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Apostolic Church Planting

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The key takeaways are the principles of apostolic church planting such as making disciples, prioritizing resources, relying on the Holy Spirit, having authority and power from God, and being anointed.

The major principles discussed are the mission, ministry of the Holy Spirit, authority, power, anointing, effects of the Spirit, targeting areas, and major ministry gifts.

The three major ministry gifts mentioned are evangelism, teaching, and mercy ministry. Evangelists break up the fallow ground, teachers provide basic Christian training, and servants care for and show mercy to others.


When studying the means by which the apostles planted churches we find a number of
general principles they followed. We seek to do the same in multiplying church plants in
India, Nicaragua, Alabama in the United States, and perhaps other places, as the Lord
leads us. How do we multiply church plants?

A.The mission. Why are we in the world?
1.Making disciples of all the nations, Mt. 28:18-20.
a)Evangelize daily, Acts 8:4.
b)Bring into the local church vis immediate basic discipleship training, 1 Tim.1:5.
c)Teach to obey. Personal holiness is essential, Hebrews 12:14.
d)Multiply, 2 Tim.2:2.
2.The prioritization of resources. The total surrender of:
a)Time, Eph.5:16, Col.4:5.
b)Money, 1 Tim.6:10.
c)Spiritual gifts, Eph.4:7.
B.The ministry of the Holy Spirit.
1.The promise of the Spirit, Joel 2:28-32, Luke 24:47-49, Acts 1:8.
a)We must ask for the Spirit’s presence and power, Luke 11:13.
2.The fulfillment of that promise, Acts 2:1-4.
a)The anointing of the Spirit is vital, Luke 11:13.
3.The catalyst for the fulfillment of the promised Spirit, Acts 1:12-14.
a)Revival prayer, Ps.85:6.
1.The promise of authority, Mt. 28:18-20.
2.Jesus and apostolic authority, Mt.7:29, 9:6, 10:1.
3.The definition of Biblical authority—Christ’s influence to affect Biblical change.
4.We have His authority, Mt.28:18,19, John 1:12.
1.The promise of power, Acts 1:8.
2.Jesus and apostolic power, Rom. 1:16, 1 Cor. 1:18-2:5, 1 Thess.1:5.
3.The definition of Biblical power—the Spirit’s ability to convict, convert, and sanctify.
4.We have His power, Acts 1:8, 2 Cor.4:5-7.
1.Definition—the outpouring of the Spirit upon the preacher and evangelist.
a)Luke 4:18,19.
2.How do we get it?
a)We seek the Lord, Jere.29:12,13.
3.How can we lose it?
a)By grieving or quenching the Spirit, Eph.4:30, 1 Thess.5:19.
4.What results from it?
a)The presence of God affecting the hearers, Is.64:1-4.
1.Conviction of sin.
a)John 16:8-11, convinced that he, the sinner, stands guilty before the Holy One.
a)John 3:3-8, Ezek.36:25-27. the rebellious heart is taken out by the Holy Spirit.
a)Romans 6:4, newness of life brings the indwelling Holy Spirit, promoting holiness.
G.Target area. Why plant where?
b)Openness to gospel by work of the Spirit.
c)Close proximity to resources like evangelists, teachers, servants.
a)Evangelists, the spearpoint, breaking up the fallow ground by the Spirit, Hos.10:12
b)Teachers to instruct in basic Christian training, Eph.4:14-16.
c)Servants to care, share, and show mercy, 1 John 4:7-13.
H.The Major Ministry Gifts.
1.Evangelism, 2 Tim.4:5
2.Teaching, Rom.12:6,7.
3.Mercy Ministry, Rom.12:8.
a)Revival Prayer weekend.
b)Weekly revival prayer meetings.
1)Target community for church plants.
2)Ask God for people of peace, open doors in the target community.
3)Ask God for love, boldness, power, efficacy, conversions.
2.People of peace.
a)Definition—those whom God has opened their hearts to hear gospel, Acts 16.
b)Walk the community, asking the Spirit to direct you to such people.
c)Seek to engage the person of peace with the gospel. How?
3.Gospel presentation.
a)Their story.
1)”Can you tell me something of your spiritual journey?”
b)Your story.
1)”May I tell you my own spiritual journey?”
c)God’s story.
1)”May I tell you God’s story?”
2)Creation. .Fall. .History of Covenant of Grace. .Redemption. .Judgment. .
d)But why so many problems, why such suffering and evil?
d)The Three Problems, Three Solutions, Three Responses. Josh.5, Ezek.36:25-27,
Acts 2:.38, Rom.2:28,29.
1)Three problems—cobra heart, pit latrine past, poisonous life.
2)Three solutions—regeneration, receiving the heart of Jesus; justification, receiving
the righteousness of; sanctification, receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.
3)Three responses—repent, believe, call on the name of the Lord.
4.Other methodologies.
b)Street preaching.
J.Basic Training (discipleship). My Covenant Group manual, five lessons.
a)On the spot instruction—Bible, Prayer, Church, Witness, Fellowship.
a)My Covenant Group Manual, twenty-six lessons.
a)New convert brings together his household (oikos) that night or next night.
b)Why so quickly?
1)New convert is excited, has many friends and family members who see change.
c)Do not want to separate new convert from his native web of relationships.
K.Simple churches.
1.The Biblical concept of household.
a)Converts at Pentecost, Acts 2:39, Lydia, Philippian jailer, Acts 16.
a)Stay among their own people. Cuts down on being ostracized from their families.
3.Not isolation.
a)Do not pull new converts away, and unwisely place in a group they do not know.
L.Regional churches.
1.Lydia, the Philippian jailer, Acts 16; the church that meets in her house, Col.4:15.
a)Yet Paul’s epistles are written to church in Philippi, Ephesus, Colossae.
2.Gathering simple churches on Lord’s Day for:
a)Corporate worship, training, and prayer, Phil.1:8-11, Eph.1:15-19, Col.1:9-12.
M.Multiplication of simple and regional churches.
1.Of Simple churches.
a)Keep the evangelistic work going in the local community.
b)People in simple churches look to reach others outside their simple church.
c)Continue the immediate discipleship process.
2.Of Regional churches.
a)The apostle Paul is the model. He kept moving to a new city, leaving his workers
behind to continue the work of basic training.
b)Look for emerging leaders and begin the process of Officer training, but give them
immediate on the job training by overseeing their labors in their own regional church
while others move on to new fields of harvest.
N.Officer training (Elders, Deacons, Pastors).
1.Theological training in lieu of formal seminary training.
a)Develop a curriculum
b)Theological education by extension. Bring in qualified teachers.
c)Make use of Third Millennium, EPI, Roger Smalling (in Hispanic world).
d)On the job training.
2.Special training.
a)Language training, if necessary.
b)Continuing education—counseling, preaching, mercy ministry, leadership, etc.
N.Necessary resources.
a)Budget development.
b)Strategy for funding.
1)Self-sustaining through tithing.
2.Managing resources.
a)Money—disbursements, financial reports, financial accountability.
b)Planters and support staff.

1.The visionary leader with apostolic (definitely with a small “a”) giftedness.
2.He develops the plan of attack, with counsel from his colonels and lieutenants,
communicates it, and holds his officers accountable to execute it.
1.The field general (the indigenous leader of the church planting movement in that
particular country).
2.Criteria for leadership.
a)Biblical qualification, 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1.
b)Leadership gifts clearly seen—keeper and promoter of the vision, people follow
him, can hold people accountable, sustains the culture of church planting.
c)Years of pastoral experience advisable but not absolutely mandatory.
1)Not a young believer, track record of faithfulness and productivity.
a)Finding them.
b)Training them.
c)Deploying them.
d)Multiplying them.
e)Certifying them.
f)Credentialing, ordaining them to Office of Evangelist.
2.Teaching and Ruling Elders.
a)They shepherd the flock.
b)They govern the church.
d)Teaching Elders—added responsibilities of preaching, sacraments.
e)Credentialing, ordaining them to Office of Elder.
D.Sergeants (Deacons).
2.Oversee mercy ministry.
a)Finding them.
b)Training them.
c)Deploying them.
d)Multiplying them.
e)Credentialing, ordaining them to Office of Deacon.
E.Corporals (Simple church leaders).
2.Training them.
3.Deploying them.
4.Multiplying them.
5.Certifying them.
F.Privates (foot soldiers evangelizing, speaking truth, and encouraging the saints).
1.Challenging them to a life of discipleship multiplication.
a)”Why did God save you?”
b)”Why are you in this world?”
2.Basic training.
a)Twenty-six lessons on living the Christian life.
3.Ministry Training via on the job training.
a)In evangelism.
b)In teaching.
c)In showing mercy.
a)Model. .teach. .they do. .correct. .approve. .
G.Recruitment of personnel.
1.Within an existing church some may buy into the vision.
a)Give all the opportunity to engage in the vision of multiplying disciples.
b)To those who express interest, challenge with the specifics, metrics, accountability.
2.New converts.
a)Immediately engage them in Basic Training.
b)Proceed to Ministry Training.
3.Immediate discipleship/multiplication process.
a)Cast the vision.
b)Maintain the vision via Lieutenants in the field.

A.Down the chain of command.
B.Developing and using metrics (measuring the actual work of ministry..
C.Follow through.

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