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V2 I4 Naniwa Newsletter OFFICIAL

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April 2010

Volume 1I Issue IV

Naniwa News

Inside this issue:

Hurray! Elevator Replacement Is Complete!
Your Board of Directors would like to announce the official
Elevator Replacement P1 completion of Naniwa Garden’s Elevator replacement project!
Completed Projects P2
Each elevator cab has passed all required testing by the State
of Hawaii. This major undertaking has taken over a year to
Continuing Projects P2 complete, it is also the largest and most complex undertaking
Annual Meeting Results P3 Naniwa Gardens AOAO has undertaken. Despite some set-
backs, and unforeseen problems that occurred during the
Survey Results P3
course of the project, this work has been completed on time,
House Rules Comments P3 and more importantly -within budget!
Naniwa Management Info P4
Going forward, our elevator maintenance will be part of an
Courteous House Rules P4 Elevator Service Provider’s Agreement. We are confident of
our service crew’s skill in solving any mechanical problems that
Friendly Reminders: may arise in the operation of each elevator. In order to facili-
tate the upkeep of our new elevators, we would like to ask
• Please do not park in
the driveway areas for every resident to follow these procedures if you experience
extended times—the any mechanical problem while operating the cabs: Garage Elevator
limit is 10 minutes.

• Supervise all children • If you are stuck in the cab, please sound the alarm
when in common areas. and/or press the emergency ‘call’ button to get help,
• Do not feed the Koi.
or use your cell phone to call the Resident Manager or
They get fed every security person. See phone numbers in the back of
morning by the crew. this newsletter.
• Trash chute times are
8:00AM to 10:00PM. • If you experience any minor or major mechanical
Please observe this rule. problems and you are able to get out of the cab,
• Mahalo for your your
please report the problem IMMEDIATELY to the
cooperation! Resident Manager or security person.

• Please use your common sense as well as follow all

posted elevator rules and house rules concerning ele-
vator courtesy.

We have beautiful new elevators, so let us all keep them in

Typical Elevator
good shape for the sake of our comfort and property value!
Page 2 N a n i w a N ew s V ol u m e 1 I I ss u e I V

Other Completed Projects

• ROOF LIBRARY RESTROOM: Has been completed by Tommy and his crew,
please have a look! It just needs some art work, which we will be installing soon.

• LOBBY AREA DECK COATING: Finally pau with good results! To add to our
lobby area beautification project, our Resident Manager and his staff repaired the con-
crete wall to the planter box nearest the lobby, and immediately outside the Resident
Manager’s office. The results were outstanding!

Library area restroom all pau!

Lobby area Deck Coating completed! Tommy, Ray & Nic’s concrete planter repair

Continuing Projects
• TOP DECK PARKING REPAIRS: Almost finished (weather permitting), structural
problems repaired, new drains installed, new deck coating and new parking stripes!

• ROOF WARRANTY REPAIRS: We have finally coordinated all warranty repairs

with the roofing contractor and will let the residents know when work will commence.

• LANAI AWNING CLEANING: We have experienced a temporary setback for the

awning cleaning. Therefore we shall keep those of you needing the cleaning apprised of
the situation once we get a firm commitment from the vendor.

Awning cleaning—stay tuned..

Miscellaneous Roof warranty repairs settled. Top Level Parking Deck repair almost pau!
Page 3 N a n i w a N ew s V ol u m e 1 I I ss u e I V

Annual Meeting Board Election Results:

Since there were no nominations from the floor, the only nominees were the two Board Mem-
bers who had expiring terms who ran for re-election. Those attending the meeting were asked
if there was any objection to electing the two directors seeking new terms by acclamation. Since
there was no objection, the two directors who were re-elected were Patti Ichida and Bob
Following the Annual Meeting an Organizational Meeting was held.

The following are the Board Members and Officers effective April 1, 2010:
Naniwa Gardens Condominium President: Walter Lieberman
Photo By: Hans
Vice President: Patti Ichida
Secretary: Lisa Kumbroch
Treasurer: Nigel Sher
Director: Maureen “Moe” Meyers
Director: Bob Romo
Director: Nathan Plain

First Ever Residents Survey Results:

Solar heat the pool: 51% in favor 8% opposed

Generator installation: 50% in favor 11% opposed
Salt Water Pool : 33% in favor 26% opposed
Smoke Free Building : 41% in favor 19% opposed

At this point, since we have more than 50% of our owners in favor of both the solar heating of
the pool and installation of a generator, the Board will continue to pursue the cost effective im-
Solar Heating of Pool—Good Idea! plementation of these projects. The other two issues will be deferred for now. The Board will
Convert to Salt Water-Not so much. continue to listen to supporting arguments regarding the deferred issues, and will present addi-
tional information on the subject. If we find that we can achieve a majority of owners in favor at
some future time, the Board will reconsider these issues. The Smoke Free Building would re-
quire a change to our By-Laws which would require a vote of 67% of our owners in favor of
such a change to our By-Laws. It is not a question of whether it is legal to make this change. It
has been done and is legal with the appropriate percentage of owners in agreement.

Emergency Generator—Good Idea! Smoke Free Building—Not so much…..

Naniwa House Rules Comments

When each of us decided to live here at Naniwa Gardens, we all agreed to abide by the condo-
minium By-Laws and House Rules. From time to time each of us may run afoul to these rules
and must politely be reminded of them. Many of us do not read these rules until it is too late.
As board members, we are well aware of these rules and try to be an example to others who
may not be. Our hope is that each resident is aware of these rules so as not to encroach on
someone else’s enjoyment of this great place. With this in mind, we continue to highlight rules
so that we can all become more familiar with our responsibilities while living together in this

Although the Condominium By-Laws rarely get changed unless a large majority votes in favor,
your Board of Directors is continuously reviewing the House Rules to see if we can make im-
provements or make the rules clearer. We are considering some changes at this time which will
House Rules Rule! be discussed at our next Board Meeting.
Page 4 N a n i w a N ew s V ol u m e 1 I I ss u e I V

Naniwa Gardens Board of Directors Naniwa Gardens Property Management

President: Walter Lieberman

Vice President: Patti Ichida
Treasurer: Nigel Sher
Secretary: Lisa Kumbroch
Director: Bob Romo
Director: Maureen Myers
Director: Nathan Plain Property Manager: David Shockley Office: 792-3097

Naniwa Gardens Staff After Hours Phone Numbers

Manager: Tommy Samora Office: 395-9666

Cell: 429-0214 Security Guard: 306-0851
Staff: Ray Hernandez
Emergency: 911
Staff: Nicholas Fathagaag

Visit your Naniwa Gardens Website at:

Courteous House Rules Reminders

• Keep noise to a minimum, especially in the parking garage areas. Please keep voices a
little lower until you reach the Lobby area or your unit. We all thank you for your

• No BBQ / open flames on lanais, or on rear exit landings, or anywhere other than our
BBQ area. This not only a house rule but was directed by the Fire Marshal. Besides,
isn’t it common sense?

• Open liquid containers in elevators are prohibited. If you are coming from the pool,
please dry off before entering – if you do drip on the way up, please make an effort to
wipe up the water for everyone’s safety and elevator care.

Keep voices lowered in No open fires or grilling Please dry off before entering the
parking garage at all on lanais or rear exits of elevators!
times—especially at night. units!

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