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Antipyretic activity of hydro-alcoholic extracts

of Moringa oleifera in rabbits
Saeed Ahmad1, Syed Muhammad Ali Shah2, Muhammad Khurshid Alam1,
Khan Usmanghani3, Iqbal Azhar4 and Muhammad Akram2

Cholistan Institute of Desert Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan

Depart. of Eastern Medicine, Faculty of Medical and Health Science, The University of Poonch, Rawalakot, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
Faculty of Eastern Medicine, Hamdard University Karachi Pakistan
Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan

Abstract: Pyrexia and inflammation are indicatives of various disorders. Modern medicines are available for treatment
of pyrexia, but they have few side effects. Several studies are ongoing Worldwide to search natural antipyretic agents
with better efficacy and fewer or no side effects. This study was aimed at evaluating the antipyretic activity of Moringa
oleifera bark in rabbits against E. coli induced pyrexia. Rectal temperature was recorded with digital thermometer at 0 h
and E.coli suspension was injected. After 1 h again rectal temperature of the animals was recorded and hydro-alcoholic
extract were administered to the treatment groups and paracetamol hydro-alcoholic 50 mg/kg orally to the positive
control group. Then rectal temperature was recorded at the interval of one h for 4 h. After the drug administration (at h
1), the decrease in body temperature with the dose of 25mg/kg-1 during next four h ranged between 1.9-2.6oF as
compared to the negative control. At the dose of 50mg/kg-1 the decrease in temperature was 1.9-3.0 oF. The decrease in
body temperature at the dose of 100mg/kg-1 was high, which ranged from 2.3-3.1oF as compared to negative control.
Paracetamol, a standard drug , also significantly lowered the temperature but Moringa oleifera at the concentration of
100mg/kg-1 lowered the body temperature significantly as compared to the negative as well as positive control. Moringa
oleifera bark has marked antipyretic activity in animal models and this strongly supports the ethnopharmacological uses
of Moringa oleifera bark as an antipyretic plant.
Keywords: Escherichia coli, Cholistan desert, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, prostaglandin, E. coli induced pyrexia,
traditional medicine

Cholistan Desert, situated in the southern part of Punjab
province, Pakistan occupies an area of 26000 km2 with
highly saline and brackish sub-soil aquifer. In this desert,
a total of 128 plant species have been identified, out of
which 64 are extensively used by the local people and
herbal practitioners to cure different diseases (Arshad &
Akbar, 2003).
Moringa oleifera is a common tree, known as
Suhanjana belongs to family Moringaceae and is found
throughout Pakistan. Although this plant is not very
common in the Cholistan desert but it is commonly found
in adjoining areas of this desert (Rao et al., 1989).
Different parts of this plant are used by the local people
for the cure of various ailments. The leaves and green
pods of this plant are cooked as delicious vegetable.
Medicinally, the leaves of this plant are used to treat
scurvy and catarrhal affections. Paste of the leaves is
applied externally on wounds. Flowers are useful as
tonic, diuretic and cholagogue. The seeds are used as
*Corresponding author: e-mail:
Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.27, No.4, July 2014, pp.931-934

antipyretic drug. The oil extracted from seeds is used to

treat gout and rheumatism (Arshad & Akbar, 2003). The
roots of the young tree are vesicant and rubefacient
(Bhattacharjee, 2004). In India decoction of the bark is
used to cure the malarial fever (Singh & Kumar, 2003).
Anti-inflammatory potential of crude methanol extract of
the root of the Moringa oleifera was evaluated on rat paw
edema by Ezeamuzie et al. (1996). The results showed
that the root of Moringa oleifera possess antiinflammatory activity. The ethanol and ethyl acetate
extracts of seeds of Moringa oleifera depicted significant
antipyretic activity in rats; ethyl acetate extract of dried
leaves of the plant showed significant wound healing
activity on excision, incision and dead space (granuloma)
wound models in rats (Hukkeri et al., 2006). Antipyretic
effect of ethanol extract of Moringa oleifera leaves
determined by Ahmad et al. (2006) in DPT induced
pyrexia in rats showed significant analgesic and
antipyretic effects. Most of the scientific work carried out
in recent past is for the determination of biological
activities of extracts of different parts of Moringa oeifera,
which suggest important pharmacological effects of this
plant. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to


Antipyretic activity of hydro-alcoholic extracts of Moringa oleifera in rabbits

determine the antipyretic activity of different doses of the
bark of Moringa oleifera on E.coli induced pyrexia in


Plant material
Bark of Moringa oleifera was collected in March, 2007
from Cholistan desert and were identified and confirmed
by the Dr Arshad Mehmood plant Taxonomist at the
Cholistan institute of Desert Studies, The Islamia
University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. This study was
conducted in the College of Conventional Medicine the
Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Rabbits were
used for study. Five rabbits were in each group. Two
groups were used as control groups as a positive control
(Paracetamol 50mg/kg administrated) and other as
negative control and three groups were used as test group.
Outcome measure was reduction in temperature by use of
Moringa oleifera bark in rabbits
Preparation of hydro-alcoholic plant extract
The hydro-alcoholic plant extract were prepared by the
plant material one part and solvent nine parts was used for
preparation of plant extract (Banerjee, 2005). The solvent
used was ethanol and distillated water (70% alcohol and
30% water). Powder of Moringa oleifera bark (100 g) was
soaked in 900 ml of solvent (Ethanol 600 ml + Distilled
water 300 ml), in a conical flask having capacity of 2 L.
The material was soaked for one week and shacked
vigorously for 10 min twice a day. The flask was kept in
laboratory on room temperature (20C). Finally the
soaked material of each plant was filtered through several
layers of muslin cloth one by one for coarse filtration. The
coarse filtrate was filtered through a Whatman # 3 filter
paper. The filtrates were kept in close neck plastic bottles
with tight closure on (20C) temperature.
Preparation of hydro-alcoholic of Paracetamol
Fifteen grams powder of Paracetamol was soaked in 150
ml of solvent (ethanol 105 ml + distilled water 45 ml), for
ten minutes. The container was closely tightened with
aluminum sheet for prevention of unwanted evaporation
of solvent. The material was shacked vigorously for ten
minutes twice a day. The container was kept in laboratory
on room temperature (20C).
Management of animals
The experiment was carried out on albino rabbits. They
were 12-14 months old, of both sexes, weighing between
1.5 and 1.6 kg. All rabbits were inbred. All the rabbits
were kept in air conditioned animal house located in the
College of Conventional Medicine the Islamia University
of Bahawalpur. These animals were given grass, bread,
maize, wheat grains and water. The experiments were
started after one week of acclimation of animals.


Preparation of E. coli suspension

The pure and identified cultures of Escherichia coli (E.
coli) were obtained on MacCokeys agar from
microbiology laboratory of Quid-e-Azam Medical
College, Bahawalpur and incubated 37oC for 24 h. The
colonies were counted under the colony counter. One
colony picked and washed in normal saline and spread on
agar plate for re-culture and incubated for 24 h. These
cultures were washed with normal saline and then
cultured in nutrient broth by incubating for 24 h. A
tenfold dilution of the suspended broth culture was
prepared with normal saline. The total number of
organisms was calculated by multiplying the number of
organisms in one drop to the number of drops in one ml.
Total number of E. coli in one ml volume was 127 107.
Induction of pyrexia in experimental animals
Pyrexia was induced by injecting of Escherichia coli (E.
coli) suspension, in the marginal ear vein of the rabbit at
the concentration of 0.01 ml per kg body weight (Riffat et
al., 1982). Rectal temperature was recorded with digital
thermometer before and after E. coli injection at a regular
interval during the experiment.
Drug administration
The pyrexia was produced after 1-2 h injection of E. coli
suspension. The rectal temperature of animals raised 25oF from normal body temperature of animals. The hydroalcoholic of Moringa oleifera bark was administrated
orally to animals at the dosage rate of 25 mg, 50 mg and
100 mg/kg body weight dissolved in 3ml of distilled
Study protocol
The rectal temperature was recorded with digital
thermometer at 0 h and E. coli suspension was injected.
After one h again rectal temperature of the animals was
recorded and hydro-alcoholic extract were administered to
the treatment groups and paracetamol hydro-alcoholic 50
mg/kg orally to the positive control group. Then rectal
temperature was recorded at the interval of one h for 4 h.
Five rabbits were in each group. Two groups were used as
control groups as a positive control (Paracetamol 50
mg/kg administrated) and other as negative control.
Antipyretic activity
Fever in rabbits was induced by injecting of Escherichia
coli (E. coli) suspension, in the marginal ear vein of the
rabbits at the concentration of 0.01 ml per kg body weight
(Riffat, 1982). The animals having temperature were
divided into five groups having five animals in each
group and treated orally as follows:
Group 1: Positive control: Given E.coli suspension
Group 2: Negative control: Given paracetamol (50 mg/
Group 3: Treatment group 1: Treated with plant extract
(25 mg/kg)
Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.27, No.4, July 2014, pp.931-934

Saeed Ahmad et al.

Table 1: Antipyretic activity of bark of Moringa oleifera hydroalcoholic extract on E. coli induced pyrexia in rabbits
Rectal temperature (oF)

(Mg kg-1)

Injecting E.
coli suspension

















100.90.200* 101.10.162*






100.50.240* 101.20.182*






100.40.228* 101.00.208*






101.20.240* 101.40.254*




After drug

Mean SEM, * P<0.05

Group 4: Treatment group 2: Treated with plant extract

(50 mg/kg)
Group 5: Treatment group 3: Treated with plant extract
(100 mg/kg)

Statistically analysis was performed by using one way
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test between two mean
groups: control and test groups, followed by Students ttest at p<0.05 level of significance.

The results with regard to antipyretic activity of
hydroalcoholic extract of bark of Moringa oleifera bark
recorded on E.coli induced pyrexia in rabbits are given in
table 1 At 0 h, before the injection of the E.coli
suspension the rectal temperature of rabbits was recorded.
In negative and positive control group rectal temperature
was 100.60.352oF and 1010.417oF. The rectal
temperature of animals in 25mg/kg-1 treatment group was
1010.211oF, in 50mg/kg-1 was 100.90.436 oF and in
100mg/kg-1 treatment group was 1010.305oF. At h1,
after the injection of E.coli suspension to the rabbits the
rectal temperature of the animals in negative control
group increased up to103.30.322oF and 1030.222 oF in
positive control group, while the temperature recorded in
the treatment groups was 102.80.273oF was in 0.25mg/
kg-1 treatment, 102.50.227oF in 50mg/kg-1 treatment and
103.50.395oF in 100mg/kg-1 treatment. At h 2, after the
administration of plant extract dose to the treatment
groups and of paracetamol to positive control group the
rectal temperature noted in negative control group was
almost same i.e. 103.50.235oF, while in positive control
group it decreased upto 101.20.240oF. Decrease in
temperature was also recorded in treatment groups as
100.90.200 in 25 mg/kg-1 treatments, 100.50.240oF in
50mg/kg-1 treatment and 100.40.228oF in 100mg/kg-1
treatment. The rectal temperature of the animals recorded
at h 3 remained high in negative control group and low in
Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.27, No.4, July 2014, pp.931-934

positive control group (103.70.185oF and 101.4

0.254oF), while the temperature of the animals of
treatment groups showed slight increase and reached up to
101.10.162oF in 25mg/kg-1 treatment, 101.20.182oF in
50mg/kg-1 treatment and 101.0.208oF in 100mgkg-1
treatment. At h 4 the temperature recorded in negative
control was increased up to 1040.180oF and in positive
control group it remained almost same (101.90.338oF).
In treatment groups the temperature recorded was
101.60.163oF in 25mg/kg-1 treatment, 101.50.203oF in
50mg/kg-1 treatment and 101.50.249oF in 100mg/kg-1
treatment. The rectal temperature of the animals recoded
at h 5 was 104.30.186oF in negative control group and
102.60.301oF in positive control group. In treatment
groups the temperature was 102.40.254oF in 25mg/kg-1
treatment, 102.30.150oF in 50mg/kg-1 treatment and
1020.283oF in 100mg/kg-1 treatment.

The results showed that the hydroalcoholic extract of bark
of Moringa oleifera possess a significant antipyretic
effect in maintaining the normal body temperature and
reducing E. coli induced pyrexia in rabbits. After the drug
administration (at h 1), the decrease in body temperature
of rabbits with the dose of 25mg/kg-1 during next four h
ranged between 1.9-2.6oF as compared to the negative
control. At the dose of 50mg/kg-1of Moringa oleifera the
decrease in temperature was 1.9-3.0oF. The decrease in
body temperature of animals at the dose of 100mg/kg-1
was high, which ranged from 2.3-3.1oF as compared to
negative control. Paracetamol, a standard and analgesic
and antipyretic drug, also significantly lowered the
temperature of E. coli induced rabbits but the dose of the
hydroalcoholic extract of Moringa oleifera at the
concentration of 100mg/kg-1 played a significant role in
lowering the body temperature of the animals as
compared to the negative as well as positive control.
Moringa oleifera contains phytosterols, glycosides,
tannins, amino acids, phenolic compounds, carbohydrates
and amino acids. In general, fever is thought to be


Antipyretic activity of hydro-alcoholic extracts of Moringa oleifera in rabbits

produced by certain endogenous substances including
prostaglandins (Kluger 1991; Roth & Zeisburger 1995),
therefore the antipyretic action of extract of bark of
Moringa oleifera may also be related to the inhibition of
prostaglandin synthesis. The results of present study also
correspond with the findings of Hukkeri et al. (2006);
Lakshman et al. (2006).

In conclusion, the results achieved in the present study
depicted that the hydroalcoholic extract of the bark of
Moringa oleifera have significant antipyretic activity,
particularly in the increased dose of hydroalcoholic
extract (100mg/kg-1). The results affirm the claim by local
herbal practitioners of the area which use this plant to
cure fever in humans. However, further studies are
proposed to fully elucidate the mechanism of the extract
of the plant bark.

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taxonomists for the identification of plants.

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Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.27, No.4, July 2014, pp.931-934

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