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Pressure Relieving Device Inspection Procedure

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Pressure Relieving Device Inspection Procedure

This Pressure Relieving Device Inspection Procedure outlines the requirements for
the inspection, testing, and maintenance of pressure relieving devices as
established by recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices. It
provides directions to determine the physical condition of the valve and its
accessories and to look for signs of physical deterioration
The scope of this guideline includes those pressure relieving devices defined by API
RP-576, Inspection of Pressure Relieving Devices, which handle toxic, reactive,
flammable, or explosive chemicals per OSHA 29 CFR 1910.119.
3.1 The data collector selects a pressure relieving device from the tracking list,
which is not marked complete in the datasheet column, gathers the data, and
prepares the Pressure Relieving Device Data Sheet.
3.2 The API 510 certified Inspector is responsible for performing the external
inspection of PSVs according to this procedure, verifying the data sheet, preparing
the Inspection Report, and assisting the Site Supervisor with the analysis of the
3.3 The Site Supervisor is responsible for performing the final analysis of the
inspection activity results, managing the documentation after the activities have
been completed and nonconformances resolved, and sending all information to the
Data Entry Clerk, who will enter the information into the Maintenance Data
Management System.
Data sheet - a standard form for entering design and operating information about
an equipment item. A blank data sheet, which identifies the necessary data, is
included with each Inspection Procedures
Deficiency - Any nonconformance, which must be corrected either now or later.
Equipment File - A centrally located file for each equipment item which contains
copies of the manufactures U-1s, construction drawings, Highlighted P&ID, Piping
line list, Field or ACAD drawings, Inspection and NDE Reports, Nonconformance and
Deficiency Correction reports. This file is the working file for Mechanical Integrity
Program data.
Inspection Procedures - Documents, which describe the method for developing
and carrying out Inspections specific to each type of equipment. An Inspection
Procedure is used within a department and gives the certified Inspector(s) the
steps, information, and safety requirements needed to perform the Inspection task.
Maintenance Data Management System - The electronic system for managing
the Mechanical Integrity Program. Maintenance Data Management System contains
the data from the equipment files, tracks scheduled activities, and correction of
Nonconformance - Any inspection activity result that either exceeds the
established acceptance criteria or has clearly changed from the last time the
inspection activity was performed.
Nonconformance Report - The report, which identifies inspection activity results,
which do not meet the acceptance criteria or have deviated from the prior activity.
These nonconformances require evaluation. This report is initiated by the
Inspector(s) who discovered the issue. The Mechanical Integrity Program Site
Supervisor reviews the report and issues it to the Host Company Representative for
Site Supervisor - The individual who has been assigned the responsibility and
given the authority to establish, implement, and maintain the Mechanical Integrity

System for the plant site.

5.1 Identify all pressure relieving devices, which are covered by the Mechanical
Integrity Program.
5.2 Gather the following documentation for each pressure relieving device:
Basic design data, including sizing calculations
Manufacturers information
Operating conditions
5.3 Prepare an Equipment Data Sheet for each pressure relieving device.
Attachment A, is a blank data sheets for pressure relief valves.
5.4 Identify potential problems with each pressure relieving device. The API 510
certified Inspector will select appropriate inspection, test, and maintenance
activities for each identified potential problem and complete the Inspection and
Testing Plan Worksheet.
5.5 The Inspector will locate the PSV in the field and will observe all the plant safety
regulations and appropriate safe work practices. The Inspector will have all the
proper tools and equipment. An example of some of the special tools and
equipment necessary for the activity are:
Thin-bladed knife
Pointed scraper
Inspection mirror
Wire brush
5.6 Perform the inspection or test activities in the field and generate an inspection
report, Attachment B. Blank inspection reports are included with each of the
Inspection Procedures. Do not limit the inspection to the items listed on the
checklist, but include other inspections, which may be necessary because of the
design or operation of the valve.
5.7 Review the inspection activity results per the Code, standard, or acceptance
criteria and refer any nonconformances that require evaluation to the Site
5.8 After the Site Supervisor reviews the results of the inspection, the
documentation will be sent to the Data Entry Clerk to enter the information into the
Maintenance Data Management System.
6.1 OSHA 29 CFR 1910.119 - Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous
6.2 API RP-576 - Inspection of Pressure-Relieving Devices.
6.3 API RP-521 - Guide for Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems.
6.4 API Standard 2000 - Venting Atmospheric and Low Pressure Tanks.
6.5 API 510 - Pressure Vessel Inspection Code, Section 4.
6.6 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code:
Section I - Power Boilers, Part PG-67 through PG-73, "Safety Valves and Safety
Relief Valves"
Section VIII - Recommended Rules for Care of Power Boilers, Subsection C4.200 "Safety Relief Valves or Relief Valves"
Section VIII Div. 1 - Pressure Vessels, Part UG-125 through UG-136 "Pressure Relief
Devices" Appendix 11 - "Capacity Conversions for Safety Relief Valves" Appendix M
- "Installation and Operations"

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