Chapter 1 - Overview - 2022 - S
Chapter 1 - Overview - 2022 - S
Chapter 1 - Overview - 2022 - S
Nguyen Thu Hang
• Chapter 1: Overview of Financial Risk
• Chapter 2: Forward and Futures and Applications
Chapter 3: Forward and Futures Pricing
• Chapter 4: Swap contracts, pricing and
• Chapter 5 : Options and applications
• Chapter 6: Option Pricing and Module Wrap-up
• Performance: 10%
• Mid-term test: 30%
• Final term test : 60%
Course material
• Options, Futures and other derivatives, 10e by
John Hull (2018):
• Main contents: Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,7,10,11,12
and 13.
I. Interest rate, return and risk
1. Interest rate
2. Return
3. Risk
4. Risk preference
II. Risk management
1. Impact of financial risk management
2. Derivatives
- Concepts
- Ways derivatives are used
Interest rate
• For a simple loan
100 0.50 0 98
100 1.00 0 95
1 3.0
2 4.0 5.0
3 4.6 5.8
4 5.0 6.2
5 5.3 6.5
Formula for Forward Rates
• Suppose that the zero rates for time periods T1 and
T2 are R1 and R2 with both rates continuously
• The forward rate for the period between times T1
and T2 is
8. The 6-month, 12-month, 18-month and 24-
month zero rates are 4%, 4,5%, 4,75% and
5%, with semiannual compounding.
a. What are the rates with continuous
b. What is the forward rate for the 6-month
period beginning in 18 months?
9. The following table gives the prices of bonds
Bond Time to Annual Bond Cash
Principal Maturity Coupon Price
(dollars) (years) (dollars) (dollars)
100 0.50 0 98
100 1.00 0 95
annualized return?
Continuously compounded return
• rt : monthly continuous return.
• Rt: monthly simple return
• Compute the annualized return from a one -
month return/ a one week return:
Realized Return Versus Expected Return
• Realized (ex post) return is easily computed:
– Calculate yearly, monthly, daily holding period returns (HPR)
• Real financial decisions, however, are based on expected (ex ante)
returns, not realized returns:
– Realized return (at best) useful in estimating expected return
• Can specify conditional or unconditional expected returns
– Conditional expected return: “If the economy improves next year, the
asset’s return is expected to be 12%.” Or could be conditional on
return on overall stock market.
– Unconditional expected return: “The asset’s return next year is
expected to be 12%.”
EXAMPLE 1: Expected Return
What is the expected return on an Exxon-Mobil bond if the return
is 12% two-thirds of the time and 8% one-third of the time?
The expected return is 10.68%.
R e = p1 R 1 + p2 R 2
p1 = probability of occurrence of return 1 = 2/3 = .67
R1 = return in state 1 = 12%= 0.12
p2 = probability of occurrence return 2 = 1/3 = .33
R2 = return in state 2 = 8% = 0.08
Re = (.67)(0.12) + (.33)(0.08) = 0.1068 = 10.68%
• Expected return – General equation
E(R) =Expected return
n = Number of states
Ri= return in state i
pi= Probability of occurrence of state i
• It’s rarely feasible to specify the full
distribution of possible returns.
• Use the average of historical returns as a
measure of expected return:
• Volatility
EXAMPLE 2: Standard Deviation (a)
Consider the following two companies and
their forecasted returns for the upcoming year:
EXAMPLE 2: Standard Deviation (b)
• What is the standard deviation of the returns
on the Fly-by-Night Airlines stock and Feet-on-
the-Ground Bus Company, with the return
outcomes and probabilities described above?
Of these two stocks, which is riskier?
EXAMPLE 2: Standard Deviation (c)
• Solution
– Fly-by-Night Airlines has a standard deviation of returns of 5%.
EXAMPLE 2: Standard Deviation (d)
• Feet-on-the-Ground Bus Company has a standard
deviation of returns of 0%.
EXAMPLE 2: Standard Deviation (e)
• Fly-by-Night Airlines has a standard deviation of
returns of 5%; Feet-on-the-Ground Bus Company has
a standard deviation of returns of 0%
• Clearly, Fly-by-Night Airlines is a riskier stock because
its standard deviation of returns of 5% is higher than
the zero standard deviation of returns for Feet-on-the-
Ground Bus Company, which has a certain return
• Standard deviation- general equation
Portfolio Standard
Deviation Variance
Treasury Bills 3.2 10.1
Government Bonds 9.4 88.7
Corporate Bonds 8.7 75.5
Real returns
1 1.7
Source: Ibbotson Associates
Average risk by period
Number of
Return %
Histogram of Return on Portfolio
of Large Company Stocks, 1926-2000
Normal distribution
Stock 1
Stock 2
0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Return %
The Volatility
• The volatility is the standard deviation of
the continuously compounded rate of
return in 1 year
• The standard deviation of the return in
time Dt is
• If a stock price is $50 and its volatility is
25% per year what is the standard
deviation of the price change in one day?
Estimating Volatility from
Historical Data
1. Take observations S0, S1, . . . , Sn at
intervals of t years
2. Calculate the continuously
compounded return in each interval
Cash Flow
The Nature of Derivatives
A derivative is an instrument whose value
depends on the values of other more basic
underlying variables
• Futures Contracts
• Forward Contracts
• Swaps
• Options
Forward Contracts
• A forward contract is an agreement to buy or sell an
asset at a certain time in the future for a certain price.
• A forward contracts are traded in the OTC market.
• Forward contracts are popular on currencies and
interest rates.
• There is no daily settlement (but collateral may have to
be posted). At the end of the life of the contract one
party buys the asset for the agreed price from the other
• By contrast in a spot contract there is an agreement to
buy or sell the asset immediately (or within a very short
period of time).
Futures Contracts
• A futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell
an asset at a certain time in the future for a
certain price
• Available on a wide range of underlying assets
• Traded in futures exchanges
• A range of delivery dates.
• Futures contracts are standardized by the
• Settled daily
• Delivery or final cash settlement rarely takes place with
futures contracts. They are normally closed out before
• If a futures contract is not closed out before maturity, it is
usually settled by delivering the assets underlying the
contract. When there are alternatives about what is delivered,
where it is delivered, and when it is delivered, the party with
the short position chooses.
• A few contracts (for example, those on stock indices and
Eurodollars) are settled in cash
• When there is cash settlement contracts are traded until a
predetermined time. All are then declared to be closed out.
• A margin is cash or marketable securities
deposited by an investor with his or her broker
• The balance in the margin account is adjusted
to reflect daily settlement
• Margins minimize the possibility of a loss
through a default on a contract
Example of a Futures Trade
• An investor takes a long position in 2
December gold futures contracts
– contract size is 100 oz.
– futures price is US$1250
– margin requirement is US$6,000/contract (US$12,000
in total)
– maintenance margin is US$4,500/contract (US$9,000
in total)
Operation of margin account
Profit from a Long Forward or
Futures Position
Price of Underlying
at Maturity
Profit from a Short Forward or
Futures Position
Price of Underlying
at Maturity
Forward Contracts vs Futures
Forward Futures
Private contract between two parties Traded on an exchange
Not standardized Standardized
Usually one specified delivery date Range of delivery dates
Settled at end of contract Settled daily
Delivery or final settlement usual Usually closed out prior to maturity
Some credit risk Virtually no credit risk
Foreign Exchange Quotes
• Long call
• Long put
• Short call
• Short put
European Call option-example (a)
• A European call option with a strike price of
$100 to purchase 100 shares of a certain
stock. The current stock price is $98, the
expiration date of the option is in 4 months,
and the price of an option to purchase one
share is $5.
European Call option-example (b)
• On the expiration date,
- If ST(stock price = $115) is above $100
The investor will choose to exercise Makes
a gain of $15 per share or $1500 A net
profit of $1000.
- If ST is less than $100 The investor will
choose not to exercise. Losses $5 per
share of $500.
Long Call
30 Profit ($)
10 Terminal
70 80 90 100 stock price ($)
-5 110 120 130
Short Call
Profit from writing one European call option: option price = $5,
strike price = $100
Profit ($)
5 110 120 130
70 80 90 100 Terminal
-10 stock price ($)
European put option-example (a)
• A European put option with a strike price of
$70 to sell 100 shares of a certain stock. The
current stock price is $65, the expiration date
of the option is in 3 months, and the price of
an option to sell one share is $7.
European put option-example (b)
• On the expiration date,
- If ST(stock price) is below $70 (let’s say
$55) The investor will choose to exercise
Makes a gain of $15 per share or $1500
A net profit of $800.
- If ST is above $70 The investor will choose
not to exercise. Losses $7 per share of
Long Put
10 Terminal
stock price ($)
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Short Put
• Payoff of the four positions on the date of maturity T
Google Option Prices (July 17, 2009;
Stock Price=430.25)
Calls Puts
Strike price Aug Sept Dec Aug Sept Dec
($) 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009
380 51.55 54.60 65.00 1.52 4.40 15.00
400 34.10 38.30 51.25 4.05 8.30 21.15
420 19.60 24.80 39.05 9.55 14.70 28.70
440 9.25 14.45 28.75 19.20 24.25 38.35
460 3.55 7.45 20.40 33.50 37.20 49.90
480 1.12 3.40 13.75 51.10 53.10 63.40
Exchanges Trading Options
• Chicago Board Options Exchange
• International Securities Exchange
• NYSE Euronext
• Eurex (Europe)
• and many more (see list at end of book)
13. A trader buys 100 European call options with a
strike price of $20 and a time to maturity of one year.
The cost of each option is $2. The price of the
underlying asset proves to be $25 in one year. What
is the trader's gain or loss?
14. A trader sells 100 European put options with a
strike price of $50 and a time to maturity of six
months. The price received for each option is $4. The
price of the underlying asset is $41 in six months.
What is the trader's gain or loss?
15. The price of a stock is $36 and the price of a three-month call
option on the stock with a strike price of $36 is $3.60. Suppose
a trader has $3,600 to invest and is trying to choose between
buying 1,000 options and 100 shares of stock. How high does
the stock price have to rise for an investment in options to be
as profitable as an investment in the stock?
16. A one-year call option on a stock with a strike price of $30
costs $3; a one-year put option on the stock with a strike price
of $30 costs $4. Suppose that a trader buys two call options
and one put option.
(i) What is the breakeven stock price, above which the trader
makes a profit? ……….
(ii) What is the breakeven stock price below which the trader
makes a profit? ……….
• A swap is an agreement to exchange cash
flows at specified future times according to
certain specified rules.
• See in Chapter 3.
Ways Derivatives are Used
• To hedge risks
• To speculate (take a view on the future
direction of the market)
• To lock in an arbitrage profit
• To change the nature of a liability
• To change the nature of an investment
without incurring the costs of selling one
portfolio and buying another
Hedging Examples
• A US company will pay £10 million for imports
from Britain in 3 months and decides to hedge
using a long position in a forward contract
• An investor owns 1,000 Microsoft shares
currently worth $28 per share. A two-month put
with a strike price of $27.50 costs $1. The investor
decides to hedge by longing put options.
Value of Microsoft Shares with and
without Hedging
Speculation Example