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Mega Agent Rental Management Macon Tenant Handbook

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Putting the Pieces Together

Our Personal Message to You

Mega Agent Rental Management Macon LLC welcomes you to the Greater Macon area and
congratulates you on the selection of your new home.

This handbook is part of your rental agreement and as such, outlines responsibilities we have to you and
which you have to the home and us. You have leased a home; think of it as your home. During the term
of your lease, you are in possession of the house and the yard. Your obligations are similar to those of
the owner, and you are expected to care for and maintain the premises. As property managers, we also
have obligations and responsibilities to the owner, to care for and maintain the home you have selected
to rent.

It is important that you read this handbook carefully, understanding each paragraph. A good relationship
is possible when each party understands and fulfills their responsibilities and obligations. Understanding
that the success of a landlord/tenant relationship is based on clear communication, we are always
available to answer your questions and discuss problems you may have.

Our office hours are 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Occasionally, the office will be closed to
allow Mega Agent Rental Management Macon LLC staff to visit properties. If you need to meet with a
staff member, please call the office prior to your visit.

Please keep this handbook where it is readily available. Before calling the management office, see if the
answer to your question is in this handbook. We love to hear from our tenants, but many times the
answer to a question can be found in the handbook.

We look forward to a successful relationship with you and thank you for selecting Mega Agent Rental
Management Macon LLC.

All the best,

Gerald Arnold
Director of Property Management

Mega Agent Rental Management Macon

3985 Arkwright Rd Suite 107, Macon, GA 31210 | (478) 960-7675
Our Message to You Introduction

1. General Rules and Regulations 3
A. Part of Your Rental Agreement 3
B. Rent Payments 3
C. Partial Payment of Rent 3
D. Returned Checks 3
E. Default of Rental Payment 3
F. Your Telephone Number 3
G. Keys and Locks 3
H. Lock Outs 4
I. Trash, Garbage and Recycling 4
J. Disturbances, Noise and Nuisance 4
K. Move-in / Move out Condition Report 4
L. Periodic Surveys 4
M. Parking/Vehicles 4
N. Guests 4
O. Emergency Maintenance Repairs 4
P. Renter’s Insurance 5
Q. Pets 5
R. Utilities 5

2. When You First Move-In 5

A. Getting to Know Your Property 5

B. Circuit Breakers 5
C. Humid Living 6
D. Heating and Air Conditioning Units 6

3. Maintenance, Damage and Repair 6

A. Maintenance Requests 6
B. Unauthorized Repairs 6
C. Lawns and Grounds 6
D. Light Bulbs 6
E. Plumbing 7
F. Outside Water Faucets 7
G. Waterbeds 7
H. Walls and Ceilings 7
I. Vinyl Floor Coverings / Hardwood 7
J. Carpet Care 7
K. Stoves 8
L. Dishwashers 8
M. Garbage Disposals 8
N. Mini Blinds 8
O. Whirlpool Jet and Jacuzzi Tubs 8
P. Pest Control 8


4. Mold and Mildew 8

A. Prevention 8

5. Cleaning and How To’s 9

A. Minimum Cleaning standards 9

B. Counter Tops and Cabinets 9
C. Kitchen Appliances 9
D. Fireplaces 9

6. Not Renewing and Moving Out 10

A. End of Rental Agreement 10

B. Voluntary Early Termination of Rental Agreement 10
C. Marketing During the Notice to Vacate Period 10
D. Minimum Showing Standards 10
E. The Check out Inspection 10
F. Guidelines for a Full Security Deposit Refund 11
G. Return of the Security Deposit 11

7. Emergency / Disaster Procedures 11

A. Make Your Emergency Plan Now 11

B. What to do in an Emergency 11

8. Summary 11

A. This Handbook is for You 11


1.0 Troubleshooting Your Home 12

1.1 Landlord vs. Resident’s Responsibilities 13
2.0 Emergency Maintenance Services 14
3.0 Mildew and Mold 15
4.0 Satellite Dishes, Antenna and Cable Television 16
5.0 Renter’s Insurance 17


A. Part of Your Rental Agreement

This Tenant Handbook is part of your rental agreement and is legally binding on both parties.
B. Rent Payments
Rent payments are due and payable to Mega Agent Rental Management Macon LLC, in advance, on the
first day of each month. Payment should be made by check, Electronic Bank Transfer, Money Order or
Certified Funds. Rent payments can be mailed to Mega Agent Rental Management Macon LLC, 311
Golden Ocala Blvd, Macon, GA 31216. You may pay in person during office hours at 311 Golden Ocala
Blvd, Macon, GA 31216. Any rent payment received after the 5th day of the month is considered late,
regardless of the postmark date. Rents remaining unpaid after the fifth (5th) day of the month are
delinquent and subject to a late fee of $50.
Rents remaining unpaid after the 5th day may cause legal action to collect rent. To ensure proper credit to
your account, please write your address on each check and every written correspondence you have with
the office. Set-off of rent is prohibited: Tenant has no right to deduct the security deposit from the rental
payment for the last month of any term of the lease.

C. Partial Payment Of Rent

The Landlord and their Agent strongly encourage Tenant to make their payment of rent and any other
applicable charges in one payment so that they may avoid a $20 “partial payment fee”. The Tenant is
charged $20 for each partial payment made until such time that the monthly rent and any applicable fees /
charges are paid in full.

D. Returned Checks
Any check returned for insufficient funds, a closed account or for any reason will be charged $30 plus the
amount of the check. All payments must be made with certified funds or a money order within 24 hours of
notification, or legal action may be taken. If the returned check causes your rent payment to be late, a late
fee of $50 will be charged regardless of the reason. After a check has been returned for insufficient funds,
you may be required to make all future payments with a money order or certified funds.
E. Default of Rental Payment
If the rent is not paid by the 5th of the month, this is notice that your lease and rental agreement may be
terminated in accordance with the most current requirements under Applicable statutes in the Code of
Georgia. All charges unpaid by the end of the month in which they are charged are added as additional
rent. All remedies and charges for collecting rent may be used to collect unpaid charges. If rent is paid
while a legal action is in process, acceptance of a rent payment will not stop legal action that has begun. A
separate agreement must be reached if legal action is to be stopped. Additionally, we may report your
delinquency to the national credit bureaus.
F. Telephone Number
All tenants are required to have telephone accessibility. Management is to be provided with home, mobile
and work telephone numbers. Please notify Management when you change your home, mobile or work
number. Unlisted numbers must be provided to Management. An e-mail address should be provided to
Management, but not in lieu of a telephone number.
G. Keys and Locks
Two sets of keys are issued at the time of possession. Alterations or replacement of locks, installation of
bolts, knockers, mirrors or other attachments to the interior or exterior of a door requires the written approval
of Management. Management must have keys to each lock on and in the house. Management may gain
access and re-key locks if the tenant denies access at any time. Copies of new keys will be available at the
office during office hours. All keys are to be returned to Management upon vacating the premises.

It is policy when Management or its designated service technicians complete service work to lock all doors
used for entry when leaving. Please, keep keys to your locks in your possession or easily
accessible at all times (see Lock Outs, paragraph G).

H. Lock Outs
A $25 lock out fee is charged if you are locked out during business hours. You may borrow a key from
the office, M-F, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. All borrowed keys must be returned within 24 hours. There is an
additional $5 charge to obtain a duplicate key (if available) from the office during normal business hours.
After normal business hours, on weekends and on holidays the tenant shall call a local locksmith to obtain
access to the home. The tenant is solely responsible for the cost of said locksmith. Should tenant utilize
the services of a locksmith, the tenant shall notify the management company within 24 hours. If you are
locked out of your house after a service call it will be considered a lock out and all applicable lock out
fees will be charged.

I. Trash, Garbage and Recycling

All refuse must be placed in appropriate containers, provided by Tenant, except in communities that
offer dumpster pick-up. The Tenant is required to make arrangements to have garbage and trash
picked up weekly. Containers are not to be out of the storage area except on collection days. Any
recycling items collected must be properly contained and discreetly stored. A total of no more than two
50-gallon trash bags of recycling materials may be kept on the premises at one time.
J. Disturbances, Noise and Nuisance
All Tenants and tenant’s guests are expected to conduct themselves in a way that will not offend
or disturb neighbors or the passerby. Any activity that causes extreme or excessive noise, traffic,
or disturbance of any kind is a violation of the lease terms and cause for eviction. This includes loud or
lewd music, and vulgar or profane language. If music or other sounds can be heard outside the perimeter
of the premises leased, it is considered loud.
K. Move-In/Move-out Condition Report
At move-in, you will receive a move-in condition report. It is your responsibility to review this report,
noting any additional deficiencies, damage, or conditions that you do not wish to be responsible for at
move-out. You will have three (3) business days to return a signed copy of the condition report to the
office. The move-in report will be used to contrast conditions as charged damages at move-out.
L. Periodic Surveys
With reasonable notice to the Tenant, and at reasonable times, Management and/or their duly
designated representative may enter the premises to inspect or make any necessary repairs,
improvements or alterations. In all cases, you should receive at least 48 hours notice, unless the repair is
an emergency.
M. Parking/Vehicles
All vehicles must be parked in assigned areas (garages, parking lots, parking pads, etc) or on the public
street, where allowed. Parking on lawns, sidewalks or other areas not specifically designated for parking
is prohibited. All vehicles must be registered, licensed and operable at all times. No vehicle repairs are
allowed at anytime; expect minor repairs e.g. changing a tire. No oil/fluid stains are allowed on the garage
floor, driveway, walkways or any other area of the property. The Tenant shall properly and promptly
remove all stains.
N. Guests
Any person(s) staying more than fourteen (14) calendar days consecutively, or twenty-one (21)
calendar days in any calendar year, without prior written consent from Management, will constitute
occupation of the premises on a regular basis; therefore, constituting a violation of the lease. Tenant is
responsible for the behavior of guests and all portions of this agreement apply to guests.
O. Emergency Maintenance/Repairs
An emergency is when danger is present or property damage has occurred or is about to occur. You are
expected to do everything an owner would do to protect the property from damage. The first priority is to
stop additional damage. Read Appendix 1.0 (Trouble Shooting Your Home) and Appendix
2.0 (Emergency Maintenance Services) for procedures to enlist emergency maintenance service.

P. Renter’s Insurance
It is strongly encouraged that Tenants obtain renter’s insurance for the protection of personal property.
Neither the Landlord nor Management shall be liable for any injury or damages to persons or property
either caused by or resulting from falling plaster, dampness, overflow or leakage upon or into the
premises of water, rain, snow, ice, steam, gas, or electricity or by breakage in or malfunction of pipes,
plumbing fixtures, air conditioners, or appliances or leakage, breakage or obstruction of pipes.
Q. Pets
No pets, animals, snakes or birds, etc. of any kind are permitted on the premises without
written permission from Management. Tenant understands that the pet fee is paid per pet and is only
for the privilege of having the pets at the premises. The pet fee does not cover damages to the premises.
If a pet is permitted by signed agreement, a pet fee will be required at a fee determined by
Management. The tenant assumes all liability and responsibility for any and all damage caused by said
pet. Tenant agrees to have all carpeting cleaned by a professional carpet cleaner and to pay the cost for
having the premises treated for fleas and ticks by a professional exterminator at the termination of
occupancy. Paid receipts for such services shall be provided to management. There is a $100 fine per
incident where an unauthorized pet is found at the home. Please note that every violation is deemed a
separate incident.
R. Utilities
The Tenant shall order all utilities with advanced notice to give appropriate service providers time to
process the request for service. Tenant shall pay any deposit required by the utility company for utility
service not provided by the landlord. Tenant is responsible for the lighting of any pilot lights to any
appliance that uses gas (hot water heater, stove, furnace, etc.) Turning on new service does not mean that
pilot lights have been lit. Tenant shall make requests directly to the telephone company for non-
functioning lines, jacks and for additional lines or jacks to be installed. If tenant wishes to install satellite
television or if additional lines are required for cable television, or internet access, tenant agrees to
provide Mega Agent Rental Management Macon LLC a written request detailing installation procedure
and placement of any lines or a satellite dish for authorization before installation can take place.


A. Get to know your property

When you first move in, locate the electric breaker panel or fuse box. Note any ground fault circuit
interceptors or breakers (GFCI) you may have. GFCI’s are located by bathroom and kitchen sinks or in
the electric panel box. Study the electric panel box noting which breaker or fuse operates the stove, hot
water heater, heat pump, and water pump if the house is on a well water system and air
outside hose bibs, for the hot water heater and sinks/tubs. The main house shut off can usually be found
in two places. The first is inside the house close to the main water line entry most likely along the front
basement wall. The second is usually located in the front yard along a property line under a small lid
accessed with a special key by the utility service provider. For a water main break emergency call your
water provider. Locate the furnace filter and filter size for replacements.

B. Circuit Breakers
Circuit breakers move slightly when triggered. A breaker may appear to be ON when it has “popped off”.
To reset, turn the breaker to the OFF position, then to the ON position. A ground fault circuit interceptor
or breaker (GFCI) detects slight changes in voltage near a water source (bathrooms, sinks, garages, etc.).
In some of the older houses the GFCI is located in the electric panel box. If you lose power to a GFCI
electrical outlet, you will need to reset the GFCI. To rest, push the RED button on the outlet.
C. Humid Living
Our summers can be quite hot and humid. It is important to keep vents on crawl spaces open in the
summer, and closed in the winter. Closed vents in the summer can cause excessive damage to floor joists
and other areas underneath the house. Watch for puddles of water around the perimeter of the house that
do not go away. Standing water is often a sign of problems under the house. Always keep the perimeter of
the house clear of all matter (trees, bushes, flowers, and vegetation). Report to management any suspected
water problems or overgrown plant life, even if yard care is included in the rent.

D. Heating and Air Conditioning Units

Many homes have heat pumps for heating and air conditioning. Heat pumps are very efficient. By design,
heat pumps work best when the thermostat is set and then left alone. Air that comes through the vents will
not feel cool or hot to the touch. The air that is circulated runs over a heating/cooling element gradually
warming or cooling to the desired temperature. During extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, the heat
pump may not keep the house as comfortable as you desire. During extreme heat close window coverings,
keep doors closed and avoid running hot appliances (oven, etc.). Do not set the thermostat at a low
temperature during extreme hot days, when the outside temperature is above 95 degrees. Poor cooling
may be the result of a clogged or dirty filter. All heat and A/C filters should be changed once a month. As
a good rule of thumb, change your HVAC filter when you pay the electric bill. If water drips from the
inside HVAC unit, it is typically caused by a clogged condensation drain line. If the line becomes
clogged, turn the unit off and call Mega Agent Rental Management Macon LLC.


A. Maintenance Requests
All maintenance requests, except immediate emergencies must be put in writing or filed through
management’s website. Please be specific when requesting maintenance work. Provide all information
you can as to the nature or cause of the problem. You may mail, fax or email your request to us.

Remember that renting a house is not like renting an apartment. Mega Agent Rental Management Macon
LLC does not have a handy man living in your neighborhood to fix things immediately. Please reference
Appendix 1.1 which should be a visual representation of which maintenance responsibility is on the
landlord and which is the responsibility of the tenant.

B. Unauthorized Repairs
If you call a repair company without authorization of management, you will be charged for any work
done. Work not authorized by management cannot be guaranteed and will not be reimbursed.

C. Lawn and Ground Maintenance

Tenant is responsible for maintaining the lawn and shall keep it mowed, edged and free of weeds and fire
ants. Fall leaf removal should be completed prior to December 1. The trimming of bushes and weed
control are to be completed on a timely basis as needed. No new planting or garden spots are allowed
without written permission from Management. Seasonal small flowers and bulbs may be planted in
landscape beds that already exist.

D. Light Bulbs
All lighting fixtures and bulbs are checked prior to move in for proper operation. Tenants are responsible
for changing all bulbs during tenancy and at move-out. Most florescent bulbs or tubes will begin to flicker
just before shorting out. Twist the bulb or tube away from you to remove, noting the size and wattage
printed on the bulb or tube. Most bulbs and tubes can be purchased locally. In the event you have installed
new florescent tubes and they still do not work, let us know the ballast because may need to be replaced.

E. Plumbing
It is your responsibility to keep your drains free of grease, hair, lint or food, or solid objects that can clog
the pipes. No feminine products of any kind are to be flushed into the plumbing system. You will be
charged for unclogging blocked pipes if these products are the cause of any stoppage. Bleach tablets or
self-cleaning tablets are not to be placed in toilets or the water closet. The owner will ONLY pay for
stoppages that are caused by faulty construction or mechanical failures not caused by Tenant, pipe
breakage due to age of system or clogged pipes from tree roots. Owner will not be responsible for
Tenant’s personal property damaged by an overflow or leakage of any kind. Tenant should have Renters
Insurance for protection of any personal possessions.

F. Outside Water Faucets

All water hoses for outside use must be disconnected from the outside faucet in the late Fall, before the
first freeze and should remain off until Spring. If the water can be shut off from an inside valve on the
supply line this should also be done. Failure to do this can cause ice to build in the line causing the pipe to
split and could cause interior and exterior damage. If the hose is used when weather permits during the
winter, the hose must be disconnected after use.

G. Waterbeds
Waterbeds are only permitted with prior written consent of Management. If permitted, you should
have an insurance policy in place to cover any damage done by your bed due to leakage or excessive
weight on the structure of the home. The tenant will be held responsible for any and all damage caused by
the waterbed. Be careful in the placement of the bed, making sure it is not too heavy for the desired
location. (See manufacturer’s directions for proper set up)

H. Walls and Ceilings

Please keep the walls and ceilings of the home clean and unmarred. Do not paint or wallpaper any walls
without prior approval of the management. You are welcome to hang pictures on the walls as long as the
walls are cleaned and unmarred upon vacating. Be careful to use proper hangers on plaster walls that are
usually found in older homes. When vacating, DO NOT SPACKLE THE WALLS, a few small holes are
acceptable as normal wear and tear. Walls covered with a spackle product will force us to paint and you
will be charged for this unnecessary work. All ceilings, and air vents should be dusted/vacuumed
regularly and before vacating.

I. Vinyl Floor Coverings / Hardwood Floors

With normal household use, vinyl floors may be washed with a solution of warm soapy water. Stay away
from harsh abrasive cleaners such as Ajax powders. A thorough cleaning is necessary three or four times
per year. Most supermarket products work well, but special cleaner/strippers and wax products can be
purchased at flooring stores. Hardwood floors should be swept often, and cleaned with a mild wood care
product such as Murphy’s or Johnson’s paste wax. Do not use gas, benzene, naphtha, turpentine or waxes
containing these solvents. Rubber heel marks can easily be removed with the proper product. Do not
apply varnish, lacquer or shellac to the floors. When waxing, use a water-emulsion, self polishing type
such as Johnson’s, avoid any solvent based waxes. You will be responsible for damage done by a lack of
proper cleaning, broken tiles, torn floor covering or improper cleaning procedures.

J. Carpet Care
Routine carpet care requires a thorough vacuuming at least once a week to remove the soil from the carpet
and to keep the pile erect. Heavy traffic areas require more frequent vacuuming to eliminate the course
particles that can act as an abrasive on the fiber. A motor driven brush and beater type vacuum cleaner is
recommended if the home you rent is carpeted. They must have the carpets professionally cleaned
upon vacating. A copy of the cleaning company’s bill must be provided when you vacate.

K. Stoves
If the oven or broiler will not turn on, check the timer on the stove. A self-cleaning type stove, may have
been left on a cleaning cycle. Generally the knob will pop out if the timer is off. Turn the knob until it
pops out. Do Not Use Oven Cleaner On Self-Cleaning or Continuous Cleaning Ovens. Be careful when
cleaning the oven that the oven cleaner does not drip onto the cabinets or onto the floor. You will be
charged for damage to an appliance for improper use, cleaning maintenance or lack of proper
maintenance. If you smell gas in the kitchen, check the stove’s pilot lights for each of the burners and
oven. The pilot light can be lit with a match. For the oven, a long match will be necessary to reach the
pilot. Before lighting, be sure there is no standing gas in the air. If the pilot lights are not working, call the
gas company.

L. Dishwashers
Use this appliance at least once a week. Seals may dry and the motor may be damaged by long inactive
periods. Clean around the inside lip of the door and check the bottom of the dishwasher for fallen food or
items that may block the drain. Some dishwashers have electrical switches on the nearby wall to turn the
power on. Be sure to run the garbage disposal before turning the dishwasher on.

M. Garbage Disposals
Garbage disposals are not to be used for bones, potato peelings, greasy items, and large pieces of any meat
or any other like materials. If the motor hums while in use, but does not spin, turn the switch off. Un-jam
the disposal by first removing the food debris inside, then turn the blade counterclockwise with the
wrench, which is usually attached to the disposal itself underneath the sink. A broom handle applied with
steady pressure can also be used if no wrench is provided. Reset the disposal breaker by pushing the small
red (or yellow) button located on the side or bottom of the disposal. Never reach into the disposal until the
electric power is OFF.

N. Mini-blinds or blinds
If provided, mini-blinds or blinds are for the purpose of allowing/preventing light to enter the unit and
providing privacy. You will be charged for any mini-blinds or blinds that are broken or damaged during
your residency. To prevent damaging the mini-blinds or blinds, leave the blinds in the down position and
open/close them with the turning wand. DUST/CLEAN BLINDS REGULARLY to prevent build up and
to make them easier for you to clean at move-out.

O. Whirlpool and Jacuzzi Tubs

Operating the tub without water will damage the motor. Do not operate until your tub is full of water.
Once the tub is full of water you may turn on the jets or jacuzzi. If the water level in the tub drops below
the jets, shut off the jets and refill the tub.

P. Pest Control
You are responsible for general pest control in your rental home. We strongly recommend you use a
licensed pest control company to manage pests rather than doing it yourself. We will be happy to refer
you to some reputable pest control companies.


A. Prevention
Mildew and mold can become a problem when preventive steps are not followed or when early signs of
mildew and mold are ignored. When proper steps are taken, and if recognized early, mildew and mold
will not become an area of concern. Keeping damp areas well ventilated can prevent mildew and mold.
Bathroom exhaust fans should always be operable and used. Grout in tile and tub enclosures should
always be clean. Read Appendix 3.0


We work hard to deliver to you a clean, well-maintained and comfortable home with all mechanical
equipment operating properly. Proper cleaning will keep the home and its parts safe and usable for you
and future tenants. The key to proper cleaning is to do it regularly. A properly maintained home involves
the Owner, who keeps structural and mechanical maintenance up to date, the Property Manager who
keeps a record of necessary maintenance and places responsible people in the property; and the Tenant
who keeps the property clean, performs cosmetic maintenance and promptly reports any structural or
mechanical failure to Management.

A. Minimum Cleaning Standards

• Keep windows and storm doors clean, inside and outside. Wash between windows and
• Wash interior doors, doorways, and walls in heavily traveled areas.
• Clean dust, dirt and debris from the upper and lower sliding glass door tracks.
• Clean stove tops, drip pans, under drip pans, the oven, oven racks, storage drawer, broiler pan and
the oven hood, filter and vent.
• All tile, vinyl and hardwood floors must be cleaned properly.
• Dust baseboards, windowsills, window grids, tops of windows, ceiling fans, doors, ceilings
and corners of room.
• Clean AC/Heat air return grate(s) and change filter(s)monthly.
• Clean and sweep the fireplace. Clean fireplace grate, screen and glass.
• Replace burned out light bulbs, as needed, and clean lighting fixtures including bulbs and globes.
• Curtains and blinds, if provided, should be dusted/washed regularly.
• Bathrooms should be scrubbed and cleaned on a weekly basis. Cleaning/scrubbing shall include
toilet bowls and base, sinks, mirrors, floors, bathtubs, and showers (including walls). Wipe out
medicine cabinet(s) and drawers.
• Sweep out the garage as needed.
• Clean kitchen appliances, cabinets, counters, shelf(s) and walls weekly.

B. Counter Tops and Cabinets

Always use cutting boards and hot pads when chopping, cutting or placing hot items on the counter tops.
Do not use abrasive cleaners on countertops, as they will scratch. All unpainted cabinets must be cleaned
regularly with a wood cleaner (Such as Murphy’s Oil Soap) and treated with a wood preserver (such as
Scott’s Liquid Gold). All cabinets must be vacuumed out and the drawer/door fronts cleaned as above
before vacating.

C. Kitchen Appliances
Each kitchen appliance (including the washer and dryer) must be cleaned regularly. In particular, the
stove hood, the filter in the hood, the oven, under the burners on the stove and the drip pans. Please clean
under the refrigerator and the washer and dryer. Not cleaning all these items regularly can cause excessive
wear and tear, for which you will be responsible.

D. Fireplaces
If there is a fireplace in your home, please do not burn pine or any other “sappy” wood. This type of
burning will cause a buildup of residue in the chimney and increases the possibility of fire. Before lighting
the fire burn a piece of paper. By doing this, the air in the chimney will be heated preventing a back flow
of smoke into the house when the fire is started. The fireplace is not a place to burn cardboard, holiday
wrappings, pine needles, treated wood, etc.


A. End of Rental Agreement

Your lease requires you to provide written notice of your intent to renew or vacate at least 30 days prior to
your rental agreement’s end date. We will remind you approximately two weeks prior to the 30 day notice

B. Voluntary Early Termination of Rental Agreement

If Tenant ever wishes to move out and terminate this Residential Rental Agreement before the ending date
of the Residential Rental Agreement, Tenant and Landlord / Agent must agree, in writing, to the early
termination and the Tenant shall remain responsible for all rents and unpaid back rent along with other
damages as allowed by law. Additionally, Landlord / Agent will charge Tenant the monetary equivalent of
1 months rent as a non-refundable termination fee. Landlord will not seek rent beyond the day that the
new tenant takes possession.

C. Marketing During the Notice to Vacate Period [Final 30 Days]

The house will be listed for lease or sale and ready for showing. The property must be available and in
good showing condition during the marketing time. The most probable showing hours are between
9:00am and 5:00pm Monday through Friday. Illness and children’s birthday parties are acceptable reasons
for rescheduling a showing. Inconvenience, out of town guests and no one home are not acceptable
reasons to reschedule. You will be called and/or emailed prior to all showings. If there is no answer or no
answering system, the call is still considered notice. A call to your place of residence or primary contact
number is the usual and customary practice and is hereby considered notice. Extra effort is expected in
keeping the house and yard neat and clean during marketing. Remember, there is a $100 fee for each
showing denied by a tenant. The better a home shows, the more likely it will rent or sell quickly. The
faster a new tenant is found, the less you will be bothered by showings. A home that shows well benefits

D. Minimum Showing Standards

• All beds made and rooms neat.
• Floors/carpet vacuumed, clutter free and no piles of dirty clothes.
• Kitchen and baths clean, kitchen sink empty of dirty dishes.
• Walls are clean and unmarred.
• Dogs are out of the way, litter boxes are clean and odor free.
• TV is off or volume turned low so as not to be intrusive.
• Yard is mowed, weeded, trimmed and in good condition.
• Blinds/curtains are open and home is well lit.

E. The Check Out Inspection

It is your responsibility to notify us in writing that you wish to schedule and be present for a check out
inspection. Please schedule your check out as early as possible, especially if you are moving during the
last week of the month. Management has the right to complete the inspection within seventy-two (72)
hours of the termination of the tenancy. If we do not hear from you, the inspection will be completed
without you being present. Inspections are done from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. Please
do not plan on an inspection to be made on weekends or holidays. Depending on the size of the home,
inspections can take approximately 45-90 minutes. See Minimum Cleaning Standards for cleaning (Sec


• Inspections are made only after you have completely vacated; the premises are cleaned, carpet
professionally cleaned and dried (receipt required), yard mowed, all trash hauled off premises,

shrubs trimmed, flower beds weeded with fresh bedding, and you are ready to turn over the
proper amount of keys to all locks.
• A room-by-room check will be made, including interior, appliances, windows, curtains,
blinds, etc. The exterior of the house and grounds will also be inspected.
• A minimum of $60 will be charged to the tenant for management company's supervision of all
repairs that have to be performed post move-out by landlord/owner that were the responsibility of
the tenant and the cost of said repairs withheld from tenant's security deposit.
• A re-inspection fee (minimum, $60.00) will be charged for each return trip that is required
after the first appointment. We encourage you to have the property in proper condition for the
first appointment. If the Manager arrives for the appointment and the house is not ready and/or the
utilities are not on, he/she will leave. You will be charged for all subsequent trips.

F. Guidelines for a Full Security Deposit Refund

• Proper written notice given prior to vacating.
• Home is in same condition as when property was delivered to the tenant.
• Premises left clean and undamaged and check out procedures followed.
• Ensure no damage to the property beyond normal wear & tear.
• All charges and rents due have been paid.
• All trash, debris and personal belongings have been removed from the premises.
• A forwarding address and telephone number have been provided.

G. Return Of The Security Deposit

Deposit will be returned as stated in your Residential Rent Agreement and Applicable statutes in the
Code of Georgia


A. Make Your Emergency Plan Now

The key to safe and proper handling of any emergency/disaster is pre-planning and staying calm during
and after the event. Being prepared is every individual’s responsibility. Advanced planning allows for
fewer mistakes and greater safety for you, your family and the home you are caring for. Take charge and
plan now so you can be better prepared to take action when the time comes.

B. What To Do In an Emergency
Everything an Owner would do to protect the property and people living there, you are expected to do.
The first priority is to stop additional damage. Our area is prone to strong thunder and lightning storms
resulting in power surges and outages. An emergency can happen at any time, be prepared.

A. This Handbook Is For You
In the excitement and confusion of moving, we often do not remember all the instructions and
requirements of the Rental Agreement. This Handbook has been written as a reference guide to you. Place
it where you can find it easily. Before calling the office, look to see if the answer you seek is in the
handbook. If you find something you think would be helpful to others and is not included in the
handbook, please notify Mega Agent Rental Management Macon LLC. We are always looking for
additional ways to serve you.



Appendix 1.0



Notify management at once
Smoke detector will not work when tested
with approved smoke detector smoke spray.

Smoke detector beeps softly on and off. Check batteries

No power to electric outlets or switches.
Check breaker panel or fuse box, turning off the indicated
switch and then back ON. Check and reset GFCI and reset.

Garbage disposal does not work but buzzes.

Push reset button on disposal located on the bottom of the
disposal. Un-jam by turning blade backwards with a
broom handle or wrench if one is provided. Before
removing jam, be sure the unit is OFF.
No hot water. If gas appliance, have you called to have the pilot lit by
City Gas? Check the breaker panel or fuses.
Hot water too hot. Check thermostat on hot water tank and turn temperature

Faucet or toilet leaks. Turn off water fixture at source and call management.

Toilet or sink blocked. Try using a plunger to unblock.

No heat. Check thermostat setting. If gas appliance, have you called
City Gas to light pilot? Is the furnace switch ON? Have you
ordered the utility on?
Dishwasher will not drain.
Clean food/debris out from bottom of dishwasher drain.
Run disposal.
Refrigerator too warm or too cold. Check thermostat, set correct humidity level and proper
temperature for time of year.
During freezing weather.
Disconnect all outside lines and shut off water to outside
faucets if possible. Close foundation vents. Leave cabinet
doors under sinks open. Leave heat turn on and set to at
least 60 degrees.
Frozen pipes. Open faucet to allow water to drip, turn up the interior
heat. Shut off main water supply to prevent pipes from
bursting and flooding. NEVER USE AN OPEN FLAME TO

Appendix 1.1


Item Landlord Resident

Water system breakdowns X
Clogged plumbing in house X
Clogged plumbing between house & street X
Broken garbage disposals X
Reset garbage disposals X
HVAC breakdowns X
Setting HVAC controls X
Changing furnace/HVAC filters X
Electrical system failures X
Resetting GFI switches X
Replace all light bulbs X
All utilities (unless provided by community) X
Mandatory association dues X
Termite treatment and rodents X
Household pest control X
Maintain yard fencing X
Lawn mowing & trimming X
Lawn weed prevention X
Shrubbery & pine islands maintenance X
Security system repairs X
Security system monitoring X
Microwave turntable X
Smoke detector installation X
Smoke detector batteries X
Exterior drain hose bibs (winterize) X

Appendix 2.0


After Hour Emergencies:

If you have an after hour or weekend maintenance emergency please call (478) 960-7675. A response to a
non-emergency will result in a $75 service charge to the tenant.


• Water entering the house (shut off main supply before calling).
• Damage or situations presenting a safety hazard.
• No heat when outside temperature is below 60 degrees in the winter
• No air conditioning when the outside temperature is 85 degrees or above in the summer.
• Open gas line (call the gas company immediately).
• Sewage back up from a sewer main line – NOTE: A slow drain or a clogged garbage
disposal are not emergencies. A clogged toilet is not an emergency, if there is a second toilet in
the house. Always have a plunger available and plunge the toilet before calling.
• Any breakdown or malfunctions in which life, health or property is threaten if corrective
action is not taken immediately.

With each situation be sure to take appropriate steps to stop further damage by shutting off water supplies
or electricity, discontinuing use of an appliance, or other steps you feel are necessary.

Situations that are not considered after hour emergencies:

• Lockouts when you have lost or misplaced keys (You should call a locksmith).
• Appliance repairs (for refrigerators keep the door closed).
• Roof leaks – use a bucket to catch water during a storm until a roofer can be arranged.
• Water heater outage.

When the situation can wait until the next business day, please call Mega Agent Rental Management
Macon LLC at (478) 960-7675. If you leave a message, provide your address, a contact telephone number
and describe the problem, including as much detailed information as you can.

Utility Service Contacts – See attached utility guide.

Appendix 3.0


There are conditions that can cause the growth of mildew and mold. Conditions that cause growth can be
eliminated when tenants actively take the proper steps to prevent mildew and mold growth. Tenants must be
proactive in recognizing and eliminating the causes of mildew and mold and reporting to Management
problems that may cause mold and mildew. The following steps are to be strictly followed:

1. Tenant acknowledges that it is necessary for the Tenant to:

i. Provide appropriate climate control;
ii. Keep the house / apartment clean and;
iii. Take measures to impede and prevent mildew and mold from accumulating in the house.

2. Tenant agrees to clean and dust the house on a regular basis and to remove visible moisture accumulation on
windows, walls and other surfaces as soon as reasonably possible.

3. Tenant agrees not to block or cover any of the heating, ventilation or air-conditioning ducts in the Unit.

4. Tenant agrees to keep any dehumidifier that has been provided in the on position and to empty the water
pan when full, if the dehumidifier does not drain directly into a waste line.

5. Tenant agrees to immediately report to the management office:

i. Any evidence of a water leak or excessive moisture in the home/apartment, as well as in any
storage room, garage or other common area;
ii. Any evidence of mildew and mold-like growth that cannot be removed by simply applying a
common household cleaner and wiping the area;
iii. Any failure or malfunction in the heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems or laundry systems
in the house/apartment and;
iv. Any inoperable door or windows.

Tenant further agrees that Tenant shall be responsible for damage to the Premises and Tenant’s property as
well as injury to Tenant and Occupants resulting from Tenant’s failure to comply with the terms of this

Appendix 4.0


Installation of an individual satellite dish of 18” or less, stick-type antenna and cable television is permitted
with restrictions.

All requests for installation of satellite dishes, antenna and cable television must be made in writing to Mega
Agent Rental Management Macon LLC and include necessary diagrams. Installation of equipment cannot
begin until Mega Agent Rental Management Macon LLC has provided tenant with written permission.

The following restrictions and conditions apply for all installations:

• The tenant will provide Mega Agent Rental Management Macon LLC with detailed diagrams for all
installations to include interior and exterior location for wiring, outlets, and equipment and the method
for installation.
• No antenna or satellite dish may be installed on an exterior windowsill, on a railing for a walkway,
balcony ,patio, or deck, on a roof or in trees.
• Exterior trees, bushes and plants may not be trimmed, cut, or removed to receive or to improve
signal reception.
• Exterior wiring must be underground or attached to existing overhead wires.
• Holes may not be drilled through exterior fascia board, roof, concrete patios or deck boards.
• Holes may not be drilled in interior floors or finished walls and ceilings for wiring unless in
• Wires may not be exposed, or surface-mounted unless no other option is available.
• All interior wiring will be considered a permanent fixture to the rental property and cannot be

The total installation cost, connection fees, monthly charges for service and any other associated fees for
satellite, antenna or cable television will be the sole responsibility of the tenant.

Mega Agent Rental Management Macon LLC does not assume any responsibility for assuring signal reception,
the repair of or the maintenance for any wiring or equipment.

Installations made without written approval from Mega Agent Rental Management Macon LLC will be
removed at the tenant’s expense.

The financial cost for removal of equipment and wiring and the cost for repairs to the property will be the
responsibility of the tenant. If equipment is removed the property must be repaired to the original condition.

Appendix 5.0
Renter’s Insurance for Tenants

Renters insurance is designed specifically for people renting homes. A common mistake for renters is the
assumption that they do not require homeowner’s insurance because they do not own the home. A renter may
experience losses that are not covered by the policy carried by the property owner. Please contact your
insurance agent to discuss policies and options that best fit your needs. We will be happy to suggest some
local insurance agents that carry renters insurance.

Personal Property
It is the responsibility of the individual tenant to obtain renters insurance to cover their personal possessions.
The property owner’s policy does not cover personal property belonging to the renter. The exclusion of your
property includes, but is not limited to, such events as fire or theft.

Types of Losses
Renters insurance will cover your personal property, in addition to fire and theft, including a range of other
losses or events. Damage caused by earthquake or flood must be purchased in addition with an endorsement to
your policy or by purchasing an additional policy. Most policies provide coverage for damage due to
windstorms, hail, vandalism, riots, civil disturbance, volcanoes and explosions. Please contact your insurance
agent to discuss policies and options.

Category Limits
Renter’s insurance sets limits of coverage of some categories of personal property such as jewelry, silverware
and collectibles. Contact your insurance agent to confirm what categories may have limited coverage. Should
the value of your property exceed standard limits, you may choose to increase the coverage of your renter’s
policy, or to insure items separately.

Owner’s policies cover their liability only - they do not cover the renter’s liability. Renter’s insurance covers
your liability, within limits, assuming the loss was not intentional. Liability coverage is not limited to damage
to your property, or that belonging to others, if an event occurs at your residence. Legal defense expenses and
your personal liability outside the home are also generally covered.

You may qualify for a multiple-policy discount if you purchase your renter’s insurance from the same
company carrying your automobile insurance. Other savings are available through some carriers if your
residence is equipped with deadbolt locks, a fire extinguisher or a security alarm.


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