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ERC 431 Research in The Classroom - 1: School of Education and Cognitive Science

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School of Education and Cognitive Science

ERC 431
Research in the Classroom - 1

Research Proposal


This Guide contains details of the assignment. One element in the

assessment strategy of the course is that all students should have
the same information as facilitators about the Assignment. This
guide also contains the marking criteria that facilitators will use in
assessing your work.

Academic Writing
Academic writing is scholarly and scientific that is systematic that
seeks to answer a question. Academic writing based on the idea
that conclusions can only be accepted when supported by evidence.
An academic writer should be objective and NOT influenced by his
or own opinion (except when the question encourages the author to
give an opinion or a personal reflection), use the data collected to
support a question or hypothesis.
In short, Academic Writing has the following characteristics:

Present facts in a systematic manner, conceptually and in

accordance with clear procedures.
Writing must be accurate, truthful and not make assumptions.
All views expressed are supported by evidence.
Writing should not distort the facts or exaggerate things.
Writing should be honest seeking only the truth.
Statements should not cast any doubt.

Any written assignment (essays, project, take-home exams, etc)
submitted by a student must not be deceptive regarding the
abilities, knowledge, or amount of work contributed by the
student. There are many ways that this rule can be violated.
Among them are:
o Paraphrases: The student paraphrases a closely
reasoned argument of an author without acknowledging
that he or she has done so. (Clearly, all our knowledge is
derived from somewhere, but detailed arguments from
clearly identifiable sources must be acknowledged.)
o Outright plagiarism: Large sections of the paper are
simply copied from other sources, and are not
acknowledged as quotations.
o Other sources: often include essays written by other
students or sold by unscrupulous organizations. Quoting

from such papers is perfectly legitimate if quotation
marks are used and the source is cited.
o Works by others: Taking credit deliberately or not
deliberately for works produced by another without
giving proper acknowledgement. Works includes
photographs, charts, graphs, drawings, statistics, videoclips, audio-clips, verbal exchanges such as interviews
or lectures, performances on television and texts printed
on the web.
o The student submits the same essay to two or more
ii) How can I avoid Plagiarism?
o Insert quotation marks around copy and paste clause,
phrase, sentence, paragraph and cite the original source
Paraphrase clause, phrase, sentence or paragraph in
your own words and cite your source
Adhere to the APA (American Psychological
Association) stylistic format, whichever applicable, when
citing a source and when writing out the bibliography or
reference page
Attempt to write independently without being overly
dependent of information from anothers original works
Educate yourself on what may be considered as
common knowledge (no copyright necessary), public
domain (copyright has expired or not protected under
copyright law), or copyright (legally protected).
b) Documenting Sources
Whenever you quote, paraphrase, summarize, or otherwise refer to
the work of another, you are required to cite its source parenthetical
documentation. Offered here are some of the most commonly cited
forms of material.
Simply having a thinking skill is no assurance
that children will use it. In order for such
skills to become part of day-to-day
behaviour, they must be cultivated in an
environment that value and sustains them.
Just as childrens musical skills will likely lay
fallow in an environment that doesnt
encourage music, learners thinking skills
tend to languish in a culture that doesnt
encourage thinking (Tishman, Perkins and
Jay, 1995, p.5)
According to Wurman (1988), the new
disease of the 21st century will be information

anxiety, which has been defined as the everwidening gap between what one understands
and what one thinks one should understand.
c) Referencing
All sources that you cite in your paper should be listed in the
Reference section
at the end of your paper. Heres how you should do your
From a Journal
DuFour, R. (2002). The learning-centred principal:
Educational Leadership, 59(8). 12-15.
From an Online Journal
Evnine, S. J. (2001). The universality of logic: On the
between rationality and logical ability [Electronic
Mind, 110, 335-367.
From a Webpage
National Park Service. (2003, February 11). Abraham
Birthplace National Historic Site. Retrieved February
13, 2003,
From a Book
Naisbitt, J. and Aburdence, M. (1989). Megatrends 2000.
Pan Books.
From a Chapter in a Book
Nickerson, R. (1987). Why teach thinking? In J. B. Baron
& R.J. Sternberg (Eds), Teaching thinking skills: Theory
and practice. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company. 2737.
From a Printed Newspaper
Holden, S. (1998, May 16). Frank Sinatra dies at 82:
Matchless stylist of pop. The New York Times, pp. A1,

Details about the Assignment (55%)

The aim of this Assignment is to test your ability to write a complete

Cover Page [see example below]

Effectiveness of the Phonics Method in Teaching

Reading in Year Tahun 1 at Sekolah Rendah
Kebangsaan Teluk Pulai, Kelang.

Tajang ak Jamian
Research Proposal

Second Page Content

Chapter 1 Introduction ..
Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature


Chapter 3 Methodology
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 10 pages - 15%]
[Refer to Chapters 1, 2 & 3]

Research Problem:
Rationale for the study Why have you chosen to conduct this study?
o Objective What is the objective of your proposed study? What do
you hope to achieve by conducting this study?
Research Questions list several research questions that you intend to
answer. The Research Questions listed will determine the research method to
be used and influence data collection. .
Significance of the Research state the significance or the importance of the
proposed research; how will it help you as a teacher.
Limitation of the Research what will limit the research that you are
proposing maybe it is the lack of time, you are limited to only you4


pages [20%]
[Refer to Chapter 3]
In this chapter you are required to select 10-12 research (reported in articles or
reports) conducted in Malaysia and in other countries. Do not limit yourself to studies
in Malaysia only. You should refer to studies in English as a second language.
However, you may refer to studies in which Spanish, Chinese, Arab or other language
taught as a second language in some countries.
Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY 10-11 pages [20%]
[Refer to Chapters 4 to 10]

In this chapter, you are required to explain how you plan to conduct the study; i.e the
data collection methods you plan.

Sample explain who are your sample; the number of pupils involved; how
do you plan to select the pupils you plan to study; background of the pupils
(academic level, gender, socioeconomic status, parents occupation, place of
residence and so forth).

Research Method If you have selected the eksperimental method or action

research method, explain how you plan to use these methods for your study.

Data Collection Methods explain the techniques you plan to use in

collecting data for your study:
o For example, if you plan to use a test to collect data, state how you
plan to design and develop the test.
o For example, if you plan to collect data by observing the activities of
pupils, explain how you plan to collect data using this particular
technique; who are you planning to observe; do you plan to jot down
all that you observe in a note book.; do you plan to video tape.
o For example, if you plan to collect data by interviewing pupils, explain
how you plan to conduct the interviews; how many pupils do you plan
to interview, will you be using an audio recorder; will you be using a
checklist or jot down everything mentioned by pupils in a note book.

Data Analysis explain how you plan to analyse the data you have collected:
o For example, if you plan to use a test to collect data, you may want to
use statistical tools such as mean, percentage and so forth [We will
discuss in detail how to analyse data using statistics in the course
Research in the Classroom 2 next semester]
o For example, if you plan to use the observation method to collect data,
you may want to analyse data using qualitative techniques. You will
analyse the words or phrases and extract themes or categories [Will
be discussed in detai next semester]
References Use the APA format as shown in page 4 [in this Assignment]
Appendix attach the following: tests, questionnnaire, checklist and others
used in the study.


Times Roman Font 12 with 1 spacing.

Submit online to MyPLS.
Use the Assignment Cover attached

Cover for the Assignment



ERC 431


Research in the Classroom - 1




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