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Congestion Control Clustering A Review Paper

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International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research

Volume 4 Issue 7, 540 - 543, 2015, ISSN:- 23198656

Congestion Control Clustering a Review Paper

Navdeep singh
G.N.D.U Reginal campus
Jalandhar, India

Er. Nitika Soni

Assistant Professor, ECE Dept.
G.N.D.U Regional Campus
Jalandhar, India

Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks consists of sensor nodes which are scattered in the environment, gather data and transmit it to a
base station for processing. Energy conservation in the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is a very important task because of their
limited battery power. The related works so far have been done have tried to solve the problem keeping in the mind the constraints of
WSNs. In this paper, a priority based application specific congestion control clustering (PASCCC) protocol has been studied, which
often integrates the range of motion and heterogeneity of the nodes to detect congestion in a very network. Moreover a comparison of
the various clustering techniques has been done. From the survey it has been found that none of the protocol is efficient for energy
conservation. Hence the paper ends with future scope to overcome these issues.
Keywords: clustering, PASCCC, Data Aggregation, Sensor Node, WSNs

A WSN contains a wide array of nodes which can be tightly
or arbitrarily deployed in a location by which they have
interest. There is Base Stations (BS) situated to sensing area.
The bottom station having major function in WSN as sink
send queries to nodes while nodes sense the asked queries and
send the sensed information in a joint way reverse to Base
station. Base station also serves as an entrance for outer
surface system i.e. Internet. And so the number of information
and send only relevant data to customer via internet is
performed by Base station. Because it is known nodes have
little batteries which are hard to change or recharge. So to
check out such structural design to improve power saving.
Clustering techniques in wireless sensor networks aims at
gathering data among sets of nodes, which elect leaders
among themselves. The first choice or cluster-heads has got
the role of aggregating the data and reporting the data to the
BS. The advantages with this scheme is so it reduces energy
usage of each node and communication cost. The clustering
algorithms which can be made is founded on homogeneity
and heterogeneity of nodes. One of many earliest work
proposing this process in WSNs is LEACH (Low Energy
Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy). Recently, there has been
plenty of other clustering techniques which are mostly
variants of LEACH protocol with slight improvement and
different application scenarios. DEEC (Design of a
distributed energy-efficient clustering), EDACH (EnergyDriven Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) and EEUC (An
Energy-Efficient Unequal Clustering Mechanism) are all
clustering techniques proposed with the objective of
minimizing energy usage, while extending network life time.
Clustered sensor network could be classified into two main
types: homogeneous and heterogeneous sensor network.
While energy efficiency in WSNs remains a function of
uniform distribution of energy among sensor nodes,
classifying clustering techniques is dependent upon the
objectives in mind. The Optimal clustering technique may be
the technique for the heterogeneity nodes.

2. Clustering Objectives
Various objectives have been pursued by different literatures
in designing clustering architecture for WSN. Most objectives
are set to meet the application form constraints.

(i) Maximizing Network Life-time

Unlike in cellular networks, where mobile gadgets (e.g.
phones) can quickly be recharged constantly after battery
drainage, thus power management in these networks remains
a secondary issue. However, WSN is heavily constrained in
this regard, apart from being infrastructure-less system their
electric batteries is quite limited. All of the sensor nodes are
equipped with minimal power source. Thus, power efficiency
will remain of growing concern and will remain one of the
main design objectives of WSN. To be able to cope with
energy management in WSN, clustering scheme has been
pursued, to extend network life-time and help ease the burden
of each node transmitting straight to BS as in conventional
protocols like Direct Transmission. When some nodes which
are receiving less energy in the WSN then aim is to offer the
vitality to that nodes before they declared to be fully dead
(ii)Fault Tolerance
The failure of an alarm node needs to have a small elect on
the entire network system. The truth that sensor nodes will
undoubtedly be deployed in harsh environmental conditions,
there's tendency that some nodes may fail or be physically
damaged. Some clustering techniques have been proposed to
address the problem of node failure by using proxy clusterheads, in case of failure of the original elected cluster-head or
have minimal power for transmission. Various other
literatures have employed adaptive clustering scheme, to deal
with node failures such as for example rotating the clusterhead. Tolerating node failure is one of the other design goals
of clustering protocols.
(iii)Load Balancing
Load balancing technique might be another design goal of
clustering schemes. It is always necessary to not over burden
the cluster-heads as this could deplete their energies faster.
So, it is important to have even distribution of nodes in each
cluster. Especially in cases where cluster-heads are
performing data aggregation and other signal processing task,
an uneven characterization can extend the latency or
communication delay to the base station.


International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research

Volume 4 Issue 7, 540 - 543, 2015, ISSN:- 23198656


In this section, reveal description of distributed cluster-based
routing protocol is given. To the most effective of knowledge,
PASCCC is the very first protocol of its kind to take into
account mobility, heterogeneity, and congestion detection and
mitigation utilizing a cluster hierarchy. Many studies have
addressed congestion detection and mitigation, but they're
either generic or specifically linked to the transport layer.
Following assumptions about the PASCCC are created:1. Nodes are deployed randomly in the field with a different
group of energy values.
2. Nodes can handle adjusting their transmission power to be
able to reach a very distant CH throughout a specific round.
3. The positioning of a BS isn't fixed and it may be either
within or beyond your sensor field.
4. Nodes can handle moving across the field to cover vacant
spaces utilizing the random waypoint mobility model with a
rate V, where the value of V ranges between Vmin and Vmax.
Hence, complete coverage of the sensor field is guaranteed.
In PASCCC, the nodes can handle moving across the field if
required to be able to cover vacant regions. Mobility ensures
complete coverage and connectivity at all times. Hence, it is
less likely that generated events should go unreported. In
PASCCC, 10% of the nodes are advanced. These nodes have
higher energy levels compared with normal nodes, thereby
creating a heterogeneous number of nodes in the network.
PASCCC is an application-specific protocol. In scheme, two
application parameters are considered using PASCCC:
temperature and humidity PASCCC acts as a reactive protocol
for temperature monitoring and as a proactive protocol for
humidity. In reactive routing protocols, the nodes react
immediately to sudden and drastic changes in the values of
sensed events, and they're suited to time-critical applications.
In proactive routing protocols, the nodes turn on their
transmitters, sense the environmental surroundings, and report
captured data periodically to the BS. These protocols are
suited to applications that require periodic data transmission

Ramli, Aizat, and David Grace [1] presented two novel
distributed clustering algorithms that exploit cognitive
radio based principles as they are able to learn from the
received signal strength indicator (RSSI) beacons, to form
clusters which reduce the average distance between nodes
and cluster head, and also reduce the level of overlap
between clusters. One proposed method is based on a new
multiple summation of RSSI values, while the other is based
on a multiple in the last sensed RSSI benefit. Nodes become
a cluster head, with the winning nodes which are located in an
area of locally high node density. It has been shown that the
two learning based approaches have same performance, that
are significantly better than LEACH and a no learning
algorithm. Gautam, Navin, and Jae-Young Pyun [2] proposed
a new hierarchical routing protocol, distance aware
intelligent clustering protocol (DAIC), with all the key
concept involving dividing the multilevel into tiers in addition
to selecting the substantial energy CHs in the nearest distance
through the BS. They have observed that a considerable
amount of energy can be conserved by selecting CHs at the
nearest distance from the BS. Likewise, the number of CHs
continues to be computed dynamically to avoid selecting
unnecessarily large number of CHs in your network. The

simulation results showed that this proposed DAIC

outperforms LEACH in addition to LEACH-C by 63. 28% in
addition to 36. 27% with energy conservation respectively.
Xunbo, Li et al. [3] introduced a function to raise the problem.
This function employs the relative long distance between
nodes in addition to base station along with the round number
because its parameters. Therefore, the distribution associated
with cluster head may be symmetrical through changing
parameters of the function, and. With the increasing of
running time, every node within the network has the
opportunity to be a cluster head, that is, the energy
consumption may very well be balance. The results of
simulation showed that the lifetime of Wireless
Sensor Network (WSN) has been prolonged about 14%. Wei,
Dali [4] proposed a distributed clustering algorithm, Energyefficient Clustering (EC), that determines suitable cluster sizes
depending on the hop distance for the data sink, although
achieving approximate equalization associated with node
lifetimes in addition to reduced energy ingestion levels. They
additionally propose an effective energy-efficient multihop
facts collection protocol to evaluate the potency of EC and
calculate the end-to-end energy utilization of this protocol; yet
EC works for any facts collection protocol that targets on
energy conservation. Performance results exhibited that EC
provides network lifetime in addition to achieves energy
equalization better than two well-known clustering
algorithms, HEED and UCR. Lai, Yen-Cheng [5] suggested a
Region-based Clustering Mechanism (RCM) being applied in
these kind of MAC protocols. They proposed analytical
models to investigate the performance from the RCM, which
are validated from the simulation experiments.. Klaoudatou,
Eleni et al. [6] grouped the WSNs application environments
into two major categories and have examined: a) which of
the cluster-based Group Key Agreement (GKA) protocols that
appear in the literature are applicable to each category, and b)
to which degree these protocols impact the systems'
performance and energy consumption. In order to answer
these questions they have calculated the complexity of
each protocol and the energy cost it will add to the system.
The evaluation of all discussed protocols has been presented
in a generalized way and can therefore serve as a reference
point for future evaluations and for the design of new,
improved GKA protocols. Yoo, Jong-Woon, and Kyu Ho
Park [7] proposed a novel energy preserving approach that
intrusions the multiradio attribute of recent cellular phones
equipped with WLAN and Bluetooth interfaces. This work is
based on clustering. In this work, a cluster is a Bluetooth
Personal Area Network (PAN), which consists of a
cluster head and several regular nodes. The cluster head is a
gateway between the PAN and the WLAN, which further
enables the regular nodes to access the WLAN infrastructure
through the low-power Bluetooth. They presented a
distributed clustering protocol, Cooperative Networking
protocol (CONET), which dynamically reforms clusters
according to each node bandwidth requirement, energy, and
applications. Tong, Hui, and Jun Zheng [8] proposed
an energy-efficient clustering protocol for wireless sensor
networks (WSNs). Unlike LEACH and other existing
clustering protocols, the proposed clustering protocol
considers both the residual energy of a sensor node and
the distance between the sensor node and the sink in electing
a cluster head and a sensor node with more residual
energy and closer to the sink has a higher probability to
become a cluster head. Simulation results showed that
compared with LEACH the proposed clustering protocol can
better balance the energy consumption among sensor nodes
and can thus effectively reduce the energy consumption and


International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research

Volume 4 Issue 7, 540 - 543, 2015, ISSN:- 23198656
prolong the lifetime of a WSN. Deng, S.[9] proposed a
mobility-based clustering (MBC) protocol, which is used for
wireless sensor networks with mobile nodes. The proposed
clustering protocol, a sensor node elects itself as a cluster
head dependant on its residual energy and mobility. A noncluster-head node is aimed at its link stability that has a
cluster head during clustering in line with the estimated
connection moment. Each non-cluster-head node is allocated a
timeslot for data transmission inside ascending order in the
time division multiple address (TDMA) schedule based on the
estimated connection moment. In the steady-state cycle, a
sensor node transmits its sensed files in its timeslot and also
broadcasts a articulation request message to become listed on
in a new cluster and avoid more packet loss when it offers lost
or is going to lose its connection with its cluster head.
Simulation results show how the MBC protocol can slow up
the packet loss by 25% compared with the cluster-based
routing (CBR) protocol and 50% compared with the lowenergy adaptive clustering hierarchy-mobile (LEACHmobile) protocol. Moreover, it outperforms both the CBR
protocol and the LEACH-mobile protocol in terms of average
energy consumption and average control overhead. Hoang,
Duc et al. [10] presented a design and implementation of an
energy-efficient cluster based protocol for wireless sensor
networks. The formation of clusters is to balance energy usage
by sensor nodes within each cluster of the cluster-based
WSNs. This leads to energy savings for the sensor nodes in
order to obtain this objective, the fuzzy C-means (FCM)
clustering algorithm is incorporated in the protocol. The
protocol is realized on hardware with the support of the
embedded operating system, TinyOS. Experimental results
obtained from a scale-down laboratory based hardware with
up to 50 sensor nodes are provided to illustrate the efficacy of
the WSNs using the proposed protocol and compared with the
well-known cluster-based protocols such as Low Energy
Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy. Many experts have shown that
the FCM protocol will be able to achieve better organization
in the network and so can extend it's lifetime under diverse
operating conditions sufficient reason for different number of
nodes. Ganesh, Subramanian, and Ramachandran Amutha
[11] modified the ad-hoc on demand distance vector routing
by signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) based dynamic clustering. The
proposed scheme, which is secure routing protocol for
wireless sensor networks through SNR-based dynamic
clustering (ESRPSDC) mechanisms, can partition the nodes
into clusters and select the cluster head (CH) one of the nodes
using the energy, and non CH nodes join with a specific CH
using the SNR values. Error recovery has become
implemented during this inter-cluster routing to avoid end-toend error healing. Security has been recently achieved by
separating the malicious nodes making use of sink-based
routing style analysis. Extensive investigation studies by using
a global mobile simulator have demonstrated that this cross
ESRP significantly improves the action efficiency and supply
reception rate in comparison with the SNR ignorant routing
algorithms such as the low energy conscious adaptive
clustering hierarchy and power efficient gathering in sensor
information systems. Jan, Mian Ahmad et ing. [12] proposed
any priority-based application specific congestion control
clustering (PASCCC) standard protocol, which integrates this
mobility and heterogeneity from the nodes to detect
congestion inside a network. PASCCC decreases the job cycle
of just about every node by keeping threshold levels
pertaining to various applications. The transmitter of an
sensor node is triggered once the reading of a certain captured
event exceeds a certain threshold level. Time-critical packets
are prioritized during congestion in order to maintain their

timeliness prerequisites. In their planned approach, CHs

assure coverage fidelity simply by prioritizing the packets
associated with distant nodes around those of close by nodes.
A novel queue scheduling mechanism is actually proposed for
CHs to accomplish coverage fidelity, which helps to ensure
that the extra sources consumed by distant nodes are
employed effectively. The effectiveness associated with
PASCCC was evaluated dependant on comparisons with
current clustering protocols. The experimental final results
demonstrated that PASCCC attained better performance with
regards to the network life, energy consumption, files
transmission, and other QoS metrics in contrast to existing
approaches.. Tarhani, Mehdi et al. [13] proposed a new
distributed algorithm named scalable energy efficient
clustering hierarchy (SEECH), It is shown that the FCM
protocol has the ability to achieve better organization in the
network and thus can extend their lifetime under different
operating condition which selects CHs and relays separately
and determined by nodes eligibilities. Like this, high and
reduced degree nodes are usually, respectively, employed as
CHs and relays. In just one or two past researches, CHs and
relays vary, but their objective was mainly mitigation of CHs
energy burden which can be intrinsically satisfied from the
proposed mechanism. To consider uniformity of CHs to be
able to balance clusters, SEECH relies on a new distancebased criteria. Comparisons with LEACH and also TCAC
protocols present obvious better performance of SEECH
throughout term of life. To evaluate the scalability of SEECH
tactic, simulations are done in three unique network size
examples. Hoang, D. [14] proposed a framework that permits
practical development involving centralized cluster-based
standards supported by optimization means of the WSNs.
Based on this framework, a new protocol using harmony
search algorithm (HSA), a new music-based meta-heuristic
optimization method, is designed and implemented in real
time for the WSNs. It can be expected to limit the intra-cluster
distances between the cluster members and also their cluster
mind (CHs) and optimize the vitality distribution of the
WSNs. The study involving HSA cluster-based protocol is
carried out in a real case the location where the WSNs
equipped with the proposed protocol are deployed in a indoor
environment to be able to monitor the ambient temperature for
fireplace detection. A comparison is manufactured with the
well-known cluster-based protocols developed for WSNs like
(LEACH-C) along with a cluster-based protocol using Fuzzy
C-Means (FCM) clustering algorithm. Experimental results
demonstrate that this proposed protocol using HSA can be
realized in centralized cluster-based WSNs pertaining to
safety and security applications in constructing environments.
From the particular obtained experimental test out results, it
sometimes appears that the WSNs lifetime continues to be
extended using the particular proposed HSA protocol which
have a practical that of LEACH-C in addition to FCM
protocols. Kumar, Dilip [15] planned and evaluated two new
clustering-based protocols for heterogeneous WSNs, that
happen to be called single-hop energy-efficient clustering
protocol (S-EECP) and multi-hop energy-efficient clustering
protocol (M-EECP). In S-EECP, the cluster brains (CHs) are
elected by way of weighted probability based on the ratio
between residual energy of each one node and average energy
on the network. The nodes with high initial electricity and
residual energy should have more chances being elected as
CHs as compared to nodes with lower energy whereas in MEECP, the elected CHs communicate your data packets to the
base station via multi-hop communication approach. To
analyze the time of the network, the authors assume three


International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research

Volume 4 Issue 7, 540 - 543, 2015, ISSN:- 23198656
types of sensor nodes pre-loaded with different battery
electricity. Finally, simulation results indicate that this authors
protocols increase network lifetime, and achieve load balance
one of the CHs better versus existing clustering protocols.
Farouk, Fifi et al. [16] proposed a reliable and energyefficient clustering (SEEC) protocol for heterogeneous WSNs.
Furthermore, the extension to be able to multi-level of SEEC
is usually presented. It will depend on the network structure
that is divided into groups. Each cluster has a powerful
advanced node and a few normal nodes deployed randomly
within this cluster. In the particular multi-level architectures,
stronger supper nodes are assigned to pay distant sensing
locations. Each type involving nodes has its role from the
sensing, aggregation or transmission for the base station. At
each amount of heterogeneity, the optimum quantity of
powerful nodes that will achieve the minimum energy
utilization of the network is usually obtained. The proposed
protocol is really a heterogeneous awareness to be able to
prolong the stableness period, which is necessary for many
apps. The performance on the proposed protocol is usually
compared by existing homogeneous and heterogeneous
protocols. Simulation results show that this proposed protocol
offers a longer stability period of time, more energy efficiency
and higher average throughput versus existing protocols.




In this paper, a survey on various clustering protocols has

been done. The existing methods has used queuing model
which may restrict the performance of the congestion control
algorithm. The behavior of the queue has been neglected for
coverage fidelity, queuing thresholds, number of queues,
blocking probabilities etc. The nature of the traffic arrival
process exhibits a bursty and correlated behavior, which
totally degrade the network performance. Therefore it has
been found that none of the technique performs better in all
To overcome this problem, PASCCC will be improved
further by using leaky bucket algorithm instead of priority











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