children. They regard this as a
great loss.
In my view, it is a good thing if adults can retain some childlike
qualities in their social behaviour throughout their life. I feel that,
within reason, it is healthy to show feelings openly because it
leads to stronger relationships. However, adults should aways
keep in mind the consequences of expressing what they feel the
moment they feel it. They need to realise that sometimes saying
what they feel is simply selfish and if it hurts others, then they
should keep their thoughts to themselves.

The graphs below give information about computer ownership

as a percentage of the population between 2002 and 2010,
and by level of education for the years 2002 and 2010.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer 1:
The given bar graphs show data on the percentage of computer ownership from the year 2002 to 2010
both by comparison of total population and education level. As is observed from the given graphs, the
computer ownership increased over the years and this ownership among the people with higher studies

was higher than others.

According to the first graph, more than 50% people owned computers in 2002 and this percentage kept
on increasing over years. After 6 years this percentage reached to over 60% and finally in 2010 the
percentage of people who owned computers reached to over 70%.
From the second bar graph, we can observe that, the percentage of computer ownership increased with
the education level; i.e. the higher the education level the higher the percentage of computer ownership.
For instance, 15% of the people who had High school graduation owned computers in 2002 and this
percentage were about 60 for Bachelor degree holders and over 80 for the postgraduate degree holders.
After 8 years, in 2010, the same tend could be observed and the percentage of people who owned
computers increased significantly compared to the 2002.
Sample Answer 2:
The bar charts illustrate the percentage of people owning a computer between 2002 and 2010 as well as
the data relationship between having a computer and education level. The differences recorded are
obtained from 2002 and 2010.
In 2002, more than 50% people owned a computer and it began to rise over the years. The increase was
rather slow however a consistent improvement could be seen. At two years interval, the number of
ownership increases by two percent. The highest amount of ownership, approximately 75% is recorded to
be in 2010.
The percentage of computer ownership varied in accordance to peoples level of education. A group of
people who did not receive a high school diploma possessed the lowest amount of computer. The rank
followed by high school graduates, a group of people who did not finish college and bachelors degree.
Postgraduate qualifiers became the group with the highest computer ownership. Although the two lowest
groups created a huge gap between one another, the change of the percentage decreased as the level of
education received by a person was getting better. Not only that, the distinction between 2002 and 2010
data began to be less significant as the education level was improved.
Overall, I come into a conclusion that the bar charts depict similar trends with only small changes from
year to year. Apparently, the better the education one received, the greater the percentage of keeping his
or her computer.

Sample Answer 3:
The supplied two bar graphs depict the percentage of computer belongings in a community. The first
graph demonstrates the general computer ownership during an eight-year period since 2002 to 2010.
Meanwhile the second graph details the figure more specifically regarding to education level in both 2002
and 2010.
The overall trend created by the two sources illustrates an increasing number of people who owned
computer due to the timeline and the level of education. Respectively, it can be seen that the latest the
year, the higher the percentage of computer ownership and the higher the degree of education, the higher
the ownership percentage.
Looking at the detail, the trend showed in first graph gradually swelled from about 50% to around 70% out
of 80% respectively from 2002 to 2010 and counted for about 20% higher from the earliest to the latest
time observed.
Meanwhile, due to the education level, the ownership percentage increased gradually between 2002 and
2010 in each qualification level. As is shown by the graph, postgraduate qualification and bachelors
degree were roughly accounted as high number of ownership percentage. However, the trend range of
computer belongings in no high school diploma essentially was the highest increase of ownership
percentage range among all qualification level. It sharply jumped to more than two times higher, about
15% and more than 40% out of 100% in 2002 and 2010 respectively. On the other hand, the smallest
increase of percentage range was true for postgraduate level that climbed up only from 80% in 2002 to
about 95% in 2010.
Sample Answer 4:
The bar charts show data about computer ownership, with a further classification by level of education,
from 2002 to 2010.
A steady but significant rise can be seen in the percentage of the population that owned a computer over
the period. Just over half the population owned computers in 2002, whereas by 2010 three out of four
people had a home computer. An analysis of the data by level of education shows that higher levels of
education correspond to higher levels of computer ownership in both of those years. In 2002, only around
15% of those who did not finish high school had a computer but this figure had trebled by 2010. There
were also considerable increases, of approximately 30 percentage points, for those with a high school
diploma or an unfinished college education (reaching 65% and 85% respectively in 2010).

However, graduates and postgraduates proved to have the greatest level of ownership in 2010, at 90%
and 95% respectively, 20 percentage points higher than in 2002. The last decade has seen a substantial
growth in computer ownership in general, and across all educational levels.

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of

three media

IELTS Writing Task 2 with sample answer.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the
following as media for communicating information. State
which you consider to be the most effective.


You should write at least 250 words.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples
from your own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer:
In our daily life we heavily rely on the different media like TV, Film,

newspaper, radio, internet books etc. as our main source of

communicating information and these media greatly influence our
personal and social life. All of those media have their own
advantages and drawbacks. Some are easily accessible but are not
reliable sources for information while some others are personal
favourite for many people but are not widely used. In this essay I will
pick three media for comparing their advantages and disadvantages
and would explain why books are the best media for communicating
First of all, television is a widely used medium that can be found
almost all of the houses in the world. It is easy to access and people
from all backgrounds and economic conditions can accommodate a
TV at their home. With the advancement of satellite technology, the
TV viewers have plenty of options to choose from and watch the
type of programs they prefer. The high competitions among the TV
channels are helping people to get quality news, watch many
educational and recreational programs and getting updated about
the current events all around the globe all by sitting at their room.
The audio-visual presentation of the TV programs make them more
appealing compared to the radio and thus it is the most widely
accepted medium for communicating information and current
events. On the flip side, TV channels do not always broadcast quality
programs and if a viewer does not pick quality channels, s/he might
waste times watching it. Moreover, people spend their time mostly
for entertainment purposes while sitting in front of the TV and very
few people can wisely decide what to watch and what to avoid. The
news presented on TV is often biased and can create social dilemma
by doing so. Watching TV are highly addictive and if teenagers
spend a lot of time watching TV channels can often perform poorly
in their academic education. Thus TV offers both the tremendous
advantages and a numerous disadvantages as a medium of
communicating information.

Films are also a very effective media that not only gives recreation
to people but also offers meaningful learnings to the viewers. In this
age of technological advancement, people can easily watch films at
the cinema hall, home or even in their laptop while on move. Thus
the easy access to films has made it one of the prominent medium
for learning and entertainment. The films are made by a team of
talented people and have often very prominent influence on us. The
message and moral of a movie often touch the viewers and can
shape their perspective in a positive way. Many movies are based on
historical events and true stories and those films are a good source
for education. On the contrary, poorly made films and movies made
for commercial success only can deterioration the moral perspective
of persons.
Finally, books are the best medium for communication as they are
the bridge among generations and time. Books written hundreds of
years ago still play a vital role to educate people, to teach them
history and to open unknown horizon to people. There are plenty of
good books to shape the peoples thought in a positive way and the
knowledge and experience gathered by people are often passed to
the new generation. The books written in ancient period like Greek
era are still the inspiration for generations and many of them have
made the world the way we see it now. The social structure, political
view, the life style, religious belief and many other important
aspects of our daily life are still shaped by the books written in
earlier ages. The knowledge we know in different fields like Physics,
Chemistry, Math, Astronomy, Arts, Business etc. are all the
accumulated knowledge of previous generations and those were
passed to us through books. There are very few drawbacks of books
and it mostly depends on the readers who choose to read it. The
disadvantage of books as a medium is that not many people can
make the habit of reading books to learn from it.

Thus though all the given media have their own benefits and
downsides, book in my opinion, is the best way of communicating
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as
media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the
most effective.







Sample Answer :

There are various benefits and drawbacks of books, radio and television as ways to convey
information. In my view, television is definitely the most effective of these three media.

The main advantage of books is that they are usually considered to be reliable sources of
information. People tend to refer to books when they want to research a subject in depth,
and for this reason they continue to play an important role in education. On the other hand,
books quickly go out of date, and therefore they are not the best medium for communicating
news stories.

Radio is a much more effective medium than books for the communication of up-to-date
information. We can listen to news broadcasts about events as they happen, and a key
benefit of radio is that we can listen to it while doing other activities, such as driving or

working. The main drawback of radio, when compared to books or television, is that there is
no visual element; we cannot see what the broadcaster is describing.
In my opinion, television is the most effective of these three media because it brings us
closer to reality than a book or radio programme ever can. For example, we can watch
events as they take place on the other side of the world, or we can see the body language of a
politician who is being interviewed. The disadvantages of television are that programmes
tend to be short and interrupted by advertisements, meaning that information is presented
in limited depth.
In conclusion, although books, radio and television each have their advantages and
disadvantages, it seems to me that the impact of television is greater.
(275 words, band 9)

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