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December 31, 2015 Courier Sentinel

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Courier Sentinel

Cadott, Cornell & Lake Holcombe - Wisconsin

In This Issue: Blood Drive, Page 5 Madrigal Dinner, Page 7 1950s Era, Page 8 MoonRidge, Page 16
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Volume 3 No. 53


Public discussion plans future of Cobban Bridge

The WisDOT and Chippewa County
will conduct two public involvement
meetings to discuss a location study of
the Cobban Bridge on State Highway
178, south of Cornell.
Both meetings, one in Cornell, one in
Chippewa Falls, will be held to consider detailed study alternatives and
their impacts, and the selection of a pre-

ferred alternative for the bridge.

Cornells meeting will be held in the
Cornell High School Commons Tuesday, Jan. 5, from 5-6:30 p.m. The second meeting will be held the following
night, Jan. 6, from 5-6:30 p.m. at the
Chippewa County Highway Department Building Commons in Chippewa

A brief presentation is scheduled to

begin at 5:15 p.m. at both locations, followed by an open-house format the remainder of the time, where anyone
interested can share comments, ask
questions and give or get more information.
Exhibits and maps will also be available for review.

Lake Holcombe School Board

Transportation waiver saves district money

By Monique Westaby
In an effort to eliminate extra costs and inconvenience to
students and parents, the Lake Holcombe School Board approved a student transportation waiver (pending discussion
with the district attorney), at the Dec. 21 regular meeting.
Jeff Mastin, superintendent, said athletic directors from
Cornell and Lake Holcombe compared waiver policies, and
brought a recommendation to adminstration.
What were looking at there is having that in place because we have a couple of our students who are able to transport themselves, said Mastin. If we can have them do that,
if they want to do that, instead of providing transportation for
them that they dont necessarily use, we would be saving the
Mastin says it comes to $36 per day, or $180 each week
that could be saved by not providing unneeded transportation.
He says its mostly focused on the co-oped wrestling team,
but is planned to expand to co-oped football as well.
We just wanted to have the flexibility of offering that,

The Cornell skating rink will open by noon, Thursday, Dec. 31, with a change of address. No need to
call for a U-Haul, the rink has only moved a few feet
away to the inside of the Mill Yard Park pavilion. John
Westaby, Cornell utility/public works supervisor,
says the indoor rink has been an idea for awhile and
will save city employees a lot of time when it snows.
The rink will be open 7 a.m.-10 p.m., with a warming
shack near the pavilion.
(Photo by Ginna Young)

said Mastin. Right now were not allowing kids that do not
have their license to do it. Whereas, if you have a brother that
drives, and you dont drive, were asking them to ride the
bus, it costs the district money instead of just saving the time,
effort and energy of going with their brother or older sibling.
Corey Grape, board president, asked if the waiver would
change requirements for students with a co-oped football
game in Cornell having to ride the bus. Grape said concern
arose when students drove to Lake Holcombe to ride the bus
back to Cornell, then needed a ride back to Lake Holcombe
to get their vehicle following the game.
Thats part of it as well, said Mastin. I think we are focusing on wrestling right now, but from what Cindy (Miller)
said, our athletic director, she talked about saving that merrygo-round too.
(See LH School Board Page 3)

Santa Claus comes down from the North Pole to

visit 13-month-old Issac Hakes at the Cornell Food
Pantry Dec. 22. Although Issac is a little too young
to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas and was
more interested in playing with jingle bells, that
didnt stop older children from giving last minute
gift requests.
(Photo by Ginna Young)

Cadott Village Board

Energy prices set for next nine years

By Kayla Peche
Cadott village residents dont have to look into a crystal
ball to see what electricity costs will be for 2024, because the
Cadott Village Board approved those prices at the Dec. 21
regular meeting.
Iwas real hesitant to go out that far at first, said Neil
Aubart, village electric journeyman lineman. How do you
foresee the future and what prices are going to be? Well, if
you can get it for cheaper than what we are paying for it right
now doesnt that make sense to go forward with it for three
In a previous contract, the board approved to extend their
electricity costs until 2021, with this, Aubart suggested to go
even further and guarantee their pricing for another three
years. The 2021 prices are set for $48.75, and now the village
approved the contract for $48 all the way to 2024.
You know that the prices are slightly lower than what
weve been paying or what we will be paying, said Anson
Albarado, village president.
Aubart says the only downfall for the village is that capacity prices arent set in stone.
We wont know until later because the way capacity
prices are now, theyre high, he said. Its so far out for them
to judge at, so they put a big projected numberI wish those
costs (energy and capacity) went hand-in-hand, but they

Capacity is the physical amount of generation (power
plant)the company has available to serve in megawatts. It
represents power plants potential to generate electricity, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Aubart said thats why the village is doing a generation
study to see if they can put a power plant in or possibly buy
into a power plant in the area.
Thats what the study will tell us, he said. So then we
will know the capacity prices.
Aubart will return to discuss the results of the study when
information is available.
During correspondence, Sandy Buetow, village clerk, discussed the Cadott Lions Club offering to help with costs of
replacing Ricks Halfway Hall and Sports Bar signs.
In early December, vandals wrote on signs, buses and
buildings with magic marker around the village, and were
apprehended by Cadott police. The restitution has not yet
been settled, but the village offered to re-do both Halfway
signs, even though only one was vandalized.
If theres any restitution from the vandalism, it would
only be for the one sign, said Buetow. So the Lions, I think,
said they would help the village support that cause.
Buetow said each of the Halfway signs (front and back)
will be replaced to match each other.



Thursday, December 31, 2015


Dont be stupid; use your brain

By Monique Westaby
Managing Editor
Theyre already out at
the park.
I bet theyre fishing
Every year I hear these
phrases earlier and earlier. It seems even before the weather hits
freezing, someone mentions seeing an icefisher on some body of water. At first, I
chuckle at the stupidity of some people, but
then I wonder, is catching a crappie really
worth the risk to my loved ones?
This past weekend, as I rolled through
my news feed on social media, several of
my friends had shared a news story happening in Chippewa.
Two men had been pulled from the Glen
Loch waters after someone heard cries for
help on the ice. Several emergency response teams were called, including the
Chippewa Fire District Dive Team.
According to the release from the sheriffs department, both men were fishing
separately when the first fell through the
ice. He screamed, and the second man came
to help, also falling in the water. Both died.
Both died.
Over fish.
Was it really worth it?
Not only did both parties risk their lives,
but they also risked the lives of all emergency personnel who came to their rescue.
While the dive team may be trained on how
to handle these situations, it is not a guarantee that something wont go wrong.
The sickening feeling of knowing your
family member has to be on fragile, thin ice
to help someone who chose to go on something so unpredictable is unbearable. Every
second you wonder if they will return.

With a husband on the fire department,

and always willing to be the first to help, I
know the feeling all too well.
Several years ago, as a newlywed, my
husband was called to assist someone who
was on the ice, on the river. The details
were vague and as I thought about my man
being on dangerously thin ice to save someone else, I prayed.
I clung to the radio, waiting for any indication that everyone was OK.
Then, like a ton of bricks, someone said
Cornell 40 had fallen through the ice and
needed help.
Cornell 40. That was him.
Unsure of what to do I prayed even
harder. I prayed for my husband.I prayed
for the rest of the rescue team. I prayed for
the person they were trying to rescue.

ones, risked their lives to look for someone

who chose to put themselves in a dangerous
situation; maybe the fire department should
have just stayed home that time.
When I read the Glen Loch news story
this weekend, all those emotions came
rushing back. It was like I was back in the
moment and I could feel my stomach
Temperatures this year have been so out
of the ordinary, it would take a fool to put
themselves, and someone else, in unneeded
danger. It may be December, and they may
be out at the park, but not everywhere has
enough ice to support the weight of you and
your gear.
Until there is enough, think about yourself and others, and use your brain before
you do something stupid.

The hiking boots are strapped on for 2016

By Ginna Young
Its been a long road,
gettin from there to
Star Trek Enterprise
For me, this year has
been a long road, getting
from there to here. At the beginning of 2015,
I told myself this was the year my dreams
would come true. Little did I know, life had
other plans.
Every day has seemed to bring a new surprise, a new change or a new wrench in the
plans. It felt like there were a lot more downs
than ups, and I always seemed to end up
back at ground level.
For the first few months of the year, I felt
terribly worn out and had no energy. I
dragged myself to work, came home and laid

Courier Sentinel
Cadott, Cornell & Lake Holcombe

Central Wisconsin Publications, Inc. ISSN 0885-078X

Courier Sentinel (ISSN O885-078X) is a
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As it turned out, my husband, following

the mans footprints, was in a dive suit and
didnt actually fall through the ice, but
rather determined the jello-like movement
of the ice under him was unsafe.
Not wanting to break through and get
caught in a current, my husband remembered his training and laid down flat to distribute his weight, waiting for assistance.
And even then, the assistance, with a safety
sled, kept breaking through.
Medically, everything was OK. Mentally,
he was fine, but I was a wreck.
Later, I learned it was all for nothing. The
person they were rescuing was drunk,
crashed his vehicle, then walked across the
barely frozen river away from the scene;
making it across without an issue.
My loved one, and my friends loved


Chippewa, Rusk and Eau Claire Counties ...................................................$32.00
Elsewhere in Wisconsin ..................$35.00
Outside Wisconsin...........................$42.00
Our policy is that no cash refunds are given
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Cornell Office
121 MainSt., Cornell, WI

Cadott Office
327 N. Main St., Cadott, WI
Publisher ..............................Carol OLeary
Cadott Manager...................Heather Dekan
Managing Editor ............Monique Westaby
Proofreader ....................Rebecca Lindquist
Typesetter/Reporter................Ginna Young
Sports/Reporter .......................Kayla Peche
Ad Production/Web Design ..........Joy Cote
Ad Sales...................................Todd Lundy

All submitted articles are subject to editing for space and content. All Letters to the Editor must include
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All paid subscription papers are mailed on Wednesday. If you did not receive your paper, please allow
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on the couch until bedtime. I actually

thought there was something really wrong
with me.
And then, in the early spring, I got into
some cleaning supplies that decided to declare war on my body. A few miserable days
and one doctors visit later, with antibiotics
in me, I started feeling a little better. Turns
out, I never really got over a sickness Id
come down with almost a year before.
As I progressed more each day, gaining
strength, I truly thought maybe the year
could be salvaged after all. Fast forward to
May 18 the day I spent in the hospital with
my sister/office manager after she suffered a
severe stroke in the wee hours.
Back to rock bottom I went.
Although she pulled through, and has since
made wonderful progress, at the time it was
extremely stressful with her in the hospital
at Eau Claire, and the rest of the family here,
trying to take care of two households. In addition, I had to pick up most of her workload,
some of which I didnt know how to do.
Eventually she came home just in time
for our editor to deliver an adorable, bouncing baby boy. (Love at first sight!) That
meant more of an increased workload for the
rest of us and a very hectic schedule.
In amongst all of this, the office went
through a switch up with the bookkeeping
system, something were still in the process
of working through and updating.
As we close out the year and I look back
on the last 12 months, even with all the bad
things that happened, it was still a great year.
Yep, you read that right.
Scattered between the bad moments were
times I dont ever want to forget. I had a lot
of dreams come true this year, and while
they may seem trivial or unimportant to
someone else, I wouldnt trade them for anything.
Like going to see my favorite band perform live for the first time, or seeing Keith
Urban with my sister. And finally, finally,
watching a Triple Crown horse race after
waiting my entire life, or seeing the Duke
Blue Devils win yet another national championship.
The geek side of me especially had a field
day this year, with Pi Day in March (3.14.15)
and making it to the future (Oct. 21, 2015,
mentioned in 1989s Back to the Future 2).
Throw a new Star Wars movie into the mix

and nerd me is on cloud nine.

I even broke down and bought my very
own, brand new camera; a dream Ive had
forever. It is, and probably will be, the best
purchase I ever made. Not only does it take
good photos, but its nice to always have a
camera at my fingertips.
But maybe more than all of that, its the
things Ive done and seen that cant be compared. Through the job I love, Ive met some
amazing people and seen some awesome
Ive met someone who raises butterflies,
and someone who uses his hands instead of
his eyes to make beautiful creations. Ive
met people with unique abilities, talents and
collections. Ive met teenagers who write
published poetry, and earn national recognition in archery and mounted shooting.
Ive seen people some Ive known my
entire life retire from directing the community play, running a feed store and driving
school bus. Ive even seen an area church
and an area person turn 100 years old.
That doesnt even include the normal,
everyday happenings and triumphs, or the
things I dont personally cover/write about.
And I cant forget the words of encouragement and help through rough times, the
bonds of a tight-knit community and the support of co-workers.
Though they dont have to, these people
share their lives with me and leave a mark
on my heart that will never leave.
Through everything, Ive found a strength
I didnt know I had. A determination to
climb to the top, no matter how many times
I slip and fall. No matter what comes from
this time forward, I know I can face it and
become better than I was the day before.
While Im busier than I have ever been in
my life, I feel the best I ever have and am
filled with an energy that wont quit; an inner
fire that wont be squelched, no matter what
curves are thrown my way.
So, as the new year rolls in, I cant wait to
see what it will bring as I make my dreams
come true. Whether its a little hill or a big,
old mountain, I have my hiking boots
strapped on and look forward to the view
from the top in 2016.
And I will see my dreams come alive at
night, I will touch the sky. And theyre not
gonna hold me down no more, no theyre not
gonna change my mind.

Cadott sixth grader Tad
Weiss made his 100th
deposit into the school
banking program with
Citizens State Bank
and Cadott Elementary
School Dec. 23. He
is the 13th student to
reach this milestone
since the school banking program began
in 2007.
(Submitted Photo)

Cornell Lions Club

Cornell Lions Club president and sponsor Pat Denison (left) swears in new members Marcia and Tom
Schick at the Lions Christmas party Dec. 9 at Crescent Tavern. Club secretary Jim Mercer (right) presented pins and certificates of membership to the
Schicks while Denison administered the oath of office.
(Submitted Photo)

Thursday, December 31, 2015


LH School Board
Joe Stansbury, board member, asked if the waiver is approved, who would be liable if a student violated state implemented restrictions on their license, such as number of
passengers allowed.
I can see where you could be concerned, said Grape.
But if the transportation waiver is signed, its also signed by
the parents acknowledging, so that shouldI mean, thats
why we have them sign it.
Stansbury asked if the district attorney could look at it for
clarification. The board agreed, approving the transportation
waiver with the exception that it would come back to the
board if the attorney suggested additions or changes.
On other agenda, Mastin congratulated the Cornell-Lake
Holcombe cross country team for being awarded the Lakeland Conference Sportsmanship award for 2015, and recognized guidance counselor Barb Van Doorn for being
nominated for a KohlScholarship.
Barb has been moved on to the next round, said Mastin.
She was approved at the local level in CESA 10 and is now
at the state level.
If chosen, Van Doorn would receive $3,000 for herself, as
well as for the school.
In his superintendent report, Mastin thanked John Ewer for
again donating 2 tons of salt to the district, a $500 value, and
Monarch Paving Company for a $1,000 donation to purchase
items for families in need during the holiday season.
A lot of snow pants, boots, coats, hats, things like that
were purchased, said Mastin. That was something Barb
Van Doorn coordinated with some of our students; went
shopping for, wrapped it up and they were delivered.
A lot of good things happening.

Even the littlest ones from the community wanted

to sit on Santas lap, and this dolled up gal tested
Santas beard to see if it was real. Mr. and Mrs.
Claus (Dianne and Robert Bayerl) were assisted by
the Lake Holcombe Leos for the annual event.
(Photo by Monique Westaby)

Cadott Grinchmas Christmas

Photos by Heather Dekan

Grinch pills (M&Ms), cookies and refreshments

were served at the Cadott Grinchmas Christmas
Dec. 18. The library event also featured a guessing
game of how many Grinch pills were in the jar, as
well as pin-the-heart on the Grinch.

Continued from front

Breakfast with Santa

Connor Peloquin, 6, cuts out his handprint Grinch

craft at the Grinchmas event at the Cadott Public
Library Dec. 18. The animated How the Grinch Stole
Christmas was shown, crafts were made and
snacks were served.


Lake Holcombe fifth grader Kayden King and senior Gunner Geist choose breakfast food at Big Minnow for the Lake Holcombe Lions Breakfast with
Santa event Dec. 19. Lion Dianne Bayerl said the
place was at full capacity right away at 9 a.m., then
slowed down but remained steady.
(Photo by Monique Westaby)

The Lake Holcombe School welding shop gets a

new ventilation unit installed Dec. 23, despite a cold
and rainy day. Once the unit was lifted onto the
building with help from a crane, installation began.
The new system is intended to pull out exhaust and
draw in new, heated air. (Photo by Ginna Young)

Cornell Municipal Court Report

The following people were found guilty Dec. 21, 2015,
in the Cornell Municipal Court, 221 Main Street, Cornell,
WI, by Judge Mindy Carothers-Harycki.
Regular Citations
Aaron James Burgess, Elk Mound, operating after suspension, $124, 3 pts.
Eric C. Cooper, Eau Claire, failure to stop at a stop sign,
$98.80, 3 pts.
Cynthia Marie Hochstetler-Hanna, Shell Lake, non-registration of auto, ect., $98.80.
Kory Ryan Jiskra, Holcombe, operating after suspension, $124, 3 pts.
Kory Ryan Jiskra, Holcombe, non-registration of auto,
etc., $98.80.
Cody Ryan Ketelboeter, Cornell, operating after suspension, $124, 3 pts.
Cody Ryan Ketelboeter, Cornell, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $124.
Elmer E. Krokson, Cornell, inattentive driving, $111.40,
4 pts.
Alexandria I. McIntire, Stanley, operating after suspension, $124, 3 pts.
Joshua David Murphy, Cornell, operating after suspension, $124, 3 pts.
Joshua David Murphy, Cornell, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $124.
Kirstia M. Neuenodorf, Menomonie, non-registration
of auto, etc., $98.80.
Kirstia M. Neuenodorf, Menomonie, operating a motor
vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.
Kevin Lee Ptacek, Ladysmith, operating while revoked
(forfeiture), $124, 3 pts.
Kevin Lee Ptacek, Ladysmith, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $124.
Kevin Lee Ptacek, Ladysmith, operating while revoked
(forfeiture), $124, 3 pts.
Kevin Lee Ptacek, Ladysmith, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $124.
Rhianna Lynn Reisner, Ladysmith, operating after suspension, $124, 3 pts.
Rhianna Lynn Reisner, Ladysmith, operating a motor
vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.
Tylor James Wojciuch, Cornell, operating after suspension, $124, 3 pts.
Tylor James Wojciuch, Cornell, non-registration of
auto, etc., $98.80.
Tylor James Wojciuch, Cornell, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $124.
0 Trial
3 Juvenile Cases



Thursday, December 31, 2015


Couriers of the Past

10 Years Ago
Over the holidays, Cornell
Senior Center members have
a go at constructing gingerbread houses. For some of
the participants, this is their
first attempt building the
sweet treats. To top off their
Christmas fun, the seniors
munch on cookies, apple
cider and fruits while admiring their handiwork.
John Barnier, Cornell,
takes time to visit with elementary school students and
read The Polar Express.
During his visit, Barnier tells
the students about a model
train he inherited from his father.
20 Years Ago
Harold and Frances Walters are the winners of the
Cornell holiday lighting contest. Their Main Street home
was decked out in festive
and colorful attire, and
earned them the top spot in a
tough competition.
The Lake Holcombe
POPS Council gets in the
Christmas spirit, and collects
blankets and sheets for the
Share the Warmth program.
The bedding will be distributed to area shelters or those
in need in the community.
30 Years Ago

Lake Holcombe students
in the Spanish 2 class make
pinatas for their winter party.
The students first covered
balloons with paper mache,
then festooned the desired
shapes with plaster and tape.
Once the pinatas hardened,
the balloons were removed,
candy was added and the fun
could begin.
Cornell Cub Scouts Ryan
Hartzell, Michael Roth,
Christopher Borton, Brian
Nodolf and Corey Walters
earn Wolf Badge achievement. The badges of accomplishment were awarded to
the boys by Scoutmaster
Mike Helgerson.
40 Years Ago
The Cornell Public Library throws a holiday bash
for youth with refreshments
and entertainment by Doug
Wozniak, also known as
Sandy Kadlec hosts the
Cornell Homemakers Christmas Party where 15 members partake in a salad
luncheon and caroling.
50 Years Ago
Herbert Wiles and his
wife, of Mississippi, visit
with Tom Wiles and his family in Cornell for Christmas.

60 Years Ago
To help prevent a fire hazard, the public is asked to
take part in a controlled
Christmas tree burn. The
state-wide event is sponsored by the Wisconsin Association of Insurance
Agents as a safe way to dispose of undecorated trees.
Fire officials recommend all
Wisconsin communities join
the set date in January and
help eliminate the fire danger risk.
John Capaul makes sure
the Brunet Island Park deer
herd isnt left out of holiday
feasting. He collects more
than $70 to pay for deer feed
over the winter. Last winter
proved to be a tough one on
the four-legged animals on
the island, and with 14 deer
at current count, some help is
needed to get them through
this cold season. Capaul
raised the money by taking
up a collection at the Cornell
Paperboard Company.
100 Years Ago
Tearing down begins of
the famous old Chippewa
Lumber & Boom Company
saw mill, a building thats
stood since 1836. The
wreckage will be sold to the
public as retail dry pine lumber.

Neighboring News
Area Times
The Ashleys Angels Organization visits Augusta to
give gifts to kids and families in need.
Jesse and Katie Butke are
named winners of the Augusta Lions Clubs Christmas decorations contest.
In an attempt to build camaraderie and celebrate the
holiday season, Augusta Elementary School holds a
holiday tea party.
The Augusta boys basketball team enters their game
at winless Whitehall on a
three-day game losing
streak, leaving with a 76-58
Don Vinette wins first
place in best lighting in the
Bloomer Chamber of Commerce Lighting Contest.
The Bloomer Ambulance
Board accepts the resignation of Jennifer Sobotta and
hires Mark Schwartz as the
new administrator.
The City of Bloomer is
notified of selection of a
grant proposal from DNR
Urban Forestry.

Over $2,000 is collected

and donated for the Bloomer
Elementary two-week penny
wrestling team wins at
Chetek, 37-27.
In an effort to collect over
$60,000 worth of debt owed
to the Colfax Resue Squad,
the Colfax Village Board approves hiring Credit Management Control.
The Colfax Village Board
approves changing the Colfax Rescue Squad from volunteers to part-time EMTs,
and also approves hiring a
third 30-hour per week
Colfax will soon add a
third permanent public
works employee to work 32
hours per week.
Andrew Harmon scores
16 points, including three
triples, in the Colfax Vikings
Boys Basketball 69-52 game
against Boyceville.
Ladysmith firefighters use
chainsaws to extricate a car
from the woods after the

driver runs the vehicle off

the road.
A citizen group made up
of members of Jump River
Electric Cooperative file a
civil lawsuit in Rusk County
Circuit Court, claiming the
JREC board violated bylaws
leading to the resignation of
a recently elected board
Ladysmith Lumberjack
wrestler Nathan Roach takes
first place in the 120-pound
category, scoring 44 team
points at a Tomahawk Invitational.
A ceremony is held at
half-time of Stanley-Boyds
win over Thorp in boys basketball to mark the donation
of $250,000 to the Oriole
Park stadium project.
Over 130 people attend
the D.R. Moon annual holiday party with crafts, face
painting and a writing station.
Members of the Stanley
Lions Club and Stanley Fire
Department hand out gifts to
52 families in the StanleyBoyd area for Spirit of

Sentinel Look Back

10 Years Ago
Richard Chapek is the village scenery winner in the
Cadott Christmas Lighting
Contest and Gary Romanowski is the country
lighting contest winner.
Cornell travels to Cadott
to take on the Hornets boys
basketball players in a nonconference battle that ends
in a 65-54 Cadott win.
Alex Peloquin comes
home from the San Diego,
Calif., Navy Base to spend
the holidays with his parents,
Pat and Melody.
20 Years Ago
A reception is held at the
Cadott office for Heather
Hill, the new editor of the
Cadott Sentinel and Courier
Winners in the city division of the Cadott Light
Decorating Contest are Kyle
Felch, Ted Arneson and
Dave Weiland.
It was a tough night for
the Cadott wrestling team as
they lost 37-23 to StanleyBoyd/Owen-Withee.
The theme of the Cadott
kindergarten Christmas program is Dreaming of Christ-

30 Years Ago
An early morning blaze
destroys a house on North
Road in Cadott with over
$50,000 in damage. Over
25,000 gallons of water were
dumped on the house and 24
firefighters fought the blaze
for nearly five hours.
Art Mathews is the winner
of the Worlds Largest
Christmas Stocking at Miller
Health Mart.
The Cadott Hornette junior varsity gymnastics squad
captures second at a fourteam meet at Eau Claire Memorial.
40 Years Ago
John Rowan, and his family, moves from Milwaukee
to Cadott. Rowan plans to
work with his father, Tom
Tobola, at the Ford Garage.
Picked to announce the
schedule of Wisconsin
Cheese Festivals for 1976 is
ADADistrict 10 director
Errol Cheesey Huhn.
Wrestling team will take a 31-1 overall record into a
triple dual meet in Cadott vs.
Park Falls, Bruce and

50 Years Ago
The Cadott Pharmacy is
broken into and robbed for
the second time within a
Members of the Cadott
District School Board approve the purchase of the
home and property of the
late Minnie Berthold for
Two cows on the Danville
Holstein Farm are among
those noted by the Chippewa
County Dairy Herd Improvement Association for
the production of 100
pounds of butterfat or more
during November.
60 Years Ago
Residents of Cadott and
the surrounding area will
have an opportunity to avail
themselves of a free chest
X-ray when the state mobile
X-ray unit visits the village.
Cadott graduate Carl
Cronquest receives scholastic year honors from the
1954-55 year at Wheaton
Millers Super Valu has
ham for 43 cents a pound
and sugar for 99 cents.


Thursday, December 31, 2015



Community drives looking to build up blood reserves

By Ginna Young
With the Christmas rush out of the way, store shelves may
look a little bare and theyre not the only things sitting
empty. Red Cross blood stocks are low and donating blood
isnt something people are thinking about, says Cornell Community Blood Drive organizer Sue Jensen.
Because of the Christmas and New Years holidays, blood
drives are down, said Jensen.
Residents can remedy that by visiting Our Saviors
Lutheran Church Monday, Jan. 4, from noon-6 p.m. A
drivers license or blood donor card are required, and 16year-olds are eligible to donate with a signed Red Cross
parental consent form.
Jensens goal is set at 29 pints, and says any blood types
are welcome.
We need all types currently, said Jensen.
To schedule an appointment call 715-239-6752.

If someone cant make it to Cornell, the Cadott Future

Business Leaders of America (FBLA) will hold their own
blood drive Wednesday, Jan. 7, from 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.,
at the Cadott High School small gym.
People will be helping save lives, said Austin Goettl,
Cadott senior and chair of the blood drive. We need blood.
FBLA members will be on hand to help Red Cross personnel unload equipment and record student donations.
Donors can register at the school office (715-289-3795),
but the students say walk-ins are welcome.
Itd be awesome if you can come in and give, said

Juggler makes his way

into Ladysmith School
Kristin and Erik Christianson

The Flambeau Valley Arts Association presents a performance by Mark Nizers 4D Theatre Friday, Jan. 8, at 7:30 p.m. at
the Ladysmith High School.
Nizer has juggled for 25 years after his mother signed him
up for juggling class. During the presentation, he will perform
comedy antics and juggling feats, which may include juggling
laser beams at 1,000 rpms, throwing five ping pong balls 20
feet in the air using only his mouth, and juggling a burning
propane tank, running electric carving knife and 16-pound
bowling ball.
Nizer has performed at the Lincoln Center for the Performing
Arts, on Arsenio Hall, Carolines Comedy Hour and at the Just
for Laughs Comedy Festival. He won first place in the international juggling championships and won comedian of the year
in the NACA and APCA college markets, and has performed
with George Burns, Bob Hope, Ray Charles and many others.
The event is sponsored, in part, by a grant from the Wisconsin
Arts Board with funds from the state of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Tickets are available at the door and student admission is free
with a paid adult.

Christianson and Olson

exchange August vows

Michael Doran, co-director of Lynn Dance Company, will celebrate his 70th birthday with a performance of his favorite solo pieces Sunday, Jan.
3, at ChaliceStream Studio.
(Photo by Norman Regnier)

Ladysmith Community Players and in Mount Senario College musical productions.

While studying dance with Rosalie Jones, who taught at
Mount Senario, he was introduced to one of her mentors,
Lynn. Based on the performances Doran saw Lynns company do while they toured in Wisconsin, he says he decided
to join the troupe and move to Salt Lake City.
The following year, after Lynn retired from his work at the
University of Utah, the company considered relocating.
Doran suggested they re-base on the acreage he had left, saying he recognized the locale to be an unlikely place for transplanting a dance form that struggles even in the city to attract
But Dorans personal connection to that land and Lynns
readiness to leave the trendiness brought them to pioneer
their art in the north woods.
The other company members opted out of the move, leaving Doran and Lynn to make the transition alone.
Once unpacked, they began searching for a studio space in
which to teach and perform. Doran recalled having taken
mime classes one summer which were housed in a former
schoolhouse in the Spring Green area and knew that a similar
structure was sitting abandoned a few miles down the road
from his property.
He and Lynn took a look at the old Willard Center School
and immediately envisioned it becoming their studio. Working through the town board they arranged a public bidding
on the building. Their bid was accepted and they hired a
mover to transport the old schoolhouse 3 miles up the road
to their land.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Doran will hold his milestone celebration/performance in
the schoolhouse he and Lynn christened ChaliceStream
Studio 36 years ago. The public is invited to the free performance and reception to follow.


Michael Doran, co-director of Lynn Dance Company at

ChaliceStream Studio, will celebrate his 70th birthday by performing a few of his best-loved solo pieces Sunday, Jan. 3,
beginning at 4 p.m. in ChaliceStream Studio.
In 1978 Doran, with Lynn Dance Company founder Barry
Lynn, established a base for their company on an 80-acre parcel south of Ladysmith, which Dorans family had purchased
in 1944 and where, as a youth vacationing from Chicago, he
had spent summers with his grandparents.
In 1971 Doran moved onto the property and taught English
in the Winter and Ladysmith School Districts. During this
time he was also active in local theater, appearing with the


Doran celebrates his 70th birthday with performance

Erik Christianson, Cornell, and Kristin Olson, Appleton,

were united in marriage Aug. 1, 2015, at the First United
Methodist Church in Appleton. The couple spent their
honeymoon in Maui.
Parents of the groom are
Avery and Vicki Christianson, Cornell. Parents of the
bride are Randy and Debbie
Olson, Appleton.
Star Wars
The groom is a 2005 CorThe Force Awakens
nell High School graduate,
a 2010 graduate of UW-La
Crosse with a degree in
biochemistry, and a 2014
UW-Madison School of
Pharmacy graduate. He is
employed as a pharmacist at
Shopko in Fond du Lac.
The bride is a 2007 graduRated PG-13
ate of Appleton North High
School, and a 2014 graduate
of the UW-Madison School
Friday, Dec. 25 through
Wednesday, Dec. 30
of Pharmacy. She is em7:30 p.m.
ployed as a pharmacist with
131 N. Broadway St. Stanley, WI
Shopko in Appleton.
The couple resides in

Flambeau Valley Arts Association

is Proud to Present

Mark Nizers 4D Theatre

Mark has been juggling for over 25 years, performing

with the likes of George Burns, Bob Hope and Ray
Mark may juggle laser beams at 1,000 rpms, five
ping pong balls with
only his mouth,
or even a burning
propane tank, a running electric carving
knife and a 16pound bowling ball.

Friday, Jan. 8, 2016 7:30 p.m.

Ladysmith High School Auditorium
Tickets - $15 adult, $3 students for this performance.
(As always, students under 18 are free with paid adult)
Tickets are available at the door.
This performance is sponsored by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board,
by the National Endowment for the Arts and our loyal ticket holders.



Thursday, December 31, 2015


Church Listings
Anson United Methodist Church
1/2 mile east of Lake Wissota State
Park on Cty. O Anson Township
Pastor Jason Kim
11:15 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
10 miles south of Cadott on Hwy. 27
Rev. James Norton
10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
9 a.m. Sunday School (Sept. May)
Big Drywood Lutheran Church
27095 120th Ave. Cadott
Pastor Lucy Schottelkorb
10 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
6 p.m. Wednesday With the Word
Study (Sept.-May)
Cadott United Methodist Church
Maple and Ginty Streets Cadott
Pastor George Olinske
10:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
First Sunday Holy Communion
Fourth Sunday Potluck following
English Lutheran Church of Bateman
20588 Cty. Hwy. X Chippewa Falls
Pastor Deborah Nissen
9 a.m. Sunday Worship
Wednesday: 5:30 p.m. Light Supper
6 p.m. Study Time All Ages; 7 p.m.
Worship Service
Faith Baptist Church
724 Main St. Cornell
Pastor Mark Williams
9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
First Presbyterian Church
4th and Ripley Cornell

10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service

Holy Communion first Sunday
Holcombe United Methodist Church
27841 Cty. Hwy. M Holcombe
Pastor Jason Kim
8:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
8:45 a.m. Childrens Sunday School
10 a.m. Adult Sunday School
2-5 p.m. Food Pantry Open second
and fourth Tuesdays
Holy Cross Catholic Church
107 South 8th St. Cornell
Father Eric Linzmaier
Deacon Dennis Rivers
8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
5 p.m. Tuesday Mass
8:30 a.m. Wednesday Mass
8:30 a.m. Thursday Mass
8:30 a.m. Friday Mass
4 p.m. Saturday Mass, 3:30 p.m.
Holy Family Church
226 East 3rd Ave. Stanley
Father William Felix
6 p.m. Saturday Mass
11 a.m. Sunday Mass
8:30 a.m. Wednesday Mass
Jim Falls United Methodist Church
139th Ave., Cty. S South Jim Falls
Pastor Jason Kim
10 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
10:15 a.m. Childrens Sunday School
New Hope Assembly of God
318 South 7th St. Cornell
Pastor Dan Gilboy
10 a.m. Sunday Worship
Sunday Morning Nursery and Childrens Church
6 p.m. Wednesday Youth Group

New Hope Presbyterian Church

W14520 Cty. Hwy. M
8:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
New Life Alliance Church
1 mile west of CC on Z Cornell
Pastor Jim Brandli
9 a.m. Sunday School (Sept. May),
10 a.m. Worship Service,
Childrens Church for ages 3-6
10 a.m. Tuesday Womens Bible
7 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting,
6:30 p.m. AWANA for ages 6 years
sixth grade (Sept. May), 7-9 p.m.
Youth Group for grades 7-12
6 a.m. Thursday Mens Bible Study
Northwoods Church
4th and Thomas St. Cornell
Pastor Greg Sima
10 a.m. Non-denominational Sunday
Services (nursery provided)
6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study
for kids and adults
Our Saviors Lutheran Church
6th and Ripley Streets Cornell
Pastor Andy Schottelkorb
8:30 a.m. Sunday Worship
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
Communion first and third Sundays
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
13989 195th St. Jim Falls
Father Eric Linzmaier
10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
St. Anthonys Catholic Church
of Drywood
Jct. Cty. Hwy. S and 250th St. Jim
Father Eric Linzmaier

7 p.m. Saturday Mass

St. Francis Catholic Church
W10193 Lehman Rd. Holcombe
Father David Oberts
Father Christopher Kemp
4 p.m. Saturday Mass
8 a.m. Alternating Friday Mass
St. Johns Catholic Church
N657 Cty. Rd. VV Sheldon
Father Mandanu Sleeva Raju
10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
8:30 a.m. Wednesday Mass
St. Johns Lutheran Church
(Missouri Synod)
215 East Seminary St. Cadott
Pastor Raymond Bell
9 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
10 a.m. Sunday School
St. Johns Lutheran Church
(Wisconsin Synod)
700 Thomas Street Cornell
Pastor Patrick Feldhus
9 a.m. Sunday Worship
10:15 a.m. Sunday School
St. Johns Lutheran Church ELCA
Hwy. H at S Rural Gilman
11 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
Communion second and fourth Sundays
St. Josephs Church
719 East Patten St. Boyd
Father William Felix
9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
8:30 a.m. Tuesday Mass
8:30 a.m. Friday Mass

These weekly church messages are contributed by the following businesses:

(715) 239-6341
Appliance Sales Equipment Rentals
Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

(715) 723-2828
or 1-800-828-9395
Serving The Entire Chippewa Valley!


(715) 289-5148
24/7 Towing call (715) 271-0731
224 S. Boundary Rd., Cadott, Wis.
Marty Sorensen

(715) 239-6800

Member FDIC


Chippewa Falls

Funeral Home

Funeral Home

Cadott, WI

Cornell, WI

Pre-planning, funeral and cremation options.

Radisson, WI 54867 PH: 945-2217
Holcombe, WI PH: 595-4896

Cadott, WI

The BEST care in your home

from someone close to home!
(715) 512-1240

106 Main St., Cornell (715) 239-3825

Your Hometown Community Bank
Cornell, WI
(715) 239-6414

P&B Lumber


See us for all your building material needs!

249 N. Main St., Cadott, WI
(715) 289-3204

220 Main St P.O. Box 742 Cornell

Attorney Kari Hoel

(715) 202-0505

Big Ts North
14950 81st Ave. Chippewa Falls, WI
Propane: 715-723-9490 Fuels: (715) 723-5550

Bar & Grill

Stop for breakfast after church.
116 Main St., Cornell (715) 239-6677

Propane Diesel Gasoline Fuel Oil Storage Tanks

Sheldon, WI (715) 452-5195

by the Creek Boutique


Office: 715-239-6601 Fax: 715-239-6618

(715) 289-4292 - Cadott, WI

Mary Joy Borton & Joe Borton

Cornell - (715) 239-0555
Cadott - (715) 289-3581
Fall Creek - (715) 877-3005

Chippewa Valley
317 S. 8th St., Cornell 715-239-3862
Bringing High Speed to the Back Forty!

Quality Service Reasonable Rates Vintage

High Performance ATSG Certified Technician
111 Hwy. 27 Cadott, WI ~ Joe Rygiel - Owner

(715) 289-4665

Cadott Tax &

Financial Services
Aaron Seeman, Financial Adviser
345 N. Main Street, Box 303
Cadott, WI (715) 289-4948

Celebrating 10 years
with ABC Supply Co.

339 N. Main St., Cadott (715) 289-4600 Cornell, Wis. (715) 239-6424

Dry Felt Facer Plant

Courier Sentinel

Cadott Color Center

Carpet Vinyl Ceramic

Y Go By
Cornell, Wis.
(715) 239-0513

Greener Acres

Schicks Bowl & Brew


Bar & Grill

Lake Wissota Chippewa Falls, Wis.

(715) 723-9905

641 State Hwy. 27

Cadott, WI
(715) 289-4435

Your Hometown Newspaper

Cadott office
(715) 289-4978
Cornell office
(715) 861-4414

Our Saviors Lutheran Church Cornell, WI

St. Rose of Lima Church
415 North Maple St. Cadott
Father William Felix
4 p.m. Saturday Mass
8 a.m. Sunday Mass
8:30 a.m. Tuesday Mass and
Communion Service
8:30 a.m. Thursday Mass
The Rock Church
230 West Main St. Gilman
Pastor Smokey Tennison
10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
6 p.m. Friday Bible Study

Trinity Lutheran Church

W5568 Main St. Sheldon
Pastor Aric Fenske
10:15 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
11:30 a.m. Sunday School
Zion Lutheran Church
(Missouri Synod)
5th Ave, and Crumb St. Gilman
Pastor Aric Fenske
8:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
3:30 p.m. Wednesday Childrens

Cadott Library
Submitted by Paula Stanton, director
The Cadott Community Library will hold a pet photo contest Jan. 1- March 31. Pictures of pets, along with a few sentences explaining why the pet deserves to win, can be brought
into the library. Prizes will be awarded for most adorable,
most useful and funniest pet. Indoor, outdoor and rock pets
are eligible to enter.
Childrens Story Hour will start Jan. 13. Each Wednesday,
story hour is offered at 10:30 a.m. for pre-schoolers, and 3:40
p.m. for elementary-age children. The winter story time
theme is The Perfect Pet, where children can hear about
imaginary and real pets in the world. Registration is not necessary and new members are welcome.
As a reminder, the library will close at 3:30 p.m. Thursday,
Dec. 31, and is closed Friday, Jan. 1. Any materials due when
the library is closed can be returned via the outdoor book and
video drop.
Book Club will meet at Kathys Diner at 6 p.m. Thursday,
Jan. 21. Discussion will be on The Ocean at the End of the
Lane, by Neil Gaiman, the story of a
man returning home to confront his
haunted past.
The next Cadott Library Board
meeting will be Monday, Jan. 11, at
4:30 p.m., in the library. The public
is invited to attend the open meeting
with any questions or comments.
Library hours: Monday, 11 a.m.6 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday, 1-6 p.m.; Wednesday, 10
a.m.-7 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, closed.


Thursday, December 31, 2015


Coming Events

The Crier (Pat Talbot,

left) announces the arrival of servers Jeff Durkee (center) and Lucas
Hering (right) bringing
forth the boars head to
kick off the Madrigal
feast. Guests at each
table were then served
roast pork, potatoes,
candied carrots, soup,
rolls and dessert, and
received a visit from the
royal court.



Photos by
Ginna Young

During the Holcombe United Methodist Church

Madrigal Dinner Dec. 12-13, the Duchess of Holstein (Elizabeth Hillebrand, left), After Dinner Sherry
(Sherry McMenamin, center) and Sir Ross O Door
(Ross Weinert, right) give the traditional Wassail
toast. Once members of the royal court finished
their holiday salutes, visitors were invited to partake in the spiced holiday drink.

Lunch Menus

The Hag (Gayla Harder) wonders why its always

about me, me, me during the holiday season. Madrigal performers entertained the audience with music
and frivolity throughout the night, but at the end of
the show, it was revealed to the royal court that
Jesus is the real star. People from many communities and many faiths join together to tell the true
meaning of Christmas, said director Joni Weinert.
It is all very rewarding as we see the impact it
makes on those who attend.

Holcombe Happenings
By Janice Craig 715-595-4380
The weathermen predicted a brown Christmas, but we had
a white one after all. This made for slippery roads, but driving
slow you could get there safely.
Bob and Barb Lompa spent Christmas with Bob Lompa Jr.
in West Bend. Kristen Kashboski, Josh and Kala joined them.
Anita Pernsteiner and daughter drove to Rochester, Minn.,
to the Mayo clinic to meet with Anitas other daughter who
was having tests.
Anita and her husband, Bernie, drove to Medford on
Christmas and spent the day with their children. All eight
families gathered with them.
Oakley and Janice Craig drove to Hudson Thursday to
spend the day and night with their son, Okello. He cooked
them a supper and breakfast.
They drove to Winona, Minn., Friday, to spend the day
with their daughter, Katrina, her husband, Jim Young, and
family. Their granddaughter, Jessica, was home from Ames,
Iowa. Their grandson, Danny, had just taken a cruise to the
Bahamas with two friends, so they got to see the pictures he
had taken.
I pray the New Year will be a very productive year and you
can say it was a blessed year.

Cadott Elderly Program

Jan. 4-8
Mon. Chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomato, tomato soup
Tues. Meatballs, mashed potatoes, green beans, fruit
Wed. Pork, sauerkraut, dumplings,
ice cream
Thurs. Tuna hotdish with vegetables, grilled cheese sandwich, pie
Fri. Fish fry, baby round potatoes,
coleslaw, cookie
Cornell Elderly Program
Jan. 4-8
Mon. Crispy chicken, sweet potatoes, vegetables, chocolate pudding
Tues. Turkey ala king, biscuits,
vegetables, yellow cake
Wed. Pork pot roast, potatoes and
gravy, scalloped corn, vegetables, assorted fruit
Thurs. Ring bologna, macaroni
and cheese, stewed tomatoes,
Fri. Spaghetti, garlic bread, green
beans, sherbet
Cadott School
Jan. 4-8 Breakfast
Mon. Mozzarella cheese dippers,
goldfish crackers, grapes
Tues. Breakfast bagel, kiwi, bread
with jelly
Wed. Donut, string cheese, raisins
Thurs. Hash brown, boiled egg,
sliced oranges
Fri. Pancakes or french toast,
Mon. Popcorn chicken, green
beans, sweet corn, applesauce cup,
banana, bread with peanut butter
Tues. Corn dog, baby baker potatoes, peaches, apple, salad bar, HS:
bread with butter blend
Wed. Hamburger on a bun, curly
french fries, sliced tomato, pears, cantaloupe
Thurs. Schwans pizza, baked
beans, peaches, salad bar. HS: blue-

berry cobbler
Fri. Teriyaki chicken with rice,
peas, fresh vegetables with dip, mandarin oranges, blueberry cobbler. HS:
bread with peanut butter
Cornell School
Jan. 4-8 Breakfast
Mon. Ham, egg and cheese
combo bar
Tues. Assorted cold cereal, fruit
Wed. Waffles, strawberries
Thurs. Build your own breakfast
Fri. Fruit-filled strudel, cottage
Mon. Chicken nuggets, parsley potatoes, carrots, fruit
Tues. Build your own sandwich,
Wed. Tater tot hotdish, green
beans, dinner roll, fruit
Thurs. Corn dogs, macaroni and
cheese, vegetable
Fri. Mozzarella dippers and sauce,
salad bar, fruit
Lake Holcombe School
Jan. 4-8 Breakfast
Mon. French toast sticks, fruit
Tues. Breakfast on a stick, applesauce
Wed. Cinnamon roll, apple juice,
peaches, hard boiled egg
Thurs. Breakfast pizza, fruit
Fri. Omelet, bagel, tater tots
Mon. Cheeseburger on a bun,
french fries, corn, pickles, peaches
Tues. Chicken quesadilla, refried
beans, apple slices
Wed. Ham submarine sandwich
on a bun, tater tots, baked beans,
pickles, peaches
Thurs. Chicken nuggets, au gratin
potatoes, green beans, pineapple
Fri. Barbecues on a bun, corn
chips, mixed vegetables, fresh vegetables with dip, mandarin oranges

Cobban Bridge Public

Involvement Meeting
Tuesday, Jan. 5, 5-6:30 p.m.,
Cornell High School Commons; Wednesday, Jan. 6, 56:30 p.m., Chippewa County
Highway Department Building Commons, Chippewa
Cadott Library Board
Meeting Monday, Jan. 11,
4:30 p.m., Cadott Community Library
Cadott School Board
Meeting Monday, Jan. 11,
7 p.m., Cadott High School
Social Media Safety
Presentation Tuesday,
Jan. 12, 5:30 p.m. dinner, 7
p.m. presentation, Cadott
High School Commons/Auditorium
Spirit of Christmas
Chippewa County Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 12, 6:30
p.m., Chippewa Falls Public
Money Matters Family
Financing Wednesday,
Jan. 13, 7-8 p.m., Cornell Elementary School
Lake Holcombe Town
Board Meeting Thursday,
Jan. 14, 7:30 p.m., Lake
Holcombe Town Hall
Monthly Events
Cadott American Legion
Post 159 First Monday, 6
p.m. meal, meeting to follow, VFW Hall
Cadott Chamber Third
Wednesday, 5:30 p.m., VFW
Food Pantry Fridays, 2-4
p.m., 323 North Main St.
Cadott VFW Second
Monday, 7 p.m., VFW Hall
Community Table
Fourth Wednesday, 4:30-6
p.m., St. Johns Lutheran
Domestic/Sexual Violence Support Group
Wednesdays in January, February, May, June, September
and October, 2-3 p.m.,
Marshfield Clinic, Cadott
Center. For more information call 715-723-1138.
Narcotics Anonymous
Thursdays, 7 p.m., St. Johns
Lutheran Church, Cadott
Blood Pressure Screenings First Tuesday, 9-11
a.m., Cornell Area Care
Center. Call 715-239-6288
for more information.
Camaraderie Club
Mondays, 9-11 a.m., Cornell
Elementary School
Cards Tuesdays, 1 p.m.,
Cornell Senior Center
Chippewa River Rendezvous Planning Meeting First Wednesday, 7
p.m., Cornell American Legion Hall
Cornell American VFW

and Auxiliary First Tuesday, 7 p.m., Legion Hall

Cornell American Legion First Tuesday, 7:30
p.m., Legion Hall
Cornell Area Betterment
Association Meeting
Third Wednesday, 7 a.m.,
Cornell Elementary School
Camaraderie Room
Closet Mondays, 8-9:30
a.m.; Thursdays, 3:15-4:30
p.m., Cornell Elementary
Cornell Food Pantry
Tuesdays, 4-7 p.m.
Cornell Senior Citizens
Potluck Wednesdays,
noon, with BINGO to follow
at 1 p.m., Cornell Senior
Center. For more information call 715-239-6314.
Sewing Group Wednesdays, 9-11 a.m., Cornell Elementary School Camaraderie Room
TOPS Wednesdays, 9
a.m., Cornell Food Pantry
WIC First Thursday, 9
a.m.-11:30 p.m., and 12:303 p.m., Our Saviors
Lutheran Church. For more
information call 715-7267900, ext. 2151.
Worship at the Cross
Fourth Saturday, 10 a.m., St.
Johns Lutheran Church,
Cornell. For more information call 715-239-6081.
Aquacise Tuesdays and
Thursdays, 9-10 a.m., Paradise Shores, Holcombe.
Holcombe Food Pantry
Second and Fourth Tuesday,
2-5 p.m., Holcombe United
Methodist Church
Hands Club Third Thursday, 1:30 p.m. Call 715-5954380 for location.
Holcombe Seniors Club
Potluck Second Wednesday, noon, Holcombe United
Methodist Church
Alzheimers and Dementia Support Group First
Tuesday, 1-2 p.m., Ladysmith Senior Center. For
more information call 715532-2176.
Chippewa Falls
Compassionate Friends
Third Thursday, 6:30-8 p.m.,
St. Josephs Hospital, St.
Clare Conference Room. For
more information call 715833-2009.
Grief Support Second
and fourth Mondays, 6:30-8
p.m., St. Josephs Hospital,
St. Clare Conference Room.
For more information call
Open Door Clinic
Tuesdays, 5-7:30 p.m.,
First Presbyterian Church,
Chippewa Falls

Courier Sentinel

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Thursday, December 31, 2015


1950s era comes back in style with service station

By Ginna Young
In a world filled with automated swipe-and-go gas stations,
you probably dont expect to find a 1950s style service station
in rural Holcombe, but its there if you know where to look.
The hobby garage belongs to Dave Conrad, who spent 40
years in the Army Reserve before retiring as a chief warrant
officer this past fall. During his service, he was stationed in
Orlando, Fla., and while there found a piece of a time gone
On his daily drive to work, Conrad discovered Kissimee
boasted an old gas station turned visitor center on the main
drag. He stopped to take pictures and look at the information
on old service stations, and the rest, as they say, is history.
I was thinking to myself, thats pretty coolI really like
this building, said Conrad. You know, Im just going to
build this gas station up at my place.
Conrad measured the building and sent plans back home,

enlisting Gary Loring to build his dream garage. Over a three

year period, the duo constructed the 1950s style service station with the help of other area contractors.
Gary loved it, said Conrad. Id give him an idea and he
just rolled with it.
Although not a complete twin of the one in Kissimee, Conrads building comes close and brought part of the mother
station with it to Wisconsin.
When they found out I was going to build one, they gave
me some pictures, said Conrad. The lady at the visitors center is actually from Minnesota.
Stepping into the fill-in station might take some back in
time, right down to the ding-ding as you drive in and the
oldies music playing on the jukebox. Adding to the ambiance is the small soda shop area near the counter, as well
as the antiques/collectibles lining the walls.
With black and white checkerboard floors, vintage cash
register and candy jars, the clock seems to turn back a few
decades to a simpler time.
That was my goal, to go around the 50-60s era, said
Conrad. Its amazing what you can find.

Dave Conrad turns back

time with his 1950s era
gas station, patterned
after one he saw in
Florida while in the Army
Reserve. With its stucco
finish, twin gas pumps
and oil cabinet outside,
its not hard to believe
youre back in a time
gone by. (Inset) As a
lover/collector of Texaco
items, Conrad displays
his antique items in and
out of his custom built
gas station.
(Photo by Ginna Young)


Pieces of the collection have come from across the country,

with many found in Florida and North Carolina. A few pieces,
like one of the twin pumps out front, came from the old Holcombe Marina.
Although he hadnt planned on giving official tours, at
Conrads retirement party a few months ago, he says the little
shop saw a steady stream of visitors.
Everybody had to come through here and see this, said
Conrad with a laugh.
While hes not ruling out more tours in the future, for the
time being, Conrad plans to work on his motorcycles and find
old cars/trucks to restore.
Its been fun, says Conrad. Thats always been my plan,
to retire and come back home, and then putz around with my
old trucks. Its been a blast doing it.

Retired Army Reserve Chief Warrant Officer Dave Conrad leans on the counter
of his 1950s style service station at his home in Holcombe. The building, based
on an old gas station in Kissimee, Fla., features 12-foot ceilings and antique
decor, including the only operating stoplight in Holcombe. (Inset) The working part of the new (old) service station boasts a custom sign in traditional
Texaco colors of red and green.
(Photo by Ginna Young)

Courier Sentinel

Page 9

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Knights awarded for good sportsmanship

By Kayla Peche
Out of 12 schools in the East Lakeland Conference, the
Cornell-Lake Holcombe Knights Cross Country team has
been given the 2015 Sportsmanship Award.
This award shows that athletes and coaches in other cross
country programs think highly of the way that our program
operates, said head coach Jake Ebner. Receiving this award
is a compliment to our athletes, coaches and fans.
According to the WIAA, sportsmanship means playing by
the established rules, competing with the best efforts, losing
without excuse or complaint, cheering in a positive manner
and respecting the event. All teams and their coaches in the
conference voted on one school to be selected for this award.
This is the first time the Knights cross country team has
received this award. (Track and field was honored with it in

2012.) Ebner says he thinks this years team earned it after

the athletes worked hard, supported each other and conducted
themselves in a professional manner at meets.
I was super proud of the team when I heard, said senior
Sam Peterson. Ive always thought its important that we
not only compete well, but carry ourselves well, and Im glad
that the other teams took note of it.
Senior Kayla Vavra also says she is proud of her team for
earning the award.
I feel like it is a great accomplishment, she said.
Lake Holcombe superintendent Jeff Mastin said this award
is a great addition to the Coach of the Year award Ebner received for track.
I would like to congratulate the Cornell-Lake Holcombe
cross country team and coaches, said Mastin.

Too far to come back for Cornell

Cornell senior Cortland Spletter keeps his eye on

the ball during a home game against Winter Dec.
11. The Chiefs played a back-and-forth game in the
first half before pulling away for the 73-66 win.
(Photo by Ginna Young)

By Kayla Peche
The Cornell Chiefs Boys Basketball team traveled to
Gilmanton Dec. 22 for a non-conference match-up. Head
coach Shawn Schoelzel says the Chiefs started out slow with
their shots flat, falling to the Panthers quickly by 20 points.
The gap was cut down to 10 points, with big performances
by Cornell sophomore Noah Nohr, and juniors Colton Hetke
and Mitch Swanson. But Gilmanton responded with two
three-point shots before the buzzer rang to lead by 16.
Schoelzel says after such a fall, Cornell just couldnt catch
up to the Panthers, who dominated the boards.
Gilmanton is a team that you just dont want to try and
come back against, he said. They are too good.
Despite Cornell having three players in double digits, including Nohr with 18, Hetke with 17 and Swanson with 11,
the Chiefs lost to Gilmanton, 82-61.
Schoelzel says sophomore Dakota Popp wasnt a top
scorer, but he was an asset to the team this game.
I was very pleased with the way Dakota Popp played last
night, Schoelzel said. The things he does dont show up on
the stat line, but he does the little things like diving on the
floor, helping defense. And even though hes the smallest guy
on the court, he seems to be around every rebound.
Rebounds was what Schoelzel said the team struggled
with, giving up more than 20 offensively. All those secondchance points for them just makes it too hard to come back
Cornell will be back on the court Jan. 7 against Bruce.

Legislation changes trail pass laws

The WisDNR reminds all snowmobilers of law changes regarding trail passes this year including one which requires
snowmobilers with valid Wisconsin public use registration to
buy an annual Wisconsin snowmobile trail pass.
Trail passes are $30 for the annual pass, or $10 if you are a
member of a snowmobile club affiliated with the Association
of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs.
DNR conservation warden Gary Eddy said dollars generated from the snowmobile trail passes will be placed in a segregated fund to pay for the development and maintenance of
snowmobile trails.
This is a direct benefit to Wisconsin snowmobiling, he
In other law changes, Eddy says a bill signed by the governor makes slight adjustments to Wisconsin trail pass requirements and commercial snowmobile registrations.
Changes went into effect in November and include:
Customers ordering ATV, UTV or snowmobile trail passes
online will be issued a temporary trail pass receipt which will
allow them to operate on public trails until their pass is mailed
to them. Customers ordering the Wisconsin snowmobile trail
pass at select license agents will receive a temporary operating
receipt. The receipt must be displayed to law enforcement
upon request. The temporary trail pass receipt is good for 10
Temporary trail pass receipts will not be issued for dis-

After hitting the ball from an opponents hands,

Cadott sophomore Matt Drilling races after it to the
basket. In the non-conference match, Cadott lost to
Augusta 63-59, despite holding the lead at halftime.
(Photo by Kayla Peche)

Non-conference battle
down to the buzzer
By Kayla Peche
With seven minutes left in the first half, the score was tied
20-20. But the Cadott boys pulled away to lead 46-32 at the
half against the Augusta Beavers basketball team Dec. 22.
The Hornets took over Augusta with the lead when sophomore Matt Drilling subbed in and knocked a few points
from the inside. His classmate, Nicky Nesvacil, came in and
hit two threes to jump Cadott ahead by 10.
At the start of the second half, they (Augusta) changed
their game plan to stop us, said junior Bryce Boyea.
Just as the first half went, the Beavers kept the game close,
going back and forth in the second half until Augusta took
the lead and won by four points, 63-59.
They took us out of our game, said Boyea. And they
gained the momentum. We thought that we had already won.
Cadott will return to play Jan. 5, with a Cloverbelt Conference contest against McDonell Central.

counted snowmobile club member trail passes or non-resident

annual trail passes. Non-resident snowmobile trail passes are
available at select license agents.
Antique snowmobiles displaying valid Wisconsin antique
registration decals are exempt from the trail pass requirement.
To be registered as an antique the snowmobile must be 35
years or older.
Non-resident snowmobile owners may now register their
snowmobile as an antique in Wisconsin.
Commercial snowmobile certificate holders, typically
dealers and rentals, may mount their trail pass and their metal
plate to a removable plate. The plate can be temporarily but
firmly mounted. There are no size restrictions and the plate
can be homemade.

Basketball Standings
2015-16 West Cloverbelt
Conference Boys Basketball
4 0
3 1
3 1
Fall Creek
2 2
2 2
1 3
1 3
0 4

2015-16 West Cloverbelt

Conference Girls Basketball
5 0
Fall Creek
4 1
3 2
3 2
2 3
2 3
1 4
0 5

2015-16 East Lakeland

Conference Boys Basketball
3 1
2 1
2 1
Lake Holcombe
2 1
New Auburn
2 2
1 3
0 3

2015-16 East Lakeland

Conference Girls Basketball
5 0
4 0
2 2
Lake Holcombe
2 2
2 3
New Auburn
0 4
0 4




Thursday, December 31, 2015


Stepping up for a victory

Hornets look for wins

By Kayla Peche
Elizabeth Sproul, Cornell senior who is out for an injury,
sat on the sidelines during a Dec. 22 game vs. Gilmanton,
where she said the Chiefs girls basketball team played a great
Gilmanton played with us the whole time and made us
work for the win, said Sproul. It was a great victory and
also a very entertaining game to watch. I am so proud of my
During the non-conference game, the score went back and
forth before Cornell took the lead in the second half, winning
by 11 points.
Senior Lexi Moussette led the Chiefs with 16 points, followed by sophomores Danielle Fasbender with 14 and
Cheyan Shackleton with eight.
Sproul says she saw Shackleton really step it up during the
intense contest.
Cheyan Shackleton had an amazing game, Sproul said.
She had a goal of scoring six points and ended up scoring
eight. It was very fun to watch her excitement.
Following the holiday break, Cornell will return Jan. 7 to
host Bruce for an East Lakeland Conference battle.

By Kayla Peche
The Cadott girls basketball team traveled to Thorp, a Western
Cloverbelt Conference rival, Dec. 22, but were defeated by their own
mistakes, said Cadott senior Charlene Holte.
We have a lot of talents this year and our speed definitely helps,
said Holte. But our lack of communication and rebounding is our
struggle right now.
At halftime, the Hornets were down by 10 points, but managed to
cut the lead by seven with baskets from senior Elizabeth Kyes, who
had 16 points, and Holte, who had nine.
Thorp advanced their lead in the second half, winning 55-31.
Cadott has yet to win a conference game, but Holte says if they
can work on those errors, she is hoping for some wins.
The Hornets will be put to the challenge at home Jan. 7, against
conference rival Stanley-Boyd.

Cheyenne Peloquin (far left), freshman, jumps for a

rebound with her Cornell team during a Dec. 17
game. The Chiefs were defeated by the undefeated
Flambeau Falcons, 66-15. (Photo by Kayla Peche)


Dec. 31-Jan. 7

Boys Varsity Basketball

Tue., Jan. 5
Boys JV Basketball
Tue., Jan. 5
Girls Varsity Basketball
Thur., Jan. 7 Stanley-Boyd
Girls JV Basketball
Thur., Jan. 7 Stanley-Boyd

7:30 p.m.
5:45 p.m.

Cadott senior Charlene Holte, with help from her classmate, Elizabeth Kyes, blocks an Altoona player from making an inside shot. Despite tight defense, the Hornets lost
to the Railroaders at the Dec. 11 game, 66-30.
(Photo by Kayla Peche)

Cadott Spirit Squad

This years Cadott Spirit Squad will perform between wrestling matches and at halftime during the Jan.
7, 14, 21, 26 and 28 sporting events, and during halftime of the boys JVbasketball game Feb. 2. The
squad, in alphabetical order, are Clara Blanchette, Olivia Blanchette, Ali Blum, Abigail Bowe, Paige Burish,
Bridget Buttke, Kristina Buttke, Gracy Dahm, Karlee Davis, TaliAnn Donahue, Tarynn Donahue, Abbygail
Ewer, Breanna Freed, Mustanna Green, Taylor Hager, Brooklyn Hladilek, Chloe Johnson, Kaylee Kohls,
Penelope Kotek (not pictured), Megan LaNou, Hannah Leet, Imara Mackie, Mia Martin, Aleenah Martinek,
Haley Mathison, Lily Mittermeyer, Avah Modl, Emma Modl, Kennedy Nerdrum, Aubrey Niznik, Eternity Osgood, Allison Patten, Tierney Peck, Josie Roth, Shelby Ryan, Carter Slagle, Lilliana Spaeth, Sydney Spaeth
(not pictured), Teigan Spaeth, Emma Stumo, Keira Urbanek, Olivia Urbanek, Jayden Winchell and Andrea
Wundrow. The squad is coached by Alissa Urbanek and Tiffany Bowe.
(Photo by Denise Munroe)

LH Middle School

7:30 p.m.
5:45 p.m.

Boys Varsity Basketball
Thur., Jan. 7 Bruce
Boys JV Basketball
Thur., Jan. 7 Bruce
Girls Varsity Basketball
Thur., Jan. 7 Bruce

7:15 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
5:45 p.m.

Lake Holcombe
Boys Varsity Basketball
Tue., Jan. 5
at Shell Lake
Boys JV Basketball
Tue., Jan. 5
at Shell Lake
Girls Varsity Basketball
Tue., Jan. 5
at Shell Lake
Girls JV Basketball
Tue., Jan. 5
at Shell Lake

5:45 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
5:45 p.m.

Cornell-Lake Holcombe-Gilman
Varsity Wrestling
Thur., Jan. 7 at Shell Lake

6 p.m.

The Lake Holcombe Boys Middle School Basketball team, consisting of sixth,
seventh and eighth graders, ended their season Dec. 17. The sixth and seventh
graders went undefeated on the season, and the eighth grade only lost to
Birchwood in their final game by one basket with 8 seconds remaining. Making
up this years team, left to right, in front, are Josh Willmarth, Brock Flater,
Kaden Crank, Brendan Anders, Dylan Bowen, Nathan Jones and Jacob Stender; in back, are Josh Jones, Caleb Johnson, Santos Villalpando, Xzavier Merrill, Will Kliegle, Aaron Hinton, Derek Jones, Jack Porter, Tate Sauerwein,
Brandon Nitek, Carter Dixon and Colton Minnick. Not shown are Kaden Kinney
and coach Scott Webster.
(Submitted Photo)

Mud Brook Pool League
Dec. 16, 2015
Roses, 6 vs. Black Bear, 3;
Bogies II, 5 vs. Arnold, 4; Big
Minnow, 2 vs. Bogies I, 7;
Cookies, 4 vs. Teds, 5; Big
Swedes, 5 vs. Flaters, 4
Bogies II
Big Minnow
Bogies I
Big Swedes
Black Bear
North Country Pool League
Dec. 17, 2015 (Revised)
Teds Timberlodge
Big Swedes I
Arnolds II
Black Bear I
Big Swedes II
Arnolds I
Broken Arrow I
Pine Drive
Broken Arrow II
Black Bear II


Thursday, December 31, 2015




Down at the Lanes

Its a Girls Hunting Life

By: Monique Westaby

A Snapshow Day 2
Turns out the snap,
crackle, pop was merely another small buck. Small being an understatement.
Something caught my attention out of the corner of my
eye and I whipped my head around.
Sure enough, it was the little piece of carpet on the edge
of my stand catching the windagain. Ten minutes later,
it was still the carpet and not a deer that grasped my attention.
I sat with my nose in my neck warmer, the candy wrappers breaking the peaceful silence every few minutes. A
bluejay here, a red squirrel there, a deer nowhere.
The weather wasnt getting warmer, my water was
freezing inside the bottle, and 10 a.m. was nearing like a
slug on a piece of duct tape.
Since it was well after daylight when I arrived, I decided driving my car across the field was a better idea
than walking; especially since I brought my remote start
with me.
A brown flicker caught my eye and I turned just in time
to see a leaf nestle back against the branch it was connected to.
I pulled out my remote start and clicked the button.
Nothing. I clicked it again. Still nothing. Ah man, its too
far away.
At 10 a.m. I determined I had sat long enough. I wanted
to see my husbands monster buck and my nose was cold.
Mr. Big Buck from the day before must have grown
wiser, or already been in someone elses freezer, because
I didnt see him the rest of the season.
That night, I decided sitting in a completely different
location was wise. I would try my luck with the stand
where I had shot my first deer a doe several years
prior. The stand where I had shot an eight-point buck a
few years ago. The stand where my husband shot one of
his bucks.
Yes, this stand would be the stand of all stands. And I
would be there that night.

Schicks Bowl & Brew

Tuesday Night
Ladies League Standings
Dec. 22, 2015
Lisas Beauty Salon
Hellands Hellions
Cliffs Maple Sugars
Schicks Bowl & Brew 5
Heaven Help Us
High Team Game: Lisas
Beauty Salon, 608; Hellands
Hellions, 563; Cliffs Maple Sugars, 538
High Team Series: Hellands
Hellions, 1,593; Lisas Beauty
Salon, 1,568; Cliffs Maple Sugars, 1,519
High Individual Game:
Sarah Whittaker, 196; Krystal
Jenneman, 187; Alicia Fagner,
High Individual Series: Krystal Jenneman, 515; Alicia Fagner, 454; Ashley Helland, 420

Spare Me
Ladies League
Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2015
Won Lost
36.5 19.5
Ramseier Insurance
31 25
Spare Me
28 28
Mels Belles
16.5 39.5
Team High Game: Mels
Belles, 847; Halfway, 837; Spare
Me, 801
TeamHighSeries: Halfway,
2,411; Mels Belles, 2,357; Spare
Me, 2,275
Individual High Game:
Krisann Eslinger, 179; Barb Gibson, 177; Karen White, 167
Individual High Series:
Brenda Anderson, 473; Barb
Gibson, 447; Krisann Eslinger,
Dec. 17, 2015
Won Lost
B.D. Roycraft Exc.
39 17

39 17
Redwing Cabinets
33 23
Spare Me
27 29
Done Right Welding
26 30
Viking Sink
25 31
Dekan Heating
25 31
Team High Game: Redwing
Cabinets, 957; Kromrey, 927;
Dekan Heating, 919
TeamHighSeries: Kromrey,
2,581; Dekan Heating, 2,570;
Redwing Cabinets, 2,486
Individual High Game Men:
Moldy Moldrem, 259; Ron Birch,
245; Ryan Bergeman, 237
Individual High Series Men:
Moldy Moldrem, 638; Bart
Chapek, 636; Jon Dekan, 625
Mixed Couples
Sunday, Dec. 20, 2015
Won Lost
Dekan Heating
JLH Enterprises

Friggin 10 Pin
14.5 9.5
Spare Me
11.5 12.5
Snow Bowlers
11 13
10 14
Adams Acres Crew
4 20
Team High Game: Dekan
Heating, 880; Friggin 10 Pin,
874; JLH Enterprises, 850
Team High Series: JLH,
2,497; Friggin 10 Pin, 2,483;
Dekan Heating, 2,430
Mens High Game: Jon
Dekan, 243; Bart Chapek, 236;
Jason Buckli, 224
Mens High Series: Jon
Dekan, 677; Bart Chapek, 616;
Jason Buckli, 598
Womens High Game: Sara
Siddons, 171; Kris Jahr, 170;
Jess Buckli, 168
Womens High Series: Sara
Siddons, 444; Jess Buckli, 424;
Krisann Eslinger, 421

An Outdoorsmans Journal By Mark Walters

The Joe 2015

Hello friends,
This is going to be one of those stories that has way more to
tell than I have space for. The Joe is a deer hunt and camp run
by Kids And Mentors Outdoors (KAMO) each year. It is held
at the Mackenzie Environmental Education Center near
I am the president of KAMO, but of the many dozens of volunteers on this project, I am but a grain of sand on a beach.
Friday, Dec. 11 High 46, Low 33
Here is how this project works.
Five of KAMOs chapters are sending mentors, kids and volunteers for other work. There are 22 pairs of kids and mentors,
of which 19 are on Learn to Hunts. Three have purchased tags
in past years so therefore can only shoot a doe.
We hunt the state game/pheasant farm at Poynette and several private properties. (Thank you once again to all private
property owners/donors.)
At first, the kids who come from all over Wisconsin do not
know each other. By noon of day two, they are a pack. When
they are not hunting, they are playing outside or eating the incredible food cooked and served by Jeff and Patti Rouse, and
Marlene Shaw.
Marlene is Pattis mom. I have known Marlene most of my
life. This fall, Marlene made a stocking hat for each kid in the
hunt. This experience is all about giving of ones time and
knowledge, and as everyone is well aware who takes part in
The Joe we are very good at it.
I am hunting with 15-year-old Duncan Day, New Lisbon,
who has hunted deer other years but has never harvested a deer.
In other words, Duncan cannot shoot a buck.
We are hunting on a beautiful piece of property owned by
Eugene Vangen, located in Columbia County near Otsego. Eugene raises beef and has known many of my family members
over the years, so we have a lot to talk about.
This afternoon, Duncan and I did not see a deer but had high
hopes for the morning hunt.
Jerry Absher, of the Lake Wisconsin Chapter of KAMO
(Poynette area), was mentoring James Amacher. James made
a clean shot on a young doe and thus, we had our first deer on
the pole.
Tonight, the kids went through a couple classes on safety
and biology that were given by Columbia County conservation

warden Ryan Volenberg, and Columbia County wildlife biologist Sarah Kehrli.
Saturday, Dec. 12 High 44, Low 35
Usually the kids have snowball fights at camp. This year,
there are periods of rain, it is just cool enough for a deer to be
hanging, and very few hunters are getting cold on the hunt.
Today, Tom St. Claire mentored Connor Larson, a buddy of
Duncans, and all three are from the Meadow Valley Chapter
of KAMO (New Lisbon/Necedah). Like James, Connor made
an excellent shot and we had our second deer, another doe.
Duncan and I relocated on the Vangen farm to a large winter
wheat field. We had two does come out of the woods no more
than 8 yards from our blind on the last minute of legal hunting.
A tree in the way saved one of their lives.
Tonight was a really cool night in camp.
Every year on Saturday it seems like the kids have too much
free time. Greg Wagner, of the Baraboo River Chapter, hosted
an evening of BINGO just for the kids, with the winners of
each game getting an excellent prize, such as a fishing rod and
a knife set. In the final game of the night, Haaken Rosholt, Wisconsin Dells, won a .243 donated by very generous people
from the Poynette area.
The following morning, Duncan and I were in our blind and
two does came out. Duncan made an excellent shot at 104
Duncan learned how to do the new online registration as
well as dress his first deer. And that, my friends, is why we
started KAMO.
I challenge anyone reading this to help start a new chapter,
join an existing chapter, or get a kid you know into KAMO.
Check us out at
KAMO is way more than hunting and fishing.

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Thursday, December 31, 2015


Cadott Elementary 4K Christmas Program

The Cadott High School choir performed holiday

songs Dec. 21 at their winter concert, including
Shepherds Echo Carol with a trio from Sarah Sedlacek, Riley Kulow and Jace Bale. Come We Shepherds and Amid the Cold of Winter were sung
before the audience was invited to sing along to
Deck the Halls, Silent Night and We Wish You A
Merry Christmas.

(Above) Cadott Elementary 4Kstudents could

barely contain their excitement as they performed Jingle Bells for parents and relatives at
their Christmas concert Dec. 17. The students
giggled and waved to parents and siblings as
they sang holiday songs like Reindeer Pokey
and Peppermint Stick. (Right) Showing their
Santa bellies, Cadott 4K students sang S-A-N-TA at their Christmas program. Parents and relatives were invited to sing along with the
students to the last two songs of the program,
Jingle Bells and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Cookies and refreshments were served
after the program. (Photos by Heather Dekan)

Cadott Junior & Senior High

Winter Choir Concert
Photos by Heather Dekan
David Pagel sings
a solo in Solitary
Snowflake at the
Cadott Junior and
Senior High winter
choir concert. The
junior high choir
also performed holiday selections including Hanukkah
Nagilah, Il Est Ne,
Le Devin Enfant
and A Star Dances,
An Angel Sings.

Cadott 4K through Sixth-Grade Sing-A-Long

Photos by
Heather Dekan

Cadott fourth graders get in the holiday spirit by singing Rocking Around the
Christmas Tree at the Cadott Elementary 4K through sixth-grade sing-a-long
Dec. 22. Other songs performed included Jingle Bell Rock, Twelve Days of
Christmas and Winter Fantasy.

Ryan Koffler plays the
rhythm sticks during
their performance of
Bells on the Sleigh.
Each grade took the
stage for the packed
gym and sang one

Cadott Kindergarten Christmas Program

Photos by Heather Dekan

Kyle Morrow picks out a treat after the Cadott

kindergarten Christmas program Dec. 23. The students performed seven songs for parents and relatives including the Chipmunk Song, Frosty the
Snowman, Jingle Bells and Santas Coming.

The Cadott Junior High choir did a small dance performance with their first song Hannukkah Nagilah.
The concert was directed by choir instructor Terra Goff and
accompanied by Tammy

Cadott kindergartners performed Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer at their

program, then invited parents and family members to the cafeteria for Christmas treats.

To subscribe
to your
hometown paper
the Courier
Sentinel. Call the
Cornell office
(715) 861-4414 or
the Cadott office
(715) 289-4978


Thursday, December 31, 2015




Cornell Elementary Christmas Program

Photos by Monique Westaby

During the first-grade

class song Jingle Bells,
Anelise Larson, laughs
all the way oer the
fields they go. The
group finished their set
with Hello Reindeer for
Christmas Program.

Five select kindergarten students from Cornell got to hold a letter for their
song S-A-N-T-A, sung to the tune of B-I-N-G-O. As each verse continued, one
letter was replaced with a shh. The class also sang Santas Helpers for
friends and family at the Cornell Elementary Christmas Program Dec. 18. The
night ended with an all-class reprise of Christmas Makes Me Sing.

Santa, also known as Cornell fourth grader Carter

Harycki, looked over letters written to him during
his class rendition of When Santa Claus Gets Your
Letter. The class then led the crowd in laughter as
they held up cartoonish-sized smiling lips and teeth
for Christmas Makes Me Sing.

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Thursday, December 31, 2015


Photos by Monique Westaby

The junior high band began their melodies for the

evening with Ding Dong Merrily on High, utilizing
all instruments, including the brass section with
members Elizabeth Guthman (left) and Alyssa Lee
(right), for all four songs they performed. The junior
high chorus, high school chorus and Jazz Band
also played for the crowd at the Dec. 14 Lake Holcombe winter concert.


City of Cornell
Christmas tree
curb-side pick up
Dec. 3, 2015
The City Works Department will pick up Christmas trees the week of
Jan. 4, 2016. Clean trees
(tinsel and garland removed) should be placed
at the curb of city street or
alley the evening prior to
pick up date.
David DeJongh,
city administrator
52-157177 wnaxlp
Notice and Order for
Name Change Hearing
Case No. 15 CV 430

In the matter of the

name change of: Amanda
Lee Bintz.
By (Petitioner) Amanda
Lee Bintz.
petition was filed asking to
change the name of the
person listed above from
Amanda Lee Bintz to
Amanda Lee Lauersdorf.
Amanda Lee Bintz.
petition will be heard in
the Circuit Court of
Chippewa County, State
of Wisconsin.
Judges Name: Steven
R. Cray.
Place: Chippewa County Circuit Court, 711 N.
Bridge St., Chippewa
Falls, WI 54729.


T.A. James
Due to a change in ownership of the property at 418 N. Main Street, Cadott, WI,
please call 715-828-3100 by Feb. 15, 2016.
Failure to respond to this notice could result in storage and/or disposal of personal
52-157192/2 wnaxlp

52-157095/2 wnaxlp

Instrumental music instructor JimAerts kept things

festive with reindeer antlers as he directed the high
school and junior high bands for Lake Holcombes
holiday concert Dec. 14. The high school serenaded
parents and residents with Sounds of Christmas
and Christmas at the Movies.

Village of Cadott


WHEREAS, an application has been made to the
village clerk of the Village of Cadott, Wisconsin, to
change certain zoning district classifications and
zoning district boundaries contained therein;
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the village
board of the Village of Cadott, Wisconsin, will meet
at the office of the village clerk in the municipal
building in the Village of Cadott, Chippewa County,
Wisconsin, on the 18th day of January 2015 at
6:35 p.m., to consider the amendment of the zoning ordinance of the Village of Cadott, Wisconsin,
as follows:
SEC 06, TWP 28N, R06 W
S1/2 NE Lot 2 of Cert. Sur. Map #2287 in V10
DOC #642348
Parcel number: 22806-0613-72287002
Owners: Dennis & Diane Falkenberg

Date: Feb. 2, 2016.

Time: 8:30 a.m.
hearing shall be given by
publication as a Class 3
notice for three (3) weeks
in a row prior to the date
of the hearing in the
Courier Sentinel a newspaper
Chippewa County, State
of Wisconsin.
Steven R. Cray,
circuit court judge
Date: Dec. 11, 2015
50-156881/3 wnaxlp
Cadott Village
Board Minutes
Dec. 21, 2015
The Finance Committee
met at 6 p.m. to audit the
The regular meeting of
the Cadott Village Board
was called to order by
President Anson Albarado. Trustees present
Randy Kuehni, Terry
Licht, Les Liptak, Jerry
Rykal and Chuck Sedivy.
Absent: none. Public
present: Neil Aubart (village journeyman lineman), Katie Stallmen and
Kayla Peche (reporter).
The next regular board
meeting will be Jan. 4,
2016, at 6:30 p.m.
A motion was made by
Liptak and seconded by
Rykal to approve the minutes of the Dec. 7, 2015,
board meeting. MC.
A motion was made by
Kuehni and seconded by
Liptak to approve the bills
dated Dec. 21, 2015. Motion by roll call. MC.
A motion was made by
Rykal and seconded by
Liptak to approve delegating the clerk or her designee authority to assign
ending fund balance
amounts to specific purposes within the villages
general fund. MC.
Neil Aubart was present
to explain an extension to
our contract for energy
costs. It will extend the
contract for another three
years (2022-2024). He

Real Estate

explained that the prices

are at or below the current
costs. This is only for energy. We will have to buy
the capacity too. The consortium group we are in
have all agreed to do the
extension. Aubart also explained the study cost that
we paid for was for wind
generation. The study is
looking into building a
power plant but the study
is not done yet. A motion
was made by Chapek and
seconded by Sedivy to
approve the 3 year extension for 2022-2024. MC.
Kuehni reported that the
Planning & Development
Committee met and reviewed the zone change
request from Dennis and
Diane Falkenberg from
Agricultural A-1 to SingleFamily Residential R-1 on
their property to the north
of Highway 29 and south
of Poplar St. He stated the
committee recommends
moving ahead with the
zone change.
The clerk presented
building permits and also
Chippewa County Dept.
of Public Health thanking
the businesses for keeping tobacco out of the
hands of our youth by
and not selling tobacco
products to minors.
A motion was made by
Sedivy and seconded by
Chapek to adjourn the
meeting. MC.
Sandra Buetow, clerk
52-157098 wnaxlp

Real Estate

Your Hometown Agent
Cell 715.206.0132

40-154632 46-155979

Kareese Jiskra and Lucas Hering, along with the

rest of the Lake Holcombe Showstoppers, danced
and swung to the sounds of Yule be Swingin and
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. The group performed to choreographed numbers, with Hering
standing out as a soloist for the group.

Any person interested in the matter and desiring

testimony or other evidence will be heard at the
time and place specified above.
Dated: Dec. 22, 2015
BY: Anson Albarado, president
ATTEST: Sandra Buetow, clerk
Your Cornell/Lake Holcombe
Area Realtors

Thane Page
Cell: 715.202.3194

Kay Geist
Cell: 715.577.2193


Thursday, December 31, 2015




Industrial - Commercial - Residential - Farm

21692 Cty. Hwy. E
Cornell, WI 54732

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KEVINS REFRIGERATION SERVICE: Phone 715-568-3646. Reasonable rates. Repair refrigerators,

freezers, walk-ins, ice makers and
air conditioners.
PETSKA PLUMBING, LLC: Residential, commercial, remodeling,
farms, pump installation. Rick Petska, MP143877, 16163 190th Ave.,
Bloomer, WI 54724. Phone 715288-6580.
STORAGE: Highway 27 in Holcombe and Cornell. 6x10, 10x12
and 10x24. $25 to $50. Call 715595-4945 or 715-828-0163.
GARAGE: Stanley, Allis Chalmers,
New Holland, New Idea, Kover, McCulloch chain saws; Little Giant;
Kelly Ryan and Spread-Master
spreaders. Good farm equipment at
all times. For a better deal, see us
now. Expert repair service on all
makes and models. 715-644-3347.
To advertise call the Courier
Sentinel at 715-861-4414


Das Deutsch Eck, W705 Colby
Factory Road, Colby. 715-2234573. 25-50 percent off rubber
stamps. Free grab bag with $50

AKC GERMAN Shorthaired Pointer

puppies, 10 weeks old, males,
$400, good with children, all shots
and vet checked. 715-654-5089.
FOX TERRIER cross puppies, free
to good home. 715-654-5435.

purchase. Some limits and exceptions. Dec. 28-31. Open Jan. 1, 3-7

black female, 9 weeks, parents on
site, ears already standing, shots,
dewormed, Marathon area, $300.


829-2571, or visit

FOR SALE: Feeder pigs, 25-35
lbs. Holstein feeder steers, 550-700
lbs., fed whole corn and pellets mix,
and some hay. 715-581-6403.

Card of Thanks
Thank You

120 S. Wells Street - Gilman, WI

BEDROOM FAMILY UNIT, off-street parking, subsidized rent based on 30% of household income for qualified households. For information and application, call
Pam at 1-800-924-3256.



Home Improvement
Home Remodels Garages - Doors & Openers Storage Sheds Siding

J & M Home Repair

and Maintenance, LLC

Is your complete local handyman service provider.

Providing interior/exterior commercial or home repair and maintenance.

Call now to schedule your fall home

maintenance and repairs.
We offer sidewalk and driveway
snow removal services.
Commercial or residential. No job is too small. We do it all.

Additions Bathrooms Faucets/Toilets

On Dec. 13, my beautiful wife, Violet

Holtman, passed and was received by the
On Dec. 19, the furneral service was performed at the Methodist Church in Cadott.
Pastor Dennis Nelson and wife, Doris Nelson, officiated; song by Pastor George
And the presence of the power of Lord
the Creator and Savior of the universe.
My strength is in the Lord, the support
you all gave me and my family was beyond
words. I could feel your love for Violet. The
spirit that dwells in all of us was powerful
and uplifting for all of us.
A special thanks to those who helped in
the kitchen; God is aware and so am I. That
will not be forgotten.
Thank you for the cards of sympathy and
gifts of money, it was a profound testament
to the life of my Violet.
God Bless You All
Randy Holtman

FOR RENT: 1 bedroom cottage on
Lake Holcombe. Call 715-4035162.
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom lower
apartment in Cornell. Utilities included, excepting electric. $560.

Riverwood Apartments


Call Jason @ 715-429-0802 or Matt S. @ 715-456-0911

or Matt @ 715-512-1244
Home Remodels Garages - Doors & Openers Storage Sheds Siding


Visit us at
Local News Sports Classifieds Events

The class and test will be free for all individuals

who work for the Cornell Area Care Center
for a year after completion of the course.
Any questions on the program should be
directed to: Amanda Pinney, human resources
Candidates must complete an interview process,
pass a Wisconsin caregiver background
check and submit to drug screening.
To apply for the program please visit and click join our team.

For Rent
FOR RENT: 1 and 2 bedroom
apartments on Main Street in Cornell. Within walking distance of
schools, pharmacy and post office.
Call CPMC at 715-858-3445.
FOR RENT: 1/2 month free rent on
2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Security deposit specials in both
Cadott and Stanley. Located close
to downtown and schools. Call 715-

Side Liquidators, Cornell, Thorp and

Bloomer stores. Apply with resume,
HELP WANTED: Part/full-time farm
help. Milking, cleaning, some calf
work and feeding. Owen. Call 715613-3510.
TRUCK DRIVER wanted for grain
hopper division, home weekends.
Saturday morning mechanic. Looking for drivers, also home daily
route. 715-571-9623.

Oakwood Villa, located in Altoona, will offer a CNA class

starting Jan. 11. The class runs three days a week for six weeks.
Class and clinicals both will be held at Oakwood Villa.

For Sale
FOR SALE: #1 QUALITY MATTRESS SETS: Twin $99. Full $149.
Queen $169. PILLOW TOP SETS:
Twin $159. Full $195. Queen $225.
King $395. 28 years experience.
Extra Plush Pillow Top Mattress
Sets: Twin $195. Full $245. Queen
$275. King $445. Call Dan 715-

HELP WANTED: Part-time bartenders, waitresses and cooks.

Please apply in person at Paradise
Shores in Holcombe.
HELP WANTED: Housekeepers.
Apply in person at Paradise Shores,
HELP WANTED: Live-in motel manager. Send resume to: Manager, 905
Park Avenue East, Ladysmith, WI
PART-TIME retail help wanted. City


Wanted To Buy
WANTED: GUNS - new and used.
Turn them into ca$h or trade for a
new one! Shay Creek in Medford,


Help Wanted


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Monday - Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Closed Sundays
Phone: (715) 288-6863 Fax: (715) 288-5999


In house machine shop for

cylinder & crankshaft repair






Thursday, December 31, 2015


Its not a bar. Its not a restaurant.Its a brew pub

By Kayla Peche
For about eight years, Jon Henrys was a closed-down
building on Bridge Street in Cornell, that is until Roger and
Cindy Miller decided to start a brewery.
The building just came up and it was just meant to be,
said Cindy. It just happened at the right time.
Roger says their family had to put a lot of tender love and
care into the building, but it wasnt as bad as people
thought. The Millers re-wired the 30-year-old place and
added a new furnace, took part of the kitchen out to add a
bar, re-did the bathrooms and walls, and added their own
character with decorations, naming it MoonRidge Brew Pub.
We figured since we had time this summer wed put our
touch on it, said Cindy, adding that Roger built the bar himself and their daughter painted the logo on the wall.
Honestly, we never thought it was going to be like it is,
Roger said. We thought, sell a little beer and a few pizzas.
The couple had a soft opening Nov. 19, after Cindy said
they waited for months to open the doors. On that day, they
sold 37 pizzas and plenty of beer. They said it was way
busier than they expected, especially with no advertising.
Its a good thing I have a big family, said Cindy. Because Ihave a lot of family here helping until I can figure out
what is going to be a normal shift.
For the winter season, the brew pub is open Thursday-Friday from 4:30-10 p.m., and Saturdays 11 a.m.-10 p.m. In the
summer, hours will be extended to Sunday-Saturday from
11 a.m.-10 p.m.
Cindy says they also plan to have seasonal beer on tap
every three months or so, and specialty monthly pizzas. Next
summer, she said they also might do a pizza recipe contest
for guests to submit their recipes, with the customers favorite
winning a prize.
Because of early closing hours, limited kitchen space and
staff numbers, the Millers thank customers for their patience
so far, and remind them that it isnt a bar and its not a restaurant its a brew pub.

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We wanted something for our age to go to, said Cindy.

We just want a place to come and sit a socializing place.
But yet, we want it to be open to families with kids too.
Roger began brewing from beer kits, advancing to a kettle
on his stove, but a vacation to Maui helped him realize he
could start selling his own on a bigger scale. He said he brews
two-three times a week at the pub, and guarantees customers
will get a fresh beer every time.
I figured I should be able to keep 1,400 people happy in
Cornell, Roger said.
Brewing beer that he would drink, Roger developed seven
brews including Haymeadow, Fisher, Stacker, Wayside,
Shaws Road, Below the Dam and MoonRidge.
The names are local spots, said Roger. I grew up here
my whole life and Im not going to lie, its spots where when
I was a kid thats where we drank. If youre from the local
Cornell-Holcombe area, you know exactly what Im talking
One of the only exceptions to the party location beers is
the Stacker, which is second in line to the local favorite,
We wanted to have something called the Stacker to honor
Cornell, said Cindy.
Along with the brews, the pub also offers pizza, including
unique flavors for those who want to be a bit more adventurous.
The homemade pie can be made with regular or spent grain
crust, which Cindy says will taste different every time depending on what Roger brews. They also have a beer marinara sauce for something fun.
The six pizzas include a Brew House Specialty pizza,
which is regular meat and supreme. Cindy says other delicious recipes are the Reuben, Hot Chicken Alfredo and
Cheeseburger pizza.

108 McRae Street
Cadott, Wi 54727
(715) 289-3891

Home Farm

Accepting New Patients

Thomas J. Rufledt, DDS
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1502 Main St. Bloomer 715.568.2363


Hours: Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Roger and Cindy Miller purchased the former Jon

Henrys building at 501 Bridge Street in Cornell, and
opened MoonRidge Brew Pub. The couple has
seven craft brews on site, along with six homemade
specialty pizzas available. The Millers say the community has been just great since opening. I have
heard a lot of positives, said Roger.
(Photo by Kayla Peche)
Roger and Cindy say when you walk in the door, someone
should greet you, then you can go to the pizza ordering station or bar for what you need. Once there is a regular staff,
they will have waiters/waitresses to help customers. Cindy
said the community has been great so far and shes happy to
be in a place like Cornell.
Customers should feel welcome, feel almost at home,
said Roger. People can expect a good beer at a good price,
and expect very good pizza at a good price. Overall, you just
feel good about coming.
We want you to feel like you want to come back.

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