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Advanced Electrical Theory

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The document discusses electrical theory and diagnosis, covering topics such as solid state devices, alternators, starters, computer terminology and electrical symbols.

The document discusses topics such as solid state devices, transistors, alternators, starters, computer hardware and software, electrical symbols and terms.

An alternator uses a rotating magnetic field and stationary conductors to generate alternating current electricity from mechanical power. It provides electrical charging for the battery and powers the entire electrical system when the engine is running.



Advanced Electrical
Theory & Diagnosis

Module 602
© Copyright 2001
Subaru of America, Inc.
All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced
in whole or in part without the express permission of
Subaru of America, Inc.

Subaru of America, Inc. reserves the right at any time

to make changes or modifications to systems,
procedures, descriptions, and illustrations contained
in this book without necessarily updating this
document. Information contained herein is considered
current as of June 2001.

© Subaru of America, Inc. 2001 TT05046/01

Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module

Table of Contents
Slide Sequence ................................................................................................4
Slide Sequence ................................................................................................5
Introduction ............................................................................................................6
Solid State Devices ...............................................................................................6
Testing Transistors ........................................................................................ 12
Alternators .......................................................................................................... 13
Solid State Voltage Regulator ....................................................................... 14
Alternator Testing Precautions ...................................................................... 14
Starters ............................................................................................................... 15
Starter Types ................................................................................................. 15
Operation ............................................................................................................ 15
Starter/Solenoid Testing Procedures ............................................................ 16
Opcilloscope Testeing and Diagnosis............................................................... 17
Computer Terminology and Operation .............................................................. 18
Computer Hardware ...................................................................................... 18
Computer Software ........................................................................................ 18
Terminology ................................................................................................... 18
Troubleshootingn Diagnosis of Intermittent Faults ........................................... 19
Intermittent Faults ............................................................................................... 20
Thermal and Mechanical ............................................................................... 20
Select Monitor Usage ......................................................................................... 20
Electrical Symbols .............................................................................................. 22
Electrical Terms Glossary .................................................................................. 23
Alternating Current (AC) ................................................................................ 23
Direct Current (DC) ........................................................................................ 23
Sine Wave...................................................................................................... 23
Square Wave ................................................................................................. 23
Resistance ..................................................................................................... 23
Dynamic Resistance ..................................................................................... 23
Voltage Drop .................................................................................................. 23
Resistor .......................................................................................................... 23

June 2001
Slide Sequence
Slide No. Description page No.
1 Title Slide (Advanced Electrical)
2 Created By
3 Teaching Aids
4 Introduction 6
5 Title Slide (Solid State Devices) 6
6 Semi-Conductor 7
7 Lattice Structure 7
8 Electron Current Flow 7
9 Diagram of Diode 8
10 Diode Symbols 8
11 Testing Diode 9
12 AC Sine Wave 10
13 Three Phase Sine Wave 10
14 LED/PSD 10
15 Zener Diode Operation 11
16 PNP Transistor Construction 11
17 NPN Transistor Construction 11
18 Title Slide (Testing Transistors) 12
19 PNP Transistor Testing 19
20 Title Slide ( Alternators) 13
21 Alternator Components 13
22 Component Operation 13
23 Stator Construction 13
24 Capacitor Operation 14
25 Title Slide (Starters) 15
26 Starter Types 15
27 Magnetic Switch / Solenoid 15
29 Starter Drive Operation 15
30 Title Slide (Operation) 15
31 Magnetic Switch / Solenoid 16
32 Title Slide (Oscilloscope Interpretation & Diagnostics) 17
33 Oscilloscope CRT 17
34 NSM (Main Menu 1) 17
35 NSM (Main Menu 4) 17
36 NSM 17
37 NSM 17
38 Lab Area
39 Title Slide (Computer Terminology an Operation) 18
40 Hardware 18
41 Software 18
42 Terminology 18

June 2001
Slide Sequence
Slide No. Description page No.
43 Networking 19
44 CPU Operation 19
45 Title Slide (Troubleshooting Diagnosis of Intermittent Faults) 19
46 Six Step Troubleshooting 19
47 Intermittent Faults 20
48 Select Monitor 20
49 Lab Area
50 Copyright 2001
51 The End

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module
Introduction shaped wave that alternately assumes a "ON"
or "OFF" mode. The length of the "ON" time
This Technicians Reference Booklet contains
compared to the "OFF" time indicates a "duty
information pertaining to advanced automotive
electrical technology, and the Subaru electrical
system. It reviews solid state devices, operation This booklet contains a Glossary of electrical
and diagnosis of Subaru starting and charging terms for your reference. Refer to the Glossary
systems, operation and diagnosis, computer when appropriate throughout the duration of this
terminology and operation, and the module.
troubleshooting and diagnosis of intermittent
faults. In addition, the use of the Select Monitor
is also explained during the presentation of the
module and will be demonstrated during the lab

The text and illustrations are derived from the

classroom lecture and slide presentation
material and are intended to reinforce previous
classroom instruction and lab participation.

Technicians Worksheets provided by your

instructor will be completed during the "hands-
on" Lab Work segments of the Advanced
Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module. Always
refer to the appropriate model year Subaru
Service Manual and the applicable service
bulletins for all specifications and detailed
service procedures.

Solid State Devices

The charging circuit will be used for the purpose
of explaining semiconductors (diodes and
transistors) and the functions of semiconductors.
These principles may also be applied to other
types of circuits.

Basic electrical terms for the study of advanced

electrical theory and diagnosis:
1. Alternating current (AC) — an electric current
which constantly changes polarity from
positive to negative. (or an electric current that
reverses its direction regularly and
2. Direct current (DC) — an electric current
which flows in one direction only.
3. Sine wave — a wave that alternately moves
between a positive and a negative value over
an equal length of time.
4. Square wave — a square or rectangular-
June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module

Lattice structure
We begin our study of advanced electrical theory
with an explanation of the construction and
operation of diodes.

Diodes are commonly constructed of one of two

• Silicon
• Germanium

These two materials possess the unique property

of having exactly four electrons in the outer
valence ring of their atoms. To create a diode,
one of four impurities, (Gallium, Indium, Arsenic, Structural changes to the atoms
or Antimony) may be combined with either
Silicon or Germanium to form a new lattice The impurities Gallium and Indium each have
structure. The maximum number of electrons that three (3) electrons in the outer orbit (valence ring)
can reside in a valence ring is eight (8). of their atoms. When either of these impurities is
mixed with Silicon or Germanium, (4 electrons),
NOTE: THE PROCESS OF COMBINING the result is a new atom which has seven
IMPURITIES SUCH AS GALLIUM, INDIUM, electrons in the valence ring (4 + 3 = 7). This
ARSENIC, OR ANTIMONY WITH EITHER situation is equal to a deficiency of one electron
SILICON OR GERMANIUM IS CALLED (hole) in the valence ring. The result is that the
DOPING. new material takes on a positive (+) charge.

Arsenic and Antimony each have five (5)

electrons in their atom's outer orbit (valence ring).
When either of these impurities is mixed with
Silicon (or Germanium) the result is an atom with
nine electrons, (5 + 4 = 9). Nine electrons cannot
reside in a valence ring, and therefore is
equivalent to one excess or "FREE" electron.
This ninth electron rejected by the valence ring
has a negative charge.

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module
Negative charges are attracted to positive Exceeding the amperage rating of the diode may:
charges at the barrier junction, when the proper
polarity voltage is applied. When the negative and • Fuse the P/N junction, creating a short
positive charged atoms meet at the barrier circuit. The diode will then act like a solid
junction, the electrons will then move in a chain wire conductor, or
reaction toward the positive terminal of the diode. • Open the P/N junction creating an open
This is equal to current flow through the diode. circuit through which no current may flow.

The automotive industry primarily uses silicon

diodes because of their excellent heat tolerance

Diode polarity

The negative pole of a diode is called the

cathode and the positive pole is the anode. In 10
the center of the diode is the positive (+)/negative Schematic/pictorial symbols
(-) junction (P/N junction).
A line (mark) on the body of most diodes will
This is also called a "barrier junction". The P/N always identify the cathode or negative end of
junction determines the maximum allowable the diode for testing and installation purposes.
current flow of the diode and it is this feature
which allows the diode to function as a one-way

A silicon diode normally requires approximately

0.7v to cause a current to flow in the normal
forward bias mode. Forward bias means the
polarity of the input voltage will allow current to
flow through the diode. However, if current flow
is reversed, (reverse bias mode), the polarity
causes the semiconductor's barrier junction to
resist current flow. It may require up to 1000 volts
to cause a current to flow through the diode in
the reverse bias mode. This is called the P.I.V.
(peak inverse voltage) rating.

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module
2. Voltmeter test
• The diode must in an operating circuit.
Connect the voltmeter leads to the diode
leads, (observe polarity). Refer to the
appropriate wiring diagram to determine
the voltage that should be in the circuit. In
most automotive applications this will be
11 B+ voltage. The diode is "OK" when the
Testing diodes meter readout is as follows:
- Silicon diode — approx. 0.7 voltage
You may use an ohmmeter of a voltmeter to test drop (dynamic resistance)
the operation of a diode. - Germanium diode — Approx. 0.2
voltage drop (dynamic resistance)
1. Ohmmeter test
• Connect the meter positive lead to the The voltage drop reading always identifies the
cathode (-) lead of the diode and the meter diode type. Any other reading indicates a circuit
negative lead to the anode (+) lead of the or diode defect, and further testing will by
diode. The result should be high required.
resistance meter reading, ex: 5k ohms or
more. This is due to the "unlike" charges If the meter readout voltage is equal to the circuit
of the voltage source (ohmmeter) and the voltage, the diode is open (all current is flowing
diode material. The electrons and "holes" through the voltmeter). When the meter readout
are pulled to the outside ends of the diode voltage is equal to 0.0 volts, the diode is fused
causing a large depletion region at the P/ (shorted). All the current is flowing through the
N junction. A low resistance reading diode.
would indicate that the diode is "shorted",
and requires replacement. NOTE: A DIODE'S PERFORMANCE DOES
• If you now reverse the meter lead NOT DETERIORATE WITH TIME OR USE.
connections, the result should be a low THEREFORE, WHEN TESTING, THE RESULT
resistance reading, ex 100 ohms or less. WILL EITHER BE "GOOD" OR "BAD",
This is due to the "like" charges of the HOWEVER, IT IS POSSIBLE FOR A DIODE TO
voltage source (ohmmeter) and the diode BE INTERMITTENTLY "GOOD" OR "BAD".
material. The electrons and "holes" are
repelled (pushed) to the P/N junction
which allows current to flow. A high
resistance reading indicates that the diode
is "open", and must be replaced.



June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module


Full wave rectification A light emitting diode (LED) is similar to a P/N

diode. It can act as rectifier, converting current to
A diode may be used to convert (rectify) AC infrared or visible light. The color of the light
voltage to a pulsing DC voltage. Because of the produced by the LED is determined by the color
diode's polarity, current is only allowed through of the lens over the LED. Because the LED only
the diode in one direction. Remember that requires a very low operating current of 20 ma, it
opposite polarity is denied conduction due to the has a long life which makes it most suitable for
high P.I.V. (peak inverse voltage rating) of the automotive uses. When testing LED operation,
diode. Always check the operation of the component in
which the LED is used. It is usually difficult to
The negative pulses (opposite polarity) are then
test LED operation by itself.
sent through an additional diode to the ground
terminal of the battery. The result is single phase A photo sensitive diode (PSD) is similar to an
(DC) current. LED, however, it will conduct current when
exposed to light. The PSD can also act as a
rectifier. As with the LED, it is better to test the
operation of the component than the PSD itself.


Three phase current

Place three stator windings, positioned 120

degrees apart, within a stator assembly. During
each rotation of the field, three (3) separate
voltage charges/pulses will be produced. When
the voltage is passed through six (6) diodes, (3
positive and 3 negative), the result is three phase
DC current. The three phases overlap each other
which maintains a sufficient voltage level to
properly charge the battery.

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module
While a diode is formed by the joining of two
specially doped materials, a transistor is formed
by the joining of three doped materials.
• Emitter material emits current
• Collector material collects current.
• Base material supplies the path used to
initiate or control current flow.

The base material is formed using a different

doping process than the emitter/collector material
15 and is thus the opposite polarity of the emitter/
collector material.
Zener diode

The zener diode allows reverse bias (voltage) Operational control of a transistor is determined
at a predetermined level based on the impurity by the polarity of the base material which
added to the adhesive between the P and N determines the polarity of the voltage supplied
materials. This places the P.I.V. rating of the to the base. Thus, a PNP transistor operates by
zener diode at a required specific value, i.e., 14 flooding the base material with free electrons
volts. Remember that silicon diodes may gave a (negative polarity). This allows the transistor to
P.I.V. of a 1000 volts. This allows the zener diode act as a switching relay, initiating current flow
to modify current flow by switching the circuit from the emitter to the collector. One of many
rapidly :ON" and "OFF" when the applied applications of a PNP transistor is in the
voltage increases or decreases. The zener diode electronic ignition system.
is used in voltage regulators to prevent
overcharging or undercharging of the battery.

NPN transistor
Construction and operation of the NPN transistor
PNP transistor is similar to the PNP transistor. In this case
however, the base material is flooded with holes
A transistor is a solid state device used to control (positive polarity) to control current flow from the
current flow. Two of many types of transistors emitter to the collector. The NPN transistor is
which may be identified by their polarity/lead often used as an amplifier in audio systems and
designation are: other solid state circuits. This is the transistor
• PNP = positive/negative/positive which has allowed the miniaturization of
• NPN = negative/positive/negative electrical circuits by eliminating bulky vacuum
tube circuitry.

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module
Testing Transistors 5. The result should be a HIGH resistance
• Example: 5 K ohms or more

6. Connect the meter positive lead to the

collector lead of the transistor.
7. Connect the meter negative lead to the base
lead of the transistor.
8. The result should be LOW resistance.
• Example: 100 K OHMS or LESS

9. Reverse the meter lead connections

10. The result should be a HIGH resistance.
• Example: 5 K OHMS or MORE

11. Meter readings will vary depending on the

transistor type.
12. A final rest includes a continuity test between
the emitter and collector terminals of the
transistor. Results should equal infinite
regardless of meter polarity.

19 Ohmmeter test (NPN)

1. Reverse the lead connections in the above
PNP transistor testing test steps.

You may use an ohmmeter to test the operation NOTE: REVIEW THE TRANSISTOR LEAD
1. Always use the diode testing scale of an TRB.
ohmmeter to test a transistor.
2. Test the transistor an two diodes. A voltmeter test of transistor operation is not
• First test the emitter to base (E-B) practical in most automotive applications.
• Then test the collector to base (C-B)
3. The result will be "good" or "bad". Meter DOES NOT DETERIORATE WITH TIME OR
readings will vary depending on transistor USE.

Ohmmeter test (PNP)

1. Connect the meter positive lead to the emitter
lead of the transistor.
2. Connect the meter negative lead to the base
lead of the transistor.
3. The result should be a LOW resistance
• Example: 100 ohms or less

4. Reverse the meter lead connections.

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module

21 Stator contruction

Alternator components The standard stator design is a 3 phase "Y"

configuration with three coils connected at one
The components of a Subaru alternator are:
end. The coil of the "Y" are spaced at 120 degree
• Pulley
intervals. Full wave rectification is accomplished
• Front cover/bearing
through the use of six diodes, (3 positive and 3
• Rotor (field coil)
negative). As the field coil rotates, current is
• Stator
induced into each stator winding, charging the
• Voltage Regulator
winding. Negative (-) and positive (+) polarities
• Brush assembly
are created at the ends of the stator winding. Each
• Rectifier
stator winding end is connected to a respective
• Rear cover/bearing
diode in the rectifier assembly. The charge in
• Cooling fan
each winding causes the diode to allow charging
current to flow to the battery for that period of
rotation ONLY. As the field continues to rotate, it
sequentially charges the remaining stator
windings, causing their respective diodes to
allow charging current to flow to the battery.

Four phase rectification incorporates a fourth

winding which spaces the windings at 90
degrees intervals. Four phase units use 8 silicon
diodes, (4 positive and 4 negative). The
22 advantages of four phase rectification are an
increase in current output and a reduction of
Alternator component operation ripple voltage output.
Because the field winding (rotor assembly) is
lighter in weight and therefore easier to rotate, it
rotates inside a stationary stator. Alternating
north and south magnetic fields are created by
bending the front and rear plates over the coil in
a star-shaped interwoven type pattern.

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module
When full-fielding the alternator, never exceed
16.0 volts. Voltage levels in excess of this
specification may cause damage to electrical
system components.
Never disconnect the battery during an alternator

An alternator performance test should only be

made with a serviceable battery.

24 Conduct an alternator performance test when any

of the following conditions are present:
Capacitor operation
• The battery is dead (discharged), but
The capacitor maintains stator voltage between holds a charge when charged. Also, the
phases by charging at peak voltage and battery performance test indicates a good
discharging as the phase voltage drops. This has battery.
the effect of smoothing the "ripple" voltage • The vehicle voltmeter indicates a
produced by the phases of the alternator. The discharging condition or the charge
capacitor also reduces radio frequency warning light is illuminated during normal
interference (RFI). vehicle operation.

Solid State Voltage Regulator Conduct the alternator performance test in

The internal solid state type of voltage regulator accordance with the operator's instructions for the
controls voltage within a specified range (usually test equipment you are using.
14.1 - 14.8 volts). The regulator provides an "ON"
Conduct an alternator charging test, a voltage
and "OFF" voltage pattern to the field coil. The
regulator test, and a diode/stator test. Compare
field coil is turned "OFF" by the regulator when
the results of the tests to the specifications listed
the battery voltage reaches a preset level. This
in the appropriate MY Subaru Service Manual.
stops the alternator from charging. When the
Repair and or replace components as required.
battery voltage drops below the preset level, the
regulator charges the field coil to the maximum. Conduct a charging system requirements test in
The "ON" and "OFF" threshold level is accordance with the operator's instructions for the
determined by a zener diode that is incorporated test equipment you are using. Be sure to connect
into the regulator assembly. the D-Check connectors so that the fuel pump
Alternator Testing Precautions and other fuel system components operate.
Disconnect all connectors properly.
Restore the D-Check and alternator connections
Do not ground circuits with tools. to the normal operating condition.

Never lay tools on the battery. Listed in the appropriate MY Subaru Service
Subaru Starting Systems.
Always disconnect the battery prior to alternator
Secure loose harness/wiring to prevent damage
caused during alternator removal/replacement.

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module
Starters The components of the magnetic switch/solenoid
Starter Types
• Pull-in winding
• Reduction Gear
• Hold-in winding
• Direct Drive
• Plunger
• Return spring
• Shift lever
• Starter motor contacts

Starter components
The components of the starter assembly are:
• Pinion (drive)/one-way clutch Operation
• Armature
• Commutator When the ignition switch is turned to the
• Field shoes "START" position, battery voltage (B+) is allowed
• Brushes/brush holders to energize the magnetic switch/solenoid pull-in
• End caps/bushings and hold-on coils. The field created by the coils
moves the plunger which in turn moves the shift
lever engaging the starter pinion with the
flywheel. The movement of the plunger also
activates the starter motor switch contacts. This
allows B+ voltage from the battery cable to flow
to the starter motor through the magnetic switch.

The starter rotates the pinion which rotates the

flywheel to crank the engine. When the engine
"starts", the one-way clutch "freewheels" to
protect the starter armature and commutator from
an "overspeed" condition.

When the ignition switch is released from the

"START" to the "ON" position, this eliminates the
28 flow of B+ voltage to the magnetic switch/
Magnetic switch/solenoid solenoid which collapses the field. The plunger
spring returns the plunger to its original position
moving the shift lever which disengages the
pinion from the flywheel. The plunger also
releases the switch contacts and the starter motor
stops rotating.

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module
An occasional problem with starting systems is Starter/Solenoid Testing Procedures
a defective hold-in winding in the solenoid. In
this situation, the solenoid will "click" rapidly. This
occurs because the pull-in winding moves the
plunger but the hold-in winding is not energized.
Since no hold-in field is created and the pull-in
winding field is released as the start switch is
engages, the plunger return spring returns the
plunger to the pre-start position. This process
repeats and the plunger moves back and forth
rapidly. This action will momentarily engage the
flywheel, and occasionally may rotate the
flywheel enough to start the engine. 31
Magnetic switch/solenoid
THOSE CAUSED BY A DEFECTIVE Use an ohmmeter to test the pull-in and hold-in
BATTERY OR BATTERY CONNECTIONS. windings. Always refer to the appropriate MY
THEREFORE, A BATTERY PERFORMANCE Subaru Service Manual, Section 6-1.
BATTERY CONNECTIONS MUST ALWAYS Use a voltmeter to conduct a starter motor test
BE PERFORMED PRIOR TO for intermittent operation. Complete the following
SYSTEM. 1. Connect the voltmeter leads to the starter
motor terminal and to a ground.
2. By-pass the solenoid by connecting a jumper
cable from the solenoid B+ terminal to the
solenoid starter motor terminal. This spins the
starter, but dies not engage the magnetic
3. If there is a steady voltage reading the starter
motor components are OH.
• Brushes
• Commutator
• Armature

4. A variable voltage reading indicates a

problem in:
• Brushes are arching
• Commutator is dirty or has a defective
• Armature is open or has a shorted winding

Finally, be sure to test all cables using the voltage

drop method.

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module
Opcilloscope Testeing and

Oacilloscope CRT 36

Oscilliscope usage during diagnostics can help This will give you one or two channel operation.
with finding intermittent or unusual problem


Press the F3 range key to adjust the voltage per

34 division or cursor down to the TIME[s] and adjust
the seconds or milliseconds per division.
An Oscilliscope function is included on the Many other features are included for the Select
Select Monitor. From the main menu cursor over Monitor Oscilloscope and your instructor will
item "4. Oscilliscope." Press the "YES" key. guide you through them in the lab section of this


June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module
Computer Terminology and
Computer Hardware
Automotive computer hardware is the electronic
and tangible componentry used for its operation.
a. The CPU (central processing unit) is the area
in which all arithmetic and logic decisions are
b. The address register is similar to a file cabinet.
It is where the computer sets up unique file
locations to store data in the memory. 42
c. The data register is used by the CPU to "read"
and "write" information to/from the memory Terminology
files. BIT (binary digit) This is the smallest unit of
d. The ROM (read only memory) contains information in the binary system used by the
information that is programed into the computer. The computer uses binary numbers
computer during the manufacture of the to build letters, numbers, and other characters
computer. These operating commands used to record and display information.
cannot be changed or updated.
e. RAM (random access memory) is where The only binary numbers generated and used
information is continually updated by the by the computer are either zero ("0") or one ("1").
inputs from the various engine sensors. The Zero equals power "OFF", and one equals power
RAM is often called the "scratch pad" of the "ON". Switching the power "ON" and "OFF" to
computer. specific circuits in the computer, codes the
information that is entered or displayed. It
Computer Software requires 8 BITS or 8 binary digits to equal 1
The software consists of the programs and data BYTE.
used by the computer to perform specific tasks.
a. The PROM (programmable read only BYTE (binary element string)
memory) is information programed into the
computer "chip". It contains the operating A BYTE is equal to 1 character, such as the letter
characteristics of a specific model or engine "a". Therefore a BYTE contains a combination
family and can be added to the computer of eight "1's" or "0's" (BITS).
during vehicle assembly to "fine-tune" vehicle Example: 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
b. The EPROM (erasable programmable read "K" = 1000 or kilo (as in metrics). This term is
only memory) is similar to the PROM in used to indicate toe amount of memory space
operation. Information can be: available in a computer. If it has 32K BYTES,
• Erased under ultra-violet light. then it can store 32,000 characters in its memory.
• Reprogrammed to a new set of values.
Mega hertz (Mhz) This term defines the
processing speed of the computer in millions of
cycles per second.

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module
When the data in the CPU register matches the
data in the RAM, no action is required. If the data
in the CPU register does not match the data in
the RAM, the CPU generates a command signal
to the appropriate device to alter vehicle or
specific component operation.

• Example: The O2 sensor voltage is too

high and the fuel mixture is too rich. The
43 response is that the computer narrows the
Handshaking fuel injection pulse width.

This term refers to the exchange of If the data received is illogical to or from the
predetermined information that establishes a computer, the computer generates a fault code.
connection between two or more computers.
Without handshaking one computer would not All information, both to and from the CPU is
be able to understand another computer's data resented almost simultaneously. However, it is
input and vice-versa. The ROM's initiate the synchronized by an internal clock. The clock also
connection while the RAM sections exchange controls the overall processing speed of the
information. This process is also called computer. Speed is measured in mega hertz
(Mhz), which equal millions of cycles per second.
During networking the clock pulse will determine
which computer is sending and which computer
is receiving.

Troubleshootingn Diagnosis of
Intermittent Faults
Six Step Troubleshooting
Step 1 — Verify the problem(s)
Step 2 — Determine related symptom(s)
Step 3 — Isolate the problem
44 Step 4 — Identify the cause
Computer operation Step 5 — Repair/replace
Step 6 — Verify operation 46
The CPU sends an information request to the
ROM (memory) over the address buss line NOTE: REFER TO THE SUBARU BASIC
(connecting wires) to the address register. The ELECTRICAL THEORY & DIAGNOSIS
CPU then temporarily stores this information in MODULE, STEP 10 FOR ADDITIONAL
the CPU register while it compares the INFORMATION CONCERNING THE SIX STEP
information to data stored in the RAM. The RAM METHOD.
data is the inputs received by the computer from
the various vehicle sensors.

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module
1. Thermal intermittent POSSIBLE PERSONAL INJURY MAY
• This type of problem occurs most often in OCCUR.
solid state devices, connectors, switches,
etc. Usually as the operating temperature
Select Monitor Usage
of a component increases, it causes an
expansion of the material which causes
the circuit to "OPEN". Current flow stops,
the material cools and contracts, and
restores circuit operation.

2. Mechanical intermittent
• This is caused by a component or
connection bending or shifting during
normal vehicle operation.
• You may sometimes solve intermittent 48
problems using the following strategies:
Select monitor
- Use a hair dryer to heat a component
or connection to simulate a severe The select monitor allows a review of the actual
operating failure condition which you information processed by the computer. For
believe to be heat related. instance, thermosensor input is displayed as the
- Mist water on a malfunctioning actual temperature of the coolant. You can then
component to determine if heat is
compare the select monitor coolant temperature
causing the problem. This simulates
reading with the actual coolant temperature to
a cooler operating temperature.
determine possible sensor problems. (With a cold
NOTE: DO NOT MIST COMPONENTS THAT engine, the coolant temperature should be equal
CANNOT TOLERATE MOISTURE. MAY to the ambient air temperature).
Likewise, computer outputs may also be
- Use a component cooler which will checked: The select monitor will display the
quickly cool solid state components computer output to a system component such as
without damage to the components. the fuel injector. This signal (injection pulse width)
This method will identify intermittent is displayed in milliseconds. We know that
diode or transistor problems thermosensor input will effect injection pulse
because the component will usually width. With increased coolant temperature,
malfunction when cooled quickly. injection pulse time (duration) should be reduced
and the fuel mixture should become leaner. With
decreased coolant temperature, injection pulse
time should increase and the fuel mixture should
- Jumper leads may be used to become richer. No change in the select monitor
bypass connectors, switches, and injector signal could indicate thermosensor circuit
cables to check an intermittent problems.

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module
Electrical Symbols

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module
Electrical Terms Glossary
Alternating Current (AC) A resistive element with a sliding wiper contact
an electric current which constantly changes that is used in applications in which a division
polarity from positive to negative, (or an electric of resistance is required (such as a three-
current that reverses its direction regularly and terminal adjustable resistive divider). Example:
continually). The throttle sensor on SPFI and MPFI fuel
Direct Current (DC)
an electric current which flows in one direction Splice
only. Joining of two or more conductors at a single
Sine Wave
a wave that alternately moves between a Terminal
positive and a negative value over an equal Device attached to the end of a wire or cable to
length of time make an electrical connection.
Square Wave Ground/Chassis ground
a square or rectangular-shaped wave that Negative side of a complete circuit. In
alternately assumes a "ON" or "OFF" mode. automotive applications the negative side of
The length of the "ON" time compared to the the battery or any wire connected to the
"OFF" time indicates a "duty ratio". engine, frame, or body sheet metal.
Resistance Relay
Property of an electrical circuit that tends to Electromagnetic switching device using low
prevent or reduce the flow of current. current to open or close a high-current device.
Dynamic Resistance Solenoid
Effect of a resistor or resistance in a circuit. an electromagnetic device consisting of a
tubular soil of wire containing a core that
Voltage Drop moves when the coil is energized. Movement
The difference in voltage between one point in of the core can open/close a circuit. A solenoid
a circuit and another, or the difference in converts electrical energy to mechanical
measured voltage from one side of a energy.
component to the other side.
Resistor A fine high resistance wire or thread which
Device that permits a predetermined current to glows and produces light when current is
flow aat a given voltage. Examples are a SPFI forced through it.
ballast resistor and a 4EAT dropping resistor.
Rheostat solid-state device that permits current to flow in
See Variable resistor. one direction only; performs like a one-way
check valve.
Variable Resistor/Rheostat
a device that adjusts the amount of resistance Transistor
required. An example is a sliding contact Solid-state semiconductor that is a
resistor. The position of the contact determines combination current amplifier and switch
the amount of resistance. The fuel sending (similar to a solenoid in the starter circuit or a
units of a vehicle equipped with an analog relay in function). It uses low control current to
dash use a variable resistor. channel high current.
Capacitor (Condenser)
Device used to store an electrical charge.

June 2001
Advanced Electrical Theory & Diagnosis Module

June 2001

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