Complete Denture
Complete Denture
Complete Denture
Piezography: An Innovative Technique in Complete Denture Fabrication
Piezography: An Innovative Technique in Complete
Denture Fabrication
Jayanta Bhattacharyya, Preeti Goel, Soumitra Ghosh, Samiran Das
Increasing life expectancy, age-related reduction in adaptability
and progressive severe mandibular resorption, all add to the
difficulty in achieving prosthetic success. The conventional
mandibular denture is usually less retentive than the maxillary
one and successful treatment involves the development of
lingual retention for the mandibular denture. Several methods
taking into account physiologic function with an objective to
enhance denture retention and comfort during mastication have
been developed since many decades. The present article
describes piezography as a method to enhance retention,
stability and function for the mandibular denture through a
case report.
Keywords: Geriatrics, Piezography, Retention, Speech, Soft
liner, Neutral zone, Stability.
How to ci te thi s arti cl e: Bhattacharyya J , Goel P, Ghosh S,
Das S. Piezography: An Innovative Technique in Complete
Denture Fabrication. J Contemp Dent 2012;2(3):109-113.
Source of support: Nil
Conflict of interest: None declared
In the field of oral rehabilitation, particularly in geriatric
prosthodontics, several sources may contribute to the
performance of complete dentures. It is our general
experience that lower denture is relatively less stable than
the upper one. Increasing life expectancy, age-related
reduction in adaptability and progressive severe mandibular
resorption further worsens the condition. The situation
demands a definitive and qualitative approach to overcome
these difficulties. The most common errors might be
attributed to insufficient tissue coverage, improper occlusion
of the prosthesis, poor vertical and maxillomandibular
relationships, incorrect tooth positioning and behavioral
problems. One of the philosophies that was introduced to
overcome the challenge of unstable denture in clinics was
the concept of neutral zone.
The neutral zone concept was
based on neuromuscular control on the polished surface of
denture and positioning the teeth in space where the oral
musculature and tongue forces are nullified by each other.
However, the conventional as well as functional techniques
have certain demerits. Therefore, Klein in 1974 introduced
a method, named piezography, which recorded the
prosthodontic space for teeth placement using speech.
In the following case presentation, we tried to implement
the piezographic technique in the fabrication of complete
denture in a patient with long-standing edentulousness and
severely resorbed mandibular ridge.
Piezography in complete denture fabrication is a technique
used to record shapes by means of pressure, a method of
recording a patients denture space in relation to oral
The term piezograph was coined by Klein in
1974 from the Greek term meaning a shape formed by
Regarding complete denture treatment, several methods
that take physiological function into account have been
developed since the 1930s. These studies have clarified that
the buccolingual tooth position and the contour of the
polished surface are important for denture retention and
Fahamy and Kharat reported that artificial teeth
were arranged over the center of the alveolar ridges in
conventional dentures, which was found to be better in
However, all the participants in their study
experienced a superior sense of comfort and speech ability
with the neutral zone denture and selected the latter over
the conventional one.
The idea behind positioning artificial teeth in the neutral
zone has two objectives. First, the teeth will not interfere
with normal muscle function and secondly, the forces
exerted by the musculature against the dentures will be more
favorable for stability and retention.
Piezography helps to
record the neutral zone. The denture fabricated based on
piezography is more stable than the other conventional and
functional techniques like swallowing.
Considering that a person swallows up to 2,400 times
per day
and that during the entire swallowing sequence,
teeth come into contact for less than a second,
it may be
concluded that less than 40 minutes of tooth-to-tooth contact
occurs per day during function. Since a person speaks much
more than he involves in swallowing, we should follow
phonation method more often to fabricate dentures for more
stable denture prosthesis.
The buccolingual center of the occlusal table obtained
by piezographic technique for fabrication of complete
dentures is generally located slightly to the buccal of the
residual alveolar ridge.
Morikawa et al (1983) reported
that the centerline of the neutral zone was located 1.9 mm
to the buccal side of the alveolar crest.
It is observed that
Jayanta Bhattacharyya et al
longer the period of edentulousness, the more buccally
located the neutral zone was from the crest of the alveolar
The piezographic techniques employ silicon-based
soft liners which are quite advantageous due to suitable
viscoelastic property, ample working and setting time,
ability to be injected gradually over several applications
and easy to handle and work over patient.
Although this technique can be used for all patients
requiring a complete denture, there are specific situations
where piezography helps fabricate a more stable and
retentive prosthesis. Patients with long period of
edentulousness, having a severely resorbed lower ridge are
most benefited by this technique. Concave foundation of
lower bones, compromised earlier denture and elderly
patients are also good candidates for this method. Several
advantages exist with this technique. As speech is employed
for recording the denture space, the patients can practice
before the impression is taken. The procedure is easy to
understand, especially for the elderly. It is easy to inspect
for proper oral function while the patients pronounce the
phonemes and allows precise placement of artificial teeth.
An elderly male patient aged 60 years, came to the
Department of Prosthodontics, Guru Nanak Institute of
Dental Sciences and Research, with the chief complaint of
loss of all his teeth and inability to chew. On oral
examination it was seen that the patient had a severely
resorbed mandibular ridge, loss of vertical dimension,
collapse of facial profile and loss of muscle tonicity. Lack
of nutrition was evident due to inability to chew food
properly. Conventional method was not considered and we
decided to implement piezographic technique to manage
the case.
Piezography is a technique used to record shapes by
means of pressure for recording a patients denture space
in relation to oral function. It involves introduction of a
moldable material into the mouth to allow unique shaping
by various functional muscle forces. Speech is employed
in the registration of the denture space by this technique.
The preliminary steps were performed following the
standard procedures. Primary and final impressions were
made for both the maxillary and mandibular ridges. Occlusal
rims were fabricated. The upper rim was adjusted parallel
to the Campers line and 2 mm visibility was established.
The vertical dimension both at occlusion and at rest was
recorded. A freeway space of 2 mm was maintained. The
wax rim and cast assembly were mounted on a mean value
articulator. The piezographic method was carried out from
this position onwards. Since the technique was based on
phonetics, the patient was made to practice pronouncing
certain phonemes before it was actually implemented. The
speech exercise helped mold the material that was inserted
in the mouth providing the prosthodontic space. The patient
was asked to say SIS four times followed by a strong TO
in order to obtain the posterior molding. Anterior
piezography was obtained by asking the patient to
pronounce T, D, M, P five times in a sequence clearly and
vigorously. Once satisfied about the clarity of speech, we
proceeded with the next step.
Next, the mandibular rim was removed from the cast
and a stabilized base plate was fabricated from self-cure
acrylic resin. Grooves were made on the external surface
so that the moldable material can adhere to the acrylic
(Fig. 1). A silicon-based self-polymerizing soft liner was
used (Ufi Gel P, Voco Dental). Prior to placement of the
base plate in the mouth, silicon adhesive was applied on
top of the base plate for better adhesion. The maxillary rim
was placed in the mouth. Upper anterior teeth were arranged
so that it improved his speech during the pronunciation of
phonemes (Fig. 2). Initially, the soft liner was first placed
on the right side and the patient was instructed to pronounce
the phonemes (Fig. 3). Once the material set, the pie-
zographic record was checked and the same was done for
the left side (Fig. 4). After the posterior dam was obtained,
moldable material was placed anteriorly and the patient was
asked to say TDMP. The final dam was kept on the
mandibular cast and inspected (Figs 5 and 6). Excess was
removed with a knife and adjusted to the required height.
Analyzing piezography, it was noted that the lateral
border of the tongue had created its impression on the dam.
A similar observation was recorded for the apex of the
tongue, which indicated its excursion and occupied space.
Piezography of the vestibular part showed the muscular
action of both the masseter and the buccinator muscles,
which gave information about the available space for the
posterior teeth arrangement and about the anterior teeth
Fig. 1: Retentive grooves on acrylic for the moldable material
Journal of Contemporary Dentistry, September-December 2012;2(3):109-113
Piezography: An Innovative Technique in Complete Denture Fabrication
Fig. 2: Upper anterior teeth were arranged in a way that patients
phoneme pronunciation was improved
Fig. 3: Soft liner added on the right side of the plate
Fig. 4: Soft liner added on the left side of the plate
The exact neutral zone space was obtained with this
method. The main objective being to convert this record
into usable space for arranging teeth, a silicon index was
fabricated over the mandibular cast. Grooves were placed
Fig. 5: Material molded anteriorly
Fig. 6: Final dam kept on the mandibular cast and excess
removed with a knife
on the land area (two right and left side, one anteriorly) so
that the index could be repositioned. Silicon putty material
was mixed and index was made by adapting around the
piezograph on outer and inner sides (Fig. 7).
After the dam was removed, the void was filled with
molten wax to obtain a new wax rim (Fig. 8). The wax rim
was adjusted to the predetermined vertical dimension and
placed in the articulator. The posterior teeth were now
arranged in the newly obtained space (Fig. 9). The waxed
up teeth arrangement was tried in and esthetics and speech
was adjusted and corrected. Dentures were finally
fabricated and inserted after correcting processing errors
(Fig. 10) Occlusion was satisfactory. Facial profile
improved drastically (Fig. 11) and the denture was stable
Piezographic method for complete mandibular denture
construction provides the patient with a great degree of
Jayanta Bhattacharyya et al
Fig. 8: Dam was removed and void was filled with molten wax
to obtain a wax rim
Fig. 9: Posterior teeth arranged according to newly obtained space
comfort and confidence. It results in creating favorable
contours on the polished surfaces, especially for lower
complete dentures. When bone resorption is significant, as
generally noted in elderly patients, this technique allows
for functional stability and facilitates adaptation to the new
Fig. 7: Silicon putty index fabricated Fig. 10: Final denture insertion done
Fig. 11: Patients esthetics improved drastically
Thus, it can be concluded that providing a lower denture
with a piezographically produced lingual surface enhances
its retentive ability over a conventional design. It seems
reasonable to maximize the retentive potential with oblique
sublingual polished surfaces and minimize the adaptive
demand, particularly for older patients, by using a
piezographic technique which not only customizes
contours and precludes overextension, but also helps arrange
teeth for maximum comfort, function and esthetics.
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Jayanta Bhattacharyya (Corresponding Author)
Professor and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, Crown and Bridge
Guru Nanak Institute of Dental Sciences and Research, Kolkata, West
Bengal, India, e-mail:
Preeti Goel
Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, Crown and Bridge
Guru Nanak Institute of Dental Science and Research, Kolkata, West
Bengal, India
Soumitra Ghosh
Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, Crown and Bridge, Guru Nanak
Institute of Dental Sciences and Research, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Samiran Das
Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Crown and Bridge, Guru
Nanak Institute of Dental Sciences and Research, Kolkata, West
Bengal, India