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Vygotsky Research

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Vygotsky Research

Joanna Turner-Attwell

Vygotsky Relevance to TodayWBL Activity Theory Zone of Proximal Development

Vygotsky and Personal Learning Environments The relevance of Activity Theory to Boundary Objects Vygotskyʼs Theory of ZPD
Lev Vygotsky
This theory was a theory develped by Alexei N. Leont'ev and Sergei
Vygotskyʼs theories fit in well with the concept of Personal Learning The Zone of Proximal Development is the area between what an
Vygotsky died in 1934, however Rubinshtein. Activity Theory is a way to understand the factors that
Environments (PLEs). PLEʼs, instead of the student being provided individual can achieve on their own and what they can achieve with
his theories are becoming more with resources and what to learn by an institution, the student gather make up an activity. This can be understood from the diagram below.
assistance. The reach of the individuals ZPD improves along with the
relevant than they ever were the resources themselves. Students themselves can create a virtual It was important to note that any of the points, when missing from the
reach of their knowledge. Vygotskyʼs definition is ʻthe distance
during the course of his life. He space to manage their own learning, whilst allowing room for social triangle, can act as a boundary object to complete the system and
between the actual developmental level as determined by
was a Soviet psychologist having networking as a support system. The development of technology produce an outcome. Although activity theory can often be most
independent problem solving and the level of potential development
studied at Moscow State such as internet and social networking sites have acted as boundary useful on a situational basis, for me the relevance is related to
as determined through problem solving under adult guidance, or in
U n i v e r s i t y. V y g o t s k y w a s objects to allow students to find in minutes what would take hours to boundary objects. The Activity system can show where a boundary
find before these technological developments. This provides the tools collaboration with more capable peersʼ. Therefore teaching through
particularly interested in cognitive object is needed or where it fits into an activity.
to combine informal areas of learning with a more academic e- assistance gives a better idea of what a student can achieve at that
development, and worked upon This works because the tools created by humans using social
portfolio type system. moment in time. Vygotsky believed that learning shouldnʼt follow
these ideas whilst working at the interaction and the environment that surrounds them are the central
development, but rather should lead it. A student should constantly
Institute of Psychology and other Despite appreciating that informal learning can hold relevance in the point within an activity network.
be reaching slightly beyond their capabilities rather than working
educational, research and clinical world of formal learning there are also conflicts, particularly within the
area of social networking. Although it is important teachers recognise within them.
i n s t i t u t i o n s i n M o s c o w,
Leningrad, and Kharkov. this as a good teaching support method, this would have to be This theory can be looked at on a small scale in personal
seperated into use socially and for learning and students still have development, or in fact on a larger scale in the development of
separate social networking sites where students could interact humans on the whole. Technological advancements for example
Vygotskyʼs theories were based upon child development, and
privately among themselves. During post 16 studies it is not
therefore were based around children alone. However people develop linearly, development builds upon development which would
uncommon for teachers to assist their students through current
experience development at all ages including informal learning. informal online social networking systems as teachers began to take suggest that each time we make a technological development we are
Learning is increasingly becoming a lifelong process particularly due on a more friend-like role. However for 14 year olds this sort of realising our ZPD and creating a new ZPD which paves the way for
to the increasing rate areas such as technology are currently student teacher relationship would be unthinkable. Not because it the next discovery.
developing. would be inappropriate but more because it could be seen as an Place Graphic Here Vygotskyʼs original theory includes the idea of a ʻteacherʼ figure. It is
invasion of privacy. This need for privacy in addition to support could
In particular the Zone of Proximal Development and social learning as an important concept, as it is this ʻteacherʼ figure that provides the
also exist within employer and employee relationships, however
social networking and PLEs make new types of learning possible. benefits can come from communicating with employers online, such assistance for a person to develop. The big question that arises from
Much of his work is based upon the use of language and how using as through skype, or linkedin. Therefore there is some need to keep this is what is meant by a teacher? Does a teacher necessarily need
language leads development, and therefore his theories suggest formal and informal learning environments apart, which could limit the to be a physical person or can a book or internet sources be also
knowledge development is dependent upon a More Knowledgeable room for PLEs to grow. counted as a form of ʻteacherʼ, particularly with the rise of things like
Other, whether this is a resource or an actual person. internet courses. When one is learning ʻindividuallyʼ from books or
This can also put new pressures on lecturers and teachers as
students begin to expect instant contact whenever they need it, internet, yes the person is carrying out the learning themselves but
Vygotsky suggested students should lead their learning and teachers
simply assist and maybe rather than judging students on what they
know in standardised tests learning should be done through looking
completely changing the nature of education systems.
The key idea in this research is of a student leading their own
Boundary Objects and Scaffolding they still have assistance from the person who has recorded or
discovered these things. They are still learning from others and then
closely at their ZPD. This allows learning to be developed around the learning. Students need to be pushed and supported to achieve further it into their own ideas and opinions from there, as in
learner, rather than trying to fit their needs into current standardised goals however our current education system between the age of Both Boundary Objects and Scaffolding are developed from Vygotskyʼs theory of ZPD. In that sense the ZPD changes in that it
curriculums. 12-18 encourages learning purely to pass exams and reach the next Vygotskyʼs theories and interlink with the ideas of Personal Learning does not need to be led by one teacher but in fact students have the
stages of education. Maybe by revolving the learning around this Environments. ability to channel their own ZPD in the direction they so choose by
Some of the theories looked at here are built upon Vygotskyʼs original
students the motivation to pass exams, particularly from an drawing upon resources. This is particularly important now that social
theories rather than the theories of Vygotsky himself, but they fit
institutional point of view may create more useful educational goals Boundary Objects networking and internet are so easy to use, students are able to
together and all have roots in Vygotskian theory.
for students of this age. reach the top of their ZPD using such resources. This means that this
The concept of Boundary Objects was developed by Susan Leigh
The development of PLEs has relevance in all areas of learning teacher is often called a More Knowledgable Other ʻMKOʼ, which can
Star and James R. Griesemer in a 1989 publication. BOs bridge gaps
including areas such as work-based learning where people have to
between areas of learning that before had not been possible. The refer to all manner of person or resource.
draw upon their own resources to improve their competences, maybe
concept itself is simple, its the way we use this concept and the ideas
through trying and doing but also through interaction with peers and
that stem from the theory of BOs that is really important. Social
by observing what others do.
interaction is a good example of a boundary object, as what we can
achieve is furthered through collaboration. This is directly connected
with Vygotsky as he believed social interaction was essential to all
learning. However when researching into boundary objects it is clear
social interaction is not only a BO but is also can be an important
factor when using other boundary objects effectively.
Scaffolding theory was developed by Jerome S. Bruner has been
developed from Vgotskyʼs ideas. The idea is that teachers or trainers,
should simply assist their student until they are ready to act alone. A
good example of this is a bike, moving from stabilisers, to someone
running behind, to riding alone. This overlaps with the concept of a
zone of proximal development, where some forms of scaffolding work
for some people and not for others. Zones of proximal development
vary and often different types of scaffolding are needed to reach the
same goal.

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