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The Common Mistakes of Undergraduate Efl Students in Writing Argumentative Essays

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ELLit : 2nd Online National Seminar on English Linguistics and Literature

July, 16 2020



Eko Suhartoyo1, Dzurriyyatun Ni’mah2, Febti Ismiatun3

Universitas Islam Malang, Department of English Education
Malang, Indonesia,

The argumentative essay seems to be challenging for university students (Ka-kan-dee & Kaur,
2015), including in Indonesia. Despite its prominence, this writing genre needs complex thoughts
in the process of text making. As an impact, these troubles create hinders so that students show the
poor quality in developing the essay. This issue motivated a study that aimed at highlighting the
students’ mistakes in writing an argumentative essay through a mixed-method approach. The
participants were chosen disorderly from university students majoring in English education and
engaged in filling out the questionnaires and interviews sequentially. The explanation data analysis
was then applied by means of construing the common problems coped with the participants
quantitatively as well as qualitative analysis. The results of the analysis remarked that participants
encountered numerous complexities in building the argumentative essay, especially low achievers.
They revealed that the features of introduction, conclusion, and grammar were so stressful and
high demanding to write so they required effective strategies as well as writing digital tools to
resolve the challenges. Foreclosing, the last part of this study provides meaningful insight
regarding the curricula of teaching argumentative essays, such as materials and instructions.

Keywords: writing skill, argumentative essay, the students’ mistakes

Argumentative essay is the hardest task final version. And a good argumentative essay
of any writings for English as Foreign follows those above-mentioned stages of
Language (EFL) students around the world, writing.
for instance in Thailand (Ka-kan-dee & Kaur, Several factors making argumentative
2015), in China (Bychkovska & Lee, 2017), essay as the hardest skill among any other
and in Indonesia as well (Suhartoyo, 2017; writings are first that most of EFL students are
Suhartoyo et al., 2015). Indeed, the EFL lack of practice and experience in L2 writing
students are required to compose in order to produce argumentative essay, a
argumentative essay as their prerequisite required text type in academic discipline
before graduating from their home (Grabe, 2001 as cited in Altınmakas &
universities. During composing Bayyurt, 2019)). The study conducted by
argumentative essay, students need to take Altınmakas & Bayyurt (2019) showed the
several stages to produce a good Turkish students are exposed more on reading
argumentative essay. In general, there are rather than in academic writing. The second
three procedures of writing namely; before reason is that writing argumentative essay by
writing, during writing, and after writing. the EFL students whose first language is not
Whereas, (Hedge, 2003) states that a good English might cause double burden (Hyland,
writing should covers several steps, including 2013). (Hedge, 2003) explained that L2
planning, drafting, editing, and writing the students often faced grater problems as they

ELLit : 2nd Online National Seminar on English Linguistics and Literature
July, 16 2020

write academic English in which it is different argumentative essay section is included

from their first language. The third factor is, among any other essays such as chronological
for academic tasks, Asian students lack of order/process essays, cause/effect essays, and
critical thinking skills especially in essay comparison/contrast essays. The objective of
writing and speaking for debate (Rear, 2017; argumentative essay is to develop students’
Suhartoyo, 2017; Suhartoyo et al., 2015). ability to present logical reasoning, strong and
Moreover Elwood (2000) in Rear convincing argument, critical analysis, and
(2017)revealed that Asian students tend to be judgment in the form of subject-related
passive and non-participatory. Moreover, in argumentative essay. In practice of 3 credits
Indonesian context, Suhartoyo (2017 and semester, argumentative essay section is
2015) found that students tend to focus more given in 4 out of sixteen meetings.
on mechanics, vocabulary, and grammar Some researches dealing with
rather than in introduction/thesis statement, argumentative essays in tertiary levels have
development, refutation/opposition, and been mushrooming issue worldwide, for
conclusion. instance in Iran (Lotfi et al., 2019), in China
Primarily, an undergraduate EFL (Lu & Xie, 2019), and in Indonesia (Alfino et
students should be able to compose good al., 2019; Ardiasih et al., 2019; Rahmatunisa,
argumentative essay in which the students add 2014; Suhartoyo, 2017). In details, Lotfi et al.
more explicit convincing reasoning evidences (2019) revealed that Iranian and Chinese
in their essay. Fahim & Hashtroodi students performed differently in
(2012)added that students at tertiary levels argumentative essays through the use of
should possess critical thinking competence boosters, attitude markers, engagement
in which they should add more arguments as markers, and self-mentions, even though they
well as good reasons in their argumentative produced similarly in the use of hedges. Then
essay. The critical competence in Lu & Xie (2019) investigated the
argumentative essay is essential to make effectiveness of a critical thinking oriented
judgement about opinion the topic being instructional pattern in a tertiary EFL
discussed. Moreover, critical thinking students’ argumentative essays. The result of
competence reflects how good undergraduate their study statistically indicated that students
EFL students comprehend the topic of who received the instructional treatment
discussion. Regarding the importance of outperformed the students in control group in
critical thinking competence for the terms of overall critical thinking skills and
undergraduate EFL students, it is best skills of identifying and evaluating the
implemented in argumentative essay writing elements of thoughts. Moreover, the treatment
activity. group also performed better with regard to
Several Indonesian universities set the overall writing ability, organization and
argumentative essay course in the third and coherence.
fourth semester. Argumentative essay in In Indonesian context, only two scholars
university of Islam Malang (Unisma) is investigated similar interest of difficulties
offered in the third semester. Formally, before faced by undergraduate EFL students in
taking Writing III course where argumentative essay Rahmatunisa (2014) and
argumentative essay is given, the Suhartoyo (2017). In details, Rahmatunisa
undergraduate EFL students should pass the (2014) revealed and classified problems faced
Writing I and Writing II courses. For the by EFL learners in writing argumentative
information, argumentative essay in Writing essay. She found that Indonesian EFL learners
III course is not the only material given. The faced problems in three categories: linguistics

ELLit : 2nd Online National Seminar on English Linguistics and Literature
July, 16 2020

problems, cognitive problems, and The method of writing an argumentative

psychological problems. The highest essay appears three approaches which are
linguistics problem was grammatical similar with other writing genres, such as
structure, while the highest problems in both introductory paragraph, body paragraph, and
cognitive and psychological problems were conclusion. Meanwhile, the body is broken
not statistically tabulated. And the last is a down to two parts. So, an argumentative essay
study by Suhartoyo (2017), he revealed that consists of five structures.
both high and low-level students experienced To begin, an argumentative essay must
different kinds of difference in argumentative have a clear and brief thesis statement. This
essay. Those differences were analyzed based part views the context in general way and
on the two kinds of argumentative essay explains why the topic is important. This
scoring rubrics namely; Critical Thinking premier paragraph is crucial to comprehend
Analytical Rubric (CTAR) and Scoring by means of composing an effective essay.
Rubric of Argumentative Essay (SRAE). As a Secondly, students must use logical
result, the level difficulties affected to their transition so the readers can read the essay in
critical thinking competencies. order thinking. Logical transitions are usually
There are several scholars discussing the put in the beginning of introductory
term of mistakes. First, according to Alfiyani paragraph, body paragraph, and conclusion.
(2013) in Eng et al. (2020), mistakes can be Then, each paragraph in the body of
self-corrected since the people who made a essay must have one general idea that is
mistake have already known the proper followed by evidences to support the thesis
patterns. Second, a mistake is unequivocal. It statement. It means that the idea, however,
means that mistake was occurred and created cannot be separated from the topic of an
subconsciously by speaker or writer essay. Besides, students are supposed to view
(Levenson, 1992). Moreover, Corder (2008) some conflicting opinion of the topic rather
as cited in Al-Adawi (2018) testified that than explaining incorrect matter.
mistakes occurred due to a slip of the pen or Fourth, referring to research procedures,
the haste of writing. Based on the above- an argumentative essay requires accurate,
mentioned theories of mistakes it can be detailed, and up to date informative data to
concluded that mistake is the condition where support the thesis statement. Again, a good
the learners consciously revise the text or essay of argumentative must discuss the
utterance into the correct ones. opinions not aligning the thesis.
Argumentative essay is one of The last, to end an argumentative essay,
comprehensive writing genre that covers the students are not allowed to restate the
several complete steps including collecting, previous opinions. This part impress the
generating, evaluating, and establishing an students to struggle making an explanation on
informative data in a brief manner. It also why the topic is important and overviewing
involves advance composition of writing the main point of whole paragraph. In a
since it has correlation with writing a research nutshel, conclusion must shed the light of
project. In addition, this genre requires your work.
procedures to collect the data, interviews, Based on Suhartoyo (2017) there are
surveys, observation, and experiments. several criteria of good argumentative essays.
Moreover, students who write argumentative The criteria are adopted from scoring rubric
essays must construct a detailed thesis of argumentative essay (SRAE). In details,
statement and be followed by reasonable the components of SRAE are: (1) introduction
explanation. and thesis statement; (2) development; (3)

ELLit : 2nd Online National Seminar on English Linguistics and Literature
July, 16 2020

refutation; (4) conclusion; (5) organization; classifies the components of argumentative

(6) grammar; (7) vocabulary; (8) mechanics. essay in two categories, namely: content and
In this current research, the researcher language features.

This current research design adopted collected sequentially in two phases, with one
Mixed Method Design-Explanatory form of data collection (quantitative)
Sequential Design (Creswell, 2012). This following and informing the other
design is chosen due to two reasons. First, the (qualitative). The research design is
research is aimed at tabulating the common illustrated in the following figure 1.
mistakes made by undergraduates EFL The participant of the research is the third
students in writing argumentative essay. semester EFL students of university of Islam
Second, the research is also aimed at Malang who are taking Writing III course.
interviewing the participants by finding out The participant of the research later is ought
the students’ knowledge in regard to to write argumentative essays and later will be
argumentative essays components. So, both interviewed.
quantitative and qualitative data will be

Data Collection Qualitative
and Analysis Follow Data Collection Interpretation
Students’ up with and Analysis
mistakes in Students’ result
argumentative of interview

Figure 1. Mixed-Method Research Design-Explanatory Sequential Design

Based on the above-mentioned research interpreting the quantitative results. The

design, it can be concluded that the researcher rationale of using this research design is
first will collect the quantitative data and then expected to capture the best both quantitative
collective qualitative data to help explain or and qualitative data and to obtain quantitative
elaborate on the qualitative results. The results from the students’ scores in
quantitative data is the scores of the students’ argumentative essays in the first phase, and
argumentative essays. The students’ scores then to refine or elaborate those findings
are derived from the scoring rubric of through in-depth qualitative exploration in the
argumentative essay (SRAE) (see appendix second phase.
1). Whereas the qualitative data are collected In details, the quantitative data were
from the students’ response based on semi- collected at the end of the Writing III course
structured interview (see appendix 2). in the form of argumentative essay. The
In addition, this current research adopted students were asked to choose one out of 10
explanatory research design where the topics given. After that, a template of
researcher will collect the data sequentially in argumentative essay were given so that the
two phases. Practically, the researcher first students write their draft accordingly. Not
will collect the quantitative data and then will only should they compose their draft
collect the data qualitatively to help according the template but also they should

ELLit : 2nd Online National Seminar on English Linguistics and Literature
July, 16 2020

consider eight aspects of argumentative essay you encounter those difficulties during the
namely: introduction, development, process of writing?”, “Did you use electronic
refutation, conclusion, organization, tools to encounter those difficulties? If yes,
grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics. what kinds of applications/programs helped
In the interview section, the samples of you the most?”, “Did you follow the writing
queries are mainly emerged to confirm stages (pre-writing, drafting, revising, writing
whether the students’ responses are the final result, publishing) in writing
proportional or not with the quantitative data argumentative essays?”, “As we know, there
from students’ scores in argumentative are several pre-writing strategies (freewriting,
essays. Here are the examples of questions, clustering, listing descriptive details, reasons-
such as: “Would you please tell me your examples, and getting ideas from reading),
experience in writing an argumentative which kind of strategy did you use in the pre-
essays, especially in Writing III?”, “Tell me writing activity before writing your first
any difficulties you got while composing the draft? And why did you use that?”, “How did
argumentative essay?”, “Dealing with these you revise your first draft?”, “What kinds of
argumentative components (introduction and feedback helped you most in revising your
thesis statement, development, opposition/ first draft?”, “How did you write your final
refutation, conclusion, organization, result?”, “Have you published your
grammar, vocabulary usage, mechanics), argumentative essay? If yes, where did you
which component is the most difficult for publish your final argumentative essay?”,
you? You can answer by putting from the “Do you think publication is important?
most to the least components?”, “How did Why?

Results and Discussion

Result of Quantitative Analysis
Table 1. The Students’ Scores Reported in Writing Argumentative Essay (AE)
Aspects of AE Mean Score N Score percentage
Introduction 7.4 15 49 %
Development 12 20 60 %
Refutation 12 20 60 %
Conclusion 8.7 15 58 %
Organization 6.9 10 69 %
Grammar 5.1 7 73 %
Vocabulary 5.1 7 73 %
Mechanics 4.4 6 73 %

Reporting from the statistical findings of was 7.4 out of 15 and it meant that more than
argumentative aspects, the scores were varied a half of total participants marked that writing
from the lowest up to the highest. The variety a thesis statement was a problematic initial
of scores reflected the participants’ diversity step. In other words, students were getting
on writing skill of argumentative essay. There troublesome in building the main idea of an
were eight aspects to analyze in this study. essay.
First is introduction. Introductory paragraph Second is conclusion. Conclusion is
turned to be the most complex feature in summarizing all over arguments and it
writing argumentative essay. The mean score presents a significant role to assist readers

ELLit : 2nd Online National Seminar on English Linguistics and Literature
July, 16 2020

capturing the ideas of an essay. In this namely low achiever, and high achiever.
context, the participants tended to restating Through qualitative data analysis, this study
the arguments in the same way rather than involved low achiever students up to nine
summarizing the whole paragraphs through participants. They were engaged in the
distinct technique. They did not implement interviews process and the results were coded
the variety of sentences to reflect the whole by means of identifying all items that
texts stated as reasons or arguments. From correlated each other.
eight aspects, conclusion got 8.7 as the
second-lowest score out of 15. It implies that 1. Students’ Difficulties in Writing An
participants only obtained 58% from 100% as Argumentative Essay
a total scores when they summarize their Recalling from the first three items that
argumentative essay. In a nutshell, found out the participants’ experiences in
participants ended up the conclusion writing the argumentative essay generated
incompatibly with the entire arguments. claims on their difficulties to write
Then, developing arguments and refutation argumentatively. All participated students
were other difficult aspects for several agreed that argumentative essay was a
participants. They gained 60% of all scores or problem because it dealt with various
12 out of 20 for mean score, which meant components to cover. The problems varied
developing ideas and viewing the opposing from introduction, thesis statement,
arguments were still difficult to write in development, opposition/refutation,
argumentative essay. It could be seen from conclusion, organization, grammar,
those two parts of writing which were less vocabulary usage, and mechanics. The most
meaningful and poor in providing the dominating problems were introduction,
information and argumentation related to the conclusion, and grammar. Comments such as
thesis statement as well as proven by unsuited “my experience in argumentative essay in
arguments following the thesis statement. writing 3 maybe is annoying because
Next is paragraph organization. Participants sometimes I feel very difficult in this section”
grasped this feature quite well by staying on and “I don't like writing and reading literally,
point’s sequent such as arranging the so hard for me to set down my writing even I
appropriate word signals. They reached 6.9 Know the first step how to write” clearly
out of 10 for means score or 69% covering illustrated that these features were stressful
this aspect. and high demanding than other aspects.
The last was grammar, vocabulary, and
mechanics. Those technical aspects did not 2. The Common Strategies in
become a matter for most of the participants, Argumentative Writing
particularly in managing them into writing an All participants preferred to use social
essay because basically the last three aspects strategies such as getting feedback and
could be learned while making the essay. resourcing frequently. The strategies were
They attained scores of 70% or 5.1 from 7 for implemented when they confronted the
grammar and vocabulary, and 4.4 out of 6 for challenge on writing argumentative essay.
mechanics aspect. Participant number nine, for example,
accounted on the interview, “The first I asked
Result of Qualitative Analysis to my friends and if there was no ideas I
After all participants were recorded the search in google to solve those difficulties”.
scores of argumentative essays. They were Another participant also narrated that, “In the
then classified into two levels of participants, difficulties I experienced, I asked friends who

ELLit : 2nd Online National Seminar on English Linguistics and Literature
July, 16 2020

more were understanding in this matter, Getting direct feedback frequently was very
because it helped a lot in understanding their meaningful to analyze errors in essay making
goals”. It implies that the complexity of since the participants understand what must
argumentative writing can be solved with be revised based on the eight aspects of
sharing with friends as well as looking for the argumentative writing?
resources to attain their comprehension on
argumentative writing. Moreover, another 5. Argumentative Writing and Its Publication
influencing strategy is the implementation of The amount of problems
electronic tools. Six participants utilized encountered by the participants in
Kamusku, Meriam Webster, and Google writing argumentative essay clearly
Translate; and the rest of them did not use any influenced to the result of the work as
application. well as discouraged them to publish
their the essays virtually. None of the
3. The Specific Strategies in Argumentative participants experienced publishing
Writing their work even though they know well
The before-mentioned illustrated that the necessity of publication. At least
participants of this study were resourceful there are six stages for publication, such
students once they were confronting with the as building understanding,
argumentative writing challenge. Five brainstorming, drafting, revising,
participants emerged various types of editing, and editing.
strategies in generating the ideas such as
reading the sources to grab inspiration to
write. Two participants applied free writing
because it was considered helpful in
developing the ideas of a topic. Then the last
two students preferred to follow the writing
stages by means of building a thesis statement
to concluding the essay.
As regards building the first draft,
participants chose to do self-proof reading
before the essay was submitted to the lecturer
for feedback. Feedback was fruitful to help
participants understanding their own essays as
well finding the reference to enrich the
4. The Variation of Feedback in
Argumentative Writing
Searching out feedback was other
influential strategy that helped participants to
ensure whether their thoughts made sense or
fitted structurally into the argumentative
writing. A few of participants employed the
feedback to organize the aspects of
argumentative writing for both of L1 and L2
through the suitable models of argumentative
writing as guidance.

ELLit : 2nd Online National Seminar on English Linguistics and Literature
July, 16 2020

Discussion must be reasonable solution to convince

This study investigated the the arguments, one of them is
problems encountered by participants delineating the Digital Writing Tools
considering both of statistical findings (DWTs). Surely, the use of DWTs must
and descriptions. Most of the engage teacher’s roles to guide students
participants confirmed that the writing exemplifying materials (Tandiana et al.,
genre of argumentative complicated 2018).
them to write a well-composed and
understandable for the readers. Abbas & Conclusion
Herdi (2018) and Setyowati et al. (2017) Writing an argumentative essay
argued that writing an argumentative both of in second and foreign language
essay is considered as the most complex is a challenging task for students.
skill to hold by students in the university. Understanding the students’ problems
They further explained that high demand on this issue is crucial so that teacher can
of this activity arouse some problems so consider the relevant material,
they must cope with the appropriate instruction, and the strategy. Besides, the
solution. Abbas & Herdi (2018) active roles of teacher in teaching
specified the problems by ordering from argumentative essay can impact
developing ideas, grammar, and positively to students’ writing
mechanics such as punctuation, spelling, improvement. This study is considered
and letters. They also promoted the insightful by integrating components of
collaborative strategies such as working student’s difficulties, such as think-
and sharing together with friends to cope aloud protocols, to the curriculum and
with the challenges which was similar materials.
with this current study.
Moreover, Ka-kan-dee & Kaur References
(2015) studied Thai EFL students Abbas, M. F. F., & Herdi, H. (2018).
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July, 16 2020
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