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Final Stomatology

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Content module 1

"Dental disease of childhood"

Topic 2. Periodontal diseases in children: gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal
syndrome. Reasons for the development, clinical signs of diseases treatment guidelines.
Manifestations in the oral cavity infectious and somatic diseases of children.Prevention of
dental caries and periodontal diseases. Key measures of primary prevention of dental
diseases. Characteristics of modern facilities for the hygienic oral care.
control source of knowledge
1. The dentist asked a woman aged 18 complaining of pain from thermal and chemical
stimuli in the teeth of the upper and lower jaws. OBJECTIVE: the vestibular surfaces of
incisors and canines in the cervical area of the upper and lower jaws revealed irregularly
shaped defects of dental hard tissues within the enamel (enamel-dentinal to connect),
filled with softened tissues. Between the disease need to provide differential diagnosis in
this case:
A. hypoplasia and wedge-shaped defect of enamel
B. enamel hypoplasia and necrosis
C. enamel caries and necrosis
D. caries and enamel erosion
E. Erosion and wedge-shaped defect?
2. The patient aged thirty years complains of food stuck between teeth 46 and 47, which
was 2 weeks ago. OBJECTIVE: percussion 46 and 47 teeth painless gingival papilla
between 46 and 47 teeth and swollen hipertrofo- tion, when it found a small amount of
food residue. What method of research is required to identify hidden cavities:
A. Welcoming color
B. Fluorescent diagnostics
C. Transilyuminatsiyna diagnosis
D. electroodontodiagnosis
E. X-ray study?
3. Patient age '18 complained of pain in the tooth 45 that worries during the year. Pain
occurs when nakushuvannya. Previously, 45 tooth was sealed. OBJECTIVE: mucous
membrane in the region of the apex of the tooth hyperemic with cyanotic tinge, tooth
pink seal fell. What method of research is required to determine treatment strategy;
A. Thermometry
B. Palpation ash
C. Radiography
D. Probing
4. The patient 13 years complains of tooth sensitivity to sweet, sour, availability
cosmetic defect. OBJECTIVE: in the cervical area of 14, 13 teeth were found isolated
spots Cretaceous color with a matte shade without damaging the enamel, painless during
sensing. The spots stained 2% solution of methylene blue, EDI - 2 mA. Which of the
following most likely diagnoses:
A. fluorosis, spotted form
B. localized hypoplasia
C. Acute superficial caries
D. enamel erosion

E. Acute initial caries?

5. The patient aged 11 complained of pain in 23 tooth while receiving acidic and sugary
foods. The pain disappears after the removal of irritants. Complaints were 2 weeks ago.
OBJECTIVE: the vestibular surface of the tooth found 23 oval white spot size 2x3 mm.
The surface is rough spots, methylene blue color persists after washing it with water. Set
likely diagnosis:
A. Acute initial caries
B. Chronic initial caries
S. Spotted form fluorosis
D. The initial stage of necrosis enamel
E. Local enamel hypoplasia.
6. A woman aged 18 years, pregnant, complains to the appearance of white spots on the
front teeth of the upper jaw, which appeared on the 4th month of pregnancy.
OBJECTIVE: the vestibular surfaces 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 teeth in the cervical area
found Cretaceous color spots. The surface of enamel lost luster during rough sounding.
Chemical irritants cause short-term pain. What preliminary diagnosis:
A. Chronic initial caries
B. Acute superficial caries
C. dental fluorosis
D. Acute initial caries
E. System enamel hypoplasia?
7. The patient aged 13 years complained of the presence of whitish spots on the chewing
surfaces of teeth, feeling oskomyny that occurs during reception acidic foods. Spots
appeared about 3 months ago. OBJECTIVE: on the chewing surfaces of the fissures in
46, 36, 27 teeth found Cretaceous-colored spots that are well stained 2% solution of
methylene blue. During the sensing surface roughness is defined spots of enamel defects
were found. What diagnosis in this case:
A. Acute superficial caries
B. Acute initial caries
C. Acute middle caries
D. Chronic secondary caries
E. Chronic superficial caries?
8. Girl age 17 years, complains of tooth sensitivity to sweet and sour. OBJECTIVE: to
cervical areas 14, 13, 23, 24 teeth found Cretaceous color spots with a matte surface,
painless during sensing. The spots stained 2% solution of methylene blue, EDI - 4 mA.
What is the most likely diagnosis:
A. System hypoplasia
B. Acute superficial caries
C. Acute initial caries
D. fluorosis, spotted form
E. enamel erosion?
9. A patient aged 11 addressed to the dentist complaining of the presence kreydopodibnyh
spots on the surface of 11, 12, 21, 22 teeth, feeling oskomyny of sour and sweet stimuli
during meals. OBJECTIVE: the vestibular surfaces 11, 12, 21, 22 teeth in the cervical
area found white chalk colored stains size 0,2x0,3 cm, with a rough surface that is painted
2% solution of methylene blue. Set diagnosis:
A. Chronic initial caries
B. Acute superficial caries
C. enamel hypoplasia

D. Acute initial caries

E. fluorosis.
10. A patient aged 12 years appealed to the dentist complaining of the defect on the tooth
of the upper jaw, which he found a week ago. OBJECTIVE: the vestibular surface of the
tooth 21 in the cervical area found Cretaceous color stain. its surface is matt, rough
during sensing. Cold test negative, 21 percussion tooth painless. Spot stained 2% solution
of methylene blue in blue. Set diagnosis:
A. Chronic initial caries
B. Acute initial caries
C. Acute superficial caries
D. enamel hypoplasia
E. fluorosis.
1.Girl '17 complains of bleeding gums while brushing teeth and bad breath.
OBJECTIVE: clear hyperemic with tsyanotychnym shade, bleeding on probing.
Periodontal pockets to 5 mm, and extremely pid'yasenevi dental layers, loose teeth 1
degree. On radiographs, irregular horizontal resorption mezhalveolyarnyh membranes to
1/3 the length of the root, minor signs of osteoporosis. Set diagnosis.
A generalized periodontitis stage I, chronic
B generalized periodontitis III level, chronic
C generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
D generalized periodontitis III degree course pointer
E generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course.
2.A boy '16 complains of bleeding gums while brushing teeth and bad breath.
OBJECTIVE: gums in the area of papillae and marginal land with hyperemic
tsyanotychnym shade, bleeding on probing. Periodontal pockets to 3 mm, soft plaque,
teeth still. On radiographs, destruction compact plate tops interdental membranes. Set
A generalized periodontitis stage I, chronic
B generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
C III degree Generalized periodontitis, chronic
D generalized periodontitis stage I, tapered course
E generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course
3.A boy '16 complains of pain, bleeding gums, bad breath. OBJECTIVE: clear bright
hyperemic, swollen, bleed easily. Periodontal pockets to 5 mm with purulent exudate and
extremely pid'yasenevi dental layers, loose teeth 2 degrees. On radiographs: horizontal
and vertical resorption interdental membranes to 1/2 the length of the root to form bone
pockets, diffuse osteoporosis in intact bone. Set diagnosis.
A generalized periodontitis III level, chronic
B generalized periodontitis III degree course pointer
C generalized periodontitis stage I, tapered course
D generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course
E generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
4. Girl '17 complains of pain, bleeding gums, bad breath. OBJECTIVE: clear bright
hyperemic, swollen, bleeding in contact. Periodontal pockets over 5 mm, filled with
granulation and considerable purulent contents. Mobility of teeth 2 degrees. Radiological
findings: horizontal and vertical alveolar bone resorption within 2/3 of the height of the
interdental partitions, diffuse areas of osteoporosis bone. Set diagnosis.

A generalized periodontitis III degree course pointer

B generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course
C generalized periodontitis stage I, tapered course
D generalized periodontitis III level, chronic
E generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
5. Boy '16 complains of bleeding gums while brushing teeth, bad breath. OBJECTIVE:
clear hyperemic with tsyanotychnym shade, swollen, bleeding on probing. Periodontal
pockets over 5 mm with serous exudate, and extremely pid'yasenevi dental layers, loose
teeth 2 degrees. Radiological findings: horizontal and vertical alveolar bone resorption
within 2/3 height interdental membranes. Set diagnosis.
A generalized periodontitis III level, chronic
B generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
C generalized periodontitis stage I, chronic
D generalized periodontitis III degree course pointer
E generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course
6.Boy '11 complains of pain in the gums, bleeding them. OBJECTIVE: to clear the area
of all teeth bright hyperemic, swollen, bleeding on probing. Periodontal pocket depth of 3
mm, soft plaque, teeth still. On radiographs, diffuse osteoporosis in the upper third of
interdental membranes. Set diagnosis.
A generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
B generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course
C generalized periodontitis III degree course pointer
D generalized periodontitis stage I, chronic
E generalized periodontitis stage I, tapered course
7.Girl '12 complains of pain in the mouth, especially when eating. From history: these
symptoms occur 1-2 times per year. OBJECTIVE: to transitional fold mucosa found 3
aphthae 5-7 mm, covered with yellow bloom surrounded by inflamed red border, in
contact acutely painful. Add a likely diagnosis.
A chronic recurrent herpetic stomatitis
B acute herpetic stomatitis
C Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis
Exudative erythema multiforme D
E-toxic drug-induced allergic stomatitis
8.Girl'12 complains of pain and the presence of ulcers in the mouth, especially when
eating. From history: these symptoms occur 1-2 times per year. OBJECTIVE: to
transitional fold mucosa found 3 aphthae 5-7 mm, covered with yellow bloom surrounded
by inflamed red border, in contact acutely painful. What medicines should be assigned to
the child.
A Antiviral
B hyposensitization
D Antibiotics
E corticosteroid
9.Girl '11 complains about the deterioration of general condition and appearance of
lesions on the lips. From history: the same rash observed a year ago at the same place.
OBJECTIVE: body temperature - 37,1oS on the border red border of the upper lip and
skin found 3 grouped vesicles with a diameter of 1-3 mm with clear content. Add a likely
A Acute herpetic stomatitis

B Chronic recurrent herpetic stomatitis

C Stomatitis with measles
D Stomatitis with chickenpox
E herpes zoster
10.Divchynka '11 complains about the deterioration of general condition and appearance
of lesions on the lips. From history: the same rash observed a year ago at the same place.
OBJECTIVE: body temperature - 37,1oS on the border red border of the upper lip and
skin found 3 grouped vesicles with a diameter of 1-3 mm with clear content. What
medicines should be applied in this period of the disease.
A Antiviral
B Proteolytic enzymes
C keratoplasty
D Antibiotics
E detoxification

1. A woman aged 22 years, pregnant, complains to the appearance of white spots on the
front teeth of the upper jaw, which appeared on the 4th month of pregnancy.
OBJECTIVE: the vestibular surfaces 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 teeth in the cervical area
found Cretaceous color spots. The surface of enamel lost luster during rough sounding.
Chemical irritants cause short-term pain. What preliminary diagnosis:
A. Chronic initial caries
B. Acute superficial caries
C. dental fluorosis
D. Acute initial caries
E. System enamel hypoplasia?
2. The patient aged 13 years complained of the presence of whitish spots on the chewing
surfaces of teeth, feeling oskomyny that occurs during reception acidic foods. Spots
appeared about 3 months ago. OBJECTIVE: on the chewing surfaces of the fissures in
46, 36, 27 teeth found Cretaceous-colored spots that are well stained 2% solution of
methylene blue. During the sensing surface roughness is defined spots of enamel defects
were found. What diagnosis in this case:
A. Acute superficial caries
B. Acute initial caries
C. Acute middle caries
D. Chronic secondary caries
E. Chronic superficial caries?
3. Girl age 16 years, complains of tooth sensitivity to sweet and sour. OBJECTIVE: to
cervical areas 14, 13, 23, 24 teeth found Cretaceous color spots with a matte surface,
painless during sensing. The spots stained 2% solution of methylene blue, EDI - 4 mA.
What is the most likely diagnosis:
A. System hypoplasia
B. Acute superficial caries
C. Acute initial caries
D. fluorosis, spotted form
E. enamel erosion?
4. A patient aged 12 addressed to the dentist complaining of the presence kreydopodibnyh

spots on the surface of 11, 12, 21, 22 teeth, feeling oskomyny of sour and sweet stimuli
during meals. OBJECTIVE: the vestibular surfaces 11, 12, 21, 22 teeth in the cervical
area found white chalk colored stains size 0,2x0,3 cm, with a rough surface that is painted
2% solution of methylene blue. Set diagnosis:
A. Chronic initial caries
B. Acute superficial caries
C. enamel hypoplasia
D. Acute initial caries
E. fluorosis.
5. A patient aged 12 years appealed to the dentist complaining of the defect on the tooth
of the upper jaw, which he found a week ago. OBJECTIVE: the vestibular surface of the
tooth 21 in the cervical area found Cretaceous color stain. its surface is matt, rough
during sensing. Cold test negative, 21 percussion tooth painless. Spot stained 2% solution
of methylene blue in blue. Set diagnosis:
A. Chronic initial caries
B. Acute initial caries
C. Acute superficial caries
D. enamel hypoplasia
E. fluorosis.
6. The dentist asked a woman aged 18 complaining of pain from thermal and chemical
stimuli in the teeth of the upper and lower jaws. OBJECTIVE: the vestibular surfaces of
incisors and canines in the cervical area of the upper and lower jaws revealed irregularly
shaped defects of dental hard tissues within the enamel (enamel-dentinal to connect),
filled with softened tissues. Between the disease need to provide differential diagnosis in
this case:
A. hypoplasia and wedge-shaped defect of enamel
B. enamel hypoplasia and necrosis
C. enamel caries and necrosis
D. caries and enamel erosion
E. Erosion and wedge-shaped defect?
7. The patient aged thirty years complains of food stuck between teeth 46 and 47, which
was 2 weeks ago. OBJECTIVE: percussion 46 and 47 teeth painless gingival papilla
between 46 and 47 teeth and swollen hipertrofo- tion, when it found a small amount of
food residue. What method of research is required to identify hidden cavities:
A. Welcoming color
B. Fluorescent diagnostics
C. Transilyuminatsiyna diagnosis
D. electroodontodiagnosis
E. X-ray study?
8. Patient age '13 complained of pain in the tooth 45 that worries during the year. Pain
occurs when nakushuvannya. Previously, 45 tooth was sealed. OBJECTIVE: mucous
membrane in the region of the apex of the tooth hyperemic with cyanotic tinge, tooth
pink seal fell. What method of research is required to determine treatment strategy;
A. Thermometry
B. Palpation ash
C. Radiography
D. Probing
9. The patient 14 years complains of tooth sensitivity to sweet, sour, availability cosmetic

defect. OBJECTIVE: in the cervical area of 14, 13 teeth were found isolated spots
Cretaceous color with a matte shade without damaging the enamel, painless during
sensing. The spots stained 2% solution of methylene blue, EDI - 2 mA. Which of the
following most likely diagnoses:
A. fluorosis, spotted form
B. localized hypoplasia
C. Acute superficial caries
D. enamel erosion
E. Acute initial caries?
10. Patient aged 11 complained of pain in 23 tooth while receiving acidic and sugary
foods. The pain disappears after the removal of irritants. Complaints were 2 weeks ago.
OBJECTIVE: the vestibular surface of the tooth found 23 oval white spot size 2x3 mm.
The surface is rough spots, methylene blue color persists after washing it with water. Set
likely diagnosis:
A. Acute initial caries
B. Chronic initial caries
S. Spotted form fluorosis
D. The initial stage of necrosis enamel
E. Local enamel hypoplasia.
1.Boy '11 complains of pain in the gums, bleeding them. OBJECTIVE: to clear the area
of all teeth bright hyperemic, swollen, bleeding on probing. Periodontal pocket depth of 3
mm, soft plaque, teeth still. On radiographs, diffuse osteoporosis in the upper third of
interdental membranes. Set diagnosis.
A generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
B generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course
C generalized periodontitis III degree course pointer
D generalized periodontitis stage I, chronic
E generalized periodontitis stage I, tapered course
2.Girl '12 complains of pain in the mouth, especially when eating. From history: these
symptoms occur 1-2 times per year. OBJECTIVE: to transitional fold mucosa found 3
aphthae 5-7 mm, covered with yellow bloom surrounded by inflamed red border, in
contact acutely painful. Add a likely diagnosis.
A chronic recurrent herpetic stomatitis
B acute herpetic stomatitis
C Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis
Exudative erythema multiforme D
E-toxic drug-induced allergic stomatitis
3.Girl '12 complains of pain and the presence of ulcers in the mouth, especially when
eating. From history: these symptoms occur 1-2 times per year. OBJECTIVE: to
transitional fold mucosa found 3 aphthae 5-7 mm, covered with yellow bloom surrounded
by inflamed red border, in contact acutely painful. What medicines should be assigned to
the child.
A Antiviral
B hyposensitization
Antifungal C
D Antibiotics
E corticosteroid

4.Girl '11 complains about the deterioration of general condition and appearance of
lesions on the lips. From history: the same rash observed a year ago at the same place.
OBJECTIVE: body temperature - 37,1oS on the border red border of the upper lip and
skin found 3 grouped vesicles with a diameter of 1-3 mm with clear content. Add a likely
A Acute herpetic stomatitis
B Chronic recurrent herpetic stomatitis
C Stomatitis with measles
D Stomatitis with chickenpox
E herpes zoster
5.Girl '13 complains about the deterioration of general condition and appearance of
lesions on the lips. From history: the same rash observed a year ago at the same place.
OBJECTIVE: body temperature - 37,1oS on the border red border of the upper lip and
skin found 3 grouped vesicles with a diameter of 1-3 mm with clear content. What
medicines should be applied in this period of the disease.
A Antiviral
B Proteolytic enzymes
C keratoplasty
D Antibiotics
E detoxification
6.Girl '17 complains of bleeding gums while brushing teeth and bad breath.
OBJECTIVE: clear hyperemic with tsyanotychnym shade, bleeding on probing.
Periodontal pockets to 5 mm, and extremely pid'yasenevi dental layers, loose teeth 1
degree. On radiographs, irregular horizontal resorption mezhalveolyarnyh membranes to
1/3 the length of the root, minor signs of osteoporosis. Set diagnosis.
A generalized periodontitis stage I, chronic
B generalized periodontitis III level, chronic
7.Boy '13 complains of bleeding gums while brushing teeth and bad breath.
OBJECTIVE: gums in the area of papillae and marginal land with hyperemic
tsyanotychnym shade, bleeding on probing. Periodontal pockets to 3 mm, soft plaque,
teeth still. On radiographs, destruction compact plate tops interdental membranes. Set
A generalized periodontitis stage I, chronic
B generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
C III degree Generalized periodontitis, chronic
D generalized periodontitis stage I, tapered course
E generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course
8.Boy '15 complains of pain, bleeding gums, bad breath. OBJECTIVE: clear bright
hyperemic, swollen, bleed easily. Periodontal pockets to 5 mm with purulent exudate and
extremely pid'yasenevi dental layers, loose teeth 2 degrees. On radiographs: horizontal
and vertical resorption interdental membranes to 1/2 the length of the root to form bone
pockets, diffuse osteoporosis in intact bone. Set diagnosis.
A generalized periodontitis III level, chronic
B generalized periodontitis III degree course pointer
C generalized periodontitis stage I, tapered course
D generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course
E generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
9.Girl '12 complains of pain, bleeding gums, bad breath. OBJECTIVE: clear bright

hyperemic, swollen, bleeding in contact. Periodontal pockets over 5 mm, filled with
granulation and considerable purulent contents. Mobility of teeth 2 degrees. Radiological
findings: horizontal and vertical alveolar bone resorption within 2/3 of the height of the
interdental partitions, diffuse areas of osteoporosis bone. Set diagnosis.
A generalized periodontitis III degree course pointer
B generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course
C generalized periodontitis stage I, tapered course
D generalized periodontitis III level, chronic
E generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
10.Girl 14 complains of bleeding gums while brushing teeth, bad breath. OBJECTIVE:
clear hyperemic with tsyanotychnym shade, swollen, bleeding on probing. Periodontal
pockets over 5 mm with serous exudate, and extremely pid'yasenevi dental layers, loose
teeth 2 degrees. Radiological findings: horizontal and vertical alveolar bone resorption
within 2/3 height interdental membranes. Set diagnosis.
A generalized periodontitis III level, chronic
B generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
C generalized periodontitis stage I, chronic
D generalized periodontitis III degree course pointer
E generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course
1. A woman aged 18 years, pregnant, complains to the appearance of white spots on the
front teeth of the upper jaw, which appeared on the 4th month of pregnancy.
OBJECTIVE: the vestibular surfaces 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 teeth in the cervical area
found Cretaceous color spots. The surface of enamel lost luster during rough sounding.
Chemical irritants cause short-term pain. What preliminary diagnosis:
A. Chronic initial caries
B. Acute superficial caries
C. dental fluorosis
D. Acute initial caries
E. System enamel hypoplasia?
2. The patient aged 13 years complained of the presence of whitish spots on the chewing
surfaces of teeth, feeling oskomyny that occurs during reception acidic foods. Spots
appeared about 3 months ago. OBJECTIVE: on the chewing surfaces of the fissures in
46, 36, 27 teeth found Cretaceous-colored spots that are well stained 2% solution of
methylene blue. During the sensing surface roughness is defined spots of enamel defects
were found. What diagnosis in this case:
A. Acute superficial caries
B. Acute initial caries
C. Acute middle caries
D. Chronic secondary caries
E. Chronic superficial caries?
3. Girl age 14 years, complains of tooth sensitivity to sweet and sour. OBJECTIVE: to
cervical areas 14, 13, 23, 24 teeth found Cretaceous color spots with a matte surface,
painless during sensing. The spots stained 2% solution of methylene blue, EDI - 4 mA.
What is the most likely diagnosis:
A. System hypoplasia
B. Acute superficial caries
C. Acute initial caries
D. fluorosis, spotted form

E. enamel erosion?
4. A patient aged 10 addressed to the dentist complaining of the presence kreydopodibnyh
spots on the surface of 11, 12, 21, 22 teeth, feeling oskomyny of sour and sweet stimuli
during meals. OBJECTIVE: the vestibular surfaces 11, 12, 21, 22 teeth in the cervical
area found white chalk colored stains size 0,2x0,3 cm, with a rough surface that is painted
2% solution of methylene blue. Set diagnosis:
A. Chronic initial caries
B. Acute superficial caries
C. enamel hypoplasia
D. Acute initial caries
E. fluorosis.
5. A patient aged 12 years appealed to the dentist complaining of the defect on the tooth
of the upper jaw, which he found a week ago. OBJECTIVE: the vestibular surface of the
tooth 21 in the cervical area found Cretaceous color stain. its surface is matt, rough
during sensing. Cold test negative, 21 percussion tooth painless. Spot stained 2% solution
of methylene blue in blue. Set diagnosis:
A. Chronic initial caries
B. Acute initial caries
C. Acute superficial caries
D. enamel hypoplasia
E. fluorosis.
6.Girl '17 complains of bleeding gums while brushing teeth and bad breath.
OBJECTIVE: clear hyperemic with tsyanotychnym shade, bleeding on probing.
Periodontal pockets to 5 mm, and extremely pid'yasenevi dental layers, loose teeth 1
degree. On radiographs, irregular horizontal resorption mezhalveolyarnyh membranes to
1/3 the length of the root, minor signs of osteoporosis. Set diagnosis.
A generalized periodontitis stage I, chronic
B generalized periodontitis III level, chronic
C generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
D generalized periodontitis III degree course pointer
E generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course
7.Boy '14 complains of bleeding gums while brushing teeth and bad breath.
OBJECTIVE: gums in the area of papillae and marginal land with hyperemic
tsyanotychnym shade, bleeding on probing. Periodontal pockets to 3 mm, soft plaque,
teeth still. On radiographs, destruction compact plate tops interdental membranes. Set
A generalized periodontitis stage I, chronic
B generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
C III degree Generalized periodontitis, chronic
D generalized periodontitis stage I, tapered course
E generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course
8.Boy '13 complains of pain, bleeding gums, bad breath. OBJECTIVE: clear bright
hyperemic, swollen, bleed easily. Periodontal pockets to 5 mm with purulent exudate and
extremely pid'yasenevi dental layers, loose teeth 2 degrees. On radiographs: horizontal
and vertical resorption interdental membranes to 1/2 the length of the root to form bone
pockets, diffuse osteoporosis in intact bone. Set diagnosis.
A generalized periodontitis III level, chronic
B generalized periodontitis III degree course pointer
C generalized periodontitis stage I, tapered course

D generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course

E generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
9.Girl '13 complains of pain, bleeding gums, bad breath. OBJECTIVE: clear bright
hyperemic, swollen, bleeding in contact. Periodontal pockets over 5 mm, filled with
granulation and considerable purulent contents. Mobility of teeth 2 degrees. Radiological
findings: horizontal and vertical alveolar bone resorption within 2/3 of the height of the
interdental partitions, diffuse areas of osteoporosis bone. Set diagnosis.
A generalized periodontitis III degree course pointer
B generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course
C generalized periodontitis stage I, tapered course
D generalized periodontitis III level, chronic
E generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
10.Boy '11 complains of bleeding gums while brushing teeth, bad breath. OBJECTIVE:
clear hyperemic with tsyanotychnym shade, swollen, bleeding on probing. Periodontal
pockets over 5 mm with serous exudate, and extremely pid'yasenevi dental layers, loose
teeth 2 degrees. Radiological findings: horizontal and vertical alveolar bone resorption
within 2/3 height interdental membranes. Set diagnosis.
A generalized periodontitis III level, chronic
B generalized periodontitis II degree, chronic
C generalized periodontitis stage I, chronic
D generalized periodontitis III degree course pointer
E generalized periodontitis II degree, tapered course
Content module 1
"Dental disease of childhood"
Topic 3. Differential diagnosis of pain in therapeutic dentistry. Emergency. Diseases of
hard tissues of the tooth, the pulp and periodontium.
control source of knowledge
1. A 32-year-old patient is complaining about a severe pain spontaneous colicky pain in
27th tooth that irradiate to the right eye and the part of temporal fossa/temple. Hes been
ill for 24 hours (day and night). The attacks of pain last for about an hour. OBJECTIVE:
on the medial surface of the 27th tooth theres a deep carious cavity within _near_pulpal
dentin. Dentin is softened, loose. During the probing the painfulness was defined around
the bottom of carious cavity. Reaction to the cold stimulant in the 27th tooth is sharply
painful. Percussion is sensitive. Make the diagnosis.
A. Acute limited pulpit
B. Sharp purulent periodontitis
C. Acute diffuse pulpit
D. Acute serosal periodontitis
E. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
2. A 32-year-old patient is complaining about discomfort in the 26th tooth. Sometimes
there is a pain while eating, more often when the food is hot. The tooth changed in color.
OBJECTIVE: the 26th-deep cavity, which is connected with the tooth cavity. The surface
probing is painless. The reaction onto the thermal stimulant is slow-growing and slowdecreasing pain. electroodontodiagnosis-75ma. Make the most likely diagnosis.
A. Acute limited pulpit
B. Chronic hypertrophic pulpit

C. Chronic fibrous pulpit

D. Exacerbation of chronic fibrous pulpit
E. Chronic gangrenous pulpit
3. A 32-year-old patient is complaining about persistent pain in the 42th tooth, which
increases when biting with that tooth, the feeling of "grown bigger" tooth, the upper lip is
swollen. In the medical history the patient notes trauma of the upper jaw. Ob-ve: the 42th
tooth is intact. Vertical percussion is sharply painful. The upper lip is swollen, transitional
fold in the section of the 42th tooth is redden, painful while palpation. What other method
of examination is necessary for diagnosis?
B. Radiography
C Reodentography
D transillumination
E thermometry.
4. A 25-year-old patient is complaining about the pain when biting with the 25th tooth,
that appeared two days ago. The pain has a constant aching character and greatly
increased in the last day. OBJECTIVE: crownwork of the 25th tooth is dimly-grey, on
the medial contact surface - deep cavities with a wide inlet, and thick pigmented walls,
which is connected with the cavity of the tooth. Percussion is sharply painful, mucous
membrane of the gums in the projection of the root apex of the 25th tooth is flushed.
Painful regional lymph node. The X-ray the focus of the bone destruction is in the
periapical area with indistinct, blurred contours. What is your diagnosis?
A chronic granulating periodontitis
B Acute serosal periodontitis
C Acute purulent periodontitis
D Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
E Acute serosal periodontitis, the phase of intoxication
5. A patient is complaining about the acute spontaneous colicky pain in the tooth in the
upper jaw on the left, which lasts for 30-40 minutes, occurs 3-5 times a day, mainly at
night, increases from thermal and mechanical stimulant. Pain irradiates to the ear and the
temple. OBJECTIVE: the 28th has cavities that are not connected with the cavity of the
tooth, the dentin is soft, probing causes a sharp pain across the bottom of the cavity.
Percussion, palpation of the mucosa painless. Define diagnosis.
A. Acute limited pulpit
B Acute diffuse pulpit
C Exacerbation of chronic pulpit
D Acute serosal periodontitis
E Acute purulent pulpit
6. A 28-year-old patient treats his medium caries of the 45th tooth had naked coronal
pulp. What should the doctor's tactics be?
A Perform vital pulpectomy
B Perform pulp amputation
C Apply a paste of calcium hydroxide
D Perform partially vital pulpectomy
E Apply mummifying paste
7. A patient complains about the intense spontaneous colicky pain in the region of the
lower jaw in the left. He cant specify the causal tooth. The pain practically doesnt stop,
sometimes weakens. In the last hours the pain from cold is decreasing. OBJECTIVE: in
the 37th - deep carious cavity, probing of the bottom is painful, tooth cavity is closed.

Which treatment is better from the following list?

A Tooth removal
B Method of devitalized extirpation
C Method of devitalized amputation
D Method of vital extirpation
E Method of vital amputation
8. A 22-year-old patient during the treatment of deep caries on 42th the tooth cavity was
discovered. Which method would you apply for further treatment?
A Conservative.
B Vital amputation.
C Vital extirpation
D Devitalized amputation.
E Devitalized extirpation.
9. A 35-year-old patient complains about the aching pain that periodically occurs by
ingestion of solid food in the cavity of the 17th. The pain appears after 20-30 minutes.
after removal of the stimulus. OBJECTIVE: deep carious cavity of the 17th within near
pulpal dentin. The bottom and sides are tight while probing, slight pain in a separate
section of the cavity bottom. The reaction is painful to cold stimulus. EOD-40
microamps. Make the diagnosis.
A Acute deep caries.
B Chronic fibrous pulp.
C Pulp congestion.
D Exacerbation of chronic pulpit.
E Chronic deep cavities.
10. The patient complains about prolonged throe/ colicky pain in the teeth of the lower
jaw during the day, in the left. Pain irradiates to the ear, neck, and increases in the use of
hot and cold food. OBJECTIVE: In the 36th proximal medial surface is a deep cavity.
Probing is painful around the bottom and causes pain attack. What is the most likely
A Acute purulent pulpit.
B Acute limited pulpit.
C Acute diffuse pulpit.
D Chronic concrimental pulpit.
E Acute deep caries pulpit
1. A 19-year-old patient complains about persistent pain in the 22th tooth, which
increases with biting on the tooth, has a feeling of "grown bigger" tooth, the upper lip is
swollen. In the medical history the patient notes trauma of the upper jaw. Ob-no: 22th
tooth is intact. Vertical percussion is sharply painful. Upper lip is swollen, Transitional
fold in the area of the 22th tooth is redden, painful while palpation. What other method of
examination is necessary for diagnosis?
B Radiography
C Reodentography
D transillumination
E Thermometry.
2. A 28-year-old patient complains about constant localized pain that increases with
biting. OBJECTIVE: in 46th theres a deep tooth cavity, which connects with the cavity

of the tooth. When probing the bottom cavity pain is absent, percussion is painful, theres
an enlargement on radiographs of periodontal gap. Diagnosis:
A Worsening of chronic periodontitis
B Exacerbation of chronic pulpit
C Acute purulent periodontitis
D Acute diffuse pulpit
E Acute serous periodontitis
3. The patient was in '45, diagnosed chronic fibrous pulpitis 44. Conducted preparation,
extirpation of pulp, mechanical and drug processing channels. How to conduct rootcanal?
A tip for
B to radiologic top
C to physiological apex
D to the anatomical apex
E ---4. Patsiyentt 62r., Appealed with complaints of pain attacks unprincipled limitations 5-7
minutes in 46protyahom day. OBJECTIVE: in 46 deep cavities on the chewing surface.
Probing painful at one point. The test of the cold painful and lasts 10 minutes after
removal of the stimulus, percussion painless. The patient is in the cardiology department
at the treatment of myocardial infarction. Which treatments most appropriate in this
A devitalized amputation
B Biology
C Greeting extirpation
D Greeting amputation
5. Patient K., 52 years, complains of periodic appearance of fistula on the gums in the
area of 35. Tooth treated 1.5 years ago about tooth decay. OBJECTIVE: 35 seal. In the
projection of the root apex fistula, while pressing secreted purulent exudate. Percussion
tooth painless. On radiographs root canal is sealed near the top of the root cell destruction
with indistinct outlines. Diagnose.
A chronic fibrotic periodontitis.
B exacerbation of chronic periodontitis hranulyuchoho.
C hranulyuchyy Chronic periodontitis.
D radikulyarni cyst.
E Chronic granulomatous periodontitis.
6. Patient, 48 years old, complained of discomfort, intermittent feeling of fullness in 17
tooth, sometimes have pain when consuming hot food that lasts 10-20 minutes.
OBJECTIVE: 17 tooth sealed composite material, the color of the tooth slightly darker
from neighbors. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A chronic gangrenous pulpitis
B chronic granulating periodontitis
C Chronic pulpitis konkrementoznyy
D recurrent caries
E Chronic fibrous pulp
7. To the dentist asked the patient complained of pain in the tooth on the lower jaw that
dinner was triggered hot food. Pain attack lasted 20 minutes. objectively: in 46 deep
cavity filled with softened dentin and remnants of food. Pulp chamber closed loop
defined painful sounding. Termoproba causes pain with aftereffect. Choose the most

likely diagnosis.
A congestion of the pulp
B acute deep caries 46
C Chronic caries 46
D Acute focal pulpitis 36
E fibrotic chronic periodontitis 46
8. The patient was 20 years in the treatment of deep caries tooth 17 accident opened pulp
horn. What tactics doctor?
A conduct of anesthesia and pulp extirpation
B Apply devitalizuyuchu paste
C Apply the paste mumifikuyuchu
D Apply a paste containing calcium hydroxide
E Hold anesthesia and amputation of the pulp
9. K. Patient complains of aching pain in the tooth on the lower jaw on the left, increasing
the thermal, mechanical and chemical stimuli and gradually subsides after removal of the
stimulus. Nagging pain occurs when the temperature of the environment. Several months
ago, the pain was willful. OBJECTIVE: In 36 deep cavities that are not connected with
the cavity of the tooth. Probing beneath the slightly painful. Percussion
painless. Mucosa in the projection of the root apex unchanged palpation painless.
Termodiahnostyka painful, the pain disappears slowly .. Renthendiahnostyka periodontitis expansion slot in the top area of roots 36. Put diagnosis.
A chronic fibrous pulpitis
B Chronic pulpitis konkrementoznyy
C Chronic deep curry
D Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
E Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
10. Patient A., 25 years old, appealed with complaints darkening crowns the 11 th and 21
th teeth. About a year ago the patient received a sports injury. OBJECTIVE: Crown 11-th
and 21-th tooth dark gray, intact, with percussion painless. Mucosa alveolar process is not
changed. On radiographs in the area of the tops of the roots revealed destruction of bone,
round shape size 0.5 mm in diameter with clear boundaries. Assign treatment.
A Root canal filling
B Electrophoresis with antiseptics
C Tooth
D Antibiotic
E Teeth Whitening
1. Patient F, '20, had a diagnosis: acute diffuse pulpit 11 tooth. What method of treatment
is necessary to use?
A Biology
B Vitalnoi ekstyrpatsii
C Vitalnoi amputatsii
D Devitalnoi ekstyrpatsii
E Devitalnoi amputatsii
2. The patient in '36 disturbing involuntary intermittent for 15 min. pain, the cold, sweet,
not subside after cessation of the stimulus. OBJECTIVE: at 35 on the chewing surface of
a deep cavity, dentine floor hard, pigmented. Probing the bottom cavity painful at one
point. Reaction to cold painful, long vschuhayucha after removal of the stimulus, EOD 35
microamps. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A congestion of the pulp

B Acute diffuse pulpit
C Acute pulpitis limited
D exacerbation of chronic pulpitis
E Acute suppurative pulpitis
3. The patient complains of '40 aching pain in the region of 46 teeth for 2 days starting.
On the surface dystalniy 46th kariozna cavity within navkolopulparnoho dentine sensing
bezbolisne bottom, vertical perkusiya positive mucosa around 46 tooth hiperemova-on.
Elektrozbudlyvist -115 mA. What is the most virohidnyy diagnosis?
A Acute Purulent periodontyt
B Acute Purulent pulpit
C Acute serous periodontyt
D Exacerbation of chronic periodontytu
E lokalizovannyy Acute periodontitis.
4. Patient complains of growing pulsating pain 37zuba. OBJECTIVE: 37 tooth - cavity
large, written in softened dentin, tooth cavity closed, probing the bottom painless,
percussion sharply painful. Tooth mobility Second Degree. Palpation in the projection
tops the roots of tooth 26 - painful. Radiological changes were detected. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A worsening of chronic periodontitis
B Acute diffuse pulpit
C Acute suppurative pulpitis
D Acute suppurative periodontitis
E Acute serous periodontitis
5. Patient 34 he complained of acute prystupopodibnyy spontaneous pain in the region of
the upper jaw on the left is exacerbated by cold pozhdraznykiv radiating to the ear and
temple. A year ago much pain 37 tooth, the doctor did not apply. 3 days ago resurfaced
pain. OBJECTIVE: in 37 deep cavity, which communicates with the cavity of the tooth.
Sounding an open area sharply painful. The X-ray of the tooth 37 in the area of the tops
of the roots determined periodontitis expansion slot. Install the diagnosis.
A worsening of chronic pulpitis
B Aggravation confirmed hranulematoznnoho periodontitis
C Aggravation confirmed fibrous periodontal
D Acute diffuse pulpit
E Acute suppurative pulpitis
6. patients complains of prolonged bouts of pain in the teeth of the lower jaw with the left
during the day. Pain radiating to the ear, neck, and increases in the use of hot and cold
food. OBJECTIVE: In 36 at-aproksymalno medial surface of deep cavities. Probing sore
around the bottom and causes pain attack. What is the most imovrinyy diagnosis?
A acute deep caries pulpitis
B Acute pulpitis Restrictions
C Acute suppurative pulpitis
D Chronic pulpitis konkrementoznyy
E Acute diffuse pulpit
7. A 32-year-old patient is complaining about a severe pain spontaneous colicky pain in
27th tooth that irradiate to the right eye and the part of temporal fossa/temple. Hes been
ill for 24 hours (day and night). The attacks of pain last for about an hour. OBJECTIVE:
on the medial surface of the 27th tooth theres a deep carious cavity within _near_pulpal
dentin. Dentin is softened, loose. During the probing the painfulness was defined around

the bottom of carious cavity. Reaction to the cold stimulant in the 27th tooth is sharply
painful. Percussion is sensitive. Make the diagnosis.
A. Acute limited pulpit
B. Sharp purulent periodontitis
C. Acute diffuse pulpit
D. Acute serosal periodontitis
E. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
8. A 32-year-old patient is complaining about discomfort in the 26th tooth. Sometimes
there is a pain while eating, more often when the food is hot. The tooth changed in color.
OBJECTIVE: the 26th-deep cavity, which is connected with the tooth cavity. The surface
probing is painless. The reaction onto the thermal stimulant is slow-growing and slowdecreasing pain. electroodontodiagnosis-75ma. Make the most likely diagnosis.
A. Acute limited pulpit
B. Chronic hypertrophic pulpit
C. Chronic fibrous pulpit
D. Exacerbation of chronic fibrous pulpit
E. Chronic gangrenous pulpit
9. A 32-year-old patient is complaining about persistent pain in the 42th tooth, which
increases when biting with that tooth, the feeling of "grown bigger" tooth, the upper lip is
swollen. In the medical history the patient notes trauma of the upper jaw. Ob-ve: the 42th
tooth is intact. Vertical percussion is sharply painful. The upper lip is swollen, transitional
fold in the section of the 42th tooth is redden, painful while palpation. What other method
of examination is necessary for diagnosis?
B. Radiography
C Reodentography
D transillumination
E thermometry.
10. A 25-year-old patient is complaining about the pain when biting with the 25th tooth,
that appeared two days ago. The pain has a constant aching character and greatly
increased in the last day. OBJECTIVE: crownwork of the 25th tooth is dimly-grey, on
the medial contact surface - deep cavities with a wide inlet, and thick pigmented walls,
which is connected with the cavity of the tooth. Percussion is sharply painful, mucous
membrane of the gums in the projection of the root apex of the 25th tooth is flushed.
Painful regional lymph node. The X-ray the focus of the bone destruction is in the
periapical area with indistinct, blurred contours. What is your diagnosis?
A chronic granulating periodontitis
B Acute serosal periodontitis
C Acute purulent periodontitis
D Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
E Acute serosal periodontitis, the phase of intoxication
1. A 28-year-old patient treats his medium caries of the 45th tooth had naked coronal
pulp. What should the doctor's tactics be?
A Perform vital pulpectomy
B Perform pulp amputation
C Apply a paste of calcium hydroxide
D Perform partially vital pulpectomy
E Apply mummifying paste

2. A patient complains about the intense spontaneous colicky pain in the region of the
lower jaw in the left. He cant specify the causal tooth. The pain practically doesnt stop,
sometimes weakens. In the last hours the pain from cold is decreasing. OBJECTIVE: in
the 37th - deep carious cavity, probing of the bottom is painful, tooth cavity is closed.
Which treatment is better from the following list?
A Tooth removal
B Method of devitalized extirpation
C Method of devitalized amputation
D Method of vital extirpation
E Method of vital amputation
3. A 22-year-old patient during the treatment of deep caries on 42th the tooth cavity was
discovered. Which method would you apply for further treatment?
A Conservative.
B Vital amputation.
C Vital extirpation
D Devitalized amputation.
E Devitalized extirpation.
4. A 35-year-old patient complains about the aching pain that periodically occurs by
ingestion of solid food in the cavity of the 17th. The pain appears after 20-30 minutes.
after removal of the stimulus. OBJECTIVE: deep carious cavity of the 17th within near
pulpal dentin. The bottom and sides are tight while probing, slight pain in a separate
section of the cavity bottom. The reaction is painful to cold stimulus. EOD-40
microamps. Make the diagnosis.
A Acute deep caries.
B Chronic fibrous pulp.
C Pulp congestion.
D Exacerbation of chronic pulpit.
E Chronic deep cavities.
5. The patient complains about prolonged throe/ colicky pain in the teeth of the lower jaw
during the day, in the left. Pain irradiates to the ear, neck, and increases in the use of hot
and cold food. OBJECTIVE: In the 36th proximal medial surface is a deep cavity.
Probing is painful around the bottom and causes pain attack. What is the most likely
A Acute purulent pulpit.
B Acute limited pulpit.
C Acute diffuse pulpit.
D Chronic concrimental pulpit.
E Acute deep caries pulpit
6. A 32-year-old patient is complaining about a severe pain spontaneous colicky pain in
27th tooth that irradiate to the right eye and the part of temporal fossa/temple. Hes been
ill for 24 hours (day and night). The attacks of pain last for about an hour. OBJECTIVE:
on the medial surface of the 27th tooth theres a deep carious cavity within _near_pulpal
dentin. Dentin is softened, loose. During the probing the painfulness was defined around
the bottom of carious cavity. Reaction to the cold stimulant in the 27th tooth is sharply
painful. Percussion is sensitive. Make the diagnosis.
A. Acute limited pulpit
B. Sharp purulent periodontitis
C. Acute diffuse pulpit
D. Acute serosal periodontitis

E. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis

7. A 32-year-old patient is complaining about discomfort in the 26th tooth. Sometimes
there is a pain while eating, more often when the food is hot. The tooth changed in color.
OBJECTIVE: the 26th-deep cavity, which is connected with the tooth cavity. The surface
probing is painless. The reaction onto the thermal stimulant is slow-growing and slowdecreasing pain. electroodontodiagnosis-75ma. Make the most likely diagnosis.
A. Acute limited pulpit
B. Chronic hypertrophic pulpit
C. Chronic fibrous pulpit
D. Exacerbation of chronic fibrous pulpit
E. Chronic gangrenous pulpit
8. A 32-year-old patient is complaining about persistent pain in the 42th tooth, which
increases when biting with that tooth, the feeling of "grown bigger" tooth, the upper lip is
swollen. In the medical history the patient notes trauma of the upper jaw. Ob-ve: the 42th
tooth is intact. Vertical percussion is sharply painful. The upper lip is swollen, transitional
fold in the section of the 42th tooth is redden, painful while palpation. What other method
of examination is necessary for diagnosis?
B. Radiography
C Reodentography
D transillumination
E thermometry.
9. A 25-year-old patient is complaining about the pain when biting with the 25th tooth,
that appeared two days ago. The pain has a constant aching character and greatly
increased in the last day. OBJECTIVE: crownwork of the 25th tooth is dimly-grey, on
the medial contact surface - deep cavities with a wide inlet, and thick pigmented walls,
which is connected with the cavity of the tooth. Percussion is sharply painful, mucous
membrane of the gums in the projection of the root apex of the 25th tooth is flushed.
Painful regional lymph node. The X-ray the focus of the bone destruction is in the
periapical area with indistinct, blurred contours. What is your diagnosis?
A chronic granulating periodontitis
B Acute serosal periodontitis
C Acute purulent periodontitis
D Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
E Acute serosal periodontitis, the phase of intoxication
10. A patient is complaining about the acute spontaneous colicky pain in the tooth in the
upper jaw on the left, which lasts for 30-40 minutes, occurs 3-5 times a day, mainly at
night, increases from thermal and mechanical stimulant. Pain irradiates to the ear and the
temple. OBJECTIVE: the 28th has cavities that are not connected with the cavity of the
tooth, the dentin is soft, probing causes a sharp pain across the bottom of the cavity.
Percussion, palpation of the mucosa painless. Define diagnosis.
A. Acute limited pulpit
B Acute diffuse pulpit
C Exacerbation of chronic pulpit
D Acute serosal periodontitis
E Acute purulent pulpit
1. Patient, 48 years old, complained of discomfort, intermittent feeling of fullness in 17

tooth, sometimes have pain when consuming hot food that lasts 10-20 minutes.
OBJECTIVE: 17 tooth sealed composite material, the color of the tooth slightly darker
from neighbors. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A chronic gangrenous pulpitis
B chronic granulating periodontitis
C Chronic pulpitis konkrementoznyy
D recurrent caries
E Chronic fibrous pulp
2. To the dentist asked the patient complained of pain in the tooth on the lower jaw that
dinner was triggered hot food. Pain attack lasted 20 minutes. objectively: in 46 deep
cavity filled with softened dentin and remnants of food. Pulp chamber closed loop
defined painful sounding. Termoproba causes pain with aftereffect. Choose the most
likely diagnosis.
A congestion of the pulp
B acute deep caries 46
C Chronic caries 46
D Acute focal pulpitis 36
E fibrotic chronic periodontitis 46
3. The patient was 20 years in the treatment of deep caries tooth 17 accident opened pulp
horn. What tactics doctor?
A conduct of anesthesia and pulp extirpation
B Apply devitalizuyuchu paste
C Apply the paste mumifikuyuchu
D Apply a paste containing calcium hydroxide
E Hold anesthesia and amputation of the pulp
4. K. Patient complains of aching pain in the tooth on the lower jaw on the left, increasing
the thermal, mechanical and chemical stimuli and gradually subsides after removal of the
stimulus. Nagging pain occurs when the temperature of the environment. Several months
ago, the pain was willful. OBJECTIVE: In 36 deep cavities that are not connected with
the cavity of the tooth. Probing beneath the slightly painful. Percussion
painless. Mucosa in the projection of the root apex unchanged palpation painless.
Termodiahnostyka painful, the pain disappears slowly .. Renthendiahnostyka periodontitis expansion slot in the top area of roots 36. Put diagnosis.
A chronic fibrous pulpitis
B Chronic pulpitis konkrementoznyy
C Chronic deep curry
D Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
E Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
5. Patient A., 25 years old, appealed with complaints darkening crowns the 11 th and 21
th teeth. About a year ago the patient received a sports injury. OBJECTIVE: Crown 11-th
and 21-th tooth dark gray, intact, with percussion painless. Mucosa alveolar process is not
changed. On radiographs in the area of the tops of the roots revealed destruction of bone,
round shape size 0.5 mm in diameter with clear boundaries. Assign treatment.
A Root canal filling
B Electrophoresis with antiseptics
C Tooth
D Antibiotic
E Teeth Whitening

6. A 19-year-old patient complains about persistent pain in the 22th tooth, which
increases with biting on the tooth, has a feeling of "grown bigger" tooth, the upper lip is
swollen. In the medical history the patient notes trauma of the upper jaw. Ob-no: 22th
tooth is intact. Vertical percussion is sharply painful. Upper lip is swollen, Transitional
fold in the area of the 22th tooth is redden, painful while palpation. What other method of
examination is necessary for diagnosis?
B Radiography
C Reodentography
D transillumination
E Thermometry.
7. A 28-year-old patient complains about constant localized pain that increases with
biting. OBJECTIVE: in 46th theres a deep tooth cavity, which connects with the cavity
of the tooth. When probing the bottom cavity pain is absent, percussion is painful, theres
an enlargement on radiographs of periodontal gap. Diagnosis:
A Worsening of chronic periodontitis
B Exacerbation of chronic pulpit
C Acute purulent periodontitis
D Acute diffuse pulpit
E Acute serous periodontitis
8. The patient was in '45, diagnosed chronic fibrous pulpitis 44. Conducted preparation,
extirpation of pulp, mechanical and drug processing channels. How to conduct rootcanal?
A tip for
B to radiologic top
C to physiological apex
D to the anatomical apex
E ---9. Patsiyentt 62r., Appealed with complaints of pain attacks unprincipled limitations 5-7
minutes in 46protyahom day. OBJECTIVE: in 46 deep cavities on the chewing surface.
Probing painful at one point. The test of the cold painful and lasts 10 minutes after
removal of the stimulus, percussion painless. The patient is in the cardiology department
at the treatment of myocardial infarction. Which treatments most appropriate in this
A devitalized amputation
B Biology
C Greeting extirpation
D Greeting amputation
10. Patient K., 52 years, complains of periodic appearance of fistula on the gums in the
area of 35. Tooth treated 1.5 years ago about tooth decay. OBJECTIVE: 35 seal. In the
projection of the root apex fistula, while pressing secreted purulent exudate. Percussion
tooth painless. On radiographs root canal is sealed near the top of the root cell destruction
with indistinct outlines. Diagnose.
A chronic fibrotic periodontitis.
B exacerbation of chronic periodontitis hranulyuchoho.
C hranulyuchyy Chronic periodontitis.
D radikulyarni cyst.
E Chronic granulomatous periodontitis.

1. A patient aged 34 years appealed to the dental clinic. He shows a remove operation 38
tooth. Available inflammatory contracture of the second degree (mouth opens at 1 cm).
Select peripheral anesthesia that should be used for removal of teeth in this situation:
A. Anesthesia for Bershe Dubovym
B. Mandybulyar intraoral anesthesia way
C. Torusal anesthesia
D. Extra oral mandybulyar anesthesia for maxillo way
E. Extra oral anesthesia submandibular way.
2. Patient aged '56 addressed the dental clinic. He shows extraction operation 22 tooth.
In the projection 21, 22, 23 teeth periosteal abscess, transient wrinkle smoothed. What is
peripheral conduction anesthesia is optimal:
A. Infraorbital intraoral anesthesia method and palatynal anesthesia
B. Infraorbital intraoral anesthesia method and incisive anesthesia
C. Infraorbital anesthesia extra oral method and incisive anesthesia
D. Pleksual anesthesia in the projection 22 and incisal tooth anesthesia
E. Pleksual anesthesia in tooth projection 22 and palatynalna anesthesia
3. During tuberal anesthesia, the patient became hematoma. What most likely reason for
its occurrence:
A. Damage maxillary vein
B. Damage to the rear of the upper collar veins and arteries
C. Damage maxillary artery
D. Damage to the internal carotid artery
E. Damage pterygopalatine plexus
4. Patients underwent anesthesia around incisal opening intraoral method. When
removing the needle from the soft tissue bleeding occurred. What can be done to stop the
A. place face down with your finger withdrawal needle
B. Enter a 5% solution of aminocaproic acid
C. Enter intramuscularly 0.1% solution via
D. finger pinched external carotid artery
E. Enter intramuscularly 0.1% solution vikasol.
5. Patients with acute suppurative periostitis of the mandible is necessary to periostotomy
in section 36 of the tooth. Open mouth free. Determine method anesthesia, which should
apply in this case:
A. Anesthesia for Bershe
B. Mental anesthesia
C. Mandybulyar anesthesia
D. infiltration anesthesia
E. Torusal anesthesia.
6. Patients showed removal of 11, 21, 22 teeth and periostotomy collar bone in the area of
11, 21, 22 teeth. What kind of anesthesia is indicated:
A. Bilateral infraorbital anesthesia
B. Bilateral infraorbital Anesthesia and incisal anesthesia
C. Bilateral tuberal anesthesia
D. Bilateral infraorbital and tuberal anesthesia
E. infiltrative anesthesia and incisive.
7. Select anesthesia, which is used to remove the 26 tooth:

A. Tuberal and palatynal

B. Infraorbital and palatynal
C. Palatynal and incisive
D. Infraorbital and ncisive
E. Tuberal and incisive
8. What is the most effective conduction anesthesia to remove 36 teeth:
A. For Bershe
B. Mental and Jaw
C. Mandybulyar and lingual
D. Torusal
E. Anesthesia around circular hole
9.What drugs used for classic:
A. thiopental sodium and suprastin
B. chlorpromazine and droperidol
C. omnopon and chlorpromazine
D. Diazepam and pipolfen
E. Fentanyl with droperidolom
10. Patients aged 32 years appealed to the dentist complaining of persistent pain in 15
tooth. The doctor examined the patient, made a diagnosis of exacerbation of chronic
periodontitis 15 tooth. Select the required anesthesia to remove 15 teeth:
A. infiltration anesthesia around a 15 tooth
B. Tuberal, palatynal anesthesia
C. Tuberal, palatynal and infraorbital anesthesia
D. Tuberal, pleksual anesthesia
E. Pleksual, incisive anesthesia
1.1 min. after tuberal anesthesia (4 ml. 2% solution of novocaine) regarding removal of
tooth 17 patient began to complain of shortness of breath. During the inspection found
that the upper and lower lips and oral mucosa swollen, hyperemic sharply. What
complication arose in this patient:
A. Intoxication anesthetic
B. Angioedema
C. Collapse
D. Coma
E. Anaphylaxis
2. General patient's condition began to deteriorate rapidly after infraorbital anesthesia
(ultrakain 4% 08 - 1.0), were dizziness and ringing in the ears, chest compression, pale
skin, cold sweat. Expressed tachycardia, pulse weak filling. Blood pressure is lowered.
What complications can be suspected in a patient:
A. Seizures
B. Anaphylaxis
C. Tuberal, pleksual anesthesia
D. Angioedema
3.Patient N., aged 45, after suffering flu suddenly sore 36 tooth crown which was
destroyed became tissue swelling near mandibular and maxillas areas, increased body
temperature to 38 C. In the following days listed signs grew, began moving 34,35,36,37
teeth with gingival pockets secreted purulent exudate, deteriorated health. Ask a
preliminary diagnosis. What research is necessary to determine for diagnosis?

. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis limited left

B. Erysipelas face
C. Hemangioma face
D. Acute lymphadenitis
4. Patient complains unauthorized pain in the region of 16 tooth tissue swelling of the
right buccal area, discharge of pus from the right nasal passage, headache, fever. Ask a
preliminary diagnosis.
A. Acute suppurative odontogenic sinusitis case
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. Pulpitis 16 tooth
D. Acute osteomyelitis
5. In the newborn, according to the pediatrician, a disease on the part of the internal
organs were found. However, the child is restless, not sleeping, crying, poor eating, body
temperature is 38-39 C . ESR - 30 mm. There is barely noticeable smoothing and
congestion in the area of transition convolution maxillary right. Your tactics?
A. An- inflammatory therapy
B. Observation pediatrician
C. Hormone
D. X-ray diagnostics.
6. A patient aged 34 years appealed to the dental clinic. He shows a remove operation 38
tooth. Available inflammatory contracture of the second degree (mouth opens at 1 cm).
Select peripheral anesthesia that should be used for removal of teeth in this
A. Anesthesia for Bershe Dudovym
B. Mandybulyar intraoral anesthesia way
C. Torusal anesthesia
D. Not oral mandybulyar anesthesia for maxillo way
E. Not oral anesthesia submandibular way.
7. Patient aged '56 addressed the dental clinic. He shows a extraction operation 22 tooth.
In the projection 21, 22, 23 teeth periosteal abscess, transient wrinkle smoothed. What is
peripheral conduction anesthesia is optimal:
A. Infraorbital intraoral anesthesia method and palatynal anesthesia
B. Infraorbital intraoral anesthesia method and incisive anesthesia
C. Infraorbital anesthesiapozarotovym method and incisive anesthesia
D. Pleksual anesthesia in the projection 22 and incisal tooth anesthesia
E. Pleksual anesthesia in tooth projection 22 and palatynalna anesthesia
8. During tuberal anesthesia, the patient became hematoma. What most likely reason for
its occurrence:
A. Damage maxillary vein
B. Damage to the rear of the upper collar veins and arteries
C. Damage maxillary artery
D. Damage to the internal carotid artery
E. Damage pterygopalatine plexus
9. Patients underwent anesthesia around incisal opening intraoral method. When
removing the needle from the soft tissue bleeding occurred. What can be done to stop the
A. place face down with your finger withdrawal needle
B. Enter a 5% solution of aminocaproic acid
C. Enter intramuscularly 0.1% solution via

D. finger pinched external carotid artery

E. Enter intramuscularly 0.1% solution vikasol.
10. Patients with acute suppurative periostitis of the mandible is necessary to
periostotomy in section 36 of the tooth. Open mouth free. Determine method of
anesthesia, which should apply in this case:
A. Anesthesia for Bershe
B. Mental anesthesia
C. Mandybulyar anesthesia
D. infiltration anesthesia
E. Torusal anesthesia.
1. During tuberal anesthesia, the patient became hematoma. What most likely reason for
its occurrence:
A. Damage maxillary vein
B. Damage to the rear of the upper collar veins and arteries
C. Damage maxillary artery
D. Damage to the internal carotid artery
E. Damage pterygopalatine plexus
2. Patients underwent anesthesia around incisal opening intraoral method. When
removing the needle from the soft tissue bleeding occurred. What can be done to stop the
A. place face down with your finger withdrawal needle
B. Enter a 5% solution of aminocaproic acid
C. Enter intramuscularly 0.1% solution via
D. finger pinched external carotid artery
E. Enter intramuscularly 0.1% solution vikasol.
3. Patients with acute suppurative periostitis of the mandible is necessary to periostotomy
in section 36 of the tooth. Open mouth free. Determine methodan esthesia, which should
apply in this case:
A. Anesthesia for Bershe
B. Mental anesthesia
C. Mandybulyar anesthesia
D. infiltration anesthesia
E. Torusal anesthesia.
4. Patients showed removal of 11, 21, 22 teeth and periostotomy collar bone in the area of
11, 21, 22 teeth. What kind of anesthesia is indicated:
A. Bilateral infraorbital anesthesia
B. Bilateral infraorbital Anesthesia and incisal anesthesia
C. Bilateral tuberal anesthesia
D. Bilateral infraorbital and tuberal anesthesia
E. infiltrative anesthesia and incisive.
5. Select anesthesia, which is used to remove the 26 tooth:
A. Tuberal and palatynal
B. Infraorbital and palatynal
C. Palatynal and incisive
D. Infraorbital and ncisive
E. Tuberal and incisive
6.1 min. after tuberal anesthesia (4 ml. 2% solution of novocaine) regarding removal of
tooth 17 patient began to complain of shortness of breath. During the inspection found

that the upper and lower lips and oral mucosa swollen, hyperemic sharply. What
complication arose in this patient:
A. Intoxication anesthetic
B. Angioedema
C. Collapse
D. Coma
E. Anaphylaxis
7.General patient's condition began to deteriorate rapidly after infraorbital anesthesia
(ultrakain 4% 08 - 1.0), were dizziness and ringing in the ears, chest compression, pale
skin, cold sweat. Expressed tachycardia, pulse weak filling. Blood pressure is lowered.
What complications can be suspected in a patient:
A. Seizures
B. Anaphylaxis
C. Tuberal, pleksual anesthesia
D. Angioedema
8.Patient N., aged 45, after suffering flu suddenly sore 36 tooth crown which was
destroyed became tissue swelling near mandibular and maxillas areas, increased body
temperature to 38 C. In the following days listed signs grew, began moving 34,35,36,37
teeth with gingival pockets secreted purulent exudate, deteriorated health. Ask a
preliminary diagnosis. What research is necessary to determine for diagnosis?
. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis limited left
B. Erysipelas face
C. Hemangioma face
D. Acute lymphadenitis
9. Patient complains unauthorized pain in the region of 16 tooth tissue swelling of the
right buccal area, discharge of pus from the right nasal passage, headache, fever. Ask a
preliminary diagnosis.
A. Acute suppurative odontogenic sinusitis case
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. Pulpitis 16 tooth
D. Acute osteomyelitis
10. In the newborn, according to the pediatrician, a disease on the part of the internal
organs were found. However, the child is restless, not sleeping, crying, poor eating, body
temperature is 38-39 C . ESR - 30 mm. There is barely noticeable smoothing and
congestion in the area of transition convolution maxillary right. Your tactics?
A. An- inflammatory therapy
B. Observation pediatrician
C. Hormone
D. X-ray diagnostics.

1. A patient aged 34 years appealed to the dental clinic. He shows a remove operation 38
tooth. Available inflammatory contracture of the second degree (mouth opens at 1 cm).
Select peripheral anesthesia that should be used for removal of teeth in this situation:
A. Anesthesia for Bershe Dubov
B. Mandybulyar intraoral anesthesia way
C. Torusal anesthesia
D. Extra oral mandybulyar anesthesia for maxillo way
E. Extra oral anesthesia submandibular way.

2. Patient aged '56 addressed the dental clinic. He shows a extraction operation 22 tooth.
In the projection 21, 22, 23 teeth periosteal abscess, transient wrinkle smoothed. What is
peripheral conduction anesthesia is optimal:
A. Infraorbital intraoral anesthesia method and palatynal anesthesia
B. Infraorbital intraoral anesthesia method and incisive anesthesia
C. Infraorbital anesthesia extra oral method and incisive anesthesia
D. Pleksual anesthesia in the projection 22 and incisal tooth anesthesia
E. Pleksual anesthesia in tooth projection 22 and palatinal anesthesia
3. During tuberal anesthesia, the patient became hematoma. What most likely reason for
its occurrence:
A. Damage maxillary vein
B. Damage to the rear of the upper collar veins and arteries
C. Damage maxillary artery
D. Damage to the internal carotid artery
E. Damage pterygopalatine plexus
4. Patients underwent anesthesia around incisal opening intraoral method. When
removing the needle from the soft tissue bleeding occurred. What can be done to stop the
A. place face down with your finger withdrawal needle
B. Enter a 5% solution of aminocaproic acid
C. Enter intramuscularly 0.1% solution via
D. finger pinched external carotid artery
E. Enter intramuscularly 0.1% solution vikasol.
5. Patients with acute suppurative periostitis of the mandible is necessary to periostotomy
in section 36 of the tooth. Open mouth free. Determine method anesthesia, which should
apply in this case:
A. Anesthesia for Bershe
B. Mental anesthesia
C. Mandybulyar anesthesia
D. infiltration anesthesia
E. Torusal anesthesia.
6.1 min. after tuberal anesthesia (4 ml. 2% solution of novocaine) regarding removal of
tooth 17 patient began to complain of shortness of breath. During the inspection found
that the upper and lower lips and oral mucosa swollen, hyperemic sharply. What
complication arose in this patient:
A. Intoxication anesthetic
B. Angioedema
C. Collapse
D. Coma
E. Anaphylaxis
7.General patient's condition began to deteriorate rapidly after infraorbital anesthesia
(ultrakain 4% 08 - 1.0), were dizziness and ringing in the ears, chest compression, pale
skin, cold sweat. Expressed tachycardia, pulse weak filling. Blood pressure is lowered.
What complications can be suspected in a patient:
A. Seizures
B. Anaphylaxis
C. Tuberal, pleksual anesthesia
D. Angioedema

8.Patient N., aged 45, after suffering flu suddenly sore 36 tooth crown which was
destroyed became tissue swelling near mandibular and maxillas areas, increased body
temperature to 38 C. In the following days listed signs grew, began moving 34,35,36,37
teeth with gingival pockets secreted purulent exudate, deteriorated health. Ask a
preliminary diagnosis. What research is necessary to determine for diagnosis?
. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis limited left
B. Erysipelas face
C. Hemangioma face
D. Acute lymphadenitis
9. Patient complains unauthorized pain in the region of 16 tooth tissue swelling of the
right buccal area, discharge of pus from the right nasal passage, headache, fever. Ask a
preliminary diagnosis.
A. Acute suppurative odontogenic sinusitis case
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. Pulpitis 16 tooth
D. Acute osteomyelitis
10. In the newborn, according to the pediatrician, a disease on the part of the internal
organs were found. However, the child is restless, not sleeping, crying, poor eating, body
temperature is 38-39 C . ESR - 30 mm. There is barely noticeable smoothing and
congestion in the area of transition convolution maxillary right. Your tactics?
A. An- inflammatory therapy
B. Observation pediatrician
C. Hormone
D. X-ray diagnostics.

1. Patients showed removal of 11, 21, 22 teeth and periostotomy collar bone in the area of
11, 21, 22 teeth. What kind of anesthesia is indicated:
A. Bilateral infraorbital anesthesia
B. Bilateral infraorbital Anesthesia and incisal anesthesia
C. Bilateral tuberal anesthesia
D. Bilateral infraorbital and tuberal anesthesia
E. infiltrative anesthesia and incisive.
2. Select anesthesia, which is used to remove the 26 tooth:
A. Tuberal and palatynal
B. Infraorbital and palatynal
C. Palatynal and incisive
D. Infraorbital and ncisive
E. Tuberal and incisive
3. What is the most effective conduction anesthesia to remove 36 teeth:
A. For Bershe
B. Mental and Jaw
C. Mandybulyar and lingual
D. Torusal
E. Anesthesia around circular hole
4.What drugs used for classic:

A. thiopental sodium and suprastin

B. chlorpromazine and droperidol
C. omnopon and chlorpromazine
D. Diazepam and pipolfen
E. Fentanyl with droperidolom
5. Patients aged 32 years appealed to the dentist complaining of persistent pain in 15
tooth. The doctor examined the patient, made a diagnosis of exacerbation of chronic
periodontitis 15 tooth. Select the required anesthesia to remove 15 teeth:
A. infiltration anesthesia around a 15 tooth
B. Tuberal, palatynal anesthesia
C. Tuberal, palatynal and infraorbital anesthesia
D. Tuberal, pleksual anesthesia
E. Pleksual, incisive anesthesia
6. 1 min. after tuberal anesthesia (4 ml. 2% solution of novocaine) regarding removal of
tooth 17 patient began to complain of shortness of breath. During the inspection found
that the upper and lower lips and oral mucosa swollen, hyperemic sharply. What
complication arose in this patient:
A. Intoxication anesthetic
B. Angioedema
C. Collapse
D. Coma
E. Anaphylaxis
7. General patient's condition began to deteriorate rapidly after infraorbital anesthesia
(ultrakain 4% 08 - 1.0), were dizziness and ringing in the ears, chest compression, pale
skin, cold sweat. Expressed tachycardia, pulse weak filling. Blood pressure is lowered.
What complications can be suspected in a patient:
A. Seizures
B. Anaphylaxis
C. Tuberal, pleksual anesthesia
D. Angioedema
8.Patient N., aged 45, after suffering flu suddenly sore 36 tooth crown which was
destroyed became tissue swelling near mandibular and maxillas areas, increased body
temperature to 38 C. In the following days listed signs grew, began moving 34,35,36,37
teeth with gingival pockets secreted purulent exudate, deteriorated health. Ask a
preliminary diagnosis. What research is necessary to determine for diagnosis?
. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis limited left
B. Erysipelas face
C. Hemangioma face
D. Acute lymphadenitis
9. Patient complains unauthorized pain in the region of 16 tooth tissue swelling of the
right buccal area, discharge of pus from the right nasal passage, headache, fever. Ask a
preliminary diagnosis.
A. Acute suppurativeodontogenic sinusitis case
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. Pulpitis 16 tooth
D. Acute osteomyelitis
10. In the newborn, according to the pediatrician, a disease on the part of the internal
organs were found. However, the child is restless, not sleeping, crying, poor eating, body

temperature is 38-39 C . ESR - 30 mm. There is barely noticeable smoothing and

congestion in the area of transition convolution maxillary right. Your tactics?
A. An- inflammatory therapy
B. Observation pediatrician
C. Hormone
D. X-ray diagnostics.

TOPIC 6: Benign and malignant tumors of maxillofacial area.

control source of knowledge
1.Inner bone fibroma treated by:
A. curettage;
B. resection of the jaw;
C. Radiotherapy
2. Developing odontoma:
A. slowly and painlessly;
B. A slow but painful;
C. quick and painless;
D.quick and painful;
3. Monomorfic adenoma consists of:
A. glandular tissue;
B. mesenchyme structures;
C. glandular tissue and mesenchyme structures.
4.Mayodontoma become infected and fester?
A) can not;
B) can injury your teeth with antagonists;
C) may, if the patient was sick with cold.
5. When odontoma on X-ray of the mandible observed following symptoms:
A) thinning of bone tissue with areas of compaction;
B) homogeneous shadow of some form of enlightenment stripe on its periphery;
C) homogeneous shadow of some form of enlightenment without stripes on its periphery.
6.X-ray jaw intraosseous fibroma is:
A. homogeneous thinning of bone tissue;
B. seals bone (the density resembles tooth);
C. seals bone (the density resembles bone);
7. Myxoma - a tumor that:
A. metastasizes frequently;
B. metastasizes rarely;
C. is not metastasizing.
8. Surgical treatment mix is:
A. ekskohliation tumors;
B. of curettage;
C. jaw resection

9.May contain adenolimfoma cystic cavity?

A) does not contain;
B) contain, but rarely;
D) must contain.
10. Odontoma consists of:
A. epithelial component;
B. mesenchymal component;
C. epithelial and mesenchymal components.
1. What is the source of relapse odontoma?
A) not removed part odontoma;
B) not removed capsule.
2. Monomorfic adenoma consists of:
A. glandular tissue;
B. mesenchyme structures;
C. glandular tissue and mesenchyme structures.
3.Mayodontoma become infected and fester?
A) can not;
B) can injury your teeth with antagonists;
C) may, if the patient was sick with cold.
4. When odontoma on X-ray of the mandible observed following symptoms:
A) thinning of bone tissue with areas of compaction;
B) homogeneous shadow of some form of enlightenment stripe on its periphery;
C) homogeneous shadow of some form of enlightenment without stripes on its periphery.
5.X-ray jaw intraosseous fibroma is:
A. homogeneous thinning of bone tissue;
B. seals bone (the density resembles tooth);
C. seals bone (the density resembles bone);
6. Myxoma - a tumor that:
A. metastasizes frequently;
B. metastasizes rarely;
C. is not metastasizing.
7. Surgical treatment mix is:
A. ekskohliation tumors;
B. of curettage;
C. jaw resection
8.May contain adenolimfoma cystic cavity?
A) does not contain;
B) contain, but rarely;
D) must contain.
9. Odontoma consists of:
A. epithelial component;
B. mesenchymal component;
C. epithelial and mesenchymal components

10.Inner bone fibroma treated by:

A. curettage;
B. resection of the jaw;
C. Radiotherapy
1. Myxoma - a tumor that:
A. metastasizes frequently;
B. metastasizes rarely;
C. is not metastasizing.
2. Surgical treatment mix is:
A. ekskohliation tumors;
B. of curettage;
C. jaw resection
3.May contain adenolimfoma cystic cavity?
A) does not contain;
B) contain, but rarely;
D) must contain.
4. Odontoma consists of:
A. epithelial component;
B. mesenchymal component;
C. epithelial and mesenchymal components
5.Inner bone fibroma treated by:
A. curettage;
B. resection of the jaw;
C. Radiotherapy
6. What is the source of relapse odontoma?
A) not removed part odontoma;
B) not removed capsule.
7. Monomorfic adenoma consists of:
A. glandular tissue;
B. mesenchyme structures;
C. glandular tissue and mesenchyme structures.
8.Mayodontoma become infected and fester?
A) can not;
B) can injury your teeth with antagonists;
C) may, if the patient was sick with cold.
9. When odontoma on X-ray of the mandible observed following symptoms:
A) thinning of bone tissue with areas of compaction;
B) homogeneous shadow of some form of enlightenment stripe on its periphery;
C) homogeneous shadow of some form of enlightenment without stripes on its periphery.
10.X-ray jaw intraosseous fibroma is:
A. homogeneous thinning of bone tissue;
B. seals bone (the density resembles tooth);

C. seals bone (the density resembles bone);

1. Monomorfic adenoma consists of:
A. glandular tissue;
B. mesenchyme structures;
C. glandular tissue and mesenchyme structures.
2.Inner bone fibroma treated by:
A. curettage;
B. resection of the jaw;
C. Radiotherapy
3. Developing odontoma:
A. slowly and painlessly;
B. A slow but painful;
C. quickand painless;
D.quick and painful;
4. When odontoma on X-ray of the mandible observed following symptoms:
A) thinning of bone tissue with areas of compaction;
B) homogeneous shadow of some form of enlightenment stripe on its periphery;
C) homogeneous shadow of some form of enlightenment without stripes on its periphery.
5.X-ray jaw intraosseous fibroma is:
A. homogeneous thinning of bone tissue;
B. seals bone (the density resembles tooth);
C. seals bone (the density resembles bone);
6. Myxoma - a tumor that:
A. metastasizes frequently;
B. metastasizes rarely;
C. is not metastasizing.
7. Surgical treatment mix is:
A. ekskohliation tumors;
B. of curettage;
8.Mayodontoma become infected and fester?
A) can not;
B) can injury your teeth with antagonists;
C) may, if the patient was sick with cold.
9.May contain adenolimfoma cystic cavity?
A) does not contain;
B) contain, but rarely;
D) must contain.
10. Odontoma consists of:
A. epithelial component;
B. mesenchymal component;
C. epithelial and mesenchymal components.

1. Developing odontoma:
A. slowly and painlessly;
B. A slow but painful;
C. quickand painless;
D.quick and painful;
2. Monomorfic adenoma consists of:
A. glandular tissue;
B. mesenchyme structures;
C. glandular tissue and mesenchyme structures.
3.Mayodontoma become infected and fester?
A) can not;
B) can injury your teeth with antagonists;
C) may, if the patient was sick with cold.
4. When odontoma on X-ray of the mandible observed following symptoms:
A) thinning of bone tissue with areas of compaction;
B) homogeneous shadow of some form of enlightenment stripe on its periphery;
C) homogeneous shadow of some form of enlightenment without stripes on its periphery.
5.X-ray jaw intraosseous fibroma is:
A. homogeneous thinning of bone tissue;
B. seals bone (the density resembles tooth);
C. seals bone (the density resembles bone);
6. Myxoma - a tumor that:
A. metastasizes frequently;
B. metastasizes rarely;
C. is not metastasizing.
7. Surgical treatment mix is:
A. ekskohliation tumors;
B. of curettage;
C. jaw resection
8.May contain adenolimfoma cystic cavity?
A) does not contain;
B) contain, but rarely;
D) must contain.
9. Odontoma consists of:
A. epithelial component;
B. mesenchymal component;
C. epithelial and mesenchymal components.
10.Inner bone fibroma treated by:
A. curettage;
B. resection of the jaw;
C. Radiotherapy
Content module 1
"Dental disease of childhood"

Topic1. Organization of dental care in Ukraine.Milestones

temporary and permanent teeth.
Terms and physiological signs of teething. Dentoalveolar
abnormalities and deformities.
Congenital malformations of the teeth.
Dental temporary and permanent teeth in children: Causes of
development, basic clinical
signs, treatment guidelines.
Input knowledge.
1. According to the sanitary-hygienic standards, an area in dental office
for one dental chair should
be not less than:
A. 14 m2;
B. 7 m2;
C. 21m2;
D. 5 m2;
E. 18 m2.
2. What equipment is installed in a dental office:
A. Autoclave;
B. Surgical table;
C. Ceramic oven;
D. Stomatological unit;
E. There is no correct answer?
3. According to the sanitary-hygienic requirements the floor in dental
office should be:
A. covered by oak parquet;
B. covered by ceramic tiles;
. covered by wooden flooring;
D. covered by carpet;
E. There is no correct answer.
4. Light coefficient (the ratio of glazed surface of windows to the floor
area) in dental office should
A. 1:4 -1:5;
B. 1:2-1:3;
C. 1:8-1:10;
D. 1:12-1:14;
E. 1:6-1:8.
5. What is the power amplitude of the light source at the dental unit:
A. 800-1000 lux;
B.1000-2000 lux;
C. 3000-4000 lux;
D. 5000-8000 lux;
E. 100-120 lux.
6. According to the sanitary-hygienic standards the walls in dental
office should be covered:
A. By textile wallpaper;
B. By lime whitewash;
C. By chalk whitewash;
D. By water-emulsion paints;
E. There is no correct answer.
7. According to the sanitary-hygienic requirements the floor in dental
office should be:

A. There is no correct answer;

B. Covered by oak parquet;
C. covered by wooden flooring;
D. covered by carpet;
E. overed by linoleum.
8. What is diagnostic equipment in the dental surgery:
A. Light curing lamp;
B. Amalgam-mixer;
C. Compressor;
D. Scalar;
E. Radiovisiograph?
9. What equipment is essential when working with amalgam:
A. Amalgam-mixer;
B. EOD-diagnose;
C. Voltmeter;
D. Light curing lamp;
E. Diatermocoagulator.
10. What equipment is used when working with light curing materials:
C.Light curing lamp;
D.Quartz lamp;
E.Solux lamp?
Content module 1
"Dental disease of childhood"
Topic1. Organization of dental care in Ukraine.Milestones
temporary and permanent teeth.
Terms and physiological signs of teething. Dentoalveolar
abnormalities and deformities.
Congenital malformations of the teeth.
Dental temporary and permanent teeth in children: Causes of
development, basic clinical
signs, treatment guidelines.
Input knowledge.
1. What speed is recommended for dentine preparation in primary
A. 200000-300000 rotation/min;
B. 150000-200000 rot/min;
C. 4000-5000rot/min;
D. 60000-70000rot/min;
E. 80000-90000rot/min?
2. What instrument is used for cavity restoration:
A. Condenser;
B. Mirror;
C. Amalgamtrager;
D. Excavator;
E. Probe?
3. What is the rasp instrument used for:
A. Dentines necrotomy;
B. Apex instrumentation;
C. Root canal obturation;
D. Pulp extirpation;
E. Excess of the tooth cavity?

4. What are endodontic instruments are used for:

A. Cavity preparation;
B. Dentines necrotomy;
C. Root canals instrumentation;
D. Cavity restoration;
E. Excess of the caries cavity?
5. What instruments are used for elimination of dental calculus:
A. Spatula;
B. Hugs;
C. Probe;
D. Burs;
E. Tweezers?
6. What instruments are used for diagnosis of dental caries:
A. Quartz lamp;
B. Amagamtreger;
C. Light curing lamp;
D. Diatermocoagulator;
E. Amalgam-mixer?
7. What instruments are used for dental examination:
A. Mirror, probe, tweezers;
B. Condenser, mirror, excavator;
C. Probe, tweezers, elevator;
D. Condenser, mirror, probe;
E. Mirror, probe, excavator?
8. What bur is recommended for dentine preparation by treatment of
dental caries in primary teeth:
A. Small fissure;
B. Big fissure;
C. Straight cone bur;
D. Small round bur;
E. Big round bur.
9. What instruments are used for caries diagnosis:
A. EOD-instrument;
B. Voltmeter;
C. Ommetr;
D. Diatermocoagulator;
E. Amalgam-mixer?
10. What equipment is used when working with light curing materials:
A. Laser;
B. Amalgam-mixer;
C. Light curing lamp;
D. Quartz lamp;
E. Solux lamp?
Content module 1
"Dental disease of childhood"
Topic1. Organization of dental care in Ukraine.Milestones
temporary and permanent teeth.
Terms and physiological signs of teething. Dentoalveolar
abnormalities and deformities.
Congenital malformations of the teeth.
Dental temporary and permanent teeth in children: Causes of
development, basic clinical
signs, treatment guidelines.
Input knowledge.

1. What instrument is used for elimination of dental calculus:
A. Condenser;
B. Amalgamtreger;
C. Probe;
D. Fissure bur;
E. Scalier.
2. What instrument is used for diagnosis:
A. Mirror;
B. Condenser;
C. Burnisher;
D. Amalgamtreger;
E. Scalar.
3. What instrument is used for examination:
A. Amalgamtreger;
B. Rasp;
C. Elevator;
D. Condenser;
E. Tweezers?
4. What instrument is used for mixing of therapeutical linings and
filling materials:
A. Excavator;
B. Spatula;
C. Probe;
D. Condenser;
E. Burnisher?
5. What is recommended speed for enamel preparation:
A. 200000-200000 rot/min;
B. 20000-30000 rot/min;
C. 40000-50000 rot/min;
D. 60000-70000 rot/min;
E. 80000-90000 rot/min?
6. What bur is used for dentine preparation in treatment of dental
A. Small sizes;
B. Big sizes;
C. Straight fissures;
D. Straight cone;
E. There is no correct answer?
7. What is endodontic handpiece used for:
A. For enamel preparation;
B. For laboratory tasks;
C. For condensing amalgam;
D. Root canal instrumentation;
E. Ultrasound prepation?
8. What instruments are used for elimination of soft dental deposits:
C.Sodium-stream apparatus;
D.Fissure bur;
9. What is the power amplitude of the light source at the dental unit :
A. 800-1000 lux;
B. 1000-2000 lux;

C. 3000-4000 lux;
D. 5000-8000 lux;
E. 100-120 lux.
10. What equipment is used for the air disinfection in the dental office:
A. Apparatus UV;
B. Light cure lamp;
C. Solux lamp;
D. Quartz lamp;
E. Autoclave?
Content module 1
"Dental disease of childhood"
Topic1. Organization of dental care in Ukraine.Milestones
temporary and permanent teeth.
Terms and physiological signs of teething. Dentoalveolar
abnormalities and deformities.
Congenital malformations of the teeth.
Dental temporary and permanent teeth in children: Causes of
development, basic clinical
signs, treatment guidelines.
Input knowledge.
1. According to sanitary requirements the hand pieces should be
A. By wiping with 6% of hydroxyl peroxide;
B. By wiping with 3% sol. Chloramine or 70% alcohol;
C. By Soaking in 1% sol. Chloramines;
D. By boiling in water;
E. Double steam method.
2. The control of pre-sterilization of dental instruments from blood
contamination is assessed by:
A. Fuxine test;
B. Formalin test;
C. Phenol-phtalein test;
D. Amidopirine test;
E. Hematoxyline test.
3. What is recommended speed for enamel preparation:
A. 200000-200000 rot/min;
B. 20000-30000 rot/min;
C. 40000-50000 rot/min;
D. 60000-70000 rot/min;
E. 80000-90000 rot/min?
4. Control of pre-sterilization of dental instruments from the alkaline
detergents is estimated by:
A. Amidopyrine test;
B. Formalin test;
C. Phenolphtalein test;
D. Benzidine test;
E. Hematoxylin test.
5. What is the correct regime for the physical method of instruments
A. Temperature-180, time-60 minutes;
B. Temperature-120, time-120 minutes;
C. Temperature-100, time-150 minutes;

D. Temperature-120, time-60 minutes;

E. Temperature-100, time-80 minutes?
6. What is the reason for divergent position of the roots in primary
A. Masticatory pressure;
B. Short alveolar processes;
C. Wide crown;
D. Position of the permanent tooth germs;
E. There is no reason?
7. Formation of the roots of primary teeth is completed:
A. Before the eruption;
B. One year after eruption;
C. 6 month after eruption;
D. During the eruption;
E. Two years after eruption?
8. What age responds to the completion of the roots in 71tooth:
A. 6-8 month;
B. 1-1,5years;
C. 2-2,5 years;
D. 3,5-4 years;
E. 5-6 years.
9. What are characteristics of the tooth belonging:
A. Color;
B. Size;
C. Crows curvature;
D. Number of fissure;
E. Position of the teeth.
10. What are characteristics of the primary teeth:
A. Big pulp and wide root canals;
B. Small pulp and narrow root canals;
C. Small pulp and wide root canals;
D. Pulp is not developed;
E. Narrow root canals and narrow apexes.
Content module 1
"Dental disease of childhood"
Topic1. Organization of dental care in Ukraine.Milestones
temporary and permanent teeth.
Terms and physiological signs of teething. Dentoalveolar
abnormalities and deformities.
Congenital malformations of the teeth.
Dental temporary and permanent teeth in children: Causes of
development, basic clinical
signs, treatment guidelines.
Input knowledge.
V- V
1. Period of the root resorption in 54, 64 is:
A. Less than one year;
B. 1-2 years;
C. 2-4 years;
D. 4-7 years;
E. 7-9 years?
2. What stage of tooth development is completed before eruption:
A. Secondary mineralization;
B. Tissue differentiation;

C. Root completion;
D. Root resorption;
E. There is no correct answer?
3. What is the formula of the left first primary maxillary molar:
A. 14;
B. 24
C. 64;
D. 54
E. 84.
4. What is the difference between the pulp in primary and permanent
A. The horns of the pulp chamber are not developed;
B. Smaller in size comparing to the hard tissues;
C. Bigger in size comparing to the hard tissues;
D. Narrow apexes;
E. There is no correct answer?
5. What is the stage of roots development in 55 tooth in a 5 years old:
A. Root completion;
B. Stabilization;
C. Root resorption;
D. Primary mineralization;
E. There is no correct answer?
6.What are characteristics of primary teeth in children:
A. Wide root canals and apexes;
B. Big pulp and narrow apexes;
C. Small pulp and wide apexes;
D. Pulp is not completed;
E. Narrow root canals and narrow apexes?
7. When is development of the roots in 55,65,75,85 teeth completed:
A. At 3 years;
B. At 4 years;
C. At 5 years;
D. At 6 years;
E. At 7 years?
8. What is the formula of the left mandibulary first primary incisor:
A. 14;
B. 71;
C. 81;
D. 51;
E. 61.
9. What are morphological characteristics of the hard tissues in
primary teeth:
A. Small cavity of the tooth;
B. Thick layer of the dentine around the pulp;
C. Enamel prisms are positioned tight;
D. Dental tubules are short and wide;
E. There is no correct answer?
10. What age corresponds to the root resorption in 55:
A.0,5-1 year;
B.2-2,5 years;
C.3-4 years;
D.5-7 years;
E.8-10 years?
Content module 1

"Dental disease of childhood"

Topic1. Organization of dental care in Ukraine.Milestones
temporary and permanent teeth.
Terms and physiological signs of teething. Dentoalveolar
abnormalities and deformities.
Congenital malformations of the teeth.
Dental temporary and permanent teeth in children: Causes of
development, basic clinical
signs, treatment guidelines.
Input knowledge.
1. What are differences between primary and permanent teeth:
A. The horns of the pulp chamber are not developed;
B. The pulp is smaller than hard tissues;
C. The horns of the pulp chamber are absent;
D. There is good communication between the coronal and root
E. Narrow root apexes?
2. What age corresponds to stabilization of the roots in 54, 64:
A. Under 1 year old;
B. 1-2 years old;
C. 2-4 years old;
D. 4-7 years old;
E. 7-9 years old?
3. What stage of primary teeth development is completed after their
A. Completion of periodontum;
B. Differentiation of the cells;
C. Histogenesis;
D. Primary mineralization;
E. There is no correct answer?
4. What stage of primary teeth development is completed before their
A. Secondary mineralization;
B. Histogenesis;
C. Roots formation;
D. Roots resorption;
E. Roots growth?
5. How many teeth germs are present in both jaws at birth:
A. 20 primary, permanent incisors and first molars;
B. 20 primary, permanent central and lateral incisors;
C. 20 primary, permanent central and lateral incisors;
D. 20 primary, first and second premolars;
E. 20 primary, first and second molars?
6. Every tooth on both jaws has two antagonists, except of:
A. Upper central incisors, lower third molar;
B. Lower third molars and upper lateral incisors;
C. Upper third molars and lower central incisors;
D. Lower first premolars and upper canines;
E. Lower canines and upper third molars?
7. Name three characteristics that indicate the tooth belonging:
A. Declination of the crown, curvature of the crown and declination of
the root;
B. Declination of the crown, length of the crown and angle of the root;

C. Angle of the crown, declination of the crown and curvature of the

D. Angle of the crown, curvature of the crown and declination
of the root;
E. Angle of the crown, curvature of the crown and length of the root?
8. There are five radiological stages of the root formation- not
completed apex (1), open apex (2),
not completed root (3), developed root and periodontum (4), not
developed periodontum (5).
Indicate correct sequence of the stages:
A. 3, 1,2,5,4;
B. 1,2,4,3,5;
C. 3,1,2,4,5;
D. 1,2,3,4,5;
E. 1, 3,2,5,4?
9. What is the order of eruption of the primary teeth:
A. II, I, III, IV, V;
B. I, II, IV, III and V;
C. I, II and III, IV, V;
D. I, II, V, III, IV;
E. II, I, III and IV.
10. What tissue is completed by odontogenesis from dental follicle:
A. Pre-dentin;
B. Dentine;
C. Enamel;
D. Periodont;
E. Pulp?
Content module 1
"Dental disease of childhood"
Topic1. Organization of dental care in Ukraine.Milestones
temporary and permanent teeth.
Terms and physiological signs of teething. Dentoalveolar
abnormalities and deformities.
Congenital malformations of the teeth.
Dental temporary and permanent teeth in children: Causes of
development, basic clinical
signs, treatment guidelines.
Input knowledge.
1. The tooth formation begins at:
A. 11-12 week of embryonic life;
B. 9-10 week of embryonic life;
C. 2-3 week of embryonic life;
D. 1-2 week of embryonic life;
E. 6-7 week of embryonic life.
2. What is the tissue of the growth zone in developing tooth:
A. Connective;
B. Epithelial;
C. Nerve;
D. Muscle;
E. Granulation?
3. What tissue is developed from enamel organ by odontogenesis:
A. Enamel;
B. Dentine;

C. Pulp;
D. Cement;
E. Periodont?
4. What are morphological characteristics of the primary teeth:
A. Small cavity of the tooth;
B. Thick layer of the pulp surrounded dentine;
C. Tight position of the enamel prisms;
D. Dentine tubules are wide and short;
E. There is no correct answer?
5. Indicate the age of the child when is resorption of the roots in 55
A. 0,5-1 year;
B. 2-2,5 years;
C. 3-4 years;
D. 5-7 years;
E. 8-10 years?
6. What are period of stabilization (completion) of the roots in 54 and
64 teeth:
A. Under a year;
B. 1-2 years;
C. 2-4 years;
D. 4-7 years;
E. 7-9 years?
7. What are the type of physiological resorption in a single root teeth:
A. Equable;
B. Not equable;
C. From furcation;
D. Destructive;
E. Granulating.
8. The permanent teeth erupt as follows:
A. 1,2 and 3,4 and 5,7;
B. 1 and 2, 6, 3 and 4,5,7;
C. 1,2, 6, 4, 5, 3 and 7;
D. 1 and 6, 2,4, 5,3 and 7;
E. 1 and 6, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7.
9. When begins the primary mineralization in primary teeth:
A. 4-5 embryonic week;
B. 4-5 embryonic month;
C. 2 years old;
D. 1 year old;
E. After the birth.
10. Primary mineralization in molars begins from:
A. Contact surfaces;
B. Equator of the tooth;
C. Cusps;
D. Fissures;
E. Cervical part?
Content module 1
"Dental disease of childhood"
Topic1. Organization of dental care in Ukraine.Milestones
temporary and permanent teeth.
Terms and physiological signs of teething. Dentoalveolar
abnormalities and deformities.
Congenital malformations of the teeth.

Dental temporary and permanent teeth in children: Causes of

development, basic clinical
signs, treatment guidelines.
Input knowledge.
1. What is the formula of the right lower third molar:
A. 18;
B. 88;
C. 28;
D. 48;
E. 84.
2. How many teeth are completed dentition of the 12-14 years child:
A. 20;
B. 24;
C. 16;
D. 32;
E. 28?
3. What teeth are the first to be completed in permanent dentition:
A. First molars and central incisors;
B. Canines and first molars;
C. Incisors and second molars;
D. First and second molars;
E. Firs premolars and incisors.
4. Primary mineralization in premolars begin from:
A. Cusps;
B. Equator;
C. Fissures;
D. Contact surfaces;
E. Cervical part.
5. What are the most mineralized parts of the tooth:
A. Cervical;
B. Approximal;
C. Fissures;
D. Incisal edges and cusps;
E. There is no correct answer.
6. What is morphological difference between the primary and
permanent teeth:
A. Yellowish enamel;
B. Smaller pulp;
C. Divergent roots;
D. Small root canals;
E. Thick layer of dentine?
7. When is the formation of the roots in 43 completed:
A. I year;
B. 2 years;
C. 4 years;
D. 6 years;
E. 15 years?
8. What is the characteristic of physiological eruption:
A. Speedy eruption;
B. Chronology of eruption;
C. Increased eruption;
D. Same time of eruption;
E. Not symmetrical eruption?

9. What is the age when formation of 16 tooth is completed:

A. 1,5-2 years;
B. 8-9 years;
C. 6-7 years;
D. 4-5 years;
E. 12-13 years?
10. What teeth erupt in children at age of 11-12 years:
A. Central incisors;
B. Lateral incisors;
C. First premolars;
D. Second premolars;
E. Canines?
Content module 1
"Dental disease of childhood"
Topic1. Organization of dental care in Ukraine.Milestones
temporary and permanent teeth.
Terms and physiological signs of teething. Dentoalveolar
abnormalities and deformities.
Congenital malformations of the teeth.
Dental temporary and permanent teeth in children: Causes of
development, basic clinical
signs, treatment guidelines.
Input knowledge.
1. What is the final stage of the root completion in permanent tooth:
A. Formation of the apex and apex closure;
B. Completion of the 3/4 of the root length;
C. Completion of the 2/3 of the root length;
D. Completion of the growth zone;
E. Formation of the circular ligament?
2. What are the characteristics of the tooth belonging:
A. Color of the tooth;
B. Size of the tooth;
C. Angle of the crown;
D. Number of fissures;
E. Position of the tooth.
3. When begins the formation of the permanent tooth germs:
A. 1-2month of embryonic life;
B. 6-8 month of embryonic life;
C. 4-5 week of embryonic life;
D. 2-3 month after the birth;
E. In 2 years old.
4. What is the age corresponds to eruption of central permanent lower
A. 2-3 years;
B. 6-7 years;
C. 8-9 years;
D. 9-11 years;
E. 10-12 years.
5. When is the most active secondary mineralization:
A. Intra-maxillary and intra-mandibulary;
B. Before the formation;
C. After the histogenesis;
D. 2 years after the eruption;

E. During the eruption?

6. What is the final stage in the formation of the permanent root:
A. Completion of the apex and apical foramen;
B. Completion of the 3/4 of the root length;
C. Completion of the 2/3 of the root length;
D. Completion of the growth zone;
E. Completion of the periodontal ligament?
7. What are anatomical differences between the primary and
permanent teeth:
A. Presence of enamel ridge;
B. Smaller pulp;
C. Yellowish enamel;
D. Narrow root canals;
E. Thick dentine?
8. The permanent teeth erupt as follows:
F. 1,2 and 3,4 and 5,7;
G. 1 and 2, 6, 3 and 4,5,7;
H. 1,2, 6, 4, 5, 3 and 7;
I. 1 and 6, 2,4, 5,3 and 7;
J. 1 and 6, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7.
9. When begins the primary mineralization in primary teeth:
F. 4-5 embryonic week;
G. 4-5 embryonic month;
H. 2 years old;
I. 1 year old;
J. After the birth.
10. Primary mineralization in molars begins from:
F. Contact surfaces;
G. Equator of the tooth;
H. Cusps;
I. Fissures;
J. Cervical part?
Content module 1
"Dental disease of childhood"
Topic1. Organization of dental care in Ukraine.Milestones
temporary and permanent teeth.
Terms and physiological signs of teething. Dentoalveolar
abnormalities and deformities.
Congenital malformations of the teeth.
Dental temporary and permanent teeth in children: Causes of
development, basic clinical
signs, treatment guidelines.
Input knowledge.
1. What instrument is used for elimination of dental calculus:
A. Condenser;
B. Amalgamtreger;
C. Probe;
D. Fissure bur;
E. Scalier.
2. What instrument is used for diagnosis:
A. Mirror;
B. Condenser;
C. Burnisher;

D. Amalgamtreger;
E. Scalar.
3. What instrument is used for examination:
A. Amalgamtreger;
B. Rasp;
C. Elevator;
D. Condenser;
E. Tweezers?
4. What instrument is used for mixing of therapeutical linings and
filling materials:
A. Excavator;
B. Spatula;
C. Probe;
D. Condenser;
E. Burnisher?
5. What is recommended speed for enamel preparation:
A. 200000-200000 rot/min;
B. 20000-30000 rot/min;
C. 40000-50000 rot/min;
D. 60000-70000 rot/min;
E. 80000-90000 rot/min?
6. What bur is used for dentine preparation in treatment of dental
A. Small sizes;
B. Big sizes;
C. Straight fissures;
D. Straight cone;
E. There is no correct answer?
7. What is endodontic handpiece used for:
A. For enamel preparation;
B. For laboratory tasks;
C. For condensing amalgam;
D. Root canal instrumentation;
E. Ultrasound prepation?
8. What instruments are used for elimination of soft dental deposits:
C.Sodium-stream apparatus;
D.Fissure bur;
9. What is the power amplitude of the light source at the dental unit :
A. 800-1000 lux;
B. 1000-2000 lux;
C. 3000-4000 lux;
D. 5000-8000 lux;
E. 100-120 lux.
10. What equipment is used for the air disinfection in the dental office:
A. Apparatus UV;
B. Light cure lamp;
C. Solux lamp;
D. Quartz lamp;
E. Autoclave?

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