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This Coming Week at BIFS Whole School: Busan International Foreign School

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United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality


ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

(Click to jump straight to the article home icon brings you back to Contents)

This Coming Week at BIFS

1. Mon-Tue, Feb 8-9: Lunar New Year Holiday

2. Wed, Feb 10: School Resumes

Whole School


Developing Leadership in our Students

Lunar New Year Holiday
BIFS New Articles of Association
Re-Enrollment for the 2016-17 Academic Year
BIFS Spring Open House
PTA News
ISA ACER Testing Privacy Information for Parents
Rise of the Robots
PE Uniform Shop
IT Services - Apple Computer Discounts
Cafeteria Menu: February 10-12

Elementary School


Lunar New Year

ELC Parent Coffee Feb 17
Upcoming Elementary Events

Middle School and High School

1. School Trips
2. Athletic Update
3. CCA Transition Schedule

For Your Diary

BIFS Annual Calendar 2015-16 & 2016-17
School & Community Links | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Whole School

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

Developing Leadership in our Students

This last weekend, Mr. Fernando Alvarez and I had the pleasure of co-leading the AISA Student Leadership
workshop for students from Seoul, Osaka, Yokohama and Busan. What an invigorating and inspiring experience
to work with the leaders of tomorrow as they learn, reflect and grow in their understanding of leadership. Each
of the students in the workshop displayed a passionate desire to be a positive influence back in their schools and
in the larger world. This past weekend inspired me to reflect on what we are doing at BIFS to cultivate the
leadership skills for all of our students and to dare to dream to do more.
Do you remember the first time you had a chance to be a leader? It could have been a formal role or an
informal opportunity. Were you excited? Scared? Did you feel prepared? It is interesting that when we asked the
students in our workshop how many of them felt they were leaders, only some raised their hands. Why is that? I
would suggest it is because society has made leadership something bigger than it is and that our students
perceive that becoming a leader is only for the exclusive few who are born with the ability to lead. At BIFS, we
believe everyone is a leader! We also believe that each student can further grow and develop their leadership
skills. In our workshop, we shared a profound TedTalk on Leadership by Mr. Drew Dudley. In his talk, Mr. Dudley
shares his belief that we should celebrate leadership as an everyday act of improving each others lives. When
we do this, it creates what he calls a lollipop moment a small act that makes a profound difference in
someone elses life. Our goal is to create more lollipop moments for others and to tell others when they have
done so in our lives!
At BIFS, we are committed to providing formal and informal opportunities for all of our students to explore and
develop their leadership abilities. Informally, students are cultivating their leadership skills when they participate
in collaborative learning groups, make presentations about their learning outcomes, solve complex problems,
volunteer to do community service, are positive team members, choose to be a buddy to a student who needs
one and when they help resolve conflicts out on the playground between friends. Formally, our students
become better leaders through taking on leadership roles in clubs, activities, sports, fine arts, student
government or in class by being a group leader or organizer for a project. Additionally, the topics and traits of
leadership are highlighted throughout the curriculum and through special leadership training events. In the
future, we will seek to create even more exciting student leadership development opportunities!
Thank you for your support as together we grow our young leaders of tomorrow. It is important work! We look
forward to the differences your students will make in the lives of others as they create lollipop moments that will
change the world! Go BIFS! Go Bears!
Kevin Baker
Head of School | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

Lunar New Year Holiday

On behalf of the faculty and staff, I would like to wish
you all joyous celebration for the upcoming Lunar New
Year holiday!
As a reminder, BIFS will resume school for students on
Wednesday, February 10th. As we communicated earlier
in the year, the school cancelled the professional
development day that was previously scheduled for
February 10th so we could add another instructional day
for our students.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school
on this day!
Kevin Baker
Head of School

BIFS New Articles of Association

As a reminder, if you have not voted for or against the proposed new Articles of Association, please cast your
vote. The Articles of Association have been posted in the Parents Area on the
school website. We need to hear from all of our parents! Thank you.

Re-Enrollment for the 2016-17 Academic Year

BIFS is conducting an annual re-enrollment process to obtain commitment from families regarding their plans
for the upcoming school year. The form was sent out by email on Monday, February 1. Families who wish to reenroll or leave for the school year beginning August 2016 must complete the re-enrollment form via email by
Friday, February 12. To continue enrollment at BIFS for the 2016-17 academic year, a non-refundable reenrollment payment of 2,000,000 won must be made by Monday, February 29. The invoice will be sent to
parents via email by Wednesday, February 17. Further questions, please contact the Admissions office.
( | 051-742-3332, extension # 100 or 101) | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

BIFS Spring Open House

BIFS is holding our Spring Open House on Thursday, February 25, from 9:30 AM. We have sent advertising
cards home via students, and we would appreciate it if you could share them with other non-BIFS families or
post them in public places. If you would like more hard copies or a soft copy for posting online, please contact
Miyoung Kim ( Please help us to spread the word about our school!
Thank you for your support and partnership! | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School

United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

PTA News
Hooray for Denmark and South Africa country team leaders! Thank you for being the first to
step up! Don't leave your country behind. Sign up to be your country's team leader.

PTA is looking for a Chairperson to facilitate Teacher Appreciation Week. This week celebrates all our staff from
the 9th 13th May. We would require this person to create a volunteer roster for baking goods, decorating staff
rooms etc. It is not a difficult job. It brings lots of smiles to our teachers! Please email PTA officers on if you would like to get involved.
Knowledge is power! Thank you Mr. Swenson and Mr. Robb for last Wednesdays MS/HS coffee. It was very
informative. Kit Whitney did a wonderful job leading the discussion about teenage drugs and alcohol in Korea.
We were reminded how important it is to talk to your child about the effects of chemicals. There were
presentations by two sets of students about their projects of 8th grade Shark Tank and 10th grade MYP
Personal Project. Fabulous seeing what our children are accomplishing.
Did you know that children do better in school when their parents are involved at their school? Who knew?

Joy Priedeman
PTA President | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

ISA ACER Testing Privacy Information for Parents

Please find below the Privacy Statement from the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) with
regards to the ISA testing for Grades 3-10. To know more about their privacy policies, go to

Privacy Statement
Dear Parent
Your childs school has chosen to administer the International Schools Assessment (the Assessment) to its
students. The Assessment is an assessment program designed by The Australian Council for Educational
Research Ltd (ABN 19 004 398 145) (ACER) for students in international schools and schools with an
international focus in grades 3 to 10. The aims of the Assessment include: to measure students performance in
relation to scales that describe levels of proficiency in mathematical literacy, reading, writing and/or scientific
literacy performance in relation to other international school students at the same grade level. De-identified data
from the Assessment may be used for the purpose of research by ACER (the Aims).
Personal information is that information or opinion that tends to identify a particular individual such as name
and date of birth. In pursuit of the Assessment your childs school will disclose your childs personal information
to ACER which now stores it for the purpose of administering and reporting on the results of the Assessment in
pursuit of the Aims (the Purpose). ACER will only collect, use, store or disclose your childs personal
information in pursuit of the Purpose. The collection of your childs personal information by ACER was not
required by law. Principally, if that information is not provided your child will not be able to participate in the
Assessment and assist in achieving the Aims or any special consideration or accommodation in respect of the
Assessment may not be able to be granted.

Disclosure of your childs personal information

In pursuit of the Purpose ACER will disclose the results of your childs participation and any other of your childs
personal information it holds to your childs school. By permitting your childs participation in the Assessment
you have consented to such disclosure. Should you not wish to consent please contact the relevant school or
pursue your right to complain as set out in the Your Rights section below.
Please note:
1. that under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (an Australian privacy law by which ACER is bound) ACER is bound to
ensure that, if your childs school is not in Australia or an external territory ACER should take steps to ensure
the school complies with relevant Australian Privacy law;
2. but if you consent to the disclosure of your childs personal information to its relevant school e.g. your
childs results, ACER will not have to take steps to ensure compliance by your childs school;
3. the country of your childs school may not have similar privacy laws or measures by which you may pursue
any of your or your childs rights in respect of privacy as that of Australia.
Continued on the next page | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School

United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

ISA ACER Testing Privacy Information for Parents - Continued

Sensitive information

Sensitive information is information that, for example, relates to an individuals health, race or ethnic origin or
religious beliefs. The most usual occasion sensitive information is collected for the Purpose is if special
accommodation is requested for a student in respect of the Assessment for health reasons including a medical
condition or intellectual impairment. You do not have to consent to the collection of such sensitive information.
But by supplying such sensitive information to your school or ACER in relation to the Assessment you have
consented to the collection of the same by the school and ACER. By such consent the relevant sensitive
information will be stored and used by ACER for the Purpose. If you do not consent or object in any way you
may complain to ACER as set out in the Your Rights section below.

Your rights

ACER takes seriously the protection of your and your childs personal information. ACER will abide by the Privacy
Act 1988 (Cth).
You and your child has the right to:
1. inspect his or her personal information;
2. request amendment of personal information; and
3. make complaint in respect of a breach of your childs privacy.
To exercise any or all of the above rights please review ACERs privacy policy locatable at: which sets out the processes of how you may attend to the same.
Yours faithfully,

Dara Ramalingam and Glenda Robertson

ISA Project Directors
Australian Council for Educational Research | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

Rise of the Robots

Last weekend proved to be hugely successful for the two BIFS Robotics Teams that took part in the Korea Robot
Championship at KINTEX, Ilsan.
The Middle and High School Teams Robot managed to score over 3 times the points that last years team made
in the Robot Games. They had to talk to a panel of judges on no less than 3 occasions and on each of those
occasions the students did fantastically well. They spoke clearly and with a tremendous amount of passion and
enthusiasm about their Robot Design. The judges were incredibly impressed with the students Robot Design,
and also complimented the students on their programming skills. The judges were also surprised to hear that
such a good design came from a team of students who had never taken part in the competition before.
The Elementary school team, NXT (Nuclear Xtreme Team) aimed to completed one mission successfully at the
competition, but the team members kept programming and testing until the last minute and completed 3
missions in their final robot game. They also blew the judges away with their soft-plastic recycling project. Their
pictures, posters, research and presentation proved to the judges that the students were actively involved in
making a difference in the world of trash around them.
The judges also evaluated each team on their team spirit, togetherness and their ability to communicate their
ideas effectively. In this task our students really shined. They were truly united in their diversity and thriving in
their Individuality.
Well Done Teams!!!!
Students are already talking of taking part next year. The theme for next year will be Animal Allies. Please email or if you are interested in taking part in the Korea Robot
Championship next year.
Continued on the next page | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

Rise of the Robots - Continued | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

PE Uniform Shop
LOOKING FOR A VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY AT SCHOOL? The PE Uniform Shop is a great place to start!
Open our PE Uniform Shop Volunteer Sign Up Genius for more information on days we have open! No
volunteer is turned away, however, and no experiences is needed! Training is provided!! For more information
about volunteering in the PE Uniform Shop, contact Dee Baker at
THE PE UNIFORM SHOP is now open Monday thru Thursday! Please check the calendar on the BIFS website for
actual shop hours each week. Note: Shop hours are determined by the availability of our volunteers!
It is a great time to purchase your BIFS blanket!! A double
layer of polar fleece is guaranteed to keep you warm on
these cold days!! BIFS blankets are 40,000 KRW
NOW 35,000 KRW and can be purchased in the PE Uniform

BIFS Beanies *10,000 KRW Colors: Black, Gray and Cobalt

Blue *BIFS Beanies can be purchased in the PE Uniform

Gray and white Hoodies (no zip) *30,000 KRW

*Hoodies can be purchased in the PE Uniform Shop.

BIFS Beanies and BIFS Bears Hoodies are made available to you by the BIFS Bears Club.
All general information regarding PE Uniforms can be found under the life at BIFS tab on the BIFS website! | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School



United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016


PIPA Reminder - Please submit your PIPA agreement to the school office
Thank you to the many parents who have completed and submitted their PIPA agreement to the school office.
However, we still need those who have not yet completed their form to do so as soon as possible. Thank you for
your cooperation.
DongYeong Bus Company Call Center
Our bus company operates a call center whereby we can notify all of our families about changes in or
cancellation of bus services due to bad weather or unsafe driving conditions. In order for this system to work
properly, BIFS needs to provide the company with parent contact numbers. While we are continuing to collect
PIPA forms, it is important that the bus company receive parent contact information at this time. Thank you for
your understanding.

IT Services - Apple Computer Discounts

IT Services has negotiated a range of discounted prices and trade-in deals on Apple
products for staff and students at BIFS, from our Apple equipment vendor, ComIT.
Savings are typically around 12% for MacBook laptops and iMacs, 11% on Mac Minis, 8% on iPad Airs, and 6%
on iPad Minis. For example:
a 13.3" MacBook Air with a 1.6GHz Core i5 CPU, 4GB RAM and 256GB SSD is currently 1,205,4000 KRW
versus a 1,370,000 KRW retail price
a 13.3" MacBook Pro Retina with a 2.7GHz Core i5 CPU, 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD is currently 1,619,200 KRW
versus 1,840,000 KRW retail price
To view a list of available products and order, please visit the following web addresses: (Korean) (Trade-in prices)
If you have any questions, please email | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

Cafeteria Menu: February 10-12

Lunch Menu

Sandwich Bar

We serve brunch buffet or international buffet every 3rd Thursday of a month. | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Elementary School

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

Lunar New Year

The elementary division wishes you a Happy Lunar New Year! Thank you warmly for your contributions to the
gift baskets for our contracted staff -- what a lovely way to say thank you for the part they play in making school
a safe, pleasant environment. We were so thankful to receive items not only from the elementary, but also from
some of our upper school students and the PTA.
A huge thank you to the parent volunteers who assembled the gift bags on Thursday morning:
Lyne Turnbull, Kakaraki Dimitra, Adriana Diaz, Stacey Shields, Maria Baglatzi and Akko Ruoff

We look forward to seeing all of you at school next Wednesday (Feb 10).

ELC Parent Coffee

Please join our ELC Parent Coffee on reading aloud to our children at home. The coffee will be held in the ELC
Hall on February 17th, Wednesday, from 2:15-3:15. | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School



United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

The Elementary Drama Club wrapped up the second term of electives with a performance of "Flakes! The
Musical". The participating students ranged from Kindergarten to Grade 5 and spent about 12 weeks rehearsing
for their production. They worked very hard and they truly sparkled like snowflakes in the final show! The story
was not only a celebration of our winter snowflakes, but also encapsulated our school motto, United in our
Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality as the individual snowflakes learned that they are in some ways all the
same, yet in other ways all unique. What a fun way to keep our motto alive and real to the students! Thank you
to Ms. Emily, Ms. Waldman, and Ms. Swenson for leading the elective. Here is a link, if youd like to view the
show, and you can check out more photos on the ES blog. | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

Upcoming Elementary Events



Feb 10

School resumes

Feb 10-12

No electives

Term 3 electives begin Feb 12

Feb 12, 2:35-3:15 pm Elementary Assembly

Grade 5 will share what they have learned in their unit

about media literacy.

Feb 12

Term 3 Electives

Electives registration closed

Feb 17 and 18

ISA ACER Testing

Grades 3-5 will take the external assessments provided by

ISA-ACER. More details in a separate article.

Feb 19, 2:35-3:15

Elementary Assembly

House assembly: students will work in their houses in a

variety of activities.

Feb 26, 2:35-3:15

Elementary Assembly

Students who took part in the First Lego League elective

and competition in Seoul will give feedback about their
experience and share what it was all about.

Feb 26, 2:35-3:15

Elementary Assembly

Grade 1 will present their learning related to their Unit of

Inquiry and their work on opinion writing.

Mar 1

No school for students

Professional development day for faculty

Anne Sweet
Elementary School Principal

Leda Cedo
PYP Coordinator | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

Middle School and High School

School Trips

I recently spent time traveling with a wonderful

group of students to Zhuhai, China for a choir and
orchestra conference. The students missed several
days of school and a weekend to be able to
participate. The students missed work in their
classes, but learned a great deal that you cant inside
the school walls.
The conference pushed the students to new levels in
their vocal and instrumental growth. For 10 hours a
day, the students worked in small groups and full
ensembles to practice the professional level material
for the concert that was scheduled at the end of the
4 day conference. While sitting in the audience, I felt
as if I was listening to a professional musician
concert rather than kids from ages 9 18. It was
During their downtime, the ladies all grew socially by networking with the other participants. There were
students from 22 other countries and our kids connected with many others to form new friendships. One of our
students said they were talking with three other girls and they realized that between the four of them, they
spoke 8 different languages.
The ladies also learned independence skills. They were up at breakfast around 7 am, made it to their rehearsal
hall, remembered all needed materials, and went to bed without help from any of the adults. They also
managed to get some homework done along the way.
These same things apply to all of the travel opportunities your children can experience at BIFS. I would
encourage you to strongly consider sending your children on one of the many trips that BIFS has to offer. If you
have any questions, please dont hesitate to contact either of the principals at the Middle or High School level.

Continued on the next page | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

School Trips - Continued

Nate Swenson
Middle School Principal

Jamie Robb
High School Principal | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

Athletic Update
Upcoming Events:
MS Volleyball Boys & Girls KISAC RED Tournament @ BIFS

February 19-20

MS Volleyball Boys & Girls SKAC Tournament @ BIFS

February 25

HS Basketball KISAC RED Tournament @ CCS

February 26-27

MS Volleyball Boys & Girls KISAC BLUE Tournament @ CI & BISC

March 5

HS Soccer begins

March 1

MS Basketball begins

March 7

Recent Activity:

Weekend of January 28 , 2015

AISA Conference News
The BIFS Highs School Girls and Boys Basketball teams travelled to Korea International School and Seoul
international School to participate for the first time ever in the Association of International schools in AISA (AISA)
Conference. Teams from Senri and Osaka International Schools, Yokohama International School and two teams
from Seoul were all in attendance. Competition was stiff: Here is what the coaches had to say:
The HS Girls Basketball team competed in the AISA Tournament at Seoul International School this past weekend
against tough competition from both Korea and Japan.
The girls fought hard and never gave up, no matter how tough the competition was. Nina Haldorsen and Jeni
Hsing led the team up the court with their smart plays and strong dribbling skills. Leila Inyoni, Johanne Hamnes,
Amanda Poulsen, and Natalia Tsouka controlled the boards both defensively and offensively, with Leila and
Amanda also dominating the scoreboard. With their speed and intensity, Kellie Stutsel, Emma Priedeman, Maria
Witso and Justine Castro pressured the teams, which resulted in numerous steals and panic from the opposing
Congratulations to Nina Haldorsen for receiving the Player of the Tournament (from our team) award. As well as
a big congratulation to the whole team who won the overall Sportsmanship Award. Thank you to Ulla Poulsen
for being our team mom for the weekend. Also, thank you to the teachers and parents who constantly support
the Girls Basketball program. Without your support, the success of this past weekend would not have been
Here is what the Boys team coaches had to say about their tournament:
Continued on the next page | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School



United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

Athletic Update - Continued

Despite several injuries and a short bench, the BIFS boys team was able to reach a new plateau in BIFS
basketball by taking 4th place in the AISA Tournament. AISA certainly challenged the boys in a way they had not
been challenged before. The boys found this out quickly as they dropped the first two games on Friday. They
came back tired but determined on Saturday, and their resolute paid off. They beat a tough Osaka team with
outstanding defense, notably by Eric Kim and Sotirios Tsoukas, and great team unity. This win propelled BIFS
into the winner's bracket. The next two games proved to be just too much for the young men. Despites strong
defensive by an injured Liam Robb and supporting role played by Mike Huynh, they lost badly to the same KIS
team that they lost to the day previous (and later went on to win the tournament). They returned to the court
just 2 hours later to play their 5th game in two days against YIS. Despite a tremendous effort, the Yokohama
team defeated the boys by 6.
Coach Johnson told the boys after that he could not be prouder of their efforts. To go into a tournament with
this much intensity and not lay down, but to learn from the situation is a true example of resilience. These
words could certainly be recognized by the efforts of Sergei Son, who was on the court for almost every minute
of every game.
The boys did receive some accolades from the tournament as well. Joe Byrne and Chris Sim were both named
to the All-Tournament Team. Joes achievement was especially noteworthy as he was playing through the pain
of a sprained ankle he suffered early in the tournament. The team also received the Sportsmanship Award.
AISA Girls Basketball 2016

AISA Boys Basketball 2016

Continued on the next page | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School



United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

Athletic Update - Continued

AISA Math Mania And Student Leadership Conference
BIFS math Department and leadership Department hosted schools from Japan and Seoul to compete in the
annual Math Mania Competition. Cindy Clifford put together individual and team sessions that challenge the
limits of high school math students. In the end the Best Mathematician individual awards went to Seoul
International School and Yokohama International School. Likewise the best team Math competition award was
won by the team of mathletes from Korea International School. Our team poured their hearts into it and gained
valuable insight into what we need next year to be competitive!
Fernando Alvarez (BIFS Spanish) and Mr. Kevin Baker (BIFS Head of School) presented two engaging sessions for
the leadership side of things. All the students then came together for an engineering challenge in which the
teams divided up into mixed teams and competed for best bridge, worst bridge and the most visually stunning
bridge. Thank you again to Eric Bok and Christine Hillier for their fantastic coordination of this event!

Continued on the next page | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

Athletic Update - Continued

Thank you again for being a booster of the BIFS Bears I look forward seeing you at the events!
Marty Wagner
Athletic Director

CCA (After School Co-curricular Activities) Transition Schedule

Please note that Season 2 will end on the 5th of February. However, the HS basketball practices and Grease
rehearsals will continue during the two weeks between seasons. Season 3 will begin on Monday, 22 February.
Season 3 forms have been sent out, so please check your inbox for an email from the MS and HS offices. Forms
need to be completed by the Wednesday, 10 February. If you have not received the form, please contact the
MS or HS offices. | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School


United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

For Your Diary

February 2016

March 2016



End of S02 CCA/Elective

Registration deadline for ABRSM Music Theory

and Practical Exams


Lunar New Year Holiday

10 th

School Resumes


KIMEA High School Music Festival


ES Assembly


ELC Parent Coffee - Reading Aloud


ACER - ISA Testing


KIMEA National Honors Festival


HS Assembly

ES Assembly


Start S03 CCA/Elective


BIFS Parent Workshop

PTA Meeting

Spring Open House



MS Ski Trip 2016


ES Assembly


EARCOS Weekend Workshop




Faculty PD No School

HS Soccer Practice Begins


G12 Mock Exams


ES Parent Coffee


ES Assembly


KISAC MS Boys Vball @ BISC

KISAC MS Girls Blue VBall @ CI


MS Basketball Practice Begins


BIFS Parent Workshop

PTA Meeting

HS Assembly

March of the Bands


KIMEA Middle School Honor Orchestra Festival


WoW Fashion Show

SKAC HS Futsal @ GIFS (Blue)


Noon Dismissal

21st-Apr 1st

Spring Break Holiday

11th | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School

United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016 | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School



United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

School & Community Links

ISSUE 42, February 5, 2016

Please contact Miyoung Kim if you wish to inquire about

promoting your company in the BIFS Newsletter. | 051-742-3332 (#114) | | T. 82 51 742 3332

Busan International Foreign School

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