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Popover: by Mary Anne Young

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"Makeo good ^breakfast, sir; I always say o halfakfasted man is no good" once remarked John
sworthy, an English writer

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All nutritionists agree on the importance of a

good breakfast, and since this is Better Breakfast
Month, why not encourage your family to improve
their good breakfast habits?


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Use meat as your ally if you're having 1

getting your sleepyheads up in the morning. The
nose-tingling aroma of frying bacon will open their
eyets wide and definitely stimulate lazy eaters.

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Bacon-Banana Wrap and Bacon and Psars are

two ideas .to try for an extra breakfast surprise.
Another recipe that will draw reluctant breakfosters to the table is Breakfast Call Patties. They're
fortified with cereals/ and rolled oats are blended
lightly with ground beef. They may be topped with
a cheese sauce.




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You'll have fun

ing Brunch Popover, a
whopper of a popover with a spicy apple-sausoge
filling that looks inviting and gives forth a deliciously appetizing aroma,



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Give yourself and family a real break byputting

your hand to Blueberry Danish Strips. Fresh luscious
berries give flavor to coffee cake that cannot be
matched it's both sweet and spicy.





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Make useof left-over meats of the evening meal

for a variety of breakfast dishes. You can top English muffins with fried ham, scrambled eggs and a
mushroom cap or try placing squares of baked meat
loaf on bread slices topped with a poached egg with
Spanish omelet sauce.

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Just remember, it s up to the wife who's wise in

the ways of what a hearty breakfast means to her
children and husband, to give them energy, nourishment and alertness through a better breakfast

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2 large egga
1 cup milk
teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon melted
1 cup .flour

2 cups canned apple
2 tablespoons brown
| I/a teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg

Dash cloves
1 teaspoon grated
lemon rind
1 pound little sausagea
cooked and drained


1-1/2 pounds ground beef
1 cup rolled oats, quick
or regular

Preheat oren to 1*00 degrees F. Sot 8 or 9 inch

skillet or shallow casserole in o*ea to heat while preparing batter. Beat eggs until very ll^t and fluffy}
beat In nilkf salt and melted butter. If nixing by hand,
stir in flour 2 or 3 tablespoons at * time. If using a
mixer, turn to low speed and add flour about 1/1} cup at
a time. Batter should be smooth and ere any.( Brush hot
skillet or casserole generously with butter or margarine,
then pour in batter and place in oven Immediately. Bake
for 30 nlnutea at 1+00 degrees P.; then reducs heat to a
moderate 350 degrees P. and continue baking an additional 10 minutes. The popover risea very high at the sides
and dips in the middle to form a shell. While popover is
baking, mix apple sauce, sugar and apices in a saucepan
and cook 3 to k minutes; stir in lemon rind. Cook and
drain sausages. To serve, spread hot apple aauso mixture
in hot popovor shells top with hot aauaagoa. Cut into
wedges. (Makes 6 servings.)

1A cup finely chopped

onion .
1/2 cup catsup
2/3 cup milk
teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon Worcestershire
2 cups ready-to-eat high
protein cereal
2 tableapoons shortening,
butter or margarine
11 oc. can. Cheddar cheess
8 slices buttered toaat


3 fresh peara
1 pound bacon
teaspoon cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon clovea

3 tableapoona browi sugar
French toaat

Combine beef, oats, egg, onion, catsup, 1/3 cup

milk, salt and Worcestershire sauce; mix well. Shape
into 8 patties 3-1/2 inches in diameter. Roll each
patty la ready-to-eat high protein cereal* Pry ovjir
moderate heat in hot fat. Brown on first side; turn
and cook to desired degree of doneness. Stir 11* remaining 1/3 cup milk into soup} heat. Servo patties
on buttered toast topped with cheese sauce. (Makes 8

Pare and slice pears rather thin, the long way.

Remove centers. Pry bacon crisp and drain. Place pears
in skillet in which bacon has been cooked. Brown lightly. Sprinkle with combination of apices and brown sugar
Arrange peara, bacon and toast together on a tray or a
platter over a warmer or serve on individual plates.
(Makes 6 to 8 servings.)

U pa tied bananas
U sticks pineapple
slices bacon

Cut bananae in half lengthwise. Place a pineapple

atiek batwaen each two halves. Wrap each with a slice
of bacon, spiral fashion* Fasten with toothpioka. Bake
on rack in shallow pan in UOO degrees P. ov<m for 15
iautaa or until bacon it done and bananas are tender*
turn occasionally. so that bacon browna evenly. (Serves


2 psokagts active dry

sup lukewam water
oups unsifted til1 oup lukewar* siilk
purpose Hour
1/2 cup -soft butter
2 cups fresh, cultivated
2 eggs, well beaten
blusbsrrisSf rinsed
I/It sup granulated
and drained
1/2 sup confectioners'
is s spoon nutaeg
1/2 cup
ipstf psssns
sprinklo yeast into lukowsm water, lot stand
for $ ainutss thon stir to blend. A4d nil* to yoast.
Add butter, oggs, sugar sni spisos, AM onoaB flour
until dough nbsa bsatsn pulls off the aixii.* spoon*
Lot oufk rioo until doable its original site, fum
out on o hooTilf-flourod board sni lasod until Moot)
M olostls. toll out sous* into a rootongls 16 by 18
insfeos* Cat 4ovgft into balvoa* Fit ono hslf on a
ooofcio onoot. Hi* blustorries vim oonfootion*
ors sufsr on4 poosns. fprood Mixturo otor too 4bugi.
Put othsr toslf of tough over the filling, Pross ts>T
gottor to push out ill sir snd Mi ottos of dough under the pastry. Lot stko rise until twleo its origins!
siso. Boko in o preheated nodorsto 375 dogroos P, otsn
for 15 to JO nlmites or until rlehly brownoi. Oool s*
a rtsk. wit* s slurp knifo sut tl s*o into 1 by J
usi siripOff Pooonto strips with sonfostiSOOTS'
"ftf.flsto Mrfo by lo**l*s sonfostionors* sngnr wilt
UttXo *ii*. (Mkos )0 strips*)

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