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EPA Form 1 (Eng)

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Form of enduring power of attorney (for appointment of only one

Form 1
Information you must read
This form is a legal document that allows you to create an enduring
power of attorney (EPA). An EPA enables you to authorize another person
(your attorney) to act on your behalf in relation to your property and
financial affairs. You must use this form if you intend to appoint only one
attorney. If you become mentally incapable, your attorney will be able to
make decisions for you after your attorney has registered this form with the
Registrar of the High Court.
If you are a trustee, you should seek legal advice if you want your
attorney to act as a trustee on your behalf.

You must complete Part A.

Paragraph 1 of Part A: You must include the name and address of
the person you wish to appoint as your attorney at paragraph 1 of Part A.
The person you appoint as your attorney must be over 18 years of age and
must not be bankrupt or mentally incapable. Your attorney does not have to
be a solicitor. Your attorney must complete Part B and sign this form in the
presence of a witness.
Paragraph 2 of Part A: You cannot give your attorney a general
authority over all your property and financial affairs. If you do, your EPA
will not be valid. Instead, you must specify at paragraph 2 of Part A what
you authorize your attorney to do with your property and financial affairs,
or the particular property or financial affairs for which you have given your
attorney authority to act. For example, you may decide to give your
attorney authority only for a particular bank account, or a particular piece of

Paragraph 3 of Part A: You may include any restrictions you like
on the authority you give to your attorney. For example, you may include a
restriction that your attorney must not act on your behalf until your attorney
has reason to believe that you are becoming mentally incapable, or that your
attorney must not enter into a contract without first seeking legal advice if
its value exceeds a specified amount. You should set out these restrictions
at paragraph 3 of Part A.
Unless you include a restriction preventing it, your attorney will be
able to use any of your money or property to make any provision which you
might be expected to make yourself for the needs of your attorney or the
needs of other persons. Your attorney will be able to use your money to
make gifts, but only for reasonable amounts in relation to the value of your
money and property.
Your attorney may recover out-of-pocket expenses for acting as
your attorney. If your attorney is a professional person, such as an
accountant or a solicitor, your attorney may charge for any professional
services provided when acting as your attorney.
If your attorney has reason to believe that you are, or are becoming,
mentally incapable of managing your affairs, your attorney must apply to
the Registrar of the High Court to register this EPA. Registration will allow
your attorney to make decisions for you after you have become mentally
Paragraph 4 of Part A: If you would like to be notified before
your attorney applies to the Registrar of the High Court to register this
EPA, or if you would like other persons to be notified, you must include the
names and addresses of the persons to be notified at paragraph 4 of Part A.
You can include up to 2 persons to be notified in addition to yourself. If
your attorney does not notify you or the persons you have nominated, that
does not prevent the registration of your EPA or make it invalid. However,
in any legal proceedings relating to the EPA the court may, if it considers it
appropriate, draw an adverse inference from the failure to notify you or the
nominated persons.

Paragraphs 7, 9 and 10 of Part A: You must sign this form at
paragraph 7 of Part A and fill in the names and addresses of the registered
medical practitioner and the solicitor who are present when you sign. If you
do not sign in the presence of both the registered medical practitioner and
the solicitor at the same time, you must sign the form in the presence of the
solicitor no later than 28 days after the date on which you sign in the
presence of the registered medical practitioner. The registered medical
practitioner and the solicitor will need to complete the certificates at
paragraphs 9 and 10 of Part A respectively to certify that you are mentally
capable when you sign this form.
Paragraph 8 of Part A: If you are physically incapable of signing
this form yourself, you can direct someone else to sign on your behalf. In
this case, paragraph 8 of Part A must be completed and that person must
sign at that paragraph in your presence and in the presence of the registered
medical practitioner and the solicitor. The person signing on your behalf
must not be your attorney, the spouse of your attorney, the registered
medical practitioner or the solicitor before whom the instrument is signed or
the spouse of the registered medical practitioner or the solicitor.
This form takes effect as an EPA in accordance with section 10 of
the Enduring Powers of Attorney Ordinance (Cap. 501) when it is signed by
you or the person signing on your behalf and under your direction before
the solicitor. You should note that unless and until this form is so signed, it
has no effect either as an EPA or an ordinary power of attorney. However,
if you wish, you may choose a later date or later event, on which the EPA
will take effect. In such case you must specify this later date or event in
paragraph 5 of Part A.

Form of enduring power of attorney (for appointment of only one

Part A
[This Part must be completed by the person appointing the attorney (the
donor), except for paragraphs 9 and 10, which must be completed by a
registered medical practitioner and a solicitor respectively. You should
read the explanatory information given under the heading Information
you must read before you fill it in. Do not sign this form unless you
understand what it means.]

Appointment of attorney by donor

I, [your name here] ................................................................................ ,
holder of [your identification document here] ....................................... ,
of [your address here] ...........................................................................
appoint [your attorneys name here] .....................................................
holder of [identification document here] ............................................... ,
of [your attorneys address here] ..........................................................
to be my attorney under the Enduring Powers of Attorney Ordinance
(Cap. 501).


Attorneys authority
[You must specify what you authorize your attorney to do. You cannot
give a general authority over all your property and financial affairs.
If you do, your EPA will not be valid. You can either specify at
subparagraph (1) what you authorize your attorney to do by ticking
any or all of the appropriate boxes, or tick no box, in which case you
must list at subparagraph (2) the particular property or financial
affairs for which you have given your attorney authority to act. If you
have ticked any or all the boxes at subparagraph (1), you may still
list at subparagraph (2) any particular property or financial affairs
in relation to which you have given your attorney authority to act.
You must not make no ticks at subparagraph (1) and list no property
at subparagraph (2).]

My attorney has authority to act on my behalf:

(a) to collect any income due to me;
(b) to collect any capital due to me;
(c) to sell any of my movable property;
(d) to sell, lease or surrender my home or any of my
immovable property;
(e) to spend any of my income;
(f) to spend any of my capital; or
(g) to exercise any of my powers as a trustee.


My attorney has authority to act on my behalf in respect of the

following property or financial affairs: [If you want your
attorney to act for you only in relation to some of your property
or financial affairs, you must list them here.]


Restrictions on attorney
This enduring power of attorney is subject to the following conditions
and restrictions: [If you want to put conditions or restrictions on the
way your attorney exercises any powers, you must list them here. For
example, you may include a restriction that your attorney must not
act on your behalf until your attorney has reason to believe that you
are becoming mentally incapable. If you do not want to impose any
conditions or restrictions, you must delete this paragraph.]


Notification of named persons

[If you do not want anyone (including yourself) to be notified of the
application for the registration of this EPA, you must delete
subparagraphs (1) and (2).]

My attorney must notify me before applying for the registration

of this enduring power of attorney. [If you do not want to be
notified, you must delete this subparagraph.]


My attorney must notify the following persons before applying

for the registration of this enduring power of attorney. [Fill in
the names and addresses of up to 2 persons (other than yourself)
to be notified. If you do not want other persons to be notified,
you must delete this subparagraph.]
Name: ..........................................................................................
Address: .......................................................................................
Name: ..........................................................................................
Address: .......................................................................................


Commencement of EPA
[This EPA takes effect on the date it is signed before the solicitor in
paragraph 7 or 8 below. If you want to specify a later date or later
event on which this EPA will take effect, please fill in the gap in the
sentence marked with an asterisk below. Delete that sentence if you
wish this EPA to take effect on the date it is signed before the
*This EPA takes effect on ....................................................................
............................................................. (insert a later date or event).


Power to continue
I intend this enduring power of attorney to continue even if I become
mentally incapable.


Signed by me as a deed [sign here] .....................................................
on [date] ..............................................................................................
in the presence of [name and address of registered medical
practitioner] ...........................................................................................
Signed by me as a deed [sign here] .....................................................
on [date] ................................................................................................
in the presence of [name and address of solicitor]................................


[If you are physically incapable of signing this form and you direct
someone else to sign on your behalf, that person must sign here and
paragraph 7 must be deleted.]
This enduring power of attorney has been signed by [name of person
signing on your behalf] ..........................................................................
holder of [identification document] ....................................................... ,
of [address of person signing on your behalf].......................................
under the direction and in the presence of the donor.
Signed as a deed [signature of person signing on your behalf].............
on [date] ................................................................................................
in the presence of the donor and [name and address of registered
medical practitioner] .............................................................................
Signed as a deed [signature of person signing on your behalf].............
on [date] ................................................................................................
in the presence of the donor and [name and address of solicitor] .........


Certificate by registered medical practitioner

I certify that:
(a) I am satisfied that the donor is mentally capable in terms of
section 2 of the Enduring Powers of Attorney Ordinance
(Cap. 501); and
(b) this form was signed by the donor in my presence and the
donor acknowledged signing it voluntarily. [If someone
else signs this form on the donors behalf, this statement
must be deleted.]
(c) this form was signed, in the presence of the donor and me,
by [name of person signing on donors behalf] ....................
on behalf and under the direction of the donor. [If the
donor signs this form, this statement must be deleted.]
Signed by registered medical practitioner..............................................
on [date] ................................................................................................

10. Certificate by solicitor

I certify that:
(a) the donor appears to be mentally capable in terms of
section 2 of the Enduring Powers of Attorney Ordinance
(Cap. 501); and
(b) this form was signed by the donor in my presence and the
donor acknowledged signing it voluntarily. [If someone
else signs this form on the donors behalf, this statement
must be deleted.]
(c) this form was signed, in the presence of the donor and me,
by [name of person signing on donors behalf] ....................
on behalf and under the direction of the donor. [If the
donor signs this form, this statement must be deleted.]
Signed by solicitor ...............................................................................
on [date] ................................................................................................


Part B
[This Part must be completed by the attorney.]

I understand that I have a duty to apply to the Registrar of the High

Court to register this form under the Enduring Powers of Attorney
Ordinance (Cap. 501) when the donor is, or is becoming, mentally


I also understand my limited power to use the donors property to

benefit persons other than the donor as provided in section 8(3) and
(4) of that Ordinance and also my duties and liabilities under section
12 of that Ordinance.


Signed by me as a deed [signature of attorney] ....................................

on [date] ................................................................................................
in the presence of [signature and name and address of witness, who
must not be the donor] ...........................................................................


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