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Group 6 BK Career

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" Development Career Child–Child"

Lecturer Support:
Dr. Afdal, S.Pd., M.Pd.,Kons.
Gusni Dian Suri, M.Pd

Group 6 :
Violanisa Maharani (21006036)
Nabila Aulia Putri (21006072)
Aurelya Azzahra (21006109)



Praise and gratitude are expressed to Allah SWT, who still gives grace
andHis gifts are in the form of health benefits and opportunities to presenters so
that they can complete the assignments for Career Guidance and Counseling
courses. Namely a paper on "Children's Career Development". We don't forget to
send a series of sholawat and greetings to the lord of nature, namely the Prophet
Muhammad SAW who has brought people from the age of ignorance to the age of

Furthermore, thank you to the lecturers who have givenadvice, direction

and guidance in completing the paper. The author realizes that in this paper there
are still many shortcomings, both in writing and in its presentation, the authors
really hope for constructive criticism and suggestions so that in the future it will
be even better. Hopefully this paper is useful for us in particular and readers in

Padang, October 2022

Group 6


SAYINTRODUCTION ................................................................. i

LISTCONTENTS ............................................................................ ii

CHAPTERI. INTRODUCTION.................................................. 1

A. Background .................................................................................. 1

B. Problem Formulation .................................................................. 1

C. Purpose of Writing ...................................................................... 1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ......................................................... 2

A. The basic concepts of development theory kids career............. 2

B. Characteristics of theory ............................................................. 5

C. Strength andtheory weakness .................................................... 6

D. ApplicationThe theory of career development of children in

guidance and counseling services in schools .................................. 7

CHAPTERIII CLOSING ................................................................ 9

A. Conclusion .................................................................................. 9

B. Suggestion ................................................................................... 9

REFERENCES ............................................................................. 10


A. Background
The basic concept underlying children's career development is thatCareer
development is influenced by several factors - factors that are within the
individual (internal) such as intelligence, special talents, interests, and those
outside the individual (external) namely aspects of the socio-economic
environment such as the community environment,
schools, and economic conditions.
During the maturation process, children develop ways to control their own
behavior by listening to themselves and others. To make career decisions, children
need to develop a time perspective, that is, an understanding of the future. This,
along with the development of self-concept, will eventually lead to well-planned
career decision making. The development of self-concept is a very important part
of the Super life span theory. The self-concept comes from the child's exploratory
behavior, which leads to the acquisition of job information, imitation of characters
key, and interest development.

B. Formulation Of The Problem

1. What is the basic concept of children's career development theory?

2. What are the characteristics of the theory of child development?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the theory of child
4. How is the application of the theory of children's development in
Counseling Guidance services in schools?

C. Destination

1. Know about the theory of child development.

2. Knowing the characteristics of the theory of children's development.
3. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the theory of children's
4. Knowing the application of the theory of children's development in
Counseling Guidance services in schools,


A. Concepts Base Theory Children's Career Development

The basic concept underlying children's career development is thatCareer
development is influenced by several factors that are within the individual
(internal) such as intelligence, special talents, interests, and those outside the
individual (external), namely aspects of the socio-economic environment such
as the community, school, and economic conditions. . This is in line with
Hadiarni (2009: 127) which says that the combination of internal factors with
external factors gives birth to a person's career choice, but what is very
dominant in influencing a person's career is a factor that is in the individual.
During the maturation process, children develop ways to control their own
behavior by listening to themselves and others.
To make career decisions, children need to develop a time perspective,
that is, an understanding of the future. This, along with the development of
self-concept, will eventually lead to well-planned career decision making. The
combination of all these factors affects the individual's view of his career and
the individual's expectations of his future. These factors also affect the
development of individuals who will shape the individual's self-concept. Based
on this assumption, Super divides his theory into two main concepts, namely
the concept of life roles and stages of life. leisure (leisure), family
(homemaker), and children (child).
The Super Theory is the most common theoryinfluence career
development. The theory of career development proposed by Donald Super is
based on 3 main concepts, namely self, life - span, life - space. In this case the
focus is on life - span. Based on the concept of career development theory
according to Super, life is the concept of the life span showing the
development process career throughout an individual's life span. This concept
forms the basis for the development stage development of work to understand
the stages of life.

This concept is described by Super in the life career rainbow rainbow
(Sidik, 2012) where the outer part of the rainbow depicts the ages and stages of As illustrated in the life career rainbow diagram, there are five stages
of vocational development, namely: growth, exploration, consolidation,
coaching/maintenance, and decline. This stage is closely related to the stages of
life development, namely childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, adulthood,
and old age. The concept of these stages of development is more or less the
same in each age range.
According to Super (Sharf, 1992:127) career development in
childhoodinfluenced by the urge or better known as a feeling of suspicion
(coriouscity). The form of suspicion is implemented in the form of exploration
(exploration). The exploration period is an important career development and
should not be stopped. Hadiarni (2009:130) said that the exploration period
was from 15 years to 24 years. The exploration stage according to Sukardi
(1987: 68) begins when a person has an awareness that work is an aspect of his
The process of child maturity develops from within the child himself
(internal control) and the environment that influences it (external control). The
way children make career decisions develops based on a time perspective on a
particular job and expectations in the future. A positive self-concept will
accelerate towards career decision making. The development of self-concept is
an important stage of the entire career development process. Self-concept
comes from the child's efforts to explore the environment that can be used as a
medium of learning towards career information, imitation, finding appropriate
adult figures. and interest development.
In the following sections, each Super concept is illustrated through
examples counseling:
a) Curiosity
Curiosity is one of the most basic of all needs or drives; it has been
observed in animals, as wellbaby. Using the work of Berlyne (1960) as a
starting point for his discussion of exploratory behavior, Jordaan (1963)
provides a useful approach to understanding exploration and curiosit in

children. According to Jordaan (1963), curiosity can develop when there
arechanges in a person's physical or social needs. For a child, his curiosity
can be triggered by hunger, thirst, loneliness, and various other stimuli.
When a child is unsure or confused, the child may decide to resolve the
b) Exploration
In children, curiosity can lead to exploration of the environment,
home,school, as well as peer and parent relationships. Curiosity refers to the
desire for knowledge or something new or unusual, whereas exploration is
the act of seeking or examining. Curiosity is a necessity; exploration is a
behavior. For children, play and play activities are expressions of
exploratory behavior and help fulfill their curiosity needs. Jordaan (1963)
lists 10 dimensions of exploratory behavior. These are combined here to
provide examples of the important activities that make up exploration. The
behavior may be intentional and systematic, or it may beaccidental.
c) Clear Information
Information learning is critical to a child's development and success as
a teenager and as an adult. This section focuses on how theorylearning can
be applied to job information for elementary school children. One thing that
is repeatedly emphasized in Jean Piaget's work is that children are not just
uninformed adults; instead, there are differences in the way children process
information during their development. A brief synopsis of the work of
Piaget and Erikson follows, resulting in different theoretical approaches to
knowledge acquisition by primary school children can be compared.
d) Key Character
Adults are important role models for children in learning about the
world of workand in developing self-concept. Key figures for children are
parents, teachers, community leaders such as athletes and television
personalities, and people they relate to in their own communities, such as
police officers or mail carriers. The impact of parents on children's views of
work is illustrated by Price and Tillapaugh (1991) finding that children's

aspirations towards parents' work are influenced by their perceptions of how
satisfied they are. their parents with their own work.
e) Internal Against External Control
Gradually, children begin to experience feelings of control over their
own environment. Children are often used to doing what the teacher tells
them to doand their parents. Rules must be followed. Even in games
designed for elementary school children, following the rules is often quite
important. When children successfully complete tasks and projects, they
develop feelings about autonomy and control of future events.
f) Interest Development in Time
The fantasy of children's work is influenced by information about the
world, and these fantasiesbe of interest. Children who want to become
professional athletes can enjoy these activities, such as playing ball or
gymnastics, and not just imagine themselves receive praise from the

B. Theory Characteristics
There are some basic assumptions of this theory, specifically described by

Sukardi (1987) in Ibrahim, Yulidar & Khairani (2018). as below:

1. Individual differences, each individual has differences andproblems that can

hinder its development, especially in terms of career development.
2. Patterns in work ability (occupational ability pattern), each individual will
get a career choice that suits his personality
3. The pattern of identification and the role of the model obtained
(identification and the role ofmodels). Parents and adults in the child's
environment have a major influence in shaping career interests and also
children's self-concepts
4. Levels of life (life stages) . levels of life can influence the direction in
choosing a career and the adaptation process in each individual.
5. Continuity of adjustment, in daily lifeIndividuals always see reality as a
picture or explanation of the process of compromise between self-concept
and reality (reality).

6. Career patterns, the individual's career pattern has been formed since he was
7. Development can be guidedindividuals who are traversed along the stages or
levels of life can be guided
8. Development of the result of interaction, in essenceThe interaction between
the individual and his environment will provide an individual's career and
career plans
9. The dynamics of career patterns, interaction factors between individualsand
the environment has an influence on the dynamics of a person's career
pattern. Ability to work: individual differences, status and role. Satisfaction
with a career or work depends on how far the career and tasks as well as the
outlook on life are lived by the individual that allows him to carry out the
expected role.
10. Career as a view of life (work is a way of life), it is seen thatThe work and
view of life are in accordance with the potentials, values possessed by the

C. Strengths and Weaknesses.

a. Strength
The strength of this theory lies in the individual's ability to realize the
concept of self in a field of office that is most desirable to express oneself
and is also related to the choice of the role one has. Availability of
opportunity to make lifelong decisions.
The Super View by many Vocational psychologists is considered the
most comprehensive theory and gets a lot of support from research results.
The super concept of self-image and vocational maturity becomes a guide
for educators when designing career education programs and career
guidance, which brings young people to understanding and processing of
information about the world of work, in line with certain stages of career
development. In other words, career education and career guidance
programs in elementary, junior and senior high schools should aim to

gradually elevate students to a higher stage of self-understanding and
information processing and more mature.
b. Weakness
While the weakness, is someone who does not have a good self-
conceptpositive will be difficult to manifest itself in a field of work and if
development through the stages of life does not get guidance and direction
will get difficulty for individuals to develop their self-concept and potential.

D. Application in Counseling Services at School and Outside School .

Guidance is carried outCareer in school is an effort to help students to
know themselves and optimize their potential, so that students are able to know
themselves and optimize their potential, so that students are able to identify and
can learn to make choices and decide things. To optimize potential, that is how
students can adapt with the environment in which they live.
Career guidance carried out in elementary schools is to help students
identify feelings of likes, dislikes, know interests, can describe their role in
every position in life, think positively about themselves and develop goals to
be achieved in the future. Guidance and counseling facilitate students to
understand and accept so that students have a complete self-concept in dealing
with others and gain experience and opportunities in making decisions, besides
career guidance also creates a learning environment that is conducive to
learning effective for students.
Guidance services in primary schools involve many parties. BesideThat
is, by looking at the characteristics of the child, the provision of guidance
services needs to work with people who are meaningful in the child's life such
as parents, teachers and people who become idols. Guidance activities in
elementary schools emphasize the importance of the teacher's role in the
guidance function.
Guidance and counseling materials in elementary schools are contained
in four areasguidance, namely personal, social, academic, and career guidance.
Specialized in the field of career guidance, guidance and counseling services

help elementary school students recognize and begin to direct themselves for a
career in the future.
The more details are:
1. Helping the level of career development and setting goals formastery of tasks
unique to each stage.
2. Helping students explain self-concept becausesome tasks that increasing self-
knowledge will increase majors maturity. Then help them relate their self-
knowledge to job information.
3. Exhibit students to a wider range of careers by choicemajors are limited from
time to time. Consider the lifestyle implications and vocational
considerations and avocational relationships of learning subjects in schools.
4. Direct important work experiences. Trying on the real roles of the worlds of


A. Conclusion
During the maturation process, children develop ways to control their
own behavior by listening to themselves and others. For a child, his curiosity
can be triggered by hunger, thirst, loneliness, and various other stimuli. When
a child is unsure or confused, the child may decide to resolve the confusion.
Adults are important role models for children in learning about the world of
work and in developing self-concept. Key figures for children are parents,
teachers, community leaders such as athletes and television personalities, and
people they relate to in their own communities, such as health workers. police
or mail carrier.
The strength of this theory is the opportunity to make decisions
throughout life. While the weakness is that someone who does not have a
positive self-concept will find it difficult to manifest himself in a field of
work. Guidance and counseling facilitates students to understand and accept
so that students have a complete self-concept in dealing with others and gain
experience and opportunities in making decisions, besides that career
guidance also creates an effective learning environment for students.
Guidance and counseling materials in elementary schools are contained in
four areas of guidance, namely personal, social, academic, and career
guidance. Specifically in the field of career guidance, guidance and
counseling services help elementary school students identify and begin to
direct themselves for a future career will come.

B. Suggestion
The author realizes that this paper still has many shortcomings, in the
future the authorwill be more focused and detailed in explaining the above
paper with more sources which of course can be accounted for because of that
The author expects criticism and suggestions from readers.


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