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A) Describe The Concept of FMS

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A)Describe the concept of FMS

A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a manufacturing system
in which there is some amount of flexibility that allows the system
to react in case of changes, whether predicted or unpredicted. This
flexibility is generally considered to fall into two categories, which
both contain numerous subcategories.
The first category, machine flexibility, covers the system's ability
to be changed to produce new product types, and ability to change
the order of operations executed on a part. The second category is
called routing flexibility, which consists of the ability to use
multiple machines to perform the same operation on a part, as well
as the system's ability to absorb large-scale changes, such as in
volume, capacity, or capability.
Most FMS consist of three main systems. The work machines
which are often automated CNC machines are connected by a
material handling system to optimize parts flow and the central
control computer which controls material movements and machine
The main advantages of an FMS is its high flexibility in managing
manufacturing resources like time and effort in order to
manufacture a new product. The best application of an FMS is
found in the production of small sets of products like those from a
mass production.

B)Discuss component of FMS

Material handling and storage system
Computer control system
Human labor

C)Explain the application and benefit of FMS

Machining most common application of FMS technology
Inspection Sheet metal processing (punching, shearing,
bending, and forming) Forging
2.A)Describe the concept of CIM
Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is the manufacturing
approach of using computers to control the entire production process.
This integration allows individual processes to exchange information
with each other and initiate actions. Through the integration of
computers, manufacturing can be faster and less error-prone, although
the main advantage is the ability to create automated manufacturing
processes. Typically CIM relies on closed-loop control processes, based
on real-time input from sensors. It is also known as flexible design and
B)discuss the implantation of CIM

2c Explain the benefit of CIM

Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is a system consisting of

software covering many business processes, including integration of
automated assignment and reporting of factory floor operations through
machine and material handling equipment sensors and software. CIM
covers enterprise resource planning (ERP) modules in a manufacturing
operation, including design, purchasing, inventory, shop floor control,
material requirements planning, customer order management and cost
accounting. Advantages include error reduction, speed, flexibility and a
high degree of integration

Error reduction
CIM systems require higher degrees of data accuracy to run properly.
inventory and operational information achieve a very high level of
accuracy, CIM can perform functions with minimal human intervention
and then report on the results automatically. Humans are still required to
monitor systems, but elimination of human error in many assignment
and reporting functions on factory floor operations drastically reduces
the error rate.
Assignment and reporting in a CIM environment are
performed automatically and immediately without any
delay involved with people-based transactions.
Depending on the environment, this additional speed
allows operations to be performed as soon as previous
work occurs without any lag time

Once operations are assigned and reported in a CIM system, changes to
various operations can also be performed more easily. CIM systems are
designed to be entirely paperless, eliminating the barriers to changing
operations. This flexibility, combined with the speed it can be
performed, allows companies to quickly react to market conditions and
then return to previous settings when market conditions change.

Factory floor operations are not integrated in non-CIM situations;
manufacturing operations and material usage must be reported by
humans who perform transactions. CIM offers a degree of integration
that enables the flexibility, speed and error reduction required to
compete and lead markets. Integrating factory floor operations with
enterprise software enables employees to do higher value functions for
their companies.
3a) Explain the reason why used reverse engineering
1. The original manufacturer of a product no longer produces a
2. There is inadequate documentation of the original design
3. The original manufacturer no longer exists, but a customer needs
the product
4. The original design documentation has been lost or never existed

5. Some bad features of a product need to be designed out. For

example, excessive wear might indicate where a product should be
6. To strengthen the good features of a product based on long-term
usage of the product
7. To analyze the good and bad features of competitors' product
8. To explore new avenues to improve product performance and
9. To gain competitive benchmarking methods to understand
competitor's products and develop better products
The original CAD model is not sufficient to support
modifications or current manufacturing methods
The original supplier is unable or unwilling to provide
additional parts
The original equipment manufacturers are either unwilling or
unable to supply replacement parts, or demand inflated costs for
sole-source parts
To update obsolete materials or antiquated manufacturing
processes with more current, less-expensive technologies


Reverse engineering is the process of discovering the technological
principles of a human made device, object or system through analysis of
its structure, function and operation. It often involves taking something
(e.g., a mechanical device, electronic component, or software program)
apart and analyzing its workings in detail to be used in maintenance, or
to try to make a new device or program that does the same thing without
using or simply duplicating (without understanding) any part of the
Reverse engineering has its origins in the analysis of hardware for
commercial or military advantage. The purpose is to deduce design
decisions from end products with little or no additional knowledge about
the procedures involved in the original production. The same techniques
are subsequently being researched for application to legacy software
systems, not for industrial or defence ends, but rather to replace
incorrect, incomplete, or otherwise unavailable documentation.

3c) Explain the methodologies and technologies for automation with

3-D Laser
i. not reverse engineering
ii. the computer aided (forward) engineering
iii. the computer aided reverse engineering (CARE)

i. not reverse engineering

Each discipline of engineering has a different definition for RE.
Computer engineers and computer scientists, for example, refer to RE
when they speak of determining the algorithmic functionality of a
software package when they have no prior knowledge of the original
software design. Engineers and programmers attempt to develop
functional block diagrams of the software through interaction with the
interface and to develop high-level code descriptions from raw machine

ii. the computer aided (forward) engineering

The peak of revolution occurred in 1990 with the design of the
Boeing 777; the entire aircraft was designed and preassembled through a
virtual CAD) simulation. According to Boeing, the first 777 to roll out of
the production hangar in 1994 was just hundredths of an inchabout the
thickness of a playing cardwithin alignment. This precision contrasts
with the half-inch alignments common with most aircraft parts before
that timean improvement of several orders of magnitude. This
revolution in technology has continued into the 1990s and today with the
emergence and growth of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). CAM
is the automation of the manufacturing process itselfbeyond just the
design process where machines such as computerized numerically
controlled (CNC) mills allow precise fabrication of objects directly from
CAD descriptions. With CAM, a designer can rapidly move from a
conceptual CAD description to a real-world

iii. the computer aided reverse engineering (CARE)

CARE through CAD and CAM technologies is the automation of
engineering and fabrication, where a design formalizes ideas through
computer modeling and then fabricates those models into real-world

CARE flows in the opposite direction. CARE creates a computer model

of an object through measurements of the object, as it exists in the real
world. In this context, we define CARE as the reversal of CAE or the
ability to generate a CAD model from a real-world tangible object.
To be more concrete, we define CARE in terms of the geometry and
shape of an object and not in terms of its functionality


A)Describe the concept of CIM

Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is the manufacturing

approach of using computers to control the entire production process.[1]
[2] This integration allows individual processes to exchange information
with each other and initiate actions. Through the integration of
computers, manufacturing can be faster and less error-prone, although
the main advantage is the ability to create automated manufacturing
processes. Typically CIM relies on closed-loop control processes, based
on real-time input from sensors. It is also known as flexible design and

B)discuss the implantation of CIM

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