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Regenerated teeth: the future of tooth replacement?

We hope that the rapid scientific and technological advancement will provide new

information and solutions that will allow regenerated teeth to become a routine
treatment for individuals with missing teeth.
Despite the considerable progress of dental treatment and tooth decay prevention, elderly people
frequently encounter the problem of tooth loss,
affecting their quality of life. Restorative prosthetics in the form of implants provide a common solution to this problem. Dental implant
technology for tooth replacement was used in
several ancient civilizations. Indeed, dental
implants dating from 2500BC were found in
Egypt, and tooth replacement was documented
from the Mayan culture in 600AD[1]
Dental implants are still used today for
the functional replacement of missing teeth.
However, despite their long history, there are
several limitations in functionality and longevity
of the implants. Indeed, dental implants cannot
represent the ideal solution for tooth replacement
since the physiology and plasticity of naturally
formed teeth is not respected. The tooth interacts actively with the alveolar bone through the
periodontal ligament (PDL). The mechanical stress during mastication is supported and
modulated by this highly specialized tissue that
occupies the space between the tooth root and
the alveolar bone. PDL is not formed around
dental implants, making the bone tissue vulnerable when excessive forces are applied during
mastication [2] . Alternative strategies are being
tested to create a functional biocompatible type
of replacement for dental implants and efforts
are being made to regenerate parts or even the
entire tooth organ.

could be generated experimentally using stem

cells (referred to as BioTeeth, meaning living
teeth) [3] . Regenerated tooth (RegTooth) is a
more appropriate term, since it is possible to distinguish between naturally and experimentally
formed teeth. The rationale for the generation
of a new whole tooth is simple and consists of
recreating and mimicking the molecular and
cellular events that occur during the initiation of
odontogenesis. This procedure might be a better alternative to the use of dental implants for
tooth replacement, since it involves the regrowth
and eruption of new teeth in the mouth of
the patients, after experimental manipulation
invitro. However, a regenerated tooth has several challenges that need to be solved prior to
any clinical trial/application. The reactivation
of the odontogenic program using stem cells is
not obvious and does not guarantee the success
of new tooth formation in an adult mouth. It
is possible to regenerate several human dental
tissues (e.g., dentin and PDL) after experimental manipulation [35] . However, the regenerated tissues were not identical to their naturally
formed counterparts. With the continuous
progress of science it might be possible in the
future to regenerate more complex dental structures (e.g., enamel) or even the entire tooth.
Scientists working in that field are confronted
daily with new challenges and limitations that
might postpone the generation of brand new
teeth in the laboratory for many years.

A new concept: brand new teeth

made in the laboratory
The rapid progress made in stem cell, material and molecular biology sciences over the
last 20 years has allowed scientists working
on teeth to imagine alternative and innovative
strategies for tooth replacement [3,4] . Recently,
scientists have implemented a new concept
of tooth replacement, where new whole teeth

Generation of specialized dental

structures invivo
Teeth are formed from specific embryonic
cells, grow and finally erupt into the oral cavity. Through a series of epithelialmesenchymal
interactions, cells of the oral epithelium and
cranial neural crest-derived mesenchymal cells
(CNCCs) give rise to complex mineralized
structures that form the tooth organ [6] . CNCCs

10.2217/RME.10.101 2011 Future Medicine Ltd

Regen. Med. (2011) 6(2), 135139

Thimios A Mitsiadis
Author for correspondence:
Institute of Oral Biology,
ZZM, Facultyof Medicine,
University ofZurich,
8032 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 446 343 390
Fax: +41 446 344 310

Petros Papagerakis
Department of Orthodontics
&Pediatric Dentistry, Center for
Organogenesis, Center for
Computational Medicine &
Bioinformatics, Dental & Medical
Schools, University of Michigan,
AnnArbor, 48109 MI, USA

ISSN 1746-0751



Mitsiadis & Papagerakis

form the dental follicle and dental pulp, while

the oral epithelium gives rise to the inner dental epithelium. Subsequently, dental pulp cells
differentiate into odontoblasts and inner dental
epithelium into ameloblasts. Odontoblasts are
responsible for dentin matrix synthesis, whilst
ameloblasts produce the enamel matrix. Once
the mineralization of the crown is completed
the tooth starts to erupt in the oral cavity, while
the root continues to develop. Hertwigs epithelium root sheet, a derivative from the outer
dental epithelium and the inner dental epithelium, initiates radicular dentin formation and
determines the root shape. Root development
will be accomplished together with the organization of innervation, vascularisation and root
anchoring to the surrounding alveolar bone.
This latest process will be accomplished mainly
by the relationship of three main tissues in the
periodontium: cementum, alveolar bone and
PDL. PDL contains a great variety of cells and
extracellular matrix. The cellular components
include osteoblasts, fibroblasts, cementoblasts,
osteoclasts, cementoclasts, endothelial cells and
epithelial rests of Malassez [4,6] .

Strategies are being tested to create a

functional biocompatible type of

replacement for dental implants and
efforts are being made to regenerate parts
or even the entire tooth organ.
Partial dental tissue regeneration could be
achieved more easily and rapidly than wholetooth regeneration. In fact, methods that
enhance tertiary dentin repair and regeneration of the entire dental pulp tissue are being
evaluated with variable degrees of success [79] .
In addition, periodontal tissue regeneration is
progressing rapidly with the application of biodegradable scaffolds and growth factors [10] . By
contrast, few studies exist on the regeneration of
enamel, which is the hardest human tissue and
represents the visible part of the teeth, protecting
them from abrasion and bacterial attack.

Strategies for building the RegTooth

There are two main approaches in constructing
a new whole tooth. The first implies the invivo
implantation of tooth germ cells that were previously generated from various populations of stem
cells or dental progenitor cells and grown invitro
for some time. Organotypic culture is the most
appropriate of the techniques for the development of the teeth invitro. The other approach
consists of implanting into the jaw tooth-shaped

Regen. Med. (2011) 6(2)

polymer scaffolds that are filled with invitro

expanded stem cells or dental progenitor cell
populations. Ideally, this implant should reproduce the 3D structure required for the transplanted cells to support their differentiation and
avoid xenograft rejection [3] .
One of the challenges in regenerative dentistry
is to find cells that can replace the clonogenic
CNCCs. The identification and characterization
of human adult stem cells (or progenitor cells)
of dental origin will contribute to regenerate
successfully tooth primordia. Dental stem cells
could be removed from a patient, expanded and
put back into the same individual when tooth
regeneration becomes necessary, thereby removing the need for immunosuppression [3] . These
cells can be isolated from either primary or permanent teeth. Dental stem cells can be extracted
from the apical papilla of shed primary teeth,
exfoliated deciduous teeth and the dental pulp
(DPSCs). These stem cells have the potential
to differentiate into various cell types, such as
chondrocytes, adipocytes, osteoblasts, myocytes,
neuronal cells and cardiomyocytes [3,4] . The
composition of the culture medium in which
DPSCs are grown can dictate their differentiation into odontoblasts, osteoblasts and chondro
blasts. However, adult stem cells are present at
low frequency (e.g., roughly one stem cell per
100,000 bone marrow cells), making both isolation and expansion of DPSCs problematic [4] .
Recently, dental pulp cells were reprogrammed
into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells [11] .
Limited information is available regarding the
regenerative potential of dental epithelial stem
cells (DESCs), which could give rise to amelo
blasts. Ameloblasts are not present in erupted
teeth. Undifferentiated wisdom teeth present a
potential source of human dental epithelium [12] .
The Epithelial Rests of Mallasez (ERM) constitute another source of DESCs [PapagerakisP,
Unpublished Data] . ERM are localized in the
periodontal ligament of adult teeth and exhibit
stem cell properties. ERM can differentiate into
enamel-secreting cells when co-cultured with
DPSCs [Papagerakis P, Unpublished Data] [13] . Thus,
DESCs isolated from ERM can provide a viable source of ameloblast progenitors for enamel
regeneration. Alternatively, epithelial stem cells
of nondental origin (e.g., hairs and skin) could
be used for the formation of enamel.
Therefore, dental mesenchymal stem cells that
interact invitro with dental epithelial stem cells
(after recombination) might be able to form the
various mesenchymal and epithelial cell populations in a regenerated tooth. A study in rodents
future science group

Regenerated teeth: the future of tooth replacement?

has shown that bone marrow cells have stem

cell properties and can substitute for CNCCs
during tooth regeneration [14] . However, this
experimental approach was partly successful
since a truncated tooth (i.e., absence of roots)
was obtained, which resembled an odontoma
(a dental pathological condition) more than a
normal tooth.
Tooth-like structures have also been produced
using heterogeneous dental cell populations in
biodegradable polymer scaffolds. Disaggregated
and reaggregated dental epithelial and mesenchymal cells are able to interact and recapitulate
odontogenesis and formation of tooth-specific
structures in animal models. However, these
implants exhibited a mosaic of organized and
disorganized enamel, dentin and pulp tissues,
and did not embrace the size and shape of the
scaffolds [15] .

Challenges of dental

Enamel regeneration: structure,

color & time
Enamel formation (amelogenesis) is the result of
a series of complex, dynamic and programmed
cellular, chemical and physiological events [16] .
These events allow categorization of enamel
formation in three distinct stages (i.e., the
secretory, transition and maturation stages).
The secretory stage is characterized by active
protein synthesis and secretion by the amelo
blasts. Ameloblasts also deposit enamel crystals
at oblique angles while they are moving in the
direction of the future cusps to accommodate
expansion of the enamel surface. The maturation stage is characterized by removal of enamel
organic materials and growth of hydroxyapatite
crystals in thickness, as well as by regulated
movement of ions into and out of the enamel
matrix [17,18] . Ions arrive to ameloblasts from
the blood vessels after traversing a distance of
50100 m (i.e., 23 cell layers). Stem cells
destined to form enamel must reproduce these
three stages and the cellular movement that
occurs during enamel apposition. Organic
material removal, vascularization and extensive ion transport must also be achieved in the
regenerated enamel.
Besides their involvement in crystal formation, ions also contribute to the color of the
teeth [19] . Enamel in humans is characterized
by a big diversity of colors (i.e., a rich spectrum of yellow, grey and white tonalities), a
variety that can be often observed in teeth of
the same individual. Tooth color variations are
future science group


also observed in other animal species, such as in

mice, where the enamel of the incisors exhibits
a deep yellow color, while molars have a white
color. However, little information exists on
how ions control color variability in human
enamel adding another difficulty in the enamel
Time represents another great challenge of
enamel regeneration. It is well known that the
whole process of enamel formation in human
permanent teeth may take more than 5years
and might be regulated by complex interactions
of clock genes [20] . This long-term physiological
procedure may be discouraging for individuals with missing enamel who look forward to
immediate treatment outcomes.

The rapid progress made in stem cell,

material and molecular biology sciences
over the last 20years has allowed scientists
working on teeth to imagine alternative and
innovative strategies for tooth replacement.
Therefore, regeneration of enamel requires
production and secretion of the right amount
of proteins, at the right place, at the right time.
Otherwise, the effort to regenerate enamel will
fail (as happens in several mutations affecting enamel formation) [21] . Thus, regeneration
of human enamel is a very difficult almost
impossible task at the present. Much more
must be discovered before enamel regeneration
becomes a routine procedure in dentistry. This
also holds true for whole tooth regeneration.

The right shape & size of

It is imperative that the RegTooth, which will
develop in the patients mouth after transplantation, acquires the correct morphology and size.
Tooth shape is primarily determined during
early odontogenesis. The formation of the various tooth shapes might be either the result of
prepatterned CNCC, or a consequence of the
response of CNCCs to signals originated by
the oral epithelium. Tissue recombination and
transplantation experiments indicated that signals from the oral epithelium influence CNCCs
to adopt a dental identity [6] .
Several secreted signaling molecules, such as
BMPs, FGFs, Wnts and Shh, are expressed in
the epithelium and function as morphogens that
control the generation of diverse tooth shapes.
For example, BMP4 expression is linked with
the incisors shape, while FGF8 is linked with
the shape of molars. BMP4 activates expression



Mitsiadis & Papagerakis

of Msx1 and Msx2 in the mesenchyme of future

incisors. Similarly, Islet1 is expressed only in the
epithelium of the incisors and its expression is
regulated by BMP4. By contrast, FGF8 activates Dlx1, Dlx2 and Barx1 expression in the
mesenchyme of future molars [6] .
Furthermore, the shape of maxillary and
mandibular teeth differs and is controlled by
genes such as Dlx, Barx1 and Pitx1 [6] . For
example, Pitx1 deletion affects only the mandibular molars, which are smaller and have fewer
cusps[22] .
Alteration of the odontogenic signaling cascade might also lead to modification of tooth
size. For example, smaller teeth were reported in
mice after deletion of Wnt signaling [6] .

Root & eruption of the RegTooth

Successful tooth regeneration requires the formation of roots with appropriate shape and
length. For example, short roots could be
problematic in retaining the regenerated teeth
in place. Similarly, it is important that rootrelated structures (e.g., PDL) of the regenerated teeth remain functional for long periods,
thereby avoiding pathological manifestations
such as tooth ankylosis. The time and orientation of tooth eruption in adults also has to
be controlled. Both proper root formation and
tooth eruption are time-consuming processes,
thus making the choice of a RegTooth for tooth
Ideally, autologous tissues must be used for
the implantation of regenerated teeth in a given
patient, thus avoiding immunological rejection [3] . Gene therapy-based strategies must be
applied for the regeneration of teeth in individuals with mutations that affect their dentition (e.g., amelogenesis imperfecta, ectodermal
dysplasia) [6] .

Tooth regeneration provides an attractive alternative to existing tooth restoration therapies.
This concept relies on the invitro recreation

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Taba M Jr, Jin Q, Sugai JV, Giannobile WV:
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of the genetic odontogenic program using stem

cells. Numerous genes control embryonic tooth
development and define the various dental territories (i.e., incisors, canines, premolars and
molars) in the mouth, as well as the number,
shape, size and color of the teeth. A stem cell
strategy for tooth regeneration must combine
stem cell populations with adequate signaling
molecules. Cell-based therapies are in their
infancy and many issues need to be addressed
before any clinical application. The existing challenges include the need to determine
consistent protocols to control the size, shape
and color of teeth, as well as to considerably
shorten the time of enamel and root formation
and tooth eruption. Furthermore, the use of
culture-expanded stem cell populations needs
to take into account the possibility of genetic
and epigenetic instability.

Scientistsare confronted daily with

newchallenges and limitations that

mightpostpone the generation of brand
new teethin the laboratory for
Although the prospect of tooth regeneration
using stem cells is very attractive, it is not likely
that they will replace routine clinical dental
practices in the near future. We hope that the
rapid scientific and technological advancement
will provide new information and solutions that
will allow regenerated teeth to become a routine
treatment for individuals with missing teeth.
Financial & competing interests disclosure
The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial
involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter
or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes
employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or
options, expert testimony, grants or patents received or
pending, or royalties.
No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
this manuscript.

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Regenerated teeth: the future of tooth replacement?



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