Syllabus 6th Sem BBA-BI PU
Syllabus 6th Sem BBA-BI PU
Syllabus 6th Sem BBA-BI PU
3 (Credit hours 3)
Nepalese Business Environment
BBA-BI Third Year, Sixth Semester
Course Objectives
The course aims to provide students with a sound understanding of environmental forces
affecting business operations and to develop their ability to analyze such environmental forces
on Nepalese Business. This course intends to provide students with a review of major
environmental forces concepts and a dynamic of how these forces affects the operations of
Nepalese business.
Course Contents
1. Environmental Analysis
6 hours
Concepts of Nepalese Business Environment
Components of Nepalese Business Environment
Environmental Scanning/Analysis (including some practical examples)
Environmental Analysis and its use in Strategic Management
2. Political Environment
Introduction to political environment
Political parties and political structure in Nepal
Relationship between political structure and the economy
Government and its branches: legislative system executive system, and
other constitutional bodies
Basic Issues in business-government relations, Government ownership of
Nepalese business
Problems of Nepalese political environment
Impact analysis of overall Nepalese business by citing above political
environment particularly with reference to business sector
9 hours
3. Environment Regulations
A brief overview of the following Acts
Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 1992
Companies Act 1999
Private Firm Registration Act 1958
Industrial Enterprise Act 1992
Income Tax Act 1974
Value Added Tax Act 1996
Labor Act 1992
Partnership Act 1964
Mines and Minerals Act 1985
Patent Design and Trade Mark Act 1965
6 hours
4. Economic Environment
11 hours
Economic dimensions of an economy- Analysis of these dimensions and their
impact on business
An overview of the Tenth Plan - its objectives, targets and strategy
An analysis of how five year plans affect the Nepalese business operations?
Concept of monetary policies, current monetary policy in Nepal, and its
effects on business.
Privatization: meaning of privatization, methods of privatization: share sales,
management contract, lease, assets and business sales, others
Privatization policy and practices in Nepal and their affects
Liberalization: meaning, requirement of liberalization, internal/external
liberalization, and effects of liberalization on Nepalese business
Industrial Policy: Concept and objective of industrial policy in Nepal
Trade Policy: concept and objective of trade policy, export/import trade policy
Employment Policy: concept and objectives of employment policy
Tourism Policy: concept, objectives and characteristics of tourism policy in
An overview of Nepal's industrial sector structure, performance and
Natural environment and energy situation in Nepal
Emerging business environment in Nepal
5. Socio-Cultural Environment
4 hours
An introduction to socio-cultural environment
Socio-cultural components: attitude and belief, religion, language, education,
family structure and social organizations
An analysis of how socio-cultural environment affects the Nepalese business
6. Global Environment
Concept of Globalization
Categories of globalization: World trade (export/import), portfolio
management, direct investment, multinational companies
Regional economic groupings of Nations
SAFTA, SAPTA and BIMSTEC - their impacts on the Nepalese business
World Trade Organization (WTO) Nepal's membership: opportunities and
threats for the Nepalese business
Growth potential of Nepalese business in South Asia
8 hours
7. Technological Environment
4 hours
Business and Technology
Human factors and technology
Technology policy
Present level of technology adopted by the Nepalese business
Impact of technological environment on the efficiency and competitiveness of
Nepalese business
Text Books
1. Pant, Prem R. (2005): Business Environment in Nepal. Buddha Academic
Publishers and Distributors.
Basic needs served by the financial system: payments, resource transfer, risk
trading, the technology adopted in serving these needs: delegation, credit
submission, polling, netting.
Interest rates and their determination, term structure of interest rates and theories
of term structures; real and nominal interest rates.
Financial Intermediaries
9 hours
Depository institutions, their functions, and risks associated with their management
-- liquidity risk, market or interest rate risk, credit risk, operations risk and other
risks. Moral hazard and adverse selection problems in lending and insurance
services. The economics of regulation of financial services. Structure of Nepalese
Financial Markets and their regulation.
Introduction to Derivatives
6 hours
Call options and put options and comparison of their payoff patterns with that of
bonds and stocks.
Flexibility in capital budgeting and the use of decision trees. Computing the value of
options to expand and option to abandon.
Conversion value, straight bond value and market value of convertible bond. Effect
of conversion on earning dilutions; Reasons for issuing convertibles and warrants;
Valuation of warrants; Comparison of convertibles and warrants.
Raising Capital
Cost and Benefit of Debt vs Equity; Private Placement vs General Public Offering;
Venture Capital; Lease Financing
Special Topics
Mergers and Acquisitions: Their Motives, their problems, their benefits; The
problems and prospects for M&A in some industries in Nepali Market. Foreign Direct
Investments and Foreign Portfolio Investments: Problem and prospects in Nepalese
context. Foreign Exchange Risk and Exposures Exchange rate risk and exposure,
nature of exchange rate risk and exposure, exposure on domestic assets and
liabilities and operating income.
Text Books
Course Contents
3 hours
Organization of the inter-bank spot market, delivery and settlement, retail vs. interbank spot rates, customer draft and wire transfer, convention for spot exchange
quotations, direct vs. indirect exchange and cross-exchange rates
6 hours
3 hours
BOP and factors affecting them, and implications of imbalances in trade account, in
capital account;
6 hours
Law of one price, absolute and relative form of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP),
reasons for departure from PPP. Covered and Open interest parity conditions,
combining interest parity and P and the reasons for violation of interest parity
15 hours
Nature of exchange rate risk and exposure; exposure on domestic assets, liabilities
and operating incomes;
Operating exposure of importer and exporter, the effect of currency of invoicing; To
hedge or not to hedge; hedging with futures, forward, currency of invoicing, swaps.
6 hours
Letter of credit and its role in financin2 international trade; various forms of
financing of imports and exports, institutions regulating international trade.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) 9 hours
Text Book
Reference Books
1. Copeland, Laurance S.: Exchange Rates and International Finance, Addison-Wesley.
2. Bowen, Harry P. et al: Applied International Trade Analysis (Studies in International Trade
Policy), Univ. of Michigan Press.
3. Melvin, Michael: International Money and Finance, Addison-Wesley.
4. Grabbe, J. Orlin: International Financial Markets, Prentice-Hall.
Project Work
The project for this course shall be recognized as a major undertaking. The range of
possibilities for project work is broad. The project topic may be theoretical,
empirical, or both.
The student must get approval of the instructor on his or her project work. The focus
of this assignment is the knowledge and experience students gain by undertaking
the project work.
The student must submit a typed two-page project proposal within two weeks from
the start of this course.
The course contains marks for both students class presentation (50 percent) and
project work (50 percent).
For the purpose of class presentation, each student shall prepare a brief (1-2 page)
outline of his or her presentation before the presentation begins. For evaluation of
the project work, an expert committee shall be appointed by the head of the
program or the program coordinator.
Motor Insurance
Compulsory Car Insurance. Third party, fire and theft cover. Comprehensive cover. Certificates
of motor insurance. Cover notes. Policy conditions. No claim discount. The green card system.
Days of Grace. Trailers. Underwriting. Claims.
3. Marine and Goods-in-Transit Insurance
6 hours
6 hours
Basic legal liability. Law of Negligence. Imputed Negligence. Res Ipsa Loquitur. Special
application the law of Negligence. Current tort Liability problem.
5. Home Owner Insurance
5 hours
Types of homeowner policies. Description of major coverage. Property loss coverage. Pricing
homeowner policies. Personal umbrella policies. Coverage of high risk.
6. Commercial Property Insurance
4 hours
ISO commercial property program. Building and personal property coverage form. Causes of
loss forms. Reporting forms. Business income insurance. Other commercial coverage.
Transportation insurance. Business owner policy(BOP)
7. Commercial Liability Insurance
8 hours
5 hours
Personal accident, burglary, household, money and live stock, pecuniary loss insurance,
Engineering insurance. Underwriting and claim procedure.
6 hours
Text Books
1. Harrington, Scott E., Risk Management and Insurance, Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing
Company Limited
2. Regda, E. George, Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, Pearson Education,
Inc. India.
Reference Books
1. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance, Risk Management, Macmillan India Ltd.
Holyoake, Julia and Weipers, William, Insurance, A.I.I.B.S. Publishers and Distributer, India