Cpar Q1 Week5
Cpar Q1 Week5
Cpar Q1 Week5
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to creates avenues to advocate the arts from the different regions.
Evaluates contemporary art forms based on the elements and principles:
C. Learning Develop skills in analyzing contemporary art based on the elements and principles of art.
Competencies/Objectives Apply critical thinking in evaluating contemporary art forms.
Appreciate the aesthetic qualities of contemporary art.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Review: In the previous lesson, we
discussed the social and cultural
significance of Filipino artists'
works. We learned that Filipino
artists reflect the diverse cultural and
Start the class by reviewing the previous
social experiences of the country, The teacher will ask the students to share
lesson on contemporary art and its impact
1. Reviewing previous lesson or and their works contribute to the their previous knowledge about Review and recall the topics discussed
on Filipino culture. Then, present the
presenting the new lesson development of contemporary art. contemporary art and its aesthetic ready for the assessment.
new lesson on applying critical thinking
New Lesson: Today, we will learn qualities.
in evaluating contemporary art forms.
how to develop skills in analyzing
contemporary art based on the
elements and principles of art. We
will also apply these skills to a
sample artwork.
2. Establishing the purpose of the Today's lesson aims to help you develop The purpose of this lesson is to enable The teacher will present the objective of
lesson your skills in analyzing contemporary art students to develop their critical thinking the lesson, which is to enable the
by identifying and interpreting the skills in evaluating contemporary art students to appreciate the aesthetic
elements and principles of art present in a forms. qualities of contemporary art through
particular artwork. By the end of this critical analysis.
lesson, you will be able to create your
own artwork analysis using the skills you
Show a sample artwork that is rich in
elements and principles of art, such
as a painting, sculpture, or mixed
media work. Make sure to choose an
The teacher will show various examples
artwork that is relevant to the Show various contemporary art forms
of contemporary art, such as paintings,
students' interests and cultural from different regions in the Philippines.
sculptures, installations, and performance
3. Presenting examples/instances of background. You can use images, videos, or actual
art, created by Filipino artists from
the new lesson Display the artwork and ask the artworks to illustrate how artists use
different regions of the Philippines. The
students to observe and analyze the different techniques and styles to convey
teacher will also explain the elements and
elements and principles present in meaning in their works.
principles of art used in each artwork.
the artwork.
Give the students a few minutes to
examine the artwork closely and
write down their observations.
Introduce the elements of art, such as
line, shape, form, color, value, space,
and texture. Discuss each element
Introduce the concept of critical thinking
and give examples of how they are The teacher will discuss the aesthetic
and its importance in analyzing
used in the artwork. qualities of contemporary art, such as
contemporary art forms. Discuss the
Introduce the principles of art, such beauty, harmony, balance, unity, variety,
different aspects of critical thinking, such
4. Discussing new concepts and as balance, unity, contrast, emphasis, and contrast, and how these qualities
as analyzing, evaluating, and
practicing new skills #1 rhythm, and movement. Discuss each affect our emotions and perceptions. The
synthesizing information. Then, guide the
principle and give examples of how teacher will also teach the students how
students in applying critical thinking
they are used in the artwork. to analyze contemporary art using the
skills in analyzing the artworks presented
Ask the students to create a chart that elements and principles of art.
lists the elements and principles of
art used in the artwork and their
corresponding examples.
Introduce the process of analyzing an
artwork. Discuss the steps involved, Introduce the elements and principles of The teacher will give the students an
such as observation, description, art and how they contribute to the overall opportunity to analyze a contemporary
interpretation, and evaluation. impact of an artwork. Then, ask the artwork using the elements and principles
5. Discussing new concepts and Ask the students to apply the process students to analyze the artworks of art. The students will be asked to
practicing new skills #2 of analyzing an artwork to the presented earlier using the elements and identify the elements and principles of art
sample artwork. Encourage them to principles of art. Encourage them to used in the artwork and describe how
use the chart they created in the provide specific examples to support these elements and principles contribute
previous activity to guide their their analysis. to the aesthetic quality of the artwork.
6. Developing Mastery Divide the students into groups and For the developing mastery activity, The teacher will facilitate a group
give each group a different artwork divide the students into small groups and activity where students will create their
to analyze. Make sure to choose assign each group an artwork to analyze. own contemporary artwork using the
artworks that are different from the Ask them to apply critical thinking skills elements and principles of art discussed
sample artwork shown earlier. and use the elements and principles of art in class. They will be encouraged to
Ask the groups to analyze the to evaluate the artwork. Then, ask each express their creativity and experiment
group to present their analysis to the class with different materials and techniques.
artwork using the process they
learned and the chart they created.
After the analysis, ask each group to
and encourage their classmates to provide
present their analysis to the class.
Encourage the class to ask questions
and give feedback on the analysis
Ask the students to apply the skills they
learned in analyzing an artwork to their Ask the students to relate the critical The teacher will ask the students to
daily lives. Encourage them to observe thinking skills they learned in analyzing reflect on the practical applications of the
7. Finding practical applications of
and analyze the elements and principles contemporary art to their daily lives. For aesthetic qualities of contemporary art in
concepts and skills in daily living
of art present in the things around them, example, they can use these skills to their daily lives, such as in fashion,
such as advertisements, movies, TV evaluate news articles or advertisements. interior design, and advertising.
shows, and social media posts.
Ask the students to reflect on the
Discuss with the students how critical
lesson and write down what they The teacher will ask the students to
thinking skills can help them become
learned about analyzing reflect on the importance of appreciating
8. Generalizing and abstractions more informed and responsible citizens.
contemporary art based on the the aesthetic qualities of contemporary
about the lesson Emphasize the importance of critical
elements and principles of art. art and how it can enrich their lives and
thinking in making informed decisions
Encourage them to provide specific broaden their perspectives.
and evaluating different perspectives.
examples and insights.
The teacher will provide a quiz to assess
the learnings of the students. Make sure
9. Evaluating Learning
that the quiz includes all the topics
discussed for the whole week.
For application, ask the students to Assign the students to analyze an artwork For application, the teacher can assign
create their own artwork that uses the of their choice and write a short essay individual projects where the students
elements and principles of art they that discusses how critical thinking skills will create a contemporary artwork using
learned. Encourage them to apply and the elements and principles of art the aesthetic qualities and elements and
10. Additional Activities for their knowledge and skills in contribute to its overall impact. principles of art discussed in class. For
Application or Remediation creating a meaningful and engaging Alternatively, you can assign them to remediation, the teacher can provide
artwork. create their artwork that demonstrates additional examples of contemporary art
For remediation, provide additional their understanding of the elements and and facilitate another group activity to
examples of artworks and guide the principles of art and how these contribute practice analyzing the artworks using the
students in analyzing them. to the overall impact of an artwork. elements and principles of art.