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Sunday, May 17: Worship Services

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204 S. Ninth St. Columbia, MO 65201-4818 573-443-3111 www.moumc.

org May 11, 2015 Volume 28, Number 18

Four unique
are offered on

8 a.m.

Informal worship
with a personal
touch. Sharing
prayer concerns
is welcomed.

8:50 a.m.

Worship that
includes a
childrens time
and music
from the Agape

11 a.m.

Worship with
music from the
Chancel Choir.

5 p.m.

Spark Worship
participants to
engage through
their five senses
with God and
one another.

Sunday, May 17

Worship at 8, 8:50 & 11 a.m. Q&A Sermon John

Rev. Amy L. Gearhart

Rev. Amy will be answering questions live in worship. You

may submit your question by email to communications@ or by text to 662-633-4988 any time.

Spark Worship at 5 p.m.

6:30 p.m. Spirit on Tap (faith and life discussion)
at Shakespeares Pizza (225 S. Ninth St.). We will be
discussing the book Speaking Christian.

Bridal Room Open House after each service

We invite the congregation to tour the renovated room

and join us for refreshments. The newly designed Bridal
Room is a beautiful, comfortable place for brides to get
ready on their special day. If you know someone looking
for a wedding venue, send them our way. We are happy to
accommodate tours of the church and the bridal room. If
you have any questions or would like to schedule a tour,
please contact the church office. Contributions to this
renovation may be made by noting them Bridal Room.

In the Connector

Vacation Bible School Registration Opens - July

26-30 (Evening Family) and July 27-30 (Morning) Its time
to get ready to visit the G-Force Adventure Park to
experience Gods Love in Action! Make plans now to get
registered, and we also need your help! Sign up to help
shepherd a group or help lead the activities so we can
make this week one to remember!
Wardrobe Collection - UMWs Wesley Circle is
collecting all sizes of NEW underwear in packages or
with tags attached for men, women, children and teens
to donate to The Wardrobe from May 17-May 24. If you
would like to participate in this project, please bring the
new undies to the church and place them in the bin in
the Connector or give it cash donation with the notation
Festival of Sharing Collection - Members of Gibson
Circle of UMW will be in the Connector on Sunday, May
17th from around 8:50-12:10 to collect kits and monetary
donations for the May Festival of Sharing Kit. The kit this
month is the Personal Hygiene Pack and is valued at $20.

Next Sunday, May 24

During the morning of Sunday, May 24, we will

have time to thank Rev. Amy, Rev. Larry and
Rev. Molly for their leadership and service to
MUMC, as well as offer well wishes for their
respective new endeavors. Please plan to join
us for a reception time from 10-10:45 a.m. in
the Connector. Our worship services that
morning will also include an order of farewell
to these pastors who touched our lives during
their time with us. Rev. Amy will deliver the
sermon. This will be her final Sunday with
us. Rev. Larry will preach at all our morning
worship services on June 7, which will be his
final Sunday with us.Rev. Mollys last Sunday
will be June 21.
If you would like to make a love gift to our
departing pastors, you can do so by designating
Rev. Amy gift, Rev. Larry gift and/or Rev.
Molly gift on the memo of checks or on the
envelope containing your gift.
Please contact any one of us on SPRC with
your questions, feedback or input on staff
Staff Parish Relations Committee
Roy Robinson, Chair
Jeff Echelmeier
Trudy McManus

The Pastors Corner

Blest Be the Tie That Binds
With Rev. Amy L. Gearhart
Inspired by the closing hymn we sung yesterday in worship, Blest
Be the Tie That Binds, I thought Id offer gratitude to God and the
12 congregations Ive served these past 30 years by sharing those
experiences and ministry moments that Ive enjoyed the most. Many
of you have been an important part of those moments, that couldnt
begin to be an exhaustive list; and I pray God has been glorified
through our shared ministry together!
Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.
v Sitting on a church camp floor or around a campfire with the
youth, sharing experiences of God
v The abundance of church potlucks and the joy of the hands who
prepared the feast
v Laughter and hugs in the narthex as people gather to worship
v The gentle greeting of the new widow or widower when they
come back to church for the first time, sitting in the pew for
v That moment when the connection gets made between a
burning question of faith and an answer that satisfies the longing
v The many configurations of family in the pewssingle parents,
blended families, adopted and foster families, multi-generation
families, same-sex couples, nuclear families, families of friends,
singles sharing pew space, grandparents who parent, and so
many others
v Hugs around my knees and waist from the children Ive baptized
and watched grow up
v A question for God that is bigger than any of my answers
v Choir tours as a youth and youth pastor around the nation and
v The global gathering of General Conference and the beauty
of worship, discernment, prayer and fellowship that Ive never
experienced in quite the same way
v Mutual conversations of support and encouragement with
clergy colleagues within and outside of our UM tribe.
v Enjoying the greeting of my daughters at Annual Conference by
those who baptized, confirmed, taught, loved and grew them up
in grace in the congregations who loved them.
Before our Fathers throne we pour our ardent prayers;
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one,
Our comforts and our cares.
v Cupped and receiving hands of all ages ready to receive the
Body and Blood of Christ
v Acolytes of all ages bringing in the light of Christ to worship
v Great hymn-singing, especially in times when our faith is tested,
terror-ed, and tried
v The Word of God for the People of God
v The new walkers among the children, toddling down the aisle
for Childrens Time
v The thick space of prayer, the breathing of a congregation, the
collective sigh of our spirits in times of trouble and distress
v The smell of the sanctuary after the Body has gathered
v The pregnant moment between the hearing of the Word and
the preaching of the Word when the congregation is waiting on
the preacher, and the preacher is waiting on the Spirit


v Holding that fresh new baby, seeing tears in their parents eyes,
and washing them anew with a shower of Gods grace, love,
welcome and water
v The sacristy smells of wax, oil and aging paraments
v The parents watching their adult children come down the aisle
for marriage, and looking at me through their tears for some
sense of reassurance.

We share each others woes, our mutual burdens bear;

And often for each other flows the sympathizing tear.
v The gentle greeting of the new widow or widower when they
come back to church for the first time, sitting in the pew for
v Sitting in a living room planning a service of celebration for
a beloved saint of the church, after enjoying a tour of their
pictures and family photos.
v Hearing the stories shared of the father, mother, grandparent,
friend at their funeral
v Praying before a surgery, and being joined by the doctors and
nurses and family members
v Listening carefully in a counseling conversation, praying to
mirror back what the person needs to hear from God
v Watching a ministry relationship grow between one whos
been there and one whos going through it
v Serving others out of our comfort zonethe mission teams to
Benton Harbor, Joplin, Northhampton County, Soulard Family
Center, Kingdom House, NewHouse, Mexico, Africa, our own
neighborhoods and cities.
When we asunder part, it gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart, and hope to meet again.
What are the ways youve been blessed by God through the ministry
of the Church? I hope youll join me today in giving thanks.
See you in church on Sunday!

May 11, 2015 - Vol. 28, No. 18

Letters to MUMC

May 24 & 31: Surplus Book Sale

As a result of some spring cleaning, we have a surplus of books

from our Adult Education closet for sale. These are books that
are good for individual study and growth as well as small groups.
Stop by the book table on Sundays May 24 and 31 to check out
some great titles and even better SALE prices! All proceeds
from the sale will go back towards the purchasing of new curriculum and the offering of scholarships for those unable to buy
their curriculum.

May 31: Calling All Graduates!

Whether you are graduating high school, college or a graduate

program, your MUMC family wants to honor you! On Sunday,
May 31, we will be recognizing our graduates in our 8:50 and
11 a.m. services. A cake and punch reception will be held in the
Connector during the 10 a.m. hour. Join us as we celebrate and
pray for you and your achievements!

June 9: Social Justice Book Club

Meetings will be held quarterly beginning on Tuesday, June 9 at

7 p.m. in the MUMC Parlor with our first book discussion of
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander, available through the
church office. For more information, contact Anne GiffordRN,
D.Ed.Min., at, or Melissa Clarke at

Discovery Days Collects Shoes!

In early April, Anne Gifford, Judy Parsons, and Cleo Kottwitz joined
the Go and See Tour of Rainbow Network in Nicaragua. They
learned of a special need for childrens shoes. Upon returning home
they announced the need, and Discovery Days volunteered to collect
childrens shoes. In just three weeks they filled a large barrel of
shoes! A large sea going container of resources will soon be sent to
Nicaragua for use in the 111 villages where Rainbow Network works
with community leaders in education, nutrition, healthcare, housing,
and economic development. A new, empty barrel has been delivered
to Whittler Hall. Can we fill it?? Contributions of new or good
quality clean, sturdy used childrens shoes will be appreciated.In
addition, the school desks constructed by a Columbia woodworker
are very popular; Rainbow Networkcan use 200 more. Plans are
available for anyone who would make desks. Cash contributions for
both shoes and desks are a special blessing. Make checks to MUMC
and designate: Container Project shoes or desks.
May 11, 2015 - Vol. 28, No. 18

June 14: Summer Choir....

Do you like to sing? This is a great time to be a part of the choir

for its summer session! The schedule is simpler during the summer as there are no Wednesday night rehearsals. Agape Singers
and Chancel Choir rehearsals are held on Sunday mornings
before worship; Agape Singers at 8:15 a.m., and Chancel Choir at
10:15 a.m. Our summer schedule begins June 14.

Church Family News

Thanks to MUMC from Nancy Gerhart. On Sunday

she thought she was having a heart attack during the 11
a.m. service and wanted to thank the congregation for all
of their help and prayers and especially to the doctor and
nurse who immediately came to her aide.She also wants
everyone to know after the paramedics took her away
they found she was NOT having a heart attack. (it was a
severe case of acid reflux)

Missouri United Methodist Church

204 S. Ninth St.
Columbia, MO 65201-4899

We exist to connect all people with Jesus Christ. We do this by

welcoming enthusiastically, growing deeply and serving courageously.

Columbia, MO
USPS No. 355460


Worship Attendance on Sunday, May 10: 580

We invite you to join us for Worship: Sunday mornings at 8 a.m. in McMurry Chapel;
8:50 and 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary; and 5 p.m. in the Chapel. Sunday small groups and classes for all ages at 10 a.m.

Haiti Clean Water Team Fundraisers

Haiti Clean Water Team will be sending a team of 11 to Furcy, Haiti on May 24-28. As always,
we need your support as we provide clean water to 100 families in Haiti. We have several
opportunities coming up for you to support the team.
May 13 Shakespeares Fundraiser Day for Spark Haiti Clean Water Team on Wednesday at
all three locations. Pick up your flyer on social media.
May 16 Trivia Night: You are invited to come Saturday, May 16 and test your smarts with
others in the community. $10/person, $60/team. Contact Todd Oberlin at todd.oberlin@gmail.
com to sign up or for more information.
May 17 Jewelry sets will be on sale in the Connector on Sunday morning, May 17. These
sets make a great graduation gift.
May 19 Spark Band Performance - Come support Haiti Clean Water while enjoying
amazing food and rocking music. Billards on
Broadway is hosting a Haiti fundraiser, and the
Spark band will be playing a set. Join us at 6 p.m.
on May 19, and 10% of the proceeds will go to
support clean water.
Sponsorships: A donation of $300 sponsors
a students deposit to be a part of our team.
Sponsors receive a special meal where students
share stories and pictures from their trip.

Spark Pause

Weve had another exciting year with Spark Ministries for college age and young adults. As
our students plan to go home for the summer, we will be pausing regularly scheduled Spark
activities (including Spark Worship). We have exciting things planned for the fall, so stay tuned
for further details. Spark activities will pause after worship on May 17.

May 11Mark Blount, Bob Burchard,

Geoffrey Pease 12Duane Kroeker,
Brittney Stevenson 13Diane Arnold,
Faye Cope, Matthew Echelmeier,
Richard Harris, Trudy McManus, Rene
Rau, Mable Lewis 15Craig Bickford,
Bob Brady, Samantha Craybill, Jim
Dorflinger, Kate Leuenberger, Todd
Mackey, Dorian Pickering, Sidney
Powell 16Sonja Callahan, Kenny
Felts, Jack Hollingshead, Dale Oberer
17Matt Blanton, Benjamin Snyder, Art
Swope 18Dwight Cruishank, Erika
Ringdahl, Bruce Ringdahl 19AnaMaria Fernandez 20Beth Ehrhardt,
Blaine Ravert, Stan Taylor 21Wendy
Evans, Eileen Wolff 22Kayla Brady,
Kaitlyn Hartnagel, Sarah Beth McElroy,
Caroline Stevens 23Megan Eldridge,
Shelby Smith, Christina Wagner, Bruce
L. Wilson 24Tanya Alberty, Justin
Anderson, Noah Gerdes, Katie Harris,
Bill Moyes, Alan Murphy, Joyce Snow

Photo Disclaimer: Services and events hosted by the church are considered public. The church has permission to use images of church members for promotion, publicity and
outreach materials unless advised through a non-consent form. The church will not attach names to the photographs of individuals or groups unless prior permission is given. To obtain a
non-consent form, please contact the church office.

Want to get the Church Newsletter via email? Have you changed email addresses? Go to: to subscribe or update.
The church provides bus transportation to the 11 a.m. Sunday worship service.
Call 443-3111 before noon on Fridays. Bus service is available to all.
The Messenger (USPS No. 355460) is published weekly except the last week of the year by Missouri United Methodist Church at 204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, MO. Periodical postage paid at Columbia, MO.
POSTMASTER: for change of address, send to Missouri United Methodist Church Messenger, 204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, MO 65201-4818, May 11, 2015.

MUMC Staff: ClergyAmy L. Gearhart, Senior Pastor; Hank Jenkins, Pastor of Youth Ministry; Molly Moore, Pastor of Church Life & Growth; Trista
Soendker Nicholson, Pastor of New Generations; Larry A. Williams, Pastor of Administration. Program StaffNancy Cooper, Childrens & Family Life
Leader; Courtney Gaunt, Director, Discovery Days; Teressa Gilbreth, Director of Communications; Marty Hook, Director of Music; Jo Lee, Director of
Connections; Anna Zacherl, Assistant Director, Discovery Days. Administrative StaffJill Arnold, Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor; Kathy Carson,
Administrative Assistant & Volunteer Coordinator; Brad Hegemann, Financial Assistant; Eric Hucker, Worship Technologies Assistant; Mark Pease, Facilities
Assistant; Katie Popejoy, Administrative Assistant. Music StaffCraig Datz, Organist; Kaye Miller, Director of Wesleyan Ringers; Rochelle Parker, Associate
Organist; Marilyn Rowe, Serendipity Choir.

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