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Enhancement in Divide and Conquer Scheme To Increase Efficiency of The Networks

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International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882

Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2014

Enhancement in Divide and Conquer Scheme to increase efficiency of the

Anku1, Hardeep singh2

(Electronics & communication engineering, BFCET, Deon (Bathinda)

(Electronics & communication engineering, BFCET, Deon (Bathinda)

Wireless sensor network is application based network.
Wireless Sensor Network may consist of multiple sinks
which may be mobile or static. If any system has more
than one sink, then it can generate the same query into
the Wireless Sensor Network. There are many issues in
wireless sensor network like battery consumption,
deployment, security etc. Battery consumption is a major
issue which degrades the performance of the system. In
this paper we focused on the divide and conquer scheme
which help to reduce the battery consumption in the
network. To overcome this problem a novel technique
will be proposed. Experimental results show the energy
levels of all the regions and packet loss.
Keywords - battery consumption, divide and conquer
scheme, relay nodes, Sensor nodes.


Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network of
small light weight wireless nodes which are highly
distributed and deployed in large numbers. Wireless
sensor networks monitor the system or
environment by measuring physical parameters such
as humidity, pressure and temperature [6]. Wireless
sensor networks provide an economic approach for
the deployment of the control devices and
distributed monitors and avoid the expensive wired
system. Sensor nodes carry limited power resources
that are irreplaceable therefore; there is a need to
design an energy efficient technique to increase the
life of wireless sensor networks. An inbuilt trade-off
mechanism should be made so that the end-user

should opt for prolonging network lifetime at the

cost of lower throughput or higher transmission
delay [11]. Wireless sensor networks design follow
some approaches as energy-aware techniques,
processing, multi-hop communication and density
control techniques so that lifetime of battery should
be extended. But these approaches still need to be
improved. Energy depletion or physical destruction
of nodes may lead to failures in wireless sensor
networks. Developing a protocol to deploy sensor
nodes in an organized and collaborative way is the
most important challenge [1]. A Wireless Sensor
Network may consist of multiple sinks which may
be mobile or static. If any system has more than one
sink, then it can generate the same query into the
WSN. For such a system each sink will have its
own path developed to the source node which is
somehow not required or there can be a way which
avoids this. There are some issues in wireless sensor
network like network deployment, energy
consumption, packet loss, dynamic changes and
unattended operation. Battery consumption is a
major issue which degrades the performance of the
system. Sensor nodes can use up their limited supply
of energy performing computations and transmitting
information in a wireless environment. If there is
more packet loss then we have to retransmit the lost
packets. So if there packet loss increases then energy
efficiency will be decreases. To overcome energy
consumption problem divide and conquer scheme
will be used. In this whole area is dividing into
inner, middle and outer regions. It is based upon
static clustering and minimum distance of cluster
head selection. In this paper we will study about
divide and conquer scheme in detail. In section II we
will do literature survey. In section III we will study


International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2014

about divide and conquer scheme. In last section we

will focus on proposed technique and conclusion



Kiran Maraiya [1] presented an overview of

wireless sensor network, how wireless sensor networks
works and various applications of wireless sensor
networks. In this paper it has been described that
characteristics of wireless sensor network are dynamic
network topology, lower power, node failure and
mobility of nodes, short-range broadcast communication
and multi-hop routing and large scale of deployment.
But low power of sensor nodes is one of the limitation of
wireless sensor network as in harsh environments it is
difficult to replace sensor nodes so low power may cause
energy hole in wireless sensor networks. Also multi-hop
routing may cause more nodes deplete their energy while
routing as compared to single hop routing.
Basilis Mamalis [10] describes the concept
of Clustering and described various design challenges of
clustering in Wireless Sensor networks. The paper also
describes various clustering Protocols including
Probabilistic Clustering Approaches and NonProbabilistic Clustering Approaches. The algorithms
discussed in these protocols consider periodically reelection of Cluster Heads (rotation of Cluster Head role)
among all nodes. The main drawback of these
algorithms is that the time complexity of these
algorithms is difficult to be kept low as the size of the
Wireless sensor Networks becomes larger and larger, the
extension in multi-hop communication patterns is
unavoidable which increases the routing path.
H.Dubois-Ferries [2] proposed an algorithm
based on Voronoi clusters to handle multiple sink nodes.
This Voronoi algorithm designates a sink for each
cluster to perform data acquisition from sensors in
cluster. Each node keeps a record of its closest sink and
of the network distance to that sink. When a message
arrives from a sink, the recipient checks whether the
distance traversed by the packet is less than the current
estimate of closet sink distance. If so, the node updates
its closest sink and parent entries and resends the
message. A node also re-forwards the message if the
distance traversed is equal to closest distance and the
message came from the closet sink. A drawback of this
algorithm is that it does not consider residual energy
sensor node.

Kiran Maraiya [3] has studied various

cluster head selection algorithm for data aggregation in
wireless sensor networks. This paper proposed the
algorithm for efficient cluster head selection in which
there is no need to select cluster head periodically, so
lots of energy is saved in the wireless sensor network.
The limitation of this algorithm is that in this algorithm
the base station decides the location of sensor node i.e to
which cluster it belongs by first receiving information
from sensor node about its current location but if the
base station is located far away from the sensor node
then energy is wasted in deciding to which cluster the
sensor node will be located.
Sudhanshu Tyagi [4] has presented the most
popular protocol for clustering in WSNs that is Low
Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) which
is based on adaptive clustering technique. This paper
provides the taxonomy of various clustering and routing
techniques in WSNs based upon metrics such as power
management, energy management, network lifetime,
optimal cluster head selection, multihop data
transmission etc. LEACH forms clusters based on the
received signal strength and use the Cluster Head nodes
as routers to the base-station. All the data processing
such as data fusion and aggregation are local to the
cluster. LEACH forms clusters by using a distributed
algorithm, where nodes make autonomous decisions
without any centralized control. Initially a node decides
to be a Cluster Head with a probability p and broadcasts
its decision. A node becomes a Cluster Head for the
current rotation round if the number is less than the predefined threshold. The limitation of this approach is that
since the decision to change the Cluster Head is
probabilistic, there is a chance that a node with very low
energy gets selected as a Cluster Head. When this node
dies, the whole cell becomes dysfunctional. Also, the
Cluster Head is assumed to have a long communication
range so that the data can reach the base-station from the
Cluster Head directly. This is not always a realistic
assumption since the Cluster Heads are regular sensors
and the base-station is often not directly reachable to all
nodes due to signal propagation problems, e.g., due to
the presence of obstacles. Consequently, it is not
applicable to networks deployed in large regions.
K. Latif et. al [5] have presented routing
technique called Divide-and-Rule which is based on
static clustering and minimum distance based Cluster
Head selection. Network area is logically divided into
small regions (clusters). Old fashioned routing
techniques such as LEACH, LEACH-C are not as


International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2014

energy efficient as present day clustering techniques

such as Divide-and-Rule scheme. The benefit of Divideand-Rule scheme is that when it is compared with

LEACH and LEACH-C this scheme provides better

results in terms of stability period, network life
time, area coverage and throughput. But the
limitation of this scheme is that during routing each
node in Os region sends its data to Primary level
Cluster Heads which then forwards the aggregated
data to the secondary level Cluster Head present in
the Ms. Secondary level Cluster Heads then,
aggregate all collected data and forward it to Base
Station which will lead to more energy consumption
of CH nodes present in the Middle Square and Inner
Square regions which may lead to energy hole and
may cause data routing problems.

Tl(Is) = (Cp(x)d,Cp(y)+d)
Coordinates of bottom left corner of Is, Bl(Is)
Bl(Is) = (Cp(x)d,Cp(y)d)
Where, d is the factor of distance from center of network
to boundary of Is value of d for Ms and Os increases
with a multiple of 2 and 3 respectively. If there are n
number of concentric squares then the coordinates of nth
square can be found, Sn from the following equations.






Divide-and-Rule scheme [8] is based on static clustering

and minimum distance based Cluster Head selection.
Network area is logically divided into small regions
(clusters). The beauty of this technique is the formation
of square and rectangular regions, which divides the
network field into small regions, as a result the
communication distance for intra cluster and inter cluster
reduces [9].
Formation of regions:
In first step, network is divided into n equal distant
concentric squares. For simplicity, take n = 3 here
therefore, network is divided into three equal distance
concentric squares: Internal square (Is), Middle square
(Ms) and Outer square (Os).
BS is located in the centre of network field therefore; its
coordinates are taken as reference point for formation of
concentric squares [10].
Division of network field into concentric squares can be
obtained from following equations:
Coordinates of top right corner of Is, Tr(Is)
Tr(Is) = (Cp(x)+d,Cp(y)+d)
Coordinates of bottom right corner of Is, Br(Is)
Br(Is) = (Cp(x)+d,Cp(y)d)
Coordinates of top left corner of Is, Tl(Is)

Fig. 1 Existed model

In the second step, the area is divided into two
concentric squares into equal area quadrilaterals;
latter is named as Corner Regions (CR) and
Non-Corner Regions (NCR).
To divide area between Is and Ms into four
equal area quadrilaterals, top right and bottom
right corners of Is are taken as reference points.
Co-ordinates of region NCR2 are taken by
adding d in the x-coordinate of top right and
bottom right corner of Is.


International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2014

Co-ordinates of region NCR3 are taken by

adding d in the y-coordinate of top right and top
left corner of Is.
Co-ordinates of region NCR4 are taken by
subtracting factor d, in the x-coordinate of top
left and bottom left corner of Is.
Co-ordinates of region NCR5 are taken by
subtracting factor d, in the y-coordinate of
bottom right and bottom left corner of Is.
Remaining regions are 4 CRs: CR2, CR3, CR4,
and CR5.
Following the same sequence, the area is divided
between Ms and Os into 4 equal area
quadrilateral regions (NCR6, NCR7, NCR8, and
NCR9) and corner regions (CR6, CR7, CR8,

Protocol Operation
In setup phase BS divides the network field into small
regions, on the bases of their co-ordinates. Is nodes
sending data directly to BS. In each region one CH is
selected per round. CHs of Os regions, select front
neighboring CHs of Ms regions as their next hop CH.
Nodes of CR selects, BS or neighboring CHs as their
CH, based on minimum distance. If a tie is occurs, for a
node of CR, in selection of CH from its neighboring
regions than, it is resolved by selecting the CH with
greater residual energy. In steady state phase each node
sends its data to CH in its allocated time slot. Primary
level CHs send aggregated data to their respective
secondary level CHs. Secondary level CHs then,
aggregate all collected data and forward it to BS.


improved. Clustering technique in routing protocols

plays a key role to prolong the stability period and
lifetime of the network. One of the energy efficient
routing protocols for wireless sensor network is Divide
and Rule scheme. In existing technique, suppose we had
corner node which wants to communicate with sink
through intermediate nodes. First of all it sends request
to its cluster head of nearest cluster. Then this cluster
head further sends data to its nearest available region.
The nodes which are deployed near sink are main nodes
which participate to communicate with sink and
intermediate nodes. The problem arises when battery of
the nodes near sink goes down communication stop.
Because sink node can communicate only with the help
of region nearby node not directly. The main reason is
that nearest sensor nodes are out of range of sink. So
battery degrades and communicate stop. To overcome
this problem relay nodes will be used instead of sensor
nodes. In the proposed work, we will insert N no, relay
nodes in Inner and middle region to communication path
between outer & middle region nodes and sink node. We
also perform the routing with different values of N to
find the optimal no. of relay nodes.




The communication between sensor nodes to sink is

based upon multi-hop message relay. The batteries of the
sensor nodes placed near the sink will exhaust faster as
compared to those that are placed far away. This is
because nearby sensors are shared by more sensor-tosink paths, heavier message relay load and therefore
consume more energy. Energy depletion causes energy
holes which degrade the network performance.
Researchers have developed many energy models [5] to
give proper explanation but these models still need to be

Fig. 2 shows energy level of all the regions

The fig.2 shows the level of energy of different regions.
The experimental results of the proposed novel
technique are better than the existing technique.


International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2014

The following fig. 3 shows the experimental results of

packet loss. For the packet loss the experimental results
of the proposed novel technique are better than the
existing technique.

Fig. 3 shows the packet loss



The nodes which are deployed near sink are main

nodes which participate to communicate with sink
and intermediate nodes. The problem arises when
battery of the nodes near sink goes down
communication stop. Because sink node can
communicate only with the help of region nearby
node not directly. The main reason is that some
sensor nodes are out of range of sink. So battery
degrades and communicate stop. To overcome this
problem relay nodes will be used instead of sensor
nodes. In this paper a novel technique will be
proposed to improve the problem of battery
consumption and to reduce the packet loss.



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