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AEPS PsychometricProperties

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Psychometric Properties of the AEPS

The forerunner to the AEPS Test was the Adaptive Performance Instrument
(API). Work began on the API in the early 1970s by a group of investigators
identified as the Consortium on Adaptive Performance Evaluation (CAPE,
1978). Although many individuals were associated with CAPE and participated in the early development and testing of the API, Dale Gentry, Owen
White, Lizbeth Vincent, Evelyn Lynch, Jeff Seibert, Verna Hart, Katie McCarton, and Diane Bricker provided the sustaining leadership for this project from
the mid-1970s to the early 1980s (Bricker, 1981).
Initially, the AEPS was created for the developmental age range of birth to
3 years and, therefore, the initial work beginning in the late 1970s was focused
on the AEPS Birth to Three Test. Development began on the AEPS Three to
Six Years in the mid-1980s and the first formal study of its psychometric properties was initiated in 1985. This appendix is composed of two sections: the
first section reviews the work focused on describing findings pertinent to Birth
to Three Years, whereas the second section addresses the research relevant to
Three to Six Years.


An extensive investigation of the AEPS Test for Birth to Three Years was conducted from 1984 to 1987 with support provided by the U.S. Department of
Education. The goal of the research was to provide information on selected
psychometric properties of the AEPS Test (then called the EPS). Results from
this project can be found in Bailey and Bricker (1986) and Bricker, Bailey, and
Slentz (1990).
The overall findings from Bailey and Bricker (1986) indicated that interrater agreement was adequate to good for all areas of the AEPS Test for Birth
to Three Years except for the Cognitive Area. Testretest reliability coefficients also ranged from adequate to good for all areas. Concurrent validity
between childrens performances on the Gesell Developmental Schedule
(Knobloch, Stevens, & Malone, 1980) and the AEPS Test suggested that the
AEPS Test was a valid measure of childrens skills and abilities for this sample of 30 children. The relationships between area scores and between area
scores and total test scores were also examined. All correlations indicated a relationship between the areas and whole test but not between the individual
areas. Finally, data were collected from a small sample of interventionists regarding the utility of the AEPS Test. These findings indicated that the AEPS
Test could be successfully administered in a reasonable amount of time. Findings from the Bailey and Bricker (1986) investigation were used to make modifications to AEPS Test items.
An investigation by Bricker et al. (1990) produced similar findings regarding the AEPS Test for Birth to Three Years. First, interrater agreement was
again found to be adequate to good for all areas (i.e., the mean correlations
across areas was r = .87, p<.001). Second, test-retest reliability coefficients
ranged from r = .77 for the Social Area to r = .95 for the Gross Motor Area. The

mean correlations across areas was r = .88 (p<.001). Third, concurrent validity
between childrens performances on the Gesell Developmental Schedule
(Knobloch et al., 1980), the Bayley Scales of Infant Development (Bayley,
1969), and the AEPS Test suggested that the AEPS Test was a valid measure of
childrens skills and abilities for this sample of 155 children. Fourth, the relationship between area scores and total test scores was examined. All correlations were significant at p<.001.
An item analysis was completed by examining AEPS Test performance
scores of 77 children who were typically developing and at risk ranging in age
from 2 months to 4 years. The children were grouped into four categories by
age: birth to 1 year, 12 years, 23 years, and 34 years. Items were analyzed
for each age group by calculating the frequency and percent of children who
scored pass (i.e., 2), inconsistent (i.e., 1), and fail (i.e., 0). For this sample of children, the results indicate that all items are hierarchically arranged
by age. For all AEPS Test items, the percentage of items passed by older children exceeded that of younger children. When examining the hierarchical
arrangement of objectives to goals, the results were also encouraging. In the
birth to 1 year age group, data indicate that 81% of the item sequences are hierarchically arranged (i.e., more infants passed the easiest objectives than the
more difficult ones). For the 12 year age group, 89% of item sequences are
hierarchically arranged, whereas 90% of item sequences are hierarchically
arranged for the 23 year age group. The 34 year age range was not included
in the analysis because of the limited number of children who were at risk and
who did not have disabilities in this group.
A similar analysis by area found only two Fine Motor, four Gross Motor,
five Social-Communication, five Cognitive, three Adaptive, and six Social
item sequences that were not hierarchically arranged. These data strongly suggest that for this population of children, most AEPS Test goals/objectives
(80%90%) are hierarchically arranged from simple to more complex.
Questionnaires were also completed by 23 field test sites providing feedback on the utility of the AEPS Test. The majority of sites responded favorably
to the test content and the administration guide. Questions concerning test
content (e.g., Do the results from the AEPS Test accurately reflect the performance of your children?) elicited yes responses from 76% of the field test
sitesindicating that a majority of these users generally found the content of
the AEPS Test appropriate and useful for developing intervention plans. Questions about the AEPS Test items (e.g., Were the item criteria clear?) were rated
yes by 87% of the sites. Several sites commented on the usefulness of the
AEPS Test in relation to the populations that they served. Questions concerning the administration guide (e.g., Did you understand how to use the scoring
system?) were answered yes by 92% of the sites. Data indicate that the administration guide effectively defined the organizational structure and the
procedures for administration of the AEPS. The amount of time it took AEPS
Test users to administer the test to one child ranged from 45 minutes to 5
hours, with a mean of 2 hours and 29 minutes. Ninety-one percent of the field
test sites used the AEPS Test IFSP/IEP Goal and Objective Examples. The majority of AEPS Test users (78%) indicated that the goals/objectives covered the
most important behaviors to be targeted for the children that they served, as

well as saved them time in writing individualized family service plans (IFSPs)/
individualized education programs (IEPs). The amount of time saved writing
IFSPs/IEPs per child ranged from 30 minutes to 2 hours, with a mean of 57
minutes saved per child.
In 1990, Notari and Bricker conducted the first in a series of studies examining the treatment validity of the AEPS. Treatment validity is defined as
. . . the meaning, relevance, and utility of scores, the import or value implications of scores as a basis for action, and the functional worth of scores in
terms of the social consequences of their use (Messick, 1989, p. 5). Treatment
validity studies are necessary to determine if measures such as the AEPS Test
improve the quality of services delivered to children and that, in turn, produce
measurable child performance outcomes that surpass expectations or benchmarks. The primary purpose of the Notari and Bricker study was to examine
the quality IFSP/IEP goals/objectives written from AEPS Test Birth to Three
results. This study involved 48 early interventionists from three states and
British Columbia and examined the effectiveness of the AEPS Test to generate
goals/objectives that were functional, generic, measurable, and easy to embed
in daily activities. The study also investigated the hierarchical relationship between goals/objectives.
The experimental groups who used the AEPS Test wrote higher quality
goals/objectives than a comparison group who used other assessment tools to
develop goals/objectives. The AEPS Test presented particular advantages in
generating quality goals and providing guidance in the identification of specific long-term expectations for children that were developmentally and educationally consistent with the objectives.
Notari and Drinkwater (1991) investigated the quality of IFSP/IEP goals/
objectives written using the AEPS Test for Birth to Three Years. Goals and
objectives for 17 children ages 326 months with Down syndrome were examined. In all, a total of 376 goals and objectives were rated with 224 from
the AEPS Test and 152 from a computerized list (i.e., a list compiled by educators and therapists). Sets of goals/objectives were randomly combined and
rated. An independent sample t-test was performed to determine whether significant differences existed in the quality of child IFSP/IEP goals/objectives and
the hierarchical relationship between them. Significant differences were found
between the two groups goals/objectives, suggesting that when teachers used
the AEPS Test for Birth to Three Years, they wrote goals/objectives that were
more functional, generic, easy to integrate within the instruc-tional content,
and measurable, as compared to those based on computerized list (p. 101).
Notari and Drinkwater also reported that the AEPS enabled teachers to sequence goals/objectives according to a hierarchical teaching sequence (p. 101).
A study conducted by Cripe (1990) examined the effectiveness of the
AEPS family measures (e.g., Family Interest Survey and Family Report, then
called the Parent Form) and specific training on how to use the AEPS linked
assessment, intervention, and evaluation system. Thirty interventionists from
three states were divided into three treatment groups. The pretest measure
was an IFSP completed on a child and family by the interventionists within
the previous 12 months. The posttest measure was a second IFSP written following treatment.

Group 1 received the AEPS family measures, Group 2 received the same
materials plus a half-day of training, and Group 3 received the same materials
plus 2 days of training. The results indicated that interventionists in all groups
included significantly more family-related outcomes on the IFSP at posttest.
In addition, the quality of ratings (e.g., measurability, specificity, functionality, generality) was higher for IFSP outcomes at posttest for all groups. Group
three, who received the materials plus 2 days of training, demonstrated the
greatest improvement.
Straka (1994) conducted an investigation that compared the utility of outcomes of the AEPS Test with the Communication Symbolic and Behavior
Scales (CSBS; Wetherby & Prizant, 1993) in regards to intervention planning
for young children with communication problems. Four American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association certified communication specialists participated in the study. Straka (1994) reported that communication specialists
found the AEPS Test to be more useful than the CSBS in developing IEP
goals/objectives. Straka reported few differences, however, in functionality,
generality, instructional context, and measurability of goals/objectives developed from the CSBS and AEPS. Findings also indicated that the AEPS Test provided an easier format for developing goals/objectives (more efficient and less
time consuming) and more guidance in identifying specific long-term goals/
objectives. Lastly, Straka reported that the communication specialists found
the AEPS Test to be more helpful in developing functional and appropriate
goals/objectives that corresponded to the individualized needs of each child.
In 1995, Hamilton continued the investigation of the treatment validity
of the AEPS Test by examining the quality of educational goals/objectives for
young children with visual impairments. Forty special education teachers
served as subjects. All teachers received 1 day of training on using the AEPS
Test to write goals/objectives. Hamilton (1995) found that goals/objectives
written by teachers for children with visual impairments were of higher quality when they used the AEPS Test versus the Oregon Project Curriculum for
Visually Impaired and Blind Preschool Children (Anderson, Boigon, & Davis,
1991). Test main effect was significant, F (1, 37) = 20.66, p<.001. Teacherwritten goals/objectives for young children with visual impairments based on
AEPS Test information (M = 21.20) were of significantly higher quality overall, than goals/objectives based on Oregon Project information (M = 15.95).


As indicated in the previous section, psychometric investigations of the AEPS
Test for Birth to Three Years began in the late 1970s, whereas psychometric
investigations of the AEPS Test for Three to Six Years began in the mid-1980s.
The first formal study was completed in 1986.
The 1986 Slentz study examined selected psychometric properties of the
AEPS Test for Three to Six Years. Fifty-four children who ranged in age from
34 to 76 months participated in the study. Seventeen children showed no delays in development, 22 were at risk for delays, and 15 were identified as having disabilities: 7 mild and 8 with more moderate disabilities. Interobserver

agreement was found to be adequate to good for all areas and significant at
p<.001 (i.e., correlations ranged from r = .60 to r = .94). Testretest reliability
coefficients ranged from adequate to good for all areas except the Gross Motor
and Adaptive Areas. Concurrent validity between childrens performances
on McCarthy Scales of Childrens Abilities (McCarthy, 1972), the Uniform
Performance Assessment System (Haring, White, Edgar, Affleck, & Hayden,
1981), and the AEPS Test suggested that the AEPS Test was a valid measure of
childrens skills and abilities for a sub-sample of 18 children. The relationship
between area scores and total test scores were also examined. All correlations
were significant and ranged from r = .37 (p<.01) for the Adaptive Area to .97
(p<.0001) for the Cognitive Area.
The mean rank order of AEPS Test total scores was calculated for 3-yearolds in comparison with 4-year-olds and for 4-year-olds in comparison with
5-year-olds. A Mann-Whitney U test found that 4-year-olds total test scores
were significantly higher than 3-year-olds total test scores (p<.001). The difference between 4- and 5-year-olds total test scores was not significant
likely because of the small sample and the childrens location on the age continuum (i.e., many 4-year-olds were close to 48 months of age).
Psychometric properties of the AEPS Test for Three to Six Years were also
studied by Hsia (1993). Eighty-two children who ranged in age from 3 to 6
years participated in this study. Fifty-one of these children were classified as
having no disabilities, 20 were classified as having disabilities (i.e., had been
determined eligible to receive early intervention services), and 11 were classified as at risk. An AEPS Test was completed on each child by a trained examiner. The test was scored primarily through observation of the children as they
participated in planned and free play activities while attending a center-based
Interobserver reliability was examined by correlating the childrens area
scores and total test scores from the AEPS Test protocols of two independent
coders. Data from all 82 children were included in this analysis, although not
all children had the opportunity to participate in all gross motor and adaptive
activities necessary for scoring a complete protocol. The percent agreement
between two independent coders ranged from .86 to .95 for individual areas
and .90 for the total test.
A high degree of internal consistency (r = .99) was found for the total group
and for the two subgroups (children with or who are at risk for disabilities,
r = .97; children without disabilities, r = .93). At the area level, the total group
correlations were .75 for the Fine Motor Area, .82 for the Adaptive Area, .83
for the Gross Motor and Social Areas, .95 for the Cognitive Area, .96 for the
Social-Communication Area, and .97 for the total area scores. All correlations
were significant at the p<.01 level. Correlations tended to be lower for the subgroups, but all were significant except for the Social Area for the subgroup
with disabilities.
Hsia (1993) also examined the sensitivity of the AEPS Test. The AEPS Test
was designed to be sensitive to variations in the performance of children of different ages and with different levels of disability; therefore, children who are
older and are more able should score higher on the test than children who are
younger or less able.

In analyzing the tests accuracy at distinguishing children of different

ages, Hsia (1993) included only children without disabilities. For this analysis,
children were assigned to one of three age groups (3-, 4-, and 5-year-old groups)
based on their date of birth. A one-way analysis of variance was used to examine subjects scores in each of the six areas and for the total test score. A
multiple comparison procedure, the Scheffe test, was performed when a significant F was obtained. With the exception of the Adaptive Area, a significant
F ratio was obtained for the other five areas and for the total test scores. The
5-year-olds scored significantly higher than the 3- and 4-year-olds, but the 3and 4-year-olds were not significantly different from each other.
Because a number of children with disabilities were not involved in activities that assessed their gross motor and adaptive abilities, total scores for
the children with disabilities for this analysis were obtained by summing the
other four area scores (i.e., Fine Motor, Cognitive, Social-Communication, and
Social). A one-way analysis of variance was performed using three groups of
children: those without disabilities, those at risk or with mild disabilities, and
those with moderate/severe disabilities. A statistically significant difference
was found for all groups for all areas and for the total test. The Scheffe test indicated that children in the group without disabilities had higher area and
total test scores than the children in both of the other groups.
With the exception of the Fine Motor Area, significant score differences
were found between the three groups. The Fine Motor Area scores of the group
without disabilities were significantly higher than those of the group with
moderate/severe disabilities but not those of the group at risk or with mild
disabilities. The group at risk or with mild disabilities had significantly
higher total test scores than the group with moderate/severe disabilities, but,
at the area level, only Social-Communication Area scores were significantly
A series of studies funded by the U.S. Department of Education was conducted beginning in the mid-1990s and continued the focus on the treatment
validity of the AEPS Test for Three to Six Years (Bricker & Pretti-Frontczak,
1997). To examine the treatment validity of the AEPS Test, a series of hypotheses were generated. First, it was hypothesized that administration and use of
the AEPS Test would improve the quality of written IFSP/IEP goals/objectives.
Second, it was hypothesized that better written IFSP/IEP goals/objectives
would increase teachers use of a specific intervention strategy referred to as
embedding. Third, it was hypothesized that the embedding of quality goals/
objectives during a variety of daily activities would lead to improved outcomes
for young children.
Pretti-Frontczak and Bricker (2000) conducted a treatment validity study
based on the hypothesis that using AEPS Test results produced higher quality
goals/objectives. In particular, they examined whether a 2-day training session
on how to write IEP goals/objectives and the use of the AEPS Test results improved the quality of IEP goals/objectives written by early childhood special
education personnel. Findings are based on a comparison of pretraining goal/
objective ratings with posttraining goal/objective ratings for 86 participants
from five states. Participants (i.e., teachers, therapists, coordinators) for the
study were somewhat geographically diverse representing the middle, south-

ern, and western regions of the country. Using paired t-tests, aggregated mean
percent scores for goals/objectives using the AEPS Test before and following
training were compared. Statistically significant differences for aggregated
mean percent scores for each of the 10 goal quality indicator comparisons were
found. In addition, statistically significant differences for aggregated mean percent scores for 9 of the 11 objective quality comparisons were found. The results of this finding are clear: use of the AEPS Test Three to Six Years in combination with training on writing goals/objectives improved the quality of
goals/objectives written by participants.
In order to examine the second hypothesis associated with treatment validity (i.e., better written IFSP/IEP goals/objectives would increase teachers
use of a specific intervention strategy referred to as embedding), two additional studies were conducted. In the first study, 16 early childhood educators
and early childhood special educators from four states participated (Bricker &
Pretti-Frontczak, 1997; Pretti-Frontczak & Bricker, 2001). The teachers attended a two-day training session on how to use the AEPS Test to assess children and to write goals/objectives from assessment results. The quality of
written goals/objectives, as well as the teachers use of the embedding strategy
before and after training, was measured.
Findings from the study of 16 early childhood education (ECE)/early childhood special education (ECSE) teachers indicated a significant improvement in
the quality of goals written after training on all 10 quality indicators, which is
especially noteworthy give the small sample size. Findings also indicated a significant (p<.001 to p<.05) improvement in the quality of written objectives on
7 of 11 quality indicators following training. A second analysis revealed that
overall, 13 of the 16 participants improved the quality of objectives targeted
specifically for use with the embedding strategy. Despite the writing of higher
quality goals/objectives and the targeting of higher quality objectives by 13 of
the 16 teachers, the percentage of intervals that teachers used the embedding
strategy decreased from the pretraining phase to the posttraining phase for 11
of the 16 participants. A relationship between the decrease in teachers use of
the embedding strategy and the quality of target objectives was not found.
A follow-up study was conducted in which a group of ECE/ECSE teachers
were given training on writing quality goals/objectives from AEPS Test results
and explicit training on use of the embedding strategy across daily classroom
activities (Pretti-Frontczak & Bricker, 2001). Seven ECE/ECSE teachers were
recruited to participate in the follow-up study.
Findings from the follow-up study indicate that all objectives written
from the AEPS Test results met the quality criteria rating of 7 or higher (i.e., 7
out of 11). Findings also indicated that the seven teachers used the embedding
strategy with their target child an average of 9.7% of intervals observed on one
measure and 10.6% of intervals observed on a second measure. The teachers
in the study tended to embed target objectives by asking questions and providing verbal models. Lastly, the teachers were most likely to utilize the embedding strategy when they worked individually with the target children and
engaged in language and pre-academic activities. The teachers were least
likely to embed childrens objectives during large group activities or while addressing adaptive skills.

When conducting treatment validity studies, it is important to examine

outcomes that have relevance for the ultimate targetin this casechildren.
Two single subject studies were designed and conducted to determine if higher
quality objectives written from AEPS Test results and embedded into daily activities would improve child outcomes (Bricker & Pretti-Frontczak, 1997).
In Study One, four preschool teachers from the northwestern region of the
United States participated in the study. The teachers selected one child from
their classroom for whom they targeted two objectives written from AEPS
Test results and embedded during daily activities. Visual analysis was used to
examine the functional relationship between using the embedding strategy
with quality objectives written from the AEPS Test results and childrens
performance on targeted objectives. Child performance data from Study One
suggest that, in general, a functional relationship exists between embedding
childrens objectives into daily activities and progress made on targeted objectives for training group children. Measures of the childrens progress revealed
changes from the baseline phase to the intervention phase in both trend and
slope. Although the results of Study One were promising, they were mixed
not all children responded to the same extent when compared with one anothers progress or when compared with their two targeted objectives. Moreover, the results were based on two targeted objectives for only four children.
To further examine the relationship between teachers use of the embedding
strategy and child performance, a replication study was conducted.
The replication study was conducted with four different teachers. Each
teacher selected one child from her classroom for whom she targeted two
intervention objectives developed from the AEPS Test results. Teachers then
were asked to embed these selected objectives in daily classroom activities. As
in the previous study, visual analysis was used to examine the relationship between the embedding of quality objectives and child performance on these objectives. Although measures of child performance revealed some change from
baseline to intervention in both trend and slope, the results were not compelling. Although the children did make progress toward their objectives, the
results did not demonstrate a functional relationship between the teachers
use of the embedding strategy and child performance.
Results from these two studies provide limited evidence that teachers
embedding of quality objectives is associated with positive change in child
performance. Continued work is needed to determine if the rate and length of
time that teachers embed childrens quality objectives are critical variables in
effecting child performance over time.

Ascertaining adequate support to conduct well-designed investigations of the
AEPS Test has been difficult. To gather data from a range of subjects and interventionists from a variety of geographic locations is a costly endeavor. Although the investigations that have been conducted fall short of what should
be done, the outcomes do provide some assurance that the AEPS Test is generally reliable and valid for the samples involved. We are grateful for the sup-

port provided by the U.S. Department of Education to conduct the major investigations reported in this appendix.
Perhaps the more important outcomes are those that suggest that using
the AEPS Test improves the quality of IFSP/IEP goals and objectives developed
by interventionists. Also, the research that has examined the utility of the test
has provided extremely useful feedback. Again, this work only touches the
surface of what needs to be done to establish that the AEPS Test and accompanying materials are effective and useful across a range of interventionists
and children.
The developers of the AEPS hope to continue studying the properties, effectiveness, and usefulness of the materials as time and resources permit.

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