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Arena User Manual

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Arena End-User Manual

Welcome .............................................................................................................. 1
Membership ......................................................................................................... 3
White Pages ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Viewing a Record----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Add New Family ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
Person Bulk Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28
Merge Members ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
Me ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32
Active Campaigns -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
Metrics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
Lists----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
Public Lists and My Lists ------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
Reports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
Groups ............................................................................................................... 55
Group Trees -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55
Add Registration --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62
Areas --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
Reports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
Personal Tags ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 69
Ministry Tags ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70
Serving Tags ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76
Event Tags --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80
Volunteer Tracking ............................................................................................. 86
Add Volunteer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 86
Serving Tags ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87
Administration------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 87
Reports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90
Promotions ......................................................................................................... 91
New Promotion Request ------------------------------------------------------------------- 91
Public Calendar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93
Web Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 94
Bulletin Requests -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95
Newsletter Promotions --------------------------------------------------------------------- 96
All Promotion Requests -------------------------------------------------------------------- 97
Promotion Thumbnail List ----------------------------------------------------------------- 97
Sports ................................................................................................................ 98
Clubs---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98
Schedule------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 98
Reports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99

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Communications ............................................................................................... 100
New Communication ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 2
Previous ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 102
Email Templates -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 102
Prayer .............................................................................................................. 103
Add Prayer Request ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 104
Approve Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 106
Approve Answers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 107
Approve Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 107
All Prayer Requests ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 108
Reports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 108
Web Content .................................................................................................... 109
Polls---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 109
Classifieds --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 111
Newsletters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 113
Photo Albums ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118
E-Cards and E-Invitations ---------------------------------------------------------------- 120
Check-In .......................................................................................................... 123
Attendance Type Categories-------------------------------------------------------------- 123
Locations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130
Lists---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 131
Kiosks-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 132
Contributions ................................................................................................... 135
Fund Management ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135
Contribution List -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 137
Batch List ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138
Repeating Payments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 139
Pledges ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 140
Reports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 140
Contributions Application ................................................................................. 141
Creating a Batch -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 141
Contribution Entry ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 142
Batch Summary --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 143
Missions ........................................................................................................... 145
Mission Details ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 146
Glossary ........................................................................................................... 156
Appendix A - Check-In Implementation ........................................................... 160
Initial Startup and Configuration --------------------------------------------------------- 160
Check In Application ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 165
Check-In Management Screen ----------------------------------------------------------- 172

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual - Welcome

Welcome to Arena, the Power of Community.

Arena is a church ministry system designed to empower your people and your ministries.
Arena achieves this by:

• Serving as an easy-to-use and centralized method for your members to contribute

(financially and physically) to ministries
• Keeping accessible, accurate, thorough, and integrated member records
• Organizing records by levels and layers of grouping schemes
• Tracking member’s physical and spiritual needs and activities
• Coordinating ministry events through promotions and Arena managed websites
• Providing an effective means of individual and mass communication

This makes Arena a true ChMS product. It focuses on Commincation, Coordination,

Connection, and Creativity. Because the Arena philosophy is people oriented, it begins with
the end in mind. Don’t let people slip thru the cracks. Open the front door wider and close
the back door tight. Take advantage of every touch point with a “wow” experience. You’re
empowered to invest more of your time and talent in the calling, less in the managing.
Arena puts the power at your fingertips.

Our Mission

Shelby Systems, Inc. exists to supply the information technology tools needed to help ministries and
other organizations around the world thrive. To meet this vision we strive to provide the highest
quality software, training, and support, while delivering superior service to our customers, which can
only be done by empowering employees through individualism and teamwork and providing a
challenging and rewarding career.

Trademarks: Certain brand names and product names used in this article (publication) are trade names, service
marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Shelby Systems, Inc. is not affiliated or
associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this publication.

© 2006, 2007, 2008 Shelby Systems, Inc.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual - Membership

Quick Search
The Quick Search module of Arena allows you to quickly search for a person’s record by
their first or last name, or any part or combination of their first or last name. This module is
displayed on every page of Arena for easy access at any time.

Steps to Find a Person Record:

1) Go to Quick Search, as shown in figure 1.1 below.

Figure 1.1 – Quick Search

2) Type the First and/or Last Name you are searching for or any part of the First or Last

Note: The quick search will allow you to lookup a person by person id.

3) The first and last name boxes have an auto fill when typing in names. You may also
search by person id.
4) Click the Go button. This brings up the search results screen as seen in the White Pages
section of Membership.

• You can narrow your search by entering a full name, or last name and first
name initial.
• The search results for First Name will pull up first name and salutation. For
example, if you are searching for “Robert,” it will also pull up all records with “Bob”
in the system.
• Arena will accept the wildcard % in all search fields.

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Arena End User Manual - Membership

Arena’s Membership section is used to enter new members and families or modify existing
ones, as well as view their personal details and family associations, view your active calling
campaigns, and display metrics, lists, and reports about your members.

White Pages

Using White Pages, you can search for a record in Arena by first name, last name, first and
last name, or any part of a name.

Steps to Search for a Member:

1) Go to Membership  White Pages, which will display the screen shown in figure 2.1

Figure 2.1 - White Pages

2) Type the First and/or Last Name for which you are searching.
3) Click the Go… button. This brings up the search results screen as seen in figure 2.2

• You can narrow your search by entering a full name, or last name and first
name initial.
• The search results for First Name will pull up first name and salutation. For
example, if you are searching for “Robert,” it will also pull up all records with
“Bob” in the system.
• Arena will accept the wildcard % in all search fields.

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Arena End User Manual - Membership

Figure 2.2 - Search Results

The result of your search will list all Names

ames that met the criteria specified on the search
screen,, along with the Member Status of that person, their Gen
der, their Age, the person’s
Home Phone, the Distance from that person’s address to your church’s address, their Small
Group status (the
the Small Group icon will appear if in a small group),, their Class Level
(used if your organization requires a specified class be attended before membership, etc.),
their Serving status (the Serving icon will appear if the person is a volunteer),
volunteer) and that
person’s E-mail address.

To Sort the search results, click the column heading by which you wish
ish to sort.
sort An
Ascending or Descending icon will appear to indicate your sort choice. Clicking
multiple times will toggle between ascending and descending.

At the bottom of the Search Results listing, you can change

hange the page size number to display
a greater or lesser number of names (click the Refresh button to apply this change).
change) The
page size automatically faults to 20 names per page.

You can also select a number of records by placing checkmarks in the space next to their
name and then click Update Selected at the bottom to update multiple records at one
time. You may also merge duplicate records at once by selecting them and clicking Merge

he icons in the bottom right of the screen can be used to E-mail
mail the group of people
displayed by clicking the Envelope icon, create an address label mail merge by clicking
the Word icon, or export
xport the information to an Excel spreadsheet by click
licking the Excel

Note: The Merge options will affect all members displayed on the screen, so the page
size number may be required adjusting to display the correct set of people.

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Arena End User Manual - Membership

Advanced Search
You may also search for names using the Advanced Search options by selecting Advanced
Search below the name search in White Pages.

This will expand the choices to display the following:

By E-mail

Figure 2.3 - E-mail Search

You can search for a person by his e-mail address, as shown in figure 2.3 above. You can
type any part of the e-mail address, or the complete e-mail address, for results.

Example: If you type ‘YourChurchonline’, the search results will bring up any e-mail
address that has ‘YourChurchonline’ in it.

By Phone

Figure 2.4 - Phone Search

You can search for a person by his phone number as shown in figure 2.4 above. Type any
part of the phone number, or the complete phone number, for results.

Example: If you type ‘780’ the search results will bring up any phone number in the system
that has the digits 7-8-0 in that order. For example: 623-780-0000 or 623-578-0423.

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Arena End User Manual - Membership

By Address
Figure 2.5 - Address Search

You can search for a person by his address as shown in figure 2.5 above. You can type any
part of the address, or the full address, for results.

Example: If you type ‘rose’ in the search field then the results will bring up people who live
on Rose Garden, Rose Circle, or any address with ‘rose’ in it.

By Proximity

Figure 2.6 - Proximity Search

You can search for people who have a home address located a specified distance from a
specific address as shown in figure 2.6 above.

Example: If you want a list of people who live within ten miles from your church, then you
would type “10” in the Proximity box and type the address of your church in the address
box. The results will show anyone who lives within ten miles. If you want a list of people
who are exactly ten miles, sort in descending proximity to get the end of the list first.

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Arena End User Manual - Membership

By Tags
Figure 2.7 - Tag Search

You may search for a group of people by Ministry, Serving, or Event Tags as shown in
figure 2.7 above.

By Spiritual Gift

Figure 2.8 - Spiritual Gift Search

You can search for a group of people with a specific Spiritual Gift as shown in figure 2.8
above. These values are defined as a Lookup in your Administration area (See the Lookups
section of the Arena Administrator Manual for more information).

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By Birthdate

Figure 2.9 – Birthdate Search


You can search for a group of people by selecting a birth date using the calendar or by
simply typing in a birth date in MM/DD/YYYY format as shown in figure 2.9 above.

By Login ID

Figure 2.10 - Login Search

You can search for a group of people with a specific Login ID as shown in figure 2.10 above.

By Alternate ID

Figure 2.11 - Duplicate Families Search

You can search for a group of people with a specific Alternate ID as shown in figure 2.11

Records that meet the search criteria will display as shown in the Search Results window
above; clicking on a record will display the Person Detail Page. Follow the instructions in the
next section to view a record.

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Arena End User Manual - Membership

Viewing a Record
A person’s record consists of one page and has the following information. This area is
customizable; your particular install may vary. This page is opened any time a linked name
is clicked within Arena.

Profile Section

Personal Information:
This section displays the following information for the current person:
Person ID/Foreign ID (Shelby Name ID if synchronized with Shelby Systems v5 software)
SSN (Encrypts the first 5 digits)
Member Status
Record Status
Birth Date
Age (Listed in years, months, days)
Marital Status
Anniversary Date (Wedding Anniversary)
Contribute Individually (Synchronizes with Pledge/Give on Individual Information tab of
Shelby record if synchronized with Shelby Systems v5 software)
Envelope Number (Synchronizes with Shelby Systems V5 envelope number if synchronized)
Medical Info
Date Added (to Arena)
Date Modified
Date Last Verified (Click the Verify link to update when the record was last confirmed to be
Click the Edit link in the top right of this section to modify this information.

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Figure 2.12 - Personal Information


Family Information
This section lists a person’s spouse and/or children as shown in figure 2.13 below.

Figure 2.13 - Family Information

To add a Relationship Type:
1) Click on the Relationships: Edit link in the Person Details screen of the person for
whom you are entering the relationship. You will see a [Select Person…] link and a
drop-down list of available relationship types. (For help on creating relationship
types, see the Relationship Types section of the Arena Administrator Manual).
2) Click the [Select Person…] link to bring up the search pop-up.
3) Find the name required,
4) Click the empty radio button next to the name
5) Click the Select button at the bottom. This will populate that name into the Name
6) Click on the drop-down list to choose which relationship applies. The inverse of this
relationship will automatically appear on the other person's record.
7) Click the Done link when finished.

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Peer Network
This section will contain the names of individuals, scores, and a trend up icon or trend 11
down icon which represents the most recent connection trends for the individuals. Click
View Details… to view all connections to the individual. Figure 2.14 below shows an example
of the Peer Network section of a person detail record.

Figure 2.14 – Peer Network

Check-In Information
This section contains fields used to record special information for this individual that may be
needed during Check-In. These values are defined in the Administration  Person
Attributes  Check-In Attributes page. The default fields are Custody Situation, Medical
Situation, Allergies, Potty Training, and Special Note.
Click the Save link when finished.

To add a photo:
1) Click the Browse button.
2) Click the Update Photo… link.
3) Find the photo and click the Upload button to save.

Note: The photo sizes must be at least 200 x 200 for the pictures to display properly

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This area shows the Phone Numbers for this person. To edit these, click the Edit link, shown 12
in figure 2.16 below.

Figure 2.16 - Phone Information

This area shows the E-mail Addresses for this person. To edit these, click the Edit link,
shown in figure 2.17 below.

Figure 2.17 - E-mails

Address/Previous Address (if applicable)

This area shows the physical Address(es) for this person, as well as their proximity to your
church (as defined by your Organization address) and a link to the Google Maps page for
this address. Click the Get Directions link to map to/from person to the church, person,
group, or tag. To edit the address(es), click the Edit link as shown in figure 2.18 below.

Figure 2.18 - Address Information

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Activity Section
This is a customizable section. Your organization’s options may vary and are defined under
Administration  Person Attributes.

Activity Meter Level

This number and graph are based on the activity level of the person and is generated
weekly by Arena. This number is used by the staff to gauge a member’s participation.

Note: Refer to the Administration Manual for more information on the Health

Area Information
This section shows the Area this person is assigned to. Note that this person’s address is not
required to be within the Area’s boundaries. To edit this, click the Edit link in the top right
corner of this field.

Small Group Information

This section shows the Small Groups this person is a member or leader of. This section will
also show any groups that the person has a pending registration. These group memberships
or registrations cannot be directly edited from this section, but can be changed from the
Small Group itself by clicking on the link for that Small Group.

Note: if the person is not in a Small Group then this area will say “Not in a Small

Event Tags
This section shows the Event Tags this person is registered for. This section will display the
Event Category as its title, and will display a separate section for each Event Category this
person is registered for. Like Small Groups, these registrations cannot be edited directly
from this section, but can be changed from the Event Tag itself by clicking on the link for
that Event Tag.

Note: if the person is not registered for any Event Tags this area will not display.

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Team Information
This section shows the Sports Teams this person is a player or coach of. These Team 14
memberships cannot be directly edited from this section, but can be changed from the
Team itself by clicking on the link for that Team

Note: if the person is not in a Sports Team then this area will not display.

Sports Information
This section shows information specific to this person’s Sports activity eligibility. These
values are defined in the Administration  Person Attributes  Sports Attributes
page. The default fields are Uniform Size, Birth Certificate, and Code of Conduct. To edit
these, click the Edit link in the top right corner of this field.

Volunteer Information
This section shows information needed for this person’s Volunteer eligibility. These values
are defined in the Administration  Person Attributes  Volunteer Information
Attributes page. The default fields are Name Tag Issued, Volunteer Application,
Background Check, and Food Handler Card. To edit these, click the Edit link in the top right
corner of this field.

Member Path
This section shows the person’s progress through your organization’s Member Path, as
shown below in figure 2.19. These values are defined in the Administration  Person
Attributes  Member Path Attributes page. The default fields are How Received, Date
Received, Date1, Date2, Date3, Date4, Date5, Date6, Date7, Date8, Date9, Date10,
Member Of, Source, and Special Profile. To edit these, click the Edit link in the top right
corner of this field.

Figure 2.19 - Member Path

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Arena End User Manual - Membership

Visit Dates 15
This section shows visitation dates for this person. These fields are defined in the
Administration  Person Attributes  Volunteer Information Attributes page. The
default fields are First Activity, First Visit, Second Visit, and Third Visit. To edit these, click
the Edit link in the top right corner of this field.

Serving Tags, Personal Tags, and Ministry Tags

These sections show the respective tags for this person. As of this version you may
assign/delete tags from the person details screen. These tags can be edited by clicking the
Edit link in the top right corner of each field, then click the Assign Tags link. You may
delete a tag by clicking the Delete icon . You may choose to Show All which will show
active and inactive tags, or uncheck and it will only show active tags.

Figure 2.20 - Tags

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Arena End User Manual - Membership

Attendance Section
The Recent Attendance area displays the last ten occurrences that the person has
attended. They may be either group or tag occurrences. The Attendance Rate graph is
populated by any Attendance Types that are marked for Weekend Service.

Figure 2.21 - Attendance Section View

Notes Section

You can add notes to a person’s record. You may assign access rights that allow certain
Roles to view your Notes: when creating the Note click on the security icon to set the
access rights for roles. Notes would include comments about the person you would want
anyone to know or private information you would want only certain people to know about
the person.

Figure 2.22 - Notes Section View

For example, if a female gets married you can add a note stating her maiden name. Notes
that are checked to display will appear at the top left of the view screen, above the Profile
Section, with the most recent at the top of the list. To view all notes, go to the bottom of
the screen in the notes section.

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Arena End User Manual - Membership

Personality Section
Spiritual Gifts and DISC Profiles are both optional settings to be determined by your
organization. DISC Profiles are based on the DISC profiling personality trait system.
Spiritual Gifts can be set up to show what the gifts that an individual possesses. If you click
on the gift link it will show a list of the other records that have the same gift. DISC stands
for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. Several organizations
offer this testing. Arena will track it for you if you choose to implement it.

Figure 2.23 - Personality Section View

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History Section
All activity done to a record is listed in the history section. For example, sent/received e-
mail messages, addition to or removal from a small group, etc. To view the history, check
the box labeled View History at the right side of the screen. Each individual section has a
drop box that allows you to view the last 5,100, or All history in each individual section.

Figure 2.24 - History Section

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Arena End User Manual - Membership

Security, Person Views, and other Tabs

Figure 2.25 - Person Detail Tabs

Note: you may not have access to all of the tabs listed above so your person detail
page may not contain these default tabs.

At the top of the Person Detail page, click the Security tab to bring up the Security lists.
Displayed on this tab are four lists of IDs: Arena Logins, Manager IDs, Family IDs, and
Person IDs. Arena Logins are the login user ids and passwords associated with this user.
Manager IDs are an alpha-numeric value that is an alternate ID which can be scanned into a
Kiosk to enter the management screen (for more information, see the Check-In section later
in this manual). Family IDs are currently not used in this version of Arena. Person IDs are
alpha-numeric values which can be used for Kiosk Check-In, such as a barcode value.
To add any of these ID types, click the associated Add New ID icon and enter the
required value.

The Person Views tab shows the people who have viewed your record in top portion and
the people you have viewed in the bottom.

Contributions Tab
The contributions tab on the person details page displays contribution information pertaining
to each individual person. The tab is broken into three sections: pledges, repeating payment
profiles, and contribution history.


Use the steps below to set up pledges for individual funds.

1) Select the fund from the drop down list and click the “Add” button to create the
2) Click the Edit this Pledge icon.
3) Set up the Begin, End Dates, and the amount of the pledge.

Note: Pledges are retroactive, so if a contribution falls within the pledge date range
it will be counted towards the pledge amount.

Figure 2.26 Pledges

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Arena End User Manual - Membership

Repeating Payment Profiles

If the individual has created any repeating payments through online giving, they will show
in this area.

Figure 2.27 Repeating Payments Profiles

Contribution History

This area shows all contributions and online giving history for the individual.
1) Use the filters to sort the contributions in a different order based upon date range,
fund, type, or transaction number.
2) If a contribution has been processed through to the wrong individual, you may use
the Reassign Person… link on the Contributions tab to assign the contribution to the
proper record.

2.28 Contribution History

The Prayer Requests tab will show any prayer requests you have made.
Please see Setting Login and Alternate IDs in your Arena Administrator Manual for help
with those sections.

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Arena End User Manual - Membership

Add New Family

This page allows you to add new members to Arena. It is advised that the Quick Search or
the White Pages is used to search
earch by name to determine if the person/family is already in
Arena before adding them, to prevent duplication of records.

Steps to Add a New Person/Family to Arena:

1) Click Membership  Add New Family

Family, or click Add Person/Family from the search
results screen. The screen shown in figure 2.29 below will appear:

Family Members Tab

Figure 2.29 - Family Members

2) If you are adding a new family, click Add New Person for each family member. Data
entry time will be shorter because certain fields will copy to all records such as last
name and address. If you are adding a person that already exists in the database to the
family then click Add Existing Person and search ch for then select the person you wish
to add.
irst and Last Name, Family Role, Birth Date, Gender,
3) Enter the Title for adults, First G Marital
Status and Anniversary Date.ate. Once you are finished
finished, click the Next button or the
Record/Member Status tab.

Note: If the icon by the person’s name has a plus it means you are adding a new
record. If the icon does not have a plus, it means the record already exists in the

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Record/Member Status Tab

Figure 2.30 - Record/Member Status

4) The record status will default to Active for each member of the family. You must add a
member status or a warning will display. If a person/family needs to be changed to
inactive then you will need to give a reason. Following are the default options for an
inactive status: Moved, No Longer Attending, Deceased, No Activity, and Duplicate
Record. More options can be added in Administration  Lookups. Once you are
finished, click the Next button or the Contact Info tab.

Contact Info Tab

Figure 2.31 - Contact Info

5) Enter the Main/Home, Business, and Cell phone numbers, and/or E-Mail address for each
family member. When you enter the main home phone number, it will copy to the rest of
the family. Enter each phone number without formatting (spaces, dashes, or
parentheses) and press Tab. Arena will format the phone number for you.

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Address Tab
Figure 2.32 - Address Tab

6) Enter the main address of the family. If the zip code is unknown, click on the
Standardize Addresses link and Arena will attempt to determine the zip code.
Standardizing will also enter the zip+4 of the zip code. Addresses are always
standardized when the Finish button is pressed. If the same address entered is found
on a different record, figure 2.33 will display.

Figure 2.33 - Multiple Families at Same Address Warning

Arena will show you the records that have the same home address. If the person you are
adding should be part of this family, check the Family box and click Continue. This will add
the person to that family.

Note: Selecting certain people in a family instead of the entire family will result in the
family being split into two families.

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7) Use the drop-down list in the top right to enter other types of addresses for the
person/family. 24
Duplicate Records

If Arena detects that the new record(s) may already exist, a warning will appear below the
wizard and you will not be able to finish the wizard, shown in figure 2.34.

Figure 2.34 – Possible Duplicates Warning

Click the link of the name that may be duplicated to open the Possible Duplicate list.
The list will have two options; a name link or an edit button. If you are unsure if a listed
record is a duplicate or not, click the name link to verify. Once sure, click the Edit button to
change the entry in the wizard to the chosen record.
If no records are duplicated, close the Possible Duplicate list and check the "I have
reviewed all the Possible Duplicates" box, as shown as figure 2.35. Once checked, you
can then finish the wizard.

Figure 2.35 – Confirm Duplicate Review

(Optional) Adding New Tabs to the Wizard

New tabs can be added to the Family Wizard when the Family Wizard does not have fields
that should be included when creating a record or entire family. New tabs are actually
Person Attribute Groups, and the fields displayed on the tabs are the individual Attributes
within the Attribute Group. Person Attributes are custom user-defined fields that are
shown on the Person Details page, creating a place to keep data that Arena does not have
by default. An Arena Administrator can add Attribute Groups as tabs to the Wizard.

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Common Questions: 25
What if I am on the phone with a person who says he moved or no longer attends
our church?
Look the person up in Arena using the Quick Search, then Edit the personal information on
the person detail record and give the appropriate reason. Make sure to ask about the other
family members so you can update their records too.

Figure 2.36 - Edit personal information

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What if I get a call from a volunteer and his e-mail address has changed?
You can go into that person’s record while you have him on the phone and edit the e-mail 26
address. Having him on the phone would also be a great time to confirm the rest of his
contact information.

Figure 2.37 - Edit e-mail address

Does Arena record the information I edit?

Yes. A note is added to a person’s history when you edit a person’s information. It will say
the date, time, person and information you edited.

Figure 2.38 - History section

How do I add a person’s nickname?

Once the person has been entered into Arena, look him up and click the Edit link in the
personal information section. A field will appear for nickname.

Figure 2.39 - Personal Information nickname

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How is a record or member status updated?

As of this version the record or member statuses can be updated in the personal information 27
area of the person details screen. Click on the Edit link in the personal information area to
access the record or member status drop-down list.

Figure 2.40 - Personal Information record or member status

What do I do if I find duplicate records?

If you discover duplicate records in Arena, place a check mark by both names and click the
Merge Selected… link at the bottom of the page. This will display the Merge Members screen
where you will be prompted to retain the correct information and remove the duplicate
record. See the Merge Members section below for more information.

Figure 2.41 - Merging records

Note: you may also select the Merge Members section of Membership to combine
any duplicated records.

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Person Bulk Update

The bulk update feature will add, remove or update existing information on many records.
Figure 2.42 is a screenshot of options available for updating records (the options are
customizable and your install of Arena may look different).

Figure 2.42 Person Bulk Update

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Steps to update people who are not connected to a tag or list:

1) Click on Membership  Person Bulk Update and the screen above will appear.
2) Click the Add link and the name search box will appear so you can search for the
people you want to update.
3) Find the person, put a check by his name and click the Select button or click the
Select and Search Again button to add additional names.
4) Go to the section you want to update, input the information and click the Update
button at the bottom of the screen.

You can update a list of people who are connected to a tag, a list generated from a report or
the search results screen.

Steps to update people who are connected to a tag or list:

1) Using the Tag, pull up the list of records you want to update and click the Update
Selected… link at the bottom of the screen. The screen above will appear.
2) Go to the section you want to update, input the information and click the Update

Bulk Updating Tags

These three sections allow you to update the tag membership status of a selection of
members quickly using the following options.

Add To - This will add or update the people you selected to the selected tag or group. If
any of the people in your selection already belong to the selected tag or group, their
information will be updated.
Remove From - This will remove the people you selected from the selected tag or group.
Update Existing –This will update tag or group information for the people you selected
that are already part of the selected tag or group. People in your selection that are not
part of the tag or group will NOT be updated.

Figure 2.43 - Tags

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Important reminders:
The default Page Size in Arena will list 20 records. If you have three pages of results, make
the page size bigger to include ALL records to be updated. Only the records shown on the
screen will be updated.

Figure 2.44 - Page Size

Only records that are displayed on the screen will be updated. Increase the size of the page
to the number of members selected so that you may update them at once.

Personal tags can be useful when using the bulk update feature; for example, you may have
records in three different tags that need to be updated with the same information. Create a
personal tag to place them in, update the information, and then delete the personal tag.

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Merge Members
The Merge Members page allows for the combining of records through a step-by-step

Steps to Merge Members:

1) Go to Membership  Merge Members.

2) Click on the Add People link, as shown in figure 2.45 below. This brings up the
Person Search screen where you can select the various names you wish to merge
together. You can merge as many records as necessary into one record. Once all the
records to be combined are selected, click the Next button at the bottom to
continue. Note: this feature takes the selected records and makes one new record,
so combinations must be done one at a time.

Figure 2.45 - Merge Members

3) For every field that has values for either record, you will be prompted to select which
value you wish to keep. Click the Next button after selecting the value.
4) Once you have gone through all the fields, you will be prompted to finish the merge,
as shown in figure 2.46.

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Figure 2.46 - Merge Members Completion


Note: You can stop at any time in the process until you press the “Finish” button.
The merge is not committed until Finished.

This process cannot be undone once the “Finish” button is pressed.

The new record will then be displayed onscreen, with a new Person ID number. The
combined records will have been removed from the database.


This section of Membership allows the logged-in individual to view his own personal Person
Detail screen, without having to search by using the Quick or Person Searches. Arena
verifies who is currently logged into Arena based on the Authentication mode. Typically, this
will be Domain authentication, so Arena knows that whoever signed into Windows is also the
current user of Arena. If Arena uses Forms authentication instead, then whatever login was
used to sign into Arena will be the record that displays when you click the Me link.

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Active Campaigns
While Calling Campaigns are actually created under Administration, they will be run
through this section. Please see the Campaigns section of the Arena Administrator Manual
for instruction on creating a new Campaign.
Clicking on Active Campaigns will display a list of all currently active campaigns. Clicking
on the hyperlink of a Campaign will bring up a new window, shown in figure 2.47 below,
with the next family to be contacted by this Campaign so that family can be contacted by
the Campaign Volunteer.

Figure 2.47 - Active Campaigns

The Calling Campaign screen displays the family name, the phone number and address,
personal information for each family member, and any call history for this family within this
Campaign. Family members are divided by tabs that show the first name and age of the
family member and are listed in order by the Family List (where Head of House is typically
the name on the first tab).
This screen is used to update the personal information, register an Adult of the family into a
small group, add a prayer request by individual, add any notes about this family, and select
the result of the call.

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The buttons at the bottom are the result options, and the appropriate result should be
clicked at the end of the call or call attempt. These options can be changed under 34
Administration  Lookups, in the Campaign Family Status lookups. That is also where
you change how many times the same result can be selected before this family is
considered “Completed” for that Calling Campaign. Please see the Lookups section of the
Arena Administrator Manual for help in adding new Lookup Values.

Calling Campaigns can be run by multiple individuals at the same time. The same family will
not appear for different Campaign Volunteers simultaneously. If a family comes up, they will
not show in the Campaign again for an hour, regardless of the result, even if the Campaign
window is closed without choosing a result (unless the result completes the campaign for
that family, in which case the family will not show again in the campaign at all). When the
screen shown in figure 2.48 below appears, the volunteer has gone through all the families
not contacted in the campaign.

Figure 2.48 - Campaign Completion

If there are any families not contacted remaining after reaching this screen, then after an
hour those families will display again and the volunteer can attempt to reach the family

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Arena Metrics is a charting tool, much like a reporting tool, where the output is a graph
instead of a list. The types of charts possible include: Area Graph, Pie Graph, Multi Line
Graph, Area Stacked Graph, and Line Graph. These graphs are customizable for your

Steps to Create a New Metric:

1) Go to Membership  Metrics.
2) Click on the Add New Metric link.
3) Complete the screen that displays:

Figure 2.49 - Metrics

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Parent Metric - Metrics can stand alone or be part of larger metrics. Leave this field blank
for a Parent Metric. A child metric will default with the parent metric field populated with 36
the title of the parent metric under which the child metric was created. For example, you
could have a Parent Metric represented by a Multi Line Graph, and the multiple lines can
each be a Child Metric (single) Line Graph.
Metric Order – This is used when the metric also utilizes the parent metric field to specify
the order of the child metrics within the parent.
Graph Style - This drop-down list is comprised of the various charts with which your metric
can be displayed. The options include: Area Graph, Pie Graph, Multi Line Graph, Area
Stacked Graph, and Line Graph.
Metric Title – This is the title of the metric. This will display centered above the graph.
Series Caption - When using line graphs, this field will display as vertical text to the left of
the graph describing the values for that portion of the graph.
Description - This is an internal reference field for describing what this graph will display.
Source Summary - This is a summary description that will appear on some graphs.
Collection Frequency - This drop-down list is comprised of the available collection
frequencies. These determine how often the graph updates with new or additional data.
The options include: Unknown, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.
Collection LastDate - This date field will update each time the collection frequency
updates the graph data. This can be manually changed by clicking the calendar icon.
Collection SqlStatement - This is where a SQL statement is placed to query the database
to populate the graph data. The query can be almost anything with the only limitation
being the query string must return a single number value.
Numeric XValues - When this box is checked, the values across the bottom of line graphs
will display as numbers instead of dates.

4) Click the Update button to save your metric.

Once created, the parent metrics will display as bullet points on the Metric List page. Child
metrics are accessed via the parent metric link.

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Lists are created by choosing desired criteria to display a list of names. Once the list
displays, the names can be merged into existing documents or reports. Lists always display
as a columnar report. Each selected field for a List will display as an additional column.
Note: the criteria and selectable fields on these tabs are driven by an XML file located in the
Arena application folder. For more information on these please see Modifying XML Files
for Custom Lists in the Arena Reference Guide.

Public Lists and My Lists

The Public Lists and My Lists areas of Membership function nearly identically to the Lists
area. In addition to all of the functionality of the Lists area, lists created under the Public
Lists or My Lists areas can be marked as private by unmarking the “Report is available to
everyone” checkbox shown in figure 2.50 below. This restricts this list to only be viewable
by the current user in the My Lists area.

Figure 2.50 – Summary Screen

The Public Lists and My Lists areas, new to Arena 2008.1.100, use a new mechanism
which allows your administrator to easily add or remove additional custom criteria and fields
for your lists.

Note: The My Lists area will only display Private lists created by the current user.

Private lists, even those created by the current user, will not display in the Public Lists

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Steps to Create a New List:

1) Click on Membership  Lists.
2) Click the Add link to create a list, or if lists exist already click the Add List icon
to create another.
3) On the first screen type the report name. Keep the report type as Person Report and
type a description. Click the Next button. (Other Report Types include Parent,
Groups, and Computer Systems.)
4) Choose the criteria for the list. Ask yourself, who do I want on this list? The answer
to this question will help you pick the criteria. There are eight sections of options for
the list criteria of the Person Report: Basic, Extended, Advanced, Personality,
Small Group, Custom Attributes, Tag, Sports, and Campaign.. Each section is
outlined below. (This section varies based on your setup; your Arena may have
different options.)

Figure 2.51 – List Criteria

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Basic Criteria
The Basic Criteria tab contains some of the basic personal information such as:

Names & Title

• To search on an exact age, put that number in both boxes.
• To search on an age range, enter the lowest number in the first box and the highest
number in the second.
• If you put a checkmark in the Include Null Values checkbox, the list will include those
people who do not have a birthday/age in Arena.
• If you want an age greater than a number then enter that number in the first box,
leaving the second blank.
Marital Status
• The options are Single, Married, or Unknown. The Unknown option allows for unknowns
to be included when searching by specific marital status.
Member Status
• The options here may vary for your organization.
Record Status
• The record status automatically defaults to Active.
Family Role
• The options are Adult or Child.
• The region criterion looks at the postal code of the home address. It does not mean the
person has to be in a small group in that region.

Extended Criteria

The Extended Criteria tab allows you to search on some more detailed information such as:

Birth Date
• To search on an exact date, put that date in both boxes.
• To search on a range, enter the earliest date in the first box and the latest date in the
• If you put a checkmark in the Include Null Values checkbox, the list will include those
people who do not have a birth date entered in Arena.
Birth Month
• To search on an exact month, put that number in both boxes.
• To search on a month range, enter the earliest month in the first box and the latest
month in the second.
• If you want a month greater than a number then enter that number in the first box,
leaving the second blank.

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Birth Day
• To search on an exact day, put that number in both boxes. 40
• To search on a day range, enter the low number in the first box and the high number in
the second.
• If you want a day greater than a number then enter that number in the first box,
leaving the second blank.
Anniversary Date
Adults in Family, Children in Family
Volunteer App, Background Check, Name Tag, Food Handler
Serving Status

Note: this option can be Serving or Not Serving based on one hour of work per week.
Checking both will return all with a serving status.

Serving Hours

Note: you can place .5 in the box to represent half an hour.

Unique E-mail
Graduation Year
• If you want to search on an exact year then put that number in both boxes.
• If you want to search on a year range, enter those numbers in the boxes.
• If you want a year greater than a certain year then enter that year in the first box.
• The option for this will vary for your organization.

Advanced Criteria:

How Member Joined

• First, Second, Third Visits: These options refer to the date placed in the corresponding
• Equal To
• Greater Than
• Less Than
• Blank

Note: you can check the Last Weekend box to indicate the previous weekend date.

Baptism/Covenant Dates
• Equal To
• Greater Than
• Less Than
• Blank

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Activity Level
• Equal To 41
• Greater Than
• Less Than
• Blank
Date Added/Modified
• Equal To
• Greater Than
• Less Than
• Blank
Phone Numbers
• Equal To
• Not Equal To
• Starts With
• Contains
• Does Not Contain
• Is Blank
• Is Not blank
Distance from Church
• Equal To
• Greater Than
• Less Than
• Blank
Address Criteria
• Equal To
• Not Equal To
• Starts With
• Contains
• Does Not Contain
• Is Blank
• Is Not blank

Personality Criteria

Spiritual Gifts
• These options may vary with your organization but will list as check boxes.
DISC Scores:
• You can search on individual scores or a combination of scores.
• To search on an exact number, put that number in both boxes.
• To search on a number range, enter the lowest number in the first box and the highest
number in the second.
• If you want a number greater than another number then enter that number in the first
box, leaving the second blank.

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Small Group Criteria

The Small Group Criteria tab allows you to search for people based on the following criteria:

• These options may vary for your organization but will list as check boxes..
Small Group Status
• You may search on the Group Status which will vary based upon your organization.
• Also, you may search by In a Small Group or Not In a Small Group.
Small Groups
Placing a check mark in a checkbox will cause Arena to search for people in a small
group and check all levels under that group. Click the + sign to expand and continue with
selecting or deselecting on each level.
You can change
ge the green check mark to a red “X” by clicking the check mark again. The
red “X” causes Arena to search for people who are not in a small group.
There is no filter for the section if the checkbox is left blank.

Custom Attributes

By default this area is

s blank. Please refer to the Adding Attributes to Lists section of
Modifying XML Files for Custom Lists in the Arena Reference Guide for more information
on adding custom attributes.

Tag Criteria

Personal, Serving, Ministry, & Event Tags

Placing a check k mark in a checkbox will cause Arena to search for people in that tag and
check all levels under that tag. Click the + sign to expand and continue with selecting or
deselecting on each level.
You can change the green check mark to a red “X” by clicking tthe
he check mark again. The
red “X” causes Arena to search for people who are not in a tag.
There is no filter for the section if the checkbox is left blank.

Note: if you are looking for people who are serving, do not use the tag criteria to find
them as the run time on the list will be much longer. Use the Serving Hours option
under the Extended Criteria tab.

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Sports Criteria
• These options may vary for your organization but will list as check boxes..
Teams: these can be marked as follows
Placing a check mark in a checkbox will cause Arena to search for people in that area of
sports and check all levels under that sport. Click the + sign to expand and continue with
selecting or deselecting on each level.
You can change the green check mark to a red “X” by clicking the check mark again. The
red “X” causes Arena to search for people who are not in a small group.
There is no filter for the section if the checkbox is left blank.

Campaign Criteria

These will vary with your organization but pertain to Calling Campaigns.

Status (these are generated by the Campaign Status Lookup)

• No Answer
• Left Message
• Invalid Number
• Complete
Last Attempt
• To search on an exact date, put that date in both boxes.
• To search on a date range, enter those dates in the boxes.
• Iff you put a checkmark in the Include Null Values checkbox, the list will include those
people who have not been contacted.
• If you want a date greater than a specific date then enter that date in the first box.

After you have chosen the criteria for the li

list, click the Next button.

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Field Selection
Once you have chosen who you want to have in your list, you will select what fields you
wish to display. For example, full name, address and e-mail will default under selected
fields. If you do not want one of those on your list, highlight it and move it back to the
available fields using the left arrow.

Figure 2.52 – Field Selection

Click on a field from the Available Fields column and use the single arrow to move it to the
Selected Fields column. You can order your selected fields in any order by using the up
and down arrows to the right of the Selected Fields column. Click on the field you wish to
move and use the appropriate arrow. If you want to move all rows from one side to the
other, press the appropriate double-arrow.

When you are done selecting fields for your report, click the Next button.

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Field Details
Figure 2.53 – Field Details

The field detail screen lists the fields that will appear on your report. For each field, set the
heading name and alignment. You can also click on Advanced Options… to open a popup
window which will let you adjust column and hyperlink details.

When you are done with the field details, click the Next button.

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Figure 2.54 – Sorting

The sort option will default to sort by last name and then first name. Click Add for more
sorting options.

When you have chosen the sort option you want, click the Next button.

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You can run your List report now or later and you can display the SQL Query that will
generate the List report.

Figure 2.55 – Summary

The SQL query created by the criteria chosen during the previous steps can be displayed
from this screen. Click the Display SQL Query link to display the query, or click the Hide SQL
Query link if you wish to hide the query. If you do not wish to run the List report when you
click the Finish button, uncheck the Run Report Now checkbox. Click the Finish button to
save the List report.

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Completed Lists
A completed list is a series of names returned after running a list. You can select the
following options for any or all of the names.

Available Merge Documents

You can choose to merge the list of names into any of the documents listed. Use the drop-
down list to view the options, highlight your choice, click the View button, then Open or

You may also choose to e-mail

mail the people selected, perform a Microsoft® Word® mail
® ®
merge, or export the data to a Microsoft Excel file.

Available Reports

The results of your list can also be merged into an existin

g Reporting Services report layout.
One example would be into a Birthday Report. Choose Birthday from the Available
Reports: drop-down
down list. Your results will be displayed in the pre
formatted layout of a
birthday report including fields such as name and b birth date.

Figure 2.56 – Available Reports

Print the List

You can choose to print the report by clicking on the button on the top
right. This will only print records that are displayed on the screen. If you have more than
one page in your report, changenge the number in the page size box to a higher number, and
click on the Refresh button, then print.

Edit the List

Click on the Edit List Criteria link below the print option at the top right corner of the
report page to edit the List report. This link w
ill take you back to the first screen
encountered when creating a list as shown above.

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There are several default designs for the Reports that are included in Arena. These are used
as pre-designed reports that you can use to display data selected by the Lists explained
above. An example of the report list is below.

Figure 2.57 – Reports Tree View

Most reports have Parameters which act as filters to limit the results and number of records
the report will display. The next section will list the report name, the different fields and a
brief description of what information should be entered into the fields for the default reports
installed with Arena.

Active Adults

Figure 2.58 – Active Adults

This parameter is the Member Status field that is found on the person’s Membership record.
It limits the selection to the Member Status selected. The drop-down list shows all of the
options available to limit the output. Your values for this list may vary, and are defined
under Administration  Lookups.

Figure 2.59 – Active Adults Parameters

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These parameters return records limited by the anniversary date and the number of years
the couple has been married. The Years Married is calculated from the Anniversary Date and
the system date on your server.

Figure 2.60 – Anniversary Parameters

The calendar icon will display a calendar from which to select the Start and End dates.


These parameters return records limited by date of birth. The lower boxes limit the results
by age of the person. The age is calculated from the Birth Date field and the system date on
your server.

Figure 2.61 – Birthdays Parameters

First Time Visitors

First time visitors are those who have a date in the First Visit field on the Visit Dates listed
in the Person Activity page. Use the parameters to limit the date range for the report.

Figure 2.62 – First Time Visitors Parameters

The calendar icon will display a calendar from which to select the Start and End dates.

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Head of Household
This report displays the Head of Household records as they pertain to a selected Member
Status. Your values for this list may vary, and are defined under Administration  Lookups.

Figure 2.63 – Head of Household


This report lists Members based on selected Member Status. If Select All is chosen, all
records will be returned and can be grouped by Member Status, Record Status, City, or
State. Your values for this list may vary, and are defined under Administration  Lookups.

Figure 2.64 – Head of Household Parameters

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Membership Chart by Status

This report takes all member statuses in your database and gives a pie graph breakdown of
these statuses.

Figure 2.65 – Membership Chart by Status Parameters

New Members

New members are selected based on dates entered in the Date Received Field in the
Member Path section of the Person Details page.

Figure 2.66 – New Members Parameters

The calendar icon will display a calendar to select the Start and End dates.

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Personal Activity Meter

Use this parameter to select a person’s name from the list to see a graph of the person’s
Personal Activity Meter (Health Meter).

Figure 2.67 – Persona Activity Meter Parameters

Report Options

There are several options associated with viewing or printing reports. This View Box will run
the report or refresh the data if the parameters are changed.

Navigating Through the Pages

Figure 2.68 – Report Navigation

Use the First, Previous, Next, and Last page arrows to move between the pages of the
report. The desired page number can also be entered manually. The number listed after the
box is the total number of pages in the report. Remember, this is the number of display
pages, not necessarily printer pages.


Figure 2.69 – Zoom

Type in or select the percent of zoom desired to increase or decrease the amount of
viewable information.


Figure 2.70 – Find/Next

Type the information for which you would like to search in this document, and click Find.
When found the text will be highlighted.

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Figure 2.71 – Printing

Once the desired report has been generated, select the format to export. This creates a file
which can be opened and printed by a multitude of programs. Your values for this list may
vary, and are defined under Report Services.

Figure 2.72 – Print Options

Refresh and Print

Click the Refresh button to rerun the report. Click the Printer icon to send the information to
print on the selected printer.

Figure 2.73 – Refresh and Print

Hide Criteria

Click this arrow to hide the selection parameters on the report.

Figure 2.74 – Hide Report Criteria

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Arena End User Manual - Groups

The Groups section of Arena is where tracking, setup, locations, member maintenance, and
group related reports are kept and maintained for Small Groups.
Small Groups are generally representative of a classroom structure, however, Groups are
flexible enough to accommodate nearly anything that uses an organized structure and that
people are added to for grouping and tracking purposes.

Group Trees


All the various types of Groups, such as Small Groups, Sport Groups, and Community
Groups, for example, are separated by Categories. This is not to be confused with Group
Types, which are specific per Group, but is a larger idea of the overall categorization of the
Groups setup.
Categories divide Groups by having unique Group Structure Trees, Group Roles, and field
captions for Group Details, as covered later. Generally, each Category will be represented
by a different tab on the Arena Navigation Bar, as all the Groups related pages are
separated by Category.

Group Trees

Group Trees represent the different levels and structures for how Groups are organized.
When the Group Trees page is opened, a list will be on the page displaying the top levels
of all Group Trees for the Category set for this page, as shown in figure 3-1. The list will
also show the Active Status, Leader name, Leader E-mail, total number of Small Groups in
that Tree, the total number of Members in those Small Groups, the number of Unassigned
Registrants, the number of Pending Registrants, and Notes. There is also a Registrations
tab, where you can view and assign Group Registrants that are not assigned to any Group

Figure 3.1 - Group Trees

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Group Trees are similar in construction to Tags, where levels are defined as having a Parent
to Child relationship. Clicking on a level link will display a new list, showing that levels’ child 56
levels or groups (depending on how many levels the Group Tree has). As each level is
navigated through, the screen will show the details for that level: the level Name, Active
Status, Leader, Administrator, URL, the Parent Level name, and Type. It will show the same
list as the top level for its child levels.

Note: Leaders and Administrators assigned to a Level are considered to be

Administrators for all child Levels and Groups beneath their assigned Level.

There will also be three tabs:

Security – This is where Security can be set for Security Roles and individual people to
have View and/or Edit rights to this Level.
Registrations – This link will open the Registrations page, where Unassigned Registrants
can be placed into a Group as Pending.
Attendance Summary – This tab will show a quick summary of Attendance for the Small
Groups that are in this Group Tree, below the current level. It allows the user to see
which Occurrences a person attended.

By clicking on the subsequent Level links, you can navigate down through the Tree until you
get to the Small Groups. The list will be different when it shows the list of Small Groups, it
will now show a Subscribe checkbox, the Group name, Active Status, Group Leader E-mail
address, Group Leader Age, Average Age for the group Members, Group Type, Meeting Day,
Marital Preference, Topic, total number of Members, number of Pending Registrants,
Average Distance, and Notes. These are all populated by the Group Details.
Clicking on a Small Group link will display the Group Details for that group (shown on figure
3.2), and its Group Members. Click on Edit Details to edit these fields.

Note: The captions for these fields, such as “Leader”, are set by the Category. This
can be changed to read as anything, “Coach”, for example.

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Figure 3.2 - Group Details


The list of Group Members will show their Name, Home Phone number, Date Added to the
Group, Address, Proximity (between the them and the Location or Leader), E-mail
E address,
Group Role, and Active Status. The Active status and Group Role are the only fields that can
be changed on this list, by clicking on the Edit icon for that member. Clicking on the
person’s Name link will open the Person Details screen for that person.
You will also see the following tabs:
Registrations – This is where Pending Registrants will be, so that they can be accepted or
denied as Group Members, providing your Security role permits.
Occurrences – This is where new occurrences can viewed and created.
Attendance Summary – This tab will show a quick summary of Attendance for this Group.
It allows the user to see which Occurrences a person attended.
Roster – This tab
ab shows a directory style Roster of the Group Members.

Subscribing to a Group

Subscribing to a Group allows for a user to quickly see the number of Members in a group,
as well as the number of Pending Registrants for that Group, respectively. Click on the
checkbox next to the chosen Group to subscribe to it.

Creating a New Group Tree:

Creating a new Group Tree depends on Group Categories, Cluster Types,, and Cluster Levels
already being set up by your Administrator
Administrator. Once these are created, the process of
o creating
Group Trees should be done from the top of the Group Trees page.

See Understanding Groups and their Structure in the Arena Reference Guide and
Small Group Structure in the Arena Administrator Manual for help in creating Group
Categories, Cluster
ter Types, and Cluster Levels.

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Steps to Add a New Group Tree

1) Click the Add link to create the first Group Tree. If there are any existing Trees, click
the Add New (Type) icon. (If there is no link or icon, only a Registrations tab,
this means there are no Cluster Types set up, see the documents referenced above)
An entry titled New Group Collection will be added to the list.
2) Click the Level link for this entry to open.
3) Click the Edit Details button on the next screen to display the detail area of the New
(Group Collection).
a) Enter the Type Name, set the Leader and Administrator, and enter in the
website URL for this level. There will already be a Type listed based on the
default setting; if needed, change this Type. The Type determines how many
levels this group will have before you can create classes. If you are familiar with
Shelby Systems software, you will already know about Levels in relation to
Organizations. Also, enter in a description and any notes you wish to place on the
Group. Only the Name and Type are required.
b) Click the Update button when done.
4) Depending on the number of levels for this Group, you will have to add each level
description for this Group until you can add members. Add new levels by clicking the
Add link under the Tab description, beneath the Notes. Repeat Steps 2-3 for each
level and different Group under the same level, assigning an appropriate name and
leader (if applicable), for each.

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Steps to Add a New Small Group

1) You have created a new Small Group once you have clicked on the Add New Small
Group icon,, and the new description is similar to [GroupID:100].. As before, click
on that Group link to go into group details. The following screen,, shown as figure
3.3, will display:

figure 3.3 – New Group Details

2) Click on the Edit Details button to set the detailed information that displays for the
top section and enter the required values, similar to step 3 above.
3) Click on the Update button to save.

Add/Change Group Members

There are two ways to add Group Members, one is thr through the Add Registrations link
under Groups,, and the other method is to add them directly to the Group itself. To add a
member directly, navigate to the Small Group level and c click on the Add link above the
Name filter. This will open up the Pop
Pop-up Person Search where you can select members to
place into the group. Whoever was selected as the Leader (or applicable title) of the group
in Details will already be placed in the group. Click on the Edit icon on the right to edit
the leadership role for an individual
ividual in that group. If there is already someone enrolled, you
can alternatively click the Add New Small Group Member icon at the bottom.

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Entering Occurrences
An Occurrence is a record of a meeting date. To view and create new Occurrences, click on
the Occurrences tab in the Small Group page.
To create a new occurrence:
1) Click on the Add New Occurrence icon. This creates a new entry, called New
2) Click on the link to view the occurrence, as shown in figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4 – New Occurrence

Alternatively, to create a series of identical recurring occurrences, click the Generate

Multiple Occurrences link. Then fill in the Attendance Type, Name, Location, Day of Week,
Date Range(s), Occurrence Start and End times, Check Check-In Start and End times (optional),
and the Membership Required for Check
Check-InIn (optional) fields for the series, and click
Generate Occurrences.

3) Click on the Edit Details button to modify the detail fields.

4) Enter the Name of the Occurrence, Location, Area, and the dates, a
nd times, as
shown in figure 3.5. (Name and Start/End date are required.)

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Figure 3.5 – Occurrence Details


5) Click the Update button to save and close the window.

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Add Registration
This feature allows for someone to be registered for a group in a “best fit” method. The Add
Registration feature would be used when it is not certain what Small Group a person should
be enrolled into.
The “best fit” is determined by a score value. The minimum score and score values are set
in Organization Settings under Administration. Based on Group Details, the member
provides the criteria for a Group that works for them. Putting these values into the Add
Registrations screen will then determine which Groups most closely match the member’s
If there is a Group that matches close enough by score, the member is placed as a Pending
member for that Group. If no Groups meet the minimum score, the member becomes an
unassigned Registrant, where you will have to determine where they should go.

Steps to Add a person to a Group using Add Registrations:

1) Go to Groups  Add Registration.

Your screen will look similar to figure 3.6, however your Arena Administrator can
change what options are available here under Administration  Lookups.

Figure 3.6 – Add Registrations

2) In the Individuals: section, click the Add… link.

a) This will open a Person Search popup window. Search for and select the person
you wish to register. Their name will then show on the Registration screen.
3) Using the information supplied from the member, enter their criteria choices. These
will determine the score.
4) Choose the Type of Group in which the person is interested. This list will show all
group types that have been created. These values are set in Group Details. The
available options are set in Lookups under Administration.

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5) Choose whether or not to override the Automatic Assignment to a Small Group. This
means that even if the criterion places the member into a Pending status, they will 63
remain as Unassigned, but placed in the proper Group Tree as the Group they would
have been Pending to.
6) Arena will then do one of the following:
a) If the member is placed as Pending, an e-mail will be sent to the Group Leader
alerting them of the pending registration. An e-mail is also sent to the person being
registered informing them of the Group Leader’s name and indicating that they will
be contacted by the leader.
b) If the member is Unassigned, an e-mail is instead sent to the Leader or
Administrator of the Level the registrant is placed in, if one exists, allowing that
person to assign the registrant to a Group.

Note: if there are multiple classes that fit the person’s criteria, administrators or
leaders have the ability to assign the individual to any of the classes.

The list of Levels within the Group Tree will show the total number of Unassigned and
Pending Registrants within that Tree. Unassigned Registrants cannot be directly added to a
Group; they have to be placed as Pending into a Group first. To assign them into a Group,
click on the Registrations tab of the Group Level they show as Unassigned in.
Then, click on the registrant’s name link in the list to show their Registrant Details and the
list of all groups within the Tree, shown in figure 3.7. You can either click Edit Details to
change their criteria, Delete the Registration, or select a Group. Click on the radio button
for the Small Group to assign the member to. Click the Assign to Group button when

Figure 3.7 – Unassigned Registrant Details

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To confirm a Pending Registrant, which will add them to the Group, navigate through the
Group Tree to the Small Group itself, and click on the Registrations tab. You will see a list 64
of all the pending registrants. If the name(s) is correct, click on the Confirm Registration
icon to add the person(s) to th
thee Group. A warning will pop up confirming that the
person(s) will be added; click OK to confirm. The person(s) is now added to the Group with
the default Group Role.

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The Areas section of Arena is for creating and defining map zones where your small groups
will meet. An area consists of three or more points creating a geometric shape on the map.
The Area itself is this shape.
The points are created by entering in Latitude and Longitude coordinate values. Any method
of finding these values will work, however, we recommend using Microsoft MapPoint
software, along with the plug-in from Coordinate Exchange, in order to create the
coordinate values.

See the MapPoint appendix of the Arena Administration Manual for assistance is
creating the coordinates in MapPoint.

Clicking on Areas under Groups will display an Add link to create the first Area, or if an
Area already exists, a Map image of all the Areas encompassed within will show. For
example, if one area is in Texas and the other in California, the initial Areas map will show
most of the western United States. Below this map, there will be a list of the already
created Areas.
Click on a map link to open its Area details.

Adding a New Area

To add a new Area, click the New Area icon at the bottom of the Area list. This will open
the Edit page of that Area, where you enter the Name, Width and Height (in pixels) of the
Area map image, and any note details.

Click Update to save this Area. This will open the Area Details page of this Area.

Area Details

Opening Area Details will show a small thumbnail of that specific Area, the Area Description,
Area member statistics, a tab bar for Groups, Families, Map, Metrics, and Tools, and an
Edit button. There will be no data except an Area name for a new Area. Click the Edit
button to modify the Area details. Figure 3.8 shows the Area Details screen.

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Figure 3.8 - Area Details


Leadership Team

Click the Add New Leader to add people to the Leadership Team of this Area, if
applicable. Assign them an Area Role.

Note: values for the Area role are determined by the Area Leader Roles Lookup under
Administration  Lookups

Click Update to save, Cancel to go back without saving, or Delete to remove

this person.
Click the Edit button to change the Ar
ea Role after a person has been added.

Geographic Coordinates

Click the New Point icon to add a new coordinate. Create one entry for each point on
the map.. Use the directional arrows, and , to change the point order.

Note: Area maps can overlap eaeach

ch other; however, Areas themselves must be
contiguous and solid. You cannot create an Area that has a hole in it, nor can an Area
have several parts scattered around.

Click Update when finished.

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Area Statistics
Area statistics are a quick at-a-glance way to see various totals about the number of people
whose address falls within this Area.
Households – This is the total number of Families in this Area.
Adults – This is the total number of people whose family role is Adult, record status is
Active, and their address places them in this Area.
In a Group – This is the percentage of Active Adults in the Area that are also enrolled in a
Small Group.
Serving – This is the percentage of Active Adults who are also Connected to a Serving Tag.
Baptized – This is the percentage of Active Adults who have a date value for the Baptized
Person Attribute.
Children – This is the total number of Active Children whose address places them in this

Area Tabs
Figure 3.9 - Area Detail Tabs

These tabs contain more detailed information about the people in this Area. These tabs are
populated either automatically, or in Module Settings.

Groups Tab – This tab shows a list of all Small Groups that are in a set Category and have
a Location that is within this Area. Clicking on a Group name link will open the Small
Group details for that Group.
Families Tab – This tab displays a list of all the Families that are in this Area. Clicking on a
Family Head name link will bring up the Person Details screen for that person.
Map Tab – This tab will show a larger version of the Area Map, and place color-coded Pins
for the various Member Statuses for the people who’s Addresses are in this Area.
Small Group locations automatically have a blue pin. Unchecking the pin checkboxes along
the top will filter the pins by only the selected pins. There are also three filter options
below the map, In a Group, Baptized, and Serving. Click Apply Filter if these are to be
Click View Larger Map to see a full screen version of the map image.

Note: the Pin color is set by a Qualifier in the Membership Status Lookup under
Administration  Lookups.

Metrics Tab – This is where Metrics that are added to this Area show the Metric Results.
Tools Tab – Reports can be added to this tab, and they can run from this tab.

Note: Metrics and Tool Reports are added in Module Settings for the Area Details
page. Please consult the Pages section of the Arena Administration Manual for
assistance in this.

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The Reports area for Groups has identical functionality to the Reports section in
Membership. No default reports for Groups are included in the default Arena installation,
however any custom reports deployed to the Arena/Groups folder of your Report Services
will display here.

See Reports in under the Membership section of this manual for information on
using custom reports and the Reports section of the Arena Reference Guide for
information on creating and deploying custom reports, or visit for more information.

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Arena End User Manual - Tags

Tags are Arena’s way of grouping and listing records together. There are four default types
of Tags:


Each is designed for a specific use although your organization may choose to customize
their application:
Personal Tags are only visible to the person who created the tag, allowing you to track
lunch contacts, personal accountability partners, and similar relationships/information
specific to you.
Ministry Tags are used to indicate members and their relationship to your church’s
ministries, allowing you to track Bible study participants, youth group members, and other
ministry-specific information.
Serving Tags allow you to track volunteers and prospective volunteers for your church’s
ministries, and can also be used to track their qualifications and/or training.
Event Tags are designed to track individual attendance for scheduled events and/or

Subscribing to a Tag

You can also subscribe to any Tags you normally track. Subscribing will place the Tag on
your homepage along with the numbers of Pending Registrations, Critical Items (for Serving
Tags only), and Total number of Connected members, as shown in figure 4.1. You can
subscribe to a Tag by checking the Checkbox next to any Tag.

Figure 4.1 – Subscribed Tags

Personal Tags

As Personal Tags function exactly the same as Ministry Tags, please refer to Ministry Tags
in the following section. The only difference is in Security, so see the Tag Security section
of Ministry Tags for explanation.

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Ministry Tags
Ministry tags are the most widely used tag type. A ministry tag is used for tracking
individuals as they relate to your church’s ministries. Ministry tags should not be used for
ministry groups that countnt as serving
serving,, such as Food Service members or Outreach ministry
members.. Examples of ministry tags are Men’s Bible study participants, kids involved in
youth groups, staff, etc.

Steps to Create a Ministry Tag:

1) Go to Tags  Ministry Tags.

Figure 4.2 – Add New Ministry Tag

2) If you do not have any existing tags, click the Add link as shown in figure 4.2 above.
Iff you have existing tags
tags, click the Add New Personal Tag icon to create a new
3) In the Overview box, give the tag a name
name, select its parent tag, select the tag’s
owner, choose its active status, and place any notes you wish in the Internal Notes
box. Click the Update button to save.
4) Click the Add link (under
under the Members tab
tab) to begin adding records to the tag.
5) Enter a name in the pop
pop-up search screen and click the Go… button.
6) Check the box by the name of the person you want to tag.
7) Click the Select button, or click the Select and Search Again button to add more

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Steps to Delete a Ministry Tag:

1) Go to Tags  Ministry TagsTags.
2) Click the Delete icon that is in the same row as the tag you want to delete.
3) A notice will pop up indicating that you will remove the tag and the number of
members which will be removed from the tag. Click OK to confirm that you want to
delete the tag.

Peer Tag Relationships

Peer networks can be set up with owner to member and member to member relationships
by using the sliding scale,
cale, shown below in figure 4.3. The scores will show on the person
details page under Peer Networks area as seen in the Membership secti
on of this manual.

Figure 4.3 Peer Tag Relationships

Note: In order for the peer networks to work the peer types and agent must be
setup. Please see the Arena Administrator to make sure this has been done.

Active and Inactive Tags

Most tags will remain

main active the entire time they are in use. However, you may wish to
‘inactivate’’ some tags (as opposed to deleting them) to maintain historical data (e.g. during
promotions), or if the tag only applies during certain periods (e.g. Christmas or Easter). The
light bulb icon in the Active column indicates that the tag is active. Tags are active by
default upon creation.

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Steps to make a Ministry Tag Inactive:

1) Go to Tags  Ministry Tags.
2) Click the link to the tag you want to inactivate.
3) Click the Edit Details button.
4) Uncheck the Active checkbox.
5) Click the Update button to save.

You can also make individual members Inactive within a tag (e.g. if a member moves away,
but you wish to maintain his or her historical data).

Steps to make a person Inactive in a Ministry Tag:

1) Go to Tags  Ministry Tags.

2) Click the link to the appropriate tag.
3) Click on the name of the person you want to inactivate.
4) Click the Edit Details button.
5) In the Status section, click the drop-down list and select Inactive.
6) Click the Update button to save.
7) This will save the person with a Date Dormant in the tag.

Tag Security

The Security tab is available in Ministry, Serving, and Event tags. Personal tags are only
viewable by the person who set up the tag; therefore security does not apply. The Security
tab of the tag allows you to set specific permissions for individual Members or Security
Roles. This can allow another person to view the information in the tag, but restrict their
ability to edit the tag itself or the members of the tag. Be careful to always have a user in
this list with at least View and Edit Security permissions, as removing all users with View
permissions from this list will cause this to be a ‘lost’ tag which no one can view. Removing
all users’ Edit Security permissions will prevent you from making any further changes to the
security of this tag.

Note: Child tags inherit the security permissions of their Parent tag.

Steps to edit the Security in a Ministry Tag:

1) Go to Tags  Ministry Tags.

2) Click the link to the appropriate tag.
3) Click the Security tab of the tag.

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Figure 4.4 – Security Tab


4) To add a Security Role to the tag, select the Security Role from the Available Roles
dropdown list and click Add Role.
5) To add a Person to the tag, click the Add Person… link and select their name from
the Person Search Popup window.
6) To remove a person/role from the tag, click the person/role in the Current
Roles/People list and click Remove.
7) To change a person’s or role’s permissions for the tag, click the person/role in the
Current Roles/People list, and check or uncheck the appropriate boxes in the Access
Allowed area. Click Update.

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Occurrences in Tags
Tags can use Occurrences to track attendance and meeting dates just like Groups
Occurrences. However, Occurrences are not rrequired
equired on tags. See Occurrence definition
under Groups for further information

Steps to create a new Occurrence in Ministry Tags:

1) Go to Tags  Ministry Tags.

2) Click the link to the appropriate tag.
3) Click on the Occurrences tab.

Figure 4.5 – Occurrences Tab

4) Click the Add New Occurrence icon to add a new Occurrence titled [New
5) Click the [New Occurrence] link and select the Edit Details button.
6) Once you have added the details
details, click the Update button to save.
7) Alternatively, you can click tthe Generate Multiple Occurrences link on the
Occurrences tab to create multiple identical occurrences for recurring events.

You will see a listing of the people in this tag

tag. To track attendance for this occurrence, you
may check the box in the Attended co column and click the Save Attendance button.

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Tag Attendance Summary

The Attendance Summary tab for a tag displays a summary of information for Occurrences
within a specified date range. Select a range of dates as well as a gender and click the View
n to refresh the summary for the new date range.

Figure 4.6 Attendance Summary Tab

Other Tag Functions

Tags can be used for several additional functions outlined below.

E-mail Tag Members

To e-mail
mail the members of a tag
tag, follow the steps below:
1) Select the appropriate tag.
2) Click the e-mail icon at the bottom right corner of the Members tab.
3) The communication window will appear with the members from that tag listed in the
To: section.

Create Mailing Labels for Tag Members

To create mailing labels forr the members of a tag

tag, follow the steps below:
1) Select the appropriate tag.
2) Click on the Word icon at the bottom right corner of the Members tab.
3) A window will appear, giving you the option of opening the labels or saving them.

Export Tag Member Informa

Information to a Spreadsheet

Follow the steps below to

o create a spreadsheet of member information:
1) Select the appropriate tag
2) Click on the Excel icon at the bottom right corner of the Members tab.
3) A window will appear, giving you the option to open or save th
thee spreadsheet.

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Personal Tag Subscriptions, Active and Inactive Tags, Tag Occurrences,

and Attendance Summary 76
Personal Tags function exactly the same as Ministry Tags for these features. Please refer to
the instructions above for help.

Note: Personal Tags are only seen by the person that creates the tag, therefore there
is not a Security tab available for Personal Tags.

Serving Tags

Serving tags are used to track prospects and volunteers who serve in a ministry area,
area such
as Food Service members orr Outreach ministry members
members. These tags are used by Volunteer
Tracking to monitor and maintain these ministries and volunteers.

Steps for setting up a new Serving Tag:

1) Go to Tags  Serving Tags Tags.

2) Click the Add link if this is the first Serving tag in you
yourr system or click the Add New
Serving Tag icon on the bottom right
hand side if you have existing tags.
3) Give the tag a name on the Overview tab.

Figure 4.7 – New Serving Tag Overview

4) Click the Serving Criteria tab and set up the criteria that will be used for this tag.
The options for the criteria are listed in figure 4.8.

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Figure 4.8 – New Serving Tag Criteria


5) Click the Serving Details tab and enter any notes that you would like to be
associated with this tag.

Display to Public - This box and a Content Category selection must be selected in order
to show on your public site for registration purposes.
Category Level - If this box is selected then the Category drop down box on the external
search will show this serving tag with any child tags listed in a level structure.
Critical Need - If this box is selected and you are using the Serving Opportunities Critical
Needs module on your external site then it will automatically be placed in this critical
needs section.
Default Hours/Week - The number of hours a week this serving tag opportunity is
Volunteers Needed - The number of volunteers needed for this opportunity.
Weekly Commitment, Timeframe, Classification, Content Category, and Duration
can all be customized in the Administration>Lookups area.

Note: a Content Category MUST be selected for the serving opportunity to show on
the external site for registration purposes.

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Figure 4.9 – New Serving Tag Details


6) Click the Update button to save the tag.

Steps for adding people to a Serving T


1) Go to Tags  Serving Tags or Volunteer Tracking  Serving Tags. Tags

2) Click on the Members tab.
3) Click the Add link if this is the first person being added to the tag, or if there are
people already existing in the tag then click the Add New Person icon to add a
4) Click the person’s name,, and click the Edit Details button to enter the Serving Tag
details information, and then click the Update button to save.

Serving Tag Subscriptions, Tag Security, Active and Inactive Tags, Tag
Occurrences, and Attendance
dance Summary

Personal Tags function exactly the same as Ministry Tags; for these features please refer to
the above description for help.

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Tag Sorting
Within each of the tab views, clicking a column heading will sort the data by that column,
and clicking again reverses the sort order. The column headers for each tab and each tag
will be different. Figure 4.10 below illustrates the Serving Tag main tab.

Figure 4.10 – Serving Tag Columns

Serving Tag  Member Tab Filter

The members listed on the Member tab of a Serving Tag can be filtered using the controls at
the top of the tab. The two types of filter options are to filter by first or last name, or by any
of the checkbox options listed below:
1) No Contact - This is the default status applied to new prospects. The prospect must
be contacted within one week. Once contact is made, the status should be changed
to ‘In Process’.
2) In Process - This status applies to contacted prospects; their response is pending.
3) Background Check Pending - This status is used for prospects who have committed
to serve, but must have a background check approved before starting to serve.
4) Unable to Serve - This status is used for prospects that are not able to serve in the
ministry for which they originally volunteered. When changing the status to ‘Unable
to Serve’ you must provide a reason. The volunteer coordinator will review these
prospects and remove them.
5) No Response - This status is used for prospects who do not respond to your efforts to
contact them.
6) Already Serving - This status applies to prospects who tell you that they are already
serving when you contact them. Be sure to record where the prospect is serving in
the reason field. The volunteer coordinator will review these prospects and remove
7) Place Elsewhere - This status is used if the prospect wishes to serve in a different
8) Connected - This is the default status for an individual once they are connected to
the serving tag.
9) Inactive - This status reflects an individual who is part of the ministry but for some
reason is not currently participating. For example, if there is a volunteer on your
team who is taking a month’s vacation, change him to inactive. When the person
returns update him back to active.

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Arena End User Manual - Tags

Event Tags
Event tags are used for tracking individua
individuals who sign up for an event like a conference, a
Women’s or Men’s retreat, a class, etc. Event tags differ from all other tags because they
have an exact begin and end date and may have a cost involved.

Steps to create an Event Tag:

1) Go to Tags  Event Ta Tags.

2) Click the Add link if this is the first event tag set up in Arena. Iff you have existing
tags then click the Add New Event Tag icon to set up a new tag.
3) Enter the event details on the Event Details tab as shown in figure 4.11 below, and
also fill out the Summary, Event Details, and Internal Notes fields as needed.

Figure 4.11 – New Event Tag Details

4) Click the Public Calendar Details tab as shown in figure 4.12 below and fill in the
fields as needed. Note that none of these fields are required.

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Figure 4.12 – New Event Tag Public Calendar Details


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5) Click the Registration tab and check the Enabled box to open up options for Online
Registration, and then fill in the fields as shown in figure 4.13 below, and the 82
Description and Instructions fields below these.
By default, Root-level tag security settings do not allow users to edit registration
information, so if the Enabled checkbox is grayed out, you will need to go out to your
Tag Security options and enable Edit Registration permission for the current user
(see Tag Security above for more information). However, Child tags of a Parent with
Edit Registration permissions will also have Edit Registration permissions enabled for
the same user.

Figure 4.13 – New Event Tag Registration Details

6) Click the Fields sub-tab as shown in figure 4.14 below for options that you may
choose to Use, Require, or Auto Fill in the Registration process, as well as the order
in which those options are displayed.

Figure 4.14 – New Event Tag Registration Fields

You can also add Custom Fields or Custom Field Modules at the bottom of the Registration
 Fields sub-tab.

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Arena End User Manual - Tags

To enter a new Custom Field, click the New Custom Field icon, and then click the Edit
Custom Field icon. Fill in the required fields as needed. 83
To enter a new Custom Field Module, select the Module from the dropdown list in the
Custom Field Modules area and click the Add button. These modules are created by your
Arena Administrator. Please see the Custom Field Groups section of the Arena
Administrator Manual for more information.
To remove a Custom Field or Custom Field Module, click the Remove button next to the
field/module you want to remove.

7) Click the Communication tab. Click the Enable checkbox and fill in the required
information for Registration Confirmation (a confirmation e-mail sent to members
upon registration), Event Reminders (reminder e-mail(s) sent to registrants a
specified number of days before the event), and E-Tickets (an online printable ticket
in PDF format, whose default is defined by your Arena Administrator) as needed.
8) Click on the Payments & Fees tab. Click the Enable checkbox and fill in the required
fee information associated with the event Event Costs and Additional Fees as needed
by clicking the Add New Fee icon and then the Edit Fee icon as shown in
figure 4.15 below. To remove a fee, click the Remove icon next to the fee you
want to remove. You will also need to select the Gateway Account and indicate the
Accounting Code needed for this event.

Figure 4.15 – New Event Tag Registration Payments & Fees

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Arena End User Manual - Tags

9) Click on the Discounts tab to enable certain discounts for the event and fill in the
required fields as shown in figure 4.16 below. 84
Figure 4.16 – New Event Tag Registration Discounts

10) Clicking the Advanced tab allows you to choose what labels the system will use when
someone registers for the event as shown in figure 4.17 below.

Figure 4.17– New Event Tag Registration Advanced

11) Click the Update button to save these options on the Event tag.

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Arena End User Manual - Tags

Steps to add a person to an Event Tag:

1) Click the Add link under the section labeled Event Tag Registrations.
2) The pop-up name search will appear. Type the person’s name
name, and click the Go…
3) Put a check mark by the person’s name
name, and click the Select button.
4) Follow steps 2 andd 3 to add additional people to the Event Tag.

Steps to update a person’s record in an Event Tag:

1) Click on the person’s name.

2) Click on the Edit Tag Detail button.
3) Use the drop-down list to indicate the Source from which they learned about the
4) Use the drop-down
down list to indicate their Status: Connected or Inactive.
5) Enter deposit paid and the date.
6) Enter balance paid and the date.
7) Type any notes needed,, and click on the Update button.

Steps to Delete an Event Tag:

Only Arena Administrators have acce

access to delete serving tags. If you have an Event Tag that
needs to be deleted, see your Arena Administrator.
1) Go to Tags  Event TagsTags.
2) Click the Delete icon in the same row as the tag you wish to delete.

Event Tag Subscriptions, Tag Security, Active and Inactive

nactive Tags, Tag
Occurrences,, and Attendance Summary

Serving Tags, like Event Tags, can be Subscribed to, made Active or Inactive, set specific
Security options, can use Occurrences to track attendance data, and can show an
Attendance Summary for those O Occurrences.
ccurrences. See the appropriate section in Personal Tags
above for more information.

Other Tag Functions

Also similar to Personal Tags, Event Tags have several other functions as well. See the
appropriate section in Personal Tags above for more informati

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Promotions

Volunteer Tracking
Arena’s Volunteer Tracking provides the tools to monitor and maintain your entire ministry
and to find, place, and track volunteers. Arena assigns volunteers to a serving tag according
to their preferences by using the Add a Volunteer screen and a Serving Opportunities tool
located on your web site. You can directly assign volunteers to a specific position by adding
their name to a Serving Tag. You can also view all of your volunteers, regardless of their
serving tag, under the Administration area of Volunteer Tracking.

Add Volunteer

Use the Add a Volunteer screen to add a person according to his ministry preferences.
Adding a person through this screen will place him as “Pending” in the ministry best suited
to his choices of ministry.

Steps to Add a Volunteer:

1) Click on Volunteer Tracking  Add Volunteer.

2) In the Individuals area, click the Add… link.
3) Using the pop-up name search, locate the person you wish to register.
4) Select the Source of the volunteer by using the drop-down list, for example: Contact
Card, Phone Call, or Web Response. These values are defined under Administration
5) From the First Ministry dropdown list (all of your active Serving Tags), choose the
volunteer’s first ministry preference.
6) From the Second Ministry dropdown list, choose the volunteer’s second ministry
7) Place any desired comments in the Comments field. Comments will be kept with the
registration and will be used by the person responsible for evaluating the volunteer’s
placement within the volunteer position.
8) Click the Add button to submit the volunteer request.

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Arena End User Manual – Promotions

Figure 5.1 – Add a Volunteer


When this request is submitted, the volunteer will be placed on the selected Serving Tag(s)
with a “Pending” status. Then, the record can be viewed in the Volunteer Tracking 
Volunteer Administration area. The process is completed when someone at the church
contacts this potential volunteer and then updates the record as shown in Administration
below. E-mails can also be configured and sent to people responsible for these positions via
an Agent.

Please see the Agents section of the Arena Administrator Manual for more
information about the Email Agent.

Serving Tags

The Volunteer Tracking  Serving Tags link is a redirect to the Tags  Serving Tags
area. See Chapter 4 – Tags for more information on Serving Tags.


The Administration screen displays information needed to process Volunteers and place
them in a specific Serving Tag or status.

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Figure 5.2 – Volunteer Administration


Steps to Update a Volunteer:

1) Under Volunteer Tracking  Administration, select the record you wish to edit
by clicking the person’s name. This screen will display the relevant Personal
Information, Contact Information, Address Information, the dates associated with
this Volunteer application, the Serving Tag details and any notes added during its
creation. This screen also lists all of the individual’s activities such as joining or
leaving a Service Tag.

2) To make changes to this record, click the Edit link to open the Serving Tag Details
area as shown in figure 5.3 below. On this page you can edit the person’s Source,
their Status within the tag (defined under Administration  Lookups), the Reason
for this status, the number of Hours per Week they are active in this tag, indicate if
they have met all Prerequisites for this tag, change their Serving Tag membership
using the Move To dropdown, and add serving Notes. After completing this screen,
click the Save link to save the entry.

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Arena End User Manual – Promotions

Figure 5.3 – Serving Tag Details


Status Flag (Due Column)

The colored flag next to a Service Tag member indicates a person either has not been
contacted or is in process. Note that only members who are under the In Process or No
Contact status will show one of these flags.

Figure 5.4 – Status Flags

Status Description

- Green Record has been modified in the last week.

- Yellow Record has not been modified in over a week.

- Red Record has not been modified in over 4 weeks.

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Arena End User Manual – Promotions

The Volunteer Tracking  Reports area has identical functionality to the Reports section
in Membership. No default reports for Volunteer Tracking are included in the default Arena
installation, however any custom reports deployed to the Volunteer folder of your Report
Services will display here.

See Reports under the Membership section of this manual for information on using
custom reports and the Reports section of the Arena Reference Guide for
information on creating and deploying custom reports, or visit for more information.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Promotions

Promotions are upcoming events or announcements that Arena users want published, either
on your church’s Arena-managed website, as an entry within your church’s bulletin, or on
your church’s newsletter or E-zine. Your Arena Administrator can implement an approval
process so that supervisors have to approve requests made by Arena users before

Tip: For more information on the setup of your website, and/or HTML newsletters,
please see Implementing your Arena Managed Web Site in the Arena Reference

New Promotion Request

The New Promotion Request page is used to submit promotions and their details for review
by an administrator or director to approve for use in your church’s Arena-managed website,
church bulletin, or newsletter/E-zine.

Steps to Submit a New Promotion Request:

1) Go to Promotions  New Promotion Request, as shown in figure 6.1 below.

Figure 6.1 – New Promotion Request

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Arena End User Manual – Promotions

2) Enter a promotion Title and Priority. The title should be a brief description of the
event or a tagline for the event. The Priority determines which promotions will 92
display on the web site and in what order on a scale from 0 (highest) to 99 (lowest).
When the web page is created, a number of promotions to display will be configured
and up to that number of promotions will display, starting with the highest priority
3) Enter the Contact Name (or click the Change… link to select from your members),
Contact Phone, and Contact Email for this promotion. This will typically be the same
as the Event contact for an Event Tag.
4) If this is a promotion for a specific Event Tag, select the Event to promote from the
dropdown list. If this is not an Event Tag promotion, leave this set to None. To view
the details of the Event Tag selected in a popup window, click the View button. This
list contains all of your active Event Tags.
5) Select a Primary Ministry for this event from the dropdown, and any Alternate
Ministries from the checkboxes displayed. The Primary Ministry will indicate the
primary instance of the promotions module on your church’s Arena-managed
webpage that this promotion will appear on, while Alternate Ministries will indicate
any other instances of the promotions module that will display this promotion if there
is an empty spot available. These ministry values are defined as the Topic Areas
under Administration  Lookups.
6) Then select the appropriate tab for the media you would like to promote this event
in: Web, Bulletin, or Newsletter.
a) For a Web promotion, you’ll need to check the Promote on Web checkbox, enter a
promotion date range, and fill in the following information.
Web Summary, whatever is entered here will show as the brief description on the
thumbnail display on your Arena Managed Website. External Link fields, this
should be the URL to the web page that is used for the details of this promotion.
Web details, whatever is entered here will show once the web promotion
summary Get More Info link is selected on the previous page. Select any images
you want to use with this event.
b) For a Bulletin promotion, click the Add Bulletin Request button, select a
bulletin Date for your promotion, enter a Summary for the event, select the
checkboxes for any options available for the event (which are defined as the
Bulletin Options organization setting), and the Priority for the event.
c) For a Newsletter/E-zine promotion, check the Promote on Newsletter checkbox,
enter a date range for the promotion, and either check the Use Web Summary
checkbox to use the Web Summary field from the Web tab or enter a new
summary under the Newsletter Summary.
7) Click the Save button to save the event promotion request.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Promotions

Public Calendar
The Public Calendar page, shown in figure 6.2 below, displays all Promotions that are up-
coming or on-going, according to their dates, which is useful as a quick reference for the
approval process.
Use the filters at the top of the screen to display the desired items. The list will display
detailing the First Occurrence, Last Occurrence, Tier Level, Ministry (Topic Area), Details,
Approved, and Priority. The Details column will list the Promotions with the title as a link to
the Promotion page. Click the Save Changes button to save any changes in the Approved
or Priority columns.

figure 6.2 – Public Calendar

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Arena End User Manual – Promotions

Web Requests
The Web Request page, shown in figure 6.3 below, displays all Promotions entered with the
Promote on Web option selected on the Web tab. This is a quick reference for approval of all
web promotions.
Use the filters at the top of the screen to display the desired items. Web requests display
below the filters with the relevant information. The Web Request screen displays Starting
and Ending Dates, Area, Details, Home Page option, Approval Status and Priority. Click the
title link to open the entry. Click the Save Changes button to save changes to the
Approved or Priority columns.

figure 6.3 – Web Requests

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Arena End User Manual – Promotions

Bulletin Requests
The Bulletin Requests page, shown in figure 6.4 below, displays all Promotions entered with
a Bulletin request item on the Bulletin tab, and can be used as a quick reference for
approval of all Bulletin Requests.
Your publishing staff should use this page to see what promotions should be included on a
bulletin, as Arena does not publish a bulletin itself. Note that this view will only show
Requests for publishing dates that have not occurred yet. To view previous Bulletin
Requests you will need to open the individual promotion itself under Promotions  All
Promotion Requests.
Use the filters at the top of the screen to display the desired items. The columns displayed
on this screen include: Date, Area, Details, Approval Status, Priority and Published status.
You can click the title link to open the entry. Click the Save Changes button to save your
changes to the Approved, Priority, and Published columns.

Figure 6.4 – Bulletin Requests

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Arena End User Manual – Promotions

Newsletter Promotions
The Newsletter Promotions page, as shown in figure 6.5 below, displays all Promotions
entered on the Newsletter tab, and can be used as a quick reference for approval of all
Newsletter Requests. Your publishing staff should use this page to see what promotions
should be added to the printed newsletter, as Arena does not publish a newsletter itself. Use
the filters at the top of the screen to display the desired items. The columns displayed on
this screen include: Starting and Ending Dates, Area, Details, Approval Status and Priority.
Click the title link to open the entry. Click the Save Changes button to save changes to the
Approved or Priority columns.

Figure 6.5 – Newsletter Promotions

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Arena End User Manual – Promotions

All Promotion Requests

The All Promotion Requests page, as shown in figure 6.6 below, provides an overview of all
Promotions. This is a reference point for all promotions and where outdated promotions are
deleted from the system. Clicking on the title link for a promotion opens it for maintenance
or approval. Promotions can be added by selecting the Add New Promotion icon or
clicking the Add link in the Filter area, or removed by selecting the Delete icon in the
appropriate row.

Figure 6.6 – All Promotion Requests

Promotion Thumbnail List

The Promotion Thumbnail List page, as shown in figure 6.7 below, displays your church’s
active promotions as s a convenient way to view all of your promotions in a single listing.
Clicking on the title link for a promotion on this page will take you to the Event Details page
for Event Tag promotions or the Promotion Details page for non non-event
event promotions.

Figure 6.7 – Promotion Thumbnail List

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Sports

The Sports section of Arena is used to create, manage, and track the various Athletic
Teams managed by your organization. Arena has the ability to organize Teams by Division,
League, or any other form of categorization necessary. For ease of use, Sports is structured
exactly the same as Groups, in that it uses various Levels in a Parent to Child relationship
to define Tree Structure (or, in this case, Team Structure), but with some differences in
terminology. The Sports section also allows for tracking of Games and Scores, Play
Schedules, Seasons, Team Rosters, Players and Coaches, and Team Statistics. Your various
Sport Groups are maintained under the Clubs tab in Navigation.


Clubs is where the structure is set for the Sport Teams. These are laid out in Group Trees,
using its own Category. Adding and maintaining the Levels in the Sport Group Trees is
exactly the same as Small Groups. Typically, the largest difference will be in the field
names, since these should be more related to Sport topics.

Tip: Please refer to the Groups section of this manual for help with Group Trees and
Small Groups (Teams).


Clicking on the Schedule link will display the Game List, as shown in figure 7.1. Field
locations, game dates, and game times appear in this list.

Figure 7.1 - Schedule List

Using the drop-down list filters at the top of the page, filter down to the team whose game
you wish to add/edit/delete. Follow the steps below for the different options in this screen.

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Arena End User Manual – Sports

Steps to Add a Game:

1) Click the New Game icon to add a future game (or a past game). The screen will
refresh with a new entry at the bottom of the list.
2) Enter the date, time, choose the Location, Home Team, Score, Visiting Team, Visiting
Team score, and the Status of the game. The status allows for creating games that
haven’t occurred yet.
Click Update to save, Cancel to go back without saving, or Delete to remove
this game.

Steps to Edit a Game:

1) To edit a game, click the Edit Game icon next to the desired game.
2) Using the drop-down list
s, choose the appropriate values for this game.
3) Click the Update icon to save the updated information.

Steps to Delete a Game:

To delete a game, click the Delete Game icon next to the desired game.


The Reports area has identical functionality to the Reports section in Membership. No
default reports for Sports are included in the default Arena installation, however any custom
reports deployed to the Arena/Sports
Sports folder of your Report Services will display here.

Tip: See Reports in under the Membership section of this manual for information
on using custom reports and the Reports section of the Arena Reference Guide for
information on creating and deploying custom reports, or visit for more information.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Communications

This section of Arena allows you to send e-mails to people manually selected from the
database. Also, you can review a history of your e-mails and those of any other user of
Arena. This is the same screen you will reach when using the e-mail options from other
areas of Arena.

New Communication

Steps to Create a New Communication:

1) Click on Communications  New Communication.

Note: the Add to History box is selected by default, if you do not wish for Arena to
save a copy of your e-mail under the Previous section then you will need to uncheck
this box.

Figure 8.1 – New Communication

2) To add people to e-mail, click on the Add… link. This will open the Pop-up Person
Search. Find and select each person.

Note: you can click on the Select and Search Again button after placing a
checkmark by the selected names to Search for someone else without leaving the
Pop-up Person Search window. Once you have selected the last person you wish to
e-mail, click on the Select button to close the pop-up window.

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Arena End User Manual – Communications

3) If you have created any email templates previously then you can select them from
the Template drop down box. For more information on Templates look below in this
4) Enter the name of the sender in the From field. This can be your name, the Church’s
name, etc.
5) Enter a From and Reply To e-mail address.
6) E-mail from Arena can have multiple attachments. To add a file as an attachment,
click on the Attachments button. This brings up a pop-up window that allows you to
browse and attach as many files as you choose. Click the Close button once you’ve
attached all the files needed.

You are now ready to type your e-mail. Below the attachments button, you will see a HTML
text editor window as shown in figure 8.2 below.

Figure 8.2 – Editor Window

7) Type your e-mail message in this window. Your e-mail will display to the recipient in
the same format that you enter it here. Beneath, there will be a Text Message field.
Arena will translate your HTML-based e-mail into a simple text-based message for
recipients with e-mail that is not set to receive HTML.
8) Once you are ready to send, click on the Send Test button at the bottom to send a
sample e-mail just to yourself so you can preview the e-mail. If you are satisfied
with it, click the Send E-mail button to send the e-mail to all your recipients.

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Arena End User Manual – Communications

Click on Communications  Previous to view the content, history, and status of
previously sent e-mails. This will display the previously sent e-mails of the current user
login by default, but will display all users’ previously sent e-mails by checking the Show
Everybody’s Communications checkbox.

Note: When e-mails are sent to addresses that are no longer valid, a “bounce back”
message is generated and sent back to your e-mail server. If your Arena Email
Cleanup agent has been configured then Arena processes this message by
inactivating the person’s rejected address and placing a note on the address that it is

Email Templates

Email Templates are used in the Communications area of the internal application. Create
email templates for bulk emails that are sent on a regular basis and need to be quickly

Creating a new Email Template

The creation of new email templates is done from within the Communications area of the

1) Go to Communications
2) Click the Add New (Template) icon.
3) The top portion of the email template needs to be filled out with the template name
as well as the communication information.
• Template Name – This is the name that the template will be saved under for
future use.
• From – The name that will show in the From section of the email.
• From Email – The email address that will show in the From portion of the
• CC, BCC – The CC and BCC boxes may be used for any other email addresses
that will receive a copy of the email.
• Reply to Email – The email address that will show as the Reply To in the
• Subject – The Subject of the email template.

4) Use the HTML editor to put in the message that will be saved in the template.
5) Click the Save button to save the template for use in future communications.
6) Now go to Communications>New Communication and your template will show in the
template drop down box.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Prayer

Arena tracks all aspects of Prayer Requests with an approval process for each step,
including; prayer requests entered from your website, responses to the original requestor,
and record of answers and comments. Due to the sensitive nature of a prayer request, and
the nature of the communication between the church family and requestor, we have
integrated an approval process for any information associated with the request. We
understand each church has its own process for handling prayer requests, including
assigning specific personnel to handle certain tasks. The example below is based on the
assumption that different people are involved at each step.

A Prayer Request is received and entered manually into Arena.
If the person entering the request has approval rights, the Approved checkbox should be
checked and the request saved.
If the entry person does not have the security rights to approve the request, it is marked
with a “Needs Approval” status, and can only be accessed from the Approve Requests page.
This is also the case if the prayer request is entered via the web.
The person responsible for approving requests can open the Approve Requests page, open
the desired request, and determine whether the request can be moved through the next
If the request is valid and all necessary information has been entered, the approving party
can check the Approved checkbox and click the Save button. The system will save the
request and return a “The Prayer Request has been saved!” message.
The prayer team can then pray for the request. They may type in answers or comments.
When someone adds a comment or answer to the Prayer Request, the approving party must
re-approve the entry by going to the appropriate page (Approve Answers or Approve

Note: once a request has been entered into Arena, it is always accessible (with the
appropriate security role) from the All Prayer Requests page regardless of the status.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Prayer

Add Prayer Request

Steps to Create a New Prayer Request:
1) Click on the Add a Prayer Request link to display the screen shown in figure 9.1
below. Complete the information on this screen.

Figure 9.1 – New Prayer Request

First Name - Enter the First Name of the person requesting prayer.
Last Name - Enter the Last Name of the person requesting prayer.
E-mail - Enter the E-mail address of the person requesting prayer.
Prayer Category - Click the drop-down list to select the general category that matches this
request. Prayer Categories can be added by going to Arena Administration  Lookups
 Prayer Category.
Request Response - Click this box if the person would like to get an e-mail response when
the request is approved. An answer is typed into the Answer textbox. When the answer is
approved, it is sent to the requestor.
Person - This field is system-generated. It represents the person who entered the prayer
request. Click the Change… link to place another “owner” for this request. This will happen
when another user needs to act on this request. Click the Remove link to remove the
“owner” from the request.
Content Category - Click the drop-down list to select a category for the content. Content
Categories can be edited by going to Arena Administration  Lookups  Content
Source - Click the drop-down list to select a source for the request. This would reflect
where the request originated. Sources can be edited by going to Arena Administration
 Lookups  Prayer Source.

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Arena End User Manual – Prayer

Status - This system-generated field displays the status of this request.

Approved - This box is checked when the initial request is approved and is ready to be sent 105
to the prayer ministry for prayer.
Expiration Date - A Prayer Request’s expiration date defaults to seven days from the date
of entry. You can change this value from the Organization screen. [Administration 
Request - This is the field where the detailed information about the request is entered.
Answer - This field is used to communicate with the requestor that prayer has been offered
for this request. Words of encouragement would then be sent back to the requestor when
the Response box was checked.

2) Click the Save button, or the Save & Clear button to save this request and enter

Adding Answers

Answers are added by opening the prayer request and entering the answer in the Answer
field. Click the Save button to save.

Figure 9.2 –Prayer Request Answers

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Prayer

Adding Comments
You can add comments to an entry by opening the prayer request and clicking the Add link
under Activity, or if there are existing comments, by clicking the Add New Comment
icon. Enter the comment and select that the comment is Approved (you must have the
appropriate security role to do this)
this), or that the requestor has been Notified.
Notified Click the
Update icon to save.

Figure 9.3 –Prayer Request Comments

Approve Requests

Prayer Requests appear on the Approve Prayer Requests page after entry. Clicking the
Approve Requests link displays the screen below, listing all requests that require
approval. You may use the drop
drop-down list filters at the top to filter
ilter the requests displayed.

Figure 9.4 –Approve Prayer Requests

From this screen, you can open individual requests by clicking on the name link of the
requestor. You may also select multiple requests by placing checkmarks next to each item
you wish to
o approve and then selecting Approve Selected link.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Prayer

Approve Answers
Once an Answer is added to a request, it displays on the Approve Answers page. Clicking on
the Approve Answers link will display the screen below listing all requests that have had
answers added requiring approval. You may use the drop-down list filters to limit the
requests displayed.

Figure 9.5 –Approve Prayer Request Answers

From this screen, you can open individual requests by clicking on the name link of the
requestor. You may also approve multiple requests by placing checkmarks next to each
entry needing approval and clicking the Approve Selected link.

Approve Comments

All comments added to a prayer request must be approved; otherwise, comments are never
published and users without approval rights will not see the comments. Comments display
on the Approve Comments page. Clicking on the Approve Comments link displays the
screen below, which lists all requests with new comments needing approval. Use the drop-
down list filters to limit the requests displayed.

Figure 9.6 –Approve Prayer Request Comments

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Arena End User Manual – Prayer

From this screen, you can open individual requests by clicking on the name link of the
requestor. You may also approve multiple requests by placing checkmarks next to each 108
entry needing approval and clicking the Approve Selected link.

All Prayer Requests

This screen will display all prayer requests regardless of their status. You may approve
requests or delete requests from this screen. Use the drop-down list filters to limit the
requests displayed. Information provided includes Name, Date of request, Approved
status, Prayer Count (number of times prayed for so far), Source of request, Category,
and the actual Request.

Figure 9.7 –All Prayer Requests


The Reports area has identical functionality to the Reports section in Membership. No
default reports for Prayer Requests are included in the default Arena installation, however
any custom reports deployed to the Arena/Prayer folder of your Report Services will display

Tip: See Reports in under the Membership section of this manual for information
on using custom reports and the Reports section of the Arena Reference Guide for
information on creating and deploying custom reports, or visit for more information.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Web Content

Web Content
Web Content is the section of Arena where Polls, Classified Ads, Newsletters, Photo
Albums, E-Cards, and E-Invitations
Invitations are created and maintained.
Since the
he interaction of these features is almost completely done on the external Arena
managed website, the result is that the content is largely generated by the Membership
base, for the Membership base.
Web Content then becomes a useful set of tools to not onl
y communicate with your
Membership base more effectively, but also get the Organization more involved with the
local community, and help the Membership base get involved with not only the
Organization, but also each other and the community.

Tip: This section of the Arena End User Manual will only cover the Arena application
part of the Web Content features. For help in getting these features onto the Arena
managed Website, please refer to the Web Site Features section of the Arena
Reference Guide.


The Polls section is where Web Polls are created. Polls, when placed on the external website
pages, create a feature that allows members to answer survey style questions, allowing the
Organization to learn the opinions of their Membership base. Polls can also be placed
internally, so that internal users can be included.

Clicking on Polls under Web Content will bring up the list of currently created Polls. This list
will show the Active Status, Poll Question, Category, the Modify Answers link,
link the number of
responses, and the number of answers.

Steps to create a New Poll

1) Click the Add New Poll icon.

2) A new entry titled New Poll Question will be added to the list.. Click the Edit
icon to modify this poll. This will open the options within the list, as shown in figure

Figure 10.1 - Editing Polls

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Arena End User Manual – Web Content

3) Check if this Poll will be Active

4) Change the Question. 110
5) Choose the Category in which this poll will display.
6) Click Update to save, Cancel to go back without saving, or Delete to
remove this Poll.

Note: the Categories are set up in the Content Category Lookup found under
Administration  Lookups
Lookups  Content Category.

7) Click the Modify Answers link to add new Poll Answers or modify existing Answers.
This will open the Answer List, showing the Po
ll Answer, the number of Responses,
and arrows for ordering the answers.

Adding a Poll Answer

1) Click the Add New Poll Answer icon to a new answer, as shown in figure 10.2.

Figure 10.2 – Poll Answers

2) Click the Edit this Poll Answer icon to edit the answer.
3) Enter the Answer value.
4) You can optionally manually enter the number of responses for that answer.
5) Click the Update icon to save.
6) Repeat the last 4 steps for each choice you will offer for an answer.

Note: if you already know how many answers you want and what they will be, click
Add New Poll Answer until you have the desired number. There will be several
answers entitled New Answer

The order of the answers can be changed by clicking on the and arrows on the right.
The poll will list the
e possible answers in the order listed here. Click on the Return to polls
link when finished to return to the Poll list.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Web Content

Classified ads are a method for Website users to add Classified listings of items for sale,
shopping, real estate, and many others. Classifieds have two main types, Classified and
Business Directory. These will have separate sections on the Website.

All Classified entries can only be added from the web site. Once the ad has been entered,
they are managed from the Classifi
Classifieds section under Web Content.
Clicking on Classifeds will bring up the list of all Classifieds, as shown in figure 10.3. This list
will show the Ad Title, the Author of the Ad, the Classified Category, the Content Category,
the date Last Modified, the App
Approval status, and if the Ad has Expired. Use the filter options
at the top to choose exactly what Classified Ads to show.

Figure 10.3 – Classified Ads

Clicking on the Author Name link will open the Person Details screen for that person.

Click on the Edit icon to open the item for editing. This will open the Classified Details
screen, shown as figure 10.4.

Figure 10.4 – Classified Details

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Title - The title of the ad; this will display as the Classified Ad entry.
Text - This is the description of the item. 112
Classified Category - Click the drop-down list to choose the Category in which the item
will display.

Note: The available Categories can be edited by going to Arena Administration 

Lookups  Classified Category.

Content Category - Click on the drop-down list to choose in which content area the ad will

Note: These can be edited by going to Arena Administration  Lookups 

Content Category.

Phone - The phone number of the person listing the ad.

E-mail - The e-mail address of the person listing the ad.
Expire Date - Date which the ad will expire and no longer display.
Approved - Items are not published until approved.
Picture - Click the Browse button to select a picture to upload so that it will display in the
ad along with the text.

Click the Save button when finished.

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Arena End User Manual – Web Content

Newsletters are for placing News and information articles out on your Website. A Newsletter
consists of Volumes, which in turn hold the Articles. You have the flexibility to determine
how this structure should be handled, if there is only one Newsletter with a yearly Volume,
or if there’s a new Volume every month with several Articles and a new Newsletter every
week, or however it should be to fit your needs.

Clicking on Newsletters under Web Content will first show the list of created Newsletters.
This list will show the Newsletter Name, the Editor, how many people are Subscribed to this
Newsletter, the number of Volumes within, and the number of Articles.

Creating a Newsletter

Click on the Add New Newsletter icon to create a Newsletter. This will create a new
entry with the name [new newsletter]. Click on the Edit icon to open the settings for an
existing newsletter, as shown in figure 10.5.

Figure 10.5 Newsletter Settings

Name - This is the name of the Newsletter.

Summary – Enter a summary about the Newsletter, concerning the content, or purpose, of
this newsletter.
Publish Point - Enter the URL of the web site on which the Newsletter will be published.
Subscription Link - If you wish to have a link within the Newsletter where a reader can
subscribe, enter the URL for the page link.
Archive Link - This optional link is to a website URL where past issues of the Newsletter
are available.
Unsubscribe Link - This URL leads to a web site for current Newsletter subscribers to
cancel their subscription. This will be included in the Newsletter E-mail.
Logo – Click the Browse button to choose a Logo Image and click Upload to use it for this
Editor - Click on the Change… link to assign or change an editor to this Newsletter. This
will open the Person Pop-up Search, where you can choose a person.

Click the Save button when finished.

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Arena End User Manual – Web Content

Click on the Newsletter Name link to open the Newsletter Details and view the Volume and
Author Lists. 114
Newsletter Volumes

The Volume List will show the Publish Date, Volume Name, the number of Articles, Published
Status, Sent (via E-mail) status, the number of Reads, and a Preview Link for each Volume
created within the Newsletter selected. This list is shown as figure 10.6.

Figure 10.6 – Newsletter Volume List

Creating a Newsletter Volume

Click the Add New Volume icon to add a new volume or issue. This will create a new
entry named [new volume]. Click on the Edit icon to open the Volume Details.

Figure 10.7 – Volume Details

Name - Enter the name of this Volume.

Notes - Enter any additional description needed to identify this issue.
Promotion Summary – Enter a summary for the promotion, if this Volume will be
Promoted on the website.
Publish Date - This is the date the finished issue is placed on the web. This will default to
the date the Volume is created.
Sent Status - This is a system-generated field that shows the date the newsletter was sent
(if it was), or it shows Not Sent.
Published - Check this box to indicate this Volume has been published on the website.
Promotion Image - Click the Browse… button to locate an image for the promotion of
this Volume. Click Upload to add it to the Volume.

Click the Save button when finished.

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Arena End User Manual – Web Content

Newsletter Authors:
Before Articles can be created, at least one author has to be added. Underneath the
Newsletter Volumes list is the Author List, which will show the Name, Source, the number of
times their article(s) have been read, how many articles they have, and their average
Article score.
Figure 10.8 shows the Author List.

Figure 10.8 – Newsletter Author List

Creating a Newsletter Author

Click on the Add New Author icon to add a new author. This will create an author
named [new author]. Click the Edit icon to open the author screen and set up the
author, as shown in figure 10.9. The information entered here will show on the Website for
the Author information in the Article.

Figure 10.9 - Author Details

First Name - Enter the first name of the Author.

Last Name - Enter the last name of the Author.
E-mail - Enter the e-mail address for the Author.
Bio - Enter the biographical information for the Author.
Source - Click the drop-down list for the source of the Author. The values in this list can be
edited by going to Arena Administration  Lookups  Newsletter Author Source.
Author Image - Click the Browse… button to locate an image for the Author. Click
Upload to add it to the Author entry.

Click the Save button when finished.

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Arena End User Manual – Web Content

Newsletter Articles
The last part is to create an Article. Articles are where the actual information desired to
publish will actually be placed. To view the Articles, click on the Publish Date link in the
Volume List to display the Article List for that Volume. The Article List will show the Article
Name, Average Score, the number of times Read, a thumbnail for the Summary and Article
images, Summary Word Count, and the Text Word Count. This is shown as figure 10.10.

figure 10.10 – Volume Article List

Create a New Article

Click on the Add New Article icon to add a new article. This will create an entry named
[new article]. Click on the Edit icon to set up the actual information in the article, as
shown in figure 10.11.

Figure 10.11 – Article Details

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Arena End User Manual – Web Content

Title - Enter the title of the article.

Summary - Enter a concise overview of the article. This summary will show as the link to 117
the Article itself on the website.
Copyright Info - Enter the details concerning copyright information relating to this article.
Copyright Owner - Select the owner of the copyright from the drop-down list. The values
in this field can be edited by going to Administration  Lookups  Newsletter
Copyright Owner.
Article Type - Select if this Article will be a Feature Article or a Body Article. A Featured
Article will show in the Volume Summary on the Website. A Body Article will only show
once you are in the full Volume.
Author - Click the drop-down list to select the author of the article. The names in this list
are created in the Newsletter Authors section.
Article Full Text - Enter the text of the article. This is the complete Article itself. This is a
RAD editor.
Summary Image - Click the Browse… button to associate a photo with a group of articles
that are in the same category. Click the Upload button to include it in the article.
Article Image - Click the Browse… button to associate a photo with this specific article.
Click the Upload button to include it in the article.

Click the Save button when you are finished.

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Arena End User Manual – Web Content

Photo Albums
The Photo Albums section of Web Content is where you can keep track of and organize
the pictures related to your ministry. You can group Photos into categories to make finding
Photos easier. Photo Categories can be added to other Categories, meaning that you can
structure your Photos however you want.

Clicking on Photo Albums will show the top Photo Category, which is All Photos, any
Photo Categories setup under All Photos, and any loose Photos not under a child

Adding a Category

Click the Add Category button. This will bring up the Category Details screen, as shown in
figure 10.12.

Figure 10.12 – Photo Category Details

Category Title - Enter the title for this Photo Category.

Category Description - Describe the type of photos included in this Photo Category.
Category Icon Image - Click the Browse… button to associate an image with this Photo
Click the Save button when finished.

Click on the Category Title or the Category Icon to open the Category and view Child
Categories and any Photos under this Photo Category.

Click the Delete icon to remove this Category and any child Categories and Photos

Click the Edit icon to change the details of the Category.

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Arena End User Manual – Web Content

Adding a Photo
Click the Add Photo button to upload a photo. Make sure you are in the desired category
for this photo.

Figure 10.13 Photo Details

Photo Title - Enter the title for the photo.

Photo Description - Enter a description to help identify this photo.
Photo Image: - Click the Browse… button to locate the photo.

Click the Save button when finished.

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Arena End User Manual – Web Content

E-Cards and E-Invitations

E-Cards and E-Invitations are where Cards and Invitations can be set up for use on the
Arena managed website where users can send one to someone else via e-mail. Examples
are: Get Well cards, Congratulations cards, and Birthday party invitations.

Note: Since the E-Card and E-Invite templates are set up exactly the same with the
exception of one setting change, for the purposes of this guide all references for
this section will be made for E-Cards.

Clicking on E-Cards under Web Content will bring up the list of created E-Cards. This list
shows the Title, Category, Format, Type, Content Category, and an Active Status indicator,
as shown in figure 10.14.

Figure 10.14 – E-Card List

To edit an existing E-Card, click the Edit icon. If none exist, click the Add link to create a
new E-card. To create a new E-Card when a Card does exist, click the Add New E-Card
icon on the lower right to create an additional E-card. Either will open the E-Card Details
page to set up the Card, as shown as figure 10.15.

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Arena End User Manual – Web Content

Figure 10.15 – E-Card Details


Title - Enter a Title of the Card.

Max Message Size - The default value is 250 characters.
Content Category - Choose a Content Category for this Card. It can be left blank.

Note: choosing a Content Category will require additional settings in the

Organization Settings. See the Organization Settings appendix of the Arena
Administrator Manual for more details.

Format – Choose a format. This is based on the values in Administration – Lookups - E-

Card Format – Choose a Card Format for the image type. By default, Image (.jpg files)
and Flash (.swf files) already exist.
Card Size - These are based on the values in Administration – Lookups - E-Card Size.
These define the Width and Height of the image. The Standard (600x300) value already
exists as an option.
Card Type - This is what determines if this card as an E-Card or an E-Invite.

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Card Category - These options are based on the Administration – Lookups - E-Card
Category lookup. This allows you to sort your cards into different Categories, such as 122
Birthday, Holiday, Get Well, etc.
Start Date – This is the starting date for the Card to be Active and therefore available for
use on the Arena managed website.
End Date – This is the date the Card will become inactive. If the current date is outside of
this date range, then this card will not show on the Website.
Card Source Image File – This is the actual image for the Card. Click the Browse button
to choose a file, and click Upload to add the image to the database.
Card Preview Image File - This can be the same as the Source Image or not. This is
primarily so you can have different size images, like a Thumbnail, for the Category List
module on the website versus the actual card image itself.
Supporting Text - This is the message text that shows on this card, regardless of the
actual message body, like a passage of inspiration, or well wishes, etc.

Click Save when finished.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Check-In

This section covers configuring and using Check
Check-InIn to enter, track, and monitor attendance.
Arena’s Check-InIn is designed to work with independent kiosks, such as stand-alone
computers with barcode readers, and label printers. These stations are ideally used without
supervision to allow people to quickly and efficiently check their entire families into classes,
groups, worship or seminars. Check
In can be tied to a Small Group, Group Level, or Tag,
or it can just use its own Attendance Type Category.

Attendance Type Categories

Attendance Type Categories

ies are a way of categorizing Attendance Types, for easier

Steps to add an Attendance Type Category

1) Go to Check-In  Attendance Type Categories.

2) Click the Add New Attendance Type Category icon. This takes you directly to
the Category Details
ils screen, where you can put in the Name, Report Dates,
Minimum/Maximum Age, and Minimum/Maximum Grade.

Figure 11.1 – New Attendance Type Category

3) Click the Update button to save the settings. In the example below, we have set up
a new Category called Sunday School

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In

The Attendance Type Category screen should look similar to figure 11.2 below.
Figure 11.2 – Attendance Type Categories

Click on the Edit link if you need to change the details of a Category.

Once you have created an Attendance Type Category, you are now ready to put in
Attendance Types which are used by the kiosk to Check In individuals
individuals.. Click on the
Attendance Types link to start creating new Types.

Attendance Types

Attendance Types refers to the different kinds of people checking in at a given point. If this
is a new Attendance Type Category, then there will not be any existing Attendance Types.
Attendance Types are used to designate who will be attending each meeting.

Steps to Create a New

ew Attendance Type

1) Click the Add link to create a new Type. If Attendance Types are already present,
click the Add New Attendance Type icon. This takes you directly to the Type
Details screen, where you can enter the detailed information about your Attendance
2) To set up your Type, fill ou
out the fields shown. You will see a drop-down
down list of the
Categories that are set up on the previous page. The default will be the Category you
clicked on for the Attendance Types.
3) Enter the Name for your Attendance TypeType. In the following example, the Name is

Note: You may setup Attendance Types to function using either Age or Grade.

4) These fields are very important to Kiosk operation

operation; these fields determine the class
that a person will be eligible to join.

Note: Use “.99” to end the age rarange.

nge. If your age range is 6 to 7 year olds, and 8
year olds have a different type, using 7.99 ensures that ALL 7 year olds are included,
even if their birthday is the next day.

5) If you are setting up the Attendance Types by grade then enter 0 for both the
Minimum and Maximum Age fields and choose the Minimum and Maximum Grade.
6) Enter the field name of the Age Range text.

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In

Figure 11.3 – New Attendance Type


7) Choose a Check-In Theme for the Kiosk to use. A Theme is the appearance
setting of the kiosk, including the background image, the text, font, sounds,
Cascading Style Sheets, and other settings. Leave it at [Use Kiosk Default] if you
are not using a kiosk. Otherwise, choose which theme you want to use for this
8) Location Specific Occurrence will be checked by default. This means that if you
have multiple kiosks that utilize the same Type, you get information specific to that
kiosk. If it is not checked, then you get totals across all kiosks when viewing Total
9) Weekend Service is used to populate the attendance history graph on the person
detail page, unless this box is checked this graph will not include the attendance
type in the graph.
10) Merge Occurrences for the Day is for reporting. If you have multiple
occurrences within the same day, the attendee total will be combined across all
occurrences. You can leave this at none, or you can choose which day to merge.
11) Link with Tag/Group Level/Specific Group. These drop-down lists allow you to
choose if this Type will link to a Ministry/Serving/Event Tag, a Group Level within
Groups/Sports, or a specific Group within Groups/Sports. Use this if you want to tie
Check-In to your Groups, thus recording occurrences for your Groups. If you plan
on using a Specific Group linking, you must choose the Parent Group under Link
with Group Level.

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In

12) Select Membership Required for Check-In. Check if you wish to require that
only Members be allowed to check in to the specified class/group. 126
13) Check-Out Required If someone is currently checked in for this Type, they
cannot check into a different Type until they have checked out first. Use this ONLY
if you are using Kiosks.
14) Checking Secured means that this attendance type cannot be used by the Kiosk
when running in Centralized mode. This Type is only available for the Kiosk when in
Non-Centralized mode, using specifically this Type. (See Operating the Kiosk for
more details on Centralized vs. Non-Centralized Modes.)
15) Gender Preference is only used if this type is for Men or Women specifically,
otherwise, use Everyone.
16) Click Update to save your settings.

Figure 11.4 – Attendance Type List

Click on the link of the Type to edit. Repeat this process if you have other Attendance Types
that are used within this Category.

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In

Occurrences are attendance dates for events with
within Arena. Click on the Occurrences
ccurrences link to
view a list of occurrences recorded for this type. As of this revision you now have the ability
to Close Occurrence as shown below.

Note: the Check In kiosk application will ONLY recognize the occurrences that are
OPEN for specific dates.

Figure 11.5 – Occurrences

See Occurrences under the Groups section of this manual for more information on creating


The Frequency link is used to set up the times that this Type is available for Check-In,
Che and
the actual meeting times of the Type. For example, if a group meets from 9:00 a.m. to
10:30 a.m., you might wish to set 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. for the Check-In In times. Enter the
name of the Frequency and how often this Type will meet. Multiple fr frequencies
equencies can be
created if necessary.

Figure 11.6 –Frequencies

Under the drop-down list for Frequency

Frequency, if you choose Weekly,, then choose the Day of
the Week. If you choose Monthly
Monthly, it will ask for Day of the Month,, so put in the
numerical date. If you choose One
One-Time, enter the specific date.

Click the Add link to create the first frequency for a type, or click the Add New Frequency
icon to add an additional Frequency.

Click the Update button when the settings are entered. All fields are required.

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In

Note: at least one Frequency is required to select that Type at a Kiosk. 128


Labels include the different kinds of receipts for Check

In for this Attendance Type. This
requires creation of a receipt using Report Services. Creating reports is covered
cover in the Arena
Reference Guide in the Reports section.. The following is an example of the set up of a
label. Click on the Add New Label icon to add a new receipt.

Figure 11.7 – Labels

Report Name - This drop-down down list only retrieves reports that are saved in the Check-In
folder of Reporting Services. Choose which report you wish to use.
Select the printer. - You can use the Default printer setup for the Kiosk, if you prefer.
Print Landscape - This allows you to print lengthwise if you have a long receipt
rec design.
Otherwise, it will print in Portrait orientation.

Click the Update button when the settings are entered.

Note: to delete an Attendance Type, click on the Delete icon. There cannot be
any occurrences, frequencies, or labels set up for thi
this type.


Attendance reporting is accessed by clicking name of the Attendance Type Category on the
Attendance Type Category screen.

Figure 11.8 –Attendance

Attendance Type Categories

The following screen will display with a Total Attendance graph and tw
twoo sections: Reports
and Additional Charts.

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In

Figure 11.9 –Attendance Type Category Reports



Attendance Grid - Displays a grand total of attendees per class. Clicking on the number
will display the records of those who were present.
Attendance Summary for - This will display a grid of the dates this Attendance Type
Category met, and the attendance records of the members.
First Time Visitors - Displays the records where the first visit date falls between the date
Missed at least - Displays the records meeting the supplied criteria.
Attended at least - Displays the records meeting the supplied criteria.

Additional Charts

Each set of charts consist of the following graphs:

Attendance Over Time
Attendance by Service
Attendance by Location
Attendance by Gender
Attendance by Age

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Check-In

A Location represents the physical location of the Kiosk itself. A couple of examples would
be “Room 100” or “3rd Floor.” Location is a field that is only required when using Check-In
with at least one Kiosk.

Steps to Create a New Location


1) Go to Check-In  Locations and click the Add link,, or if there are existing
locations, click the Add New Location icon. This takes you directly to the Details
page of the Location to enter the information about this lo

Figure 11.10 – Locations

2) Assign this location a name.

3) Enter the Building Name. This is used to group the Attendance Type Categories
together. Assign an image to each by clicking the Update Image… link and
browsing for a picture.
4) The Room Closed checkbox is for determining if you want to use Check-In
Check for this
location. You may edit this setting later if you need to close or open a Location.
5) Choose which Attendance Types are used at this Location. This list includes every
Attendance Type set up for All Attendance Type Categories.. Check the Types that
6) Click the Update button to save your settings.

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In

Figure 11.11 – Location List


The list in figure 11.9 above displays how many people are currently in Attendance in a
Location, if a room is closed or not, and gives a one-click option to close Check-In for a

Note: these Locations are also used in Serving and Ministry Tags.


For information on lists, see the Lists section of Membership in this manual.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Check-In

Clicking on Check-In  Kiosks displays a list of all your currently configured Kiosks. You
do not need to add a new Kiosk here; the entry is automatically entered when initially
opening R.O.A.R. (Rapid Online Automated Registration) and going through the Initial

However, this screen is used to change the kiosk configuration, create, and maintain the
schedule of the Kiosks.

Figure 11.12 –Kiosk List

To change the Kiosk’s configuration, click on the Kiosk name in the list. This will open the
Kiosk Management Screen, as shown below.

Figure 11.13 –Kiosk Management Screen

It is very important that you do not change the DNS Name. Changing the DNS Name will
cause you to lose the connection between Arena and the kiosk. Only change the DNS Name
if you want to reset your kiosk and run the initial kiosk setup again.

However, it is fine to edit the other fields. The Name refers to how Arena names the Kiosk,
primarily for reporting.

The Default Check-In Theme is a drop-down list that allows you to choose what theme a
kiosk uses. A Theme is the appearance setting of the kiosk, including the background

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In

image, the text, font, sounds, Cascading Style Sheets, and other settings. Choose which
theme you want this kiosk to use. 133
Select the kiosk printer here. First the printer has to be set up on the kiosk itself. The
printer name has to match what is entered here. To enter the first printer, click on New.
The Printer Name field will allow you to enter the printer name and description.

Note: If you would like to use the kiosk’s default Windows printer then make this
selection from the printer name drop down list.

The Location checkboxes will already be filled when the kiosk is initially set up, but this is
where you can change the locations without resetting the kiosk. Notice that the list is a tree
view, listing the various Locations by Building, as in the setup example used in the Locations
section in the Check-In chapter of this manual. Check the applicable boxes for this kiosk to

Click the Update button when the settings are entered.

Kiosk Schedule

To the right of the kiosk name, you will see a Schedule link.

The schedule is the determined time that the kiosk can be used and can create occurrences.

When the kiosk is initially set up, it will create a schedule automatically. The Default
Schedule is set up for Daily, from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m., meaning that it can create an
occurrence almost anytime.

In the Schedule, you can also change the kiosk mode from Centralized to Non-Centralized.
Centralized mode is the default for the Use Schedule command in the Check-In Kiosk
Management Screen within R.O.A.R. (See the Check-In Implementation Appendix in the
Arena Administration Manual for more details on Centralized vs. Non Centralized Modes.)

Figure 11.14 –Kiosk Schedule

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In

If you need to add a new schedule, click the Add New Schedule icon.
This will take you to the Schedule Details. You can create a schedule by filling out the
appropriate fields. Like the Frequency of an Attendance Type, choosing
Daily/Weekly/Monthly/One-TimeTime brings up certain settings for those dates.

Click the Update button when the settings are entered.

For the kiosk to properly function and record occurrences, make sure that the Frequency is
accurate for the Type, and that the Schedule encompasses the Check-In In times established
for the frequency.

Note: if you need to delete a kiosk for any reason, make sure to delete any schedules
set up for it first.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Contributions

Arena’s Contributions pages are a place where you can manage your church’s Online Giving.
Gift payments can be received via Credit Card and ACH (Automated Clearing House). The
giving batches can also be exported to Shelby v5 Contributions, for use in Shelby Financials
and bookkeeping.

Fund Management

In order to categorize your giving, you must set up Funds, or Purposes, to manage them.
Online Giving must have at least one fund set up in Arena.

If Arena Contributions needs to be connected to Shelby v5 Contributions, it is important that

the link between them is turned on before using Arena Contributions. To do so, go to
Administration  Organizations. When your Organization name appears, click on that
link to bring up the Organization Settings screen.
At the bottom of the settings list, there will be a link to the Org Setting titled
UseShelbyv5Contributions. Click the title link and set this value to True, then click the
Update button to accept the update.

Steps to Create a New Fund:

1) Go to Contributions  Fund Management.

a) If this is the first time Fund Management has been opened, and the Shelby link
is established, a prompt will appear to choose a v5 Company by selecting your
church name from the dropdown list and clicking the Apply button. Note that
Arena can only connect into one Shelby v5 Company, so you cannot use Purposes
from multiple v5 Companies.
2) Click the Add link to create a new fund, or if funds already exist as in figure 12.1,
click the Add New Fund icon.
a) When connected to Shelby v5, a checklist of purposes will appear, listing all
purposes that are not already being used in Arena. Use the Checkboxes to choose
which purpose will be tied to this fund, and click the Update button. Note that
while it is possible to have both funds which are connected to Shelby v5 purposes
and funds which are not, we strongly recommend against this practice due to the
synchronization issues this situation creates.

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Arena End User Manual – Contributions

Figure 12.1 – Fund Management


3) You will need to enter the following information into the Fund Management page, as
shown in figure 12.2 below: Active status (set a fund to Inactive to maintain
historical data in Arena), the Name of the fund, a Description of the fund, the Online
Name (which will be displayed for Online Giving), the fund’s Tax Deductable status,
the ability to Allow Pledges, and the Start and End Dates for this fund. To change
these details later on, or to edit the details of a fund that is connected to a Shelby v5
Purpose, you can then click the Edit this Fund icon next to the fund.
a) Note that if you are editing funds connected to Shelby v5 purposes, many of
these fields are grayed out, due to these fields being set in the connected

figure 12.2 – Fund Management Details

4) Click the Update button to save your fund settings.

You can change the order the funds will display by clicking the Up and Down arrows,
or remove a fund by clicking the Delete icon.

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Arena End User Manual – Contributions

Contribution List
The Contribution List, shown in figure 12.3 below, allows you to search for previously
entered gifts by Date, the contributor’s name, which Fund it was applied to, what Type of
payment was used, and/or any Transaction Details. The Funds tab will give a summary of
gifts given to each of your funds. Search results can be exported to an Excel® spreadsheet
by clicking the Excel® icon.

Figure 12.3 – Contribution List

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Arena End User Manual – Contributions

Batch List
The Batch List, shown in figure 12.4 below, displays previously entered Batches, which can
be sorted by Date, Batch Name, whether or not the batch was finalized, and by Exportable
status. Search results can be exported to an Excel® spreadsheet by clicking the Excel®

figure 12.4 – Batch List

When the UseShelbyv5Contributions organization setting is True there will be an Export to

Shelby button under the batch list as shown in figure 12.4 above. Select which batches you
want to move into v5 and click on Export to Shelby. This will automatically create a new
batch with the individual gift entries in Shelby v5 Contributions, ready for processing and
posting into your Shelby v5 Financials.

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Arena End User Manual – Contributions

Repeating Payments
The Contributions  Repeating Payments page allows you to view and edit all repeating
payments for your members, as shown in figure 12.5 below. This list displays the Identifier
code for the transaction, the member’s Name, the Frequency of the payment, the date of
the First Payment, the total Number of Payments, the payment Method, the Status of the
repeating payment, and the Amount of the total periodic payment (not the total of all
payments over all periods) for that transaction.

Figure 12.5 – Repeating Payments

You can click on the person’s Name to bring up their Person Details page, or you can click
on a transaction Identifier number to bring up the details of that transaction, as shown in
figure 12.6.

Figure 12.6 – Transaction Details

Steps to Edit a Repeating Payment:

1) Click on the Identifier number to pull up the details of the repeating payment
2) Click Edit this Profile, make your changes.
3) Click Save to keep the updated changes.

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Arena End User Manual – Contributions

The Contributions  Pledges area will allow pull up pledge information on any pledges
that have been created, and as shown in figure 12.7 below. The filters allow you to search
by Fund, Pledge Amount (Minimum and Maximum), and Percent Complete (Minimum
and Maximum).

12.7 - Pledges

The Contributions  Reports area has identical functionality to the Reports
section in Membership. No default reports for Contributions are included in the default Arena
installation, however any custom reports deployed to the Contributions folder of your Report
Services will display here. See Reports in Chapter 2 – Membership for information on using
custom reports and the Reports section of the Arena Reference Guide for information on
creating and deploying custom reports, or visit for more

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Contributions Application

Contributions Application
The Contributions application is used to quickly create and enter batches using a check
scanning machine. Note: the batches that are entered through this application WILL NOT
export over to Shelby V5 financials.

Creating a Batch

1) Launch the application by double clicking the Arena Contributions executable on the
2) Enter the batch date, the control amount, and give the batch a name.
3) Click Next to proceed to the Contribution entry screen.

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Arena End User Manual – Contributions Application

Contribution Entry
1) Scan your check through the machine.
2) If the person has already been associated to the check number their information will
automatically populate as shown on the following page.

3) If there is not a record associated with a MICR number then you need to look them
up using the person search. Click the Name button in the top left corner to pull up
the person search screen.
4) You may search by first name, last name, a combination of both, or by person id.
5) Highlight the person and click Select in the bottom right corner to associate the
transit and account number to the person.
6) Put in the amount of the check and click tab which will allot the amount to the first
fund in your list to the right hand side. If the amount should go into another fund
then you will to manually make this adjustment.
7) Click the Next button in the bottom right to enter the contribution.
8) If the sum total of all entries exceed that of the control amount that was initially
setup then there will be a negative difference amount alerting you to this.

Note: you will now be able to complete the batch.

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9) Once you have entered all contributions for this batch click the Done button to
proceed to batch summary screen. 143
Batch Summary

1) The final screen shows a summary list of the contributions that were entered in this
batch. If you wish to remove/add contributions to this batch click the corresponding
Delete/Add Contribution in bottom portion of the screen as shown below.

2) If you want to add a new batch click the Add Batch button in the top left.
3) Click the Open Batches button to show the batch list screen which shows any
batches that have not been finalized.
4) You may highlight the batch to Edit, Finalize, or Delete Batch.

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Arena End User Manual – Contributions Application


V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Missions

Missions are a way in Arena to track the details involving Mission Trips. Arena can track the
location, schedule, team, external people, resources involved, and even handle the financial
ability to pay for the trip. To track a Mission Trip, open Mission List under Missions.

Opening the Mission List page will display the list of all currently created missions, similar to
figure 13.1.

Figure 13.1 Mission List

The Mission List will show the Mission Trip name, the departure and return dates, a Delete
button, and an Add button. Click on a Mission Trip hyperlink to edit, or click on the Add New
Mission button to add a new Mission. If no missions are currently in the list, click the
Add… link.

Note: At least one Contribution Fund must be created in order to create a Mission
Trip. See the Fund Management section of Contributions for help in creating Giving

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Arena End User Manual – Missions

Mission Details
Editing or creating a new Mission Trip will display the Mission Details screen. The details will
display with a series of tabs along the bottom containing additional information about the
trip. The tabs do not display when creating a new trip until the initial details are saved. Click
the Edit link at the upper right to begin editing the Mission Details. Figure 13.2 and 13.3 will
show the Mission Trip details and the tabs, respectively.

Figure 13.2 Mission Details

Figure 13.3 Mission Detail Tabs

Trip Name – Enter the name of the Mission Trip.

Country – Choose the country of the trip destination from the dropdown down menu. If the
country is not in the list, click the green icon to add a new Country.
Region – Choose the he country’s region in the drop
down menu. If the desired region is not in
the list, click the green icon to add a new Region.
City – Choose the destination city from the drop dropdown menu. If the desired city
c is not in the
list, click the green icon to add a new City.
Departure Date – Click the calendar icon to choose the date the trip starts.
Return Date – Click the calendar icon to choose the date the trip members will be
Trip Purpose – Choose the reason ason for the trip from the drop
down menu. If the desired
reason is not in the list, click the green icon to add a new Purpose.

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Arena End User Manual – Missions

Trip Coordinator – Enter the name of the coordinator of the trip. This person is the
“Leader” of the trip, but is not necessarily a Team Member. Begin typing the last name of 147
thee intended person, and the drop
down will filter the available persons. Once the desired
person appears in the list, click on that name to select it.
Description – Enter a description of the Tr Trip, including any itinerary.
Min Team Size – Enter the minimum number of people for the Team.
Max Team Size – Enter the maximum number of people for the Team.
Min Age – Enter the minimum age a Team Member can be in order to go on the trip.
Deposit Amount – Enter the amount (if applicable) that each Team Member must provide
up front to go on the trip.
Cost Per Team Member – Enter the total amount (if applicable) each Team Member must
provide to go on the trip.
Registration Deadline – Click the calendar icon to choose the last day a Team Member
can register to go on the trip.
Beginning Balance – Enter the beginning balance (if applicable) that will be fronted for the
trip. This amount will be deduct
deducted from the total cost of the trip.
CN Purpose Code – Choose the Contribution Fund from the dropdown down menu. Giving under
this purpose will be applied to the Mission. If the desired Fund does not show in the list, the
fund must be added in Fund Management under Contributions.
GL Project Code – Enter the GL expense ac account
count designated for the mission trip, if

Click Save when the details are entered. The tabbed details can now be edited.

Mission Detail Tabs

Field Facilitators

Field Facilitators are people that will be assisting with the Mission Trip at tthe
he trip’s
destination. There are three filters along the top of the tab, which will change the list of

• Country
• Region
• City

Click the Apply Filter button to change the list to reflect the chosen filter options. An
example list is shown in figure 13.4a.

Figure 13.4a Field Facilitators

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Arena End User Manual – Missions

The Field Facilitator list will display the Facilitator’s name, phone number, e-mail address, 148
website, country, region, and city. The delete button will remove a facilitator from the
list. Click the Add icon to add a new Facilitator, which will open the Facilitator Details, as
shown in figure 13.4b.

Figure 13.4b Field Facilitator details

Name – Enter the name of the Facilitator to be added.

Country – Choose the country of the Facilitator from the dropdown menu. If the country is
not in the list, click the green icon to add a new Country.
Region – Choose the region of the Facilitator from the dropdown menu. If the region is not
in the list, click the green icon to add a new Region.
City – Choose the city of the Facilitator from the dropdown menu. If the city is not in the
list, click the green icon to add a new City.
Phone – Enter the phone number of the Facilitator. International phone numbers can be
E-mail – Enter the e-mail address of the Facilitator. E-mail address must include an “@”
character to be valid.
Website – Enter the website URL for the Facilitator.
Notes – Enter any notes about this Facilitator.

Click Save when done.

Note: Adding Facilitators will not add the individual to the Arena database, therefore
Facilitators are not searchable within Arena, nor can they be included in bulk e-mails.

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Arena End User Manual – Missions

Supporters are people who are assisting with the Mission Trip from the church’s location.
Figure 13.5a shows the Supporters List.

Figure 13.5a Supporters

The Supporters list displays the supporter’s name, address, phone number, e-mail
address, and the type of support the person provides. The delete button will remove a
supporter from the list. Click the Add icon to add a new Supporter, which will open the
Supporter Details, as shown in figure 13.5b.

Figure 13.5b Supporter Details

Supporter – Begin typing the last name of the intended Supporter, and the dropdown will
filter the available persons. Once the desired person appears in the list, click on that name
to select it.
Supporter Type – Choose the type of support the supporter provides for the trip from the
drop-down menu. If the type is not in the list, click the green icon to add a new Supporter
Notes – Enter any notes about this Supporter.

Click Save when done.

Note: Unlike Field Facilitators, Supporters have to already exist in the Arena
database. If the desired supporter is not in the Supporter drop-down menu, use the
Add New Family utility under Membership to add the new record.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Missions

Travel Arrangements
The Travel Arrangements tab is where information about trip transportation can be kept,
including the business, cost, and contact information. Figure 13.6a shows the Travel
Arrangement List.

Figure 13.6a Travel Arrangements

The Travel Arrangement list shows the company, website, quantity, cost, transportation
type, confirmation number, primary contact, and contact phone number for the
arrangement. The delete button will remove an arrangement from the list. Click the Add
icon to create a new Arrangement, which will open Travel Arrangement details, shown as
figure 13.6b.

Figure 13.6b

Company – Enter the name of the company providing the travel arrangement.
Website – Enter the website (if applicable) of the company.
Quantity – Enter the quantity of the transportation, such as a number of buses.
Cost – Enter the cost of this Arrangement.
Arrangement Type – Choose an Arrangement Type from the dropdown menu. If the type
is not in the list, click the green icon to add a new Arrangement Type.
Confirmation Number – Enter the confirmation number (if applicable) for this
Contact Name – Enter the name of the contact at the company.
Phone Number – Enter the phone number of the company contact.

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Arena End User Manual – Missions

Notes – Enter any notes about this arrangement.

Click Save when done.

Financial Information

The Financial Information tab is where items and vendors can be listed showing what
items are purchased or provided for the trip. Figure 13.7a shows the Finance Item
Ite List.

Figure 13.7a Finance Item List

The Financial Item List shows the Vendor name, item description, purchase date, purchase
amount, register type, check number, invoice number, and whether the item is an expense
or income. Click the Add icon to cre
create a new item in the Finance Item List,
ist, which will bring
up the Financial Information Item Details screen, shown as figure 13.7b.

Figure 13.7b – Financial Information Item Details

Expense/Income – Choose whether this item is expense or an income for the th trip.
Vendor – Enter the name of the vendor providing the item(s).
Transaction Date – Click the calendar icon to choose the date the item was
Amount – Enter the dollar value of the item.
Register Type – Choose a register
egister type from the dropdown
down menu. If the type is not in the
list, click the green icon to add a new register ttype.
Check Number – Enter the check number used to pay for the item.

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Arena End User Manual – Missions

Invoice Number – Enter the invoice number for the item.

Click Save when done.

Note: Expenses are paid for by entering Income items.


The Documents tab contains attached documents to the Mission Trip. This is where
registration forms, parent permission slips, images, and other relevant files associated with
the trip can be stored. Clicking on the tab displays the Document List, shown in figure

Figure 13.8a Document List

The Document List shows the title, description, required, include in e-mail, the due date,
and reminder date. Click the Add button to add a new Document to the trip details, which
will open the Document Details screen, shown as figure 13.8b.

Figure 13.8b Document Details

Title – Enter the title of the document.

Description – Enter a description for the document.
Document – Click the Browse button to search for the document file. The file can be a
.text, .doc, .pdf, or image file.
Required – Check the box if this document is required to go on the trip.

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Include in Registration E-mailmail – Check the box if the document should be an attachment
sent in the Registration E-mail
mail for Team Members. 153
Due Date – Click the calendar icon to choose the date the document is due back from
the trip registrant.
Reminder Date – Click the calendar icon to choose the date a reminder e-mail
e should be
sent to the trip registrant.
Notes – Enter any notes pertaining to this document.

Click Save when done.

Packing List

The Packing List tab is where items that need to be taken on the trip can be listed.
Clicking the Packing List tab will display the List of items, shown as figure 13.9a.

Figure 13.9a Packing List

The Packing List shows the item name, description, and whether it’s required. The delete
button will remove an item from the list. Click the Add icon to create a new Packing List
item, which will open Packing List It
Item Details, shown as figure 13.9b.

Figure 13.9b Packing List Item Details

Item – Enter the name of the item to be taken on the trip.

Description – Enter a description of the item.
Required – Check if the item is required for the trip.

Click Save when done.

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Arena End User Manual – Missions

The Team tab is where Team Members and Leaders are added to the Mission Trip. The
Team tab also accommodates the amount the Team Members still owe towards their part of
the trip. Figure 13.10a shows the Team Member List.

Figure 13.10a Team Member List

The Team Member List displays the team member’s name, if they are a leader, if they
have met any requirements to be a team member, and their balance due. Clicking on the
team member’s name will open the Team Member Details screen for that member. Clicking
the delete icon will remove the member from the team. Click the Add icon to add a new
team member, which will open the Team Member Details, shown as figure 13.10b.

Figure 13.10b Team Member Details

Team Member – Begin typing the last name of the Team Member, and the drop-down will
filter the available persons. Once the desired person appears in the list, click on that name
to select it. Team Members must already exist in the Arena database.
Leader – Check the box if the member chosen is a Trip Leader.
Requirements – Check the box if the team member has met the requirements to go on the

Click Save when done.

Tip: Members can also add themselves to a Mission Trip by using the Online Trip
Registration module and choosing the Register Yourself or Family Member option.

E-mail Template

The E-mail template tab is where the automatic e-mail for trip Registrants is set up. It is set
up exactly the same as a standard communication. For assistance with setting up a
communication, see the New Communications section under Communications.

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Arena End User Manual – Missions

Paying for a Mission or Team Member

Missions and Team Member costs are paid for by using the Online Trip Registration
module. Payments are generally intended to be applied to a Team Member specifically, but
if no team member is entered, gifts are applied against the Mission Fund. The Organization
will determine how those funds are distributed throughout the mission.

The Online Trip Registration module will allow the logged-in user to apply their gift to
either the Mission itself or choose a Team Member, as shown in figure 13.11.

Figure 13.11 – Online Mission Payments

Follow these steps to make a payment to a Trip Member or the Mission Trip itself:

1) Choose which Mission Trip to make a payment for.

2) Choose whether you are registering Yourself or a Family Member as a Team
Member of the trip, or contributing to the mission.

Note: Only Adult members of a family can register other family members.

3) Enter the First and Last name of the Trip Member you wish to donate towards.
Leave the name fields blank to apply the entry to the Mission itself.
4) Click the Verify Attendee button to verify the Trip Member exists for the chosen
5) Enter your payment options and click Next.

The user will then be guided through entering billing and payment information for a one-
time credit card payment. This will show in Contributions against the fund chosen as well as
in the Team Member tab.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Glossary

An Agent is an automated program which perform specific Arena tasks (such as
sending e-mail or geocoding addresses) at pre-defined intervals as a Windows
Service. For more information, see the Agents Appendix in the Arena Administrator
A software program that enables you to view Web pages.
The entity that contains data in a structured format for data entry and retrieval.
Arena uses SQL for its database structure. See also: SQL.
Indicates the logical or geographical venue of a Web page. Common domains are
.edu for education, .gov for government, .org for organizations and non-profits, .com
for commercial.
Domain Name
Refers to the first part of a URL, including the domain and name of the host or
Server computer.
Extension or File Extension
One of several letters at the end of a file name. Extensions usually follow a period
(dot) and indicate the type of file. Common extensions are .txt for text, .exe for
executable, .jpg for a picture file.
Security measures designed to protect a networked system from unauthorized
A format for Web documents that divides the screen into segments, each with a
scroll bar as if it were a “window” within the window.
Frequency (Attendance Type)
An Attendance Type Frequency is the specific time that an Attendance Type is active
and available for Check-In. It is also used in creating Occurrences generated by the
Check-In application.
Geocoding is a process which provides the precise latitude and longitude coordinates
of a street address, which is used by Arena for mapping and distance calculations.
Groups (also Small Groups)
Groups are one of the ways Arena is able to group and list members together.
Group Category
The Group Category acts as an overall assembly of all of the unique information for a
set of groups such as the group member roles, group clusters, Cluster types/levels,
Group Cluster Level
The Cluster Level refers to a specific level or tier within a particular Cluster Type.

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Arena End User Manual – Glossary

Group Cluster Type (also Group Structure)

The Cluster Type is used to define different Group Tree structures within a Group 157
Group Subscription
Group Subscriptions are used to track and easily view the count of Members or
Pending Members of any Group. See Also: Tag Subscription
Group Tree
The Group Tree refers to the overall structure of a set of groups, often displayed and
visualized as a tree due to its single root Cluster Type which then proceeds to branch
multiple times (according to its Cluster Type) before the Small Group level.
Host (also Server)
The computer that provides Web pages and documents to clients or users.
The abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP is used to link and transfer
hypertext documents such as web pages.
The feature that allows a text area, image, or other object to become a “link” that
retrieves another file, web page, or other document on the Internet.
ID, Login (also Arena Login)
Login IDs are the Username and Password used to authenticate a login to Arena and
to identify that user as a specific person in the Arena Database.
ID, Manager
Manager IDs are used by the Check-In Kiosk application. When entered in place of a
Person ID, a Manager ID switches the Check-In Kiosk application to the Management
ID, Person
Person IDs are the way Arena identifies a person. Each person in the Database has a
unique Person ID. Person IDs are also used by the Check-In Kiosk application. When
a Person ID is entered at the main screen, the associated person is selected from the
database for Check-In.
Inactivating an entity (Tag/Group, Tag/Group member, etc), unlike Deleting it, will
not remove it from the database. This allows for historical data such as occurrences
and attendance to be maintained.
Kiosk (Check-In)
A Check-In Kiosk is an automated location where individuals can register their
attendance for events. The kiosk application requires a PC with Windows 2000, XP or
newer and a network connection to your Arena server. See also: Centralized Mode,
Non-Centralized Mode, Secured, and Occurrence.
Kiosk Centralized Mode
The Centralized Mode of a Check-In Kiosk allows for a single kiosk to offer check-in
for multiple Attendance Types, but cannot be used for Secured Attendance Types.
See also: Kiosk, Non-Centralized Mode, Secured, and Occurrence.

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Arena End User Manual – Glossary

Kiosk Non-Centralized Mode

The Non-Centralized Mode of a Check-In Kiosk can only be used to offer check-in for 158
a single Attendance Type, and must be used for Secured Attendance Types. See
also: Centralized Mode, Kiosk, Secured, and Occurrence.
The Web address embedded in a piece of text or image that directs the user to a
specified address.
Lookups are one of Arena’s internal methods of storing frequently used values for
fields. They are also used when a field should only have specific values available for
selection. They are defined under Administration  Lookups.
Modules, or Controls, are the individual interfaces for data entry or data display
throughout Arena.
Occurrences represent specific dates or times of instances or meetings of a Group,
Tag, or Attendance Type.
The Organization represents your church entity or entities, and contains unique
information and settings for each entity.
Report Server
The computer that runs and maintains the Microsoft Report Services application and
Web site.
Role, Security
Security Roles are used to grant or limit access to areas of Arena. They can be
assigned to individuals or to groups, and are cumulative in nature.
Role, Group
Group Roles are used to indicate a group member’s position and responsibilities.
These are defined in Small Group Roles under Administration  Lookups.
Secured (Attendance Type Option)
The Secured option for an Attendance Type prevents the type from being used by a
kiosk in Centralized mode. See also: Centralized Mode, Non-Centralized Mode, Kiosk,
and Occurrence.
Site or Web Site
The term is used to mean “Web page,” but there is a difference. A Web page is a
single file that you might find on the Web. A site is the location that links several
related pages.
SQL (Structured Query Language)
SQL (pronounced just like ‘sequel’) is an acronym for Structured Query Language,
and is the database management system for Arena. SQL is used for adding,
removing, and retrieving data.
SQL Server
The computer that runs and maintains the SQL databases and services.

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Arena End User Manual – Glossary

Standardization refers to the process of determining the correct postal code in a 159
zip+4 fashion, verifying and setting the complete street address, and then verifying
the whole address as a valid location.
Tags are one of the ways Arena is able to group and list members together. There
are four default Tag types: Personal, Ministry, Serving and Event.
Tag Subscription
Tag Subscriptions are used to track and easily view the count of Pending/In Process,
Critical (for Serving Tags), and Connected members of any Tag. See Also: Group
The abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator, the URL is the unique address of a
Web document.
Web Server
A computer running software, assigned an IP address, and connected to the Internet
so that it can provide documents via the World Wide Web.
A visual object on the screen that can be manipulated with the mouse and keyboard.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation

Appendix A - Check-In Implementation

This guide covers the set up and operation of the Check-In R.O.A.R., or Rapid Online
Automated Registration, application. R.O.A.R. was designed for use with a touch-screen
system for ease of use, but a standard monitor will work using a mouse for input. For
installation and initial configuration of the kiosk software, please refer to the Check-In
Kiosk Installation Appendix of the Arena Administration Manual.

Note: this guide is based on the assumption that a touch-screen is being used.

Initial Startup and Configuration

On the desktop of the kiosk computer, there will be an icon for R.O.A.R.. Double click this
icon to start the application.

The first time this application is run on the kiosk, you will have to set up the Location,
Attendance Type Category, and Mode. This is a one-time setup; unless the kiosk DNS is
changed in the kiosk settings under Check-In. (Please see Check-In in the Arena End User
Manual for more details on this feature)

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation

The first screen will look similar to this:


Press either “Select All” or press the appropriate locations, depending on the setup for this
kiosk and the classes for which it will be used. When pressed, a checkmark will appear in
the box on the left.

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation


These are the Locations as set up in Check-In within Arena. You can change these settings
later under Check-In > Kiosks by opening the corresponding kiosk in Arena.

Press the Finished button when all the Locations are selected.

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation

Next, you will be prompted to decide the operating Mode for this kiosk.

There are only two modes, Centralized and Non-Centralized. Use Schedule is only
available from the Management Screen; you will not see this option during the initial setup.

Centralized means that every Attendance Type that is tied to the Locations selected on the
previous screen will be available for Check-In on this kiosk. Use this option if you will use
one kiosk for multiple classes.

Non-Centralized requires you to select which particular Attendance Type you will be using
at this kiosk. Use this option if you will use one kiosk for one class. You will be prompted
to select which Attendance Type this kiosk will use.

Use Schedule will be covered under the Management Screen part of this guide.

Press the Back button if you need to change the Locations. Once the choice is made, you
will be taken directly to the Main Screen of R.O.A.R., which will look like the following

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation


From this screen, attendees can scan a Check-In card to check in themselves or their
family, or they can use the Manual Check-In option to use the Phone Lookup.

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation

Check In Application
Centralized Mode

When a card is scanned, R.O.A.R. will bring up a list of the family members associated with
the person whose card is used. You will see a screen that shows the family members,
prompting you to select who you wish to check in. Press the button of the person you wish
to check in.

R.O.A.R. will automatically bring up a “best fit” class for this person, based on what classes
are currently open, what classes allow check in at this time, the person’s age, and gender.
These parameters are established in the Attendance Types section of Check-In.

In our example, we have the Doe Family: John (age 29), Jane (age 28), and Jimmy (age 5).
We have three available Attendance Types; All Attendees, Couples, and Kindergarten. All
Attendees has an age range of 0-99.99, Couples age range is 0-99.99, and Kindergarten
age range is 5-6.99.

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation

Based on age, John and Jane can both be checked into All Attendees or Couples. John is
using his card, and will be checking in himself and Jimmy. Here are the screens that display 166
as he checks in.

John will need to select which class that he would like to check into, as shown on the
previous page.
Once John has selected his class then he presses the white “Check In” box to check into the
class as shown in figure below. A receipt will print for him, providing the printer is set up
and the Label has been configured.

He is then taken back to the family list, where he presses Jimmy’s name to Check In, and
he receives the screen shown below to confirm Jimmy’s Check In.

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation


Notice that, automatically, John and Jimmy were placed into different classes. When John
pressed his own name, the class selection screen came up with his two class choices
Couples and All Attendees. For Jimmy, who is 5 years old, the Kindergarten class comes up,
as it is set to only allow ages 5-6.

Note the green arrow in the lower left. If John accidentally presses the wrong person, he
can press that arrow to go back. Since he wants to check in Jimmy, John now presses
Check In to check Jimmy into the Kindergarten class. A receipt prints out, and he is again
redirected to the family list, as shown on the following screen:

If John wanted to check into a different class, and another class was available that this kiosk
was set up to use, John would get the following screen:

Notice that now, the Change button is active. When John presses Change, he sees the

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation


In this scenario, John can check into All Attendees, instead of Couples. John would see a
new Confirmation screen, and can now complete the check in process.

Notice that John and Jimmy are grayed out and “(checked in)” appears next to their names.
If John is done checking people in, he presses Finished or he can check in someone else.

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation

Using Manual Check-In

Manual Check-In is for people who already have records within Arena, but do not have a
barcode to scan. This option allows for John to find his family using his phone number. At
the Main Screen, John presses Press Here for Manual Check-In to find his family
manually. The last four digits of John’s phone number is 1111, which he enters into the
Search Field. He presses Search, which displays records that match the number as shown
on the screen below:

If needed, John can scroll up and down using the scroll bar on the right. When John presses
his family button, he is taken to the list of family members as if he had scanned a barcode.
Check-In proceeds normally from that point.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation

Non-Centralized Mode

Using Non-Centralized mode will only allow you to check into one Attendance Type at this
kiosk. The Main screen will look similar, but the bottom left corner will show the Attendance
Type, the Location, and the current number of people checked into the Class.

In this example, the kiosk is set up for Kindergarten, which is in the Bartlett Check-In
Location. In the Doe family, only Jimmy is eligible for the Kindergarten Attendance Type.
When John scans his barcode or looks up his family using the Manual Lookup, Jimmy will
automatically be checked in.

If John has multiple family members that are eligible for a Type, he gets a screen from
which he can choose All or only those family members that are being checked in. This
screen is shown on the following page.

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation


John would click Finished when he has chosen the correct family member(s). This will
check them in and print out the receipt(s).

Checking Out

The receipt, if designed properly, should include a Check Out barcode. To check someone
out, simply scan that receipt while at the main page. The screen will display a message
stating that the person has been successfully checked out.
You can also check someone out while in the Check-In Management Screen, as shown in the
next section.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation

Check-In Management Screen

If a person has an Alternate Id that is set up to be a Manager ID in the Person Details, (see
Person Details under Membership in the Arena End-User Manual) his or her barcode will
open the Management Screen. Alternatively, if you have a keyboard attached to your kiosk,
you can simply type the Manager ID number and press Enter. You will not see the number
appear onscreen, but it will allow entry into the Management screen.

Note: Pressing Ctrl+M at the same time will also open the Management screen.

The Management Screen allows you to make temporary changes to this kiosk Location and
Operating Mode. It also allows you to close a location manually, or View or Check-out
people. You may also Print a List, Reprint Receipts of Attendees, display a random list of
Attendees in any quantity you choose, and view the Kiosk Information.

You can also exit the Application from this screen.

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Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation

Kiosk Configuration
Changing these settings here is not permanent and is only active until you close the
application. To change these settings permanently, they must be changed under the kiosk
settings within Check-In > Kiosks. (Please refer to the Check-In section of this manual
for more information.)

Add/Remove Locations: This allows you to change the physical Location of the kiosk.
Changing the Location will change the available Attendance Types for this kiosk.

Open/Close Locations: This allows you to manually close or open a Location that this
kiosk is assigned to. A closed Location is not available for Check-In. If this kiosk has no
open Location, the main screen will show the following:

Change Modes: This allows you to change the kiosks’ mode to Centralized or Non-
Centralized. You may also choose to use the Kiosk Schedule to reset the configuration
back to the Schedule Settings, removing any temporary changes made to the Kiosk. This is
done by pressing Use Schedule. (See Kiosks under Check-In in this manual for more
details on Schedules.)

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation

The three options under Attendance are only available when the kiosk is in Non-
Centralized mode. They are inactive when in Centralized mode.

View Attendees: Press this to show all people currently checked into this Type. You can
manually check someone out or reprint a receipt in this screen.

Print Attendees: Press this to print out a list of all people who are currently checked into
this class.

Display Random Attendees: Pressing this will display a random list for people who are
currently checked in for giveaways, drawings, etc. Press the number to the right to select
how many people are shown.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation

Scanning a Barcode within the Management Screen

If you scan a barcode of someone while in the Management Screen, it will display a list of
the family members where you can check any/all out, click verify for a list of people that are
authorized to check out the child, or print a receipt for each person. Press the “Back” button
to exit this screen.

Press Finished to exit the Management Screen and return to the kiosk Main Screen.

Press Exit to close the application entirely. (Alternatively, pressing Alt+f4 at any time in the
application will close the application entirely. For this reason, we do not recommend having
an accessible keyboard attached to a non-attended kiosk)

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

Arena End User Manual – Check-In Implementation

If the Kiosk is Closed

If the Kiosk is currently closed (the current time of the Arena Server is outside of the Kiosk
Schedule time), it cannot be used for Check-In. You may enter the Management Screen
only by pressing Ctrl+M on the keyboard, as the barcode reader is disabled during this time.
To enable the kiosk, edit the Schedule from within the Check-In area of Arena.

Here is an example of the screen that displays when the Kiosk is closed:

As shown, the screen shows the setup for this Kiosk, and the scheduled time of its
operation. It also shows the DNS configuration.

V2008.1.100 Released 04/25/08

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