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System For Piping Global Management: A White Paper February 2004

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System for piping

global management

A White Paper
February 2004

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Table of contents

Summary..................................................... 4
Modules....................................................... 5
Piping Classes ............................................. 6
Data Dictionaries
Piping Classes
Branch Tables
Components catalogues


Process........................................................ 10
Fluid List
Line List


Take-off....................................................... 12
MTO checks
Surplus Tables
Bill of Materials List
Shop fabrication


Mechanical Checks ...................................... 14

Checks for internal/external pressure
Checks for intersections


Material Requisitions................................... 15
Requisition generation and issue


Painting & Insulation .................................. 16

Order........................................................... 17
Main functions


Cosmo ......................................................... 18
Simulation of line feasibility
Document management


Import / Export........................................... 20
Integration with CAD modules .................... 21


System for piping global management


Puma5 is an application software system for the piping materials

management, specifically developed for the companies working in
the industry plant layout, such as: refinery, petrochemical, power
generation, iron and steel, water treatment, naval,
pharmaceutical, food, construction and erection, etc..
Besides exploiting the normal functions which are typical of
management systems, Puma5 is really a working methodology
since it is an effective tool for the execution and optimisation of
design and management activities, during the whole project lifecycle, from the piping classes creation up to the materials
accounting and related MTOs, procurement and construction.
Its features, based on major international EPC Main Contractors
requirements, permit the execution of piping design and
management activities in a fully integrated environment and
through easy-to-use modules, giving good quality results. The
Puma5 main functionalities are:

Elaboration and management of piping classes

Definition and optimisation of Fluid Lists and line lists
Materials accounting and MTOs issue
Requisitions and support to procurement activities
Welding quantities calculation
Construction and erection weight calculation
Surfaces and materials calculation for painting and insulation
Automated mechanical verification of pipe thickness and
Management of prefabrication and site construction and
Integration with the world-wide utilised 3D CAD systems
Integration with major ERP systems

The system runs in Microsoft Windows environment and is fully

integrated with MS Office, thus permitting immediate
import/export towards Word and Excel. It is available in both
Client-Server and Web-enabled version, which provides the
centralised project database to be concurrently accessed by
Clients, Contractors and Sub-Contractors, Partners, Construction
sites, etc

System for piping global management


Piping Classes

Dictionaries for the definition of components,

materials, design standard with automatic creation of


Definition and management of conveyed fluids process

data, with check of data consistency and alignment of
piping classes, Line List and Fluid List


Materials accounting to obtain the MTOs for

procurement and construction, both from manual
input and directly from 3D CAD systems


Checks on component dimensioning in accordance

with the design codes, calculation of hydraulic or
pneumatic minimum test pressure and definition of
test circuits


Generation of requisitions, from MTOs and/or

simulated accounting, grouped and organised per
product class, project or sub-project, destination

Painting &

Surfaces and quantities calculation of painting and

insulation based on Line List data and component
quantities contained in MTOs


Supporting the procurement activities by providing

continuously updated situation of materials, from
bidding of requisitions to comparison, purchase order,
expediting and shipping


Management of piping during prefabrication and

erection activities, including the feasibility and
constructability analysis

Import / Export Data import/export from/to different groups

performing accounting activities, export in the most

common formats, interface with other applications

with CAD

Interface and integration with the most commonly

used 3D CAD systems, which permit the quick and
easy generation of component database and piping
classes, as well as to directly import the models
material list

System for piping global management

Piping Classes

This is the main module in PUMA5 which provides

the definition of dictionaries (including components,
materials, design standard, weights, stud and bolts
dimensions, component selection rules), as well as
piping classes, intersections and assemblies, with
automatic creation of codes for each project
components. It is composed by several applications
here below described.

Data Dictionaries
they comprise the basic information for the
definition of piping components, i.e. materials,
standards of design, piping objects, rules for
component generation.

for component weight calculation, definition of
component attributes in accordance with
engineering standards, welding generation, bolt size
automatic generation, CAD dimensional tables. They
include also the ANSI B31.x and ASME VIII for
mechanical checks.

System for piping global management

Piping Classes
they define the characteristics of project piping
components and are easily and quickly filled in by
using the Data Dictionaries. Once ready PUMA5 will
automatically create the project piping components
that will be used to generate the Material Take-Off.
Form for the definition of the piping class header and components

Branch Tables
which provide the definition of intersections between
headers and branches for the specific project.
A branch table can be linked to one or more piping
classes, this automatically defines the intersection
objects foreseen in the linked piping class, avoiding
any mistakes in automatic import of take-off.

System for piping global management

together with the related piping classes the assembly
defines the typical components of a standard
arrangement, typically they are: vents, drains,
instrument connections, steam traps.
In Puma5 the assemblies are easily standardized and
this provides the automatic calculation of the
assembly piping components.
Form for assembly definition

System for piping global management

Components catalogues
These are automatically obtained by the piping
classes, the objects of which produce a number of
components related to the selected sizes range. Each
component is automatically associated to its
description, weight, surface and to two different
codes: one used in the database (Corporate Code) and
the other used in the Project (Mark). The system
allows for the utilisation of User coding in case of
Companies having their own coding.
Generation of component catalogue

System for piping global management


This module allows the management of process data

in the Fluid list and Line List, thus permitting a
constant control of the revisions and an automatic
adjustment of the data and documents created in
the different engineering phases (Piping Classes,
Material Take-Off).

Fluid List
The conveyed fluids are defined by indicating the
maximum pressure and temperature conditions, the
components main characteristics, i.e. basic material,
rating and flange facing, heat treatment and valve
type. The application creates links between Fluid List,
Piping Classes and Line List, in order to assure the
alignment and simulate the consequences of
modifications on the Project Line List and on the TakeOff.
Form for the definition of the fluid list


System for piping global management

Line List
Puma5 allows to create links among Line List, Fluid
List and Piping Classes in order to assure the
alignment and simulate the consequences of
modifications on the Project Line List and on the TakeOff.
Form for the definition of the line list

Warnings list

System for piping global management



This module permits the execution of materials

accounting to obtain the MTOs for procurement and
construction. The Take-Off may be performed by line
or by isometric drawing. The input is easy and fast
and can be manually performed through a friendly
interface that allows to select components directly
from the Piping Classes, or to record the material
lists automatically from CAD systems through
import/export interfaces.

Form for the material accounting

MTO checks
The material quantity variations due to Piping
Classes revisions are automatically recorded and
upgraded, also while the work is in progress, thus
granting always the consistency among Material
Take-off, Piping Classes and Material Requisitions.

Surplus Tables
Possibility for the user to create and apply his own
surplus tables, which will automatically increase the
quantities of the calculated materials, in order to
balance the construction and erection scraps.


System for piping global management

Bill of Materials List

From the Bill of Material List the user can directly
obtain the lists normally needed for planning and
management control as well as for prefabrication and
erection, including welding quantities, construction,
component traceability. The user can set his own
filters and printing forms.
Form to filter and print Take-Off

Shop fabrication
According to the project requirements the user can
define the divisions between prefabrication and
erection and obtain the related list accordingly.
Definition of prefabrication

System for piping global management



This module performs the mechanical checks of the

piping components according to the standard piping
design codes, which are: ASME B31.1, B31.3, B31.4,
B31.8, ASME VIII. Also the check of rating curves
and their automatic association to piping classes is
performed, together with the calculation of minimum
test pressure (hydraulic or pneumatic) and the
definition of test circuits.

Menu to access the mechanical checks

Checks for internal/external pressure

The check for internal and external pressure (vacuum)
may be performed either on Piping Classes and on
Line List.

Checks for intersections

The necessity of reinforcing pad in pipe-to-pipe
intersection may be checked at the piping class
maximum conditions or at the effective design
conditions indicated in the Line list.


System for piping global management


From the MTO the Material Requisitions are

automatically obtained, grouped per: project, subproject, destination. The materials components are
organised according to aggregations (product class)
that meet the selected market suppliers. The MTO
quantities may be manually and/or automatically
increased or decreased (by means of the surplus
tables), before the requisitions issue. It is also
possible to issue material requisitions for materials
not yet included in the Take-Off. Possibility to export
data to ERP systems, such as SAP and J.D.Edward.

Requisition generation and issue

Usually the Material Take-Offs are performed in
several phases, at the end of which requisitions are
issued or updated. The application automatically
monitors the difference between actual and previous
needs, by comparing the quantities already issued for
purchase and the updated quantities from Take-Off.

System for piping global management


Painting &


This module performs the calculation of surfaces and

material quantity necessary for painting and
insulation. The calculation is based on the Project
Line list data (i.e. temperatures and coating types)
and the Material Take-Off data (i.e. material
quantities and types).
The module is provided with a complete set of
dictionaries for: painting materials, insulation
materials, piping components surfaces and the most
used standard coatings.
An easy-to-use interface allows the selection of
reports according to the user needs.

System for piping global management


This tool supports the procurement activities and

maintains continuously updated the material tracking
situation. It provides for time and cost reduction as
well as for bottleneck and errors reduction for the
whole procurement activity (requisitions, bidding and
comparison, P.Orders, shipping).
The integration with engineering permits to mitigate
materials surplus and to globally shorten the material

Main functions
The application permits the continuous control of all
materials during all the typical procurement phases,
starting from the requisitions of bids to Vendors to the
comparison activities, to purchase orders issue, to
expediting and shipping activities.
The main functions available at present are:

Bids requisitions in MS Excel format

Automated and configurable commercial


Automated data updating through standard format


Configurable access by third parties, such as


System for piping global management



It allows the management of field warehouse and of

prefabrication and erection works. By using the data
import functions, this module gets from PUMA5 the
information related to the component characteristics
and their layout on the lines. These data, together
with the data from procurement (requisitions,
purchase order, packing list) and the warehouse
materials availability allows the analysis of lines

Simulation of line feasibility

The application analyses the store situation and
provides, for the interested lines, the percentages of
feasibility with the list of components necessary to
complete the line, based on actual material
availability. It is possible to select the lines to be
analysed by assigning them the construction priority.
The selection of the lines may be carried out on the
basis of defined criteria (such as plant, fluid, etc.).
The application allows also to carry out the feasibility
study with a theoretical materials supply, based on the
incoming orders and the present availability.
Once selected the lines to be prefabricated or erected
the application unload automatically the store and
print the delivery vouchers for the storekeeper.
By using the load/unload functions the storehouse
situation is continuously maintained updated and the
relevant materials situation can be printed when
Form for feasibility simulation


System for piping global management

Document management
COSMO allows the management of documents related
to piping materials life-cycle, thus permitting the
check of procurement situation.
This provides the traceability and procurement status
for each component during its life-cycle phases (TakeOff quantity, requested quantity, purchased quantity,
shipped quantity, forecast incoming quantity,
delivered quantity, etc.).

System for piping global management


Import / Export

To make the use of Puma5 more flexible, particular

attention has been given to the exchange of data
among different working groups.

External companies: to make easier the

transfer of data to/from external companies in case
of subcontracted works, appropriate functions have
been implemented to import/export data from Piping
Classes, Take-Off and Line List.
This is obtained by installing Puma5 in the
computers of the external companies, then the
piping classes are transferred there to permit the
accounting activities. When finished the Material
Take-Offs can be collected in the main computer to
obtain the project MTO.

Drie: this tool handles the operations of

importing/exporting data from other applications. Its
main characteristic is the possibility of configuration
directly by the end-user, including the definition of
the record layout of files to be imported or exported.
The main purpose of this module is to allow an easy
transfer of data from/to Puma5 without creating
specific interfaces, saving time and maintenance


System for piping global management

Integration with
CAD modules

These are interface and integration modules with the

most commonly used 3D CAD systems, which permit
the quick and easy generation of component
database and piping classes, as well as to directly
import the models material list. The modules at
present available are:
AP-Link, for AutoPLANT (Bentley) system
PDS-Link, for PDS (Intergraph) system
UG-Link, for Unigraphics system
PDMS-Link, for PDMS (Aveva) system

Size Catalog: customisation of size attributes,
automatic codification of components from Puma5
component catalogue, revision management.
Piping class generation: generation of component
database and piping classes for the modules
AutoPLANT Piping 3D and Isometrics.
Material take-off import: the material lists are
automatically imported from 3D model and isometrics
to proceed with the following MTO and procurement
Form for the generation of the piping classes

System for piping global management


Piping Class generation: PDS-Link allows to
automatically generate the piping classes and their
supporting tables for PDS: Material Class Data,
Commodity Spec.s Data, Branch Insertion Tables,
Nominal Piping Diameters, Gaskets Separation tables,
implied components, Option code, Bolt tables,
Component description library, Size depending
material data, Weight tables.
Material take-off import: from Model 3D or from
Isogen (Alias) the material lists are automatically
imported to proceed with the following MTO and
procurement steps.
Form for the generation of the piping classes


System for piping global management

Prepared by


Via della Viggioletta, 8 - 29100 Piacenza, Italy
tel.: +39 (0523) 497066 fax: + 39 (0523) 497713
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publication date. Such information is subject to change without notice and is subject to applicable
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in this document. Reproduction, distribution, and transmission of this document by any means
photo static or electronic is restricted without authorization. Microsoft and Windows are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other brands and product names are trademarks of
their respective owners.
Printed in Italy.

System for piping global management


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