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One Waterfront Towers House Rules

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Revised and Adopted by

One Waterfront Towers
AOAO Board of Directors
December 4, 2002
A. Purpose of Rules and Regulations 4
B. Enforcement of Rules and Regulations 4
C. Amendment of Rules and Regulations 4
D. Definition of Rules and Regulations Terms 4


A. Use of Residential Apartments 5
B. Use of Industrial and Parking Apartments 5
C. Number of Occupants in Residential Apartments 5
D. Owners and Tenants Responsibility for Conduct of Other Persons 5
E. Pets 6
F. Registration with Management Office 7
G. Moving, Delivery and Contractor Procedures for Elevators 7
A. Use by Owners, Tenants, Other Occupants and Guests 8
B. Conduct of Tenants, Other Occupants, Guests and Other Persons 8
C. Absent Owners and Appointment of Local Agent 8
A. Use of Limited Common Elements 9
B. Use of Common Elements – Uses, Obstructions and Prohibitions 9
C. Parking Automobiles and Other Vehicles 9
D. Vehicular Traffic Management 11
E. Vehicle and Property Repairs and Maintenance 12
F. Recreation Areas and Facilities 12
G. Noise and Nuisances 17
H. Emergency, Health, Safety and Legal Considerations 18


A. Residential Apartment Aesthetic Considerations 20
A. Residential Apartment Repairs and Maintenance 22
B. Residential Apartment Modifications 22
C. Restrictions on Construction Activities and Contractors 24


A. Applicability of Rules and Regulations 25
B. Employees of the Association 25
C. Access to Common Elements and Residential Apartments 25
D. Common Element Furnishings 26


A. Schedule of Project Deposits 26
A. Reporting Violations and Damages 27
B. Violation of The Rules and Regulations Shall Give the Board, the Resident
Manager or Their Agents the Right to: 27
C. Schedule of Project Fines and Damages for Violations of Rules and Regulations 27



A. Purpose of the Rules and Regulations

The primary purpose of these Rules and Regulations (also referred to as House Rules) is to protect all
Owners, Tenants, Other Occupants and Guests of the Residential Apartments from annoyance and nuisance
caused by improper use of the Residential Apartments, Industrial Apartment, Parking Apartment and
Common Elements of One Waterfront Towers condominium project (the “Project”), and also to protect the
reputation and desirability of the Project by providing for maximum enjoyment, comfort and security in the

These Rules and Regulations supplement but do not change the obligations of the Owners of Apartments in
the Project (the “Owners”) and Tenants, Other Occupants and Guests thereof, as set forth in the Restated
Declaration of Condominium Property Regime of One Waterfront Towers (the “Declaration”) and the
Restated By-Laws of the Association of Apartment Owners of One Waterfront Towers (the "By-Laws"). The
terms used herein shall have the meanings given to them in the Declaration and By-Laws, except as
otherwise expressly provided herein. In the event of any inconsistency, the Declaration and the By-Laws, as
the case may be, will prevail.

B. Enforcement of Rules and Regulations

The Board of Directors (the "Board") of the Association of Apartment Owners of One Waterfront Towers
(the "Association") shall be responsible for enforcing these Rules and Regulations but the Board may
delegate such responsibility to the Resident Manager. All Owners, Tenants, Other Occupants and Guests of
the Residential Apartments shall be bound by these Rules and Regulations and by standards of reasonable
conduct whether covered by these Rules and Regulations or not.

C. Amendment of Rules and Regulations

The Board shall make such other Rules and Regulations from time to time or amend the following Rules and
Regulations, as it deems necessary or desirable. The Rules and Regulations may be amended only by a
majority of the Board at a duly called meeting of the Association Board of Directors.

D. Definition of Rules and Regulations Terms

For purposes of this document, the following definitions will apply.

Owner - the person(s) or entity legally holding title to the Residential Apartment.

Tenant - the person(s) or entity executing a valid lease for a Residential Apartment.

Other Occupants - all other persons residing in the Residential Apartment for a period of 32 days or more.
These persons include but are not limited to, family members, friends, significant others, live-in domestic
employees, live-in medical and personal assistants and any other persons residing in the Residential

Resident - an all-encompassing term referring to all persons (Owners, Tenants and Other Occupants)
occupying the Residential Apartment.

Guest - refers to all persons visiting the Residential Apartment for a period of less than 32 days.

Employee - refers to persons employed by Residents to provide services to the Residents or services for the
Residential Apartment. This term does not refer to employees of a commercial operation owned and/or
operated by the Resident since the operation of businesses in Residential Apartments is not permitted.

Licensed Contractor - refers to contractors, tradesmen, craftsmen, handymen and other construction and
maintenance personnel maintaining current licenses and permits from the governing state and local agencies.

Unlicensed Contractor - refers to contractors, tradesmen, craftsmen, handymen and other construction and
maintenance personnel not maintaining current licenses and permits from the governing state and local


A. Use of Residential Apartments

The Residential Apartments shall be occupied and used by the respective Owners thereof, their Tenants,
Other Occupants permitted by the Owners or Tenants, and Guests, only for residential purposes. The
Residential Apartments may not be used for transient or hotel purposes, which are defined as (i.) rental for
any period less than thirty (30) days, or (ii.) any rental in which the occupants of the Residential Apartment
are provided customary hotel service such as room service for food and beverage maid service, laundry
service, linen service or bellboy service. Except for such transient or hotel purposes, the Residential
Apartments may be leased subject to all provisions of the Declarations and the By-Laws.

B. Use of Industrial and Parking Apartments

The Industrial Apartment and the Parking Apartments shall be used only for the purposes or uses permitted
in the Declaration.

C. Number of Occupants in Residential Apartments

Except as otherwise provided by law, permanent occupancy shall be limited to not more than two (2) persons
per bedroom contained in each Residential Apartment except that such occupancy may be exceeded by
members of the immediate family of the Owner, Tenant, Other Occupants or Guests on a temporary basis.

D. Owners and Tenants Responsibility for Conduct of Other Persons

Owners and Tenants shall be responsible for the conduct of Other Occupants, Employees, Guests, Licensed
and Unlicensed Contractors at all times, ensuring that their behavior is neither offensive to any Resident of
the building nor damaging to any portion of the Common Elements. Owners and Tenants will be responsible
for any destruction or defacing of any Common Elements by Other Occupants, Employees, Guests and
Licensed and Unlicensed Contractors. An Owner shall, upon request, of the Board or the Resident Manager
immediately abate and remove, at his or its expense, any structure, thing or condition that may exist with
regard to the occupancy or use of the Residential Apartment by any such person or persons contrary to the
intent and meaning of the provision hereof, or, if an Owner is unable to control the conduct of any such
person or persons to conform with the intent upon request of the Board or the Resident Manager,
immediately remove such person or persons from the premises, without compensation for lost rentals or
profits or any other damage resulting there from.

E. Pets

1. Pets Allowed in Project

No livestock, poultry, rabbits or other animals whatsoever shall be allowed or kept in any part of
the Project. A maximum of two pets (dogs, cats or other household pets except aquarium fish)
may be kept by the Owners, Tenants and Other Occupants in their respective Residential
Apartments, but shall not be kept, bred or used on the premises for any commercial purpose.
Pets shall be of a size that will allow them to be carried through the Common Elements by the
pet owner. No dogs (except guide dogs, signal dogs, and service dogs) shall be allowed without
the advance written consent of the Board.

Pets, except guide dogs, signal dogs, and service animals relied upon by handicapped persons,
are not allowed on any Common Elements except in transit when carried or on leash, and are not
allowed on any part of the Recreation Areas.

2. Registration of Pets

All permitted pets must be registered with the Resident Manager within five (5) days after they
are brought onto the Project premises, and pet owners shall comply with all applicable
ordinances of the City and County of Honolulu pertaining to pet ownership. Residential
Apartment Owners, Tenants and Other Occupants are responsible for visiting pets, which are
subject to the same restrictions as resident pets.

3. Control of Pets

Pets are not allowed to relieve their bladders or bowels anywhere on the Project premises. All
pet owners shall be responsible for the immediate and proper disposal of all fecal matter of their
pets. If accidental defecation or urination occurs, the pet owner is responsible for immediate
clean up and removal.

All pets should be controlled so that they will not interfere with other Residents’ use and
enjoyment of the Project. Pets shall be carried or be on a leash when traveling through the
Common Elements of the Project. No pet shall be allowed to become a nuisance or create any
unreasonable disturbance. Examples of nuisance types of behavior for the purposes of these
Rules and Regulations are:

a. Pets who make noise continuously and/or incessantly for a period of 10 minutes or
intermittently for ½ hour or more to the disturbance of any other Residents of the Project
at any time of day or night;

b. Personal injury or property damage caused by unruly behavior; and

c. Pets that exhibit aggressive or vicious behavior.

4. Guide and Signal Dogs and Service Animals.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, visually impaired persons may keep guide dogs, hearing-
impaired persons may keep signal dogs, and persons with disabilities may keep service dogs in
their Residential Apartments. As used herein, “guide dog” means any dog individually trained
by a licensed guide dog trainer for guiding a blind person by means of a harness attached to the
dog and a rigid handle grasped by the person; “signal dog” means a dog that is trained to alert
deaf persons to intruders or sounds; and “service animal” means an animal that is trained to
provide those life activities limited by the disability of the person. None of the provisions herein
are intended to interfere with the full use and enjoyment of any Residential Apartment or the
Project by handicapped/disabled persons. None of the provisions herein will be enforced in any
manner that will violate the provisions of the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Federal Fair
Housing Amendments Act of 1988, or Chapter 515, Hawaii Revised Statutes.

5. Violations of Rules and Regulations for Pets

In the event that a violation of the Rules and Regulations pertaining to pets is not corrected, and
the problem remains unsolved, the Board will invite the pet owner to a meeting of the Board at
which time the pet owner will be given an opportunity to answer the complaint. However, at the
Board’s discretion, immediate arrangements for a hearing may be made if the nature of the
complaint involves personal injury or the imminent threat thereof. If the problem cannot be
resolved to the satisfaction of the Board, the Board may require the permanent removal of the
pet, if such pet is determined by the Board to be a nuisance or a danger to the Project and/or its
Residents. If so determined, the pet owner will have 3 days to remove the pet from the premises.
The Board also has the authority to assess and collect any fines for violations of these Rules and
Regulations pertaining to pets, and to assess and collect amounts necessary to repair or replace
damaged areas or objects in the Common Elements. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project
Fines and Damages for Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions
related to violations of these rules.

F. Registration with Management Office

Owners shall file their name, address, telephone number, emergency contact information, information on
Other Occupants, motor vehicles, bicycles, pets and the Owner’s signature with the Resident Manager upon
purchasing and prior to taking occupancy of a Residential Apartment. Further, the Owner shall furnish the
Board and/or the Resident Manager with such other reasonable information as shall be requested from time
to time. Immediate updates of registration information are required when changes to the originally provided
information occur.

G. Moving, Delivery and Contractor Procedures for Elevators.

1. Use of Elevators.

Movement of household goods, large items, tools, equipment, construction materials and other
freight requiring use of the Makai and Mauka freight elevators shall be scheduled at least 24
hours in advance with the Resident Manager or Operations Staff during business hours. The
passenger elevators shall not be used for moving, deliveries or transport of tools, equipment,
construction materials and other freight. Reservation of the freight elevators will be on a first
come, first served basis. Registration with the Management Office shall be completed prior to
reserving the freight elevators for any purpose. A deposit will be required for reservation of the
freight elevators. See Section VIII SCHEDULE OF DEPOSITS AND FEES for information on
required deposit amounts and other information.

2. Control of Freight Elevators.

Residents should contact the Operations Staff to lock down the freight elevators. When the
move, delivery or construction activities have been completed, Residents must contact the
Operations Staff to unlock the freight elevators and check for damages. Deposits will be
returned if there are no damages to the freight elevators, hallways and loading areas. Damages
to these areas in access of the deposit amount will be the responsibility of the Residential
Apartment Owner. Refunded deposits should be picked up within seven (7) days after the
completion of the move, delivery or construction activities.

3. Hours of Operation.

Moving, deliveries and construction activities are permitted only between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00
p.m. Monday through Friday and between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. No moves,

deliveries or construction activities are permitted after these hours or on Sundays and holidays.
All activities shall be scheduled in a manner to allow for the completion of the activities during
the established hours.


A. Use by Owners, Tenants, Other Occupants and Guests

Subject to the terms of the apartment lease, the Declaration and the By-Laws, an Owner may lease or rent his
Residential Apartment or make it available to Guests, but the person or persons leasing, renting or living in
the Residential Apartment shall abide by the Declaration, the By-Laws, and these Rules and Regulations and
the Owner shall assume responsibility for the Tenants’, Other Occupants' and Guests’ conduct.

An Owner that leases or rents his Residential Apartment shall be responsible to ensure that the Tenant
present a valid lease and complete a tenant registration form prior to apartment occupancy. Each Tenant
shall be required to read these Rules and Regulations and sign a receipt of the Rules and Regulations, which
signifies the Tenant’s understanding and willing intent to abide by these Rules and Regulations. The Owner
of a Residential Apartment has the ultimate responsibility for any problems arising from his Tenant’s
occupancy. If unable to control and abate any problem the Owner shall, upon request of the Board or
Resident Manager, remove the Tenant causing the problem.

If an Owner makes his Residential Apartment available to Guests for a period of more than seventy-two (72)
hours, and such Guests are using the Common Elements, then such Owner shall be responsible to ensure that
the Guest complete a guest registration form prior to apartment occupancy. Each Guest shall be required to
read these Rules and Regulations and sign a receipt of the Rules and Regulations, which signifies the Guest’s
understanding and willing intent to abide by these Rules and Regulations. The Owner of a Residential
Apartment has the ultimate responsibility for any problems arising from his Guest’s occupancy. If unable to
control and abate the problem the Owner shall, upon request of the Board or Resident Manager, remove the
Guest causing the problem.

B. Conduct of Tenants, Other Occupants, Guests and Other Persons

An Owner shall be responsible for the conduct of his Tenants and such Owner's and his Tenants' Other
Occupants, Employees, Contractors and Guests. An Owner shall, upon request, of the Board or the Resident
Manager immediately abate and remove, at his or its expense, any structure, thing or condition that may exist
with regard to the occupancy or use of his or its Residential Apartment by any such person or persons
contrary to the intent and meaning of the provision hereof, or, if an Owner is unable to control the conduct of
any such person or persons to conform with the intent upon request of the Board or the Resident Manager,
immediately remove such person or persons from the premises, without compensation for lost rentals or
profits or any other damage resulting there from.

C. Absent Owners and Appointment of Local Agent

Owners of Residential Apartments shall be responsible for designating a Local Agent to represent their
interest if their residence is outside the State of Hawaii, or if they will be absent from the Residential
Apartment for more than 30 days. Such Owners shall file with the Resident Manager their out-of-town
address and telephone number and the name, address and telephone number of their Local Agent. It is
recommended that unoccupied units be check at least weekly. Problems identified in the Residential
Apartment must be reported to the Resident Manager and corrective action taken immediately by the Local


A. Use of Limited Common Elements

The limited Common Elements of the Project as described in the Declaration and as shown on the
Condominium Map, are and shall be for the exclusive use and benefit of Owners of Residential Apartments
to which such limited Common Elements are appurtenant, and the Tenants, Other Occupants, and Guests of
such Owner.

B. Use of Common Elements – Uses, Obstructions and Prohibitions

The Common Elements of the Project are administered by the Association and are for use by the Residential
Apartment Owners, Tenants, Other Occupants and Guests. These include, but are not limited to, sidewalks,
passages, lobbies, stairways, walkways, corridors, emergency exits, roadways and Recreation Areas. The
sidewalks, passages, lobbies, stairways, walkways, corridors, emergency exits and roadways must not be
obstructed or used for any purpose other than ingress and egress. No one is permitted to play, loiter, or make
loud noises in these areas. Pedestrian traffic in the roadway entrance to the Parking Garage not marked for
pedestrian traffic is strictly prohibited.

C. Parking Automobiles and Other Vehicles

1. General Parking Considerations

Parking in unmarked areas is prohibited. Motor vehicles including, but not limited to,
automobiles, motorcycles, mopeds, motor scooters, when not being used, must be kept in the
area or areas designated for such purpose or within the confines of Residential Apartment’s
assigned parking stall. Backing-in is prohibited in all areas of the garage. All motor vehicles are
to be registered with the Management Office prior to taking occupancy or upon acquisition and
are to be maintained in good condition. Bicycles must be parked in the bicycle racks provided in
the Parking Garage.

2. Parking Stalls

Each Owner, Tenant and Other Occupant shall park only in parking stalls assigned to the Owner
or Tenant’s Residential Apartment (if any). Owners, Tenants and Other Occupants are
responsible for registering their vehicles with and obtaining a parking decal from the
Management Office. Parking decals will reflect the assigned parking stall number for the
vehicle. Owners and Tenants using the parking stalls of other Owners and Tenants must obtain
written permission from the Owner or Tenant prior to parking in the stall. This written
permission must be filed with the Management Office during business hours. Persons parking in
stalls not assigned to their Residential Apartment, parking in stalls where a rental agreement
does not exist or parking in stalls where express permission has not been granted by the Owner
or Tenant of the Residential Apartment where the parking stall is assigned, may be fined by the
Association and/or towed from the parking stall by the Owner of the parking stall.

3. Guest Parking

Due to the limited amount of guest parking, prior arrangements must be made for guest parking
by calling the Operations Staff prior to the Guest’s arrival. If overnight parking is needed for a
Guest, arrangements must be made through the Management Office during business hours prior
to the Guest’s arrival. No guest parking will be allowed between 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
without prior permission from the Resident Manager. There is a six-hour time limit for all guest
parking. Guest parking is strictly limited to Guests only, however parking for Employees and

Contractors will be allowed if space is available and the vehicle meets size restrictions for the
Parking Garage.

4. Rental of Parking Stalls to Non-residents.

Rental of parking stalls to non-residents shall be prohibited. Non-residents visiting the Project
shall park in the designated guest parking stalls if visiting an Owner, Tenant or Other Occupant
of the Project. Non-residents visiting the Industrial Apartment shall park in parking stalls
designated for the Industrial Apartment.

5. Common Elements Parking

Vehicles shall not be left unattended in the Common Elements such as the Porte Cochere, Car
Wash, loading zones, and driveways. Use of these areas for car displays and sales is prohibited.
Residents and Guests for short stops such as for loading and unloading passengers may use the
Porte Cochere areas at the front of the towers. Parking in the Porte Cochere area is limited to a
maximum of ten (10) minutes. Parking in the Car Wash area is limited to a maximum of thirty
(30) minutes. Extended parking in the Porte Cochere area, loading zones and driveways is not
permitted without prior approval from the Resident Manager. Residents, Employees,
Contractors and Guests may be subject to fines and/or towing when failing to adhere to these

6. Method of Parking

Automobiles shall be centered in parking stalls so as to prevent crowding of adjacent stalls

and/or blocking of passages. All vehicles may not extend on or beyond the painted white lines.

7. Oversized Vehicles

The height of the Parking Garage is 6 feet 2 inches allowing for clearance of Common Element
pipes, lights, wiring, signage and other items suspended from the ceiling. To avoid damaging
these items, vehicles parking in the Parking Garage must fit under the overhang at the entrance
of the garage and fit into the assigned parking stall without crowding adjacent vehicles. Vehicles
weighing over 5,000 pounds and extended vehicles such as stretch limousines are not allowed in
the Porte Cochere or front entrances to the buildings due to damage to paving tiles and walls.
Residents considering the purchase of a large vehicle must check with the Board to determine
whether the vehicle will safely fit in the Parking Garage and other roadway areas. Any vehicles
not fitting safely in the Parking Garage without endangering pipes, lights, wiring, signage and
other items suspended from the Parking Garage ceiling will be required to find other parking

8. Bicycles.

Bicycles are to be registered with the Management Office and maintained in good working
condition. Abandoned bicycles or bicycles not maintained in good working condition will be
ticketed by the Operations Staff and an attempt will be made to contact the bicycle owner. If the
bicycle owner does not correct the situation, the bicycles will be removed from the Parking
Garage and placed in storage. Stored or abandoned bicycles not claimed will be disposed of in
accordance with Hawaii State laws for abandoned property.

9. Use of Parking Areas.

The Parking Garage and parking stalls shall not be used for the storage of any personal items,
cleaning equipment or materials, boxes, furniture, sports equipment, automobile parts or

equipment, trailers or other items. Only automobiles and motorcycles are to be stored in the
parking stalls.

No structures or other items are to be attached to any surface of the Parking Garage without prior
approval of the Board.

Playing, loitering, or making loud noises in the Parking Garage and other parking areas is
forbidden. These areas are to be used for parking only.

10. Violations.

Violators of any parking rules promulgated by the Board shall be fined and/or have their cars
towed away at their own expense. If the violator is a Tenant, Other Occupant, Employee,
Contractor or Guest of any Owner, the Owner shall be responsible for payment of the towing
charge and fines. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines and Damages for Violations
of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions related to violations of these rules.

D. Vehicular Traffic Management

1. Unsafe Driving

Vehicles shall not be driven at speeds in excess of five (5) miles per hour and/or in an unsafe
manner in the Parking Garage, on any driveway or in any parking areas of the Project. Vans,
sport utility vehicles (SUV) and other large vehicles currently housed in the garage limit
visibility from parking stalls and driveways within the Parking Garage. Due to the limited
visibility and pedestrian traffic in the Parking Garage, it is required that persons traveling in the
Parking Garage, parking areas and driveways adhere to the posted speed limit and drive in a safe

2. Failure to Comply with Directional Signs

Vehicles shall be driven in accordance with the directional signs and painted directional arrows
located throughout the Parking Garage. These signs are posted in order to maintain a safe traffic
flow throughout the Parking Garage for vehicles and pedestrians. Failure to comply with these
signs can result in injury to pedestrians and damage to vehicles, personal and Association
property. Vehicles shall be driven in designated driveway and roadway areas.

3. Driving in an Aggressive or Harassing Manner.

Residents shall refrain from driving in the Project in an aggressive or harassing manner. Driving
in an aggressive or harassing manner includes, but is not limited to, tailgating and revving of
motors in an attempt to cause residents to exceed the posted speed limit as well as other
intimidating or aggressive behaviors.

4. Use of Lights in Parking Garage.

Lights shall be turned on when entering and exiting the Parking Garage.

5. Pedestrian Crosswalks

Vehicles shall yield right of way to pedestrians crossing the garage in marked crosswalks.

6. Damage Resulting from Vehicles

Vehicles or parts of vehicles shall not cause damage to vehicles, personal property or Common
Elements. Damage to vehicles, personal property or Common Elements or injuries to
pedestrians shall be the responsibility of the person causing the damage or injury.

7. Noises and Nuisances from Motor Vehicles.

Persons traveling in the Parking Garage, driveways and parking areas of the Project shall refrain
from creating excessive noises and nuisances. Excessively loud motor vehicles and loud music
from vehicles shall be prohibited. See Section G.1 “Noises and Nuisances.”

8. Violations.

Violators of any traffic rules promulgated by the Board shall be fined and/or have their cars
towed away at their own expense. If the violator is a Tenant, Other Occupant, Employee,
Contractor or Guest of any Owner, the Owner shall be responsible for payment of the towing
charge and fines. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines and Damages for Violations
of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions related to violations of these rules.

E. Vehicle and Property Repairs and Maintenance

1. Repairs of Vehicles and Property

No vehicle or other property repairs may be made at any time in the Common Elements of the
Project. Only minor adjustments to a vehicle not requiring specialized tools, excessive noise, the
use or spillage of oil or fluid or other activities indicative of a major repair, may be made within
the vehicle owner’s assigned parking stall. Any spills or leakage of oil or fluid shall be cleaned
up immediately.

2. Maintenance of Vehicles

Vehicles housed in the Parking Garage shall be in good working condition. Vehicles must be
operable and be in compliance with all state and local vehicle regulations. Immediate repairs
shall be required for vehicles with flat tires, vehicles leaking fluids or for other maintenance
conditions requiring immediate attention. A cleaning charge shall be assessed for excessive or
repeated fluid leaks.

3. Washing Cars

Residents and Other Occupants of the Residential Apartments after washing, cleaning or
polishing cars in the designated area shall clean the area thoroughly before leaving. Cars shall
be washed in the designated Car Wash area only, and should adhere to a thirty (30) minute time
limit while in the car washing stalls. If detailing is required, the vehicle shall be moved back so
another Resident can use the Car Wash area. Car washing facilities are for Resident vehicles
only that have properly displayed decals for One Waterfront Towers.

4. Violations

Violators of any vehicle and property repairs and maintenance rules promulgated by the Board
shall be fined and/or have their cars towed away at their own expense. If the violator is a
Tenant, Other Occupant, Employee, Contractor or Guest of any Owner, the Owner shall be
responsible for payment of the towing charge and fines. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of

Project Fines and Damages for Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and
actions related to violations of these rules.

F. Recreation Areas and Facilities

1. General Rules for Recreation Facilities and Areas

a. Use at Own Risk. Residents and their Guests shall use the Recreational Areas and
Facilities entirely at their own risk. The Association accepts no responsibility therefore.

b. Use of Recreation Areas and Facilities. The Recreation Facilities and Areas are private
and are for the exclusive use of the Owners, Tenants, Other Occupants, and Guests during
posted hours. Recreation Areas include the Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Cabana, Barbecue,
Marvin’s Gardens areas and Tennis Courts, Sauna, Exercise Room and Bathroom

c. Use of Bathroom and Shower Facilities. Showers shall be taken before entering the pool,
Jacuzzi and Sauna. Residents using the shower facilities shall complete use of the
facilities prior to the closing time of 10:00 p.m.

d. Pets. Except for guide dogs, signal dogs, and service animals relied upon by handicapped
persons, no pets are allowed in the Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Cabana, Sauna, Tennis
Courts, Barbecue, Marvin’s Gardens, Exercise Room and Bathroom Facilities of the

e. Hours of Operation. The Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Cabana, Tennis Courts, Barbecue and
Marvin’s Gardens may be used only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The
Exercise Room and Sauna may be used only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00

2. Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi and Cabana Pool Area Rules.

a. No Lifeguard on Duty. There is no lifeguard on duty, so all Residents and Guests swim at
their own risk.

b. Swimming Pool Gate. State law requires that the Swimming Pool gate be closed and
latched at all times.
c. Before Entering Facilities. All suntan oil, dirt and other such materials must be removed
before entering the Swimming Pool and Jacuzzi.

d. Guests. Guests are not permitted in the Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi and Cabana areas unless
accompanied by a responsible One Waterfront Towers Resident. No more than three (3)
Guests per Residential Apartment shall be permitted to use the Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi or
Cabana at any one time. Advance approval by the Board is required for larger groups of
Guests. Advance reservations must be made with the Resident Manager for larger groups
of Guests if approval is received from the Board.

e. Adult Supervision. For health and safety reasons, when using the Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi
and other Recreation Areas an adult must accompany Residents and Guests under the age
of twelve (12).

f. Swimming Attire. Swimming is allowed only in proper swimming apparel. Hairpins and
hair rollers can damage the pool pumps and filters and must be removed before swimming.

All persons swimming in the pool with shoulder length hair must wear swim caps or use
non-metal elastic hair loops or bands to control hair.

g. Prohibited Conduct. Running, pushing, shoving, boisterous or loud conduct, or loud

playing of music is not permitted in any Recreational Area. Splashing of water other than
that accompanying normal swimming is not permitted. Intoxicated Residents and Guests
are not permitted to use the Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi and Cabana areas. Diving from
Swimming Pool edge, walls and Cabana roof are strictly prohibited.

h. Prohibited Items. The use of glass bottles, ceramics, chinaware or other breakable items is
not permitted in the Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi or Cabana areas. Used paper cups and plates
shall be deposited in trash bins provided for that purpose. Snorkels, diving gear, rafts,
large toys, surfboards and other such equipment are not permitted in the Swimming Pool,
Jacuzzi or Cabana areas.

i. Introduction of Foreign Materials. The introduction of sand, rocks or other foreign

materials into the Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi or Cabana area by anyone, which could result
in a Swimming Pool or Jacuzzi pump or equipment malfunction, will result in immediate
eviction from the Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Cabana and adjacent areas.

j. Required by Board of Health Regulations.

(i) All persons known to be or suspected of being afflicted with infectious disease,
suffering from a cough, cold, sores or wearing band aids or bandages, shall be
prohibited from using the Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Sauna and Cabana area.

(ii) Spitting, spouting of water or blowing the nose in the Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi,
Sauna or Cabana area is strictly prohibited.

(iii) No food or drink of any will be permitted in the immediate area of the Swimming
Pool, Jacuzzi or Sauna.

(iv) To maintain Swimming Pool cleanliness at the level required by the Board of
Health, children not toilet-trained must wear rubber or plastic protective clothing
while using the Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi or Sauna.

k. Exiting Swimming Pool Area. Residents and Guests will dry off prior to leaving the
Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi and Cabana areas. Water shall not be transported from these
areas to the lobbies, elevators and other Common Elements of the Project. Water in these
areas results in slips, falls and injuries to Residents and Guests.

l. Compliance with Rules. All persons shall comply with requests from the Resident
Manager and Operations Assistant personnel with respect to matters of personal conduct in
and about the Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Cabana and other Recreation Areas. The Resident
Manager and Operations Assistant personnel are authorized by the Board to require any
person in these areas to identify himself or herself by name and Residential Apartment
number. If the person is a Guest, he or she must provide the name and Residential
Apartment number of his or her host and to confirm, if required, the physical presence of
the host. Persons violating these rules may be asked by the Resident Manager and/or the
Operations Staff to leave these areas. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines and
Damages for Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions related
to violations of these rules.

3. Tennis Courts Rules.

a. Use of Tennis Courts. Use of the Tennis Courts is at the user’s risk. The Association
accepts no responsibility therefore.

b. Reservations. Reservations may be made 24 hours a day through the Operations Staff at
531-6589. Reservations shall not be made more than two (2) days in advance and should
be cancelled immediately if the reserved time cannot be kept. If a reservation cannot be
kept, it should be cancelled at least two (2) hours prior to the reserved time.

c. Restrictions on Reservations. A Resident of a Residential Apartment may reserve a court

for only one hour of play per day. A Resident may not reserve a court for another
Resident unless the other Resident is an occupant of the same Residential Apartment. If
the party who reserves a court does not commence play within 10 minutes from the start of
the reserved time, the court shall be forfeited. At that time the use of the court shall be on
a first come first served basis.

d. Guests. Non-residents shall not be allowed to play on the Tennis Courts unless
accompanied by a responsible Resident of a Residential Apartment.

e. Adult Supervision. For health and safety reasons, when using the Tennis Courts and other
Recreation Areas an adult must accompany Residents and Guests under the age of twelve

f. Tennis Attire. Proper tennis attire is recommended. Only non-marring rubber sole shoes
suitable for sports are permitted on the Tennis Courts.

g. Prohibited Conduct. Running, pushing, shoving, boisterous or loud conduct, or loud

playing of music is not permitted in the Tennis Courts or any other Recreational Area of
the Project. Intoxicated Residents and Guests are not permitted to use the Tennis Courts.

h. Prohibited Items. Tennis Courts shall be used only for their intended use. Skateboards,
skates, bicycles, toys or other items not commonly associated with tennis are prohibited in
the Tennis Courts.

i. Compliance with Rules. All persons shall comply with requests from the Resident
Manager and Operations Assistant personnel with respect to matters of personal conduct in
the Tennis Courts. The Resident Manager and Operations Assistant personnel are
authorized by the Board to require any person in the Tennis Courts to identify himself or
herself by name and Residential Apartment number. If the person is a Guest, he or she
must provide the name and Residential Apartment number of his or her host and to
confirm, if required, the physical presence of the host. Persons violating these rules may
be asked by the Resident Manager and/or the Operations Staff to leave this area. See
Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines and Damages for Violations of Rules and
Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions related to violations of these rules.

4. Barbecue, Marvin’s Gardens, Cabana Dining Area and Other Recreation Area Rules.

a. Reservations. Reservations shall be made at the Management Office during office hours.
Reservations shall not be made more than twenty-one (21) days in advance and should be
cancelled immediately if the reserved time cannot be kept. A deposit will be required at
the time of the reservation. The Management Office will provide information on deposit
amounts. Parties will be limited to a maximum of twenty-five (25) attendees for Marvin’s
Gardens. Parties in the Cabana area of the Swimming Pool will be limited to a maximum

of three Guests per Residential Apartment. Residents should have the number of attendees
and date and times for the party available prior to contacting the Management Office for a

b. Special Requirements.

In addition to making a reservation and providing a deposit to the Management Office,

Residents reserving any of the Recreation Areas for a party must supply proof of adequate
liability insurance and must execute a party agreement form.

b. Use of Barbecue, Marvin’s Gardens and other Recreational Areas. Residents and Guests
shall remove all service items from the areas after use. All trash shall be deposited in the
containers provided in the areas. Brushes are provided to scrape down barbecue grills
after use. Covers should not be placed on barbecue grills while hot. Problems with
barbecue equipment should be reported to the Management Office during office hours and
to the Operations Staff after office hours. Umbrellas shall be closed during high winds and
wind gusts to avoid injury to Residents and Guests and damage to Association property.

c. Adult Supervision. For health and safety reasons, when using the Barbecue, Marvin’s
Gardens and other Recreation Areas, an adult must accompany Residents and Guests
under the age of twelve (12).

d. Prohibited Conduct. Running, pushing, shoving, boisterous or loud conduct, or loud

playing of music is not permitted in any Recreation Area. Removing flowers, plants or
other decorative articles from the area is prohibited. Intoxicated residents and guests may
be asked to leave the Barbecue, Marvin’s Gardens and other Recreation Areas if their
conduct becomes offensive or dangerous to other Residents and Guests.

e. Prohibited Items. Barbecue, Marvin’s Gardens and Recreation Areas shall be used only
for their intended use. Skateboards, skates, bicycles, toys or other items are prohibited in
these areas.

g. Compliance with Rules. All persons shall comply with requests from the Resident
Manager and Operations Assistant personnel with respect to matters of personal conduct in
the Barbecue, Marvin’s Gardens and other Recreation Areas. The Resident Manager and
Operations Assistant personnel are authorized by the Board to require any person in these
areas to identify himself or herself by name and Residential Apartment number. If the
person is a Guest, he or she must provide the name and Residential Apartment number of
his or her host and to confirm, if required, the physical presence of the host. Persons
violating these rules may be asked by the Resident Manager and/or Operations Staff to
leave these areas. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines and Damages for
Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions related to violations
of these rules.

5. Exercise Room, Sauna and Bathroom Facilities Specific Rules.

a. Use of Exercise Room, Sauna and Bathroom Facilities. Use of the Exercise Room, Sauna
and Bathroom Facilities is at the user’s risk. The Association accepts no responsibility

b. Before Entering Sauna Facilities. All suntan oil, dirt and other such materials must be
removed before entering the Sauna.

c. Guests. Guests are not permitted in the Exercise Room, Sauna and Bathroom Facilities
unless accompanied by a responsible One Waterfront Towers Resident.

d. Adult Supervision. For health and safety reasons, Residents and Guests under the age of
twelve (12) must be accompanied by an adult when entering the Exercise Room and Sauna

e. Exercise Room and Sauna Attire. Proper exercise clothing and shoes are required for use
of the exercise equipment. Wet clothes from the Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Sauna or
showers are not permitted when using exercise equipment. Bare feet, wet feet, wet shoes,
slippers or other non-athletic footwear are prohibited on the exercise equipment.
Appropriate attire shall be worn when using the Sauna.

f. Prohibited Conduct. The Exercise Room and Sauna shall be used only for their intended
use. Running, pushing, shoving, boisterous or loud conduct, or loud playing of music is
not permitted in these areas. Headphones shall be used when playing or listening to music
in these areas. Intoxicated Residents and Guests are not permitted to use these facilities.
Residents and guests are strictly prohibited from using equipment while wet from sources
other than perspiration.

g. Exiting Exercise Room, Sauna and Bathroom Facilities. Residents and Guests will dry off
prior to leaving these areas. Water tracked from these areas is prohibited in the lobbies,
elevators and other Common Elements except the immediate Sauna area. Water
transported into the Common Elements results in slips, falls and injuries to Residents and

h. Compliance with Rules. All persons shall comply with requests from the Resident
Manager and Operations Assistant personnel with respect to matters of personal conduct in
and about the Exercise Room, Sauna and Bathroom facilities. The Resident Manager and
Operations Assistant personnel are authorized by the Board to require any person in these
areas to identify himself or herself by name and Residential Apartment number. If the
person is a guest, he or she must provide the name and Residential Apartment number of
his or her host and to confirm, if required, the physical presence of the host. Persons
violating these rules may be asked by the Resident Manager and/or Operations Staff to
leave these areas. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines and Damages for
Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions related to violations
of these rules.

G. Noise and Nuisances

1. Noises and Nuisances Prohibited

No noise or nuisance shall be allowed in the Residential Apartments or the Common Elements,
nor shall any use or practice be allowed which is improper or offensive in the reasonable opinion
of the Board or in violation of the Declaration, the By-Laws or these Rules and Regulations or
which unreasonably interferes with or is an unreasonable annoyance to the peaceful possession
or proper use of the Residential Apartments and/or the Common Elements by Owners, Tenants
and Other Occupants.

2. Noise and Nuisances Specific Rules

a. Excessive Noise and Objectionable Odors Prohibited. Residents, Employees, Contractors

and Guests shall avoid unreasonably excessive noise of any kind at any time and shall not

cause or permit any unreasonably disturbing noise or objectionable odors to emanate from
their Residential Apartments.

b. Excessive Noise from Doors. Residents, Employees, Contractors and Guests of the
Residential Apartments shall hold their front door so as to avoid its slamming due to the
wind. When using the service rooms such Residents, Employees, Contractors and Guests
shall not allow the doors to slam. It is imperative that all Common Element doors be
closed securely when exiting or entering the building for safety and security reasons.

c. Hours for Licensed and Unlicensed Contractors. No Licensed and Unlicensed Contractors
will be allowed in any buildings before 8:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. Monday through
Friday and before 8:00 a.m. or after 12:00 p.m. on Saturday except in an emergency. No
Licensed and Unlicensed Contractors will be allowed in any buildings on Sundays or
holidays recognized by the Association.

d. Hours for Household Repairs. Household repairs creating excessive noise shall be done
between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and between 8:00
a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Household repairs creating excessive noise are
prohibited at all other times, days and on holidays except in an emergency.

d. Hours of Reduced Volume for Radios and Stereos. Radios, TVs, stereos, etc., in the
apartments, if used between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., should be played at
reduced volume.

e. Departure of Guests; Minimizing Noise. When Guests of any Residential Apartment are
leaving at night, noise must be kept at a minimum.

f. Excessive Noise Rules Violations. Excessive noise at any time should be reported to the
Resident Manager or Operations Staff who will take appropriate action. See Section
VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines and Damages for Violations of Rules and
Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions related to violations of these rules.

H. Emergency, Health, Safety and Legal Considerations

1. Fire, Medical, Police and Other Emergencies

If the immediate assistance of the Police, Fire Department, paramedics, ambulances or

physicians is required, dial 911 and explain the nature of the emergency and the assistance
required. The Operations Staff should be informed after emergency services have been
contacted and have been dispatched to the emergency. Do not call the Operations Staff first
since valuable time may be lost. Other emergencies related to Residential Apartments,
particularly flooding, should be brought to the immediate attention of the Management Office
and/or the Operations Staff.

2. Use of Common Elements for Recreation.

The Common Elements (other than specifically designated Recreational Areas) shall not be used
for recreational activities of any kind. Parents or legal guardians should be responsible for the
appropriate supervision of minors at all times.

3. No Personal Property to be Placed or Left in Common Elements

No items of personal property, including but not limited to, clothing, baby carriages,
velocipedes, bicycles, surfboards, packages, water bottles, boxes or crates shall be left or allowed

to stand on any of the Common Elements, other than within the confines of the Residential
Apartment or within designated storage areas. Articles of any kind left in any of the Common
Elements will be removed at Owner's risk and expense at the direction of the Board.

4. Objects Thrown From Buildings

Nothing shall be thrown from lanais, windows or any area of the buildings and Common
Elements. Articles thrown from these areas may result is serious injury or death to Residents,
Employees, Contractors and Guests. Major damage to the Porte Cochere glass and other areas
can result from these activities. Cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco products, matches and other
flammable materials constitute a fire hazard for the Project and shall not be thrown from
buildings or Common Elements. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines and Damages
for Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions related to violations of
these rules.

5. Fireworks

The throwing of firecrackers from lanais and the explosion of fireworks anywhere on the
grounds of the Project or within the buildings is expressly prohibited. See Section VIIII.C.
“Schedule of Project Fines and Damages for Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines,
damages and actions related to violations of these rules.

6. Use of Inflammable or Dangerous Materials

Unless the Board gives advance written consent in each and every instance, Residents shall not
use any illumination other than electric lights, or use or permit to be brought into the buildings
any flammable oils or fluids such as gasoline, kerosene, naphtha or benzene, or other explosives
or other articles deemed extra hazardous to life, limb or property. See Section VIIII.C.
“Schedule of Project Fines and Damages for Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines,
damages and actions related to violations of these rules.

7. Outdoor Cooking

Outdoor cooking shall be subject to regulation by the Board and shall be conducted so as not to
be offensive to any Resident. Fires other than for outdoor cooking in designated areas are not
permitted. Cooking on the lanai area is prohibited.

8. Illegal Activities and Impairment of Association Insurance Coverage

No activity shall be engaged in and no substance introduced into or manufactured within the
buildings, which might result in violation of the law or in the cancellation of the insurance or
increase in the insurance rate on the buildings.

9. Insurance Coverage for Residential Apartments

Owners of Residential Apartments are responsible for damage and injuries within the Owner’s
Residential Apartment caused by the Owner, Tenant, Other Occupants, Employees, Contractors
and Guests or by an act of God. Owners are also responsible for damage caused to other
Residential Apartments and the Common Elements that result from negligent acts within the
Owner’s Residential Apartment. Owners shall carry homeowners and hurricane insurance for
protection against damage to the interior areas and lanai glass areas of the Owner’s Residential
Apartment and for protection against damage from or to other Residential Apartments. The
Association insurance does not cover damage to Residential Apartments except where the
damage is a result of a malfunction of the Common Elements of the Project. Tenants shall be

responsible for determining if the Owner has homeowner and hurricane insurance and arranging
for insurance coverage for personal property as necessary.

10. Smoking

Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed or partially enclosed Common Elements of the Project
including, but not limited to, lobbies, hallways, corridors, stairways, waiting areas, and Parking
Garage, pursuant to the City and County Ordinance 93-68. "Enclosed" or "partially enclosed"
means closed in by a roof or overhand and at least one wall.

11. Alcoholic Beverages

Except as to those times and places determined by the Board, the consumption of alcoholic
beverages is prohibited in the Common Elements of the Project. No alcoholic beverage will be
consumed by any person under the age of 21 in accordance with State of Hawaii law.

12. Assistance with Residential Apartment Problems

Should any Owner, Tenant, Other Occupant, or Guest have a problem in a Residential
Apartment that might be a Common Element problem or that might affect another Residential
Apartment, the Management Office and/or the Operations Staff shall be notified immediately.
The staff will check reported problems immediately in order to prevent problems to the Common
Elements and to other Residential Apartments.


A. Residential Apartment Aesthetic Considerations

1. General Apartment Aesthetic Considerations

No unsightliness within the public view or from Residential Apartments is permitted within the
Project. For this purpose, "unsightliness," is in the discretion of the Board, and includes, but is
not limited to the following: laundry on lanais; litter or trash containers except as specially
provided; inappropriate, broken, scarred or offensively ugly furniture, appliances, large plants
hanging off lanais of Residential Apartments; non-decorative gear, equipment, cans, bottles,
ladders, trash, boxes, barrels, etc., stored or stowed in or on walks, etc.; or improperly shaded
lights that create objectionable glare. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines and
Damages for Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions related to
violations of these rules.

2. Lanais - Care and Maintenance

The Owner shall be responsible for the care and maintenance of all lanais (if any), included in
the Residential Apartment. Such Owner may not, however, paint or otherwise decorate the walls
and ceilings of such lanais without the prior written approval of the same by the Board. It is
intended that the exterior of the buildings shall present a uniform appearance and, to affect that
end, the Board may require the painting of the walls and ceilings of each lanai and regulate the
type and color of paint to be used. Care shall be taken in cleaning lanais to prevent water from
running down the exterior of the buildings. Wet mopping is recommended to avoid runoff of
cleaning water and cleaning products from lanais. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project
Fines and Damages for Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions
related to violations of these rules.

3. Lanais - Furniture, Storage and Plants

Only appropriate furniture and small plants shall be used for lanais, and any unsightly or
disturbing items shall be removed upon the request of the Board or Resident Manager. These
areas are not to be used for storage purposes of any kind. All plants shall be placed in a
container so as to prevent the dripping of water or soil onto other Apartments or the common
elements. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines and Damages for Violations of Rules
and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions related to violations of these rules.

4. Lanais – Holiday Decorations

Reasonable and appropriate banners commemorating holidays or festivals may be displayed

from lanais only on holidays, except that reasonable Christmas decorations may be displayed
during the month of December and the first week of January.

5. Lanais – Other Considerations

Textile items, including towels, bathing apparel and clothing, brooms, mops, cartons, etc., shall
not be placed on lanais or passages or in windows of Residential Apartments so as to be in view
from outside the buildings or from any Residential Apartments around or above. See Section
VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines and Damages for Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for
fines, damages and actions related to violations of these rules.

6. Entrances

No shoes, go-aheads, flip-flops, slippers, dry cleaning, articles of clothing, etc., shall be allowed
to remain in view at front entrances of Residential Apartments.

7. Supplies or Other Goods

No garbage cans, water bottles, household or commercial supplies, excess items, or similar
articles shall be placed outside any Residential Apartment area, except, as the Board shall

8. Trash Disposal

Garbage, rubbish and other trash shall be disposed of only in the trash chutes, trash receptacles
and other areas provided therefore. Trash containing food shall be securely wrapped and bagged
before being placed in a trash disposal facility. All trash bags shall be securely closed prior to
disposal in trash chutes, trash receptacles and other areas provided for trash disposal in order to
avoid littering the Project. Trash items shall not be left in the Trash Chute area, Parking Garage
or other Common Elements of the Project. Trash items that cannot be placed in the Trash Chute
should be hand carried to the basement trash room. Dumpster facilities are available for the
disposal of clean cardboard items to be recycled. Trash shall not be deposited down the trash
chute before 7:00 a.m. and after 10:00 p.m.

9. Garbage Disposals

Kitchen garbage disposals shall be utilized for disposing of soft food waste only. Food products
such as rice, dried rice; noodles or other similar food products should not be disposed of in the
garbage disposal. Use of the garbage disposal for these food products can cause blockages and
damage of Residential Apartment and Common Elements pipes and plumbing. Only cold water
shall be used when operating garbage disposals. All other wastes shall be properly bagged
and/or wrapped and placed in the designated refuse areas.

10. Residential Apartment Water Facilities

Toilets, sinks, garbage disposals, tubs, showers, and other apparatus in the Project shall not be
used for any purpose other than those for which they were designed, nor shall any sweepings,
rubbish, rags or other articles be thrown into them. Any damage to the Common Elements or
other Residential Apartments resulting from misuse of any toilets, sinks, garbage disposals, tubs,
showers, or other water apparatus in an apartment shall be repaired and paid for by the Owner of
such Residential Apartment. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines and Damages for
Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions related to violations of
these rules.

11. Waterbeds

There shall be no waterbeds of any nature allowed in any Residential Apartment without the
prior written approval of the Board. All Residents who wish to install a waterbed must first
furnish to the Board written evidence of adequate liability insurance coverage naming the
Association as additional insured and must display physically to the Board or Resident Manager
a waterproof tank in which the waterbed will rest.

12. Window Cleaning.

All Residents shall be responsible at such Resident’s expense for cleaning all windows, which
are accessible from inside the Residential Apartment or inside the lanai area. The Association as
a common expense shall clean all other windows.

13. Convenience Carts (Shopping Carts).

Carts are located on each floor next to the building crosswalks. These carts are for the
convenience of residents and should be used for transport of small items and groceries. Carts are
marked with the floor and building where they are located. All carts shall be returned to the
correct location and not left in the Common Element hallways, passageways, elevators or in
Residential Apartments. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines and Damages for
Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions related to violations of
these rules.


A. Residential Apartment Repairs and Maintenance

1. Residential Apartment Owner’s Duty to Repair and Maintain.

Every Residential Apartment Owner from time to time and at all times shall perform promptly
all repair and maintenance work within his or her Residential Apartment, the omission of which
would adversely affect any Common Elements or any other Residential Apartments. The Owner
shall be responsible for all loss and damage to Common Elements and other Residential
Apartments caused by his or her failure to do so. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project
Fines and Damages for Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions
related to violations of these rules.

2. Repairs to Residential Apartments to be at Owner’s Expense.

All repairs of internal installations within each apartment, such as plumbing and electrical
fixtures, appliances, telephones, doors, lamps and other fixtures and accessories belonging to

such Residential Apartment, including the wall and floor coverings, shall be at the apartment
Owner’s expense. For Residential Apartments with lanais, repairs of windows and sliding doors
between the Residential Apartment and lanai are the responsibility of the Owner. Repairs to all
other exterior windows and windows on the outside perimeter of the lanai are the responsibility
of the Association.

3. Licensed Contractors Required When Common Elements May be Affected.

A Licensed Contractor approved in writing by the Board shall perform any repair or
maintenance, which may affect the Common Elements.

B. Residential Apartment Modifications

1. Permission for Modifications

Except as permitted by the Declaration, no structural change of any type shall be permitted either
within or without a Residential Apartment without prior written approval and consent of the

2. Signs

No signs, signals, or lettering shall be inscribed or exposed on the exterior of any Residential
Apartment (other than the apartment number), nor shall anything be projected out of any window
or off any lanai.

3. Prohibitions on Modifications

a. No projections shall extend through any door or window opening of any Residential
Apartment into any walkway or corridor or beyond the exterior face of the buildings.

b. Except as otherwise permitted by the Declaration, no Owner, Tenant, Other Occupant,

Employee, Guest, Licensed Contractor and Unlicensed Contractor, except as otherwise
permitted by the Board, shall install any wiring or other device for electrical or telephone
installations, television, machines, or other equipment or appurtenant on the exterior of the
buildings or protruding through the walls, windows or roof thereof.

c. Nothing shall be allowed, done or kept in any Residential Apartment or Common Element
which would overload or impair the floors, walls or roofs of the buildings, or cause any
increase in the ordinary premium rates or the cancellation or invalidation of any insurance
maintained by or for the Board of the Association with respect thereto, nor shall any
noxious or offensive activity or nuisance be made or suffered thereon.

d. Except as otherwise permitted by the Declaration, no projections shall be attached to the

outside walls of the buildings or the exterior of any door without the prior consent in
writing of the Board.

e. Except as otherwise permitted by the Declaration or the By-Laws, no alteration or addition

to an Apartment or any alteration or addition to the Common Elements may be made
without the prior written approval of the Board.

f. All Licensed and Unlicensed Contractors, etc., working in a Residential Apartment needs
to be registered with the Management Office and/or the Operations Staff. When
performing modifications to the Residential Apartment, a mat shall be kept in the
apartment for the purpose of cleaning shoes prior to exiting the apartment and entering the

Common Elements of the Project.. Furthermore, all Residential Apartment Owners,
workmen, repairmen, and contractors must comply with Hawaii Contractors Licensing
Statutes, which require any repair, remodel or renovation project costing more than
$1,000.00 to be licensed pursuant to Hawaii Contractors Law (HRS Chapter 444).

g. None of the provisions of these Rules and Regulations are intended to be in contravention
of the Federal Fair Housing Act or Chapter 515, Hawaii Revised Statutes, or The
Americans with Disabilities Act, where applicable. The Board will at all times comply
with the provisions of these statutes, when applicable, when acting upon requests by
persons with disabilities to make reasonable modifications, at the Residents' cost, to their
apartments and/or Common Elements of the Project, if the proposed modifications are
necessary to enable such persons to have full use and enjoyment of the premises. The
Board will also comply with the above statutes when acting upon requests by disabled
persons for exemptions from any of the provisions of the Association's Declaration, By-
Laws, and/or Rules and Regulations, which would interfere with their equal opportunity to
use and/or enjoy their apartments and/or the Common Elements of the premises. If, at any
point, the disabled Resident who requested a change to the Common Elements to
accommodate his/her disability, moves from the Project, that Resident may be requested to
return the Common Elements that were modified to their original condition, at that
Resident's expense.

4. Licensed Contractors Required When Common Elements May be Affected.

A Licensed Contractor approved in writing by the Board shall perform any modifications, which
may affect the Common Elements.

5. Board May Require Removal of Unauthorized Work.

The Board of Directors may inspect any work and may order the removal of any work, which
has not been approved or which may adversely affect the Common Elements or the exterior
appearance of the project.

6. No Building Roof Access.

No persons other than authorized tradesman and technicians employed by the Association and
employees of the Association shall be allowed on the roof areas of the Project without prior
written approval by the Board and signing a waiver of liability.

C. Restrictions on Construction Activities and Contractors

1. Construction Hours.

Construction within a Residential Apartment is permitted between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday and between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. No construction
shall be allowed in any buildings on Sundays or holidays recognized by the Association.

2. Unloading, Entry, Exit and Parking.

All Contractors must unload their tools, equipment and construction materials in the Makai or
Mauka loading areas. Parking in the Parking Garage may be allowed if parking is available and
the vehicle meets size restrictions for the Parking Garage. Entry and exit for contractors will be
through the loading areas and not through the lobbies of the buildings. Violations of parking and
traffic rules will result in the contractor being prohibited from parking in the garage.

3. Use of Elevators.

The padded freight elevators in each building shall be used by contractors for transporting tools,
equipment and construction materials. The padded freight elevators must be reserved in
advance. Contractors and their employees shall not use the residential elevators unless written
permission of the Resident Manager is obtained in advance. The Operations Staff will assist
Contractors and their employees with access to the freight elevators.

4. Location of Contractors and Employees.

Contractors and their employees are prohibited from roaming or loitering around the Residential
Apartment areas and Common Elements, unless assigned to work in the area, or unless written
permission of the Resident Manager or the Operations Staff is obtained in advance.

5. Restrictions and Registration of Contractors and Employees.

Owners shall notify the Management Office of planned repairs, maintenance and modifications
in advance. Licensed and Unlicensed Contractors, handymen, etc., and their employees must
register with the Management Office or the Operations Staff prior to initiating work on a
Residential Apartment. Owners are responsible for ensuring that all Licensed and Unlicensed
Contractors adhere to these rules. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines and Damages
for Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions related to violations of
these rules.


A. Applicability of Rules and Regulations

All rules and regulations specified in these Rules and Regulations are to be adhered to by everyone on
the premises. Each Owner shall observe and perform these Rules and Regulations and ensure that his
Tenants and such Owner's and his Tenants' Other Occupants, Employees, Contractors and Guests also
observe and comply with the Declaration, the By-Laws, and these Rules and Regulations. Owners will
be responsible for their Tenants' and such Owners' and their Tenants' Other Occupants’, Employees',
and Guests' observance of all Rules and Regulations as set forth herein. In the event any such person
incurs expenses due to violations of these Rules and Regulations or persons for whom an Owner is
responsible, the Owner shall pay for such expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees.

B. Employees of the Association

1. Maintenance of Common Elements

The Association maintenance employees will use every effort to police the grounds effectively.
Nevertheless, these employees are not available on a 24-hour daily basis, and much of their work
must be devoted to maintenance and repair, etc. Accordingly, and in the common interest of all,
every Owner, Tenant, Other Occupant, Employee, Contractor and Guest is requested to do
his/her part in assisting the Association maintenance employees to keep the premises neat and

2. Management of Association Employees

Employees of the Association are under the direction of the Board, Management Company
Agent and Resident Manager. During prescribed hours of work they shall in no case be diverted
to the private business or employment of any Owner, Tenant, Other Occupant, Employee,

Contractor or Guest. No employee shall be asked by an Owner, Tenant, Other Occupant,
Employee, Contractor or Guest to leave the Common Elements.

3. Maintenance of Residential Apartments

Cleaning and maintenance of individual Residential Apartments, including the interior of all
windows, repair of all appliances; plumbing and electrical is the responsibility of the respective
Owners, Tenants, Other Occupants and Guests. Should any Resident wish to have an
Association employee work for him/her after hours, he/she must request the Management Office
to have the Association employee contact the Resident after the Association employee is off duty
and not on the premises.

C. Access to Common Elements and Residential Apartments

1. Access to Residential Apartments and Common Elements

The Resident Manager is not required to give access to Residential Apartments or buildings
without, the written permission of a responsible Owner, Tenant or Other Occupant provided,
however, that as provided in and subject to the provisions of the By-Laws, the Resident Manager
shall give each mortgagee of a Residential Apartment or any interest therein and its agents
access through the Common Elements for the purpose of passage to any Residential Apartment
on which such mortgagee holds a mortgage.

2. Entrusting Keys to Employees of the Association

Any key or keys entrusted by an Owner, Tenant or Other Occupant or by his Local Agent,
Employee, Contractor or Guest to an employee of the Association, whether for such Residential
Apartment or an automobile or other item of personal property, the delivery of the key shall be at
the sole risk of such Owner, Tenant, Other Occupant, Local Agent, Employee, Contractor or
Guest, and neither the Board nor the Association or the Resident Manager shall be liable for
injury, loss or damage of any nature whatsoever directly or indirectly resulting there from or
connected therewith. Each Owner, Tenant, Other Occupant and Guest shall assume full
responsibility for protecting his Residential Apartment and the contents thereof from theft,
robbery, pilferage, vandalism and other loss or damage.

D. Common Element Furnishings

Furnishings, paintings, plants and other decorative items have been placed in the Common Elements to
enhance the Project. These decorative items shall be for use in those specific areas and shall not be
moved or removed from those areas or damaged, vandalized or otherwise defaced by Owners, Tenants,
Other Occupants, Employees, Contractors or Guests. See Section VIIII.C. “Schedule of Project Fines
and Damages for Violations of Rules and Regulations,” for fines, damages and actions related to
violations of these rules.


A. Schedule of Project Deposits.

Document Section Deposit Amount

Section II.G Moving, Delivery and Contractor Procedures for Elevators.

Section II.G.1 Use of Elevators. $300

Owners and Residents will be responsible for all damages.

Section IV.F.4 Barbecue, Marvin’s Gardens, Cabana Dining Area and Other
Recreation Area Rules.

Section IV.F.4.a Reservations

Parties of 10 or less attendees $100

Parties of 11 or more attendees $200


A. Reporting Violations and Damages

1. All corrective actions regarding violations of the Rules and Regulations and damages to the
Common Elements will be enforced by the Board and should be reported promptly to the Board
or the Resident Manager.

2. Damages to the Common Elements shall be surveyed by the Board or the Resident Manager at
the direction of the Board and the cost of repair or replacement and any legal fees incurred may
be assessed by the Board against the person or persons responsible, including, but not limited to,
any Owner for damages caused directly or indirectly by his Tenants, Other Occupants,
Employees, Contractors or Guests.

B. Violation of The Rules and Regulations Shall Give the Board, the Resident Manager or Their
Agents the Right to:







C. Schedule of Project Fines and Damages for Violations of Rules and Regulations.

Prior to the Association levying a fine, the Resident Manager, the Operations Staff or Property
Management Company will issue the number of warnings associated with the violation to the Owner,
Tenant, Other Occupant, Employee, Contractor or Guest. Warnings and fines for violations are listed
below. If violations occur after the prescribed number of warnings has been issued, the Property
Management Company will generate a final letter to the Owner and assess the fine, damages and any
associated legal costs to the Owner’s account. As noted above, the Board has the discretion levy fines
and assess damages for violations where fines and damages have not been referred to specifically in
these Rules and Regulations.

Document Section Fine Amount and Warnings

Section I.E Pets.

Section I.E.1 Pets Allowed in Project. $100 No Warnings

Owning or maintaining of pets not permitted in the Project

Section I.E.3 Control of Pets. $25 Two Warnings

Pertains to control of all pet activities and behavior defined in this

section of the Rules and Regulations. Owners and Residents shall
be subject to fines and damages for violations.

Section IV.C. Parking Automobiles and Other Vehicles.

Owners, Tenants, Other Occupants, Employees, Contractors and Guests

shall be subject to fines, towing charges and damages, if necessary,
for violations.

Section IV.C.1 General Parking Considerations. $30 Two Warnings

Section IV.C.2 Parking Stalls $30 Two Warnings

Section IV.C.3 Guest Parking. $30 Two Warnings

Section IV.C.5 Common Elements Parking. $30 Two Warnings

Section IV.C.6 Method of Parking. $30 Two Warnings

Section IV.C.8 Bicycles. $30 Two Warnings

Section IV.D. Vehicular Traffic Management

Owners, Tenants, Other Occupants, Employees, Contractors and Guests

shall be subject to fines, towing charges and damages, if necessary,
for violations.

Section IV.D.1 Unsafe Driving. $30 Two Warnings

Section IV.D.2 Failure to Comply with Directional Signs. $30 Two Warnings

Section IV.D.3 Driving in an Aggressive or Harassing Manner. $30 Two Warnings

Section IV.D.6 Damage Resulting from Vehicles. $100 No Warnings

Section IV.D.7 Noises and Nuisances from Motor Vehicles. $30 Two Warnings

Section IV.E Vehicle and Property Repairs and Maintenance.

Owners, Other Occupants, Employees, Contractors and Guests will

be subject to fines, towing charges and damages, if necessary. Cleaning
charges of $45 per hour will be assessed for vehicle oil, fluids and other
materials associated with the situation.

Section IV.E.1 Repairs of Vehicles and Property. $50 One Warning

Section IV.E.2 Maintenance of Vehicles. $50 One Warning

Section IV.F Recreation Areas and Facilities.

Section IV.F.2 Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi and Cabana Pool $50 One Warning
Area Rules.

Section IV.F.3 Tennis Courts Rules. $50 One Warning

Section IV.F.4 Barbecue, Marvin’s Gardens, Cabana Dining $50 One Warning
Area, and Other Recreation Area Rules.

Section IV.G Noise and Nuisances.

Section IV.G.2. Noises and Nuisances Specific Rules. $30 Two Warnings

Section IV.H Emergency, Health, Safety and Legal Considerations.

Section IV.H.4 Objects Thrown from Buildings. $300 No Warnings

Section IV.H.5 Fireworks. $300 No Warnings

Section IV.H.6 Use of Inflammable or Dangerous Materials. $300 No Warnings

Section V.A Residential Apartment Aesthetic Considerations.

Section V.A.1 General Apartment Aesthetic Considerations. $100 Two Warnings

Section V.A.2 Lanais – Care and Maintenance. $100 Two Warnings

If Management confirms water leakage coming from the lanai

drainpipe, not associated with rainfall, the Owner responsible
for such leakage shall be assessed a fine for each violation. In
addition, the Owners shall be assessed for any damage, stains or
spotting to the building or windows, which results from the use
of any water on the lanai areas. The assessed fees for such
damages may be $1,000 or more.

Section V.A.3 Lanais – Furniture, Storage and Plants. $100 Two Warnings

Section V.A.5 Lanais – Other Considerations. $100 Two Warnings

Section V.A.10 Residential Apartment Water Facilities. $200 No Warnings

Section V.A.13. Convenience Carts (Shopping Carts). $10 Two Warnings

Section VI.A Residential Apartment Repairs and Maintenance.

Section VI.A.1 Residential Apartment Owner’s Duty to Repair $300 No Warnings

And Maintain.

In addition to the fine, Owners will be responsible for reimbursing

the Association and affected Residential Apartment Owners for
damages and losses.

Section VI.C Restrictions on Residential Apartment Repairs,

Maintenance and Modifications.

Section VI.C.5 Restrictions and Registration of Contractors $100 No Warnings

and Employees.

Section VII.D Common Area Furnishings. $300 No Warnings

In addition to the fine, Owners will be responsible for reimbursing

the Association for all damages and losses.

The foregoing Rules and Regulations are hereby adopted.

DATED: Honolulu, Hawaii, October 1, 1993

Revised 5/13/94, 7/20/94, 5/1/97, 9/26/97, 10/13/97, 12/04/02



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