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ANAT2341 Embryology: Early and Systemic Development: School of Medical Sciences

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The key takeaways are that this course covers human embryological development over the first 8 weeks, it will include lectures, tutorials and labs, and there are various online and textbook resources available to aid student learning.

This course covers human embryological development from fertilization to the end of the 8th week. It will examine topics like gastrulation, organogenesis and developmental mechanisms on a cellular and molecular level.

Resources available to students include online resources like the UNSW Embryology website, textbooks, and lecture recordings. Additional resources are listed on pages 7-8.

Revised 22 Jul 2009


Embryology: Early and Systemic

Carnegie Stages showing the first 8 weeks of Human Embryological Development

Page 2

Course staff
Course Information
Academic honesty and
Course schedule
Resources for students
Continual course improvement
Administrative matters


Dr Mark Hill
(course coordinator)

Welcome to Embryology in 2009 and thank you for choosing your next stage in your
own development with me! In the past 20 years as a researcher I have seen
enormous changes in our understanding of this topic and the methods we employ to
further our knowledge. This topic and its associated methodologies are now found at
the core of scientific investigations and current medical research.
UNSW Embryology, is an online resource I have developed to aid your own
independent learning, please explore its content. It not only has the usual lecture
slides, but also podcast broadcasts, lab project support, online external resources
(included complete Embryology textbooks), access and searching of the current
literature (both research and reviews) and much more.
In Lectures and Labs I will clearly identify any examinable material. In addition, the
final lecture is an opportunity to review course material and ask questions about
difficult concepts. As part of the course I also encourage you to develop the general
scientific skills of critical thinking, analysis and scientific writing.
The new UNSW semester structure means that there will be some reorganization of
previous course content material, I apologize for any inconvenience during this
transition time. This year I will also be asking you to participate in assessing and
providing feedback on a medical students Independent Learning Project (ILP) on
online education in cardiac development.
This handout contains information designed to help you get started and plan for this
semester, please take the time to read through it and contact me if you have any
difficulties. Also feel free to contact me with questions and course feedback by email
at any time.
Dr Mark Hill
July 2009

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Course staff
Dr Mark Hill
Office: room G20 ground floor, Wallace Wurth Building
Student Contact

University policy concerning student contact is: When a student is enrolled

into University of New South Wales, he or she will be automatically issued with
a University email account. The School will use that email account as the
official electronic channel to communicate with each student.
Appointments with Dr Mark Hill should be made initially by email or through the
Anatomy office (room G11).

Course information

6 Units of credit, Science/Anatomy program.

Prerequisite: ANAT2200 or ANAT2241

Course structure There will be two lectures and tutorial/laboratories per week.
o Lecture: 1 to 2 pm, Monday Biomed B and Friday Biomed F
o Laboratory: 2-4pm Monday and Friday 2-4pm G4 Wallace Wurth Bldg

Grievance procedure If you have any problem or grievance with the course,
you should first attempt to resolve it with the course organizer (Dr Mark Hill,
room G20). If the grievance cannot be resolved in this way, it should be
directed to the Head of Department (Prof. Edna Hardeman) or the School's
Grievance Officer (Dr Priti Pandey).

Course Aims

To present the current theories and applications of embryology.

To cover early embryonic then fetal development through to birth.
To describe the developmental anatomy of the organ systems.
To examine the common principles and differences underlying normal and
abnormal development of vertebrates.
To cover emerging technologies, such as stem cells, genomic analysis and
the use of transgenic and dysfunctional mouse mutants in research.


There will be three parts to the course assessment.

1. Group Assignment - An online written assignment.
2. Laboratory - Progressive assessments throughout session.
3. Theory - A written test held during the examination period.

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Page 4

Assessment design has been structured to develop and examine the

following graduate attributes and specific learning skills:

Student independent learning/research abilities

Student scientific writing and referencing skills
Student teamwork in small groups
Student group work contribution
Student ability to plan time and meet assessment deadlines
Student acquired knowledge from lecture/lab presentations
Student application of knowledge to problem solving

For more information see also UNSW Guidelines on Learning

Student learning Outcomes By the end of this course you will have learned
the current understanding of both cell structure and function and how this is
dynamically organized. You will also understand the major methods used to
study cells and their application to medical research. This information can then
be integrated with other program subjects to give a cellular basis for Anatomy.
Importantly the teaching methods and content are designed to encourage your
own self-motivated scientific enquiry.

Examiner The course organizer (Dr Mark Hill) will be the examiner. The course
assessor is Prof Edna Hardeman.

Group Assessment will be an online small group (4-5 student) embryology

project prepared throughout the semester, assessed by peers and the course
coordinator. Detailed information will be available online and in the laboratory

Laboratory Assessment will be a series of short answer questions prepared

throughout the semester relating to embryology lecture and laboratory content.

Theory examination will be an internal exam within the session two exam
period and will conform to University examination guidelines. Students absent
through illness or misadventure should immediately contact UNSW Student
Central. For more information see UNSW A-Z Guide Special Consideration.

Supplementary examinations will only be offered if the student is unable to

attend the final examination for medical or misadventure reasons.

Assignment and Lab Project Dates Current planned submission and project
assessment dates are shown in the course schedule (page 6).

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Page 5

Academic honesty and plagiarism

What is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is the presentation of the thoughts or work of another as ones own.*
Examples include:
direct duplication of the thoughts or work of another, including by copying material,
ideas or concepts from a book, article, report or other written document (whether
published or unpublished), composition, artwork, design, drawing, circuitry,
computer program or software, web site, Internet, other electronic resource, or
another persons assignment without appropriate acknowledgement;
paraphrasing another persons work with very minor changes keeping the meaning,
form and/or progression of ideas of the original;
piecing together sections of the work of others into a new whole;
presenting an assessment item as independent work when it has been produced in
whole or part in collusion with other people, for example, another student or a
tutor; and
claiming credit for a proportion a work contributed to a group assessment item that is
greater than that actually contributed.
For the purposes of this policy, submitting an assessment item that has already been
submitted for academic credit elsewhere may be considered plagiarism.
Knowingly permitting your work to be copied by another student may also be
considered to be plagiarism.
Note that an assessment item produced in oral, not written, form, or involving live
presentation, may similarly contain plagiarised material.
The inclusion of the thoughts or work of another with attribution appropriate to the
academic discipline does not amount to plagiarism.
The Learning Centre website is main repository for resources for staff and students on
plagiarism and academic honesty.
These resources can be located via:
The Learning Centre also provides substantial educational written materials,
workshops, and tutorials to aid students, for example, in:
correct referencing practices;
paraphrasing, summarising, essay writing, and time management;
appropriate use of, and attribution for, a range of materials including text,
images, formulae and concepts.
Individual assistance is available on request from The Learning Centre.
Students are also reminded that careful time management is an important part of
study and one of the identified causes of plagiarism is poor time management.
Students should allow sufficient time for research, drafting, and the proper referencing
of sources in preparing all assessment items.

Based on that proposed to the University of Newcastle by the St James Ethics Centre. Used with kind permission from the
University of Newcastle
Adapted with kind permission from the University of Melbourne.

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Timetable 2009 S2

(guide only, subject to change)

Planned guide to course Lectures for ANAT2341 Session 2, 2009

Lectures and Laboratories are subject to change without notice and may also be
replaced by specialist invited Guest Lecturers. There are 2 lectures and 1 laboratory
each week of semester. Laboratory content and time allocated may relate to both
weekly lectures and the group project work.
Students are requested to also participate in assessment of an online educational
Independent Learning Project (ILP) on cardiac development.
Week 2

27 Jul

Week 3

3 Aug

Week 4

10 Aug

Week 5

17 Aug

Week 6

24 Aug

Week 7

31 Aug
7 Sep

Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13

Lecture/Lab- Course Introduction/Cell Division

Lecture/Lab- Fertilization, Week 1
Lecture/Lab- Week 2 Development
Lecture/Lab- Week 3 Development
Lecture/Lab- Endoderm, Early Gastrointestinal
Lecture/Lab- Mesoderm Development
Lecture/Lab- Ectoderm, Early Neural, Neural Crest
Lecture/Lab- Early Vascular Development, Placenta
Lecture/Lab- Limb Development
Lecture/Lab- Head Development
Lecture/Lab- Mesoderm, Cardiovascular
Lecture/Lab- Developmental Models, Teratology
Mid-semester break

14 Sep Lecture/Lab- Endoderm, Gastrointestinal

Lecture/Lab- Developmental Genes, Stem Cells
21 Sep Lecture/Lab- Mesoderm, Connective Tissue/Bone/Cartilage
Lecture/Lab- Mesoderm, Muscle, Heart
28 Sep Lecture/Lab- Urinary System
Lecture/Lab- Genital System
05 Oct Lecture/Lab- Respiratory System
Lecture/Lab- The Senses Hearing/Balance/ Vision/Smell/Taste
12 Oct Lecture/Lab- Endocrine System
Lecture/Lab- Integumentary System
19 Oct Lecture/Lab- Birth (Parturition) Postnatal Development
Lecture/Lab- Revision

Group Project: 3 September

Mid-Session Break: 5 September 13 September
Study recess: 24 October Study Week
Examination period: 30 October 17 November

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Resources for students


Either of the textbooks listed below are recommended for this course and
page references to both are given in each lecture. There are additional
embryology textbooks that can also be used, consult course organizer.
The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology (8th Edition) by
Keith L. Moore and T.V.N Persaud
Larsens Human Embryology by GC. Schoenwolf, SB. Bleyl, PR. Brauer
and PH. Francis-West


Additional course information and links can be found from the course
homepage. Lectures slides and handouts are available for current students
from UNSW Embryology Online or course homepage and are for educational
use only.

ANAT2341 Course Homepage 2009 Embryology 2009

UNSW Embryology Online

School of Medical Sciences (SOMS)

SOMS Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
Cell Biology Lab

UNSW Unimail Information

Lecture Recordings Available from both UNSW Embryology and

Lectopia (formally iLecture), online sound recording system making UNSW
Lectures available in several formats (including Podcast). Lecture
recordings are grouped by the id of the lecture, usually the course code.

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Continual Course Improvement

Periodically student evaluative feedback on the course is gathered, using

among other means, UNSW's Course and Teaching Evaluation and
Improvement (CATEI) Process. Student feedback is taken seriously, and
continual improvements are made to the course based in part on such

Administrative Matters

Attendance requirements
Students are required to attend each lecture and laboratory unless given
special permission.
Students seeking special consideration should be able to provide medical
Human Swine Flu 9 (H1N1 Influenza 09)

Anyone with an acute respiratory illness and a fever should stay at home until they
have not had a fever for 24 hours (this means a 24 hour fever-free period without
medications such as paracetamol and cold and flu tablets).

Students must wear a white lab coat and closed footwear in research
laboratories and comply at all times with SOMS occupational health and
safety requirements (found on SOMS website).

Group Assignment submission

Late Assignments will be penalized by 5% / day late.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

The University policies and expectations can be found currently at:
The School of Medical Sciences (SOMS) also maintains important student
specific OHS information.

Equity and Diversity

Those students who have a disability that requires some adjustment in their
teaching or learning environment are encouraged to discuss their study
needs with the course convener prior to, or at the commencement of, their
course, or with the Equity Officer (Disability) in the Equity and Diversity Unit
(9385 4734) or on the web:

Issues to be discussed may include access to materials, signers or notetakers, the provision of services and additional exam and assessment
Early notification is essential to enable any necessary adjustments to be

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