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06a. Information Memo

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Banco Invex, S.A., Institucin de Banca Mltiple, Invex Grupo Financiero, Fiduciario (the CLN Issuer), in its
capacity as trustee of the Irrevocable Issuance, Management and Payment Trust Number F/1229 (Contrato de
Fideicomiso de Emisin, Administracin y Pago No. F/1229) (the 2018 CLN Trust) and the Irrevocable Issuance,
Management and Payment Trust Number F/1230 (Contrato de Fideicomiso de Emisin, Administracin y Pago No.
F/1230) (the MCD CLN Trust and, together with the 2018 CLN Trust, the CLN Trusts)

Vitro, S.A.B. de C.V. (Vitro)

On February 7, 2012, Mexicos 4th District Court on Civil and Labor Matters (Juez 4o de Distrito en Materia Civil y de
Trabajo) presiding over Vitros concurso mercantil proceedings published its decision approving a restructuring plan
proposed to the court by the Conciliador (the Concurso Plan). On February 23, 2012, Vitro consummated the Concurso
Plan and in accordance with the plan:

issued an aggregate of $814.65 million of its 8.0% Senior Notes due 2018 (the 2018 Notes), of which (i)
$361,174,000 was deposited into the 2018 CLN Trust for the benefit of recognized creditors that consented to
the Concurso Plan (Consenting Holders) and (ii) $ 453,476,000 was deposited into a trust (the Creditor
Litigation Trust) to be held for the benefit of recognized creditors that did not consent to the Concurso Plan
(Non-Consenting Holders);

issued an aggregate of $109.58 million of 12.0% Mandatorily Convertible Debentures due 2015 (the MCDs
and, together with the 2018 Notes, the New Notes), of which (i) $48,584,000 was deposited into the MCD
CLN Trust for the benefit of Consenting Holders and (ii) $61,000,000 was deposited into the Creditor Litigation
Trust to be held for the benefit of Non-Consenting Holders; and

paid an aggregate restructuring fee of $74,766,766 million, of which (i) $33,147,749 was deposited into
the 2018 CLN Trust to be distributed to Consenting Holders and (ii) $ 41,619,017 was deposited into the
Creditor Litigation Trust to be held for the benefit of Non-Consenting Holders.

The CLN Issuer in its capacity as trustee of the CLN Trusts will initially issue to Consenting Holders (i)
$335,738,000 of 8.0% credit linked notes due 2018 that will be linked to the 2018 Notes (the 2018 CLNs) and (ii)
$44,814,000 of 12.0% credit linked notes due 2015 that will be linked to the MCDs (the MCD CLNs and, together with
the 2018 CLNs, the CLNs).
The New Notes
Vitro will pay interest on the 2018 Notes on December 15 and June 15 of each year, beginning June 15, 2012. Vitro
may elect (the PIK Option) to pay a portion of the interest on the 2018 Notes in the form of additional 2018 Notes (the
2018 PIK Amounts) for interest periods ending prior to December 16, 2013. 2018 PIK Amounts are considered principal
of the 2018 Notes for all purposes and will accrue interest at the same rate as the 2018 Notes from the date paid. The 2018
Notes will mature on December 15, 2018. Vitro will repay the principal amount of the 2018 Notes in installments of
US$11,980,000 on June 15, 2015, December 15, 2015, June 15, 2016, December 15, 2016, June 15, 2017 and December 15,
2017 and Vitro will repay the balance at maturity. Vitro will pay interest on the MCDs on June 15 and December 15 of each
year only in the form of additional MCDs, at a rate of 12.0% per year (Additional MCD Amounts). Additional MCD
Amounts are considered principal of the MCDs for all purposes and will accrue interest at the same rate listed on the MCDs
from the date paid. The MCDs will mature on December 15, 2015. The MCDs are mandatorily convertible into 20% of the
common and voting equity of Vitro if not repaid at maturity or upon the occurrence of an event of default leading to an
acceleration of conversion, as described under Description of The New NotesMandatory Conversion.

Vitro may redeem the New Notes, in whole or in part, at any time or from time to time, at the redemption prices and
under the circumstances described in this information memorandum under Description of the New NotesOptional
Redemption. Vitro will not be permitted to issue additional New Notes except in connection with the payment of interest in
kind on the New Notes. The New Notes will be senior unsecured obligations of Vitro. Certain of Vitros subsidiaries, which
are referred to as the Guarantors herein, will irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee the full and punctual payment of
principal, interest and all other amounts that may become due and payable in respect of the New Notes. The MCDs will not
be guaranteed. The guarantees will rank equally with the other unsecured unsubordinated indebtedness and guarantees of the
Guarantors. The New Notes and the guarantees will be effectively junior to the secured indebtedness of the Guarantors and
the indebtedness of any other existing and future subsidiaries that are not guaranteeing the New Notes.
The New Notes were issued in certificated form and will not be eligible for trading or clearance through DTC,
Euroclear or Clearstream except under the circumstances described under Description of the CLNsBook-Entry, Delivery
and Form. For a more detailed description of the New Notes, see Description of the New Notes beginning on page 17.
The New Notes were executed on February 23, 2012. In this Information Memorandum is a summary of the terms
and conditions thereof. However, in the event of any discrepancy between Description of the Notes, Description of the
MCDs and the New Notes, the New Notes shall control. You can obtain a copy of the New Notes by contacting Vitro.
The CLNs
The 2018 CLNs will be issued by the CLN Issuer in its capacity as the trustee of the 2018 CLN Trust. As of the
date hereof, the sole assets of the 2018 CLN Trust are $361,174,000 aggregate principal amount of 2018 Notes and other
assets necessary to issue the Restructuring Fee described herein. The MCD CLNs described herein will be issued by the
CLN Issuer in its capacity as trustee of the MCD CLN Trust. As of the date hereof, the sole assets of the MCD CLN Trust
are $48,584,000 aggregate principal amount of MCDs The CLN Issuer will pay principal, interest and other amounts on the
CLNs to the same extent and in the same form as payments are made on the relevant New Notes. The CLNs are limited
recourse obligations of the CLN Issuer linked to the New Notes and the CLN Issuer will only be required to make payments
of principal, interest and other amounts on the CLNs to the extent that it receives the related payments of principal, interest
and other amounts on the New Notes. From time to time the CLN Issuer, in its capacity as trustee of the CLN Trusts, may
issue additional CLNs as further described under Description of the CLNsAdditional CLNs. At all times the principal
amount of 2018 CLNs issued by the CLN Issuer will equal the principal amount of 2018 Notes in the 2018 CLN Trust and
the principal amount of MCD CLNs issued by the CLN Issuer will equal the principal amount of MCDs in the MCD CLN
To the extent that the 2018 CLN Trust or the MCD CLN Trust receive any cash payment as a result of an optional or
mandatory redemption or prepayment of the 2018 Notes or the MCDs held in the 2018 CLN Trust or the MCD CLN Trust,
respectively, the CLN Issuer will use such proceeds to redeem, in cash, on a pro rata basis, a like principal amount of 2018
CLNs or MCD CLNs, as applicable, at the redemption price paid for the 2018 Notes and MCDs, as applicable.
Upon the occurrence of a Credit Event, New York Agent Event or Luxembourg Agent Event (each as defined in
Description of the CLNs) with respect to either series of CLNs, all outstanding CLNs of such series will be redeemed by
distributing to all holders of CLNs of such series on a pro rata basis, the assets held in the applicable CLN Trust, including
all 2018 Notes or MCDs held in such CLN Trust. In addition, if no Credit Event, New York Agent Event or Luxembourg
Agent Event (each as defined in Description of the CLNs) has occurred, any Holder of a New CLN may require the CLN
Issuer to redeem such New CLN in kind, in whole or in part, plus all related accrued interest and Additional Amounts (as
defined below) on the principal amount of such CLNs being redeemed through the date of redemption by delivering to such
Holder an equal principal amount of 2018 Notes or MCDs, as applicable, from the Trust Assets, as described below under
Description of the CLNs.
The CLNs will be registered in the name of a nominee of a common depositary of The Euroclear System
(Euroclear) and/or Clearstream Banking S.A./N.V. (Clearstream) and financial institutions, acting as direct and indirect
participants in either Euroclear or Clearstream, will represent qualifying holders beneficial interests in the relevant CLNs.
The CLNs will not be eligible for trading on or clearance through the systems of The Depository Trust Company (DTC).
For a more detailed description of the CLNs, see Description of the CLNs beginning on page 77.
The CLN Indentures were executed on February 23, 2012. In this Information memorandum is a summary of the
terms and conditions of such CLN Indentures. However, in the event of any discrepancy between Description of the
CLNs and the CLN Indentures, the CLN Indentures shall control. You may obtain a copy of the CLN Indentures by
contacting the CLN Issuer.
Citibank, N.A., acting through its Agency and Trust Department in London, will act as Settlement Agent for the
Neither the New Notes (including the guarantees) nor the CLNs have been registered under the
U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the Securities Act) and both are being offered only to (1) persons who are
qualified institutional buyers (as defined in Rule 144A under the Securities Act) and (2) outside the United States in

compliance with Regulation S. For more information about restrictions on transfer of the New Notes, see Transfer
Restrictions beginning on page 109.
The information contained herein is exclusively Vitros responsibility, does not require authorization and has not
been reviewed or authorized by the Mexican Comisin Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (National Banking and Securities
Commission, the CNBV).
Vitro is required and will be filing a notification and certain documentation with the CNBV regarding the placement
of the CLNs outside of Mexico, and Vitro has not filed with the CNBV a request for authorization or registration of the New
Notes or the CLNs with the Registro Nacional de Valores maintained by the CNBV and therefore neither the New Notes nor
the CLNs may be the subject of a public offering in Mexico, or otherwise be the subject of brokerage activities in Mexico,
except pursuant to a private placement exemption set forth under article 8 of the Ley del Mercado de Valores (Mexican
Securities Market Law). Vitros notice to the CNBV regarding the placement of the CLNs outside of Mexico will be for
information purposes only and will not imply or constitute a certification of the investment quality of the CLNs, the New
Notes, Vitros solvency or the accuracy or completeness of the information included herein. The acquisition of the CLNs or
the underlying New Notes by any investor, including any investor of Mexican nationality, will be such investors own
March 19, 2012.


Notice to New Hampshire Residents .............................................................................................................................2
Enforceability of Civil Liabilities ..................................................................................................................................2
Where You Can Find More Information .......................................................................................................................3
Description of the New Notes......................................................................................................................................17
Description of the CLNs..............................................................................................................................................77
Certain U.S. Federal Income Tax Considerations .....................................................................................................100
Material Mexican Federal Tax Considerations..........................................................................................................106
Transfer Restrictions..................................................................................................................................................109
Auditors .....................................................................................................................................................................112


Unless otherwise indicated or the context otherwise requires, all references in this information memorandum to
Vitro, we, our, ours, us or similar terms refer to Vitro, S.A.B. de C.V. and our subsidiaries. References to
the CLN Issuer refer only to Banco Invex, S.A., Institucin de Banca Mltiple, Invex Grupo Financiero,
Fiduciario, and any successor obligor on the CLNs, and not any of its affiliates, acting in its capacity as trustee of
the applicable CLN Trust.
You should only rely on the information contained in this information memorandum. Neither Vitro nor the
CLN Issuer has authorized anyone to provide you with different information. Neither Vitro nor the CLN Issuer is
making an offer of the New Notes or the CLNs in any jurisdiction where the offer is not permitted. You should not
assume that the information contained in this information memorandum is accurate as of any date other than the date
on the cover of this information memorandum regardless of time of delivery or any sale of the New Notes or the
This information memorandum does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any
New Notes or CLNs offered hereby by any person in any jurisdiction in which it is unlawful for such person
to make such an offer or solicitation. The delivery of this information memorandum shall not under any
circumstances imply that there has been no change in our affairs or the affairs of our subsidiaries or that the
information set forth in this information memorandum is correct as of any date subsequent to the date of this
information memorandum.
Delivery of the CLNs or the underlying new notes to recognized creditors residing in Mexico that
were holders of Certificados Burstiles or other debt of the company prior to the implementation of the
Concurso Plan will be made as payment of the Companys obligations under the Concurso Plan and such
delivery does not constitute a public or private offering in Mexico.
This information memorandum is personal to you and does not constitute an offer to any other person or to the
public in general to subscribe for or otherwise acquire the New Notes or the CLNs.
Distribution of this information memorandum by you to any person other than those persons retained to advise
you is unauthorized, and any disclosure of any of the contents of this information memorandum without our and the
CLN Issuers prior written consent is prohibited.
You must (1) comply with all applicable laws and regulations in force in any jurisdiction in connection with the
possession or distribution of this information memorandum and the purchase, offer or sale of the CLNs, and
(2) obtain any required consent, approval or permission for the purchase, offer or sale by you of the CLNs under the
laws and regulations applicable to you in force in any jurisdiction to which you are subject or in which you make
such purchases, offers or sales, and the CLN Issuer or its agents do not have any responsibility therefor. See
Transfer Restrictions for information concerning some of the transfer restrictions applicable to the CLNs.
You acknowledge that:

you have been afforded an opportunity to request, and to review, all additional information considered by
you to be necessary to verify the accuracy of, or to supplement, the information contained in this
information memorandum; and

no person has been authorized to give any information or to make any representation concerning the New
Notes or the CLNs other than those as set forth in this information memorandum. If given or made, any
such other information or representation should not be relied upon as having been authorized by the CLN
Issuer, Vitro or their agents.

In making an investment decision, you must rely on your own examination of Vitros and the CLN
Issuers respective businesses and the terms of the New Notes and CLNs, including the merits and risks


involved. The New Notes and the CLNs have not been recommended by the Securities and Exchange
Commission, or the SEC, or any state securities commission or any Mexican or other regulatory authority.
Furthermore, these authorities have not confirmed the accuracy or determined the adequacy of this
information memorandum. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.
Neither the New Notes nor the CLNs may be transferred or resold except as permitted under the
Securities Act and related regulations and applicable state securities laws. In consenting to the Concurso
Plan, you have made certain acknowledgments, representations and agreements set forth in this information
memorandum under the caption Transfer Restrictions. You should be aware that you may be required to
bear the financial risks of this investment for an indefinite period of time.
This information memorandum may only be used for the purpose for which it has been published.
The CLNs will be available initially only in book-entry form in minimum denominations of $2,000 principal
amount and integral multiples of $1,000 in excess thereof. The CLNs issued to United States persons who are QIBs
will be represented by beneficial interests in a permanent global note in fully registered form without interest
coupons, or the U.S. Global Note. The CLNs issued to non-U.S. Persons outside the United States pursuant to
Regulation S will be represented by beneficial interests in a permanent global note in fully registered form without
interest coupons, or the Offshore Global Note and, together with the U.S. Global Note, the Global CLNs. The
Global CLNs will be registered in the name of a nominee of a common depositary of Euroclear or Clearstream.
Financial institutions, acting as direct and indirect participants in either Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg, will
represent your beneficial interests in the relevant Global CLNs.
See Description of the New Notes and Description of the CLNs for further discussion of these matters.
Vitro and many of its Guarantors (as defined herein) are variable capital corporations organized under the laws
of Mexico. Almost all of our directors and executive officers, and the directors and executive officers of many of
our Guarantors and certain experts named in this information memorandum, reside outside the United States. As a
result, it may not be possible for investors to effect service of process outside Mexico upon us or upon our
Guarantors, directors, executive officers or experts, or to enforce against such parties judgments of courts located
outside Mexico predicated upon civil liabilities under the laws of jurisdictions other than Mexico, including
judgments predicated upon the civil liability provisions of the U.S. federal securities laws or other laws of the
United States.
The CLN Issuer is an institucin de banca multiple organized under the laws of Mexico. Almost all of its
directors and executive officers reside outside the United States. All or a substantial portion of its assets are located
and a majority of its revenues are derived from sources outside the United States. As a result, it may not be possible
for investors to effect service of process outside Mexico upon the CLN Issuer, or to enforce against such parties


judgments of courts located outside Mexico predicated upon civil liabilities under the laws of jurisdictions other
than Mexico, including judgments predicated upon the civil liability provisions of the U.S. federal securities laws or
other laws of the United States.
No treaty exists between the United States and Mexico for the reciprocal enforcement of judgments issued in
the other country. Generally, Mexican courts would enforce final judgments rendered in the United States if certain
requirements are met, including the review in Mexico of the U.S. judgment to ascertain compliance with certain
basic principles of due process and the non-violation of Mexican law or public policy, provided that U.S. courts
would grant reciprocal treatment to Mexican judgments. There is doubt as to the enforceability, in original actions
in Mexican courts, of liabilities predicated in whole or in part on U.S. federal securities laws and as to the
enforceability in Mexican courts of judgments of U.S. courts obtained in actions predicated upon the civil liability
provisions of U.S. federal securities laws.
Vitro has furnished, and intends to continue to furnish, certain information, including quarterly and annual
reports to the Comisin Nacional Bancaria y de Valores, or the Mexican National Banking and Securities
Commission (the CNBV) and to the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, S.A.B. de C.V., or the Mexican Stock Exchange.
You may read and copy the documentation submitted by Vitro to the CNBV at the offices of the Mexican Stock
Exchange or on its website: Copies of such documents may be obtained upon written request
by any investor to our offices located at:
Vitro, S.A.B. de C.V.
Ave. Ricardo Margin Zozaya 400
Col. Valle del Campestre
San Pedro Garza Garca
66265 Nuevo Len, Mxico
Tel: (+52 81) 8863-1200
Vitros website is: Vitros results, financial statements and annual reports, among other
information, is available under the heading Investor Information on the aforementioned website.
The financial statements available on our website have been prepared in accordance with Mexican Financial
Reporting Standards (MFRS). MFRS differ in certain significant respects from accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America (U.S. GAAP). No reconciliation of any of the financial statements
available on our website to U.S. GAAP has been prepared for the purposes of this Information Memorandum. Any
such reconciliation would likely result in material differences.
For as long as the CLNs are restricted securities within the meaning of Rule 144(a)(3) under the Securities
Act, the CLN Issuer will, to the extent required, furnish to any Holder of a CLN represented by the U.S. Global Note
or to any prospective purchaser designated by such Holder, upon request of such Holder, financial and other
information described in paragraph (d)(4) of Rule 144A under the Securities Act with respect to the CLN Issuer to
the extent required in order to permit such Holder to comply with Rule 144A (as amended from time to time and
including any successor provision) with respect to any resale of such CLN, unless, at the time of such request, the
CLN Issuer is subject to the reporting requirements of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended (the Exchange Act) and no such information about the CLN Issuer is otherwise required pursuant to
Rule 144A. The CLN Issuer, upon receipt of comparable information from the Company, will provide it in turn to
the trustee under the CLN Indentures, Computershare Computershare Trust Company, N.A. (the CLN Indenture
Trustee) to the extent the holders require the same in order to resell their CLNs in compliance with Rule 144A.


Company Overview
Vitro, S.A.B. de C.V. is a corporation with variable capital (sociedad annima burstil de capital variable)
organized under the laws of Mexico and is a holding company that conducts substantially all of its operations
through subsidiaries. Vitro was incorporated in Mexico in 1909 and believes it is the largest manufacturer of glass
containers and flat glass in Mexico. For the year ended December 31, 2011, Vitros consolidated revenues and net
income were $1,765 million and $31 million, respectively, and as of such date Vitro had total assets of $2,376
million. Vitros principal executive offices are located at Ave. Ricardo Margin 400, Col. Valle del Campestre, San
Pedro Garza Garca, Nuevo Len, 66265 Mexico.
Vitros glass containers business unit manufactures and distributes glass containers for the soft drink, beer,
food, juices, liquor and wine, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, as well as raw materials, machinery and
molds for the glass industry. Vitro believes the Glass Containers business unit is the largest glass container producer
in Mexico and Central America and among the largest in the world. For the year ended December 31, 2011, Vitros
glass container business had consolidated revenues of $1,112 million.
Vitros flat glass business unit focuses on the manufacturing, processing and distribution of flat glass for the
construction and the automotive industries. Vitro believes the business unit is the largest flat glass producer in
Mexico, the second largest in Latin America, one of the largest distributors of flat glass products in the United States
and a leading provider of insulated flat glass products in Spain and Portugal. For the year ended December 31,
2011, Vitros flat glass business had consolidated revenues of $618 million.
Our Products
The following table sets forth our principal products, customers and end-users by business line within each of our
two business units.
Glass Containers:
Business Line


Glass Containers

Glass containers

Raw Materials

Soda ash, sodium bicarbonate,

calcium chloride and salt

Machinery and

Glass forming machines, castings

for glass molds, machinery parts
and electronic controls

Customers and
Soft drink, beer, food, juices, wine and
liquor, pharmaceutical and cosmetics
Glass manufacturers and detergent
producers, pharmaceutical and food
Flat Glass business unit, Glass Containers
business unit, glass manufacturers and other

Flat Glass:
Business Line


Flat Glass

Flat glass, architectural tempered

safety glass, insulated glass units,
laminated, table tops


Customers and
Construction industry, distributors, retailers
and installers, furniture and home
appliances manufacturers and Automotive
Safety Glass manufacturers.

Automotive Glass

Automotive OEMs, AGR market,

distributors and installers

Windshields, side laminated glass,

rear and side tempered glass

The Concurso Plan

On December 5, 2011, the official appointed by Instituto Federal de Especialistas de Concursos Mercantiles
(IFECOM) to oversee Vitros concurso mercantil proceedings (the Conciliador) submitted to Mexicos 4th
District Court on Civil and Labor Matters (Juez 4 de Distrito en Materia Civil y de Trabajo) (the Mexican Court),
the court overseeing Vitross concurso mercantil proceedings, a restructuring plan (the Concurso Plan) which had
been executed by holders of 74.67% of recognized claims in Vitros concurso mercantil proceedings.
On February 7, 2012, the Mexican Court approved the Concurso Plan. The Concurso Plan became effective on
February 23, 2012, when in accordance with the Concurso Plan, the Company

issued an aggregate of $814.65 million of its 2018 Notes, of which (i) $ 361,174,000 was deposited
into the 2018 CLN Trust for the benefit of recognized creditors that consented to the Concurso Plan
(Consenting Holders) and (ii) $ 453,476,000 million was deposited into a trust (the Creditor
Litigation Trust) to be held for the benefit of recognized creditors that did not consent to the
Concurso Plan (Non-Consenting Holders);

issued an aggregate of $109.58 million of MCDs, of which (i) $ 48,584,000 was deposited into the
MCD CLN Trust for the benefit of Consenting Holders and (ii) $61,000,000 was deposited into the
Creditor Litigation Trust to be held for the benefit of Non-Consenting Holders; and

paid an aggregate restructuring fee of $ 74,766,766 million, of which (i) $ 33,147,749 was deposited
into the 2018 CLN Trust to be distributed to Consenting Holders and (ii) $ 41,619,017 was deposited
into the Creditor Litigation Trust to be held for the benefit of Non-Consenting Holders.

The CLN Issuer in its capacity as trustee of the 2018 CLN Trust will initially issue to Consenting Holders
$335,738,000 million of 8.0% credit linked notes due 2018 that will be linked to the 2018 Notes (the 2018
CLNs). In addition, the CLN Issuer in its capacity as trustee of the MCD CLN Trust, will initially issue to
Consenting Holders $44,814,000 of 12.0% credit linked notes due 2015 that will be linked to the MCDs (the MCD
CLNs and, together with 2018 CLNs, the CLNs).


The following summary is not a complete description of the 2018 Notes or the MCDs and should be read
together with the section entitled Description of the New Notes, elsewhere in this Information Memorandum and
specimen forms of the 2018 Notes and the MCDs, which will be available upon request.
The 2018 Notes
Issuer........................... Vitro, S.A.B. de C.V. (Vitro)
Principal Amount........ $814.65 million
Issue Date

February 23, 2012

Ranking....................... The 2018 Notes are Vitros unsecured senior obligations and rank equally in right of
payment with Vitros other unsecured and unsubordinated obligations from time to time
Interest ........................ The 2018 Notes accrue interest at a fixed rate of 8.00% per annum, payable semi-annually in
arrears on each June 15th and December 15th, commencing June 15, 2012. Interest will be
payable in cash; provided that Vitro may elect to exercise its option to pay a portion of the
interest on the 2018 Notes in kind for interest periods ending prior to December 16, 2013, as
described in the following grid:

Total Interest

From the Issue Date

to Dec. 15, 2012


From Dec. 16, 2012

to Dec. 15, 2013


From Dec. 16, 2013

to Dec. 15, 2014
From Dec. 16, 2014
to Dec. 15, 2015
From Dec. 16, 2015
to Dec. 15, 2016
From Dec. 16, 2016
to Dec. 15, 2017
From Dec. 16, 2017
to Dec. 15, 2018


Per Annum
Cash Rate
8.0% (or 4.0%
if PIK Option
is elected)
8.0% (or 4.0%
if PIK Option
is elected)

Per Annum PIK














4.0% (if PIK Option

is elected)
4.0% (if PIK Option
is elected)

Interest that Vitro elects to pay in kind will be added to the outstanding principal amount
(the Additional 2018 PIK Principal) of the 2018 Notes. Additional 2018 PIK Principal
will be considered principal for all purposes, and without limiting the foregoing, the
Additional 2018 PIK Principal of the 2018 Notes will bear interest at the rate then applicable
to the 2018 Notes, beginning on the date such interest is paid in kind and added to the
principal amount of the 2018 Notes, in accordance with the terms of the 2018 Notes.
All interest on the 2018 Notes will be computed on the basis of a year of 360 days consisting
of twelve 30-day months.
Maturity Date............. December 15, 2018.


Amortization.............. Principal will be payable on all 2018 Notes on the regular record date immediately
preceding each semiannual installment in accordance with the following schedule:
June 15, 2015: $11,980,000
December 15, 2015: $11,980,000
June 15, 2016: $11,980,000
December 15, 2016: $11,980,000
June 15, 2017: $11,980,000
December 15, 2017: $11,980,000
December 15, 2018: Balance.
Guarantors ................. Vitros obligations under the 2018 Notes, including any repurchase obligation resulting from
a Change of Control and other mandatory prepayment provisions under the 2018 Notes, are
unconditionally guaranteed, jointly and severally, on an unsecured basis, by certain of
Vitros subsidiaries.
Change of Control ..... Following a Change of Control, holders of the 2018 Notes will have the right to put
their 2018 Notes to Vitro at a price of 101% of the aggregate principal amount thereof, plus
accrued and unpaid interest to the date of repayment.
Excess Cash Sweep ... If, for any fiscal year of Vitro, there is Excess Cash Flow (as defined under Description of
the New Notes), Vitro is required to apply such Excess Cash Flow:
1. In the event that the yield-to-maturity of the 2018 Notes (or, if the 2018 CLNs are
outstanding, the yield-to-maturity of the 2018 CLNs and not the 2018 Notes) is
equal to or higher than 9%, Vitro will annually apply 70% of Excess Cash Flow to
(i) purchase (at the sole discretion of the Company) 2018 Notes or MCDs, as the
case may be, in Vitros sole discretion, through open market purchases, so long as
such purchases are made at a price lower than the principal amount thereof
(Market Purchases), or (ii) prepay the 2018 Notes or MCDs, in Vitros sole
2. In the event that the yield-to-maturity of the 2018 Notes (or, if the 2018 CLNs are
outstanding, the yield-to-maturity of the 2018 CLNs and not the 2018 Notes) is
lower than 9%, Vitro will annually apply 50% of Excess Cash Flow to (i) purchase
(at the sole discretion of the Company) 2018 Notes or MCDs, as the case may be,
in Vitros sole discretion, through Market Purchases or (ii) prepay the 2018 Notes
or MCDs, in Vitros sole discretion.
Any remaining Excess Cash Flow will be deposited into a segregated account and the funds
deposited therein may be used in Vitros discretion for general corporate purposes, including
dividends and optional redemptions or repurchases of its New Notes.


Optional Redemption. Redemptions of 2018 Notes may be made by Vitro at any time and from time to time at a
redemption price equal to par plus accrued interest (including additional amounts), if any, to
the redemption date.
Optional redemptions may only be paid out of:
(1) Excess Cash Flow, in accordance with Excess Cash Sweep described above; or
(2) The proceeds of, or in exchange for (a) permitted refinancing indebtedness, (b) equity
offerings by Vitro, or (c) an Asset Sale, in accordance with the Limitation on Asset
Sale covenant to be included in the 2018 Notes.
Equity Issuances ........ In the event that the yield to maturity of the 2018 Notes (or, if the 2018 CLNs are
outstanding, the yield-to-maturity of the 2018 CLNs and not the 2018 Notes) is higher
than 9% (based on closing trading prices), Vitro will be required to apply 25% of the cash
proceeds from an issuance of capital stock to either (in its sole discretion):
(1) prepay or redeem (at the sole discretion of the Company) the remaining 2018 Notes
and/or the MCDs in whole or in part at par; or
(2) repurchase the 2018 Notes and/or MCDs through Market Purchases.
Certain Covenants...... The 2018 Notes contain covenants limiting Vitros ability and its subsidiaries ability,
among other things, to:

incur additional debt or issue subsidiary preferred stock or stock with a mandatory
redemption feature;

create, acquire or participate in strategic joint ventures;

pay dividends on Vitros capital stock;

redeem or repurchase capital stock or prepay or repurchase subordinated debt;

make some types of investments and sell assets;

create liens;

engage in transactions with affiliates, except on an arms-length basis;

engage in transactions with project finance entities;

enter into hedging agreements;

enter into sale and leaseback transactions;

make certain capital expenditures; and

consolidate or merge with, or sell substantially all assets to, another person.

In addition, under the terms of the 2018 Notes, Vitro is required to assign all of its
intercompany debt to a voting trust pursuant to which all such intercompany debt will be
voted by the trustee of such trust (at the instruction of a majority of third party creditors) in
the event of a subsequent concurso mercantil or other similar insolvency proceeding
involving Vitro and/or its subsidiaries.
Events of Default ....... The 2018 Notes provide for customary and certain other events of default.


Transferability ........... The 2018 Notes are being issued in a transaction exempt from the registration requirements
of the Securities Act and will initially be held only by the 2018 CLN Trust and the Creditor
Litigation Trust. If the 2018 Notes are redeemed in kind from the 2018 CLN Trust and
issued to holders of the 2018 CLNs, Securities Act transfer restrictions will apply.
The MCDs
Issuer........................... Vitro
Principal Amount........ $109,584,000.
Issue Date

February 23, 2012

Ranking....................... The MCDs are Vitros unsecured senior obligations and rank equally in right of payment
with Vitros other unsecured and unsubordinated obligations from time to time outstanding.
Interest ........................ The MCDs accrue interest at a fixed rate, payable in-kind semi-annually in arrears in
accordance with the following grid:
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4

Per Annum PIK Rate


All accrued interest will be added to the principal amount of the MCDs (Additional MCD
PIK Principal). Additional MCD PIK Principal will be considered principal for all
purposes, and without limiting the foregoing, the Additional MCD PIK Principal of the
MCDs will bear interest at the rate then applicable to the MCDs, beginning on the date such
interest is paid in kind and added to the principal amount thereof.
All interest on the MCDs will be computed on the basis of a year of 360 days consisting of
twelve 30-day months.
Maturity Date.............. December 15, 2015.
Amortization ............... None
The MCDs will be mandatorily convertible into common shares or Ordinary Participation
Conversion.................. Certificates (Certificados de Participacin Ordinaria, or CPOs) of Vitro representing in
aggregate 20.00% of Vitros common equity on a fully diluted basis if the MCDs are not
repaid at maturity or upon the occurrence and continuation of certain events of default.
Guarantors................... None
Change of Control ...... Following a Change of Control, holders of the MCDs will have the right to put their MCDs
to Vitro at a price of 101% of the aggregate principal amount thereof, less the applicable
MCD Prepayment Discount described under Optional Redemption, plus accrued and
unpaid interest to the date of repayment.


Excess Cash Sweep .... If, for any fiscal year of the Company, there is Excess Cash Flow (to be defined in the
MCDs), the Company will apply such Excess Cash Flow:
(1) In the event that the yield-to-maturity of the 2018 Notes (or, if the 2018 CLNs are
outstanding, the yield-to-maturity of the 2018 CLNs and not the 2018 Notes) is equal to
or higher than 9%, Vitro will annually apply 70% of Excess Cash Flow to (i) purchase
MCDs or 2018 Notes, as the case may be, in Vitros sole discretion through Market
Purchases (ii) or prepay the MCDs or 2018 Notes, in Vitros sole discretion.
(2) In the event that the yield-to-maturity of the 2018 Notes (or, if the 2018 CLNs are
outstanding, the yield-to-maturity of the 2018 CLNs and not the 2018 Notes) is lower
than 9%, Vitro will annually apply 50% of Excess Cash Flow to (i) purchase MCDs
or 2018 Notes in Vitros sole discretion through Market Purchases or (ii) prepay the
MCDs or 2018 Notes, in Vitros sole discretion.
Any remaining Excess Cash Flow will be deposited into a segregated account and the funds
deposited therein may be used in Vitros discretion for general corporate purposes,
including dividends and optional redemptions or repurchases of its New Notes.
Optional Redemption.. Redemptions of MCDs may be made by Vitro at any time and from time to time at a
redemption price equal to par (less the applicable prepayment discount described below)
plus accrued and unpaid interest (including additional amounts), if any, to the redemption
Redemptions of MCDs will be subject to the following prepayment discounts:
From the Issue Date to December 15, 2012: 30.2%
From December 16, 2012 to December 15, 2013: 24.2%
From December 16, 2013 to December 15, 2014: 17.7%
From December 16, 2014 to December 15, 2015: 10.6%
Optional redemptions may only be paid out of:
(1) Excess Cash Flow, in accordance with Excess Cash Sweep described above; or
(2) The proceeds of, or in exchange for (a) permitted refinancing indebtedness, (b) equity
offerings by Vitro, or (c) an Asset Sale, in accordance with the Limitation on Asset
Sale covenant to be included in the 2018 Notes.
Equity Issuances ......... In the event that the yield to maturity of the 2018 Notes (or, if the 2018 CLNs are
outstanding, the yield-to-maturity of the 2018 CLNs and not the 2018 Notes) is higher
than 9% (based on closing trading prices), Vitro will be required to apply 25% of the cash
proceeds from an issuance of capital stock to either (in its sole discretion):
(1) prepay or redeem (at the sole discretion of the Company) the 2018 Notes and/or the
remaining MCDs in whole or in part at par; or
(2) repurchase the MCDs and/or 2018 Notes through Market Purchases.
Events of Default ........ The MCDs will provide for customary and certain other events of default.
Upon the occurrence of an event of default under the MCDs, other than a bankruptcy
default, holders have the right, subject to certain conditions, to declare that the principal of
and accrued interest on the MCDs will convert immediately to common shares (or
certificados de participacin ordinarios, or CPOs) of the Company.



Banco Nacional de Mxico, S.A., Integrante del Grupo Financiero Banamex.
Transferability............. The MCDs are being issued in a transaction exempt from the registration requirements of
the Securities Act and will initially be held only by the MCD CLN Trust and the Creditor
Litigation Trust. If the MCDs are redeemed in kind from the MCD CLN Trust and issued to
holders of the MCD CLNs, Securities Act transfer restrictions will apply.



The following summary is not a complete description of the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs and should be read
together with the indentures governing the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs, which will be available upon request.
The 2018 CLNs
Issuer and CLN
The 2018 CLNs linked to the 2018 Notes will be issued by Banco Invex, S.A., Institucin de
Trust............................. Banca Mltiple, Invex Grupo Financiero, Fiducario, a banking institution incorporated under
the laws of Mexico (the CLN Issuer), in its capacity as trustee of the Irrevocable Issuance,
Management and Payment Trust Number F/1229 (the 2018 CLN Trust) whose assets will
consist primarily of the 2018 Notes and any proceeds therefrom. The holders of the 2018
CLNs and indenture trustees for the 2018 CLNs will be named beneficiaries of the 2018 CLN
Trust. All references to the CLN Issuer, when used with reference to the 2018 CLNs refer to
the CLN Issuer in its capacity as trustee of the 2018 CLN Trust.
Limited Recourse ........ The 2018 CLNs are limited recourse obligations of the CLN Issuer. Payments of principal,
interest and other amounts will be made on the 2018 CLNs, and the 2018 CLNs will be
redeemed, only to the extent the 2018 CLN Trust receives payments on the 2018 Notes from
Vitro. The 2018 CLNs do not represent interests in or obligations of Vitro or any person other
than the 2018 CLN Trust and, in such case, are subject to the limited recourse provisions
included in the indenture governing the 2018 CLNs.
Interest ........................ Payments of interest on the 2018 CLNs will be made only to the extent the CLN Issuer has
received relevant interest payments on the 2018 Notes held by the 2018 CLN Trust.
The 2018 CLNs will bear interest at a fixed rate of 8.00% per annum, payable semi-annually
in arrears on the third business day following the interest payment date on the 2018 Notes,
commencing on June15, 2012. Interest will be payable in cash, or for interest periods that
Vitro elects to pay interest in kind on the 2018 Notes, partly in cash and partly in kind, as
described in the following grid:
Final Day of Interest
Period of the 2018

Total Interest

From the Issue Date

to Dec. 15, 2012


From Dec. 16, 2012

to Dec. 15, 2013


8.0% (or 4.0%

if PIK Option
is elected)



Per Annum PIK

4.0% (if Company
PIK Option is
4.0% (if Company
PIK Option is













From Dec. 16, 2013

to Dec. 15, 2014
From Dec. 16, 2014
to Dec. 15, 2015
From Dec. 16, 2015
to Dec. 15, 2016
From Dec. 16, 2016
to Dec. 15, 2017
From Dec. 16, 2017
to Dec. 15, 2018

Per Annum
Cash Rate
8.0% (or 4.0%
if PIK Option
is elected)

If Vitro elects to pay interest in kind for any interest period for the 2018 Notes, interest on
the 2018 CLNs for the corresponding interest period will be paid in kind to the same extent
as interest on the 2018 Notes and added to the outstanding principal amount (the
Additional 2018 CLN PIK Principal) of the 2018 CLNs, semi-annually three business



days following the applicable scheduled interest payment for the 2018 Notes.
Additional 2018 CLN PIK Principal will be considered principal for all purposes.
All interest on the 2018 CLNs will be computed on the basis of a year of 360 days consisting
of twelve 30-day months.
Maturity Date.............. December 20, 2018. The CLN Issuer will make payments of principal in respect of the 2018
CLNs out of payments received by the 2018 CLN Trust from Vitro in respect of principal
arising as a result of payment at maturity (or earlier as a result of acceleration) of the 2018
Amortization............... The CLN Issuer will make payments of principal in respect of the 2018 CLNs only out of
payments received by the CLN Issuer from Vitro in respect of principal arising on the 2018
Notes. Each principal payment on the 2018 CLNs is due three business days following the
applicable scheduled principal payment for the 2018 Notes, including the amortization
payments due on the 2018 Notes on June 15, 2015, December 15, 2015, June 15, 2016,
December 15, 2016, June 15, 2017 and December 15, 2017 and the final balance on
December 15, 2018.
Guarantors .................. None
Ranking....................... The 2018 CLNs are direct, unsecured, limited recourse and senior obligations of the CLN
Issuer and will rank equally in right of payment with all other obligations of the CLN Issuer
that are not, by their terms, expressly subordinated in right of payment to the 2018 CLNs.
Cash Mandatory
To the extent that the 2018 CLN Trust receives any cash payment as a result of an optional
Redemption.................. or mandatory redemption or prepayment of the 2018 Notes held in the 2018 CLN Trust, the
CLN Issuer will use such proceeds to redeem, in cash, on a pro rata basis, a like principal
amount of 2018 CLNs at the redemption price paid for the 2018 Notes.
In-Kind Mandatory
Upon the occurrence of a Credit Event, New York Agent Event or Luxembourg Agent
Redemption.................. Event (each as defined in Description of the New Notes or Description of the CLNs), all
outstanding 2018 CLNs will be redeemed by distributing to all holders of 2018 CLNs, on a pro
rata basis, the assets held in the 2018 CLN Trust, including all 2018 Notes.
In the case of a Credit Event (other than a Credit Event described in clause (v) of the definition
thereof) holders of 2018 CLNs will receive in exchange therefore a like principal amount of
certificated 2018 Notes issued by Vitro.
In the case of a New York Agent Event and Luxembourg Agent Event, Vitro will be required
to take all actions (including without limitation the engagement of a trustee, the execution of
an indenture and any other documentation as may be reasonably necessary) required to make
the 2018 Notes eligible for clearing through DTC (in the case of a New York Agent Event)
or Euroclear and Clearstream (in the case of a Luxembourg Agent Event if a New York
Agent Event has not also occurred) and holders of the 2018 CLNs will receive beneficial
interests in a global 2018 Note.
Prior to the occurrence of a Credit Event, New York Agent Event or Luxembourg Agent
Redemption.................. Event (each as defined in Description of the CLNs), any Holder of a 2018 CLN may require
the CLN Issuer to redeem its 2018 CLN in kind, in whole or in part, plus all related accrued
interest and Additional Amounts on the principal amount of such 2018 CLN being redeemed
through the date of redemption (a Withdrawal Redemption) by delivering to the holder an
equal principal amount of 2018 Notes, in certificated form, from the assets in the 2018 CLN
Voting Rights............... Except in connection with a Technical Amendment (as defined in Description of the New



Notes), to the extent that the holders of the 2018 CLNs request the CLN Issuer to exercise a
right or remedy under the 2018 Notes or the related indenture or are required or requested to
provide a consent thereunder, the CLN Issuer will be required to deliver or withhold
consents to such right or remedy in respect of a principal amount of the 2018 Notes held in
the 2018 CLN Trust in the same proportion as the directions given by the holders of an equal
principal amount of the 2018 CLNs. The CLN Issuer will also withhold consents in the
same proportion as a principal amount of the 2018 CLNs that did not deliver a direction to
the CLN Issuer.
Events of Default......... The occurrence of any of the following will constitute an Event of Default under the 2018
CLNs, as further described below under Description of the CLNs:
The CLN Issuer commences certain voluntary cases under any applicable
bankruptcy, concurso mercantil, insolvency or other similar law now or thereafter
in effect, or consents to the entry of an order for relief in an involuntary case under
any such law; or
certain involuntary cases or other proceedings are commenced against the CLN
Issuer with respect to it or the Trust; or
the CLN Issuer fails to make any payment on the CLNs when due out of amounts in
any Collection Account; or
the CLN Issuer defaults in the performance of or breaches any other covenant or
agreement of the CLN Issuer in the 2018 CLN Indenture or under the CLNs.
The 2018 Notes contain certain other events which may trigger an Event of Default and
acceleration of the 2018 Notes. Upon any such Event of Default under a series of 2018
Notes, the CLN Issuer will be required to redeem the corresponding series of 2018 CLNs as
described in RedemptionsIn-Kind Mandatory Redemptions.
Trustee ........................ Computershare Trust Company, N.A.
Paying Agent .............. Computershare Trust Company of Canada will act as the Paying Agent.
Settlement Agent ........ Citibank, N.A. acting through its Agency and Trust Department in London.
Transferability ............ The 2018 CLNs are being issued in a transaction exempt from the registration requirements
of the Securities Act and therefore will be subject to transfer restrictions.


Issuer and CLN
The MCD CLNs linked to Vitros MCDs will be issued by the CLN Issuer, in its capacity as
Trust............................ trustee of the Irrevocable Issuance, Management and Payment Trust Number F/1230 (the
MCD CLN Trust and, together with the 2018 CLN Trust, the CLN Trusts) whose sole
assets will be the MCDs and any proceeds therefrom. The holders of the MCD CLNs and the
indenture trustee will be named beneficiaries under the MCD CLN Trust. All references to the
CLN Issuer, when used with reference to the MCD CLNs refer to the CLN Issuer in its
capacity as trustee of the MCD CLN Trust.
Limited Recourse ........ The MCD CLNs are limited recourse obligations of the CLN Issuer. Payments of principal,
interest and other amounts will be made on the MCD CLNs, and the MCD CLNs will be
redeemed, only to the extent the MCD CLN Trust receives payments on the MCDs from Vitro.
The MCD CLNs do not represent interests in or obligations of Vitro or any person other than



the MCD CLN Trust and, in such case, are subject to the limited recourse provisions included
in the indenture governing the MCD CLNs.
Interest ........................ Payments of interest on the MCD CLNs will be made only to the extent the CLN Issuer has
received relevant interest payments on the MCDs held in the MCD CLN Trust. The MCD
CLNs will bear interest at a fixed rate of 12.00% per annum, payable in kind and added to
the outstanding principal amount (the Additional MCD PIK Principal) of the MCD CLNs,
semi-annually three business days following the applicable scheduled interest payment date
for the MCDs. Additional MCD PIK Principal will be considered principal for all purposes.
All interest on the 2018 CLNs will be computed on the basis of a year of 360 days consisting
of twelve 30-day months.
Maturity Date............. December 18, 2015. The CLN Issuer will make payments of principal in respect of the
MCD CLNs out of payments received by the MCD CLN Trust from Vitro in respect of
principal arising as a result of payment at maturity (or earlier as a result of acceleration) of
the MCDs
Amortization Prior
to Maturity .................
Guarantors ................. None
Ranking...................... The MCD CLNs are direct, unsecured, limited recourse and senior obligations of the CLN
Issuer and will rank equally in right of payment with all other obligations of the CLN Issuer
that are not, by their terms, expressly subordinated in right of payment to the MCD CLNs.
To the extent that the MCD CLN Trust receives any cash payment as a result of an optional
Cash Mandatory
Redemption................. or mandatory redemption or prepayment of the MCDs held in the MCD CLN Trust, the CLN
Issuer will use such proceeds to redeem, in cash, a like principal amount of MCD CLNs at
par less the prepayment discount set forth below (except in the case of a tax redemption,
which will be at par):
From the Issue Date to December 15, 2012: 30.2%
From December 16, 2012 to December 15, 2013: 24.2%
From December 16, 2013 to December 15, 2014: 17.7%
From December 16, 2014 to December 15, 2015: 10.6%
plus accrued and unpaid interest to the redemption date.
In-Kind Mandatory
Upon the occurrence of a Credit Event, New York Agent Event or Luxembourg Agent
Redemption.................. Event (each as defined in Description of the New Notes or Description of the CLNs), all
outstanding MCD CLNs will be redeemed by distributing to all holders of MCD CLNs, on a
pro rata basis, the assets held in the 2018 CLN Trust, including all MCDs.
In the case of a Credit Event (other than a Credit Event described in clause (5) of the definition
thereof) holders of MCD CLNs will receive in exchange therefor certificated MCDs issued by
In the case of a New York Agent Event and Luxembourg Agent Event, Vitro will be required
to take all actions (including without limitation the engagement of a trustee, the execution of
an indenture and any other documentation as may be reasonably necessary) required to make
the MCDs eligible for clearing through DTC (in the case of a New York Agent Event) or
Euroclear and Clearstream (in the case of a Luxembourg Agent Event if a New York Agent
Event has not also occurred) and holders of the MCD CLNs will receive beneficial interests
in a global MCD.



Prior to the occurrence of a Credit Event, New York Agent Event or Luxembourg Agent
Redemption.................. Event (each as defined in Description of the CLNs), any Holder of a MCD CLN may
require the CLN Issuer to redeem its MCD CLN in kind, in whole or in part, plus all related
accrued interest and Additional Amounts on the principal amount of such MCD CLN being
redeemed through the date of redemption (a Withdrawal Redemption) by delivering to the
Holder an equal principal amount of MCDs, in certificated form, from the assets in the 2018
CLN Trust.
Voting Rights............... Except in connection with a Technical Amendment (as defined in Description of the New
Notes), to the extent that the holders of the MCD CLNs request the CLN Issuer to exercise
a right or remedy under the MCDs or the related indenture or are required or requested to
provide a consent thereunder, the CLN Issuer will be required to deliver or withhold
consents to such right or remedy in respect of a principal amount of the MCDs held in the
MCD CLN Trust in the same proportion as the directions given by the holders of an equal
principal amount of the MCD CLNs. The CLN Issuer will also withhold consents in the
same proportion as a principal amount of the MCD CLNs that did not deliver a direction to
the CLN Issuer.
Events of Default......... The occurrence of any of the following will constitute an Event of Default under the MCD
CLNs, as further described below under Description of the CLNs:
The CLN Issuer commences certain voluntary cases under any applicable
bankruptcy, concurso mercantil, insolvency or other similar law now or thereafter
in effect, or consents to the entry of an order for relief in an involuntary case under
any such law; or
certain involuntary cases or other proceedings are commenced against the CLN
Issuer with respect to it or the Trust; or
the CLN Issuer fails to make any payment on the CLNs when due out of amounts in
any Collection Account; or
the CLN Issuer defaults in the performance of or breaches any other covenant or
agreement of the CLN Issuer in the MCD CLN Indenture or under the CLNs.
The MCDs contain certain other events which may trigger an Event of Default and
acceleration of the MCDs. Upon any such Event of Default under a series of MCDs, the
CLN Issuer will be required to redeem the corresponding series of MCDs as described in
RedemptionsIn-Kind Mandatory Redemptions.
Trustee ....................... Computershare Trust Company, N.A.
Paying Agent ............. Computershare Trust Company of Canada will act as the Paying Agent.
Settlement Agent ....... Citibank, N.A. acting through its Agency and Trust Department in London.
Transferability ........... The MCD CLNs are being issued in a transaction exempt from the registration requirements
of the Securities Act and therefore will be subject to transfer restrictions.




In this Description of the New Notes, the word Company refers only to Vitro, S.A.B. de C.V. (a sociedad
annima burstil de capital variable incorporated under the laws of Mexico), and any successor obligor on the
notes, and not to any of its subsidiaries. All references to $ or dollars are to United States of America dollars.
You can find the definitions of certain terms used in this description under the subheading Certain Definitions.
The Company will issue $814.65 million in aggregate principal amount of 8.0% senior notes (the 2018 Notes)
and $109.58 million in aggregate principal amount of mandatorily convertible debentures (the MCDs and,
together with the 2018 Notes, the New Notes), which will mandatorily convert into 20.0% of the Companys
common and voting equity if not paid in full at maturity.
Regardless of the Issue Date and date of delivery of the New Notes pursuant to the Concurso Plan, the maturity
date, amortization provisions and other relevant terms and conditions of the New Notes will be based on a value date
of January 1, 2011 (the Value Date).
The following description is a summary of the material provisions of the New Notes. Certain defined terms
used in this description but not defined below under Certain Definitions will have the meanings assigned to
them in the New Notes.

2018 NOTES

Basic Terms of the 2018 Notes

The 2018 Notes:

will be general unsecured obligations of the Company (other than ownership interests in Strategic Joint
Ventures that are pledged to secure the 2018 Notes after the Issue Date as described under

will be pari passu in right of payment to all senior unsecured Debt of the Company;

will be effectively junior in right of payment to any secured Debt of the Company to the extent of the
assets securing such Debt;

will be senior in right of payment to any future subordinated Debt of the Company; and

will be unconditionally guaranteed by the Guarantors.

Principal, Maturity and Interest

The Company will issue $814.65 million in aggregate principal amount of the 2018 Notes under the Concurso
Plan. The Company will issue the 2018 Notes in denominations of $2,000 principal amount and integral multiples
of $1,000 in excess thereof. The 2018 Notes will mature on December 15, 2018.
Interest on the 2018 Notes will accrue at a fixed interest rate, payable in cash to the holders semiannually
commencing with the first six-month scheduled interest payment date immediately following the Issue Date;
provided that the Company may elect to exercise its option to pay a portion of the interest on the 2018 Notes in the
form of additional 2018 Notes (the PIK Option) for interest periods ending prior to December 16, 2013, as
described in the following grid:




Total Interest

From the Issue Date

to Dec. 15, 2012


From Dec. 16, 2012

to Dec. 15, 2013


From Dec. 16, 2013

to Dec. 15, 2014
From Dec. 16, 2014
to Dec. 15, 2015
From Dec. 16, 2015
to Dec. 15, 2016
From Dec. 16, 2016
to Dec. 15, 2017
From Dec. 16, 2017
to Dec. 15, 2018


Per Annum
Cash Rate
8.0% (or 4.0%
if PIK Option
is elected)
8.0% (or 4.0%
if PIK Option
is elected)

Per Annum PIK














4.0% (if PIK Option

is elected)
4.0% (if PIK Option
is elected)

If the Company exercises its PIK Option, interest that is elected to be paid in kind in accordance with the terms
of the 2018 Note will be added to the outstanding principal amount (the Additional 2018 PIK Principal) of
the 2018 Notes. Additional 2018 PIK Principal will be considered principal for all purposes, and without limiting
the foregoing, the Additional 2018 PIK Principal of the 2018 Notes will bear interest at the rate then applicable to
the 2018 Notes, beginning on the date such interest is paid in kind and added to the principal amount thereof, in
accordance with the terms of the 2018 Notes. The Company may only elect to exercise its PIK Option for any
interest period if (i) based on the most recently available consolidated balance sheet of the Company, Unrestricted
Cash would be less than $95.0 million after giving effect to the payment of half of the relevant scheduled interest
payment that the Company wishes to pay in kind through the exercise of the PIK Option, (ii) no Default or Event of
Default has occurred and is continuing, (iii) if any New CLNs are outstanding, the Company has tendered to the
CLN Issuer for cancellation any New CLNs that have been purchased by it or its Subsidiaries through Market
Purchases prior to the interest period in respect of which the Company wishes to exercise the PIK Option, and a
corresponding amount of New Notes held by the CLN Issuer have been tendered to the Company and/or the New
Note Trustee for cancellation and (iv) if no New CLNs are outstanding, all New Notes that have been purchased
through Market Purchases prior to the interest period in respect of which the Company wishes to exercise the PIK
Option have been tendered for cancellation.
The Company must elect the form of interest payment with respect to each interest period ending prior to
December 16, 2013 by delivering notice to the Holders 30 days prior to the end of the applicable interest period.
Pursuant to the CLN Indentures, for so long as the CLNs are outstanding, if the Company delivers a notice electing
the PIK Option for any interest period for the 2018 Notes, the CLN Issuer is required to elect the PIK Option for the
corresponding interest period for the 2018 CLNs. In the absence of such an election for any such interest period,
interest on the 2018 Notes is payable entirely in cash, and the CLN Indentures provides that for so long as the New
CLNs are outstanding, corresponding interest payments on the 2018 CLNs shall be payable entirely in cash. After
December 16, 2013, the Company will make all interest payments on the 2018 Notes entirely in cash and interest
payments on the 2018 CLNs will be paid in cash. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the payment of accrued
interest in connection with any Market Purchases or any redemption of 2018 Notes as described under Optional
Redemption, under Provisions Applicable to All of the New NotesExcess Cash Sweep or pursuant to any other
covenant in the New Notes will be made solely in cash.
In the event that the Company elects to exercise the PIK Option with respect to any interest period as described
above, the Company will not be permitted to repurchase any New Notes through Market Purchases during such
interest period or during the immediately following interest period. Any required prepayment of the New Notes
during such interest periods pursuant to the covenant described under Provisions Applicable to All of the New
NotesExcess Cash Sweep or pursuant to any other covenant in the New Notes will be made solely through



redemptions of the New Notes (at par, less the applicable discount to the redemption price of the MCDs, as defined
in the MCDs). Pursuant to the CLN Indentures, for so long as the New CLNs are outstanding, the CLN Issuer will
be required to use the cash proceeds of any redemption of New Notes to redeem the relevant New CLNs in the CLN
Interest on the 2018 Notes will accrue from the Issue Date or, if interest has already been paid, from the date it
was most recently paid. Interest will be computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months.
Interest on overdue principal and interest (including Comprehensive Additional Amounts, if any) will accrue at
a rate that is 2.0% higher than the then applicable interest rate on the 2018 Notes. The Company will make each
interest payment to the holders of record on the 15th day immediately preceding the applicable interest payment
date. If the due date for payment of any amount in respect of principal or interest on any of the 2018 Notes is not a
Business Day, the holder thereof will not be entitled to payment of the amount due until the next succeeding
Business Day and will not be entitled to any further interest or other payment as a result of any such delay.
The 2018 Notes will provide that principal will be due and payable to the holders of the 2018 Notes on the
regular record date immediately preceding each semiannual (other than June 15, 2018) installment in accordance
with the following schedule:
June 15, 2015: $11,980,000
December 15, 2015: $11,980,000
June 15, 2016: $11,980,000
December 15, 2016: $11,980,000
June 15, 2017: $11,980,000
December 15, 2017: $11,980,000
December 15, 2018: Balance
Pursuant to the CLN Indentures, for so long as the CLNs are outstanding, the CLN Issuer will be required to
apply cash payments of principal of the 2018 Notes to make corresponding cash payments of principal under
the 2018 CLNs in the 2018 CLN Trust.
There are no amortization provisions for the MCDs.
Any redemption of a principal amount in accordance with Optional Redemption will reduce installments of
principal in direct order of maturity beginning with the installment payable on the principal payment date first
succeeding the applicable redemption date; provided that in the event of a redemption of 2018 Notes from the
proceeds of an equity issuance pursuant to Mandatory Redemption from Equity Issuances or pursuant to
Excess Cash Sweep, such redemption shall first be applied to reduce the final installment by up to the amount of
any Additional PIK Principal added pursuant to Interestthe 2018 CLNs and thereafter to reduce installments
of principal in direct order of maturity beginning with the installment payable on the principal payment date first
succeeding the applicable redemption date.
Optional Redemption
The Company may redeem the 2018 Notes at its option, at any time in whole or from time to time in part, upon
not less than 30 nor more than 60 days prior notice mailed by first-class mail to each holders registered address.
The optional redemption may only be paid out of (1) Excess Cash Flow, in accordance with the covenant described
under Provisions Applicable to All of the New NotesExcess Cash Sweep, or (2) the proceeds of, or in exchange
for (a) Permitted Refinancing Debt, (b) an offering of Equity Interests of the Company (other than the issuance of



Equity Interests upon conversion of the MCDs), or (c) an Asset Sale, in accordance with the covenant described
under 2018 NotesCertain CovenantsLimitation on Asset Sales. To redeem the 2018 Notes the Company
must pay a redemption price equal to:
(a) 100% of the principal amount of the 2018 Notes to be redeemed; plus
(b) accrued and unpaid interest (including any Additional Amounts), if any, to the redemption date
(subject to the right of holders of record on the relevant record date to receive interest due on the relevant
interest payment date).
If fewer than all of the 2018 Notes are being redeemed, the Company will select the 2018 Notes to be redeemed
on a pro rata basis in denominations of $2,000 principal amount and multiples of $1,000 in excess thereof. Upon
surrender of any 2018 Note redeemed in part, the holders will receive a 2018 Note equal in principal amount to the
unredeemed portion of the surrendered 2018 Note. Once notice of redemption is sent to the holders, 2018 Notes
called for redemption become due and payable at the redemption price on the redemption date, and, commencing on
the redemption date, 2018 Notes redeemed will cease to accrue interest. Any redeemed 2018 Notes will be
promptly canceled.
Mandatory Redemption
The mandatory redemption provisions with respect to the 2018 Notes are described under Provisions
Applicable to All of the New NotesMandatory Redemption from Equity Issuances below.
Excess Cash Sweep
The excess cash sweep with respect to the 2018 Notes is described under Provisions Applicable to All of the
New NotesExcess Cash Sweep below.
Structural Subordination. Substantially all the operations of the Company are conducted through its
subsidiaries. Claims of creditors of non-guarantor subsidiaries, including trade creditors, secured creditors and
creditors holding debt and guarantees issued by those subsidiaries, and claims of preferred and minority
stockholders (if any) of those subsidiaries generally will have priority with respect to the assets and earnings of
those subsidiaries over the claims of creditors of the Company, including holders of the 2018 Notes. The 2018
Notes and each Note Guaranty therefor will be effectively subordinated to creditors (including trade creditors) and
preferred and minority stockholders (if any) of subsidiaries of the Company (other than the Guarantors). Although
the 2018 Notes limits the incurrence of Debt and Disqualified Stock or Preferred Stock of Restricted Subsidiaries,
the limitation is subject to a number of significant exceptions. Moreover, the 2018 Notes do not impose any
limitation on the incurrence by Restricted Subsidiaries of liabilities that are not considered Debt or Disqualified
Stock or Preferred Stock under the 2018 Notes and does not place any limitations upon Unrestricted Subsidiaries.
See Certain CovenantsLimitation on Debt and Disqualified Stock or Preferred Stock.
Pari Passu Status
The New Notes will constitute direct, unconditional and unsubordinated obligations of the Company ranking at
all times pari passu in priority of payment, in right of security and in all other respects among themselves and with
all other unsecured and unsubordinated Debt of the Company now or hereafter outstanding, except to the extent that
such other Debt may be preferred by mandatory provisions of applicable law.




The obligations of the Company pursuant to the 2018 Notes, including any repurchase obligation resulting from
a Change of Control and any mandatory prepayment obligations under the 2018 Notes, will be unconditionally
guaranteed, jointly and severally, on an unsecured basis, by the Guarantors. The MCDs will not be guaranteed.
Each Guarantor will provide a guarantee of the 2018 Notes on the Issue Date. If after the Issue Date the Company
or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries acquires or creates a Subsidiary that is a Restricted Subsidiary after giving effect
to such transaction (other than (i) a Finance Subsidiary or (ii) a Project Finance Entity), the new Restricted
Subsidiary must provide a guaranty of the 2018 Notes on terms no less favorable to the holders of the 2018 Notes
than the terms of the guarantees provided by the Guarantors on the Issue Date. If after the Issue Date the Company
or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries acquires, creates, participates in or otherwise contributes any assets to a
Strategic Joint Venture that does not become a Guarantor, the Company or such Restricted Subsidiary will pledge,
concurrently with the acquisition or creation of, or participation in, such Strategic Joint Venture, all of its ownership
interest in the Strategic Joint Venture as collateral for the Companys obligations under the 2018 Notes, in
accordance with the terms of the 2018 Notes.
In compliance with Swiss law the aggregate amount payable by each Swiss Subsidiary Guarantor will be
limited for each such Swiss Subsidiary Guarantor to an amount equal to the maximum amount of the freely
distributable retained earnings of such Swiss Subsidiary Guarantor as of such time. There may be other limitations
on the guarantees of our Mexican Guarantors and/or our other non-Mexican Guarantors required under applicable
local laws.
The Note Guaranty of a Guarantor with respect to the 2018 Notes will terminate upon:
(1) a sale or other disposition (including by way of consolidation or merger) of the Guarantor or the sale or
disposition of all or substantially all the assets of the Guarantor (other than to the Company or a Restricted
Subsidiary) in a transaction permitted by the 2018 Notes,
(2) the designation in accordance with the 2018 Notes of the Guarantor as an Unrestricted Subsidiary,
(3) the pledge of Capital Stock of any new Strategic Joint Venture involving such Guarantor created by the
Company, provided that (i) such Strategic Joint Venture is engaged in a Permitted Business and (ii) such pledge
is validly granted concurrently with the acquisition or creation of, or participation in, such Strategic Joint
Venture and otherwise in accordance with the terms of the 2018 Notes, or
(4) defeasance or discharge of the 2018 Notes, as provided below under the caption Defeasance and
Certain Covenants
The 2018 Notes will contain covenants including, among others, the following:
Limitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred Stock;



(a) The Company:

(1) will not, and will not permit any of its Restricted Subsidiaries to, Incur any Debt; and
(2) will not, and will not permit any Restricted Subsidiary to, Incur any Disqualified Stock, and will not
permit any of its Restricted Subsidiaries to Incur any Preferred Stock (other than Disqualified or Preferred Stock
of Restricted Subsidiaries held by the Company or a Substantially Wholly Owned Restricted Subsidiary, so long
as it is so held);
provided that the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary may Incur Debt and the Company or any Restricted
Subsidiary may Incur Disqualified Stock and the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary may Incur Preferred Stock
if, on the date of the Incurrence, after giving effect to the Incurrence and the receipt and application of the proceeds
therefrom, the Leverage Ratio is not greater than 3.0 to 1.0; provided further that any Debt Incurred, or reclassified
as Debt Incurred, pursuant to this sentence (Ratio Debt) will at all times represent unsecured obligations of the
Company or the relevant Restricted Subsidiary and will not rank senior in right of payment to the 2018 Notes and
(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company and, to the extent provided below, any Restricted Subsidiary
may Incur the following Debt (Permitted Debt):
(1) Any of the following types of Debt of the Company or any Guarantor that do not, in the aggregate
exceed an amount (the General Basket) equal to (x) $100.0 million, less (y) the sum of (i) any amount of such
General Basket Debt permanently repaid as provided in Section 5.13 of the 2018 Notes and (ii) any amount of
such General Basket Debt permanently repaid as provided in clause (7) of the definition of Excess Cash Flow
(A) Debt Incurred for working capital needs of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries in the
ordinary course of business;
(B) Debt Incurred to fund Permitted Capital Expenditures;
(C) Debt Incurred for the purpose of making interest payments on Debt permitted by this covenant;
(D) either (x) Project Finance Guarantees Incurred in accordance with the covenant described under
the caption Certain CovenantsLimitation on Transactions with Project Finance Entities or (y) Debt
Incurred to fund a Project Finance Investment; or
(E) Debt of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary Incurred on or after the Issue Date not
otherwise permitted by this covenant;
provided that if the Leverage Ratio on any date will be equal to or less than 3.0 to 1.0 (a Leverage
Compliance Date), the reduction of such $100.0 million by any permanent repayments of the Debt set forth
in clauses (A) through (E) above prior to such Leverage Compliance Date will be reversed for purposes of
calculating the amount available in the General Basket,
(2) Debt Incurred in connection with a Permitted Receivables Financing, the net proceeds of which are
used to fund the working capital needs of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries in the ordinary course of
(3) Purchase Money Debt of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary, not to exceed an amount (the
Purchase Money Basket) at any time outstanding equal to (x) $25.0 million, less (y) the sum of (i) any
amount of Purchase Money Debt permanently repaid as provided in Limitation on Asset Sales and (ii) any
amount of Purchase Money Debt permanently repaid as provided in clause (7) of the definition of Excess Cash
Flow; provided that if a Leverage Compliance Date occurs, the reduction of such $25.0 million by any
permanent repayments of such Purchase Money Debt prior to such Leverage Compliance Date will be reversed
for purposes of calculating the amount available in the Purchase Money Basket;



(4) Debt of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary outstanding on the Issue Date (Existing Debt) and
listed on a schedule to the 2018 Notes;
(5) Debt of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary of the Company so long as such Debt continues to
be owed to the Company or a Restricted Subsidiary (Intercompany Debt), provided that (i) if the obligor is
the Company or a Guarantor, such Debt is subordinated in right of payment to the 2018 Notes in accordance
with the covenant described under the caption Certain CovenantsLimitation on Intercompany Debt,
(ii) in the event that at any time any such Debt ceases to be held by the Company or a Restricted Subsidiary,
such Debt will be deemed Incurred and not permitted by this clause (5) at the time such event occurs, and
(iii) such Debt is otherwise Incurred in accordance with the terms of the covenant described under the caption
Certain CovenantsLimitation on Intercompany Debt;
(6) Debt of the Company and the Guarantors not to exceed in aggregate the sum of $814.65 million and
any interest thereon paid in kind in accordance with the Companys exercise of the PIK Option as permitted
under Principal, Maturity and InterestInterest,; in each case in respect of the 2018 Notes and Note
Guaranties issued on the Issue Date (and any additional Note Guaranties issued after the Issue Date) pursuant to
the 2018 Notes;
(7) Debt (Permitted Refinancing Debt) constituting an extension or renewal of, replacement of, or
substitution for, or issued in exchange for, or the net proceeds of which are used to repay, redeem, repurchase,
refinance or refund, including by way of defeasance (all of the above, for purposes of this clause, refinance)
(i) Debt permitted pursuant to this covenant or (ii) the MCDs issued on the Issue Date (and any accrued interest
thereon), in an amount not to exceed the outstanding principal amount of the Debt or MCDs so refinanced (less,
in the case of the MCDs, the applicable MCD Prepayment Discount), plus premiums, fees and expenses;
provided that, in the case of the MCDs and Debt other than Existing Debt:
(A) in case the Debt to be refinanced is subordinated in right of payment to the 2018 Notes, the new
Debt, by its terms or by the terms of any agreement or instrument pursuant to which it is outstanding, is
expressly made subordinate in right of payment to the 2018 Notes at least to the extent that the Debt to be
refinanced is subordinated to the 2018 Notes,
(B) the new Debt does not (i) have a Stated Maturity prior to the Stated Maturity of the Debt to be
refinanced, and the Average Life of the new Debt is equal or greater than the remaining Average Life of the
Debt to be refinanced, and (ii) rank senior in right of payment to the Debt to be refinanced,
(C) in no event may Debt of the Company or any Guarantor be refinanced pursuant to this clause by
means of any Debt of any Restricted Subsidiary that is not a Guarantor,
(D) in the event that the Debt being refinanced is the 2018 Notes or the Permitted Refinancing Debt is
being Incurred to refinance the MCDs, the new Debt is made pari passu or subordinated to the New Notes
or MCDs, as applicable, and the proceeds from the Incurrence of any such new Debt are used exclusively
to prepay the 2018 Notes and/or MCDs (as the case may be) within 30 days of the Incurrence of such new
(E) in the event that the Debt being refinanced is Project Finance Indebtedness, such Permitted
Refinancing Debt is (i) also Project Finance Indebtedness and is (ii) recourse to no cash flow, revenues,
assets, capital stock or other interests other than the same aggregate cash flow or net cash flow (or the
revenues or any portion thereof) or assets of, or capital stock or other interests in the relevant Project
Finance Entity that were pledged in connection with the Incurrence of the Project Finance Indebtedness
being Refinanced, and
(F) Debt Incurred pursuant to clauses (5), (8), (9) and (12) may not be refinanced pursuant to this
clause (7);
(8) Hedging Agreements of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary entered into in the ordinary course
of business for the purpose of limiting risks associated with the business of the Company and its Restricted



Subsidiaries and not for speculation in accordance with the covenant described under the caption Certain
CovenantsLimitation on Hedging Agreements;
(9) Debt of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary with respect to letters of credit and bankers
acceptances issued in the ordinary course of business and not supporting Debt, including letters of credit
supporting performance, surety or appeal bonds or indemnification, adjustment of purchase price or similar
(10) Acquired Debt, provided that after giving effect to the Incurrence thereof, the Leverage Ratio is not
greater than the Leverage Ratio immediately prior to such Incurrence;
(11) Project Finance Indebtedness Incurred by a Project Finance Entity;
(12) Attributable Debt Incurred in connection with a Sale and Leaseback Transaction involving the sale and
lease of the headquarters of the Company, located in San Pedro Garza Garca, 66265 Nuevo Len, Mexico; and
(13) Debt of the Company or any Guarantor consisting of Guarantees of Debt of the Company or any
Restricted Subsidiary Incurred under any other clause of this covenant.
For purposes of determining compliance with the Limitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred Stock
covenant described above, (A) in the event that an item of Debt meets the criteria of more than one of the types of
Debt described above, the Company, in its sole discretion, will classify such item of Debt and only be required to
include the amount and type of such Debt in one of such clauses, although the Company may divide and classify an
item of Debt in one or more of the types of Debt and may later re-divide or reclassify all or a portion of such item of
Debt in any manner that complies with the Limitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred Stock covenant
described above and (B) the amount of Debt issued at a price that is less than the principal amount thereof will be
equal to the amount of the liability in respect thereof determined in conformity with Mexican GAAP.
Limitation on Strategic Joint Ventures. The Company will not, and will not cause or permit any of its
Restricted Subsidiaries to:
(a) create, acquire, participate in or otherwise contribute any assets to any Strategic Joint Venture, unless:
(1) such Strategic Joint Venture is engaged in a Permitted Business,
(2) after giving effect to the Proportional Debt of such Strategic Joint Venture as if it had been Incurred by
the Company or such Restricted Subsidiary and the Proportional EBITDA of such Strategic Joint Venture as if
it had been earned by the Company or such Restricted Subsidiary, the Leverage Ratio is not greater than the
Leverage Ratio immediately prior to such Incurrence,
(3) concurrently with the creation or acquisition of, or participation in, such Strategic Joint Venture, either
(a) the Strategic Joint Venture provides a Note Guaranty on terms no less favorable to the holders of the 2018
Notes than the terms of the guarantees provided by the Guarantors on the Issue Date or (b) the Company and/or
the relevant Restricted Subsidiary (or Restricted Subsidiaries) pledge all of their ownership interests in the
Strategic Joint Venture as collateral for the Companys obligations under the 2018 Notes, in accordance with
the terms of the 2018 Notes, and
(4) the Company promptly delivers a notice to each Holder, certified by the Chief Financial Officer of the
Company, (x) listing all of the Debt and EBITDA of such Strategic Joint Venture at the time such Strategic
Joint Venture was created or acquired by the Company or such Restricted Subsidiary and (y) certifying that the
creation or acquisition of, or participation in, such Strategic Joint Venture was consummated in accordance with
the terms of this covenant;



(b) cause or permit any Strategic Joint Venture to Incur any Debt unless, after giving effect to the Incurrence of
the Proportional Debt of such Strategic Joint Venture as if it had been Incurred by the Company or such Restricted
Subsidiary on the date it was Incurred by such Strategic Joint Venture and the Proportional EBITDA of such
Strategic Joint Venture as if it had been earned by the Company or such Restricted Subsidiary in the four Fiscal
Quarters immediately prior to such Incurrence, the Leverage Ratio is not greater than the
Leverage Ratio immediately prior to such Incurrence.
Limitation on Restricted Payments. (a) The Company will not, and will not permit any Restricted Subsidiary
to, directly or indirectly (the payments and other actions described in the following clauses being, collectively,
Restricted Payments):
(A) declare or pay any dividend or make any distribution on its Equity Interests (other than on the MCDs
pursuant to the terms thereof) held by Persons other than the Company or any of its Wholly Owned
Restricted Subsidiaries (other than (x) dividends or distributions paid solely in the Companys Qualified
Equity Interests or (y) dividends or distributions by a Restricted Subsidiary on shares of its Common Stock
that are paid pro rata to all holders of such Common Stock or, if such Restricted Subsidiary has more than
one class of Capital Stock, any dividend or distribution by such Restricted Subsidiary on all shares of its
Capital Stock that is paid pro rata to all holders of such Capital Stock in proportion to such holders equity
interest in such Restricted Subsidiary);
(B) purchase, redeem, retire or otherwise acquire for value any Equity Interests of the Company or MCD CLNs
(other than MCDs repurchased or redeemed pursuant to the terms of the New Notes) held by Persons other
than the Company or any of its Wholly Owned Restricted Subsidiaries;
(C) repay, redeem, repurchase, defease, retire or otherwise acquire for value, or make any payment on or with
respect to, any Subordinated Debt (other than for value payable solely in Subordinated Debt that constitutes
Permitted Refinancing Debt or in shares of Capital Stock of the Company (other than Disqualified Stock or
Preferred Stock)) except a payment of interest or principal at Stated Maturity and except as contemplated
by the covenant described under the caption Certain CovenantsLimitation on Asset Sales; or
(D) make any Investment other than a Permitted Investment;
unless, at the time of, and after giving effect to, the proposed Restricted Payment:
(1) no Default has occurred and is continuing,
(2) the Company has not exercised its PIK Option for the interest period in which such proposed
Restricted Payment would be made,
(3) the Leverage Ratio is not greater than 3.1 to 1.0, and
(4) the aggregate amount expended for all Restricted Payments made on or after the Issue Date would not,
subject to paragraph (c), exceed the sum of:
(A) 50% of the aggregate amount of the Consolidated Net Income (or, if the Consolidated Net Income
is a loss, minus 100% of the amount of the loss) accrued on a cumulative basis during the period, taken as
one accounting period, beginning on the date of issuance of the 2018 Notes and ending on the last day of
the Companys most recently completed fiscal quarter for which internal consolidated financial statements
are available, plus
(B) subject to paragraph (c), the aggregate net cash proceeds (other than cash proceeds required to be
used to redeem or purchase any outstanding New Notes or CLNs, as applicable) received by the Company
(other than from a Subsidiary) after the Issue Date from
(C) the issuance and sale of its Qualified Equity Interests, including by way of issuance of its
Disqualified Equity Interests or Debt to the extent since converted into Qualified Equity Interests of the
Company or



(D) a contribution by a Person other than a Restricted Subsidiary to the equity capital of the Company
not representing an interest in Disqualified Stock (including the MCDs if converted); plus
(E) the cash return, after the Issue Date, on any other Investment made after the Issue Date pursuant to
this paragraph (E), as a result of any sale for cash, repayment, redemption, liquidating distribution or other
cash realization (not included in Consolidated Net Income), not to exceed the amount of such Investment so
made; plus
(F) to the extent not included in clause (A) above, an amount equal to the net reduction in Investments
in Unrestricted Subsidiaries resulting from payments of interest on Debt, dividends, repayments of loans or
advances, or other transfers of assets, in each case to the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary from
Unrestricted Subsidiaries, or from any revocation of the designation of an Unrestricted Subsidiary (valued
in each case as provided in the definition of Investment), not to exceed, in the case of any Unrestricted
Subsidiary, the amount of Investments previously made by the Company and any Restricted Subsidiary in
such Unrestricted Subsidiary included as a Restricted Payment pursuant to this clause (4).
provided that any Restricted Payments permitted to be made pursuant to this clause (a) may only be made out of any
available funds (to the extent not already used) in the Company ECF Account. The amount expended in any
Restricted Payment, if other than in cash, shall be deemed to be the fair market value of the relevant non-cash assets,
as determined in good faith by the Board of Directors, whose determination shall be conclusive and evidenced by a
Board Resolution.
(b) The foregoing will not prohibit:
(1) the payment of any dividend within 90 days after the date of declaration thereof if, at the date of
declaration, such payment would comply with paragraph (a) and such dividend is made out of any available
funds (to the extent not already used) in the Company ECF Account;
(2) dividends or distributions by a Restricted Subsidiary payable, on a pro rata basis or on a basis more
favorable to the Company, to all holders of any class of Capital Stock of such Restricted Subsidiary a majority
of which is held, directly or indirectly through Restricted Subsidiaries, by the Company;
(3) the repayment, redemption, repurchase, defeasance or other acquisition or retirement for value of
Subordinated Debt with the proceeds of, or in exchange for, Permitted Refinancing Debt;
(4) the purchase, redemption or other acquisition or retirement for value of Equity Interests of the
Company or any Restricted Subsidiary in exchange for, or out of the proceeds of a substantially concurrent
offering of, Qualified Equity Interests of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary or of a cash contribution to
the common equity of the Company;
(5) the repayment, redemption, repurchase, defeasance or other acquisition or retirement of Subordinated
Debt of the Company in exchange for, or out of the proceeds of, a substantially concurrent offering of,
Qualified Equity Interests of the Company; and
(6) any Investment made in exchange for, or out of the net cash proceeds of, a substantially concurrent
offering of Qualified Equity Interests of the Company;
provided that, in each case above no Default has occurred and is continuing or would occur as a result thereof.
(c) Proceeds of the issuance of Qualified Equity Interests will be included under clause (4) of paragraph (a)
only to the extent they are not applied as described in clause (4), (5) or (6) of paragraph (b). Restricted Payments
permitted pursuant to clause (2), (3), (4), (5) or (6) of paragraph (b) will not be included in making the calculations
under clause (3) of paragraph (a).
Limitation on Liens. The Company will not, and will not permit any Restricted Subsidiary to, directly or
indirectly, incur or permit to exist any Lien of any nature whatsoever on any of its properties or assets, whether
owned at the Issue Date or thereafter acquired, other than Permitted Liens, without effectively providing that



the 2018 Notes are secured equally and ratably with (or, if the obligation to be secured by the Lien is subordinated in
right of payment to the 2018 Notes or any Note Guaranty, prior to) the obligations so secured for so long as such
obligations are so secured.
Limitation on Sale and Leaseback Transactions. The Company will not, and will not permit any Restricted
Subsidiary to, enter into any Sale and Leaseback Transaction with respect to any property or asset (subject to the
following paragraph) unless:
(1) the Company or the Restricted Subsidiary would be entitled to Incur Debt in an amount equal to the
Attributable Debt with respect to such Sale and Leaseback Transaction pursuant to the covenant described
under the caption Certain CovenantsLimitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred Stock, and in
which case, the corresponding Debt will be deemed Incurred pursuant to those provisions,
(2) the Company or the Restricted Subsidiary would be entitled to enter into such transaction pursuant to
the covenant described under the caption Certain CovenantsLimitation on Liens had such Sale and
Leaseback Transaction been structured as a mortgage loan rather than as a Sale and Leaseback Transaction, and
(3) the proceeds will be used in compliance with the covenant described under the caption Certain
CovenantsLimitation on Asset Sales in respect of such transaction.
Notwithstanding the foregoing clause (1), the Company may enter into Sale and Leaseback Transactions with
respect to the headquarters of the Company, located in San Pedro Garza Garca, 66265 Nuevo Len, Mexico.
Limitation on Dividend and Other Payment Restrictions Affecting Restricted Subsidiaries. (a) Except as
provided in paragraph (b), the Company will not, and will not permit any Restricted Subsidiary to, create or
otherwise cause or permit to exist or become effective any consensual encumbrance or restriction of any kind on the
ability of any Restricted Subsidiary to
(1) pay dividends or make any other distributions on any Equity Interests of the Restricted Subsidiary
owned by the Company or any other Restricted Subsidiary,
(2) pay any Debt or other obligation owed to the Company or any other Restricted Subsidiary,
(3) make loans or advances to the Company or any other Restricted Subsidiary, or
(4) transfer any of its property or assets to the Company or any other Restricted Subsidiary.
(b) The provisions of paragraph (a) do not apply to any encumbrances or restrictions:
(1) existing on the Issue Date in the 2018 Notes or any other agreements in effect on the Issue Date, and
any extensions, renewals, replacements or refinancings of any of the foregoing; provided that the encumbrances
and restrictions in the extension, renewal, replacement or refinancing are, taken as a whole, no less favorable in
any material respect to the holders than the encumbrances or restrictions being extended, renewed, replaced or
(2) existing under or by reason of applicable law;
(3) existing:
(A) with respect to any Person, or to the property or assets of any Person, at the time the Person is
acquired by the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary, or
(B) with respect to any Unrestricted Subsidiary at the time it is designated or is deemed to become a
Restricted Subsidiary,



which encumbrances or restrictions (i) are not applicable to any other Person or the property or assets of any other
Person and (ii) were not put in place in anticipation of such event and any extensions, renewals, replacements or
refinancings of any of the foregoing, provided the encumbrances and restrictions in the extension, renewal,
replacement or refinancing are, taken as a whole, no less favorable in any material respect to the holders than the
encumbrances or restrictions being extended, renewed, replaced or refinanced;
(4) of the type described in clause (a)(4) arising or agreed to in the ordinary course of business (i) that
restrict in a customary manner the subletting, assignment or transfer of any property or asset that is subject to a
lease or license, (ii) by virtue of any Lien on, or agreement to transfer, option or similar right with respect to any
property or assets of, the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary or (iii) not relating to any Debt;
(5) with respect to a Restricted Subsidiary and imposed pursuant to an agreement that has been entered
into for the sale or disposition of all or substantially all of the Capital Stock of, or property and assets of, the
Restricted Subsidiary that is permitted by the covenant described under the caption Certain Covenants
Limitation on Asset Sales;
(6) customary restrictions with respect to a Finance Subsidiary, pursuant to the terms of the related
Permitted Receivables Financing by the Finance Subsidiary;
(7) contained in the terms governing any Debt if the encumbrances or restrictions are (i) ordinary and
customary for a financing of that type and (ii) are not materially more restrictive than encumbrances or
restrictions in effect on the Issue Date;
(8) customary provisions in joint venture agreements and other similar agreements entered into in the
ordinary course of business;
(9) restrictions on cash or other deposits or net worth imposed by customers under contracts entered into in
the ordinary course of business;
(10) contained in agreements relating to the distribution of dividends by the Company or any Subsidiary
and the Person owning any Equity Interest in any Restricted Subsidiary that is not a Wholly Owned Subsidiary;
(11) required pursuant to the 2018 Notes.
Guaranties by Restricted Subsidiaries. If after the Issue Date (i) the Company or any of its Restricted
Subsidiaries acquires or creates a Subsidiary that is a Restricted Subsidiary after giving effect to such transaction
(other than (x) a Finance Subsidiary or (y) a Project Finance Entity that is a Strategic Joint Venture), or (ii) a
Subsidiary that is an Unrestricted Subsidiary becomes a Restricted Subsidiary pursuant to the covenant described
under the caption Certain CovenantsDesignation of Restricted and Unrestricted Subsidiaries, the Company
must cause the new Restricted Subsidiary to provide a Note Guaranty; provided that if a Restricted Subsidiary was
not a Guarantor on the Issue Date and, after the Issue Date, is designated an Unrestricted Subsidiary and then is
subsequently redesignated a Restricted Subsidiary, such Subsidiary shall not be required to provide a Note Guaranty,
if such Subsidiary remains organized under the laws of the same jurisdiction as it was organized on the Issue Date.
If after the Issue Date the Company or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries acquires, creates, participates in or
otherwise contributes any asset to a Strategic Joint Venture that does not become a Guarantor, the Company or the
relevant Restricted Subsidiary will, concurrently with the creation or acquisition of, or participation in, such
Strategic Joint Venture, either (x) cause such Strategic Joint Venture to provide a Note Guaranty or (y) pledge its
ownership interest in the Strategic Joint Venture as collateral for the Companys obligations under the 2018 Notes,
in accordance with the terms of the 2018 Notes.
Repurchase of the New Notes upon a Change of Control. Not later than 15 days following a Change of
Control, the Company will deliver a notice to the Holders of the New Notes at their registered addresses and not
later than 30 days following such Change of Control, the Company will make an Offer to Purchase:



(i) if no CLNs of a series are outstanding, all outstanding New Notes at a purchase price equal to 101% of
the principal amount thereof (less, in the case of the New MCDs, the applicable MCD Prepayment Discount) plus
accrued interest to the date of purchase or
(ii) if New CLNs are outstanding, all outstanding New CLNs at a purchase price equal to 101% of the
principal amount thereof (less, in the case of the MCD CLNs, the applicable MCD Prepayment Discount) plus
accrued interest to the date of purchase.
An Offer to Purchase must be made by written offer to the Holders of the outstanding New Notes or New
CLNs, which will specify the principal amount of the New Notes or New CLNs, as applicable, subject to the offer
and the purchase price. The offer must specify an expiration date (the expiration date) not less than 30 days or
more than 60 days after the date of the offer and a settlement date for purchase (the purchase date) not more than
five Business Days after the expiration date. The offer must include information concerning the business of the
Company and its Subsidiaries which the Company in good faith believes will enable the holders to make an
informed decision with respect to the Offer to Purchase. The offer will also contain instructions and materials
necessary to enable holders to tender the New Notes or New CLNs, as applicable, pursuant to the offer.
A holder may tender all or any portion of its New Notes or New CLNs, as applicable, pursuant to an Offer to
Purchase, subject to the requirement that any portion of a New Note or New CLN, as applicable, tendered must be in
a multiple of $1,000 principal amount. Holders shall be entitled to withdraw New Notes or New CLNs, as
applicable, tendered up to the close of business on the expiration date. On the purchase date the purchase price will
become due and payable on each New Note or New CLN, as applicable, accepted for purchase pursuant to the Offer
to Purchase. Interest on New Notes purchased will cease to accrue on and after the purchase date for such New
Note, and pursuant to the CLN Indentures, interest on New CLNs purchased will cease to accrue on and after the
purchase date for such New CLNs.
The Company will comply with Rule 14e-1 under the Exchange Act and all other applicable laws in making any
Offer to Purchase, and the above procedures will be deemed modified as necessary to permit such compliance.
The Company has agreed in the New Notes that it will timely repay Debt or obtain consents as necessary under,
or terminate, agreements or instruments that would otherwise prohibit an Offer to Purchase required to be made
pursuant to the New Notes.
Future debt of the Company may prohibit the Company from purchasing New Notes in the event of a Change of
Control, may provide that a Change of Control is a default or may require repurchase of such debt upon a Change of
Control. Moreover, the exercise by the holders of their right to require the Company to purchase the New Notes or
New CLNs could cause a default under other debt, even if the Change of Control itself does not, due to the financial
effect of the purchase on the Company.
Finally, the Companys ability to pay cash to the holders of New Notes or New CLNs following the occurrence
of a Change of Control may be limited by the Companys then existing financial resources. There can be no
assurance that sufficient funds will be available when necessary to make the required purchase of the New Notes.
The phrase all or substantially all, as used with respect to the assets of the Company in the definition of
Change of Control, is subject to interpretation under applicable state law, and its applicability in a given instance
would depend upon the facts and circumstances. As a result, there may be a degree of uncertainty in ascertaining
whether a sale or transfer of all or substantially all the assets of the Company has occurred in a particular instance,
in which case a holders ability to obtain the benefit of these provisions could be unclear.
Except as described above with respect to a Change of Control, the New Notes do not contain provisions that
permit the holder of the New Notes to require that the Company purchase or redeem the New Notes in the event of a
takeover, recapitalization or similar transaction.
The CLN Indentures do not require the CLN Issuer to purchase or redeem the New Notes in the event of a
Change of Control.



Any New Notes or New CLNs purchased in an Offer to Purchase must be immediately surrendered to the
Company or CLN Indenture Trustee for cancellation. Pursuant to the CLN Indentures, if any New CLNs are
tendered by the Company for cancellation, the CLN Issuer shall tender to the Company a corresponding amount of
the relevant New Notes for cancellation.
The provisions under the New Notes relating to the Companys obligation to make an offer to repurchase the
New Notes or New CLNs as a result of a Change of Control may be waived or amended as described in
Amendments and Waivers.
Limitation on Asset Sales. The Company will not, and will not permit any Restricted Subsidiary to, make any
Asset Sale unless the following conditions are met:
(1) The Asset Sale is for fair market value, as determined in good faith by either the Board of Directors or
the finance committee (or its successor committee) of the Board of Directors.
(2) At least 75% of the consideration consists of (i) cash or Cash Equivalents received at closing,
(ii) property or assets (other than Capital Stock) to be owned by and used in the business of the Company or any
Restricted Subsidiary of a nature or type used in a business similar or related to the business of the Company
and its Restricted Subsidiaries on the date of such Asset Sale and/or (iii) Capital Stock in one or more Persons
principally engaged in a Permitted Business which thereby become Restricted Subsidiaries or Strategic Joint
(A) For purposes of this clause (2), the assumption by the purchaser of Debt or other obligations (other
than Subordinated Debt) of the Company or a Restricted Subsidiary pursuant to a customary novation
agreement, and instruments or securities received from the purchaser that are promptly, but in any event
within 30 days of the closing, converted by the Company to cash, to the extent of the cash actually so
received, will be considered cash received at closing.
(B) When the proceeds of an Asset Sale are delivered in the form of Capital Stock of a Person, or if
the assets subject to the Asset Sale consist of a portion of the Capital Stock of a Restricted Subsidiary and
(i) the Capital Stock of such Person acquired or remaining held by the Company or any Restricted
Subsidiary represents an interest in a Strategic Joint Venture and (ii) such Strategic Joint Venture cannot
become or remain a Guarantor, the Company will, concurrently with the creation or acquisition of, or
participation in, such Strategic Joint Venture, pledge such Capital Stock of such Strategic Joint Venture as
collateral for the Companys obligations pursuant to the 2018 Notes.
(3) Within 360 days after the receipt of any Net Cash Proceeds from an Asset Sale, the Net Cash Proceeds
may be used:
(A) to (x) redeem the New Notes or (y) permanently repay Debt that is (i) not Subordinated Debt of
the Company or a Guarantor or any Debt of a Restricted Subsidiary that is not a Guarantor and
(ii) permitted pursuant to the covenant 2018 NotesCertain CovenantsLimitation on Debt and
Disqualified or Preferred Stock (and in the case of a revolving credit, permanently reduce the commitment
thereunder by such amount), in each case owing to a Person other than the Company or any Restricted
Subsidiary; provided that if a Leverage Compliance Date occurs, the permanent reduction of any amount of
Debt permitted to be incurred pursuant to such covenant prior to such Leverage Compliance Date will be
reversed, or
(B) to acquire all or substantially all of the assets of a Permitted Business, to purchase Equity Interests
in a Restricted Subsidiary from a third party, or to acquire a majority of the Voting Stock of another Person
that thereupon becomes (i) a Restricted Subsidiary engaged in a Permitted Business or (ii) a Strategic Joint
Venture, the Capital Stock of which is pledged as collateral for the 2018 Notes in accordance with the
terms of the 2018 Notes, or to make Permitted Capital Expenditures or otherwise acquire long-term assets
that are to be used in a Permitted Business.
The Net Cash Proceeds of an Asset Sale not applied pursuant to clause (3) within 360 days of the
Asset Sale constitute Excess Proceeds. Excess Proceeds of less than $10.0 million will be carried forward



and accumulated. When accumulated Excess Proceeds equals or exceeds $10.0 million, the Company must,
within 30 days, make an Offer to Purchase New Notes of a series (if no New CLNs in respect of such series are
outstanding), or New CLNs if New CLNs of such series are outstanding, up to an aggregate principal amount
equal to such accumulated Excess Proceeds.
In the case of an Offer to Purchase,
(i) the purchase price for the New Notes will be equal to 100% of the principal amount (less, in the case of
the MCDs, the applicable MCD Prepayment Discount) plus accrued interest to the date of purchase and
(ii) the purchase price for CLNs will be equal to 100% of the principal amount (less, in the case of the
MCD CLNs, the applicable MCD Prepayment Discount) plus accrued interest to the date of purchase,
in each case, up to an aggregate amount equal to such accumulated Excess Proceeds. If the Offer to Purchase is for
less than all of the outstanding New Notes or CLNs, as applicable, and New Notes or CLNs, as applicable, in an
aggregate principal amount in excess of the purchase amount are tendered and not withdrawn pursuant to the offer,
the Company will purchase New Notes or CLNs, as applicable, having an aggregate principal amount equal to the
purchase amount on a pro rata basis, with adjustments so that only New Notes or CLNs, as applicable, in multiples
of $1,000 principal amount will be purchased. Upon completion of the Offer to Purchase, Excess Proceeds will be
reset at zero.
Pursuant to the CLN Indentures, for so long as the New CLNs are outstanding, the CLN Issuer will be required
to use the cash proceeds of any redemption of New Notes received pursuant to clause (3)(A) above to redeem the
relevant New CLNs.
Any New Notes or CLNs purchased through Market Purchases or otherwise redeemed must be immediately
surrendered to the Company or CLN Indenture Trustee for cancellation. Pursuant to the CLN Indentures, if any
New CLNs are tendered by the Company for cancellation, the CLN Issuer shall tender to the Company a
corresponding amount of the relevant New Notes for cancellation.
Limitation on Transactions with Shareholders and Affiliates. (a) The Company will not, and will not permit
any Restricted Subsidiary to, directly or indirectly, enter into, renew or extend any transaction or arrangement
including the purchase, sale, lease or exchange of property or assets, or the rendering of any service with (x) any
holder, or any Affiliate of any holder, of 5% or more of any class of Voting Stock of the Company or (y) any
Affiliate of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary (a Related Party Transaction), except upon fair and
reasonable terms that when taken as a whole are no less favorable to the Company or the Restricted Subsidiary than
could be obtained at that time in a comparable arms-length transaction with a Person that is not an Affiliate of the
Company or such Restricted Subsidiary.
(b) Any Related Party Transaction or series of Related Party Transactions with an aggregate value in excess of
$5.0 million must first be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors who are disinterested in the subject
matter of the transaction pursuant to a Board Resolution delivered to each Holder. Prior to entering into any Related
Party Transaction or series of Related Party Transactions after the Issue Date with an aggregate value in excess of
$10.0 million, the Company must in addition obtain and deliver to each Holder a favorable written opinion from an
Independent Financial Advisor as to the fairness of the transaction to the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries
from a financial point of view.
(c) The foregoing paragraphs do not apply to:
(1) the payment of reasonable and customary regular fees to directors of the Company;
(2) any Restricted Payments not prohibited by the Limitation on Restricted Payments covenant
described above;
(3) transactions solely among or between Guarantors or solely among or between the Company and a



(4) reasonable fees and compensation paid to, and any indemnity provided on behalf of, officers, directors,
employees, consultants or agents of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary as determined in good faith by
the Board of Directors, including contributions to a pension trust for employees of the Company and its
Restricted Subsidiaries and the acquisition in the open market, and contribution of, Capital Stock of the
Company to a stock option trust for employees of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries;
(5) transactions, including Related Party Transactions, undertaken pursuant to any contractual obligations
or rights in existence on the Issue Date (as in effect on the Issue Date or as amended, modified or replaced from
time to time so long as the amended, modified or new obligations or rights, taken as a whole, are no less
favorable to the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary and any of their Subsidiaries than those in effect on the
Issue Date);
(6) transactions entered into as part of a financing effected by a Finance Subsidiary;
(7) loans and advances to officers, directors and employees of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary
for travel, entertainment, moving and other relocation expenses, in each case made in the ordinary course of
business and in an aggregate principal amount at any time not exceeding $2.0 million; and
(8) transactions among the Company and/or the Guarantors, on the one hand, and the Non-Consenting
Holders Trust, the CLN Issuer, a CLN Trust of the Intercompany Debt Trust, on the other hand, in each case to
the extent permitted by the 2018 Notes.
Limitation on Transactions with Project Finance Entities. The Company will not, and will not cause or permit
any of its Restricted Subsidiaries to, enter into any purchase, sale, lease or exchange of property or the rendering of
any service, with any Project Finance Entity unless such transaction is upon terms that are no less favorable to the
Company or its Restricted Subsidiary, as the case may be, than the Company or its Restricted Subsidiary would
obtain in a comparable arms-length transaction with a Person who is not an Affiliate of the Company.
The Company will not, and will not cause or permit any of its Restricted Subsidiaries to, make any Investment
in any Project Finance Entity (a Project Finance Investment) except to the extent that such Project Finance
Investment is funded with (i) funds from the Company ECF Account available as of the date such Project Finance
Investment is made or Incurred or (ii) Debt Incurred pursuant to clause (b)(1)(D) of the covenant described in the
caption Certain CovenantsLimitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred Stock.
The Company will not, and will not cause or permit any of its Restricted Subsidiaries to, issue any Project
Finance Guaranty except as permitted by the terms of the covenant described in the caption Certain Covenants
Limitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred Stock.
Line of Business. The Company will not, and will not permit any of its Restricted Subsidiaries, to engage in
any business other than a Permitted Business, except for immaterial operations incidental to acquired businesses.
Designation of Restricted and Unrestricted Subsidiaries. (a) The Board of Directors may designate any
Subsidiary, including a newly acquired or created Subsidiary, to be an Unrestricted Subsidiary if:
(1) no Default or Event of Default will have occurred and be continuing at the time of and after giving
effect to such designation;
(2) the Company could Incur at least $1.00 of Debt under the covenant described under the caption
Certain CovenantsLimitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred Stock;
(3) (A) the Subsidiary does not own any Disqualified Stock of the Company or Disqualified or Preferred
Stock of a Restricted Subsidiary or hold any Debt of, or any Lien on any property of, the Company or any
Restricted Subsidiary, if such Disqualified Stock or Preferred Stock or Debt could not be Incurred under the
covenant described under the caption Certain CovenantsLimitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred
Stock or such Lien would violate the covenant described under the caption Certain CovenantsLimitation
on Liens; and



(B) the Subsidiary does not own any Voting Stock of a Restricted Subsidiary, and all of its
Subsidiaries are Unrestricted Subsidiaries;
(4) at the time of the designation, the designation would be permitted under the covenant described under
the caption Limitation on Restricted Payments;
(5) to the extent the Debt of the Subsidiary is not Non-Recourse Debt, any Guarantee or other credit
support thereof by the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary is permitted under the covenants described under
the captions Limitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred Stock and Limitation on Restricted
(6) the Subsidiary is not party to any transaction or arrangement with the Company or any Restricted
Subsidiary that would not be permitted under the covenant described under the caption Limitation on
Transactions with Shareholders and Affiliates; and
(7) Neither the Company nor any Restricted Subsidiary has any obligation to subscribe for additional
Equity Interests of the Subsidiary or to maintain or preserve its financial condition or cause it to achieve
specified levels of operating results, except to the extent permitted by the covenants described under the
captions Limitation on Debt and Disqualified and Preferred Stock and Limitation on Restricted
Once so designated the Subsidiary will remain an Unrestricted Subsidiary, subject to paragraph (b).
(b) (1) A Subsidiary previously designated an Unrestricted Subsidiary which fails to meet the qualifications
set forth in paragraph (a) will be deemed to become at that time a Restricted Subsidiary, subject to the
consequences set forth in paragraph (d).
(2) If at any time after the Issue Date FIC Export, S.A., becomes a Material Subsidiary, FIC Export S.A.
will be deemed to become at that time a Restricted Subsidiary, subject to the consequences set forth in
paragraph (d).
(3) The Board of Directors may designate an Unrestricted Subsidiary to be a Restricted Subsidiary if the
designation would not cause a Default.
(c) Upon a Restricted Subsidiary becoming an Unrestricted Subsidiary,
(1) all existing Investments of the Company and the Restricted Subsidiaries therein (valued at the
Companys proportional share of the fair market value of its assets less liabilities) will be deemed made at that
(2) all existing Capital Stock or Debt of the Company or a Restricted Subsidiary held by it will be deemed
Incurred at that time, and all Liens on property of the Company or a Restricted Subsidiary held by it will be
deemed incurred at that time;
(3) all existing transactions between it and the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary will be deemed
entered into at that time;
(4) it is released at that time from its Note Guaranty, if any; and
(5) it will cease to be subject to the provisions of the 2018 Notes, as a Restricted Subsidiary.
(d) Upon an Unrestricted Subsidiary becoming, or being deemed to become, a Restricted Subsidiary,
(1) all of its Debt and Disqualified Stock or Preferred Stock will be deemed Incurred at that time for
purposes of the covenant described under the caption Limitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred



Stock, but will not be considered the sale of Equity Interests for purposes of the covenants described under the
caption Limitation on Asset Sales;
(2) Investments therein previously charged under the covenant described under the caption Limitation
on Restricted Payments will be credited thereunder;
(3) it may be required to issue a Note Guaranty pursuant to the provisions of the section captioned
Guaranties; and
(4) it will thenceforward be subject to the provisions of the 2018 Notes, as a Restricted Subsidiary.
(e) Any designation by the Board of Directors of a Subsidiary as a Restricted Subsidiary or Unrestricted
Subsidiary will be evidenced to the Holders by promptly delivering to each Holder a copy of the Board Resolution
giving effect to the designation and an Officers Certificate certifying that the designation complied with the
foregoing provisions.
Anti-Layering. Neither the Company nor any Guarantor may Incur any Debt that is subordinate in right of
payment to other Debt of the Company or the Guarantor unless such Debt is also subordinate in right of payment to
the 2018 Notes or the relevant Note Guaranty on substantially identical terms. The foregoing restriction does not
apply to distinctions between categories of Debt that exist by reason of any Liens or Guarantees securing or in favor
of some but not all of such Debt and will not apply to any MCDs.
Hedging Agreements. The Company will cause its hedging policy to remain in effect until all the New Notes
have been repaid in full. Such hedging policy will at all times prohibit hedging for speculative purposes. The
Company will not, and will not permit any of its Restricted Subsidiaries to, Incur Hedging Agreements that are not
in compliance with the Companys hedging policy. The Companys hedging policy allows Hedging Agreements
Incurred in the ordinary course of business for the purpose of limiting risks associated with the business of the
Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries and not for speculation.
In addition, the Company will not, and will not permit any Restricted Subsidiary to, Incur any Hedging
Agreement or any transaction under any Hedging Agreement, other than:
(a) natural gas Hedging Agreements in respect of, and whose nominal value will not exceed, natural
gas reasonably projected by the Company or its Restricted Subsidiaries to be used for operational
purposes in the ordinary course of business during the 18 months following the date of such
Hedging Agreements;
(b) forward purchase contracts for dollars in respect of, and whose nominal value will not exceed, the
interest payments required to be made by the Company or its Restricted Subsidiaries in dollars
within the 365 days following the date of such currency hedge or future pursuant to Debt
permitted to be Incurred under the covenant described in Limitation on Debt and Disqualified
or Preferred Stock; and
(c) interest rate Hedging Agreements in respect of, and whose nominal value will not exceed, the
interest payments required to be made by the Company or its Restricted Subsidiaries in the
Average Life (as of the date of the Incurrence of such Hedging Agreement) of Debt permitted to
be Incurred under the covenant described in Limitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred



Limitation on Intercompany Debt. (a) All Intercompany Debt (other than Ordinary Course Intercompany
Debt) existing as of the date on which the concurso mercantil petition of the Company is accepted by the relevant
Mexican federal court (such date, the Petition Acceptance Date) and subject to the Concurso Plan (the Existing
Intercompany Debt) and all Intercompany Debt (other than Ordinary Course Intercompany Debt) Incurred after the
Petition Acceptance Date will be subordinated to the New Notes pursuant to the terms of a subordination and
revolving credit agreement (the Intercompany Subordination and Credit Agreement), the terms of which, among
other things, will provide that (i) no cash payments will be permitted to be made in respect of such Intercompany
Debt while any of the New Notes remain outstanding, provided that the Company and/or its Restricted Subsidiaries
shall be permitted to Incur additional Ordinary Course Intercompany Debt and make and collect payments in respect
of Ordinary Course Intercompany Debt so long as such Ordinary Course Intercompany Debt is Incurred, and such
payments are made or collected, in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice; (ii) all such
Intercompany Debt will be subordinated to the New Notes in liquidation and in right of payment (subject to
clause (1) above); and (iii) all such Intercompany Debt will be assigned to a trust organized under Mexican law (the
Intercompany Debt Trust) as provided in paragraph (b) below.
(b) All Intercompany Debt will be assigned to the Intercompany Debt Trust. The Intercompany Debt Trust
will not create unnecessary burden on the operations relating to the ordinary course of business of the Company and,
among other things, will provide that (i) the Intercompany Debt Trustee will be able to take all necessary actions to
give effect to the subordination of the Intercompany Debt pursuant to the terms of the Intercompany Subordination
and Credit Agreement (provided that, with respect to any Ordinary Course Intercompany Debt, the Company will be
permitted to continue Incurring such Ordinary Course Intercompany Debt and making and collecting payments in
respect thereof as provided in clause (i) of the preceding paragraph (a)), and (ii) during the pendency of any
proceeding filed by or against the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary seeking relief as debtor, or seeking to
adjudicate the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary as bankrupt or insolvent, or seeking reorganization,
arrangement, adjustment or composition of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary or its debts under any law
relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, concurso mercantil, quiebra, or relief of debtors, or seeking
appointment of a receiver, trustee, assignee, custodian, liquidator or visitador, conciliador or sindico or any other
similar official for the Company or for any substantial part of its property, the Intercompany Debt Trustee will be
entitled to vote any claims that the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company might have based on Intercompany
Debt in accordance with the instructions of holders of the New Notes (other than the Company or any Subsidiary
thereof) representing a majority of the then outstanding Debt under the New Notes.
(c) The Company and each Restricted Subsidiary will enter into the Intercompany Subordination and Credit
Agreement and the Intercompany Debt Trust on or prior to the Issue Date. Any Subsidiary that becomes a
Restricted Subsidiary will become party to the Intercompany Subordination and Credit Agreement and the
Intercompany Debt Trust at the time it becomes a Restricted Subsidiary.
Limitations on Capital Expenditures. (a) Subject to clauses (b), (c) and (d) below, the Company will not, and
will not cause or permit any of its Restricted Subsidiaries to, directly or indirectly, make any capital expenditures or
investments in deferred charges during any fiscal year that would cause the aggregate capital expenditures and
investments in deferred charges for such year to exceed (i) $120.0 million (the Capital Expenditure Basket) plus
(ii) any Carried Over Permitted Capital Expenditures permitted to be expended in such fiscal year if, at the time of
making such capital expenditure or investment in deferred charges, the Leverage Ratio is greater than 3.0 to 1
(Permitted Capital Expenditures). Capital expenditures and investments in deferred charges in a fiscal year will
be applied first to the Capital Expenditure Basket for such fiscal year, until the Capital Expenditure Basket for such
fiscal year has been fully expended, after which capital expenditures and investment in deferred charges will be
applied to Carried Over Permitted Capital Expenditures permitted to be expended in such fiscal year;
(b) Notwithstanding the above clause (a), the following capital expenditures (Replacement Capital
Expenditures) will be deemed Permitted Capital Expenditures and will not be included as capital expenditures for
purposes of calculation of the Capital Expenditure Basket:
(i) any capital expenditures made to repair or replace any Capital Assets of the Company that is the
subject of an Event of Loss; and
(ii) any capital expenditures for Capital Assets made solely from the Net Cash Proceeds from an Asset
Sale in respect of a Capital Asset; provided that if the yield-to-maturity of the 2018 Notes (or, if



the 2018 CLNs are outstanding, the 2018 CLNs) based on the volume weighted average price of
the 2018 Notes or 2018 CLNs as listed on Bloomberg at close of business during the 20 Business Days
prior to the date of consummation of such Asset Sale, is equal to or higher than 10%, then only 50% of
such Net Cash Proceeds may be used for capital expenditures in reliance on this clause (ii); provided
further that if the Asset Sale is consummated prior to the 20th trading date after the Issue Date, then the
yield to maturity on the 2018 Notes or 2018 CLNs will be deemed to be less than 10%.
(c) the extent that the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries do not expend the full amount of the Capital
Expenditure Basket in any given fiscal year, the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries will be permitted to carry
forward any unused Permitted Capital Expenditures to the immediately following two fiscal years (such amounts,
Carried Over Permitted Capital Expenditures).
(d) The restriction set forth in the preceding clause (a) will not apply to any capital expenditures or investments
in deferred charges made by a Project Finance Entity, provided that such capital expenditures or investments in
deferred charges are financed solely by Project Finance Indebtedness.
Consolidation, Merger, Lease or Sale of Assets
The 2018 Notes will further provide as follows regarding consolidation, merger, lease or sale of all or
substantially all of the assets of the Company or a Guarantor:
Consolidation, Merger, Lease or Sale of All or Substantially All Assets by the Company. (a) The Company
will not:
(E) consolidate with or merge with or into any Person, or
(F) sell, convey, transfer, lease or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of its assets as an entirety or
substantially an entirety, in one transaction or a series of related transactions, to any Person, or
(G) permit any Person to merge with or into the Company,
(1) either: (A) the Company is the surviving corporation; or (B) the Person formed by or surviving any
such consolidation or merger (if other than the Company) or to which such sale, assignment, transfer,
conveyance or other disposition has been made is (i) an internationally-recognized entity organized or existing
under the laws of Mexico, a member of the European Union or any state of the United States of America or the
District of Columbia engaged in a Permitted Business whose Capital Stock is publicly-traded on the New York
Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange or any other internationally-recognized stock exchange, or (ii) a
Subsidiary of an entity described in the preceding clause (i) whose Consolidated Net Worth is at least
substantially the same as the Consolidated Net Worth of the Company (or of all or substantially all of its assets,
as the case may be) immediately prior to such transaction, and in each case expressly assumes all of the
obligations of the Company under the 2018 Notes;
(2) immediately after giving effect to the transaction, no Default has occurred and is continuing;
(3) immediately after giving effect to the transaction on a pro forma basis, the Company or the resulting,
surviving or transferee Person has a Consolidated Net Worth without taking into account any purchase
accounting adjustments equal to or greater than the Consolidated Net Worth of the Company immediately prior
to such transaction;
(4) immediately after giving effect to the transaction on a pro forma basis, the Leverage Ratio of the
Company or the resulting surviving or transferee Person is not greater than the Leverage Ratio of the Company
immediately prior to such transaction; and
(5) the Company delivers to each Holder an Officers Certificate and an Opinion of Counsel, each stating
that the consolidation, merger or transfer comply with the 2018 Notes;



provided, that clauses (2) through (4) do not apply (i) to the consolidation or merger of the Company with or into a
Guarantor or the consolidation or merger of a Restricted Subsidiary with or into the Company or (ii) if, in the good
faith determination of the Board of Directors, whose determination is evidenced by a Board Resolution, the principal
purpose of the transaction is to change the jurisdiction of incorporation of the Company.
(b) Upon the consummation of any transaction effected in accordance with these provisions, if the Company is
not the continuing Person, the resulting, surviving or transferee Person will succeed to, and be substituted for, and
may exercise every right and power of, the Company under the 2018 Notes with the same effect as if such successor
Person had been named as the Company in the 2018 Notes. Upon such substitution, the Company will be released
from its obligations under the 2018 Notes unless the Company has leased all or substantially all of its assets,
whether in one transaction or a series of transactions, to one or more other Persons.
Consolidation, Merger, Lease or Sale of Assets by a Guarantor. No Guarantor may:
(H) consolidate with or merge with or into any Person, or
(I) sell, convey, transfer, lease or dispose of, all or substantially all its assets as an entirety or substantially as
an entirety, in one transaction or a series of related transactions, to any Person, or
(J) permit any Person to merge with or into such Guarantor
(1) the other Person is the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary that (A) is a Guarantor or becomes a
Guarantor concurrently with the transaction or (B) is, or as a result of such transaction will be, a Strategic Joint
Venture that is not a Guarantor and the Company pledges, concurrently with such transaction, the Capital Stock
of such Strategic Joint Venture as collateral for the Companys obligations pursuant to the 2018 Notes; or
(2) (A) either (x) the Guarantor is the continuing Person or (y) the resulting, surviving or transferee
Person is (i) an internationally-recognized entity organized or existing under the laws of Mexico, a member of
the European Union or any state of the United States of America or the District of Columbia engaged in a
Permitted Business whose Capital Stock is publicly-traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the London Stock
Exchange or any other internationally-recognized stock exchange, or (ii) a Subsidiary of an entity described in
the preceding clause (i) whose Consolidated Net Worth is at least substantially the same as the Consolidated
Net Worth of the Guarantor (or of all or substantially all of its assets, as the case may be) immediately prior to
such transaction, and in each case expressly assumes by supplemental indenture all of the obligations of the
Guarantor under its Note Guaranty; and
(B) immediately after giving effect to the transaction, no Default has occurred and is continuing; or
(3) transaction constitutes a sale or other disposition (including by way of consolidation or merger) of the
Guarantor or the sale or disposition of all or substantially all the assets of the Guarantor (in each case other than
to the Company or a Restricted Subsidiary) otherwise permitted by the 2018 Notes.
Default and Remedies
Events of Default. An Event of Default with respect to the 2018 Notes occurs if:
(1) the Company defaults in the payment of the principal of any 2018 Note when the same becomes due
and payable at maturity, upon acceleration or redemption, or otherwise (other than pursuant to an Offer to
(2) the Company defaults in the payment of interest (including any additional interest and Additional
Amounts) on any 2018 Note when the same becomes due and payable, and the default continues for a period
of 30 days;



(3) the Company fails to make an Offer to Purchase and thereafter to accept and pay for 2018 Notes
or 2018 CLNs tendered when and as required pursuant to the covenants described under the captions Certain
CovenantsRepurchase of the New Notes Upon a Change of Control or Certain CovenantsLimitation
on Asset Sales, or the Company or any Guarantor fails to comply with the covenant described under the
caption Consolidation, Merger, Lease or Sale of Assets;
(4) the Company fails to (i) make an Excess Cash Flow prepayment or repurchase in accordance with
Excess Cash Flow or (ii) conduct a Mandatory Redemption of the 2018 Notes in accordance with
Mandatory Redemption below;
(5) the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary fails to comply with the covenant described under the
caption Limitation on Intercompany Debt; or
(6) the Company defaults in the performance of or breaches any other covenant or agreement of the
Company in the 2018 Notes and the default or breach continues for a period of 30 consecutive days after written
notice to the Company by the holders of 25% or more in aggregate principal amount of the 2018 Notes;
(7) there occurs with respect to any Debt of the Company or any of its Material Subsidiaries having an
outstanding principal amount of $25.0 million or more in the aggregate for all such Debt of all such Persons
(i) an event of default that results in such Debt being due and payable prior to its scheduled maturity or
(ii) failure to make a principal payment when due and such defaulted payment is not made, waived or extended
within the applicable grace period;
(8) one or more final judgments or orders for the payment of money in the aggregate for all such Persons
are rendered against the Company or any of its Material Subsidiaries and are not paid or discharged, and there is
a period of 60 consecutive days following entry of the final judgment or order that causes the aggregate amount
for all such final judgments or orders outstanding and not paid or discharged against all such Persons to exceed
$25.0 million (in excess of amounts which the Companys insurance carriers have agreed to pay under
applicable policies) during which a stay of enforcement, by reason of a pending appeal or otherwise, is not in
effect (in each case other than final judgments or orders in respect of Restructured Debt);
(9) an involuntary case or other proceeding is commenced against the Company or any Material
Subsidiary with respect to it or its debts under any bankruptcy, concurso mercantil, insolvency or other similar
law now or hereafter in effect seeking the appointment of a trustee, receiver, liquidator, custodian or other
similar official of it or any substantial part of its property, and such involuntary case or other proceeding
remains undismissed and unstayed for a period of 60 days; or an order for relief is entered against the Company
or any Material Subsidiary under the federal bankruptcy laws as now or hereafter in effect;
(10) the Company or any of its Material Subsidiaries (i) commences a voluntary case under any applicable
bankruptcy, concurso mercantil, insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect, or consents to the
entry of an order for relief in an involuntary case under any such law, (ii) consents to the appointment of or
taking possession by a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian, trustee, sequestrator or similar official of the
Company or any of its Material Subsidiaries or for all or substantially all of the property and assets of the
Company or any of its Material Subsidiaries or (iii) effects any general assignment for the benefit of creditors
(an event of default specified in clause (7) or (8), a bankruptcy default);
(11) any Note Guaranty ceases to be in full force and effect, other than in accordance with the terms of
the 2018 Notes, or a Guarantor denies or disaffirms its obligations under its Note Guaranty;
(12) any Lien on assets that, individually or in the aggregate, have a fair market value of $10.0 million or
more and that was incurred for the benefit of the holders of the 2018 Notes in connection with the pledge of any
ownership interest in any Strategic Joint Venture or otherwise incurred for the benefit of the holders of the 2018
Notes in accordance with the terms of the New Notes becomes or is declared to become invalid or ineffective,
or the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary denies or disaffirms its obligations under any such Lien;



(13) if any New CLNs are outstanding, the fees and expenses of the issuer of such credit linked notes are
not paid when the same becomes due and payable, and such failure to pay continues for a period of 30 days; or
(14) after the approval of the Concurso Plan by the Mexican Court, the Company or any of its Subsidiaries
or any of their respective Affiliates makes or agrees to make, directly or indirectly, any payment (whether in
cash or in kind) or provides or agrees to provide any other benefit to Non-Consenting Holders other than
payments (or benefits) required to be distributed by the Non-Consenting Holders Trust to a Subsequently
Consenting Creditor pursuant to the terms of the Non-Consenting Holders Trust and the Concurso Plan unless
either (x) the Company contemporaneously makes the same ratable payment (or provides the same ratable
benefit) to each holder of the New Securities or (y) Consenting Holder Parties that are Holders of more
than 50% in aggregate principal amount of the Notes held by Consenting Holder Parties have previously
delivered to the Company a written consent to such payment, benefit or agreement.
Consequences of an Event of Default. If an Event of Default with respect to the 2018 Notes, other than a
bankruptcy default with respect to the Company, occurs and is continuing under the 2018 Notes, the holders of at
least 25% in aggregate principal amount of the 2018 Notes then outstanding, by written notice to the Company, may
declare the principal of and accrued interest on the 2018 Notes to be immediately due and payable. Upon a
declaration of acceleration, such principal and interest will become immediately due and payable. If a bankruptcy
default occurs, all Notes then outstanding will become automatically due and payable without any declaration or
other act on the part of any holder.
The Holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding 2018 Notes by written notice to the Company
may waive all past defaults and rescind and annul a declaration of acceleration and its consequences if:
(1) all existing Events of Default, other than the nonpayment of the principal of, premium, if any, and
interest on the 2018 Notes that have become due solely by the declaration of acceleration, have been cured or
waived, and
(2) the rescission would not conflict with any judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction.
If an Event of Default occurs and is continuing, each Holder may pursue, in its own name or as trustee of an
express trust, any available remedy by proceeding at law or in equity to collect the payment of principal of and
interest on the 2018 Notes or to enforce the performance of any provision of the 2018 Notes.
Except as otherwise provided in Consequences of an Event of Default or Amendments and Waivers
Amendments with Consent of Holders, the Holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding 2018 Notes
may, by written notice to the Company, waive an existing Default and its consequences. Upon such waiver, the
Default will cease to exist, and any Event of Default arising therefrom will be deemed to have been cured, but no
such waiver will extend to any subsequent or other Default or impair any right consequent thereon.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the right of a holder of a 2018 Note to receive payment of principal of
or interest on its 2018 Note on or after the Stated Maturities thereof, or to bring suit for the enforcement of any such
payment on or after such dates, may not be impaired or affected without the consent of such holder.
If an Event of Default in payment of principal or interest specified in clause (1) or (2) of Events of Default
above occurs and is continuing:
each holder may recover judgment in its own name for the whole amount of principal and accrued
interest remaining unpaid on such holders 2018 Note, together with interest on overdue principal and overdue
installments of interest to the extent lawful, in each case at the rate specified in such 2018 Notes; and
holders may also recover such further amount as is sufficient to cover the reasonable and
documented costs and expenses of collection, including the reasonable compensation, expenses, disbursements and
advances of such holder, its agents and counsel and any other amounts due such holder or group of holders under
the 2018 Notes; provided that in the event that more than one Holder or group of Holders separately seeks to recover
costs and expenses of collection, the Companys obligation to reimburse such costs and expenses will be limited to



the reimbursement of the costs and expenses of the holder or group of holders that holds the largest principal amount
of 2018 Notes (disregarding any 2018 Notes held by the Company, its Subsidiaries or their respective Affiliates).
Basic Description of the MCDs
The MCDs:
(A) will be general unsecured obligations of the Company;
(B) will be pari passu in right of payment to all senior unsecured Debt of the Company;
(C) will be effectively junior in right of payment to any secured Debt of the Company to the extent of the assets
securing such Debt;
(D) will be senior in right of payment to any future subordinated Debt of the Company;
(E) will have interest paid in kind;
(F) will be subject to mandatory conversion into common shares of the Company if not repaid at maturity or
upon a mandatory repayment event;
(G) will be subject to optional prepayments with discounts as described below; and
(H) will contain any other features as may be necessary to qualify as obligaciones convertibles en acciones
under Mexican law.
In no event will the Company be permitted to exercise voting rights with respect to any MCDs that the
Company or its Affiliates may acquire. The Company will, and will cause its subsidiaries to, immediately (or no
later than the deadline provided in Excess Cash Flow, as the case may be) tender to the CLN Issuer for
cancellation any CLNs purchased through Market Purchases or acquired in an Offer to Purchase or otherwise
acquired and to promptly cancel any MCDs tendered by the CLN Issuer for cancellation in connection therewith
Principal, Maturity and Interest
The Company issued an aggregate amount equal to the sum of $109,584,000 million in aggregate principal
amount of the MCDs under the Concurso Plan. MCDs may be issued in denominations of $2,000 principal amount
and integral multiples of $1,000 in excess thereof (provided that Additional MCD PIK Principal may be added in
denominations of $1.00). The MCDs will mature on December 15, 2015.
Interest on the MCDs will accrue from the Issue Date at a fixed interest rate, payable in kind semiannually in
arrears commencing with the first six-month scheduled interest payment date immediately following the Issue Date,
in accordance with the following grid:
From the Issue Date
to Dec. 15, 2012
From Dec. 16, 2012
to Dec. 15, 2013
From Dec. 16, 2013
to Dec. 15, 2014
From Dec. 16, 2014
to Dec. 15, 2015



Per Annum
PIK Rate

Interest on the MCDs will be paid in kind and added to the outstanding principal amount (the Additional MCD
PIK Principal) of the MCDs. Additional MCD PIK Principal will be considered principal for all purposes, and
without limiting the foregoing, the Additional MCD PIK Principal of the MCDs will bear interest at the rate then
applicable to the MCDs, beginning on the date such interest is paid in kind and added to the principal amount
thereof. After each interest period, the CLN Issuer will increase the outstanding principal amount of the MCD
CLNs by an amount equal to the Additional PIK Principal added to the MCDs underlying such MCD CLNs.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the payment of accrued interest in connection with any redemption of
MCDs as described under Optional Redemption from Equity Issuances, under Provisions Applicable to All of
the New NotesExcess Cash Sweep or pursuant to any other covenant in the New Notes will be made solely in
cash. Pursuant to the CLN Indentures, for so long as the CLNs are outstanding, the CLN Issuer will be required to
apply any cash interest payments on the MCDs in the MCD CLN Trust to make cash interest payments on the MCD
Interest on the MCDs will accrue from the Issue Date or, if interest has already been paid, from the date it was
most recently paid. Interest will be computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months.
The Company will make each interest payment to the holders of the MCDs on the June 1 or December 1
immediately preceding the applicable interest payment date. If the due date for payment of any amount in respect of
principal or interest on any of the MCDs is not a Business Day, the holders thereof will not be entitled to payment of
the amount due until the next succeeding Business Day and will not be entitled to any further interest or other
payment as a result of any such delay.
Mandatory Conversion
The MCDs are mandatorily convertible into common shares of the Company representing, in aggregate:
(i) if no MCDs have been redeemed or repurchased and cancelled prior to the date of such conversion, an
amount of common Capital Stock of the Company equal to 20% of the common capital stock and 20% of the Voting
Stock of the Company, or
(ii) if any MCDs have been redeemed or repurchased and cancelled prior to the date of such conversion, an
amount of common Capital Stock of the Company equal to (x) 20% of the common capital stock and 20% of the
Voting Stock of the company, in each case on a fully-diluted basis multiplied by (y) a fraction, the numerator of
which is the aggregate principal amount of MCDs outstanding on the date of conversion, and the denominator of
which is the aggregate principal amount of MCDs outstanding on the Issue Date, in each case on a fully-diluted
if (a) not repaid at maturity or (b) in an event of default leading to an acceleration of conversion, as described below
(each, a Mandatory Conversion Event). The number of shares upon conversion may be adjusted upwards to the
nearest whole number of shares. Pursuant to the CLN Indentures, if a Mandatory Conversion Event occurs, the
CLN Issuer will be required to redeem the CLNs in the CLN Trusts by delivering to the holders of the CLNs the
underlying New Notes or, if the MCDs have already been converted into common shares of the Company, such
common shares or non-voting CPOs as provided below. If a Mandatory Conversion Event occurs at any time that
MCDs are held by the Non-Consenting Holders Trust, the common shares of the Company issued upon such
Mandatory Conversion Event will remain in the Non-Consenting Holders Trust.
The Companys current by-laws limit the foreign ownership of the Companys common shares. In order to
change the by-laws, approval by vote at a shareholders meeting is required and such a vote is not anticipated in the
near future. Unless the Companys by-laws are amended, all non-Mexican holders of the MCDs or MCD CLNs will
receive non-voting CPOs as opposed to common shares with voting rights. All references to the common shares to
be issued upon conversion of the MCDs will be deemed to include such CPOs as applicable.
Conversion Procedure
(a) Promptly after a Mandatory Conversion Event, the holders of any MCD will surrender such MCD duly
endorsed or assigned to the Company or in blank at the office of the Conversion Agent (as defined below).



(b) MCDs will be deemed to have been converted immediately prior to the close of business on the date of the
occurrence of the Mandatory Conversion Event, and at such time the rights of the holders of such MCDs will cease,
and the Person or Persons entitled to receive the common shares of the Company issuable upon conversion will be
treated for all purposes as the record holder or holders of such common shares at such time. As promptly as
practicable after the Mandatory Conversion Event, and upon receipt of written notice from the Company that a
Mandatory Conversion Event has occurred, the Company will deliver or cause to be delivered to the Conversion
Agent a certificate or certificates representing the number of common shares issuable to the holders of the MCDs.
(c) The Company will appoint a nationally-recognized banking institution in Mexico as Conversion Agent (the
Conversion Agent) within five (5) Business Days of the occurrence of a Mandatory Conversion Event, which
Conversion Agent will agree to be bound by the terms applicable to the Conversion Agent under the MCD.
Common Representative of the MCDs
Under the Mexican law of Negotiable Instruments and Credit Operations, Ley General de Ttulos y Operaciones
de Crdito, at the Companys shareholders meeting approving the issuance of MCDs, a common representative of
MCD holders must be appointed and the representative must accept such designation. On February 22, 2012, Banco
Nacional de Mxico, S.A., Integrante del Grupo Financiero Banamex was appointed as the initial common
representative. The common representative of MCD holders may only resign for reasons that are recognized as
significant under the applicable law (for example, serious wrongdoing on the part of the issuer, substantial financial
difficulties of the common representative or force majeure). Any such reason would have to be proved to and
approved by a court of first instance of the corporate domicile of the common representative. The common
representative may be removed and replaced by the holders of the MCDs at any time. In accordance with the Ley
General de Ttulos y Operaciones de Crdito and the MCD acta de emisin, the rights and obligations of the
common representative of MCD holders will be, among others, the following: (i) to confirm that the issuance of
MCDs meets the requirements set forth in the Ley General de Ttulos y Operaciones de Crdito, including, among
others, to confirm the data in the Company balance sheet prepared for purposes of the issuance of the MCDs,
including confirmation of the value of the Companys total net assets; (ii) to verify that the guaranties granted for the
payment of MCDs, if any, are legal, binding and enforceable against guarantors and the value of such guaranties;
(iii) to confirm that the acta de emisin of the MCDs has been recorded with the public registry of commerce
corresponding to the corporate domicile of the Company within 5 Business Days of the execution of the acta de
emission; (iv) to authorize the MCDs issued by the Company; (v) to exercise the rights and legal actions pertaining
to the MCD holders; (vi) to call and preside over the meetings of MCD holders and implement the resolutions
adopted at such meetings; (vii) to attend the Companys shareholders meetings and to obtain from the Board of
Directors and the Companys officials and management the financial information and any other data required to
comply with its obligations; (viii) to sign on behalf of MCD holders any documents or contracts that may be needed;
and (ix) any other obligations set forth in the acta de emisin of MCDs.
Meetings of MCD Holders
Under the Mexican law of Negotiable Instruments and Credit Operations, Ley General de Ttulos y Operaciones
de Crdito, meetings of MCD holders may be held upon the request of the common representative or holders
representing at least 10% of MCDs. The meetings of Holders of the MCDs will be held at the corporate domicile of
the Company. The notice of the meeting will contain the agenda and will be published in the Federal Official
Gazette of Mexico and in a daily newspaper of large circulation in the Companys domicile. MCD holders may be
represented at a meeting by any person designated in writing as a proxy.
Change of Control
The provisions for a Change of Control covenant for the MCDs are the same as that for the 2018 Notes. See
2018 NotesRepurchase of the New Notes upon a Change of Control.
Registration and Filings
The information contained herein is exclusively the Companys responsibility, does not require authorization
and has not been reviewed or authorized by the Mexican Comisin Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (the CNBV).



The Company will be subject to filing a notification and certain documentation regarding the New Notes at the
time of their issuance, and the Company has not filed with the CNBV a request for authorization or registration of
the New Notes. The New Notes have not been and will not be registered with the RNV and therefore the New Notes
will not be subject to public offering or intermediation in Mexico. The Companys notice to the CNBV regarding
the issuance of the New Notes will be for information purposes only and will not imply or constitute a certification
of the investment quality of the New Notes, the Companys solvency or the accuracy or completeness of the
information included herein.
On or prior to February 23, 2012, the Company and the common representative executed and delivered a
Spanish translation of the MCD (acta de emisin) before a Mexican Notary Public, and filed such acta de emisin
with the Public Registry of Property and Commerce (Registro Pblico de la Propiedad y del Comercio) of
Monterrey, Nuevo Len, Mxico.
Optional Redemption
The Company may redeem the MCDs at its option, at any time in whole or from time to time in part, upon not
less than 30 nor more than 60 days prior notice mailed by first-class mail to each holders registered address. The
optional redemption may only be paid out of (1) Excess Cash Flow, in accordance with the covenant described
under Provisions Applicable to All of the New NotesExcess Cash Sweep, or (2) the proceeds of, or in exchange
for (i) Permitted Refinancing Debt, (ii) an offering of Equity Interests of the Company, or (iii) an Asset Sale, in
accordance with the covenant described under 2018 NotesCertain CovenantsLimitation on Asset Sales. To
redeem the MCDs prior to maturity, the Company must pay a redemption price equal to:
the principal amount of the MCDs to be redeemed subject to the following prepayment discounts
(collectively, the MCD Prepayment Discounts):
From the Issue Date to December 15, 2012: 30.2%
From December 16, 2012 to December 15, 2013: 24.2%
From December 16, 2013 to December 15, 2014: 17.7%
From December 16, 2014 to December 15, 2015: 10.6%;
plus, in each case
accrued and unpaid interest (including Comprehensive Additional Amounts), if any, to the
redemption date (subject to the right of holders of record on the relevant record date to receive interest due on the
relevant interest payment date).
If fewer than all of the MCDs are being redeemed, the Company will select the MCDs to be redeemed on a pro
rata basis, in denominations of $2,000 principal amount and integral multiples of $1,000 in excess thereof. Upon
surrender of any MCD redeemed in part, the holder will receive a new note equal in principal amount to the
unredeemed portion of the surrendered note. Once notice of redemption is sent to the holders, MCDs called for
redemption become due and payable at the redemption price on the redemption date, and, commencing on the
redemption date, MCDs redeemed will cease to accrue interest.
Mandatory Redemption
The mandatory redemption provisions with respect to the MCDs are described under Provisions Applicable
to All of the New NotesMandatory Redemption below. Pursuant to the CLN Indentures, for so long as the MCD
CLNs are outstanding, the CLN Issuer will be required to use the cash proceeds of any mandatory redemption of
MCDs in the CLN Trust to redeem a corresponding portion of New MCD CLNs.
Excess Cash Sweep



The excess cash sweep with respect to the MCDs is described under Provisions Applicable to All of the New
NotesExcess Cash Sweep below. Pursuant to the CLN Indentures, for so long as the MCD CLNs are
outstanding, the CLN Issuer will be required to use the cash proceeds of any prepayment of MCDs in the CLN Trust
from the Excess Cash Sweep to redeem a corresponding portion of New MCD CLNs.
Treasury Shares
The Company has, and will at all times have, a sufficient number of duly and validly issued common shares,
free of preemptive rights, and has, and will at all times have, a sufficient number of CPOs available to be released
and delivered by the CPO trustee, upon conversion of the MCDs as provided under Mandatory Conversion.
Upon conversion of the MCDs, each holder of MCDs will receive good and valid title to such common shares or
CPOs, as the case may be, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and claims.
Default and Remedies
Events of Default. An MCD Event of Default occurs if:
(1) the Company fails to comply with its obligation to convert the MCDs upon a Mandatory Conversion
Event and such failure continues for a period of 5 Business Days or more (at maturity or otherwise);
(2) the Company fails to make an Offer to Purchase all outstanding MCDs or MCD CLNs, as applicable,
within 30 days following a Change of Control (see Provisions Applicable to All of the New NotesChange
of Control);
(3) the Company fails to (i) make an Excess Cash Flow prepayment or repurchase in accordance with
Provisions Applicable to All of the New NotesExcess Cash Flow or (ii) conduct a Mandatory Redemption of
the MCDs in accordance with Provisions Applicable to All of the New NotesMandatory Redemption
from Equity Issuances below; or
(4) there occurs with respect to the 2018 Notes (i) an event of default that results in such Debt being due
and payable prior to its scheduled maturity or (ii) failure to make a principal or interest payment when due and
such defaulted payment is not made, waived or extended within the applicable grace period;
(5) one or more final judgments or orders for the payment of money in the aggregate for all such Persons
are or have been rendered against the Company or any of its Material Subsidiaries and are not paid or
discharged, and there is a period of 60 consecutive days following entry of the final judgment or order that
causes the aggregate amount for all such final judgments or orders outstanding and not paid or discharged
against all such Persons to exceed $25.0 million (in excess of amounts which the Companys insurance carriers
have agreed to pay under applicable policies) during which a stay of enforcement, by reason of a pending
appeal or otherwise, is not in effect (in each case other than final judgments or orders in respect of Restructured
(6) an involuntary case or other proceeding is commenced against the Company or any Material
Subsidiary with respect to it or its debts under any bankruptcy, concurso mercantil, insolvency or other similar
law now or hereafter in effect seeking the appointment of a trustee, receiver, liquidator, custodian or other
similar official of it or any substantial part of its property, and such involuntary case or other proceeding
remains undismissed and unstayed for a period of 60 days; or an order for relief is entered against the Company
or any Material Subsidiary under the federal bankruptcy laws as now or hereafter in effect;
(7) the Company or any of its Material Subsidiaries (i) commences a voluntary case under any applicable
bankruptcy, concurso mercantil, insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect, or consents to the
entry of an order for relief in an involuntary case under any such law, (ii) consents to the appointment of or
taking possession by a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian, trustee, sequestrator or similar official of the
Company or any of its Material Subsidiaries or for all or substantially all of the property and assets of the
Company or any of its Material Subsidiaries or (iii) effects any general assignment for the benefit of creditors
(an event of default specified in clause (5) or (6), a bankruptcy default);



(8) if any New CLNs are outstanding, the fees and expenses of the issuer of such credit linked notes are
not paid when the same becomes due and payable, and such failure to pay continues for a period of 30 days;
(9) after the approval of the Concurso Plan by the Mexican Court, the Company or any of its Subsidiaries
or any of their respective Affiliates makes or agrees to make, directly or indirectly, any payment (whether in
cash or in kind) or provides or agrees to provide any other benefit to Non-Consenting Holders other than
payments (or benefits) required to be distributed by the Non-Consenting Holders Trust to a Subsequently
Consenting Creditor pursuant to the terms of the Non-Consenting Holders Trust and the Concurso Plan unless
either (x) the Company contemporaneously makes the same ratable payment (or provides the same ratable
benefit) to each holder of the New Notes or (y) Consenting Holder Parties that are Holders of more than 50% in
aggregate principal amount of the Notes held by Consenting Holder Parties have previously delivered to the
Company a written consent to such payment, benefit or agreement.
Consequences of an MCD Event of Default. If an Event of Default with respect to the MCDs, other than a
bankruptcy default with respect to the Company, occurs and is continuing under the MCDs, the holders of at
least 25% in aggregate principal amount of the MCDs then outstanding, by written notice to the Company, may
convert the principal of and accrued interest on the MCDs immediately to Ordinary Shares (or CPOs, as applicable).
The holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding MCDs by written notice to the Company may
waive all past defaults and rescind and annul a declaration of acceleration and its consequences if:
(1) all existing Events of Default, other than the nonpayment of the principal of, premium, if any, and
interest on the MCDs that have become due solely by the declaration of acceleration, have been cured or
waived, and
(2) the rescission would not conflict with any judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction.
If an Event of Default occurs and is continuing, each Holder may pursue, in its own name or as trustee of an
express trust, any available remedy by proceeding at law or in equity to collect the payment of principal of and
interest on the 2018 Notes or to enforce the performance of any provision of the MCDs.
Except as otherwise provided in Consequences of an Event of Default or Amendments and Waivers
Amendments with Consent of Holders, the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding MCDs
may, by written notice to the Company, waive an existing Default and its consequences. Upon such waiver, the
Default will cease to exist, and any Event of Default arising therefrom will be deemed to have been cured, but no
such waiver will extend to any subsequent or other Default or impair any right consequent thereon.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the right of a holder of an MCD to receive payment of principal of or
interest on its MCDs on or after the Stated Maturities thereof, or to bring suit for the enforcement of any such
payment on or after such dates, may not be impaired or affected without the consent of such holder.
If the Company fails to convert the MCDs into Ordinary Shares or CPOs, as the case may be, as required
pursuant to the MCDs:
each holder may recover judgment in its own name for the whole amount of principal and accrued
interest remaining unpaid on such holders MCDs, together with interest on overdue principal and overdue
installments of interest to the extent lawful, in each case at the rate specified in such MCDs; and
holders may also recover such further amount as is sufficient to cover the reasonable and
documented costs and expenses of collection, including the reasonable compensation, expenses, disbursements and
advances of such holder, its agents and counsel and any other amounts due such holder or group of holders under
the 2018 Notes; provided that in the event that more than one holder or group of holders separately seeks to recover
costs and expenses of collection, the Companys obligation to reimburse such costs and expenses will be limited to
the reimbursement of the costs and expenses of the holder or group of holders that holds the largest principal amount
of MCDs (disregarding any MCD held by the Company, its Subsidiaries or their respective Affiliates).




Excess Cash Sweep
For any Fiscal Year of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries (each, a Calculation Period), the
Company will apply any Excess Cash Flow as of the last day of such Calculation Period, no later than 60 days (the
Excess Cash Flow Application Period) after the Excess Cash Flow Calculation Date (as defined below) relating to
such Calculation Period, as follows:
(a) in the event that the yield-to-maturity of the 2018 Notes (or, if the 2018 CLNs are outstanding, the yield-tomaturity of the 2018 CLNs and not the 2018 Notes), based on the volume-weighted average price as listed on
Bloomberg during the 20 Business Days beginning on March 1st, is equal to or higher than 9%, then 70% of such
Excess Cash Flow will be applied to Mandatory Debt Reduction; or
(b) in the event that the yield-to-maturity of the 2018 Notes (or, if the 2018 CLNs are outstanding, the yield-tomaturity of the 2018 CLNs and not the Notes), based on the volume-weighted average price as listed on Bloomberg
at close of business during the 20 Business Days beginning on March 1st, is lower than 9%, then 50% of such Excess
Cash Flow will be applied to Mandatory Debt Reduction.
(c) Any Excess Cash Flow that is required to be applied to Mandatory Debt Reduction in accordance with
clause (a) above will, prior to its application, be deposited into a segregated account of the Company with an
internationally-recognized banking institution (the ECF Payment Account).
(d) Any Excess Cash Flow that is not required to be deposited into the ECF Payment Account will be
deposited into a separate account (the Company ECF Account) and the funds deposited therein may be used in the
Companys discretion in any manner not inconsistent with the 2018 Notes or the MCDs.
(e) Immediately after the end of the Excess Cash Flow Application Period, the Company will cancel or
surrender to the CLN Issuer (or applicable trustee) for cancellation, as applicable, any New Outstanding Securities
redeemed or purchased using Excess Cash Flow, and will, within 30 days of the end of the Excess Cash Flow
Application Period, notify each Holder of the aggregate amount of New Outstanding Securities purchased through
Market Purchases with Excess Cash Flow.
(f) The calculation of Excess Cash Flow in respect of any given Calculation Period will be made as of the last
day of such Calculation Period, based on the Companys consolidated financial statements as of such date and will
be certified by both the Chief Financial Officer of the Company and by an independent public accountant that
regularly conducts audit services for the Company. Excess Cash Flow calculations will be made on or before the
date on which audited financial statements are required by the CNBV to be delivered in respect of each Fiscal Year
of the Company and in any event by no later than April 30th of each year (the date on which such calculation is
made, the Excess Cash Flow Calculation Date), and will be promptly delivered to the Holders.
Methods of Receiving Payments on the New Notes
If a holder of New Notes in an aggregate principal amount of $10.0 million or more has given adequate wire
transfer instructions to the Company in writing at least 10 days in advance, the Company will pay all principal, cash
interest, Additional Amounts and premium, if any, on that holders New Notes in accordance with those
instructions. All other payments on the New Notes will be made at the office or agency of the paying agent and
registrar, unless the Company elects to make interest payments by check mailed to the holders at their address set
forth in the register of holders.
Paying Agent and Registrar for the Notes
The Company will initially act as the Paying Agent for the New Notes and, in accordance with the New Notes,
is be permitted to appoint a Paying Agent. Upon the occurrence of a New York Agent Event, the Company will be
required to appoint a paying agent located in The City of New York. Upon the occurrence of a Luxembourg Agent
Event the Company will be required to appoint a paying agent in Luxembourg; provided that if an event is both a
Luxembourg Agent Event and a New York Agent Event, the Company will satisfy its obligations in accordance with
this paragraph by appointing a paying agent in The City of New York.



Upon the occurrence of a New York Agent Event or a Luxembourg Agent Event, the Company shall enter into
appropriate documentation (including an indenture containing customary terms applicable to notes issued in the
international capital markets pursuant to Regulation S and Rule 144A by an issuer in Mexico) to (i) exchange all
outstanding New Notes for one or more beneficial interests in Global Notes with a principal amount equal to the
amount of then outstanding New Notes and with substantially identical terms and conditions and (ii) to make such
Global Notes eligible for clearing through DTC, in the case of a New York Agent Event, and/or Euroclear and
Clearstream, in the case of a Luxembourg Agent Event; provided that the New Notes shall include customary
provisions related to the exercise of remedies and administration of the New Notes by a trustee (and, if required by
Euroclear and Clearstream, customary provisions related to denominations), and deposit such Global Notes with the
Applicable Depositary (Event Global Notes). The Company shall be responsible for all costs, including the
engagement of a trustee, related to the issuance of Event Global Notes. For additional information on the
obligations of the Company upon the occurrence of a New York Agent Event or a Luxembourg Agent Event, see
Description of the CLNsIn-Kind Mandatory Redemptions.
The Company is required to appoint a Registrar for the New Notes and has initially appointed Banco Nacional
de Mxico, S.A as registrar for the New Notes. The Company may change the paying agent(s) or registrar(s) for
either series of the New Notes without prior notice to the holders of the New Notes of such series, and the Company
or any of its Subsidiaries may act as paying agent or registrar, in each case so long as the new paying agent or
registrar is located and organized in the jurisdictions required by the preceding clause.
Transfer and Exchange
A holder may transfer or exchange New Notes within each series in accordance with the provisions of the New
Notes. The registrar may require a holder, among other things, to furnish appropriate endorsements and transfer
documents in connection with a transfer of New Notes. Holders will be required to pay all taxes due on transfer or
other similar governmental charges payable in connection therewith. The Company will not be required to transfer
or exchange any New Note selected for redemption. Also, the Company will not be required to transfer or exchange
any New Notes for a period of 15 days before a selection of New Notes to be redeemed.
Additional Amounts
All payments under or in respect of the New Notes or any Note Guaranty will be made free and clear of, and
without withholding or deduction for or on account of, any present or future taxes, duties, levies, imposts,
assessments or governmental charges (including penalties, interest and additions related thereto) (collectively,
Taxes) of whatever nature imposed, levied, collected, withheld or assessed unless such withholding or deduction
is required by law. In the event any such withholding or deduction imposed or levied by a Tax Jurisdiction (as
defined below) is required to be made from any payments under or with respect to the New Notes or any Note
Guaranty, the Company or the relevant Guarantor, as applicable, will pay to holders of the New Notes such
additional amounts (Additional Amounts) as will result in the net payment to such holder (including Additional
Amounts) of the amount that would otherwise have been receivable by such holder in the absence of such
withholding or deduction, except that no such Additional Amounts will be payable with respect to:
(a) any Taxes that would not have been so withheld or deducted but for the holder or beneficial owner of the
New Notes having a present or former connection to the relevant Tax Jurisdiction (including having a permanent
establishment in such Tax Jurisdiction, being a citizen or resident or national of, incorporated in or carrying on a
business, in the relevant Tax Jurisdiction in which such Taxes are imposed) other than the mere receipt of payments
in respect of the New Notes or any Note Guaranty, the mere holding or ownership of such New Note or beneficial
interest in the New Note or the exercise of any rights under the New Notes or any Note Guaranty;
(b) where presentation is required for payment on a New Note, any Taxes that would not have been so
withheld or deducted if the New Note had been presented for payment within 30 days after the Relevant Date (as
defined below), except to the extent that the holder would have been entitled to Additional Amounts had the New
Note been presented on any day during such 30-day period and there were no additional withholdings or deductions
as a result of such late presentment;
(c) any Taxes that would not have been so withheld or deducted but for the failure by the holder or the
beneficial owner of the New Note or any payment in respect of such New Note, after written request made to that



holder or beneficial owner at least 30 days before any such withholding or deduction would be payable, by the
Company or the relevant Guarantor, as applicable, to comply with any certification, identification, information,
documentation or other similar reporting requirement concerning its nationality, residence, identity or connection
with the relevant Tax Jurisdiction, which is required or imposed by a statute, regulation or published administrative
interpretation of general application of the relevant Taxing Jurisdiction as a precondition to exemption from all or
part of such Taxes;
(d) any estate, inheritance, gift, sales, transfer, personal property or similar Taxes imposed with respect to any
New Note;
(e) any Taxes payable other than by withholding or deduction;
(f) any withholding or deduction imposed on a payment to an individual that is required to be made pursuant
to the European Council Directive 2003/48/EC on the taxation of savings income (the Directive) implementing the
conclusions of the European Counsel of Economic and Finance Ministers (ECOFIN) meeting on November 26-27,
2000, or any law implementing or complying with, or introduced in order to conform to, such Directive;
(g) any Taxes imposed in connection with a New Note presented for payment by or on behalf of a holder or
beneficial owner thereof who would have been able to avoid such tax by presenting the relevant New Note to
another paying agent;
(h) any Taxes imposed on a payment on a New Note or a Note Guaranty to a holder that is a fiduciary or
partnership or a person other than the sole beneficial owner of any such payment, to the extent that a beneficiary or
settlor with respect to such fiduciary, a member of such a partnership or the beneficial owner of the payment would
not have been entitled to the Additional Amounts had the beneficiary, settlor, member or beneficial owner been the
holder of the New Note or Note Guaranty; or
(i) any combination of (a) through (h) above.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the limitations on the Companys or relevant Guarantors obligation to pay
Additional Amounts set forth in clause (c) above will not apply if the provision of information, documentation or
other evidence described in such clause (c) would be materially more onerous, in form, in procedure or in the
substance of information disclosed, to a holder or beneficial owner of a New Note (taking into account any relevant
differences between U.S. and Mexican law rules, regulations or published administrative interpretation of general
application) than comparable information or other reporting requirements imposed under U.S. tax law, regulation
and administrative practice (such as IRS Forms W-8BEN and W-9) or (ii) Rule 3.23.8 issued by the Ministry of
Finance and Public Credit on April 28, 2006 or a substantially similar successor of such rule is in effect, unless the
provision of the information, documentation or other evidence described in clause (c) is expressly required by
statute, regulation, rule, ruling or published administrative interpretation of general application in order to apply
Rule 3.23.8 (or a substantially similar successor of such rule), the Company cannot obtain such information,
documentation or other evidence on its own through reasonable diligence and the Company otherwise would meet
the requirements for application of Rule 3.23.8 (or such successor of such rule). In addition, such clause (c) will not
be construed to require that a non-Mexican pension or retirement fund or a non-Mexican financial institution or
another holder register with the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit for the purpose of establishing eligibility for
an exemption from or reduction of Mexican withholding tax or to require that a holder or beneficial owner certify or
provide information concerning whether it is or is not a tax-exempt pension or retirement fund.
If the Directive imposes taxes upon New Notes presented for payment, the Company or relevant Guarantor will
at all times maintain a paying agent with a specified office in a Member State of the European Union that will not be
obligated to withhold or deduct tax pursuant to the Directive or any law implementing or complying with, or
introduced in order to conform to, the Directive.
Tax Jurisdiction means (1) Mexico or any political subdivision thereof or any authority therein or thereof
having the power to tax, (2) any jurisdiction in which the Company or any Guarantor (including any successor
entity) is then incorporated, engaged in business or resident for tax purposes or any political subdivision thereof or
therein having the power to tax or (3) any jurisdiction from or through which payment is made.



Relevant Date means whichever is the later of (i) the date on which such payment first becomes due and (ii) if
the full amount payable has not been received in New York City, New York by the holder on or prior to such due
date, the date on which, the full amount having been so received, notice to that effect will have been given to the
holders of the MCDs in accordance with the terms hereof.
References to principal, interest or any other amount payable on or in respect of any New Note will be deemed
also to refer to any Additional Amounts which may be payable as set forth in the New Notes to the extent that
Additional Amounts are, were or would be payable in respect thereof.
At least ten Business Days prior to the first interest payment date (and at least ten Business Days prior to each
succeeding interest payment date if there has been any change with respect to the matters set forth in the Officers
Certificate), the Company or the relevant Guarantor, as applicable, will furnish to each holder an Officers
Certificate stating whether payments of principal of or interest on the New Notes due on such interest payment date
will be made without deduction or withholding for or on account of any Taxes by the Tax Jurisdictions. If any such
deduction or withholding will be required, at least 20 days prior to such interest payment date (unless the obligation
to pay Additional Amounts arises after the 20th day prior to the payment date, in which case the Company or the
relevant Guarantor will notify the holder in writing promptly thereafter), the Company, or the relevant Guarantor, as
applicable, will furnish such holder with an Officers Certificate that specifies the amount, if any, required to be
withheld on such payment to such holder. If the Company or any Guarantor is obligated to pay Additional Amounts
with respect to such payment, the Officers Certificate must also set forth Additional Amounts.
The Company or the relevant Guarantor, as applicable, will make all withholdings and deductions required by
law and will remit the full amount deducted or withheld to the relevant Tax authority in accordance with applicable
law. The Company or the relevant Guarantor, as applicable, will obtain official receipts from each Tax authority
evidencing the payment of any Taxes so deducted or withheld, or, if such receipts are not obtainable, such other
documentation reasonably acceptable to the holder on whose behalf such withholdings were made. The Company,
or the relevant Guarantor, as applicable, will furnish to such holder the official receipts (or a certified copy of the
official receipts or other such documentation, as applicable) evidencing payment of Taxes. The Company or the
relevant Guarantor, as applicable, will attach to each certified copy or other such documentation, as applicable, a
certificate stating (x) that the amount of such Tax evidenced by the certified copy was paid in connection with
payments under or with respect to the New Notes then outstanding upon which such Taxes were due and (y) the
amount of such withholding tax paid per $1,000 of principal amount of the New Notes. Copies of such receipts,
such certified copies or other such documentation, as applicable, will be made available to holders of the New Notes
upon request.
The Company and the relevant Guarantor, as applicable, will promptly pay when due, and indemnify each
holder for, any present or future stamp, issue, registration, court and/or documentary taxes, and/or any other excise
taxes, similar charges or similar levies imposed by the Tax Jurisdictions on the execution, delivery, registration or
enforcement of any of the New Notes, any Note Guaranty or any other document or instrument referred to therein.
The Company and the relevant Guarantor, as applicable, will indemnify and hold harmless each holder of New
Notes and, upon written request of any holder of New Notes, reimburse each such holder, for the amount of:
(1) any Taxes (other than Taxes excluded under clauses (a) through (i)) levied or imposed and paid by
such holder as a result of payments made on or with respect to the New Notes; provided that reasonable
supporting documentation is provided (including documentation that is reasonably sufficient to establish to the
Company such Holders ownership of the New Notes with respect to which such Taxes were levied or
imposed); and
(2) any Taxes (other than Taxes excluded under clauses (a) through (i)) levied or imposed with respect to
any reimbursement under the foregoing clause (1), so that the net amount received by such holder after such
reimbursement will not be less than the net amount the holder would have received if Taxes (other than Taxes
excluded under clauses (a) through (i)) on such reimbursement had not been imposed.
Any payments made pursuant to the preceding sentence will be treated as Additional Amounts for all relevant
purposes. The obligations of the Company and the Guarantor pursuant to this section shall survive payment of the
New Notes or exchange of the Notes for Event Global Notes and/or resignation or removal of the Paying Agent.



Reimbursement and Additional Payment Amounts

On any date on which a payment is made in respect of the New Notes, if any Holder of New Notes is the CLN
Issuer, or the CLN Issuer is otherwise entitled to such a payment, the Company will pay to the CLN Issuer against,
including its successors and assigns (in each case determined at the time such payment is sought) any and all
amounts (CLN Additional Amounts) that would be required to be paid to holders of CLNs so that payments under
or in respect of the CLNs are made free and clear of, and without withholding or deduction for or on account of any
present or future Taxes.
The obligation of the Company to pay to the CLN Issuer the CLN Additional Amounts on a particular date on
which a payment is made in respect of the New Notes will be limited (a) to the aggregate amount that any registered
holders of CLNs would receive if such holders held (or were otherwise entitled to payment in respect of) the New
Notes underlying such CLNs on such payment date (taking into account the limitations on the Companys obligation
to pay Additional Amounts as provided under the section with the caption Additional Amounts, and (b) to the
extent the CLN Issuer has delivered a notice to the Company two (2) Business Days prior to such date on which a
payment is made in respect of the New Notes (i) stating the amount of CLN Additional Amounts sought and
(ii) providing reasonable documentation in respect of such request.
Payments in Mexican Currency
In the event that the Company exercises its right under Mexican law to make payments on the New Notes in
Mexican currency (see Currency of Payment):
if on such date any holder is the CLN Issuer, including its successors and assigns (in each case
determined at the time such payment is sought), the Company shall pay on such date the difference between (x) the
amount of Mexican currency received by the CLN Issuer from the Company for such payment and (y) the amount of
Mexican currency required by the CLN Issuer to purchase the amount of U.S. dollars originally required to be paid
by the Company on the date such payment was required to be made if the Company had made such payment in
respect of the New Notes in U.S. dollars, including the costs of making any such purchase (CLN Currency
Additional Amounts), and
on any date that a Subsequently Consenting Creditor delivers a Qualifying Acknowledgment, the
Company shall pay the Non-Consenting Holders Trust, including its successors and assigns (in each case determined
at the time such payment is sought) the amounts (Subsequently Consenting Holder Currency Additional Amounts
and, together with the CLN Currency Additional Amounts, the Currency Additional Amounts) required to be
reimbursed by the Company in respect of currency indemnities as provided in the Non-Consenting Holders Trust or
related indemnity.
The payment and reimbursement obligations in respect of Currency Additional Amounts set forth in the
preceding paragraph constitute a separate and independent obligation from the other obligations of the Company or
the Guarantors, shall give rise to a separate and independent cause of action, shall apply irrespective of any
indulgence granted by any holder of a New Note (or third party beneficiary) and shall constitute in full force and
effect despite any other judgment, order, claim or proof for a liquidated amount in respect of any sum due under any
New Note (or third party beneficiary), and may be enforced individually by each holder of a New Note (or third
party beneficiary) directly against the Company. Each holder of the CLNs shall be a third party beneficiary of the
agreement to pay CLN Currency Additional Amounts as set forth in clause (1) above, and each Subsequently
Consenting Creditor shall be a third party beneficiary of the agreement to pay Subsequently Consenting Holder
Currency Additional Amounts as set forth in clause (2) above.
Pursuant to the CLN Indentures, in the event that the New Notes in the CLN Trust are redeemed in accordance
with the foregoing paragraph, the CLN Issuer will be required to use the cash proceeds of such redemption to
redeem a corresponding portion of the relevant New CLNs.
Optional Tax Redemption
The New Notes may be redeemed at the Companys election, as a whole, but not in part, by the giving of notice
as provided in the New Notes, at a price equal to the outstanding principal amount thereof, together with any



Additional Amounts then due and that will become due on the redemption date as a result of the redemption and
accrued and unpaid interest to the redemption date, if (1) as a result of any change in, or amendment to, the laws (or
any regulations or rulings promulgated thereunder) of the relevant Tax Jurisdiction, or any change in the official
application, administration or interpretation of such laws, regulations or rulings in the relevant Tax Jurisdiction, the
Company or the relevant Guarantor, as applicable, has or will become obligated to pay any Additional Amounts or
CLN Additional Amounts on the New Notes in excess of the Additional Amounts or CLN Additional Amounts the
Company would be obligated to pay if payments made on the New Notes were subject to withholding or deduction
of Mexican taxes at a rate of 4.9% (Excess Additional Amounts), (2) such change or amendment is announced on
or after the Issue Date (or, if the relevant Tax Jurisdiction has changed since the date of the New Notes, the date on
which the then current Tax Jurisdiction became the applicable Tax Jurisdiction under the New Notes), (3) such
obligation would have arisen absent a further issuance of the New Notes pursuant to the New Notes; and (4) and
such obligation cannot be avoided by the Company or the relevant Guarantor, as applicable, taking reasonable
measures available to it (including taking reasonable measures to change the jurisdiction from or through which
payments are made); provided, however, that no such notice of redemption will be given earlier than 60 days prior to
the earliest date on which the Company or the relevant Guarantor, as applicable, would be obliged to pay such
Excess Additional Amounts. Prior to the giving of any notice of redemption of the New Notes pursuant to the
foregoing, the Company will deliver to the holders (1) an Officers Certificate stating that the conditions precedent
to the right of the Company to so redeem have occurred and that the obligation to pay Excess Additional Amounts
cannot be avoided by the Company by taking commercially reasonable measures available to it, and (2) a written
opinion of independent legal counsel of recognized standing in the relevant Tax Jurisdiction to the effect that the
Company has become obligated to pay Excess Additional Amounts as a result of a change or amendment described
Mandatory Redemption from Equity Issuances
In the event that the yield-to-maturity of the 2018 Notes (or, if the 2018 CLNs are outstanding, the yield-tomaturity of the 2018 CLNs and not the 2018 Notes), based on the volume-weighted average price as listed on
Bloomberg at close of business during the 20 Business Days immediately preceding the receipt of the proceeds from
any issuance of Equity Interests of the Company (not including any the Capital Stock issued upon conversion of
MCDs), is higher than 9%, the Company will be required to apply 25% of the cash proceeds from such issuance,
sale and/or other disposition of Equity Interests, within 60 days of the receipt of such proceeds, to Mandatory Debt
If fewer than all of the New Notes are being redeemed, the Company will select the New Notes to be redeemed
on a pro rata basis, by lot or by any other method the Company in its sole discretion deems fair and appropriate, in
denominations of $1,000 principal amount and multiples thereof. Upon surrender of any New Note redeemed in
part, the holder will receive a New Note equal in principal amount to the unredeemed portion of the surrendered
New Note. Once notice of redemption is sent to the holders, New Notes called for redemption become due and
payable at the redemption price on the redemption date, and, commencing on the redemption date, New Notes
redeemed will cease to accrue interest.
Delivery of Notes and CLNs.
The Company will (i) cause its Subsidiaries to immediately (or no later than the deadline provided below under
Provisions Applicable to All of the New NotesExcess Cash Sweep, Subsection (d), as the case may be) deliver
to it all New Notes purchased by such Subsidiaries through Market Purchases, through an Offer to Purchase, or
otherwise redeemed or acquired, and (ii) cancel any New Notes purchased by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries
through Market Purchases, through an Offer to Purchase, or otherwise redeemed or acquired.
The Company will, and will cause its subsidiaries to, immediately (or no later than the deadline provided in
Provisions Applicable to All of the New NotesExcess Cash Sweep, Subsection (d)) tender to the CLN Issuer for
cancellation any CLNs purchased through Market Purchases or acquired in an Offer to Purchase or otherwise
acquired and to promptly cancel any New Notes tendered by the CLN Issuer for cancellation in connection
Financial Reports



The Company will provide to the holders:

(1) annual consolidated financial statements audited by an internationally recognized firm of independent
public accountants within 120 days after the end of the Companys fiscal year, and unaudited quarterly
consolidated financial statements (including a balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement for the
fiscal quarter or quarters then ended and the corresponding fiscal quarter or quarters from the prior year)
within 60 days of the end of each of the first three fiscal quarters of each fiscal year. These annual and
quarterly consolidated financial statements will be (a) prepared in accordance with Mexican GAAP, provided
that the application of Mexican GAAP is consistent, and (b) accompanied by a management discussion and
analysis or other report of management providing an overview in reasonable detail of the results of operations
and financial condition of the Company and its Subsidiaries for the periods presented. English translations will
be provided of any of the foregoing documents prepared in another language; and
(2) if applicable, copies (including English translations of documents prepared in another language) of
public filings which reasonably would be material to the holders of New Notes made with any securities
exchange or securities regulatory agency or authority within ten (10) days of such filing; provided, however,
that the Company will not be required to so provide copies of (a) public filings which may be obtained from the
United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) via the EDGAR System or its successor or
(b) annual reports filed (in Spanish) with the CNBV.
None of the information provided pursuant to the preceding numbered paragraphs will be required to comply
with Regulation S-K as promulgated by the SEC.
Reports to Holders
The Company will deliver to each holder:
(1) within 120 days after the end of each fiscal year a certificate stating that the Company has fulfilled its
obligations under the New Notes or, if there has been a Default or MCD Default, as applicable, specifying the
Default or MCD Default, as applicable and its nature and status; and
(2) as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days after the Company becomes aware or should
reasonably become aware of the occurrence of a Default or MCD Default, as applicable an Officers Certificate
setting forth the details of the Default or MCD Default, as applicable and the action which the Company
proposes to take with respect thereto; and
(3) if the Company or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries adopts IFRS in lieu of Mexican GAAP,
within 30 days of the earlier of the dates on which quarterly or annual consolidated financial statements are
provided to (x) the holders or (y) the CNBV,
(i) notice of such adoption,
(ii) a description of the material differences between IFRS and Mexican GAAP to the extent they
impact the covenants under the New Notes, and
(iii) a description of any differences between the calculation of Leverage Ratio and Excess Cash Flow
under (x) IFRS and (y) Mexican GAAP; and
(4) the reports required to be provided in accordance with the covenant described under the caption
Excess Cash Flow.
Compliance with Trust and Related Agreements
For so long as any Holder is the CLN Issuer, the Company will comply in all material respects with any
agreement entered into between the Company and the CLN Issuer, including the payment of all fees and expenses
due to the CLN Issuer thereunder.



No Liability of Directors, Officers, Employees, Incorporators, Members and Stockholders

No director, officer, employee, incorporator, member or stockholder of the Company or any Guarantor, as such,
will have any liability for any obligations of the Company or such Guarantor under the New Notes, any Note
Guaranty or the New Notes or for any claim based on, in respect of, or by reason of, such obligations. Each holder
of New Notes by accepting a New Note waives and releases all such liability. The waiver and release are part of the
consideration for issuance of the New Notes. This waiver may not be effective to waive liabilities under the
U.S. federal securities laws and it is the view of the SEC that such a waiver is against public policy.
Amendments and Waivers
Amendments Without Consent of Holders. The Company may amend or supplement the New Notes without
notice to or the consent of any holder:
(1) to cure any ambiguity, defect or inconsistency in the New Notes;
(2) to comply with the covenant described under the caption Certain CovenantsConsolidation,
Merger, Lease or Sale of Assets;
(3) to comply with any requirements of the SEC in connection with the qualification of the New Notes
under the Trust Indenture Act;
(4) to provide for uncertificated notes in addition to or in place of certificated notes, provided that the
uncertificated notes are issued in registered form for purposes of Section 163(f) of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended (the Code), or in a manner such that the uncertificated notes are described in
Section 163(f)(2)(B) of the Code;
(5) to provide for any Guarantee of the Notes, to secure the Notes or to confirm and evidence the release,
termination or discharge of any Guarantee of or Lien securing the Notes when such release, termination or
discharge is permitted by the Notes;
(6) to make any change that would provide any additional rights or benefits to the holders or that does not
adversely affect the rights of any holder; or
(7) to make any change required by a change in the laws of Mexico or the United States (or any judicial
interpretation thereof) after the date of the Issue Date.
After an amendment under this Section becomes effective, the Company will send to the holders a notice briefly
describing the amendment.
If the Company is permitted to amend the New Notes pursuant to this Section, each holder of New Notes must
execute such amendment and will, upon the written request of the Company, deliver their New Notes to the
Company so that it may place an appropriate notation of the changed terms on the New Notes and return such New
Notes to the holders, or exchange such New Notes for a New Note that reflects the changed terms; provided that
(i) no holder is required to execute such amendment or deliver their New Note to the Company unless it has
previously received and is fully protected in relying upon, an Opinion of Counsel stating that all conditions
precedent required pursuant to the New Notes for execution of the amendment have been met, (ii) no amendment to
the New Notes will be effective unless Holders of a majority of the principal amount of the New Notes have
executed such amendments, and (iii) subject to clause (ii), the effectiveness of the amendment will not be affected
by any holders failure to execute an amendment, annotate or exchange New Notes in this fashion.
Amendments With Consent of Holders. (a) Except as otherwise provided in Default and Remedies
Consequences of an Event of Default or paragraph (b), the Company may amend all outstanding New Notes with
the written consent of the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding 2018 Notes or the MCDs, as
the case may be, and the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding 2018 Notes or the MCDs, as
the case may be, may waive future compliance by the Company with any provision of the relevant 2018 Notes or the



MCDs, as the case may be. If the requisite percentage in principal amount of the outstanding Notes have delivered
their written consents to such amendment, supplement or waiver, each holder of 2018 Notes or the MCDs, as the
case may be, will execute such amendment, supplement or waiver and will, upon the written request of the
Company, deliver their 2018 Notes or MCDs, as the case may be, to the Company so that it may place an
appropriate notation of the changed terms on the 2018 Notes or MCDs, as the case may be, and return such 2018
Notes or MCDs, as the case may be, to the holders, or exchange such 2018 Notes or MCDs, as the case may be, for a
new 2018 Note or MCD, as the case may be, that reflects the changed terms; provided that (i) no amendment of
the 2018 Notes or MCDs, as the case may be, will be effective unless the requisite percentage in principal amount of
the outstanding 2018 Notes or MCDs, as the case may be, have executed such amendment, supplement or waiver,
and (ii) subject to clause (i), the effectiveness of the amendment, supplement or waiver will not be affected by any
holders failure to execute an amendment, annotate or exchange 2018 Notes or MCDs, as the case may be, in this
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a), without the consent of each holder affected, an
amendment or waiver may not:
(1) reduce the principal amount of or change the Stated Maturity of any installment of principal of
any 2018 Note or MCD, as the case may be,
(2) reduce the rate of or change the Stated Maturity of any interest payment on any 2018 Note or MCD, as
the case may be,
(3) reduce the amount payable upon, or discount applicable to, the redemption of any 2018 Notes or the
MCDs, as the case may be, or change the time of any mandatory redemption, or modify, amend or waive the
obligations to, at the sole discretion of the Company, (i) make mandatory prepayments of the New Notes in
accordance with Excess Cash Sweep, in a manner materially adverse to the holders of the 2018 Notes or
the MCDs, as the case may be, or, (ii) in respect of an optional redemption, the times at which any 2018 Note or
MCD, as the case may be, may be redeemed or, once notice of redemption has been given, the time at which it
must thereupon be redeemed;
(4) after the time an Offer to Purchase is required to have been made, reduce the purchase amount or
purchase price, or extend the latest expiration date or purchase date thereunder;
(5) change the place or currency of payment of principal of, or any premium or interest on, any 2018 Note
or MCD, as the case may be;
(6) reduce the percentage in principal amount of outstanding 2018 Notes or the MCDs, as the case may be,
necessary for modifications or waivers;
(7) (i) reduce the percentage in principal amount of outstanding 2018 Notes or the MCDs, as the case may
be, that is required for the adoption of a resolution at a meeting of holders of such New Notes, (ii) reduce the
percentage in principal amount of outstanding 2018 Notes or the MCDs, as the case may be, that is required for
a quorum at a meeting of holders of such New Notes, or (iii) reduce the percentage in principal amount of
outstanding 2018 Notes or the MCDs, as the case may be, that is required to request the calling of a meeting of
holders of such New Notes;
(8) modify any prepayment or redemption provision in a manner that alters the pro rata sharing of
payments required thereby;
(9) impair the right of any holder of 2018 Notes or the MCDs, as the case may be, to receive any principal
payment or interest payment on such holders 2018 Notes or the MCDs, as the case may be, on or after the
Stated Maturity thereof, or to institute suit for the enforcement of any such payment;
(10) modify or change any provision of the relevant New Notes affecting the ranking of the 2018 Notes or
the MCDs, as the case may be, or any relevant Note Guaranty in a manner adverse to the holders of the 2018
Notes or the MCDs, as the case may be, or waive or amend the provision in the relevant New Indenture



requiring that the 2018 Notes or the MCDs, as the case may be, rank pari passu with all other senior unsecured
debt of the Company;
(11) make any change in the provisions of the New Notes described under Additional Amounts or
Optional Tax Redemption that adversely affects the rights of any holder or amend the terms of the 2018 Notes
or the MCDs, as the case may be, or the relevant New Notes in a way that would result in the loss of an
exemption from any of the Taxes described thereunder or would otherwise adversely affect any holder for
United States or Mexican tax purposes;
(12) modify the governing law or jurisdiction applicable to the relevant New Notes;
(13) make any change in any Note Guaranty that would adversely affect the holders; or
(14) terminate or deprive any holders of the 2018 Notes or the MCDs, as the case may be, of the benefit of
any Liens on assets that, individually or in the aggregate, have a fair market value of $10.0 million or more.
It is not necessary for holders to approve the particular form of any proposed amendment, supplement or
waiver, but is sufficient if their consent approves the substance thereof.
Pursuant to the CLN Indentures, if the Company delivers a request for consent or vote of the New Notes, the
CLN Issuer shall deliver a corresponding request to the holders of the relevant CLNs, and shall vote the relevant
New Notes in accordance with the vote of the holders of the relevant New CLNs, provided that if any holders of the
relevant New CLNs abstain from voting or do not respond to such request, the CLN Issuer shall abstain from voting
a corresponding amount of the relevant New Notes.
Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries or Affiliates may, directly or indirectly, pay or cause to be paid
any consideration, whether by way of interest, fee or otherwise, to any holder of New Outstanding Securities for or
as an inducement to any consent, waiver or amendment of any of the terms or provisions of the New Outstanding
Securities, or the CLN Indentures or CLNs, unless such consideration is offered to be paid or agreed to be paid to all
holders of New Outstanding Securities of such series (or, in the case of the 2018 Notes and MCDs, to all holders of
the CLNs corresponding to the 2018 Notes or MCDs) that consent, waive or agree to amend such term or provision
within the time period set forth in the solicitation documents relating to the consent, waiver or amendment.
Defeasance and Discharge
The Company may discharge certain of its obligations under a series of the New Notes by irrevocably
depositing in trust with an internationally-recognized trustee for the benefit of the Holders, as trust funds solely for
the benefit of the Holders, money or U.S. Government Obligations or any combination thereof sufficient, in the
opinion of a nationally recognized firm of independent public accountants expressed in a written certificate thereof
delivered to such trustee, without consideration of any reinvestment, to pay at maturity, principal of and interest due
on the outstanding Notes to maturity or redemption, as the case may be, provided that any redemption before
maturity has been irrevocably provided for under arrangements satisfactory to such trustee and complying with
certain other requirements set forth in the New Notes.
The Company may also elect to
(1) defease most of its obligations in respect of a series of the New Notes, not including obligations related
to the defeasance trust or to the replacement of New Notes or its obligations to the holders (legal defeasance)
(2) discharge its obligations with respect to a series of New Notes under most of the covenants and under
clauses (3) and (4) of the sections captioned Consolidation, Merger, Lease or Sale of Assets under each of
2018 Notes and MCDs (and the events listed in clauses (3), (4), (5) and (6) under Default and
RemediesEvents of Default under each of 2018 Notes and MCDs and, in the case of a covenant
defeasance of the 2018 Notes, clause (9) under 2018 NotesDefault and RemediesEvents of Default, will
no longer constitute Events of Default) (covenant defeasance)



by irrevocably depositing in trust with an internationally-recognized trustee for the benefit of the Holders, as trust
funds solely for the benefit of the Holders, money or U.S. Government Obligations or any combination thereof
sufficient, in the opinion of a nationally recognized firm of independent public accountants expressed in a written
certificate thereof delivered to such trustee, without consideration of any reinvestment, to pay at maturity, principal
of and interest due on the outstanding Notes to maturity or redemption, as the case may be, provided that any
redemption before maturity has been irrevocably provided for under arrangements satisfactory to such trustee and
complying with certain other requirements set forth in the New Notes.
In the case of either discharge or defeasance, the Note Guaranties with respect to such series of 2018 Notes, if
any, will terminate.
Enforceability of Judgments
Since the Company is organized under the laws of Mexico and the Subsidiaries of the Company may be
incorporated in various non-U.S. jurisdictions, including Mexico, and all of their directors and substantially all of
their officers and certain of the experts named herein are non-U.S. residents, and all or a significant portion of the
assets of those persons may be, and the most significant portion of the Companys and Subsidiaries assets are,
located outside the United States, it may not be possible for investors to effect service of process within the United
States upon those persons or to enforce against them or against the Company or the Subsidiaries in U.S. courts
judgments predicated upon civil liability provisions of the U.S. federal or state securities laws. See Enforceability
of Civil Liabilities.
An obligation denominated in a currency other than Mexican currency which is payable in Mexico may be
satisfied through the payment of Mexican currency at the rate of exchange determined and published by Banco de
Mxico (the Bank of Mexico), or the Central Bank, in effect on the date such payment occurs. Pursuant to the Ley
Monetaria de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Mexican Monetary Law), in the event that proceedings are brought in
Mexico seeking to enforce the obligations of the Company and/or each of the Guarantors under the New Notes, the
Company or any Guarantors would not be required to discharge such obligations in Mexico in a currency other than
Mexican currency, and any difference resulting from the conversion of such Mexican currency into U.S. dollars may
not be claimed from or enforced against the Company or such Guarantors. The exchange currency rate is currently
determined by the Central Bank every business banking day in Mexico, published the second following business
banking day in the Official Gazette of the Federation (Diario Oficial de la Federacin).
Currency Additional Payment Amounts
U.S. dollars (Eligible Currency) are the sole currency of account and payment for all sums payable by the
Company or the Guarantors under or in connection with the New Notes, including damages. Any amount received
or recovered in a currency other than an Eligible Currency (whether as a result of, or of the enforcement of, a
judgment or order of a court of any jurisdiction, in the winding up or dissolution of the Company or the Guarantors
or otherwise) by any holder of a New Note in respect of any sum expressed to be due to it from the Company or the
Guarantors will constitute a discharge to the Company or the Guarantors only to the extent of the Eligible Currency
amount which the recipient is able to purchase with the amount so received or recovered in that other currency on
the date of that receipt or recovery (or, if it is not practicable to make that purchase on that date, on the first date on
which it is practicable to do so). If that Eligible Currency amount is less than the Eligible Currency amount
expressed to be due to the recipient under any New Note, the Company or the Guarantors will reimburse the
recipient for any loss sustained by it as a result. In any event, the Company or the Guarantors will reimburse the
recipient for the cost of making any such purchase. For the purposes of this paragraph, it will be sufficient for the
holder of a New Note to certify in a satisfactory manner (indicating the sources of information used) that it would
have suffered a loss had an actual purchase of an Eligible Currency been made with the amount so received or
recovered in that other currency on the date of receipt or recovery (or, if a purchase of dollars on such date had not
been practicable, on the first date on which it would have been practicable, it being required that the need for a
change of date be certified in the manner mentioned above); provided that the Companys obligation in this
paragraph will be discharged with respect to sums payable under or in connection with the New Notes in respect of
which it has complied in full with its obligations (including the obligation to reimburse for losses) as set forth under
Reimbursement and Additional Payment AmountsPayments in Mexican Currency. These reimbursements
constitute a separate and independent obligation from the other obligations of the Company or the Guarantors, will
give rise to a separate and independent cause of action, will apply irrespective of any indulgence granted by any



holder of a New Note and will constitute in full force and effect despite any other judgment, order, claim or proof
for a liquidated amount in respect of any sum due under any New Note.
The reimbursements described above will not apply to Private Creditor Notes held by Subsequently
Acknowledging Holders.
Certain Transfer Restrictions
The New Notes will not be registered under the Securities Act and may not be offered, sold or delivered in the
United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, any U.S. person, except pursuant to an effective registration
statement or in a transaction not subject to the registration requirements of the Securities Act or in accordance with
an applicable exemption from the registration requirements thereof. Accordingly, the New Notes offered and sold in
a transaction exempt from registration under the Securities Act. Any transfer of the New Notes will need to comply
with the transfer restrictions described under Transfer Restrictions.
Currency of Payment
The New Notes will be denominated and payable in U.S. dollars. Nevertheless, pursuant to Article 8 of the Ley
Monetaria de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Mexican Monetary Law), an obligation denominated in a currency
other than Mexican currency which is payable in Mexico may be satisfied through the payment of Mexican currency
at the rate of exchange determined and published by Banco Mexico (the Bank of Mexico), or the Central Bank, in
effect on the date such payment occurs. Therefore, for so long as any New Notes are payable in Mexico, any
amounts due under the New Notes, including payments of interest and principal, may be payable by the Company in
Mexican currency, and any difference resulting from the conversion of such Mexican currency into U.S. dollars will
be required to be paid by the Company as additional amounts pursuant to the obligations of the Company (and
subject to the limitations set forth) under Reimbursement and Additional Payment ObligationsPayments in
Mexican Currency.
Book-Entry; Delivery and Form
The 2018 Notes will be initially issued in fully registered certificated form in minimum denominations of
$2,000 principal amount and integral multiples of $1,000 in excess thereof. The MCDs will be initially issued in
fully registered certificated form in minimum denominations of $2,000 principal amount and integral multiples of
$1,000 in excess thereof. Each of the 2018 Notes and the MCDs will be payable in Mexico.
Each of the 2018 Notes and the MCDs initially will be represented by two registered certificated notes (each of
which may be subdivided) without interest coupons (the Initial Certificated Notes). Upon the occurrence of a
Credit Event (other than a Credit Event described in clause (v) of the definition thereof) the Company will issue
certificated notes to holders of the CLNs. See Description of CLNsBook-Entry, Delivery and Form.
Upon the occurrence of a New York Agent Event, all New Notes will be exchanged for global notes in fully
registered form (Global Notes) and all Global Notes will be deposited with the indenture trustee appointed by the
Company as custodian for The Depository Trust Company (DTC), in New York, New York, and registered in the
name of DTC or its nominee for credit to an account of a direct or indirect participant in DTC including the
Euroclear System (Euroclear) or Clearstream Banking, S.A. (Clearstream), as described below under
Depositary Procedures. At such time, the Company will be required to appoint a paying agent in New York, and
pursuant to the terms of the New Notes, the Company will be required to make any payments due on the New Notes
only in U.S. Dollars.
Upon the occurrence of a Luxembourg Agent Event, all New Notes will be exchanged for Global Notes and
deposited with the a custodian for Euroclear and Clearstream. At such time, the Company will be required to
appoint a paying agent in Luxembourg, and pursuant to the terms of the New Notes, the Company will be required
to make any payments due on the New Notes only in U.S. Dollars.
If Global Notes have been issued, beneficial interests in the Global Notes may not be exchanged for New Notes
in certificated form except in the limited circumstances described below under Exchange of Book-Entry Notes
for Certificated Notes.



If the Initial Certificated Notes are exchanged for Global Notes and transferred to the common depositary,
transfers of beneficial interests in the Global Notes will be subject to the applicable rules and procedures of
Euroclear and Clearstream, which may change from time to time.
No service charge will be imposed in connection with any transfer or exchange of any New Note, but the
Company may in general require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any transfer tax or similar governmental
charge payable in connection therewith.
Governing Law
The New Notes, including any Note Guaranties, will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the
laws of the State of New York but without giving effect to applicable principles of conflicts of law to the extent that
the application of the law of another jurisdiction would be required thereby.
Certain Definitions
80% Owned Subsidiary means, with respect to any Restricted Subsidiary, a Restricted Subsidiary 80% or
more of the outstanding Capital Stock of which (other than any directors qualifying shares) is owned by the
Company and one or more Restricted Subsidiaries (or a combination thereof).
Acknowledgment means an acknowledgment in the form attached as Exhibit E-2 to the Concurso Plan.
Acknowledgment Expiration Time means the date that is five (5) Business Days prior to the issue date for the
Acquired Debt means Debt of a Person existing at the time the Person merges with or into or becomes a
Restricted Subsidiary and not Incurred in connection with, or in contemplation of, the Person merging with or into
or becoming a Restricted Subsidiary.
Affiliate means, with respect to any Person, any other Person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by,
or under direct or indirect common control with, such Person. For purposes of this definition, control (including,
with correlative meanings, the terms controlling, controlled by and under common control with) with respect
to any Person, means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the
management and policies of such Person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or
Applicable Depositary means the depositary of each Global Note, which shall be (x) DTC, if a New York
Agent Event has occurred, (y) Euroclear and/or Clearstream, if a Luxembourg Agent Event has occurred, and
(z) DTC, if both a New York Agent Event and a Luxembourg Agent Event have occurred.
Asset Sale means any sale, lease, transfer or other disposition of any assets by the Company or any Restricted
Subsidiary, including by means of a merger, consolidation or similar transaction and including any sale or issuance
of the Equity Interests of any Restricted Subsidiary (each of the above referred to as a disposition), provided that
the following are not included in the definition of Asset Sale:
(1) a disposition to the Company or a Substantially Wholly Owned Restricted Subsidiary, including the
sale or issuance by the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary of any Equity Interests of any Restricted
Subsidiary to the Company or any Substantially Wholly Owned Restricted Subsidiary;
(2) the disposition by the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary in the ordinary course of business of
(i) cash and cash management investments, (ii) inventory and other assets acquired and held for resale in the
ordinary course of business, (iii) damaged, worn out or obsolete assets, or (iv) rights granted to others pursuant
to leases or licenses;
(3) the sale or discount of accounts receivable arising in the ordinary course of business in connection with
the compromise or collection thereof;



(4) a transaction covered by the provisions under the caption 2018 NotesConsolidation, Merger,
Lease or Sale of Assets;
(5) a Restricted Payment permitted under the covenant described under the caption 2018 Notes
Certain CovenantsLimitation on Restricted Payments or a Permitted Investment;
(6) a Sale and Leaseback Transaction;
(7) dispositions of accounts receivable and related assets in connection with a Permitted Receivables
(8) foreclosures on Liens that are permitted under the covenant described under the caption Limitation on
Liens above;
(9) dispositions of assets, including Equity Interests of any Restricted Subsidiary, pursuant to the two
options entered into prior to the Issue Date in connection with the Fintech Sale and Leaseback Transaction (as
such options may be amended or supplemented from time to time); and
(10) dispositions of assets with an aggregate fair market value of less than $5.0 million in any 12-month
Attributable Debt means, in respect of a Sale and Leaseback Transaction, the present value, discounted at the
interest rate implicit in the Sale and Leaseback Transaction, of the total obligations of the lessee for rental payments
during the remaining term of the lease in the Sale and Leaseback Transaction.
Average Life means, with respect to any Debt, the quotient obtained by dividing (i) the sum of the products of
(x) the number of years from the date of determination to the dates of each successive scheduled principal payment
of such Debt and (y) the amount of such principal payment by (ii) the sum of all such principal payments.
Bloomberg means Bloomberg L.P. and its successors, or, if the market price of the New Notes or CLNs, as
applicable, is not available through an information service provided by Bloomberg L.P. and its successors (other
than as a result of actions or omissions by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or their respective Affiliates),
another internationally-recognized financial information provider that is not the Company or its Subsidiaries or an
Affiliate of the Company or its Subsidiaries that provides the price of the New Notes or CLNs, as applicable, in
accordance with customary market practices.
Board of Directors means the board of directors of the Company.
Board Resolution means a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors, in accordance with the by-laws
of the Company, and all applicable requirements of law, certified by the Secretary of the Company, to have been
duly adopted by the Board of Directors thereof and to be in full force and effect on the date of such certification.
Business Day means any day other than a Saturday or Sunday, or a day on which commercial banking
institutions in The City of New York or Mexico City are authorized or required by law, regulation or executive order
to remain closed.
Capital Asset means tangible operating assets, such as equipment or real property, used in a Permitted
Capital Lease means, with respect to any Person, any lease of any property (whether real, personal or mixed)
of which the discounted present value of the rental obligations of such Person as lessee, in conformity with Mexican
GAAP is required to be capitalized on the balance sheet of such Person.
Capital Lease Obligation means the discounted present value of the rental obligations of a Person under a
Capital Lease.
Capital Stock means, with respect to any Person, any and all shares of stock of a corporation, partnership
interests or other equivalent interests (however designated, whether voting or non-voting) in such Persons equity,



entitling the holder to receive a share of the profits and losses, and a distribution of assets, after liabilities, of such
Cash Equivalents means
(1) direct obligations of the United States of America or any agency or instrumentality thereof with a
maturity of 365 days or less from the date of acquisition and other obligations issued or directly and fully
Guaranteed or insured by the United States of America or any agency or instrumentality thereof (provided that
the full faith and credit of the United States of America is pledged in support thereof);
(2) demand deposits, time deposits, certificates of deposit or Eurodollar deposits with a maturity
of 365 days or less from the date of acquisition of any financial institution which at the date of acquisition has
outstanding indebtedness rated at least A- by S&P or at least A3 by Moodys (or the equivalent of such
rating by such rating organization, or, if no rating of S&P or Moodys then exists because neither of the
foregoing then rates obligations of the type described in this clause, the equivalent of such rating by any other
United States nationally recognized securities rating agency);
(3) commercial paper with a maturity of 180 days or less from the date of acquisition of an issuer which at
the date of acquisition has outstanding indebtedness rated at least A-l by Standard & Poors Rating Group or
at least P-l by Moodys (or the equivalent of such rating by such rating organization, or, if no rating of S&P
or Moodys then exists because neither of the foregoing then rates obligations of the type described in this
clause, the equivalent of such rating by any other United States nationally recognized securities rating agency);
(4) repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements relating to marketable obligations directly
or indirectly issued or unconditionally guaranteed by the United States of America or issued by any agency
thereof and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government, in each case maturing within
one year from the date of acquisition; provided, however, that the terms of such agreements comply with the
guidelines set forth in the Federal Financial Agreements of Depository Institutions with Securities Dealers and
Others, as adopted by the Comptroller of the Currency;
(5) securities with maturities of six months or less from the date of acquisition issued or fully and
unconditionally guaranteed by any state, commonwealth or territory of the United States of America, or by any
political subdivision or taxing authority thereof, and rated at the date of acquisition at least A- by S&P or
A3 by Moodys (or the equivalent of such rating by such rating organization, or, if no rating of S&P or
Moodys then exists because neither of the foregoing then rates obligations of the type described in this clause,
the equivalent of such rating by any other United States nationally recognized securities rating agency);
(6) instruments backed by letters of credit of institutions satisfying the requirements of clause (2) above;
(7) Certificados de la Tesorera de la Federacin (Cetes), Bonos de Desarrollo del Gobierno Federal
(Bondes) or Bonos Ajustables del Gobierno Federal (Ajustabonos), in each case, issued by the government of
(8) any other instruments issued or guaranteed by the government of Mexico and denominated and
payable in pesos;
(9) any investment in any fund substantially all the assets of which consist of investments of the type
described in clauses (1) through (8) above;
(10) repurchase agreements or reverse repurchase agreements relating to marketable obligations of a type
described in clause (7) or (8) above or with a bank described in clause (11) below; and
(11) demand deposits, certificates of deposit, time deposits and bankers acceptances maturing not more
than 180 days (or 365 days in the case of subclause (A)(I) or (B)(I) of this clause(11)) after the acquisition
thereof (A) denominated in pesos and issued by (I) any of the five top-rated banks (as evaluated by any
internationally recognized rating agency) organized under the laws of Mexico or any other state thereof, or
(II) any such bank which at the date of acquisition is a lender to or has made available a line of credit to (in each



case in an amount equal to or greater than the amount of the proposed acquisition), the Company or any of its
Restricted Subsidiaries, (B) in any jurisdiction other than Mexico where the Company or any of its Restricted
Subsidiaries conducts business and (I) issued by one of the three largest banks doing business in such
jurisdiction, or (II) any such bank in such jurisdiction which at the date of acquisition is a lender to or has made
available a line of credit to (in each case in an amount equal to or greater than the amount of the proposed
acquisition), the Company or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries, (C) issued by any bank which at the date of
acquisition is a lender to or has made available a line of credit to the Company or any of its Restricted
Subsidiaries and which is not under intervention, receivership or any similar arrangement at the time of
acquisition; provided that the aggregate amount of all such demand deposits, certificates of deposit, time
deposits and bankers acceptances acquired in accordance with this clause (C) does not exceed $50.0 million at
any one time or (D) issued by any bank which at the date of acquisition has an outstanding loan to the Company
or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries in an aggregate principal amount at least equal to the aggregate principal
amount of such demand deposit, certificate of deposit, time deposit or bankers acceptance.
Change of Control means
(1) the merger or consolidation of the Company with or into another Person or the merger of another
Person with or into the Company or the merger of any Person with or into a Subsidiary of the Company if
Capital Stock of the Company is issued in connection therewith, or the sale of all or substantially all the assets
of the Company to another Person (in each case, unless such other Person is a Permitted Holder) unless, in each
case, (x) holders of a majority of the aggregate voting power of the Voting Stock of the Company immediately
prior to such transaction, hold securities of the surviving or transferee Person that represent, immediately after
such transaction, at least a majority of the aggregate voting power of the Voting Stock of the surviving Person
or (y) (i) the surviving or transferee Person is (A) an internationally-recognized entity organized or existing
under the laws of Mexico, a member of the European Union or any state of the United States of America or the
District of Columbia engaged in a Permitted Business whose Capital Stock is publicly-traded on the New York
Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange or any other internationally-recognized stock exchange, or (B) a
Subsidiary of an entity described in the preceding clause (A) whose Consolidated Net Worth is at least
substantially the same as the Consolidated Net Worth of the Company (or of all or substantially all of its assets,
as the case may be) immediately prior to such merger, consolidation or sale, and (ii) immediately following
such merger, consolidation or sale, on a pro forma basis, the Leverage Ratio of the surviving Person is no
greater than the Leverage Ratio of the Company immediately prior to such merger, consolidation or sale; or
(2) any person or group (as such terms are used for purposes of Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the
Exchange Act), other than Permitted Holders, is or becomes the beneficial owner (as such term is used in
Rules 13d-3 under the Exchange Act), directly or indirectly, of more than 35% of the total voting power of the
Voting Stock of the Company.
Commission means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
Common Stock means Capital Stock not entitled to any preference on dividends or distributions, upon
liquidation or otherwise.
Consenting Holder Parties means (i) any Holder of Restructured Debt that either (x) executed or caused to be
executed the Concurso Plan prior to the expiration of the voting period therefor and delivered a certificate
substantially in the form of Exhibit E-1 to the Concurso Plan or (y) delivered a Qualifying Acknowledgment prior
to the Acknowledgment Expiration Time in accordance with the Concurso Plan (a Consenting Beneficial Holder),
(ii) any Affiliate of a Consenting Beneficial Holder (a Consenting Beneficial Holder Affiliate), (iii) if the 2018
Notes are made eligible for clearing through Euroclear, Clearstream or DTC, the nominee or custodian of such 2018
Notes that is the Holder of the Global Notes to the extent that such participant is the Holder of such Global Notes on
such clearing system directly or indirectly for the benefit of a Consenting Beneficial Holder or a Consenting
Benificial Holder Affiliate or (iv) the CLN Indenture Trustee, to the extent that an equal principal amount of 2018
CLNs are held by a Consenting Beneficial Holder or a Consenting Beneficial Holder Affiliate.
Consolidated Net Income means, for any period, the aggregate net income (or loss) of the Company and its
Restricted Subsidiaries for such period determined on a consolidated basis in conformity with Mexican GAAP
provided that the following (without duplication) will be excluded in computing Consolidated Net Income:



(1) the net income (or loss) of any Person that is not a Restricted Subsidiary, except to the extent of the
lesser of:
(x) the dividends or other distributions actually paid in cash to the Company or any of its Restricted
Subsidiaries (subject to clause (3) below) by such Person during such period, and
(y) the Companys pro rata share of such Persons net income earned during such period;
(2) the net income (but not loss) of any Restricted Subsidiary to the extent that the declaration or payment
of dividends or similar distributions by such Restricted Subsidiary of such net income would not have been
permitted for the relevant period by charter or by any agreement, instrument, judgment, decree, order, statute,
rule or governmental regulation applicable to such Restricted Subsidiary;
(3) any net after-tax gains (or losses) attributable to Asset Sales;
(4) any net after-tax extraordinary gains (or losses); and
(5) the cumulative effect of a change in accounting principles.
In calculating the aggregate net income (or loss) of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries on a consolidated
basis, income attributable to Unrestricted Subsidiaries will be excluded altogether.
Consolidated Net Tangible Assets means the total amount of assets of the Company and its Restricted
Subsidiaries, less applicable depreciation, amortization and other valuation reserves, after deducting therefrom:
(1) all current liabilities, excluding intercompany items, and
(2) all goodwill, trade names, trademarks, patents, unamortized debt discount and expense and other like
all as set forth on the most recent quarterly or annual consolidated balance sheet of the Company and its Restricted
Subsidiaries prepared in accordance with Mexican GAAP.
Consolidated Net Worth means, with respect to any Person, at any date of determination, the consolidated
stockholders equity of such Person (and, in the case of the Company, the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries),
calculated excluding:
(1) any amounts attributable to Disqualified Stock,
(2) treasury stock, and
(3) all write-ups (other than write-ups resulting from foreign currency translations and write-ups of
tangible assets of a going concern business made in accordance with Mexican GAAP as a result of the
acquisition of such business) subsequent to the date of the New Notes in the book value of any asset.
Conversion Agent means a nationally-recognized banking institution in Mexico .
Debt means, with respect to any Person, without duplication,
(1) all indebtedness of such Person for borrowed money;
(2) all obligations of such Person evidenced by bonds, debentures, notes or other similar instruments;
(3) all obligations of such Person in respect of letters of credit, bankers acceptances or other similar
instruments, excluding obligations in respect of trade letters of credit or bankers acceptances issued in respect
of Trade Payables to the extent not drawn upon or presented, or, if drawn upon or presented, the resulting
obligation of the Person is paid within 10 Business Days;



(4) all obligations of such Person to pay the deferred and unpaid purchase price of property or services
which are recorded as liabilities under Mexican GAAP, excluding Trade Payables arising in the ordinary course
of business;
(5) all obligations of such Person as lessee under Capital Leases, including all Attributable Debt under a
Sale and Leaseback Transaction under which such Person is a lessee;
(6) all Debt of other Persons Guaranteed by such Person to the extent so Guaranteed (including under
Project Finance Guarantees);
(7) all Debt of other Persons secured by a Lien on any asset of such Person, whether or not such Debt is
assumed by such Person;
(8) all Disqualified Stock of such Person;
(9) all obligations of such Person under Hedging Agreements;
(10) all sales of account receivables of such person (including under any Permitted Receivables Financing)
together with any obligation of such Person to pay any discount, interest, fees, indemnities, penalties, recourse,
expenses or other amounts in connection therewith (except to the extent such sales of account receivables are
Non-Recourse Debt); and
(11) the net present value of all future payments of such Person under operating leases; provided that (i) an
operating lease will only be counted as Debt if the nominal value of the payments due under such operating
lease and any other substantially related operating lease in any given calendar year exceeds $250,000 and the
remaining term of such operating lease is more than 3 years and (ii) the net present value of future payments of
operating leases will be calculated using a discount rate of 9% for payments denominated in U.S. dollars
and 12% for payments denominated in any other currency.
The amount of Debt of any Person will be deemed to be:
(A) with respect to contingent obligations, the maximum liability upon the occurrence of the
contingency giving rise to the obligation;
(B) with respect to Debt secured by a Lien on an asset of such Person but not otherwise the obligation,
contingent or otherwise, of such Person, the lesser of (x) the fair market value of such asset on the date the
Lien attached and (y) the amount of such Debt;
(C) with respect to any Debt issued with original issue discount, the face amount of such Debt less the
remaining unamortized portion of the original issue discount of such Debt, as determined in conformity
with Mexican GAAP;
(D) with respect to any Hedging Agreement, the net amount payable if such Hedging Agreement
terminated at that time due to default by such Person; and
(E) otherwise, the outstanding principal amount thereof.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Debt will not include (i) any liability to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
under the term sheet dated January 29, 1997 and entered into in connection with the sale of assets of Anchor Glass
Container Corporation (or any definitive agreement in respect thereof or instrument relating thereto), (ii) Trade
Payables, (iii) the MCDs (and any accrued interest thereon), or (iv) any obligation to pay the fees and expenses of
the CLN Issuer, the CLN Trusts, the Non-Consenting Holders Trust, the Non-Consenting Holders Trustee, the
Intercompany Debt Trust or the Intercompany Debt Trustee.
Default means any event that is, or after notice or passage of time or both would be, an Event of Default with
respect to the 2018 Notes.



Disqualified Equity Interests means Equity Interests that by their terms or upon the happening of any event
(1) required to be redeemed or redeemable at the option of the holder prior to the Stated Maturity of the
New Notes for consideration other than Qualified Equity Interests, or
(2) convertible at the option of the holder into Disqualified Equity Interests or exchangeable for Debt;
provided that Equity Interests will not constitute Disqualified Equity Interests solely because of provisions giving
holders thereof the right to require repurchase or redemption upon an asset sale or change of control occurring
prior to the Stated Maturity of the notes if those provisions:
(A) are no more favorable to the holders than the covenants described above under the captions
2018 NotesCertain CovenantsLimitation on Asset Sales and 2018 NotesCertain Covenants
Repurchase of the New Notes Upon a Change of Control, and
(B) specifically state that repurchase or redemption pursuant thereto will not be required prior to the
Companys repurchase of the notes as required by the New Notes.
Disqualified Stock means Capital Stock constituting Disqualified Equity Interests.
EBITDA means, for any period, the sum of Consolidated Net Income, plus or minus, as the case may be,
without duplication, to the extent such amount was deducted or added, as the case may be, in calculating
Consolidated Net Income:
(1) Interest Expense, plus
(2) income and alternative minimum tax (IETU) and workers profit sharing (other than income taxes
(either positive or negative) attributable to extraordinary gains or losses or to gains or losses on sales of assets),
(3) depreciation expense, plus
(4) amortization expense, plus
(5) non-cash items related to pension plan liabilities, plus
(6) extraordinary non-recurring severance payments to employees, plus
(7) to the extent deducted from Consolidated Net Income, any payments made under any operating lease
counted as Debt pursuant to clause (11) of the definition thereof; plus
(8) any other non-cash items according to Mexican GAAP that are reported below the operating income
(loss) line on the Companys consolidated statements of operations, all as determined on a consolidated basis
for the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries in conformity with Mexican GAAP.
Equity Interests means all Capital Stock and all warrants or options with respect to, or other rights to
purchase, Capital Stock, but excluding Debt convertible into equity other than the MCDs.
Event of Loss means (i) the loss of, destruction of, or damage to any Capital Asset, (ii) the condemnation,
appropriation, rescate, seizure, confiscation, requisition of the use or taking by exercise of the power of eminent
domain or otherwise of any Capital Asset or (iii) any consensual settlement in lieu of any event listed in clause (ii),
in each case whether in a single event or a series of related events.
Event of Loss Proceeds means, in the event of an Event of Loss, any insurance, condemnation or other
payments, compensation or proceeds arising our of such Event of Loss.



Excess Cash Flow means, for each Calculation Period, without duplication, the amount equal to the sum of
the following items for the Company and its 80% Owned Subsidiaries as of the last day of such Calculation Period:
(a) EBITDA increased by the sum of dividends received in cash and interest income; plus/minus
(b) any negative/positive change in the working capital of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries;
(c) any cash used to make a Qualified Investment in a Subsidiary; minus
(d) the proceeds of any Permitted Receivables Financing received during such Calculation Period; minus
(e) the aggregate amount of Interest Expense in respect of Debt permitted pursuant to the covenant
2018 NotesCertain CovenantsLimitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred Stock paid in cash during
such Calculation Period from cash generated by operations of the Company or its 80% Owned Subsidiaries
(except, for the avoidance of doubt, any Interest Expense in respect of Project Finance Indebtedness); minus
(f) all income taxes and other similar taxes paid in cash during such Calculation Period; minus
(g) all payments that are (i) principal payments in respect of the New Notes or New MCDs, as applicable,
or (ii) payments made to permanently repay Debt that is (x) not Subordinated Debt of the Company or a
Guarantor or any Debt of a Restricted Subsidiary that is not a Guarantor and (y) permitted pursuant to the
covenant 2018 NotesCertain CovenantsLimitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred Stock (and in
the case of a revolving credit, permanently reduce the commitment thereunder by such amount), in each case
owing to a Person other than the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary and in each case paid in cash during
such Calculation Period from cash generated by operations of Company or its 80% Owned Subsidiaries;
provided that if a Leverage Compliance Date occurs, the permanent reduction of any amount of Debt permitted
to be incurred pursuant to such covenant prior to such Leverage Compliance Date will be reversed; minus
(h) all Permitted Capital Expenditures paid in cash during such Calculation Period; plus/minus
(i) any cash collateral required to be released/posted during such Calculation Period in connection with
Hedging Agreements permitted under the New Notes or New MCDs, as applicable; minus
(j) without duplication, severance payments and pension plan obligations paid in cash during such
Calculation Period and not included in the calculation of operating income; minus
(k) the amount, if any, necessary to replenish the amount of Unrestricted Cash as of the last day of such
Calculation Period to an amount equal to $95.0 million; minus
(l) to the extent included in clauses (a) through (k) above, the (i) amount of any Net Cash Proceeds from
any Asset Sale occurring after the Value Date received during the Calculation Period, provided that such Net
Cash Proceeds are utilized pursuant to the terms of the covenant 2018 NotesCertain Covenants
Limitation on Asset Sales, and (ii) with respect to any Event of Loss whether such Event of Loss occurred
before or after the Value Date, any Event of Loss Proceeds received during the Calculation Period as a result of
such Event of Loss, provided that such Event of Loss Proceeds are reinvested as Replacement Capital
Expenditures within 365 days of receipt of such Event of Loss Proceeds.
provided, however, that for the initial Calculation Period, the amount of Excess Cash Flow will include all
Excess Cash Flow (calculated pursuant to the formula set forth above) for the period commencing on the Value
Date through the end of the first fiscal year immediately following the Issue Date for purposes of determining
Excess Cash Flow.
provided, further, for the purposes of determining Excess Cash Flow, to the extent any cash amounts included
in items (c) through (k) above are included in the calculation of the change in working capital of the Company
and its Restricted Subsidiaries in item (b) above, such amount will not be duplicated in calculating items
(c) through (k) above.



Finance Subsidiary means any Subsidiary of the Company that is designated a Finance Subsidiary by the
Board of Directors and (i) in the case of a Finance Subsidiary that is created to issue Debt of the Company or a
Restricted Subsidiary other than in connection with a Permitted Receivables Financing, does not hold any assets
(other than Intercompany Debt) and does not engage in any activity other than issuing such Debt of the Company or
its Restricted Subsidiary or issuing Capital Stock, or (ii) in the case of a Finance Subsidiary that is created in
connection with a Permitted Receivables Financing, does not hold any assets (other than (x) Intercompany Debt or
(y) accounts receivable in connection with such Permitted Receivables Financing) and does not engage in any
activity other than issuing Debt in connection with such Permitted Receivables Financing or issuing Capital Stock,
and, in each case of the foregoing, any activity necessary, incidental or related to the foregoing; provided that
(a) any Intercompany Debt held by any such Finance Subsidiary will be subordinated to the New Notes and
transferred to the Intercompany Debt Trust pursuant to the terms of the covenant 2018 NotesCertain
CovenantsLimitation on Intercompany Debt and (b) any Debt of such Finance Subsidiary will be Non-Recourse
Fintech Sale and Leaseback Transaction means the lease agreement, dated December 15, 2009, among
(i) Alcali, S.A. de C.V., Vidriera Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V., Vidriera Monterrey, S.A. de C.V., Vidriera Queretaro,
S.A. de C.V., Vidriera los Reyes, S.A. de C.V., Vidriera Toluca, S.A. de C.V., the Company, (ii) Fintech Advisory
Limited and (iii) Banco Invex, S.A., Institucin de Banca Multiple, Invex Grupo Financiero, and any ancillary and
related agreements and documents thereto.
Guarantee means any obligation, contingent or otherwise, of any Person directly or indirectly guaranteeing
any Debt or other obligation of any other Person and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any
obligation, direct or indirect, contingent or otherwise, of such Person (i) to purchase or pay (or advance or supply
funds for the purchase or payment of) such Debt or other obligation of such other Person (whether arising by virtue
of partnership arrangements, or by agreement to keep-well, to purchase assets, goods, securities or services, to takeor-pay, or to maintain financial statement conditions or otherwise) or (ii) entered into for purposes of assuring in any
other manner the obligee of such Debt or other obligation of the payment thereof or to protect such obligee against
loss in respect thereof, in whole or in part; provided that the term Guarantee does not include endorsements for
collection or deposit in the ordinary course of business or any obligation to pay the fees and expenses of the CLN
Issuer, the Non-Consenting Holder Trustee (as defined in the New Indentures) or the Intercompany Debt Trustee, or
the obligation to reimburse the Non-Consenting Holders Trust pursuant to Clause 5(G) thereof. The term
Guarantee used as a verb has a corresponding meaning.
Guarantor means (i) VIMEXICO, S.A. de C.V. (ViMexico), (ii) Vitro Envases Norteamrica, S.A. de C.V.,
(iii) Comercializadora Alcali, S.A. de C.V., (iv) Fic Regiomontano, S.A.P.I. de C.V., (v) V-Mx Holdings, Limited,
(vi) Vitro Packaging de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., (vii) Vidriera Monterrey, S.A. de C.V., (viii) Vidriera Los Reyes,
S.A. de C.V., (ix) Vidriera Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V., (x) Vidriera Quertaro, S.A. de C.V., (xi) Vidriera Toluca,
S.A. de C.V., (xii) Compaa Vidriera, S.A. de C.V., (xiii) Fabricacin de Mquinas, S.A. de C.V., (xiv) Servicios
Integrales de Acabados, S.A. de C.V., (xv) Vidrio Plano, S.A. de C.V., (xvi) Industria del Alcali, S.A. de C.V.,
(xvii) Distribuidora de Vidrio y Cristal, S.A. de C.V., (xviii) Vidrio Lux, S.A., (xix) Vitro Packaging, LLC,
(xx) Vidrio Plano de Mexicali, S.A. de C.V., (xxi) American Asset Holding Limited, (xxii) Vitro Venezuela, S.A.,
(xxiii) Vitro Panam, S.A., (xxiv) Vitemco Ecuador, S.A., (xxv) Amsilco Holdings, Limited, (xxvi) BBO Holdings,
Limited, (xxvii) Glazet Limited, (xxviii) Vitro Automotriz, S.A. de C.V., (xxix) Vitro Flex, S.A. de C.V.,
(xxx) Vitro Vidrio y Cristal, S.A. de C.V., (xxxi) Vitro Flotado Cubiertas, S.A. de C.V., (xxxii) Vidrio Plano de
Mxico Lan, S.A. de C.V., (xxxiii) Vitrocar, S.A. de C.V., (xxxiv) Cristales Inastillables de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.,
(xxxv) Vidrio Plano de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., (xxxvi) Vitro Colombia, S.A.S., (xxxvii) VVP Europa Holdings,
B.V., (xxxviii) Vitro do Brasil Indstria e Comrcio, Ltda., (xxxix) Vitro Chemicals, Fibers and Mining, LLC,
(xl) Vitro Global, Ltd., (xli) Vidrio y Cristal del Noroeste, S.A. de C.V., (xlii) Servicios Vidriera Guadalajara, S.A.
de C.V., (xliii) Servicios Vidriera Toluca, S.A. de C.V., (xliv) Servicios Vitro Cosmos, S.A. de C.V., (xlv) Servicios
Vidriera Quertaro, S.A. de C.V., (xlvi) Servicios Vidriera los Reyes, S.A. de C.V., (xlvii) Inmobiliaria Vitalc, S.A.
de C.V., (xlviii) Servicios Industria del Alcali S.A. de C.V., (xlix) VAU, S.A. de C.V., (l) Vitro Car Colombia,
S.A.S., (li) Vitro Cristalglass, S.L., (lii) Vitro International Services Corporation Limited, (liii) Distribuidora Glass
Container, S.A. de C.V., (liv) Distribuidora Alcali, S.A. de C.V., (lv) Distribuidora VAU, S.A. de C.V.,
(lvi) Comercializadora Vitro Vidrio y Cristal, S.A. de C.V., (lvii) each Restricted Subsidiary that executes an
agreement providing for the Guarantee of the payment of the Notes, or (lviii) any successor obligor under its Note



Guaranty pursuant to Article 10 of each of the New Notes, in each case unless and until such Guarantor is released
from its Note Guaranty pursuant to the 2018 Notes.
Hedging Agreement means (i) any interest rate swap agreement, interest rate cap agreement or other
agreement designed to protect against fluctuations in interest rates or (ii) any foreign exchange forward contract,
currency swap agreement or other agreement designed to protect against fluctuations in foreign exchange rates or
(iii) any commodity or raw material futures contract or any other agreement designed to protect against fluctuations
in raw material prices of any commodity or raw material used in a Permitted Business.
Holder means, with respect to any New Note the registered holder of such New Note.
IFRS mean International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards
Incur means, with respect to any Debt or Capital Stock, to incur, create, issue, assume or Guarantee such Debt
or Capital Stock. If any Person becomes a Restricted Subsidiary on any date after the date of the New Notes
(including by redesignation of an Unrestricted Subsidiary or failure of an Unrestricted Subsidiary to meet the
qualifications necessary to remain an Unrestricted Subsidiary), the Debt and Capital Stock of such Person
outstanding on such date will be deemed to have been Incurred by such Person on such date for purposes of the
covenant described under the caption 2018 NotesCertain CovenantsLimitation on Debt and Disqualified or
Preferred Stock, but will not be considered the sale or issuance of Equity Interests for purposes of the covenant
described under the caption 2018 NotesCertain CovenantsLimitation on Asset Sales. The accretion of
original issue discount or payment of interest in kind will not be considered an Incurrence of Debt.
Independent Financial Advisor means an accounting firm, appraisal firm, investment banking firm or
consultant of internationally recognized standing that is, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, qualified to
perform the task for which it has been engaged and which is independent in connection with the relevant transaction.
Intercompany Debt Trustee means Banco Invex, S.A., Institucin de Banca Mltiple, Invex Grupo
Financiero, Fiduciario, a banking institution incorporated under the laws of Mexico, including its successors and
assigns, and any successor trustee of the Intercompany Debt Trust, acting in its capacity as trustee of the
Intercompany Debt Trust.
Interest Expense means, for any period, the consolidated interest expense of the Company and its Restricted
Subsidiaries, plus, to the extent not included in such consolidated interest expense, and to the extent incurred,
accrued or payable by the Company or its Restricted Subsidiaries, without duplication, (i) interest expense
attributable to Sale and Leaseback Transactions, (ii) amortization of debt discount and debt issuance costs,
(iii) capitalized interest, (iv) non-cash interest expense, (v) commissions, discounts and other fees and charges owed
with respect to letters of credit and bankers acceptance financing, (vi) net costs or expenses associated with
Hedging Agreements (including the amortization of fees), (vii) any of the above expenses with respect to Debt of
another Person Guaranteed by the Company or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries and (viii) any premiums, fees,
discounts, expenses and losses on the sale of accounts receivable (and any amortization thereof) payable by the
Company or any Restricted Subsidiary in connection with a Permitted Receivables Financing or on the issuance of
any Debt as determined on a consolidated basis and in accordance with Mexican GAAP.
Investment means
(1) any direct or indirect advance, loan or other extension of credit to another Person (other than advances
to customers in the ordinary course of business that are, in conformity with Mexican GAAP, recorded as
accounts receivable on the balance sheet of the Company or its Restricted Subsidiaries, travel and similar
advances to employees in the ordinary course of business and advances of sales commissions to agents in the
ordinary course of business),
(2) any capital contribution to another Person, by means of any transfer of cash or other property or in any
other form,



(3) any purchase or acquisition of Equity Interests other than the MCDs, bonds, notes or other Debt, or
other instruments or securities issued by another Person, including the receipt of any of the above as
consideration for the disposition of assets or rendering of services, or
(4) any Guarantee of any obligation of another Person.
If the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary (x) sells or otherwise disposes of any Equity Interests of any direct
or indirect Restricted Subsidiary so that, after giving effect to that sale or disposition, such Person is no longer a
Subsidiary of the Company, or (y) designates any Restricted Subsidiary as an Unrestricted Subsidiary in accordance
with the provisions of the New Notes, all remaining Investments of the Company and the Restricted Subsidiaries in
such Person will be deemed to have been made at such time.
Issue Date means February 23, 2012.
Leverage Ratio means, on any date of determination (the transaction date), the ratio of:
(x) Debt (on a consolidated basis) of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries, other than Project
Finance Indebtedness on such transaction date to
(y) the aggregate amount of EBITDA (on a consolidated basis) for the four fiscal quarters immediately
prior to the transaction date for which internal consolidated financial statements are available (the reference
provided that
(1) any Debt, Disqualified Stock or Preferred Stock that is repaid or redeemed on the transaction date will
be excluded;
(2) pro forma effect will be given to:
(A) the creation, designation or redesignation of Restricted Subsidiaries and Unrestricted Subsidiaries,
(B) the acquisition or disposition of companies, divisions or lines of businesses by the Company and
its Restricted Subsidiaries, including any acquisition or disposition of a company, division or line of
business since the beginning of the reference period by a Person that became a Restricted Subsidiary after
the beginning of the reference period, and
(C) the discontinuation of any discontinued operations
that have occurred since the beginning of the reference period as if such events had occurred, and, in the case of
any disposition, the proceeds thereof applied, on the first day of the reference period. To the extent that pro
forma effect is to be given to an acquisition or disposition of a company, division or line of business, the pro
forma calculation will be based upon the most recent four full fiscal quarters for which the relevant financial
information is available; and
(3) if and to the extent any Strategic Joint Venture is not combined or consolidated with the Company
under Mexican GAAP the Proportional Debt of such Strategic Joint Venture will be included in the preceding
clause (x) for purposes of calculating the Debt of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries and (ii) only the
Proportional EBITDA from such Strategic Joint Venture will be included in the preceding clause (y) for
purposes of calculating the consolidated EBITDA of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries.
For the avoidance of doubt, the calculation of Debt on a consolidated basis excludes any Intercompany Debt
that complies with the covenant under the caption Certain CovenantsLimitation on Intercompany Debt.
Lien means any mortgage, pledge, security interest, encumbrance, lien or charge of any kind (including any
conditional sale or other title retention agreement or capital lease (as defined under Mexican GAAP)).



Luxembourg Agent Event means any event that, pursuant to the 2018 CLNs, requires the redemption-in-kind
of the 2018 CLNs and the subsequent distribution of beneficial interests in Global Notes to the holders of 2018
CLNs through Euroclear and Clearstream.
Mandatory Debt Reduction means either (at the sole discretion of the Company):
a redemption (at the sole discretion of the Company) of the 2018 Notes and/or the MCDs
in whole or in part, at a price equal to 100% of the outstanding principal amount of the 2018 Notes
or the MCDs (less, in the case of the MCDs, the applicable MCD Discount), as applicable; and/or

a Market Purchase of New Outstanding Securities.

Market Purchase means the purchase of any New Notes available for sale in the secondary market through
broker-dealers or similar intermediaries at a price lower than the principal amount thereof (plus any accrued and
unpaid interest thereon).
Material Subsidiary means, on any date, any Subsidiary, or group of Subsidiaries, that would, taken together,
produce 5% or more of the Companys EBITDA for the four fiscal quarters immediately prior to such date for which
internal consolidated financial statements are available, other than Vitro Envases Nortamerica, S.A. de C.V.
MCD Default means any event that is, or after notice or passage of time or both would be, an MCD Event of
Default with respect to the MCDs.
MCD Discount means the discount applicable to the redemption price of the MCDs, as defined in the MCDs.
Mexican GAAP means the Mexican Financial Reporting Standards issued by the Mexican Board for
Research and Development of Financial Reporting Standards. If, at any time after the Issue Date, the Company
elects or is required by the CNBV to apply IFRS in lieu of Mexican GAAP, thereafter, references herein to Mexican
GAAP will be construed to mean IFRS; provided that any such election, once made, will be irrevocable.
Mexico means the Estados Unidos Mexicanos (the United Mexican States) and any branch of power thereof
and any ministry, department, authority or statutory corporation or other entity (including a trust), owned or
controlled directly or indirectly by the Estados Unidos Mexicanos or any of the foregoing.
Moodys means Moodys Investors Service, Inc. and its successors.
Net Cash Proceeds means, with respect to any Asset Sale, the proceeds of such Asset Sale in the form of cash
or Cash Equivalents, including payments in respect of deferred payment obligations (to the extent corresponding to
the principal, but not interest, component thereof) when received in the form of cash or Cash Equivalents (except to
the extent such obligations are financed or sold with recourse to the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary) and
proceeds from the conversion of other property received when converted to cash or Cash Equivalents, net of:
(1) brokerage commissions and other fees and expenses (including fees and expenses of counsel,
accountants and investment bankers) related to such Asset Sale,
(2) provisions for all taxes (whether or not such taxes will actually be paid or are payable) as a result of
such Asset Sale without regard to the consolidated results of operations of the Company and its Restricted
Subsidiaries taken as a whole,
(3) payments made to repay Debt or any other obligation outstanding at the time of such Asset Sale that
either (A) is secured by a Lien on the property or assets sold or (B) is required to be paid as a result of such sale
(4) appropriate amounts to be provided by the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary as a reserve against
any liabilities associated with such Asset Sale, including, without limitation, pension and other postemployment benefit liabilities, liabilities related to environmental matters and liabilities under any



indemnification obligations associated with such Asset Sale, all as determined in conformity with Mexican
New Outstanding Securities means:
(1) 2018 Notes or, if 2018 CLNs are outstanding, 2018 CLNs and not 2018 Notes; and
(2) MCDs or, if MCD CLNs are outstanding, MCD CLNs and not MCDs.
New York Agent Event means the occurrence of the earlier of (i) the settlement, release, dismissal with
prejudice or stay of all litigation in respect of the Restructured Debt, (ii) the Non-Consenting Holders Trust no
longer holding any New Notes, or (iii) the vote of holders of 66 2/3% of the outstanding principal amount of New
Notes, requesting the appointment of a Paying Agent located in the city of New York, New York.
Non-Consenting Holder means each holder of Restructured Debt that (i) either (x) did not execute or cause to
be executed the Concurso Plan prior to the expiration of the voting period therefore or (y) did execute or cause to be
executed the Concurso Plan prior to the expiration of the voting period therefore but did not deliver a certification
substantially in the form of Exhibit E-1 to the Concurso Plan and (ii) did not deliver a Qualifying Acknowledgment
prior to the Acknowledgment Expiration Time in accordance with the Concurso Plan.
Non-Recourse Debt means Debt as to which (i) neither the Company nor any Restricted Subsidiary provides
any Guarantee and as to which the lenders have been notified in writing that they will not have any recourse to the
stock or assets of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary and (ii) no default thereunder would, as such, constitute
a default under any Debt of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary.
Note Guaranty means the guaranty of the notes of each series by a Guarantor pursuant to the 2018 Notes.
Officers Certificate means a certificate signed on behalf of the Company or a Guarantor, as the case may be,
by two officers of the Company or Guarantor, as applicable, one of whom must be the principal executive officer,
principal financial officer, the treasurer, or the principal accounting officer of the Company or the Guarantor, as
applicable, that meets the requirements set forth in the New Notes.
Opinion of Counsel means a written opinion of counsel, who may be an employee of or counsel for the
Company or any Guarantor and who will be reasonably acceptable to the Holder.
Ordinary Course Intercompany Debt means Intercompany Debt issued by the Company or its Restricted
Subsidiaries to the Company or a Restricted Subsidiary in the ordinary course of business, consistent with past
practice, including trade payables and Intercompany Debt issued for treasury management purposes of the Company
or such Restricted Subsidiary.
Ordinary Shares means initially the Series A, Class II shares of common stock of the Company, or any other
voting shares of Capital Stock of the Company (or any successor or purchasing corporation, or its direct or indirect
parent entity, as the case may be) that are issued in exchange for, or otherwise replace, the foregoing.
Paying Agent refers to a Person engaged to perform the obligations of the Company in respect of payments
made or funds held hereunder in respect of the Notes.
Permitted Business means any of the businesses in which the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries are
engaged on the Issue Date, and any business reasonably related, incidental, complementary or ancillary thereto.
Permitted Holders means any or all of the following:
(1) any member of the Board of Directors on the Issue Date;
(2) a parent, brother or sister of any of the individuals named in clause (1);
(3) the spouse or a former spouse of any individual named in clause (1) or (2);



(4) the lineal descendants of any person named in clauses (1) through (3) and the spouse or a former
spouse of any such lineal descendant;
(5) the estate or any guardian, custodian or other legal representative of any individual named in
clauses (1) through (4);
(6) any trust established solely for the benefit of any one or more of the individuals named in clauses (1)
through (5);
(7) any Person in which all of the Equity Interests are owned, directly or indirectly, by any one or more of
the Persons named in clauses (1) through (6);
(8) the Companys employee stock option trust and subsidiary trusts of such trust; and
(9) anyone who enters into a voting agreement with any one or more of the Persons named in clauses (1)
through (7) above, in which the vote is generally controlled by one or more of such Persons named in
clauses (1) through (7) above.
Permitted Investments means:
(1) any Investment in the Company or in a Guarantor that is engaged in a Permitted Business;
(2) any Investment in Cash Equivalents;
(3) any Investment by the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company in a Person, if as a result of such
(A) such Person becomes a Substantially Wholly Owned Restricted Subsidiary of the Company that is
(i) a Guarantor engaged in a Permitted Business or (ii) a Strategic Joint Venture engaged in a Permitted
Business, the Capital Stock of which is pledged, concurrently with the acquisition or creation of, or
participation in, such Strategic Joint Venture, as collateral for the Companys obligations under the 2018
Notes, in accordance with the terms of the 2018 Notes, or
(B) such Person is merged or consolidated with or into, or transfers or conveys substantially all its
assets to, or is liquidated into, the Company or a Substantially Wholly Owned Restricted Subsidiary that is
(i) a Guarantor engaged in a Permitted Business or (ii) a Strategic Joint Venture engaged in a Permitted
Business, the Capital Stock of which is pledged, concurrently with the acquisition or creation of such
Strategic Joint Venture, as collateral for the Companys obligations pursuant to the 2018 Notes, in
accordance with the terms of the 2018 Notes;
(4) Investments received as non-cash consideration in an Asset Sale made pursuant to and in compliance
with the provisions of 2018 NotesCertain CovenantsLimitation on Asset Sales;
(5) any Investment acquired solely in exchange for Qualified Stock of the Company;
(6) Hedging Agreements otherwise permitted under the New Notes;
(7) (i) receivables owing to the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary if created or acquired in the
ordinary course of business, (ii) Cash Equivalents or other cash management investments or liquid or portfolio
securities pledged as collateral pursuant to the covenant described under the caption 2018 NotesCertain
CovenantsLimitation on Liens, (iii) endorsements for collection or deposit in the ordinary course of
business, and (iv) securities, instruments or other obligations received in compromise or settlement of debts
created in the ordinary course of business, or by reason of a composition or readjustment of debts or
reorganization of another Person, or in satisfaction of claims or judgments;
(8) Investments in Unrestricted Subsidiaries in an aggregate amount, taken together with all other
Investments made in reliance on this clause, not to exceed $1.0 million (net of, with respect to the Investment in
any particular Person, the cash return thereon received after the Issue Date as a result of any sale for cash,



repayment, redemption, liquidating distribution or other cash realization (not included in Consolidated Net
Income), not to exceed the amount of Investments in such Person made after the Issue Date in reliance on this
(9) payroll, travel and expenses of officers and employees in the ordinary course of business;
(10) Investments in a Finance Subsidiary that are necessary or desirable to effect any Permitted Receivables
(11) Project Finance Investments; provided that such Project Finance Investment is funded with funds from
the Company ECF Account available as of the date such Project Finance Investment is made or Incurred;
(12) any Qualified Investment in a Subsidiary;
(13) an Investment in the Real Estate Trust pursuant to the agreements governing such Real Estate Trust
established prior to the Issue Date in connection with the Fintech Sale and Leaseback Transaction (as such
agreements may be amended or supplemented from time to time);
(14) an Investment in CLNs or the issuer of such CLNs and any Investment that the Company or a
Restricted Subsidiary may be deemed to have in the Non-Consenting Holders Trust; provided that in the case of
an Investment in CLNs, such CLNs are promptly tendered to the CLN Issuer for cancellation; and
(15) in addition to Investments listed above, Investments in Persons engaged in Permitted Businesses in an
aggregate amount, taken together with all other Investments made in reliance on this clause, not to exceed 5%
of Consolidated Net Tangible Assets; provided that such Investments are made solely out of any available funds
(to the extent not already used) in the Company ECF Account.
Permitted Liens means
(1) Liens existing on the Issue Date (other than Liens permitted pursuant to clause (15) below);
(2) Liens securing the New Notes or any Note Guaranties;
(3) pledges or deposits under workers compensation laws, unemployment insurance laws or similar
legislation, or good faith deposits or encumbrances in connection with bids, tenders, contracts or leases, or to
secure public or statutory obligations, surety bonds, customs duties and the like, or for the payment of rent, in
each case incurred in the ordinary course of business and not securing Debt;
(4) Liens imposed by law, such as carriers, vendors, warehousemens and mechanics liens, in each case
for sums not yet due or being contested in good faith and by appropriate proceedings;
(5) Liens in respect of taxes and other governmental assessments and charges which are not yet due or
which are being contested in good faith and by appropriate proceedings;
(6) minor survey exceptions, minor encumbrances, easements or reservations of, or rights of others for,
licenses, rights of way, sewers, electric lines, telegraph and telephone lines and other similar purposes, or
zoning or other restrictions as to the use of real property, not interfering in any material respect with the conduct
of the business of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries;
(7) licenses or leases or subleases as licensor, lessor or sublessor of any of its property, including
intellectual property, in the ordinary course of business;
(8) customary Liens in favor of trustees and escrow agents, and netting and setoff rights, bankers liens
and the like in favor of financial institutions and counterparties to financial obligations and instruments,
including Hedging Agreements permitted under the terms of the New Notes;
(9) customary Liens prohibiting the disposition of assets pursuant to merger agreements, stock or asset
purchase agreements and similar agreements in respect of the disposition of such assets;



(10) judgment liens, and Liens securing appeal bonds or letters of credit issued in support of or in lieu of
appeal bonds, that in the aggregate do not exceed $25.0 million, so long as no MCD Event of Default or no
Event of Default with respect to the 2018 Notes then exists;
(11) pledges of any Capital Stock or other Equity Interests in any Project Finance Entity or any special
purpose holding company owning such Project Finance Entity to secure Project Finance Indebtedness (other
than from an Affiliate of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary) Incurred by such Project Finance Entity;
(12) Liens securing any Purchase Money Debt permitted under the covenant described under the caption
2018 NotesCertain CovenantsLimitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred Stock above;
(13) Liens on property of a Person at the time such Person becomes a Restricted Subsidiary of the
Company, provided such Liens were not created in contemplation thereof and do not extend to any other
property of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary;
(14) Liens on property at the time the Company or any of the Restricted Subsidiaries acquires such
property, including any acquisition by means of a merger or consolidation with or into the Company or a
Restricted Subsidiary of such Person, provided such Liens were not created in contemplation thereof and do not
extend to any other property of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary;
(15) customary margin requirements and the like (including any liens on real property for natural gas
derivatives) securing Hedging Agreements entered into in compliance with the covenant described under the
caption 2018 NotesCertain CovenantsLimitation on Hedging Agreements;
(16) Liens arising in connection with Debt permitted pursuant to clause (1) of paragraph (b) of the covenant
described under the caption Limitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred Stock above;
(17) any Lien which secures only Debt owing by one or more Restricted Subsidiaries to the Company or a
Guarantor, to the extent required by applicable law;
(18) Liens on the headquarters of the Company, located in San Pedro Garza Garca, 66265 Nuevo Len,
Mexico arising in connection with a Sale and Leaseback Transaction in connection therewith;
(19) extensions, renewals or replacements of any Liens referred to in clause (1), (2), (12), (13), (14) or
(16) in connection with the refinancing of the obligations secured thereby, provided that such Lien does not
extend to any other property and that such extension, renewal or replacement of the obligation secured by such
Lien constitutes Permitted Refinancing Debt in accordance with the covenant described under clause (5) of
the caption 2018 NotesCertain CovenantsLimitation on Debt and Disqualified or Preferred Stock
(20) Liens on the assets of a Project Finance Entity to secure the Project Finance Indebtedness issued by
such Project Finance Entity;
(21) other Liens for operating purposes and arising in the ordinary course of business securing obligations
in an aggregate amount not exceeding $20.0 million.
Permitted Receivables Financing means any receivables financing facility, factoring program or arrangement
pursuant to which accounts receivable of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiaries are sold or are financed by
third parties on terms that the Board of Directors has concluded are customary and market terms fair to the Company
and its Restricted Subsidiaries; provided that (i) any debt obligation related to such Permitted Receivables Financing
will be Non-Recourse Debt, except for customary rights of indemnity in such financings, and (ii) neither the
Company nor any Restricted Subsidiary will be obligated to generate accounts receivable at any point pursuant to
any such transaction.
Person means an individual, a corporation, a partnership, a limited liability company, an association, a trust or
any other entity, including a government or political subdivision or an agency or instrumentality thereof.



Preferred Stock means, with respect to any Person, any and all Capital Stock which is preferred as to the
payment of dividends or distributions, upon liquidation or otherwise, over another class of Capital Stock of such
Project Finance Entity means any special purpose entity or Mexican trust (fideicomiso) in which the
Company or any Restricted Subsidiary has an interest as an equity holder or beneficiary, in each case, formed for the
purpose of (i) constructing, developing, extending, expanding or improving (or acquiring or purchasing, in order to
complete any such construction, development, extension, expansion or improvement), fixed or capital assets or other
property, plant or equipment or (ii) being a holding company that owns at least 95% of the Equity Interests in any
Person meeting the criteria set forth in clause (i) above, and which in any case satisfies each of the following
(a) such Project Finance Entity does not conduct business with the customers or Affiliates of the Company
or any Restricted Subsidiary unless any such business (x) is conducted on an arms-length basis and on terms no
less favorable to such Project Finance Entity than it would obtain in a comparable arms-length transaction with
a Person which is not a customer or Affiliate of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary and (y) is not
reasonably expected to have a material adverse effect on the assets, liabilities, cash flows, business or
operations of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries taken as a whole (disregarding such Project Finance
Entity), in each case as certified by a qualified independent expert; and
(b) the sole source of recourse of any creditor of such Project Finance Entity for the payment of principal,
interest and other amounts of Debt will be (v) recourse to the aggregate cash flow or net cash flow (or the
revenues or any portion thereof as may be negotiated by such Project Finance Entity) generated by the assets of
such Project Finance Entity, and/or (w) recourse to the assets of such Project Finance Entity, and/or (x) a
Project Finance Guaranty, and/or (y) recourse to the capital stock or other equity or quasi-equity interests in
such Project Finance Entity that is pledged in connection with the Incurrence of such Project Finance
Indebtedness, and/or (z) recourse to credit enhancement (e.g., letters of credit, insurance policies, surety bonds,
guaranty contracts of the types customary in project finance transactions and in respect or as a result of which
there is no recourse, whether direct or indirect, to the Company, any of its Restricted Subsidiaries (other than
the relevant Project Finance Entity) or any Strategic Joint Venture) provided by third parties (other than
Subsidiaries of the Company or Strategic Joint Ventures).
Project Finance Guaranty means a guarantee, surety or other similar obligation in respect of Project Finance
Indebtedness, granted to lenders (other than Affiliates of the Company) to a project of the relevant Project Finance
Entity in respect of completion of the construction, development, extension, expansion or improvement of that
Project Finance Indebtedness means Debt Incurred by any Project Finance Entity in connection with the
financing of all or any part of the purchase price or cost of the construction, development, extension, expansion or
improvement of any of its assets (including the purchase price of and acquisition costs relating to materials,
equipment and other assets required to complete such construction, development, extension, expansion or
improvement); provided that the sole source of recourse of any creditor of such Project Finance Entity for the
payment of principal, interest, premium, fees and other amounts of such Debt will be (i) recourse to the aggregate
cash flow or net cash flow (or the revenues or any portion thereof as may be negotiated by such Project Finance
Entity) generated by the assets of the Project Finance Entity, and/or (ii) recourse to the assets of such Project
Finance Entity, and/or (iii) a Project Finance Guaranty, and/or (iv) recourse to the capital stock or other interests in
such Project Finance Entity that is pledged in connection with the Incurrence of such Project Finance Indebtedness,
and/or (v) recourse to credit enhancement (e.g., letters of credit, insurance policies, surety bonds, guaranty contracts
of the types customary in project finance transactions and in respect or as a result of which there is no recourse,
whether direct or indirect, to the Company, any of its Restricted Subsidiaries (other than the relevant Project Finance
Entity) or any Strategic Joint Venture) provided by third parties (other than Subsidiaries of the Company or Strategic
Joint Ventures).
Proportional Debt means, with respect to any Strategic Joint Venture, the Debt of such Strategic Joint Venture
multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount of Capital Stock of such Strategic Joint Venture
owned by the Company or its Restricted Subsidiaries, and the denominator of which is the total amount of Capital
Stock of such Strategic Joint Venture.



Proportional EBITDA means, with respect to any Strategic Joint Venture, the EBITDA of such Strategic Joint
Venture multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount of Capital Stock of such Strategic Joint
Venture owned by the Company or its Restricted Subsidiaries, and the denominator of which is the total amount of
Capital Stock of such Strategic Joint Venture.
Purchase Money Debt means Debt (a) consisting of the deferred purchase price of property, conditional sale
obligations, Capital Leases, obligations under any title retention agreement, other purchase money obligations and
obligations in respect of industrial revenue bonds, in each case where the maturity of such Debt does not exceed the
anticipated useful life of the property being financed, and (b) Incurred to finance the acquisition, construction,
development, improvement or lease by the Company or a Restricted Subsidiary of such property, including additions
and improvements thereto.
Qualified Equity Interests means all Equity Interests of a Person other than Disqualified Equity Interests.
Qualified Investment in a Subsidiary means an Investment in a Subsidiary that is not an 80% Owned
Subsidiary, the result of which Investment is that such Subsidiary becomes an 80% Owned Subsidiary; provided that
no Investment in a Subsidiary will be a Qualified Investment in a Subsidiary unless, concurrently with such
Investment, such Subsidiary becomes a Guarantor.
Qualified Stock means all Capital Stock of a Person other than Disqualified Stock.
Qualifying Acknowledgment means an Acknowledgment pursuant to which a SubsequentlyAcknowledging
Holder elects to receive CLNs.
Real Estate Trust means the Mexican real estate trust established in connection with the Fintech Sale and
Leaseback Transaction.
Restricted Subsidiary means any Subsidiary of the Company other than an Unrestricted Subsidiary.
Restructured Debt means the debt recognized by the Mexican court in the Companys concurso mercantil
proceeding pursuant to the Credit Recognition Resolution issued on August 12, 2011.
S&P means Standard & Poors Ratings Group, a division of McGraw-Hill, Inc. and its successors.
Sale and Leaseback Transaction means, with respect to any Person, an arrangement whereby such Person
enters into a lease of property previously transferred by such Person to the lessor.
Stated Maturity means (i) with respect to any Debt, the date specified as the fixed date on which the final
installment of principal of such Debt is due and payable or (ii) with respect to any scheduled installment of principal
of or interest on any Debt, the date specified as the fixed date on which such installment is due and payable as set
forth in the documentation governing such Debt, not including any contingent obligation to repay, redeem or
repurchase prior to the regularly scheduled date for payment; provided that in the case of Debt that has become
immediately due and payable due to acceleration, the Stated Maturity will be the date of acceleration.
Strategic Joint Venture means with respect to any Person, any corporation, association or other business
entity of which 51% or less of the outstanding Capital Stock is owned, directly or indirectly, by, or, in the case of a
partnership, the sole general partner or the managing partner or the only general partners of which are, such Person
and one or more Subsidiaries of such Person (or a combination thereof), other than any such corporation, association
or other business entity that is combined or consolidated in accordance with Mexican GAAP, with such Person for
purposes of general financial reporting. Unless otherwise specified, Strategic Joint Venture means a Strategic
Joint Venture of the Company.
Subordinated Debt means any Debt of the Company or any Guarantor which is subordinated in right of
payment to the New Notes or the Note Guaranty, as applicable, pursuant to a written agreement to that effect.
Subsequently Consenting Creditor means a holder of Restructured Debt who has delivered a Qualifying
Acknowledgment after the Acknowledgment Expiration Time, but prior to the expiration of the applicable Mexican
statute of limitations on the Restructured Debt.



Subsidiary means with respect to any Person, (i) any corporation, association or other business entity of
which more than 50% of the outstanding Voting Stock is owned, directly or indirectly, by, or, in the case of a
partnership, the sole general partner or the managing partner or the only general partners of which are, such Person
or one or more Subsidiaries of such Person (or a combination thereof) or (ii) any other corporation, association or
other business entity that is combined or consolidated in accordance with Mexican GAAP with such Person for
purposes of general financial reporting. Unless otherwise specified, Subsidiary means a Subsidiary of the
Substantially Wholly Owned means, with respect to any Restricted Subsidiary, a Restricted Subsidiary 90%
or more of the outstanding Capital Stock of which (other than any directors qualifying shares) is owned by the
Company and one or more Wholly Owned Restricted Subsidiaries (or a combination thereof).
Swiss Subsidiary Guarantor means Vitro Global, Ltd. (incorporated in Switzerland), or any successor thereto.
Trade Payables means, with respect to any Person, any accounts payable owed by such Person arising in the
ordinary course of business in connection with the acquisition of goods or services and required to be paid within
one year from the date of Incurrence thereof which constitute accounts payable and are considered current liabilities
in accordance with Mexican GAAP.
U.S. Government Obligations means obligations issued or directly and fully guaranteed or insured by the
United States of America or by any agent or instrumentality thereof, provided that the full faith and credit of the
United States of America is pledged in support thereof.
Unrestricted Cash means, with respect to any interest period, unencumbered cash on the Companys
consolidated balance sheet as of the last day of the most recent fiscal period preceding such interest period for which
consolidated financial statements are available.
Unrestricted Subsidiary means (i) until such time (if any) that it is required to become a Restricted Subsidiary
in accordance with 2018 NotesCertain CovenantsDesignation of Restricted and Unrestricted Subsidiaries,
FIC Export S.A., and (ii) any Subsidiary of the Company that at the time of determination has previously been
designated, and continues to be, an Unrestricted Subsidiary in accordance with 2018 NotesCertain
CovenantsDesignation of Restricted and Unrestricted Subsidiaries.
Voting Stock means, with respect to any Person, Capital Stock of any class or kind ordinarily having the
power to vote for the election of directors, managers or other voting members of the governing body of such Person.
Wholly Owned means, with respect to any Restricted Subsidiary, a Restricted Subsidiary all of the
outstanding Capital Stock of which (other than any directors qualifying shares) is owned by the Company and one
or more Wholly Owned Restricted Subsidiaries (or a combination thereof).




In this Description of the CLNs,

The word CLNs refers to credit-linked notes linked to the 2018 Notes of the Company (the
2018 CLNs) and credit-linked notes linked to the MCDs of the Company (the MCD CLNs);

the word CLN Issuer refers to Banco Invex, S.A., Institucin de Banca Mltiple, Invex Grupo
Financiero, Fiduciario, and any successor obligor on the CLNs, and not any of its affiliates, acting
in its capacity as trustee of the applicable CLN Trust (as defined below);

the word CLN Trusts refers to the Irrevocable Issuance, Management and Payment Trust
Number F/1229 (Contrato de Fideicomiso de Emisin, Administracin y Pago No. F/1229) (the
2018 CLN Trust) and the Irrevocable Issuance, Management and Payment Trust Number
F/1230 (Contrato de Fideicomiso de Emisin, Administracin y Pago No. F/1230);

the word Company refers only to Vitro, S.A.B. de C.V. (a sociedad annima burstil de capital
variable incorporated under the laws of Mexico), and any successor obligor on the New Notes,
and not to any of its subsidiaries;

the word Non-Consenting Holders Trust refers to a Mexican-law trust established and settled by
the Company, for which Banco Invex, S.A., Institucin de Banca Mltiple, Invex Grupo
Financiero, Fiduciario, as trustee under the Irrevocable Administrative Trust Agreement F/1,232
(Contrato de Fideicomiso Irrevocable de Administracin, No. F/1,232), as trustee, which will
hold 2018 Notes and MCDs, a cash restructuring fee (the Restructuring Fee), and the proceeds
thereof (including payments of principal, interest and Additional Amounts on the New Notes) not
delivered to the CLN Issuer on the Issue Date; and

all references to $ or dollars are to United States of America dollars.

You can find the definitions of certain terms used in this description under the subheading Certain
Definitions or in Description of the New Notes.
The 2018 CLNs will be issued under an indenture, dated as of February 23, 2012, between the CLN Issuer
and Computershare, N.A., as trustee (the 2018 CLN Indenture) and the MCD CLNs will be issued under an
indenture, dated as of February 23, 2012, between the CLN Issuer and Computershare, N.A., as trustee (the MCD
CLN Indenture and, together with the 2018 CLN Indenture, the CLN Indentures). In this Description of the
CLNs, we refer to the trustee under the CLN Indentures as the CLN Indenture Trustee.
The following description is a summary of the material provisions of the CLN Indentures. Because this is a
summary, it may not contain all the information that is important to you. You are urged to read the CLN Indentures
in their entirety. Copies of the proposed form of the CLN Indentures will be available upon request. Certain
defined terms used in this description but not defined below under Certain Definitions have the meanings
assigned to them in the CLN Indentures.
Basic Terms of the CLNs
The 2018 CLNs and the MCD CLNs will:

represent proportional interests of the holders thereof in all payments of principal (including as a result
of redemptions or prepayments), interest (cash or paid in kind), Comprehensive Additional Amounts in
respect of taxes, currency and other amounts (including, in the case of the MCDs, any distribution of
equity of the Company upon conversion of the MCDs) payable by the Company with respect to the
applicable New Notes in the CLN Trusts. The principal obligation of the CLN Issuer, in its capacity as
trustee of the CLN Trusts, will be to account for and distribute to the holders of the CLNs all such



payments when, as and if actually received by the applicable CLN Trust;

represent only an obligation of the CLN Issuer in its capacity as trustee of the applicable CLN Trust,
subject to the limited recourse provisions described herein. The CLNs are not obligations of or
guaranteed by the Company. In the event funds received by the CLN Issuer in respect of the
applicable New Notes are insufficient to make payments that are due on the applicable CLNs, neither
the CLN Issuer nor the Company will be required to make up any such shortfall from their own
respective funds;

be unsecured obligations of the CLN Issuer. The CLN Indenture Trustee has been named a beneficiary
of the CLN Trusts. The assets in the 2018 CLN Trust (the 2018 CLN Trust Assets) consist only of :
(i) any 2018 Notes in the 2018 CLN Trust (which have a principal amount equal to the principal
amount of the 2018 CLNs), (ii) the pro rata portion of the Restructuring Fee corresponding to the Issue
Date Acknowledging Holders delivered to the 2018 CLN Trust by the Company, (iii) any proceeds
received by the CLN Issuer on the 2018 Notes held in trust, and (iv) any proceeds of investments
therein. The assets in the MCD CLN Trust (the MCD CLN Trust Assets and, together with the 2018
CLN Trust Assets, the CLN Trust Assets) consist only of: (i) any MCDs in the MCD CLN Trust
(which have a principal amount equal to the principal amount of the MCD CLNs), (ii) any proceeds
received by the CLN Issuer on the MCDs held in trust, and (iii) any proceeds of investments therein. It
is expected that the Restructuring Fee deposited into the 2018 CLN Trust will be distributed to
Consenting Holders on the date hereof or shortly thereafter. All outstanding 2018 CLNs will share
pari passu in the 2018 CLN Trust Assets and all outstanding MCD CLNs will share pari passu in the
MCD CLN Trust Assets;

be limited recourse obligations of the CLN Issuer and are payable solely out of the applicable CLN
Trust Assets (including payments received from the Company or the Non-Consenting Holders Trust, as
the case may be, under the 2018 Notes or MCDs, as applicable) and neither the CLN Issuer nor the
CLN Indenture Trustee have any liability in respect of all or any portion of the CLNs. The CLNs will
be repaid or redeemed as described herein only to the extent the CLN Issuer receives funds from the
applicable CLN Trust Assets;

initially be issued in an aggregate principal amount equal to the aggregate principal amount of 2018
Notes deposited in the 2018 CLN Trust prior to the issue date of the 2018 CLNs (in the case of
the 2018 CLNs) and an initial aggregate principal amount of MCDs deposited in the MCD CLN Trust
on the issue date of the MCD CLNs (in the case of the MCD CLNs);

not be redeemable, other than as described below under Redemptions, including in the event of a
takeover, recapitalization or similar transaction with respect to the Company; and

issued only to investors that are either (i) Qualified Institutional Buyers (as such term is defined in
Rule 144A) (QIBs) or (ii) non-U.S. Persons (within the meaning of Regulation S of the Securities
Act) outside of the United States.

Additional CLNs
The CLN Issuer may issue additional 2018 CLNs and MCD CLNs (Additional Notes) from time to time
upon the delivery to the CLN Issuer by the Non-Consenting Holders Trust of (a) evidence that a holder of
Restructured Debt (a Subsequently-Acknowledging Holder) has delivered an Acknowledgment to the Company
and adequate proof of ownership of the Restructured Debt and (b) such Subsequently-Acknowledging Holders
share of the 2018 Notes and MCDs in the Non-Consenting Holders Trust.
Such additional 2018 CLNs and MCD CLNs will have an aggregate principal amount equal to the
aggregate principal amount of 2018 Notes and MCDs delivered in respect of such Subsequently-Acknowledging



Other than as described in this section or below under Interest with respect to the payment of interest
in kind on the CLNs, the CLN Issuer will not be permitted to increase the outstanding principal amount of CLNs.
The CLN Issuer will make payments of principal in respect of the CLNs out of payments received by the
CLN Issuer from the Company, in respect of principal arising as a result of payment at a maturity of the applicable
New Notes, as set forth below. No event of default under the CLNs will occur in the event the CLN Issuer fails to
receive payments from the Company in respect of the applicable New Notes and amounts due in respect of the
CLNs will be delayed until payments in respect of the principal amount of the applicable New Notes are received by
the CLN Issuer; however, upon an event of default under the applicable New Notes (including a failure to pay
principal when due), the CLNs will be subject to a mandatory in-kind redemption. See RedemptionsIn-Kind
Mandatory RedemptionsCredit Event Redemptions.
Regardless of the Issue Date and date of delivery of
the CLNs pursuant to the Concurso Plan, the maturity date, amortization provisions and other relevant terms and
conditions of the CLNs will be based on the Value Date.
2018 CLNs
The CLN Issuer will issue the 2018 CLNs in denominations of $2,000 principal amount and integral
multiples of $1,000 in excess thereof. While the 2018 CLNs may only be traded in denominations of $2,000 in
principal amount and any integral multiple of $1,000 in excess thereof, for the purposes of Euroclear and
Clearstream, the minimum denomination is considered to be $1.00. For the avoidance of doubt, Euroclear and
Clearstream are not required to monitor or to enforce the minimum denominations provided for hereunder.
The 2018 CLNs will mature on December 20, 2018. Principal on the 2018 CLNs will be due and payable
three Business Days following the dates noted in the following schedule (which dates are the applicable scheduled
principal payment dates for the 2018 Notes):
June 15, 2015: $11,980,000
December 15, 2015: $11,980,000
June 15, 2016: $11,980,000
December 15, 2016: $11,980,000
June 15, 2017: $11,980,000
December 15, 2017: $11,980,000
December 20, 2018: Remaining
outstanding principal balance

The principal amounts payable on the 2018 CLNs in accordance with the table above represent the pro rata
portion of the principal amount payable on the 2018 Notes held in the CLN Trust compared to aggregate prinicipal
amount of 2018 Notes outstanding. To the extent that additional 2018 Notes are delivered to the 2018 CLN Trust
from the Non-Consenting Holders Trust, the principal amounts payable on the 2018 CLNs on each payment date
will be adjusted accordingly.



Any Cash Redemption of 2018 CLNs prior to one of the scheduled installments of principal set forth above
will reduce the remaining installments of principal in the order in which the corresponding redemption of 2018
Notes is being applied.
Any other cancellation of 2018 CLNs (whether tendered for cancellation by the CLN Issuer or otherwise)
and any Withdrawal Redemption prior to one of the scheduled installments of principal set forth above will reduce
each remaining installment of principal on a pro rata basis (based on the principal amount payable for each
installment compared to the aggregate principal amount payable of the 2018 CLNs) in an aggregate amount equal to
the principal amount redeemed.
The CLN Issuer will issue the MCD CLNs in denominations of $2,000 principal amount and integral
multiples of $1,000 in excess thereof. The MCD CLNs will mature on December 18, 2015. While the MCD CLNs
may only be traded in denominations of $2,000 in principal amount and any integral multiple of $1,000 in excess
thereof, for the purposes of Euroclear and Clearstream the minimum denomination is considered to be $1.00. For
the avoidance of doubt, Euroclear and Clearstream are not required to monitor or to enforce the minimum
denominations provided for hereunder. There are no scheduled payments of principal on the MCDs or the MCD
CLNs prior to maturity.
The CLN Issuer will make payments in respect of interest and Comprehensive Additional Amounts on the
CLNs to holders of the CLNs no later than three Business Days after receipt of payments of interest and
Comprehensive Additional Amounts on the applicable New Notes in the CLN Trusts are received by the CLN Issuer
from the Company in the form of a lump sum cash payment of such amounts from time to time, as applicable. No
event of default under the CLNs will occur in the event the CLN Issuer fails to receive payments in respect of
interest or additional amounts from the Company in respect of the applicable New Notes in the CLN Trusts and
amounts due in respect of interest and Comprehensive Additional Amounts on the CLNs will be delayed until
payments in respect of interest on the applicable New Notes in the CLN Trusts are received by the CLN Issuer;
however, upon an event of default under the applicable New Notes (including a failure to pay interest or additional
Comprehensive Additional Amounts when due), the CLNs will be subject to a mandatory in-kind redemption. See
RedemptionsIn-Kind Mandatory RedemptionsCredit Event Redemptions. Payments of interest and
Additional Amounts on the CLNs will be made to the holders of the applicable CLNs registered as such as of the
close of business on a record date being the fifteenth Business Day preceding the applicable interest payment date
(the Record Date).
The 2018 CLNs
The 2018 CLNs will accrue interest from and including the Issue Date at a fixed rate per annum equal
to 8.00%. Interest will be payable in cash; provided that the Company may elect to exercise its option to pay a
portion of the interest on the 2018 Notes in kind for interest periods ending prior to December 16, 2013, as described
in the following grid:


Final Day of Interest

Period of the 2018

Total Interest

From the Issue Date

to Dec. 15, 2012


From Dec. 16, 2012

to Dec. 15, 2013


Per Annum
Cash Rate
8.0% (or 4.0%
if PIK Option
is elected)
8.0% (or 4.0%
if PIK Option
is elected)


Per Annum PIK

4.0% (if Company
PIK Option is
4.0% (if Company
PIK Option is

Final Day of Interest

Period of the 2018
From Dec. 16, 2013
to Dec. 15, 2014
From Dec. 16, 2014
to Dec. 15, 2015
From Dec. 16, 2015
to Dec. 15, 2016
From Dec. 16, 2016
to Dec. 15, 2017
From Dec. 16, 2017
to Dec. 15, 2018

Total Interest

Per Annum
Cash Rate



Per Annum PIK














If the Company elects the PIK Option for any interest period for the 2018 Notes, interest on the 2018 CLNs
for the corresponding interest period will be paid in kind to the same extent and added to the outstanding principal
amount (the Additional 2018 CLN PIK Principal) of the 2018 CLNs. Additional 2018 CLN PIK Principal will be
considered principal for all purposes, and without limiting the foregoing, the Additional 2018 PIK Principal of
the 2018 CLNs will bear interest at the rate then applicable to the 2018 CLNs, beginning on the date such interest is
paid in kind and added to the principal amount thereof. If the CLN Issuer receives a notice from the Company
(Company PIK Option Notice) indicating the Company has elected the PIK Option for the 2018 Notes for any
interest period, the CLN Issuer will deliver a corresponding notice to CLN Indenture Trustee and the CLN Indenture
Trustee shall promptly delivery corresponding notice to the holders of the 2018 CLNs. If no Company PIK Option
Notice has been received by the CLN Issuer, all interest for such interest period under the 2018 CLNs will be
payable entirely in cash. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the payment of accrued interest in connection with any
optional or mandatory redemption of the 2018 CLNs will be made solely in cash. The CLN Issuer will not
capitalize any interest due on the 2018 CLNs unless the Company has delivered a Company PIK Option Notice in
respect of such interest on the 2018 Notes.
Interest will be computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months.
Interest on overdue principal and interest (including Additional Amounts, if any) will accrue at a rate that
is 2.0% higher than the then applicable interest rate on the 2018 CLNs.
The CLN Issuer will make each interest payment to the holders of record on the June 1 or December 1
immediately preceding the applicable interest payment date. The CLN Issuer will make cash interest payments on
the 2018 CLNs three Business Days following the interest payment date under the 2018 Notes, subject to the receipt
of sufficient funds to make such interest payment as described above. In addition, for any period that that Company
elects to exercise its PIK Option on the 2018 Notes, the CLN Issuer will add Additional 2018 PIK Principal to the
outstanding principal amount of 2018 CLNs three Business Days following the relevant interest payment date on
which the corresponding additional principal is added to the 2018 Notes. If the due date for payment of any amount
in respect of principal or interest on any of the 2018 CLNs is not a Business Day, the holder of the 2018 CLNs will
not be entitled to payment of the interest due on the 2018 CLNs until the next succeeding Business Day and will not
be entitled to any further interest or other payment as a result of any such delay.




The MCD CLNs will accrue interest from and including the Issue Date at a fixed rate, payable in kind
semi-annually in arrears. Interest will be payable as set forth in the following grid:

From the Issue Date
to Dec. 15, 2012
From Dec. 16, 2012
to Dec. 15, 2013
From Dec. 16, 2013
to Dec. 15, 2014
From Dec. 16, 2014
to Dec. 15, 2015

Per Annum
PIK Rate

Interest on the MCD CLNs will only be paid in kind and added to the outstanding principal amount (the
Additional MCD PIK Principal) of the MCD CLNs. Additional MCD PIK Principal will be considered principal
for all purposes, and without limiting the foregoing, the Additional MCD PIK Principal of the MCD CLNs will bear
interest at the rate then applicable to the MCD CLNs, beginning on the date such interest is paid in kind and added
to the principal amount thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the payment of accrued interest in connection with
any optional or mandatory redemption of the MCD CLNs will be made solely in cash.
Interest will be computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months.
The CLN Issuer will make each interest payment to the holders of record on the June 1 or December 1
immediately preceding the applicable interest payment date. The CLN Issuer will add Additional MCD PIK
Principal to the MCD CLNs three Business Days following the relevant interest payment date on which the
corresponding additional principal is added to the MCDs. If the due date for payment of any amount in respect of
principal or interest on any of the MCD CLNs is not a Business Day, the holder of the MCD CLNs will not be
entitled to payment of the interest due on the MCD CLNs until the next succeeding Business Day and will not be
entitled to any further interest or other payment as a result of any such delay.
Source of Available Funds
As provided above, the CLN Issuer will pay all cash amounts due on or with respect to the CLNs solely
from the periodic cash payments it receives from the Company from time to time under the applicable New Notes in
the CLN Trusts, including in respect of expenses, taxes and certain other amounts. The CLN Issuer will not be
liable for any payments on the CLNs other than from assets provided by the applicable CLN Trust.
The CLNs constitute direct, unsecured limited recourse and unsubordinated obligations of the CLN Issuer
and will rank pari passu amongst themselves and equal in right of payment with all other obligations of the CLN
Issuer that are not, by their terms, expressly subordinated in right of payment to the CLNs or which rank senior
thereto by operation of law. As described under Covenants, the CLN Issuer is prohibited from issuing
indebtedness other than the CLNs.



Collection Accounts
The CLN Issuer will establish segregated trust accounts in Mexico in the names of the 2018 CLN Trust and
the MCD CLN Trust (collectively, the Collection Accounts). The CLN Issuer will deposit, or cause to be
deposited into each applicable Collection Account all amounts received by the CLN Issuer from the Company or the
Non-Consenting Holders Trust, as the case may be, under the 2018 Notes or MCDs in the 2018 CLN Trust or the
MCD CLN Trust, respectively, including all periodic cash principal, cash interest and other cash payments received
by the CLN Issuer in respect thereof.
It is not expected that funds will remain on deposit in any Collection Account for more than three Business
Days and, as a result, the CLN Indentures do not provide for the investment of funds deposited into the Collection
Accounts. However, to the extent it becomes necessary for funds in any Collection Account to remain on deposit
longer than three Business Days pending payment or distribution to the holders, then the CLN Issuer will invest such
funds and distribute all earnings thereon in the manner expressly provided for in the Trust.
Funds in the Collection Accounts are to be held by the CLN Indenture Trustee for the benefit of Holders
and may only be used as provided in the CLN Indentures, the trust agreement establishing the trust or any paying
agency agreement.
Tender of New Notes upon Cancellation of CLNs
If the CLN Indenture Trustee has received and cancelled any CLNs tendered by or on behalf of the
Company and its Subsidiaries, including as a result of an Offer to Purchase or Market Purchase of the CLNs, the
CLN Issuer will promptly, and in any event within ten Business Days, tender to the Company for cancellation an
equivalent amount of the relevant New Notes in the applicable CLN Trust.
Additional Amounts
All payments under or in respect of the 2018 CLNs and the MCD CLNs will be made free and clear of, and
without withholding or deduction for or on account of, any present or future taxes, duties, levies, imposts,
assessments or governmental charges (including penalties, interest and additions related thereto) (collectively,
Taxes) of whatever nature imposed, levied, collected, withheld or assessed of any Tax Jurisdiction unless such
withholding or deduction is required by law. In the event of any such withholding or deduction imposed or levied
by a Tax Jurisdiction is required to be made from any payments under or with respect to 2018 CLNs and the MCD
CLNs, the CLN Issuer, will (x) timely and properly seek payment by the Company of the amount required to be paid
by the Company pursuant to Section 5.30 of the 2018 Notes so that the CLN Issuer will receive a sufficient amount
to pay the holders of such 2018 CLNs and the MCD CLNs such additional amounts (Additional Amounts) as will
result in the net payment to each such Holder (including Additional Amounts) of the amount that would otherwise
have been receivable by such Holder in the absence of such withholding or deduction and (y) to the extent that it has
been paid such amount by the Company, pay such Additional Amounts to such holders, except that no such
Additional Amounts will be payable with respect to:
any Taxes that would not have been so withheld or deducted but for the Holder or beneficial
owner of the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs having a present or former connection to the relevant Tax Jurisdiction
(including having a permanent establishment in such Tax Jurisdiction, being a citizen or resident or national of,
incorporated in or carrying on a business, in the relevant Tax Jurisdiction in which such Taxes are imposed) other
than the mere receipt of payments in respect of the 2018 CLNs and the MCD CLNs, the mere holding or ownership
of such 2018 CLNs or MCD CLNs or beneficial interest in the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs or the exercise of any
rights under the Notes or the CLN Indentures;
where presentation is required for payment on 2018 CLNs or MCD CLNs, any Taxes that would
not have been so withheld or deducted if the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs had been presented for payment
within 30 days after the Relevant Date, except to the extent that the Holder would have been entitled to Additional
Amounts had the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs been presented on any day during such 30-day period and there
were no additional withholdings or deductions as a result of such late presentment;



any Taxes that would not have been so withheld or deducted but for the failure by the Holder or
the beneficial owner of the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs or any payment in respect of such 2018 CLNs or MCD
CLNs, after written request made to that Holder or beneficial owner at least 30 days before any such withholding or
deduction would be payable, by the CLN Issuer, to comply with any certification, identification, information,
documentation or other similar reporting requirement concerning its nationality, residence, identity or connection
with the relevant Tax Jurisdiction, which is required or imposed by a statute, regulation or administrative practice of
the relevant Taxing Jurisdiction as a precondition to exemption from all or part of such Taxes;
any estate, inheritance, gift, sales, transfer, personal property or similar Taxes imposed with
respect to any 2018 CLNs or MCD CLNs;

any Taxes payable other than by withholding or deduction;

any withholding or deduction imposed on a payment to an individual that is required to be made
pursuant to the European Council Directive 2003/48/EC on the taxation of savings income (the Directive)
implementing the conclusions of the European Council of Economic and Finance Ministers (ECOFIN) meeting on
November 26-27, 2000, or any law implementing or complying with, or introduced in order to conform to, such
any Taxes imposed in connection with 2018 CLNs or MCD CLNs presented for payment by or on
behalf of a Holder or beneficial owner thereof who would have been able to avoid such tax by presenting the
relevant 2018 CLNs or MCD CLNs to another paying agent;
any Taxes imposed on a payment on 2018 CLN or MCD CLN to a Holder that is a fiduciary or
partnership or a person other than the sole beneficial owner of any such payment, to the extent that a beneficiary or
settlor with respect to such fiduciary, a member of such a partnership or the beneficial owner of the payment would
not have been entitled to the Additional Amounts had the beneficiary, settlor, member or beneficial owner been the
any Taxes that would not have been so withheld or deducted if the Holder held a direct beneficial
interest in an equal principal amount of the New Notes; or

any combination of (a) through (i) above.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the limitations on the CLN Issuers obligation to pay Additional Amounts set forth
in clause (c) above will not apply if (i) the provision of information, documentation or other evidence described in
such clause (c) would be materially more onerous, in form, in procedure or in the substance of information
disclosed, to a Holder or beneficial owner of the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs (taking into account any relevant
differences between U.S. and Mexican law, rules, regulations or administrative practice) than comparable
information or other reporting requirements imposed under U.S. tax law, regulation and administrative practice
(such as IRS Forms W-8BEN and W-9) or (ii) Rule 3.23.8 issued by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit on
April 28, 2006 or a substantially similar successor of such rule is in effect, unless the provision of the information,
documentation or other evidence described in clause (c) is expressly required by statute, regulation, rule, ruling or
administrative practice in order to apply Rule 3.23.8 (or a substantially similar successor of such rule), the CLN
Issuer cannot obtain such information, documentation or other evidence on its own through reasonable diligence and
the CLN Issuer otherwise would meet the requirements for application of Rule 3.23.8 (or such successor of such
rule). In addition, such clause (c) will not be construed to require that a non-Mexican pension or retirement fund or
a non-Mexican financial institution or another Holder register with the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit for the
purpose of establishing eligibility for an exemption from or reduction of Mexican withholding tax or to require that
a Holder or beneficial owner certify or provide information concerning whether it is or is not a tax-exempt pension
or retirement fund.
If the Directive imposes taxes upon 2018 CLNs or MCD CLNs presented for payment, the CLN Issuer will
use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain a Paying Agent with a specified office in a Member State of the
European Union that will not be obligated to withhold or deduct tax pursuant to the Directive or any law
implementing or complying with, or introduced in order to conform to, the Directive.



References to principal, interest or any other amount payable on or in respect of any 2018 CLNs or MCD
CLNs will be deemed also to refer to any Additional Amounts which may be payable as set forth in the CLN
Indentures or in the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs to the extent that Additional Amounts are, were or would be
payable in respect thereof.
At least ten Business Days prior to the first interest payment date (and at least ten Business Days prior to
each succeeding interest payment date if there has been any change with respect to the matters set forth in the below
mentioned Officers Certificate), the CLN Issuer, as applicable, will furnish to the CLN Indenture Trustee and the
Paying Agent an Officers Certificate instructing the CLN Indenture Trustee and the Paying Agent whether
payments of principal of or interest on the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs due on such interest payment date will be
made without deduction or withholding for or on account of any Taxes by the Tax Jurisdictions. If any such
deduction or withholding will be required, at least 20 days prior to such interest payment date (unless the obligation
to pay Additional Amounts arises after the twentieth day prior to the payment date, in which case the CLN Issuer
will notify the CLN Indenture Trustee and the Paying Agent in writing promptly thereafter), the CLN Issuer, as
applicable, will furnish the CLN Indenture Trustee and the Paying Agent with an Officers Certificate that specifies
the amount, if any, required to be withheld on such payment to holders of the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs. If the
CLN Issuer is obligated to pay Additional Amounts with respect to such payment, the Officers Certificate must also
set forth any other information reasonably necessary to enable the Paying Agent to pay Additional Amounts to the
holders on the relevant payment date. For these purposes, any Officers Certificate required by the CLN Indentures
to be provided to the CLN Indenture Trustee and the Paying Agent will be deemed to be duly provided if telecopied
to the CLN Indenture Trustee and such Paying Agent.
The CLN Issuer agrees to indemnify the CLN Indenture Trustee and the Paying Agent for, and to hold each
harmless against, any loss, liability or expense reasonably incurred without bad faith on its part arising out of or in
connection with actions taken or omitted by it in reliance on any Officers Certificate furnished pursuant to this
heading Additional Amounts or any failure to furnish such a certificate.
The CLN Issuer will make all withholdings and deductions required by law and will remit the full amount
deducted or withheld to the relevant tax authority in accordance with applicable law. The CLN Issuer, as applicable,
will obtain official receipts from each tax authority evidencing the payment of any Taxes so deducted or withheld,
or, if such receipts are not obtainable, such other documentation reasonably acceptable to the CLN Indenture
Trustee. The CLN Issuer will furnish to the CLN Indenture Trustee the official receipts (or a certified copy of the
official receipts or other such documentation, as applicable) evidencing payment of Taxes. The CLN Issuer will
attach to each certified copy or other such documentation, as applicable, a certificate stating (x) that the amount of
such Tax evidenced by the certified copy was paid in connection with payments under or with respect to the Notes
then Outstanding upon which such Taxes were due and (y) the amount of such withholding tax paid per US$1,000
of principal amount of the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs. Copies of such receipts, such certified copies or other
such documentation, as applicable, will be made available to holders upon request.
Cash Mandatory Redemptions
The CLN Issuer will redeem the 2018 CLNs or MCD CLNs, as applicable, for cash out of payments
received by the CLN Trusts from the Company in respect of principal arising as a result of any mandatory or
optional redemption or prepayment of the 2018 Notes or MCDs held in the CLN Trusts as described below. No
event of default under the CLNs will occur in the event the CLN Trusts fails to receive redemption payments from
the Company in respect of the redemption of the applicable New Notes in the CLN Trusts and redemptions of the
CLNs will be delayed until payments in respect of the principal amount of the applicable New Notes in the CLN
Trusts are received by the CLN Issuer; however, upon an event of default under the applicable New Notes
(including a failure to redeem New Notes when required), the CLNs will be subject to a mandatory in kind
redemption as described in In-Kind Mandatory RedemptionsCredit Event Redemptions.
Cash Mandatory Redemption of 2018 CLNs as a Result of an Optional or Mandatory Redemption of 2018



To the extent that the 2018 CLN Trust receives any cash payment as a result of an optional or mandatory
redemption or prepayment of the 2018 Notes in the 2018 CLN Trust or an optional redemption of the 2018 Notes in
the 2018 CLN Trust for tax purposes as described in Description of the New NotesProvisions Applicable to All
of the New NotesOptional Tax Redemption, the CLN Issuer will use the proceeds of such cash payment to
redeem, in cash, a principal amount of 2018 CLNs equal to the principal amount of 2018 Notes redeemed or
prepaid, plus all accrued and unpaid interest thereon, at a price equal to the redemption price paid by the Company
on the relevant 2018 Notes.
Cash Mandatory Redemption of MCD CLNs as a Result of an Optional or Mandatory Redemption of
To the extent that the MCD CLN Trust receives any cash payment as a result of an optional redemption
(other than an optional redemption for tax purposes, as described in Description of the New NotesProvisions
Applicable to All of the New NotesOptional Tax Redemption) or prepayment of the MCDs in the MCD CLN
Trust, the CLN Issuer will use the proceeds of such cash payment to redeem, in cash, a principal amount of MCD
CLNs equal to the principal amount of MCDs redeemed or prepaid, plus all accrued and unpaid interest thereon, at a
price equal to the redemption price paid by the Company on the relevant MCDs.
To the extent that the MCD CLN Trust receives any cash payment as a result of an optional redemption of
the MCDs in the MCD CLN Trust for tax purposes, as described in Description of the New NotesProvisions
Applicable to All of the New NotesOptional Tax Redemption, the CLN Issuer will use the proceeds of such cash
payment to redeem, in cash, all of the MCD CLNs at a price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the MCD
CLNs redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid interest (including Additional Amounts), if any, to the redemption date of
the relevant MCDs.
Procedures for Cash Mandatory Redemptions
If fewer than all of the applicable series of CLNs are being redeemed, the CLN Indenture Trustee will
select the CLNs to be redeemed pro rata, by lot or by any other method the CLN Indenture Trustee in its sole
discretion deems fair and appropriate, in denominations of $2,000 principal amount and any integral multiple of
$1,000 in excess thereof, unless the redemption is for all of the Notes. Upon surrender of any CLNs redeemed in
part, the holder will receive a New CLN equal in principal amount to the unredeemed portion of the surrendered
CLNs. Once notice of redemption is sent to the holders, CLNs called for redemption become due and payable at the
applicable redemption price on the redemption date, and, commencing on the redemption date, CLNs redeemed will
cease to accrue interest; provided that no event of default under the CLNs will occur in the event the CLN Trusts fail
to receive cash payments from the Company or lump sum cash payments from the Non-Consenting Holders Trust
from time to time, as the case may be, in respect of the applicable New Notes as set forth above, and amounts due in
respect of a mandatory redemption of the CLNs will be delayed until such cash payments in respect of the applicable
New Notes are received by the CLN Trusts, in which case the CLNs to be redeemed will continue to accrue interest
until they are redeemed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon an event of default under the applicable New Notes
(including a failure to redeem New Notes when required), the CLNs will be subject to a mandatory in kind
redemption. See In-Kind Mandatory RedemptionsCredit Event Redemptions.
In-Kind Mandatory Redemptions
Upon the occurrence of any Credit Event, New York Agent Event or Luxembourg Agent Event, with
respect to any series of CLNs, the CLN Issuer will redeem in kind 100% of the outstanding principal amount of the
CLNs of such series, plus accrued interest and Comprehensive Additional Amounts through the date of redemption
(an In-Kind Mandatory Redemption), by delivering to each holder a pro rata share of the 2018 Notes or the
MCDs, as applicable, any amounts in any Collection Account of the applicable CLN Trust, and any other amounts
constituting Trust Assets of the applicable CLN Trust (the In-Kind Redemption Price) in accordance with the
procedures set forth in the CLN Indentures.
Credit Event Redemptions
The following events will be Credit Events with respect to the 2018 CLNs and the MCD CLNs:



(1) the Company fails to pay to the CLN Issuer any amounts due on the 2018 Notes or the MCDs, whether
interest, principal, additional amounts or amounts in respect of which the CLN Issuer is entitled to indemnification,
whether at stated maturity, upon optional or mandatory redemption or upon acceleration, after giving effect to any
cure period provided therefor under the 2018 Notes or the MCDs, or the Company fails to purchase and pay for any
CLNs required to be purchased pursuant to an offer to purchase under the 2018 Notes or the MCDs;
(2) a bankruptcy default under the 2018 Notes or the MCDs (as defined in the 2018 Notes and the MCDs,
respectively) has occurred and is continuing;
(3) the CLN Indenture Trustee has received written notice from the holders of at least 25% of the
outstanding principal amount of the 2018 Notes or the MCDs that any other 2018 Event of Default or 2015 Event of
Default (as defined in the 2018 Notes and the MCDs, respectively) has occurred and is continuing and holders of a
majority of the outstanding principal amount of the 2018 Notes or the MCD CLNs have not waived such Event of
(4) if the MCDs in the MCD CLN Trust are converted into Ordinary Shares of the Company (or
certificados de participacin ordinarios, CPOs), such conversion will be an MCD Credit Event with respect to
the MCD CLNs only; or
(5) an Event of Default under the applicable CLN Indenture has occurred and is continuing, and (A) the
CLN Issuer has not been replaced and (B) such Event of Default has not been cured within 30 days of the
occurrence thereof; provided that such 30-day period may be shortened, waived, or extended by a vote of holders of
at least 40% of the outstanding principal amount of the Notes.
If a Credit Event occurs with respect to a series of CLNs, within 45 days of such Credit Event, 100% of the
outstanding principal amount of the applicable series of CLNs (or, in the case of an MCD Credit Event, the MCD
CLNs), plus all accrued and unpaid interest (including Additional Amounts), if any, to the redemption date will be
redeemed as follows:
(a) if the Credit Event is of the type included in clause (5) of the definition of Credit Event above, the New
Notes linked to the applicable series of CLNs will be exchanged for global New Notes of the applicable series
eligible for clearing through Euroclear and Clearstream, and beneficial interests in such global New Notes, together
with any cash amounts in any Collection Account, will be delivered to the account in which such Holder holds the
CLNs of the applicable series in Euroclear or Clearstream, or
(b) if the Credit Event is of the type described in clauses (1)-(4) of the definition of Credit Event above,
then the New Notes of the applicable series will be delivered in physical form to the address of each Holder
specified on the register of the applicable series of CLNs, and cash amounts in any Collection Account will be
delivered to the account in which such Holder holds the applicable series of CLNs in Euroclear or Clearstream.
If the CLN Issuer is unable to deliver beneficial interests in a global New Note of the applicable series as
described in clause (a) above and either the CLN Issuer does not receive, or is unable to deliver such beneficial
interests within 45 days, the CLN Issuer will (i) deliver New Notes of the applicable series in physical form to the
address of each Holder specified in the Register and (ii) pay any cash amounts in any Collection Account and
deliver any other assets to the Holders.
Following an In-Kind Mandatory Redemption of the CLNs as a result of a Credit Event, the CLNs will be
cancelled, the CLN Issuer will cease to have any liability in respect of the CLNs, and holders will have recourse
only against the Company in respect of the New Notes (or, if the MCDs have been converted, common shares or
CPOs of the Company) delivered.
New York Agent Event or Luxembourg Agent Event Redemptions
If a New York Agent Event or Luxembourg Agent Event occurs with respect to any series of CLNs,
within 90 days of such event, 100% of the outstanding principal amount of the applicable series of New CLNs, plus



all accrued and unpaid interest (including Additional Amounts), if any, to the redemption date will be redeemed as
in the case of a New York Agent Event, the New Notes linked to the applicable series of
CLNs will be exchanged for global New Notes of the eligible series for clearing through DTC, and
beneficial interests in such global New Notes, together with any cash amounts in any Collection
Account, will be delivered to the account in which such Holder holds the CLNs of the applicable series
in Euroclear or Clearstream (as participants in DTC);
in the case of a Luxembourg Agent Event, the New Notes linked to the applicable series of
CLNs will be exchanged for global New Notes of the applicable series eligible for clearing through
DTC, and beneficial interests in such global New Notes, together with any cash amounts in any
Collection Account, will be delivered to the account in which such Holder holds the CLNs of the
applicable series in Euroclear or Clearstream;
If the CLN Issuer has not received beneficial interests in global New Notes of the applicable series
within 90 days of a New York Agent Event or a Luxembourg Agent Event, the CLN Issuer is required to
consummate the redemption of the applicable series of CLNs as if a Credit Event had occurred on the ninetieth day
following such New York Agent Event or Luxembourg Agent Event.
Upon the occurrence of a New York Agent Event or Luxembourg Agent Event, pursuant to the New Notes,
Vitro will be required to take all actions (including without limitation the engagement of a trustee, the execution of
an indenture and any other documentation as may be reasonably necessary) required to make New Notes eligible for
clearing through DTC (in the case of a New York Agent Event) or Euroclear and Clearstream (in the case of a
Luxembourg Agent Event if a New York Agent Event has not also occurred).
Withdrawal Redemption
If no Credit Event, New York Agent Event or Luxembourg Agent Event has occurred, any holder of a CLN
will be entitled to require the CLN Issuer to redeem such CLN in kind, in whole or in part, plus all related accrued
interest and Comprehensive Additional Amounts on the principal amount of such CLN being redeemed through the
date of redemption (a Withdrawal Redemption) by delivering to such holder within 45 days of the request for such
redemption, an equal principal amount of the New Notes linked to the applicable series of CLNs from the Trust
Assets (the Withdrawal Redemption Price).
Voting Rights In Respect of New Notes
Promptly upon receipt by the CLN Issuer of written notice from the Company for the consent of the holders
of either the 2018 Notes or the MCDs in the CLN Trusts (other than with respect to a Technical Amendment), the
CLN Issuer (or at the CLN Issuers request, the CLN Indenture Trustee in the name and at the expense of the CLN
Issuer) shall deliver via first-class mail to the registered address of each Holder a notice containing (i) the consent
request received from the Company, a ballot giving each holder the option to instruct the CLN Issuer to deliver or
execute or withhold or not execute a consent or amendment or modification in respect of a principal amount of New
MCDs or 2018 Notes, as applicable, up to the principal amount of CLNs held by such holder, (ii) instructions as to
the delivery of the ballot and the deadline for the CLN Issuer to receive such ballot (which shall not be less than ten
Business Days after the date on which the ballot is first sent unless the Officers of the CLN Issuer determine in good
faith that a shorter period is necessary to avoid prejudice to the holders) and (iii) stating that the CLN Issuer may
refuse to give any consent or execute any amendment or modification that conflicts with law or the CLN Indentures,
that may involve the CLN Issuer in personal liability.
No later than five Business Days after the ballot deadline, the CLN Issuer will (i) deliver consents to, or
execute, the amendment or modification sought in the consent and (ii) withhold consents to and refuse to execute the
amendment or modification sought for which either (x) ballots were returned prior to the applicable deadline
instructing the CLN Issuer to withhold such consents or (y) failed to properly deliver a ballot prior to the applicable



In the event that the CLN Issuer receives a request for a Technical Amendment, the CLN Issuer (or at the
CLN Issuers request, the CLN Indenture Trustee in the name and at the expense of the CLN Issuer) will deliver via
first-class mail to the registered address of each Holder a notice describing the Technical Amendment, including any
opinions of counsel or officers certificates included in the Companys request (a Technical Amendment Notice).
The CLN Issuer shall consent or execute such Technical Amendment no earlier than ten days after, and no later
than 30 days after, the date of the Technical Amendment Notice; provided that it has received an opinion of counsel
from the Company stating that all conditions precedent required for the execution of any such Technical
Amendment have been met.
Limitations on Remedies
The obligations of the CLN Issuer under, and any other obligations with respect to, or as a result of, the
CLNs and the CLN Indentures are limited recourse obligations of the CLN Issuer, payable solely from the
applicable CLN Trust Assets and only to the extent that the CLN Issuer will have received income or proceeds from
the Trust Assets sufficient to make such payments or satisfy such liabilities in accordance with the terms hereto.
The CLN Issuer will not sell, pledge or grant any security interest, or otherwise dispose of the 2018 CLN Trust
Assets or the CLN Trust Assets without the consent of all of the holders of the applicable CLNs.
For so long as any of the CLNs are outstanding and the CLN Issuer has obligations under the CLN
Indentures and the CLNs, the CLN Issuer will comply with the terms of the covenants set forth below:
Payment Obligations under the CLNs and the CLN Indentures
The CLN Issuer will duly and punctually pay all amounts owed by it, and comply with all its other
obligations, under the terms of the CLNs and the CLN Indentures.
Indemnification Request
The CLN Issuer shall, at least two Business Days prior to the date of any payments in respect of the CLNs,
deliver to the Company, (i) a notice indicating the amount of indemnification sought in respect of Additional
Amounts payable pursuant to the CLN Indentures, (ii) a notice indicating the amount of indemnification sought for
Currency Additional Amounts pursuant to the New Notes, and (iii) any documentation reasonably necessary or
reasonably requested by the Company to establish the amount of indemnification sought. The CLN Issuer will
comply in all material respects with any agreement that may be entered into from time to time between the CLN
Issuer and the Company in respect of such indemnification, and shall demand and collect all amounts due from the
Company thereunder.
Maintenance of Existence
The CLN Issuer will, to the maximum extent permitted by law, maintain in effect the existence of the CLN
Trusts as trusts established under the laws of Mexico and its existence as trustee of the CLN Trusts, and all
registrations necessary therefor and take all actions to maintain all rights, privileges, titles to property, franchises and
the like necessary or desirable in the normal conduct of its business, activities or operations, provided, however, that
this covenant will not require the CLN Issuer to maintain any such right, privilege, title to property, franchise or the
like as a trustee, if the failure to do so does not, and will not, have a material adverse effect on the CLN Trusts or the
CLN Trust Assets or have a material adverse effect on the rights of the holders of the CLNs.
Compliance with Laws
The CLN Issuer will, to the maximum extent permitted by law, comply at all times with all applicable laws,
rules, regulations, orders and directives of any government or government agency or Governmental Authority
having jurisdiction over the CLN Trusts, the CLN Trusts business or any of the transactions contemplated herein,



except where the failure by the CLN Issuer to comply would not have a material adverse effect on the CLN Trusts or
the CLN Trust Assets, or have a material adverse effect on the rights of the holders of the CLNs.
Limitation on Nature of Business
The CLN Issuer is not permitted to engage in any lines of business other than (i) holding the New Notes
and other assets in the CLN Trusts, issuing the CLNs, acting as trustee of the CLN Trusts, appointing the indenture
trustee under the CLN Indenture (the CLN Indenture Trustee) and other matters described herein and (ii) those
matters that are reasonably related and ancillary to any such activity.
Maintenance of Government Approvals
The CLN Issuer will, to the maximum extent permitted by law, duly obtain and maintain in full force and
effect all governmental approvals, consents or licenses of any government or governmental agency or authority
under the laws of Mexico or any other jurisdiction having jurisdiction over the CLN Trusts or necessary in all cases
for the CLN Issuer to perform its obligations under the transaction documents (including, without limitation, any
authorization required to obtain and transfer U.S. dollars or any other currency which at that time is legal tender in
the United States out of Mexico in connection with the CLNs, the CLN Trusts and the CLN Indenture) or for the
validity or enforceability thereof, except where the failure to do so would not have a material adverse effect on the
CLN Trusts or the CLN Trust Assets, or have a material adverse effect on the rights of the holders of the CLNs.
Payments of Taxes and Other Claims
Subject to receipt of payments from the Company under the New Notes in the CLN Trusts, the CLN Issuer
will pay or discharge or cause to be paid or discharged, before the same will become delinquent, all taxes,
assessments and governmental charges levied or imposed upon the applicable CLN Trust; provided, however, that
the CLN Issuer will not be required to pay or discharge or cause to be paid or discharged any such tax, assessment,
charge or claim whose amount, applicability or validity is being contested in good faith and, if appropriate, by
appropriate legal proceedings or where the failure to do so would not have a material adverse effect on the CLN
Trusts or have a material adverse effect on the rights of the holders of the CLNs.
Maintenance of Books and Records
The CLN Issuer will maintain books, accounts and records in all material respects in accordance with
applicable law.
The CLN Issuer will ensure that the CLNs will at all times constitute direct, unsecured, limited recourse
and unsubordinated obligations of the CLN Issuer and will rank at least pari passu, without any preferences among
themselves, with all other present and future obligations of the CLN Issuer (other than obligations preferred by
statute or by operation of law).
Notice of Certain Events
If the CLN Issuer receives (i) written notice of any Event of Default under the New Notes, or (ii) any offer
by the Company with respect to the New Notes, the CLN Issuer will give notice of such offer to the CLN Indenture
Trustee, as soon as is practicable and in any event within ten calendar days after the CLN Issuer receives such
notice, accompanied by any additional information received in respect of such notice, and deliver such notice to the
holders of the New Notes. The CLN Indenture Trustee will promptly, and in any event within ten calendar days
after the CLN Indenture Trustee receives such notice, deliver such notice to the holders.



Limitation on Subsidiaries or Consolidations, Mergers, Sales or Conveyances

The CLN Issuer will not establish or acquire any subsidiaries other than the CLN Trusts.
The CLN Issuer will not in one or a series of transactions, consolidate or amalgamate with or merge into
any Person or convey, lease or transfer all or substantially all of its properties or assets to any person or permit any
person to merge with or into it or acquire any assets of any kind other than the CLN Trust Assets.
Limitation on Indebtedness and Liens
The CLN Issuer will not issue, assume or guarantee any obligations or indebtedness of any kind or nature
whatsoever other than the CLNs or grant any Lien on any of the CLN Trust Assets.
No Liquidation or Termination without Consent
To the extent applicable, the CLN Issuer will not terminate or commence a voluntary case or other
proceeding seeking liquidation, reorganization or other relief with respect to itself or its debts under any bankruptcy,
insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect, or seek the appointment of a trustee, receiver, liquidator,
custodian or other similar official of it or any substantial part of its property, or consent to any such relief or to the
appointment of or taking possession by any such official in an involuntary case or other proceeding commenced
against it, or make a general assignment or conveyance for the benefit of creditors, or take any corporate action to
authorize any of the foregoing without the unanimous consent of the holders of the CLNs. Insofar as the CLN
Trusts operate through the CLN Issuer, the CLN Issuer has agreed to refrain from taking any of the foregoing
actions unless and until a successor trustee has assumed the obligations of the CLN Issuer with respect to the CLN
Trusts, including any obligations under the CLN Indentures.
Limitations on Sale and Lease-Back Transactions
The CLN Issuer will not enter into any sale and lease-back transaction with respect to any of the CLN Trust
Provision of Financial Statements and Reports
The CLN Issuer will deliver to the CLN Indenture Trustee, for distribution to the holders of the applicable
CLNs, copies of all reports, notices or other documents received by the CLN Issuer from the Company in respect of
the New Notes in the CLN Trusts. The CLN Issuer will further provide, together with each of the financial
statements delivered pursuant to the above, a certificate of the CLN Issuer stating that a review of the CLN Issuers
activities has been made during the period covered by such financial statements with a view to determining whether
the CLN Issuer has kept, observed, performed and fulfilled its covenants and agreements under the CLN Indentures,
and that, to the CLN Issuers knowledge, the CLN Issuer has fulfilled all of its obligations under the CLN Indentures
throughout such period, or, if there has been a default in the fulfillment of any such obligation, specifying each such
default known to the CLN Issuer and the nature and status thereof.
In addition, in the event the CLN Issuer will be required under the laws of Mexico to prepare any financial
statements or reports or will publish or otherwise make such statements or reports publicly available, the CLN Issuer
will promptly furnish a copy of such statements or reports to the CLN Indenture Trustee for delivery to the holders
of the CLNs. It is not expected that the CLN Issuer will prepare any such financial statements and reports under
Mexican law and the only reports or information to be furnished by the CLN Issuer to the CLN Indenture Trustee
will be reports, financial statements or other materials provided for under the New Notes and reports, financial
statements and other materials relating to the Company and the New Notes as are furnished to the CLN Issuer
pursuant to the New Notes.
Available Information



For as long as the CLNs are restricted securities within the meaning of Rule 144(a)(3) under the
Securities Act, the CLN Issuer will, to the extent required, furnish to any Holder of a CLN issued under Rule 144A
or to any prospective purchaser designated by such Holder, upon request of such Holder, financial and other
information described in paragraph (d)(4) of Rule 144A with respect to the CLN Issuer to the extent required in
order to permit such Holder to comply with Rule 144A (as amended from time to time and including any successor
provision) with respect to any resale of such CLN, unless, at the time of such request, the CLN Issuer is subject to
the reporting requirements of Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act or is exempt from such requirements
pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Exchange Act (as amended from time to time and including any successor
provision) and no such information about the CLN Issuer is otherwise required pursuant to Rule 144A. The CLN
Issuer, upon receipt of comparable information from the Company, will provide it in turn to the CLN Indenture
Trustee to the extent the holders require the same in order to resell their CLNs in compliance with Rule 144A.
Events of Default; Acceleration
Events of Default. An Event of Default with respect to the CLNs occurs if:
(1) the CLN Issuer (i) commences a voluntary case under any applicable bankruptcy, concurso mercantil,
insolvency or other similar law now or thereafter in effect, or consents to the entry of an order for relief in an
involuntary case under any such law, (ii) consents to the appointment of or taking possession by a receiver, sndico,
conciliador, liquidator, assignee, custodian, trustee, sequestrator or similar official of the CLN Issuer or for (x) all or
substantially all of the property and assets of the CLN Issuer or (y) any of the Trust Assets or (iii) effects any
general assignment for the benefit of creditors; or
(2) an involuntary case or other proceeding is commenced against the CLN Issuer with respect to it or its
debts under any bankruptcy, concurso mercantil, insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect seeking
the appointment of a trustee, receiver, sndico, conciliador, liquidator, custodian or other similar official of (x) it or
any substantial part of its property or (y) any of the Trust Assets, and such involuntary case or other proceeding
remains undismissed and unstayed for a period of 180 days; or an order for relief is entered against the CLN Issuer
under any bankruptcy, concurso mercantil, insolvency or other similar law (an Event of Default specified in
clause (a) or (b), a Bankruptcy Event of Default); or
(3) the CLN Issuer fails to make any payment on the CLNs when due with assets available for payment in
any Collection Account (a Payment Event of Default); or
(4) the CLN Issuer defaults in the performance of or breaches any other covenant or agreement of the CLN
Issuer in the CLN Indentures or under the CLNs and the default or breach continues for a period of 30 consecutive
days after written notice to the CLN Issuer by the CLN Indenture Trustee or to the CLN Issuer and the CLN
Indenture Trustee by the holders of at least 25% in aggregate principal amount of the CLNs.
The New Notes contain certain other events which may trigger an Event of Default and acceleration of the
New Notes. Upon any such Event of Default under a series of New Notes, the CLN Issuer will be required to
redeem the corresponding series of CLNs as described in RedemptionsIn-Kind Mandatory Redemptions.
If an Event of Default occurs and is continuing and the Notes have not been redeemed pursuant to and in
accordance with In-Kind Mandatory RedemptionsCredit Event Redemptions above, the CLN Indenture
Trustee may pursue, in its own name or as trustee of an express trust, any available remedy by proceeding at law or
in equity to collect any amounts in any Collection Account or to enforce the performance of any provision of the
CLNs or the CLN Indentures. The CLN Indenture Trustee may maintain a proceeding even if it does not possess
any of the CLNs or does not produce any of them in the proceeding.
The holders of a majority in aggregate principal amount of the outstanding CLNs may, upon
indemnification of the CLN Indenture Trustee in a manner satisfactory to the CLN Indenture Trustee, direct the
time, method and place of conducting any proceeding for any remedy available to the CLN Indenture Trustee or
exercising any trust or power conferred on the CLN Indenture Trustee. However, the CLN Indenture Trustee may
refuse to follow any direction that conflicts with law or the CLN Indenture, that may involve the CLN Indenture
Trustee in personal liability, or that the CLN Indenture Trustee determines in good faith may be unduly prejudicial



to the rights of holders of CLNs not joining in the giving of such direction, and may take any other action it deems
proper that is not inconsistent with any such direction received from holders of CLNs.
A holder may not institute any proceeding, judicial or otherwise, with respect to the CLN Indentures or the
CLNs, or for the appointment of a receiver or trustee, or for any other remedy under the CLN Indentures or the
CLNs, unless:
the holder has previously given to the CLN Indenture Trustee written notice of a
continuing Event of Default;
holders of at least 25% in aggregate principal amount of the outstanding CLNs have
made written request to the CLN Indenture Trustee to institute proceedings in respect of the Event of
Default in its own name as CLN Indenture Trustee under the CLN Indentures;
holders have offered to the CLN Indenture Trustee indemnity satisfactory to the CLN
Indenture Trustee against any costs, liabilities or expenses to be incurred in compliance with such request;
the CLN Indenture Trustee for 60 days after its receipt of such notice, request and offer
of indemnity has failed to institute any such proceeding; and
during such 60-day period, the holders of a majority in aggregate principal amount of the
outstanding CLNs have not given the CLN Indenture Trustee a direction that is inconsistent with such
written request.
If a Payment Event of Default occurs and is continuing and the CLNs have not been redeemed pursuant to
In-Kind Mandatory RedemptionsCredit Event Redemptions, the CLN Indenture Trustee may recover
judgment in its own name and as trustee of an express trust for the whole amount of Trust Assets up to the amount
of principal and accrued interest remaining unpaid on the CLNs, together with interest on overdue principal and
overdue installments of interest to the extent lawful, in each case at the rate specified in the CLNs, and such further
amount as is sufficient to cover the reasonable and documented costs and expenses of collection, including the
reasonable compensation, expenses, disbursements and advances of the Trustee, its agents and counsel and any other
amounts due the CLN Indenture Trustee pursuant to the CLN Indentures.
Amendments and Waivers
Amendments Without Consent of Holders. The CLN Issuer and the CLN Indenture Trustee may amend or
supplement the CLN Indentures or the CLNs without notice to or the consent of any holder:
(1) to cure any ambiguity, defect or inconsistency in the CLN Indentures or the CLNs;
(2) to evidence and provide for the acceptance of an appointment by a successor trustee to the CLN
Indenture Trustee;
(3) to provide for uncertificated CLNs in addition to or in place of certificated CLNs, provided that the
uncertificated CLNs are issued in registered form for purposes of Section 163(f) of the Code, or in a
manner such that the uncertificated CLNs are described in Section 163(f)(2)(B) of the Code;
(4) to make any change that would provide any additional rights or benefits to the holders or that does
not adversely affect the rights of any holder;
(5) to issue Additional Notes; or
(6) to the extent required to conform to any change after the date hereof in (a) the laws of Mexico or
the United States (or any judicial interpretation thereof) or (b) the requirements of Euroclear, Clearstream or the
Common Depositary.



Amendments With Consent of Holders. Each of the CLN Indentures operates independent of the other with
respect to the following: (a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b), the CLN Issuer and the CLN Indenture
Trustee may amend the relevant CLN Indenture and the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs, as the case may be, with the
written consent of the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs, as
the case may be, and the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs,
as the case may be, may waive future compliance by the Company with any provision of the relevant CLN Indenture
or the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs, as the case may be.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a), without the consent of each holder affected, an
amendment or waiver may not:
(1) reduce the principal amount of or change the Stated Maturity of any installment of principal of
any 2018 CLN or MCD CLN, as the case may be,
(2) reduce the rate of or change the Stated Maturity of any interest payment on any 2018 CLN or
MCD CLN, as the case may be,
(3) reduce the amount or type of consideration payable upon, or discount applicable to, the redemption
of any 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs, as the case may be, or change the time of any mandatory
redemption, or modify, amend or waive the obligations to make mandatory prepayments or, once notice of
redemption has been given, the time at which it must thereupon be redeemed,
(4) change the place or currency of payment of principal of, or any premium or interest on, any 2018
CLN or MCD CLN, as the case may be,
(5) reduce the percentage in principal amount of outstanding 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs, as the
case may be, necessary for modifications or waiver of compliance with certain provisions of the relevant
CLN Indenture;
(6) (i) reduce the percentage in principal amount of outstanding 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs, as the
case may be, that is required for the adoption of a resolution at a meeting of holders of such CLNs,
(ii) reduce the percentage in principal amount of outstanding 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs, as the case
may be, that is required for a quorum at a meeting of holders of such CLNs, or (iii) reduce the percentage in
principal amount of outstanding 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs, as the case may be, that is required to
request the calling of a meeting of holders of such New Notes;
(7) modify any prepayment or redemption provision in a manner that alters the pro rata sharing of
payments required thereby;
(8) impair the right of any holder of 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs, as the case may be, to receive any
principal payment or interest payment on such holders 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs, as the case may be,
on or after the Stated Maturity thereof, or to institute suit for the enforcement of any such payment,;
(9) modify or change any provision of the relevant CLN Indenture affecting the ranking of the 2018
CLNs or the MCD CLNs, as the case may be, or waive or amend the provision in the relevant CLN
Indenture requiring that the 2018 CLNs or the MCD CLNs, as the case may be, rank pari passu with all
other senior unsecured debt of the CLN Issuer;
(10) make any change in the provisions of the New Indentures described under Additional
Amounts that adversely affects the rights of any holder or amend the terms of the 2018 CLNs or the MCD
CLNs, as the case may be, or the relevant CLN Indenture in a way that would result in the loss of an
exemption from any of the Taxes described thereunder or would otherwise adversely affect any holder for
United States or Mexican tax purposes; or
(11) modify the governing law or jurisdiction applicable to the relevant CLN Indenture or New CLN.



It is not necessary for holders to approve the particular form of any proposed amendment, supplement or
waiver, but is sufficient if their consent approves the substance thereof.
The CLN Issuer may not, directly or indirectly, pay or cause to be paid any consideration, whether by way
of interest, fee or otherwise, to any holder for or as an inducement to any consent, waiver or amendment of any of
the terms or provisions of the CLN Indentures or the CLNs of a series unless such consideration is offered to be paid
or agreed to be paid to all holders of the CLNs of such series that consent, waive or agree to amend such term or
provision within the time period set forth in the solicitation documents relating to the consent, waiver or amendment.
Defeasance and Covenant Defeasance
The CLNs are not subject to defeasance or covenant defeasance. In the event that the New Notes in the
CLN Trusts are or become subject to defeasance or covenant defeasance, the CLN Issuer will apply all payments in
respect of the New Notes in the CLN Trusts as set forth under Principal and Interest.
The CLN Indenture Trustee
The CLN Indenture Trustee will be appointed by the CLN Issuer as registrar with respect to the CLNs.
Computershare Trust Company of Canada will be appointed Paying Agent. The CLN Issuer and the CLN Indenture
Trustee may have normal banking relationships with the Company in the ordinary course of business.
The holders of at least 40% of the principal amount of the CLNs may remove the CLN Indenture Trustee
by written notice to the CLN Indenture Trustee; provided that holders of a larger principal amount of the CLNs
have not objected in a written notice to the CLN Indenture Trustee.
The CLN Issuer may remove the CLN Indenture Trustee if: (A) the CLN Indenture Trustee is adjudged a
bankrupt or an insolvent; (B) a receiver or other public officer takes charge of the CLN Indenture Trustee or its
property; or (C) the CLN Indenture Trustee becomes incapable of acting or (D) the CLN Indenture Trustee fails to
comply with its eligibility obligations under the CLN Indentures.
Registrar, Transfer Agent and Paying Agents
The CLN Indenture Trustee may at any time appoint new paying agents, transfer agents, exchange agents
and registrars. The CLN Indenture Trustee will provide prompt notice of the termination, appointment or change in
the office of any paying agent, transfer agent or registrar acting in connection with the CLNs.




Methods of Receiving Payments on the CLNs
All cash payments on the CLNs will be made at the office or agency of the Paying Agent, unless the CLN
Issuer elects to make interest payments by check mailed to the holders at their address set forth in the register of
Transfer and Exchange
A holder may transfer or exchange CLNs within each series in accordance with the provisions of the CLN
Indenture, including the restrictions on transfer provided therein. The CLN Indenture Trustee may require a holder,
among other things, to furnish appropriate endorsements and transfer documents in connection with a transfer of
CLNs. Holders will be required to pay all taxes due on transfer or other similar governmental charges payable in
connection therewith.
The CLN Indenture Trustee is not required (i) to issue, register the transfer of or exchange any CLNs for a
period of 15 days before a selection of CLNs to be redeemed or purchased, (ii) to register the transfer of or exchange
any New CLN so selected for redemption or purchase in whole or in part, except, in the case of a partial redemption
or purchase, that portion of any New CLN not being redeemed or purchased, or (iii) if a redemption or a purchase is
to occur after a regular record date but on or before the corresponding interest payment date, to register the transfer
or exchange of any New CLN on or after the regular record date and before the date of redemption or purchase.
Certain Transfer Restrictions
The CLNs will not be registered under the Securities Act and may not be offered, sold or delivered in the
United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, any U.S. person, except pursuant to an effective registration
statement or in a transaction not subject to the registration requirements of the Securities Act or in accordance with
an applicable exemption from the registration requirements thereof. Any transfer of the CLNs will be required to
comply with the transfer restrictions described under Transfer Restrictions.
Book-Entry; Delivery and Form
The CLNs will be, issued in fully registered global form. CLNs issued to QIBs will be issued in the form
of a fully registered restricted global note (the Rule 144A Global CLN) and CLNs issued to non-U.S. Persons in
reliance on Regulation S under the Securities Act will be issued in the form of a fully registered Regulation S global
note (the Regulation S Global CLN and, together with the Rule 144A Global CLN, the Global CLNs). The
Global CLNs will be registered in the name of a nominee of a common depositary of Euroclear and Clearstream,
Luxembourg. Financial institutions, acting as direct and indirect participants in either Euroclear or Clearstream,
Luxembourg, will represent your beneficial interests in the relevant Global CLN. These financial institutions will
record the ownership and transfer of your beneficial interests through book-entry accounts, eliminating the need for
physical movement of securities.
If you wish to hold securities through Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg system, you must either be a
direct participant in Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg or hold securities through a direct participant in
Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg. Direct participants include securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust
companies, clearing corporations and certain other organizations that have accounts with Euroclear or Clearstream,
Luxembourg. Indirect participants are securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies and trustees that do not
have an account with Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg, but that clear through or maintain a custodial
relationship with a direct participant. Thus, indirect participants have access to the Euroclear or Clearstream,
Luxembourg system through direct participants.
The laws of some jurisdictions require that certain persons take physical delivery of securities in definitive
form. Such laws may impair the ability to transfer beneficial interests in these CLNs to such persons.



No service charge will be imposed in connection with any transfer or exchange of any New Note, but the
Company may in general require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any transfer tax or similar governmental
charge payable in connection therewith.
Depositary Procedures
The following description of the operations and procedures of Euroclear and Clearstream are provided
solely as a matter of convenience. These operations and procedures are solely within the control of the respective
settlement systems and are subject to changes by them. The CLN Issuer takes no responsibility for these operations
and procedures and urges investors to contact the systems or their participants directly to discuss these matters.
Investors in the Global Notes may hold their interests indirectly through organizations (including Euroclear
and Clearstream, Luxembourg) that are Participants or Indirect Participants in such system. Euroclear and
Clearstream, Luxembourg will hold interests in the notes on behalf of their participants through customers
securities accounts in their respective names on the books of their respective depositaries, which are Euroclear Bank,
S.A./N.V., as operator of Euroclear, and Citibank, N.A., as operator of Clearstream, Luxembourg.
The laws of some states require that certain persons take physical delivery of certificates evidencing
securities they own. Consequently, the ability to transfer beneficial interests in a Global Note to such persons will
be limited to that extent. For certain other restrictions on the transferability of the notes, see Exchange of BookEntry Notes for Certificated Notes.
Except as described below, owners of interests in the Global Notes will not have notes registered in their
names, will not receive physical delivery of notes in certificated form and will not be considered the registered
owners or holders thereof under the CLN Indentures for any purpose.
Exchange of Book-Entry Notes for Certificated Notes
The Global CLNs are exchangeable for certificated notes in definitive, fully registered form without
interest coupons (the Certificated Notes) only in the following limited circumstances:
(A) the common depositary of the CLNs, Euroclear or Clearstream notifies the CLN Issuer and the CLN
Indenture Trustee in writing that it is not willing or able to discharge properly its responsibilities with respect to the
Notes, or with respect to Euroclear and Clearstream, ceases to be a clearing agency under applicable law, or if at
any time it is no longer eligible to act as such and the CLN Issuer is not able to locate a qualified successor
within 90 days of receiving notice of becoming aware of such ineligibility; or
(B) if (x) the CLN Issuer has been notified that both Euroclear and Clearstream have been closed for business
for a continuous period of 14 days (other than by reason of holiday, statutory or otherwise) or have announced an
intention permanently to cease business or have in fact done so and (y) no successor clearing system is available.
Certificated Notes will be issued to all owners of beneficial interests in a Global Note in exchange for such
beneficial interests (x) upon an Event of Default, if the CLN Indenture Trustee has received a request from the
Common Depositary for Certificated Notes, or (y) if the CLN Indenture Trustee determines, upon the advice of
counsel, that it is necessary to obtain possession of the CLNs in definitive form in connection with any proceedings
to enforce the rights of holders of the CLNs.
Governing Law, Consent to Jurisdiction
The CLN Indenture and the CLNs will be governed by, and will be construed in accordance with, the law
of the State of New York, but without giving effect to applicable principles of conflicts of law to the extent that the
application of the law of another jurisdiction would be required thereby. The CLN Trusts, and the lien for the
benefit of the holders of the CLNs on the CLN Trust Assets will be governed by, and will be construed in
accordance with, the law of Mexico.
The CLN Issuer and the CLN Indenture Trustee will consent to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the U.S.
federal and New York state courts in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, and will agree that all



disputes under the CLN Indenture and the CLNs may be submitted to the jurisdiction of such courts. The CLN
Issuer and the CLN Indenture Trustee will irrevocably consent to and waive to the fullest extent permitted by law
any objection that the CLN Issuer or the CLN Indenture Trustee may have to the laying of venue of any suit, forum,
action or proceeding against CLN Issuer, the CLN Indenture Trustee, or their properties, assets and revenues with
respect to the CLN Indenture, the CLN Trusts or the CLNs or any such suit, action or proceeding in any such court
and any right to which the CLN Issuer or the CLN Indenture Trustee may be entitled on account of place of
residence or domicile.
To the extent that the CLN Issuer or the CLN Indenture Trustee or any of their revenues, assets or
properties will be entitled to any immunity from suit, from the jurisdiction of any such court, from attachment prior
to judgment, from attachment in aid of execution of judgment, from execution of a judgment or from any other legal
or judicial process remedy, the CLN Issuer and the CLN Indenture Trustee will irrevocably agree not to claim and
will irrevocably waive such immunity to the fullest extent permitted by the laws of such jurisdiction.
The CLN Issuer and the CLN Indenture Trustee will agree that service of all writs, claims, process and
summons in any suit, action or proceeding against the CLN Issuer or the CLN Indenture Trustee or their properties,
assets or revenues with respect to the CLN Indenture and the CLNs or any suit, action or proceeding to enforce or
execute any judgment brought against them in the State of New York may be made upon an agent to be appointed
for such purposes, and the CLN Issuer and the CLN Indenture Trustee will irrevocably appoint such agent as their
agent to accept such service of any and all such writs, claims, process and summonses.
Enforceability of Judgments
Since the CLN Issuer is organized under, and the CLN Trusts are governed by, the laws of Mexico, and all
of their directors and substantially all of their officers and certain of the experts named herein are non-U.S. residents,
and all or a significant portion of the assets of those persons may be, and all of the CLN Issuers assets (which
consist solely of the New Notes in the CLN Trusts) are, located outside the United States, it may not be possible for
investors to effect service of process within the United States upon those persons or to enforce against them or
against the CLN Issuer in U.S. courts judgments predicated upon civil liability provisions of the U.S. federal or state
securities laws. See Enforceability of Civil Liabilities.
An obligation denominated in a currency other than Mexican currency which is payable in Mexico may be
satisfied through the payment of Mexican currency at the rate of exchange determined and published by Banco de
Mxico (the Bank of Mexico), or the Central Bank, in effect on the date such payment occurs. Pursuant to the Ley
Monetaria de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Mexican Monetary Law), in the event that proceedings are brought in
Mexico seeking to enforce the obligations of the CLN Issuers under the CLNs, the CLN Issuer would not be
required to discharge such obligations in Mexico in a currency other than Mexican currency, and any difference
resulting from the conversion of such Mexican currency into U.S. dollars may not be claimed from or enforced
against the CLN Issuer. The exchange currency rate is currently determined by the Central Bank every business
banking day in Mexico, published the second following business banking day in the Official Gazette of the
Federation (Diario Oficial de la Federacin).
Certain Definitions
Business Day means any day other than a Saturday or Sunday, or a day on which commercial banking
institutions in The City of New York; Golden, Colorado (or such other place where the Corporate Trust Office may
be located from time to time); Mexico City; or such other place where a Paying Agent may be located from time to
time are authorized or required by law, regulation or executive order to remain closed.
Corporate Trust Office means the office of the CLN Indenture Trustee at which the corporate business of
the Trustee is principally administered, which at the date of the CLN Indentures is located at 350 Indiana St.,
Suite 750, Golden, Colorado 80401.



Governmental Authority means any nation or government, any state or municipality, any multi-lateral or
similar organization or any other agency, instrumentality or political subdivision thereof and any entity exercising
executive, legislative, judicial, monetary, regulatory or administrative functions of or pertaining to government.
Holder, with respect to the CLNs, means the registered holder of such CLNs.
Lien means any mortgage, pledge, security interest, encumbrance, lien or charge of any kind (including
any conditional sale or other title retention agreement or Capital Lease).
Mexico means the Estados Unidos Mexicanos (the United Mexican States) and any branch of power
thereof and any ministry, department, authority or statutory corporation or other entity (including a trust), owned or
controlled directly or indirectly by the Estados Unidos Mexicanos or any of the foregoing.
Officers Certificate means a certificate signed on behalf of the CLN Issuer by any two of either
attorneys-in-fact or delegados fiduciarios (trust delegates), in each case acting under a duly granted power-ofattorney, of the CLN Issuer.
Person means an individual, a corporation, a partnership, a limited liability company, an association, a
trust or any other entity, including a government or political subdivision or an agency or instrumentality thereof.
Technical Amendment means an amendment to the Transaction Documents:

to cure any ambiguity, defect or inconsistency in the Transaction Documents;

to comply with Article 6 of the New Notes to permit the consolidation or merger of, or
the lease or sale of substantially all of the assets of, the Company or a Restricted Subsidiary (as
defined in the New Notes), in accordance with the terms thereof;
to provide for uncertificated New Notes in addition to or in place of certificated New
Notes; provided that the uncertificated New Notes are issued in registered form for purposes of
Section 163(f) of the Code, or in a manner such that the uncertificated New Notes are described in
Section 163(f)(2)(B) of the Code;
to provide for any guarantee of the New Notes, to secure the New Notes or to confirm
and evidence the release, termination or discharge of any guarantee of or Lien securing the New
Notes when such release, termination or discharge is permitted by the New Notes;
to make any change that would provide any additional rights or benefits to the holders of
New Notes, including the CLN Issuer (for the benefit of the holders of the New Notes) or that
does not adversely affect the rights of the CLN Issuer or the holders of the New Notes;

to comply with Section 5.32 of the New Notes as in effect on the date thereof; or

to make any change required by a change in the laws of Mexico or the United States (or
any judicial interpretation thereof) after the date of issuance of the New Notes.
Transaction Documents means, collectively, the New Notes, the CLN Trusts, and any other documents
entered into by the Company for the benefit of the holders of the New Notes.
Trust Assets means, among other assets, the MCDs and 2018 Notes in the Trust, all the rights of the CLN
Issuer under the MCDs and 2018 Notes in the Trust, all cash paid in respect thereof, any proceeds in respect of the
investment of such cash, any accounts into which such cash or the proceeds of any of the foregoing will be deposited
(including each Collection Account), and all other rights relating to the MCDs and the 2018 Notes (including any
assets distributed upon the conversion of the MCDs or 2018 Notes) in the Trust and all other documents entered into
in connection with the foregoing.




The following is a discussion of the principal U.S. federal income tax consequences of the acquisition,
ownership and disposition of the CLNs by holders who are U.S. Holders (as defined below). This discussion is
based upon the Code, final and proposed Treasury regulations promulgated thereunder, Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) rulings and pronouncements and judicial decisions in effect as of the date of this document, all of which
may change, possibly with retroactive effect. Except as provided in Fungibility Issue below, this discussion
applies only to U.S. Holders (as defined below) that will hold the CLNs as capital assets.
This discussion does not address all aspects of U.S. federal income taxation that may be relevant to U.S.
Holders in light of their particular circumstances, such as holders to whom special tax treatment applies, including
(1) banks, regulated investment companies, real estate investment trusts, insurance companies, employee stock
ownership plans, brokers, dealers in securities or currencies, subchapter S corporations, entities treated as
partnerships for U.S. federal income tax purposes, and tax exempt organizations, (2) persons who will hold the
CLNs as part of a straddle, hedge, conversion transaction or other integrated investment, (3) persons whose
functional currency is not the U.S. dollar, (4) persons that use a mark to market method of accounting and
(5) persons who, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, are or will be considered as owning 10% or more, directly or
by attribution, of the Company. In addition, this discussion does not address alternative minimum taxes or state,
local or non-U.S. taxes. Furthermore, this discussion does not address any aspects of U.S. federal tax law (such as
the estate tax, gift tax or the Medicare tax on net investment income) other than U.S. federal income tax law.
No opinion of counsel has been sought or obtained with respect to any U.S. tax consequences of the
acquisition, ownership and disposition of the CLNs described herein and no tax opinion is given by this discussion.
No rulings or determination letters from the IRS or any other taxing authorities have been obtained or sought with
respect to the acquisition, ownership and disposition of the CLNs, and the description below is not binding upon the
IRS or such other taxing authorities. With respect to some of the tax consequences discussed herein, the tax law is
unclear. Accordingly, it is possible that the IRS may disagree with the description below of the tax consequences,
and there can be no certainty that the IRS would not prevail in any challenge it may decide to make in this regard.
For purposes of this discussion the term U.S. Holder means a holder of the CLNs who is a beneficial
owner of such instrument and that is, for U.S. federal income tax purposes: (i) an individual who is a citizen or
resident of the United States, (ii) a corporation (or any other entity treated as a corporation for U.S. federal income
tax purposes) created or organized in the United States or under the laws of the United States or of any state of the
United States or the District of Columbia, (iii) an estate, the income of which is subject to U.S. federal income tax
regardless of its source, or (iv) a trust if (A) a court within the United States is able to exercise primary supervision
over the administration of the trust and at least one U.S. person has authority to control all substantial decisions of
the trust or (B) it has a valid election in effect to be treated as a U.S. person.
Tax Treatment of the CLNs and the CLN Trusts



The tax treatment of a U.S. Holder acquiring CLNs will depend on the proper characterization of the CLNs
and the CLN Trusts. The proper treatment of the CLN Trusts for U.S federal income tax purposes is unclear.
Because the CLN Trusts hold no assets other than the New Notes, the CLNs will likely not be characterized as debt
for U.S. federal income tax purposes. If the CLNs are characterized as equity for U.S. federal income tax purposes,
they would be equity in the CLN Trusts. If the CLNs were treated as debt for U.S. federal income tax purposes, the
CLNs may be contingent payment debt instruments for U.S. federal income tax purposes, and the timing, character
and amounts of income a U.S. Holder would be required to include for U.S. federal income tax purposes may differ
materially from that described herein. U.S. Holders are urged to consult their own tax advisors as to the U.S. federal
income tax consequences that would result if the CLNs were treated as debt for U.S. federal income tax purposes.
If the CLNs are treated as equity of the CLN Trust and the CLN Trusts are treated as corporations for U.S.
federal income tax purposes, the CLNs would likely be treated as equity in a passive foreign investment company
(a PFIC). U.S. Holders of equity in a PFIC are subject to adverse tax consequences, including being required to
treat all income and gains on sale of such equity as ordinary income and being subject to an interest charge for any
deferred tax amounts, as defined by the Code. Whether the CLN Trusts will be treated as corporations for U.S.
federal income tax purposes will depend on whether the CLN Trusts are treated as business entities for U.S. federal
income tax purposes. Generally, a trust will not be a business entity where, under the trust agreement establishing
the trust, aside from limited powers with respect to temporary investments and the contribution of identical assets to
those already in the trust, the trust does not have a power-to-vary the underlying trust assets. Where a trust has
only a single class of interests and the trust does not have a power-to-vary, the trust may be characterized as an
investment trust for U.S. federal income tax purposes, and a grantor trust as to the U.S. Holders of the CLNs.
If the CLN Trusts are properly characterized as grantor trusts for U.S. federal income tax purposes, each
U.S. Holder of CLNs will, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, be deemed to directly receive and be the direct
owner of its proportionate share of the New Notes held in the CLN Trusts. In that case, the beneficiaries of the CLN
Trusts, i.e., the U.S. Holders, would be required to include in their taxable income their proportionate share of the
CLN Trusts gains, losses, income, deductions and credits (without regard to any distributions on the CLNs).
Because of the limited powers of the CLN Issuer with respect to the CLN Trusts, and because each class of
CLNs will be separately issued by a unique CLN trust, the Company believes that the CLN Trusts will likely be
treated as grantor trusts for U.S. federal income tax purposes, although no absolute assurance can be provided in this
regard. The remainder of this discussion assumes that this treatment is correct. Because, based on this assumption,
U.S. Holders will be treated as owning a proportionate interest in the Notes that constitute the assets of the CLN
Trusts, the remainder of this discussion addresses the tax consequences of owning such Notes. U.S. Holders are
urged to consult their own tax advisors as to the U.S. federal income tax consequences that would result if the CLN
Trusts were treated as corporations for U.S. federal income tax purposes.
Tax Consequences of Owning New Notes
2018 Notes
If the issue price of the 2018 Notes is less than their stated redemption price at maturity by more than a
de minimis amount (1/4 of 1 percent of a debt instruments stated redemption price at maturity multiplied by the
number of complete years or, in certain cases, weighted average life, to the instruments stated maturity), the 2018
Notes will be treated as having original issue discount (OID).
The issue price of debt instruments issued in a debt for debt exchange depends on whether a substantial
amount of the debt instruments received or property surrendered is treated as traded on an established market
within the meaning of the applicable Treasury Regulations. Debt instruments are treated as traded on an
established market if, among other things, the debt is listed on a national securities exchange registered under
section 6 of the Exchange Act or if price quotations are readily available from dealers, brokers or traders. If neither
debt surrendered nor property received in an exchange is treated as traded on an established market, the issue price
of the debt received will generally equal the principal amount of the debt if the debt provides for adequate interest.
The 2018 Notes are being issued pursuant to a debt for debt exchange. As noted above, if the 2018 Notes
are treated as traded on an established market, the issue price of the 2018 Notes would be their fair market value



on the date they were acquired. If the 2018 Notes are not so traded but a substantial amount of the 2018 Notes are
issued for property that is traded on an established market, the issue price of the 2018 Notes would be the fair
market value of the property surrendered in exchange for the 2018 Notes. U.S. Holders are urged to consult their
own tax advisors as to the issue price of the 2018 Notes.
The stated redemption price at maturity of a debt instrument is the sum of all payments due under the
instrument other than payments of qualified stated interest. Qualified stated interest includes stated interest,
calculated as the product of a single fixed rate of interest (or certain qualified floating rates) and the outstanding
principal amount of the instrument that is unconditionally payable in cash or property (other than debt instruments of
the issuer) at least annually.
As a portion of the interest on the 2018 Notes in the first three years of issuance is payable, at the election
of the Company, in additional debt of the Company, only the portion of interest required to be paid in cash at least
annually will be treated as qualified stated interest. The portion of the interest on the 2018 Notes exceeding the
amount required to be paid in cash at least annually will not be treated as qualified stated interest. The stated
redemption price at maturity of the 2018 Notes will thus include the remaining portion of interest payable on the
notes and all other scheduled payments on the notes. While the issue price of the 2018 Notes can not currently be
determined, it is anticipated that the stated redemption price at maturity of the 2018 Notes will exceed the issue price
of such notes by more than a de minimis amount, with the result that the 2018 Notes are anticipated to be treated as
issued with OID.
A U.S. Holder of a note issued with OID must include such OID as ordinary interest income for U.S.
federal income tax purposes as it accrues under a constant yield method in advance of receipt of the cash payments
attributable to such income, regardless of such U.S. Holders regular method of tax accounting and the timing or
amount of any actual payments. In general, the amount of OID included in income by a U.S. Holder of a note issued
with OID is the sum of the daily portions of OID with respect to the note for each day during the taxable year (or
portion of the taxable year) on which the U.S. Holder held the note. The daily portion of OID on any note issued
with OID is determined by allocating to each day in an accrual period a ratable portion of the OID allocable to that
accrual period. Accrual periods may be of any length and may vary in length over the term of the note, provided
that each accrual period is no longer than one year and each scheduled payment of principal or interest occurs either
on the final day or first day of an accrual period. The amount of OID allocable to each accrual period generally is
equal to the difference between (i) the product of the notes adjusted issue price at the beginning of the accrual
period and the notes yield to maturity (determined on the basis of compounding at the close of each accrual period
and appropriately adjusted to take into account the length of the particular accrual period) and (ii) the amount of any
qualified stated interest payments allocable to such accrual period. The adjusted issue price of a note issued with
OID at the beginning of any accrual period is the sum of the issue price of the note plus the amount of OID allocable
to all prior accrual periods minus the amount of any prior payments on the note that were not qualified stated interest
payments. Under these rules, U.S. Holders generally will have to include in taxable income increasingly greater
amounts of OID in successive accrual periods.
When determining the yield and maturity of a note that, by its terms, provides the issuer (or holder) with an
unconditional option or options that, if exercised, require payments to be made on the note under an alternative
schedule or schedules, such issuer (or holder) will be deemed to exercise or not exercise an option or combination of
options in a manner that, in the case of an issuer, minimizes, or, in the case of a holder, maximizes the yield on the
debt instrument. If, contrary to the presumption, the option is, or is not, exercised, then for purposes of calculating
OID, the debt instrument is treated as retired and reissued on the date of the change in circumstances for an amount
equal to its adjusted issue price on that date.
When calculating the yield and maturity of the 2018 Notes for purposes of calculating OID accruals, the
Company will be deemed to exercise any option that will reduce the yield on the instrument. Here, the Company
has the option to pay the interest due on the 2018 Notes in the first three years in kind and a right to redeem such
notes prior to maturity. The deemed exercise of these options will depend on certain factors, including the exact
issue price of the 2018 Notes, which will not be known until after the exchange occurs. As such, it cannot currently
be determined when the Company will be deemed to exercise any of its unconditional options. In the event the
Company does not exercise an option as expected, the 2018 Notes will be treated as retired and reissued and the



yield and maturity will again be assessed at that time, taking into account any existing options of the Company or
holder that will decrease or increase the yield, respectively.
In the event that the 2018 Notes have an issue price that differs from their face value, certain terms and
conditions of the 2018 Notes, for example the Excess Cash Sweep or a Mandatory Redemption upon an equity
offering, could result in the 2018 Notes being treated as contingent payment debt instruments, which are subject to
special rules under applicable Treasury regulations governing instruments issued with OID.
Acquisition Premium, Market Discount and Bond Premium With Respect to 2018 Notes
If a U.S. Holder has a tax basis in a 2018 Note that is more than the issue price of such note but less than or
equal to the stated redemption price at maturity of such note, such holder has acquisition premium with respect to
such note to the extent of that excess, and the holder will not include OID on the new note in income to the extent of
the acquisition premium.
A U.S. Holder that has a tax basis in a 2018 Note that is less than the issue price of the note will be subject
to the market discount rules (unless the amount of the excess of the issue price over the basis is less than a specified
de minimis amount, in which case market discount is considered to be zero). A U.S. Holder may elect (but is not
required) to take market discount into income over the remaining life of a note, either on a ratable or economic yield
basis. Once made, this election to include market discount in income currently applies to all market discount
obligations acquired in or after the first taxable year to which the election applies and may not be revoked without
the consent of the IRS. Absent such an election, a U.S. Holder will be required to treat any principal payment on, or
any gain recognized on the sale, exchange, redemption, retirement or other disposition of a 2018 Note as ordinary
income to the extent of any accrued market discount that has not previously been included in income at the time of
such payment or disposition. In addition, a U.S. Holder may be required to defer, until the maturity date of the note
or its earlier disposition, the deduction of all or a portion of the interest expense on any indebtedness incurred or
continued to purchase or carry such note.
A U.S. Holder who acquired property surrendered in an exchange for 2018 Notes at a market discount may
be required to carry over to the 2018 Notes that they receive any accrued market discount with respect to such
property to the extent that the accrued market discount was not previously included in income. In that case, a U.S.
Holder holding such property may have all or part of any market discount effectively converted into OID because
the issue price of the 2018 Notes, while not known exactly, is expected to be less than the stated redemption price at
maturity of such notes.
If a U.S. Holder has a tax basis in a 2018 Note that exceeds the notes stated redemption price at maturity,
the note has bond premium to the extent of that excess, and the holder will not be required to include OID, if any, on
a 2018 Note in income. A U.S. Holder generally may elect to amortize the premium using the constant yield to
maturity method as a reduction of the U.S. Holders non-OID interest income from the note. Once made, the
election to amortize premium on a constant yield to maturity method applies to all debt obligations held or
subsequently acquired by the electing U.S. Holder on or after the first day of the first taxable year to which the
election applies and may not be revoked without the consent of the IRS. Premium on a note held by a U.S. Holder
that does not make such election will decrease the gain or increase the loss otherwise recognized on the sale,
exchange, redemption, retirement or other taxable disposition of a note.
Dispositions of 2018 Notes
A U.S. Holder will generally recognize taxable gain or loss upon the sale, exchange, redemption, retirement
or other taxable disposition of a note in an amount equal to the difference between the amount realized upon such
sale, exchange, redemption, retirement or other taxable disposition (reduced by any amounts attributable to accrued
but unpaid qualified stated interest, which will be taxable as ordinary interest income) and such U.S. Holders
adjusted tax basis in the note. A U.S. Holders adjusted tax basis in a note will generally equal such U.S. Holders
initial basis in the note, (i) increased by the amount of any OID included in the U.S. Holders gross income with
respect to the note (including any amounts of OID included in the U.S. Holders income as a result of the election to
treat all interest as OID, as discussed above) and (ii) reduced by the amount of any payments received with respect
to the note that are not payments of qualified stated interest. Such gain or loss will generally be long-term capital



gain or loss if the Note is held (or deemed held) for more than one year. Certain non-corporate U.S. Holders
(including individuals) may be eligible for preferential tax rates in respect of long-term capital gain, which rates
currently are scheduled to increase on January 1, 2013. The deductibility of capital losses by U.S. Holders is subject
to limitations.
The proper characterization for U.S. tax purposes of the MCDs is unclear. While the MCDs could be
treated as debt convertible into common stock of the Company, they are more likely to be treated as an instrument
other than debt for U.S. tax purposes. In that case, the MCDs could be treated as preferred equity of the Company
convertible into common stock, as ordinary common equity of the Company or as a contractual arrangement
between the Company and each holder that is neither debt nor equity. Other characterizations are also conceivable.
The timing, character and source of income recognized by a U.S. Holder could be different depending on
the proper characterization of the MCDs. U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the tax
characterization of the MCDs received in the exchange.
Mexican Withholding Taxes and Foreign Tax Credits
Payments on the New Notes may be subject to withholding tax imposed by Mexico. Pursuant to the terms
of the New Notes, the Company will be required to pay additional amounts in respect of such withholding so that,
subject to certain exceptions, the net amount received by each U.S. Holder will equal the amounts that would have
been received in the absence of such withholding. Although not free from doubt, such additional amounts will
likely be treated as additional interest or dividend income at the time they are paid by the Company or accrue in
accordance with the U.S. Holders method of accounting for tax purposes.
Subject to numerous limitations, U.S. Holders may receive a foreign tax credit with respect to Mexican
withholding taxes imposed on payments made on the New Notes. Any amounts attributable to interest or additional
amounts paid in respect of New Notes generally will be treated as foreign source passive income or, in some cases,
general category income, for U.S. foreign tax credit limitation purposes.
If any foreign income tax is withheld on the sale or other taxable disposition of a New Note, the amount
realized by a U.S. Holder will include the gross amount of the proceeds of that sale or other taxable disposition
before deduction of such tax. Capital gain or loss, if any, realized by a U.S. Holder on the sale or other taxable
disposition of the New Notes generally will be treated as U.S.-source gain or loss for U.S. foreign tax credit
purposes. Consequently, in the case of a gain from the disposition of a note that is subject to foreign income tax, the
U.S. Holder may not be able to benefit from the foreign tax credit for the tax unless the U.S. Holder can apply the
credit against U.S. federal income tax payable on other income from foreign sources. Alternatively, the U.S. Holder
may take a deduction for the foreign income tax if the U.S. Holder does not elect to claim a foreign tax credit for any
foreign income taxes paid during the taxable year.
The foreign tax credit rules are complex, and U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding
the availability of foreign tax credits or deductions of foreign income taxes based on their particular circumstances.
Information Reporting and Backup Withholding
In general, U.S. tax information reporting requirements may apply to transfers and payments made pursuant
to the Concurso Plan, payments with respect to the New Notes and the proceeds of sale of such New Notes by
holders other than certain exempt persons. Backup withholding of U.S. federal income tax may apply at applicable
rates to payments made pursuant to the Concurso Plan, payments with respect to the New Notes and the proceeds of
sale of the New Notes, if the holder fails to provide a correct taxpayer identification number or certification of
exempt status or, with respect to certain payments, if a holder fails to report in full all interest and dividend income
and the IRS notifies the payor of the holders under reporting. Any amounts withheld under the backup withholding
rules from a payment to a holder will generally be allowed as a refund or credit against the holders federal income
tax liability provided the required information is timely furnished to the IRS.



Recently enacted legislation requires certain U.S. Holders to report information with respect to their
investment in certain foreign financial assets not held through a custodial account with a U.S. financial institution
to the IRS. Investors who fail to report required information could become subject to substantial penalties. U.S.
Holders are encouraged to consult with their own tax advisors regarding the possible implications of this new
legislation on the New Notes received in the exchange.
Fungibility Issue
The IRS may assert that a portion of the 2018 Notes held on behalf of certain creditors of the Company are
not issued for U.S. federal income tax purposes until such creditor acquires such 2018 Notes. In that event, the
amount of OID on a subsequently issued 2018 Note may differ from the amount of OID on a 2018 Note acquired
pursuant to this offering. In that event, unless the 2018 Notes issued to those certain creditors are separately
identifiable, the market value of the initial 2018 Notes and any subsequent 2018 Notes may be adversely affected.
If the subsequent 2018 Notes are separately identifiable, the trading market for the subsequent 2018 Notes
may be limited (and possibly the 2018 Notes initially issued to the applicable CLN Trust). A more limited trading
market might adversely affect the liquidity, market price and price volatility of the affected 2018 Notes.
Alternatively, if the CLNs are treated as debt obligations of the CLN Trusts for U.S. federal income tax
purposes, CLNs acquired subsequent to this offering by creditors of the Company would likely not be fungible with
the initially issued CLNs for U.S. federal income tax purposes.
As discussed above, the proper treatment of the MCDs for U.S. federal income tax purposes is unclear, and
any U.S. Holder issued MCD CLNs pursuant to a subsequent acknowledgment should consult its own tax advisor as
to the tax consequences and characterization of the issuance of a subsequent MCD CLN.




Certain Mexican Tax Consequences
The following summary of certain Mexican federal income tax considerations contains a description of
certain Mexican federal income tax consequences of the payment of interest or disposition of the New Notes and the
CLNs, but does not purport to be a comprehensive description of all the tax considerations. This summary does not
describe any tax consequences arising under the laws of any state, locality or taxing jurisdiction other than Mexico.
This summary is based on the federal tax laws of Mexico as in effect on the date of this summary
(including the tax treaties described below under Tax Treaties), as well as on the rules and regulations of
Mexico available on or before such date and now in effect. All of the foregoing is subject to change, which change
could affect the continued validity of this summary. In addition you should be aware that the federal tax laws of
Mexico, the tax treaties and the rules and regulations thereunder may have changed at the time of issuance of the
New Notes and the CLNs, and such change could affect the continued validity of this summary.
Holders to whom this information memorandum is addressed and any persons that may acquire the New
Notes and the CLNs should consult their own tax advisers as to the Mexican or other tax consequences of the
ownership and disposition of the New Notes and the CLNs, including the application of the tax considerations
discussed below to their particular situations, as well as the application of state, local, foreign or other tax laws.
Mexican Income Tax Considerations
The following is a general summary of the principal consequences under the Mexican Ley del Impuesto
sobre la Renta (the Mexican Income Tax Law) and the rules and regulations thereof, as currently in effect, of the
ownership and disposition of the New Notes and the CLNs by a holder that is not a resident of Mexico and that will
not hold the New Notes and the CLNs, or a beneficial interest therein, in connection with the conduct of a trade or
business through a permanent establishment in Mexico (a Foreign Holder).
The determination of tax residency pursuant to Mexican tax laws is based upon subjective elements,
involving the consideration of a number of factors. For purposes of Mexican taxation, individuals are considered
residents of Mexico when they have established their place of residence (i.e., home) in Mexico; if an individual has
his or her home in Mexico and in another country as well, he or she shall be deemed to be a resident of Mexico if his
or her center of vital interest is located within Mexican national territory. The center of vital interest of an
individual is considered to be located in Mexico if, among other circumstances: (i) more than 50% of his or her total
income for the relevant calendar year is derived from Mexican sources; or (ii) the main center of his or her
professional activities is located in Mexico. Mexican nationals who filed a change of tax residence to a country or
jurisdiction in which his or her income is subject to a preferred tax regime pursuant to the provisions of the Mexican
Income Tax Law will be considered Mexican residents for tax purposes during the year notice of such residence
change is filed and during the following three years unless such country has a comprehensive tax information
exchange treaty in effect with Mexico. Mexican government officials and employees are also Mexican residents for
Mexican tax purposes even if their center of vital interest is located outside Mexico. A legal entity is considered a
Mexican resident when the main administration of its business or its place of effective management is in Mexico.
Unless otherwise proven, a Mexican national is considered a Mexican resident for tax purposes. A Foreign Holder
conducting a trade or business through a permanent establishment in Mexico will be required to pay income tax in
Mexico on income attributable to such permanent establishment, which could include income from the New Notes.
Tax Treaties
Mexico has entered into and is negotiating tax treaties with several countries that may reduce the amount of
Mexican withholding tax to which payments of interest of the notes may be subject. Prospective holders of the New
Notes should consult their own tax advisors as to the tax consequences and benefit, if any, of such treaties.



Payment of Interest and Principal in Respect of the New Notes and CLNs
Under Mexican tax law, any payments of interest made in respect of the New Notes and the CLNs
(including payments of principal in excess of the issue price of such New Notes and CLNs, which, under Mexican
law, are deemed to be interest) to a Foreign Holder will be subject to a Mexican withholding tax assessed at a rate
of 4.9% if: (i) the New Notes or CLNs are placed through banks or brokerage houses, or casas de bolsa, in a
country with which Mexico has entered into a tax treaty for the avoidance of double taxation, which is in effect;
(ii) the issuance of the New Notes and the CLNs and a summary of their main features are timely reported to the
CNBV; and (iii) the information requirements specified by the Mexican Tax Administration Service, or Servicio de
Administracin Tributaria (the SAT) under general rules issued from time to time are satisfied. In case such
requirements are not met or cease to be met, the applicable withholding tax rate will be 10% and, in such case, if the
effective beneficiary of such payments is deemed to have a preferential tax regime (e.g., a person who is not subject
to taxation on income in its country of residence or a person whose effective income tax rate is lower than 75% of
the Mexican income tax rate, which is currently 30%), the withholding tax will be substantially higher.
Under general regulations published by the SAT currently in effect, the information requirements which
must be satisfied are that: (i) we timely file with the SAT certain information relating to us and the issuance of the
New Notes and the CLNs; (ii) we timely file with the SAT information on the interest paid and information
representing that no party related to us jointly or individually, directly or indirectly, is the effective beneficiary
or 5% or more of the aggregate amount of each interest payment on a quarterly basis; and (iii) we maintain records
which evidence compliance with items (i) and (ii) above.
Even if the above requirements are met, currently a withholding tax of 30% will apply if the effective
beneficiaries of the interest paid on the New Notes or CLNs, whether directly or indirectly, individually or
collectively with related persons, who receive more than 5% of the aggregate amount of such payments on the New
Notes or CLNs are: (i) shareholders who own, directly or indirectly, individually or collectively with related
persons, more than 10% of our voting stock; or (ii) entities with more than 20% stock owned, directly or indirectly,
individually or collectively with related persons, by us or by persons related to us. For such purposes, under the
Mexican Income Tax Law, persons are considered related if one possesses an interest in the business of the other,
common interests exist between them or a third person holds an interest in the business or property of both persons.
Under the Mexican Income Tax Law, payments of interest we make on the New Notes or CLNs to a
non-Mexican pension or retirement fund will generally be exempt from Mexican withholding taxes, provided that:
(i) the fund is the effective beneficiary of such interest income; (ii) the fund is duly established pursuant to the laws
of its country of origin; (iii) the relevant interest income is exempt from taxation in such country; and (iv) the fund is
duly registered with the SHCP for such purpose.
Holders or beneficial owners of the New Notes or CLNs may be requested to provide certain information or
documentation necessary to enable us to establish the appropriate Mexican withholding tax rate applicable to such
holders or beneficial owners. In the event that the specified information or documentation concerning the holder or
beneficial owner, if requested, is not provided on a timely basis, our obligations to pay additional amounts may be
Under the Mexican Income Tax Law, payments of principal we make to a Foreign Holder will not be
subject to any Mexican withholding or similar taxes.
Tender Offer Consideration; Taxation of the Disposition of the Notes
Under the Mexican Income Tax Law, capital gains resulting from the sale or other disposition of the New
Notes or the CLNs by a Foreign Holder to another Foreign Holder are not taxable in Mexico. Foreign Holders
should consult their tax advisors with respect to the tax consequences on capital gains realized on the disposition of
the New Notes and the CLNs from a Foreign Holder to a Mexican resident or Foreign Holder with a permanent
establishment in Mexico.



Other Mexican Taxes

A Foreign Holder will not be liable for estate, gift, inheritance or similar taxes with respect to the New
Notes held. There are no Mexican stamp, issue, registration or other similar taxes payable by a Foreign Holder with
respect to the New Notes.



Because of the following restrictions, purchasers are advised to consult legal counsel prior to making any offer,
resale, pledge or other transfer of the CLNs offered hereby.
The CLNs have not been registered under the Securities Act and may not be offered, sold or otherwise
transferred within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons (as defined in Regulation S
under the Securities Act) except to (a) QIBs (as defined in Rule 144A) in reliance on the exemption from the
registration requirements of the Securities Act provided by Rule 144A or (b) non-U.S. persons (as defined under
Regulation S) and persons in offshore transactions in reliance on Regulation S.
Each holder of the CLNs offered hereby will be deemed to have represented and agreed as follows (terms
used herein that are defined in Rule 144A (Rule 144A) and Regulation S (Regulation S) under the Securities
Act and the rules and regulations thereunder are used herein as defined therein):
(1) You (A)(i) are a U.S. Person (U.S. Person), as defined in Regulation S, who is a QIB, as defined in
Rule 144A and the rules and regulations thereunder, (ii) are aware that the issuance of the CLNs to you is being
made in reliance on your status as a QIB and (iii) are acquiring such CLNs for your own account or for the
account of a U.S. Person who is a QIB or (B)(i) are a non-U.S. Person and (ii) are acquiring the CLNs in an
offshore transaction pursuant to Regulation S.
(2) You understand that the CLNs have not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act, and
that (A) if in the future you decide to offer, resell, pledge or otherwise transfer any of the CLNs, such CLNs
may be offered, resold, pledged or otherwise transferred only (i) in the United States to a person whom the
seller reasonably believes is a QIB in a transaction meeting the requirements of Rule 144A, and (ii) outside the
United States in a transaction complying with the provisions of Rule 904 under the Securities Act, in each case
in accordance with any applicable securities laws of any State of the United States, and that (B) you will, and
each subsequent holder is required to, notify any subsequent purchaser of the CLNs from you of the resale
restrictions referred to in (A) above and (C) and the CLNs may not be reoffered, resold, pledged or otherwise
transferred except in accordance with the legend on such CLNs described below. You acknowledge that no
representation is made by the CLN Issuer, in its capacity as trustee as to the availability of any exemption under
the Securities Act, or any state securities laws for resale of the New Notes and the CLNs.
(3) The CLNs will bear a legend to the following effect, unless the CLN Issuer, in its capacity as trustee,
determines otherwise in compliance with applicable law:



(4) You understand that an investment in the CLNs involves certain risks, including the risk of loss of all
or a substantial part of its investment under certain circumstances. You have had access to such financial and
other information concerning Vitro and the Guarantors, the New Notes and CLNs as you deemed necessary or
appropriate in order to make an informed investment decision with respect to the CLNs. You have such
knowledge and experience in financial and business matters as to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks
of your investment in the New Notes and the CLNs, and you and any accounts for which you are
(5) You, and each person for which you are acting, understand that any sale or transfer of the CLNs (or
beneficial interests therein) to a person that does not comply with the requirements set forth in paragraphs (1)
through (4) hereof will be null and void ab initio and not honored by the Company.
(6) You, and each person for which you are acting, understand that the CLN Issuer, in its capacity as
trustee, may request a list of the participants from any depository holding beneficial interests in the CLNs (i.e.,
in the Global Notes).
(7) You, and each person for which you are acting, will provide notice of these transfer restrictions to any
subsequent transferees and agree not to reoffer, resell, pledge or otherwise transfer the CLNs or any beneficial
interest therein, to any person except to a person that (x) meets all of the requirements in paragraphs (1) through
paragraph (6) hereof and (y) agrees not to subsequently transfer the CLNs or any beneficial interest therein
except in accordance with these transfer restrictions.
(8) You are aware that the CLN Issuer and the CLN Indenture Trustee, and others will rely upon the truth
and accuracy of the foregoing acknowledgments, representations and agreements. If you hold any CLNs for the
account of one or more persons each of whom is also a U.S. person who is a QIB, you represent that you have
sole investment discretion with respect to each such account and that you have full power to make the foregoing
acknowledgments, representations and agreements on behalf of each such account.



(9) Either (i) you are not and for so long as you hold CLNs will not be an entity, such as a collective
investment fund or separate account whose underlying assets include the assets of employee benefit plans (as
defined in Section 3(3) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act ERISA) (each, an ERISA Plan),
an entity whose underlying assets include the assets of any such ERISA Plan or other plan, or a governmental or
other employee benefit plan which is subject to any U.S. federal, state or local law, or foreign law, that is
substantially similar to the provisions of Section 406 of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code, or (ii) your
purchase and holding of the New Notes and CLNs will not result in a prohibited transaction under Section 406
of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code for which an exemption is not available or, in the case you are a
governmental or other employee benefit plan not subject to ERISA (or an entity whose underlying assets
include the assets of any such plan), transactions by or with you are not or will not be in violation of any U.S.
federal, state or local statutes or foreign law applicable to you regulating investments of and fiduciary
obligations with respect to such plan.
To the extent that any holder of CLNs receives New Notes or beneficial interests in a global New Note as a
result of a Withdrawal Redemption or an In-Kind Mandatory Redemption, such holder should expect that
transfer restrictions similar to those described above will apply to the New Notes.



The Audited Financial Statements included on Vitros website have been audited by Galaz, Yamazaki, Ruiz
Urquiza, S.C., member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.



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