Service Management
Service Management
Service Management
Gaurav Bhatia 1
BAHM India
Service Management
This is the nature of the industry, where no one knows when and how the
demand will arises, the only way is to assume the future demand or forecast the
demand may arise in future, well in advance. Service does not have any physical
appearance and cannot be stored to meet the peak season. Therefore, it has to be
given at the time of demand arises.
This report is based on the T.G.I. Friday’s, a chain restaurant, better known as
quick service restaurant. This report tells about the service concept of Friday’s,
how they are maintaining the quality of food and beverages in order to satisfy
the customer. How the rand Friday’s is emphasized on service quality and
customer satisfaction through their delivery process, is the main focus of the
research. Friday’s is the perfect example of performance of employees’ leads to
better revenue, how the customer behavior reflects the business. Friday’s ability
in customer satisfaction and maintaining cost of product in order to achieve
customer satisfaction is discussed further in the report.
Gaurav Bhatia 2
BAHM India
Service Management
Model of service operation should organize in such a way, so that the company
will reach out more customers and should be able to satisfy them. The quality of
service and employees attitude can convert a person into a loyal customer for
any restaurant business. (Laws Eric, 2004). It includes following strategies like,
T.G.I. Friday’s, mainly target youth customers and people who are willing to
pay but have less time. Friday’s segment the market in that way, they knows the
value of customer satisfaction, at the same time, the brand emphasized on the
quality of service and delivery process to the customer. The brand Friday’s
recognized all over the world for its quick service. Delayed in service can affect
the customer behavior. There is very strong connection between the customer
attitude and restaurant delivery abilities. (Jones Peter and Dent Michael, 1994).
Gaurav Bhatia 3
BAHM India
Service Management
The service concept should reflect the demand of the customer and requirements
of the target market; delivery process and décor of the restaurant should
compliment the service concept. (Walker John R, 2007). Standardized service
concept helps T.G.I. Friday’s to satisfy every individuals and at the same time
helps to meet the demand of the customers. The employees of Friday’s try their
best by providing best quality meal and services in order to retain the guest.
T.G.I. Friday’s is a chain restaurant. T.G.I. Friday’s the name stands for “thanks
goodness it’s Friday.” This offers great food and beverage in a fun atmosphere.
The concept of casual dining mainly emphasized on bar food, a broad range of
alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The service offered here is generally pre-
plated. (Anon,2008).
T.G.I. Friday’s is the unit of Carlson Companies, the first Friday’s restaurant
was formed in 1965 and today there are over 826 Fridays in over 50 cities all
around the world, serving 25,000 guest everyday approximately. (Anon, 2008).
Friday’s is a well-known brand in the world; generally distribute the franchises
to the local entrepreneurs. Franchising has been the new concept becoming
popular now days, it allows the parent company to sell ideas and concept to
aspiring people, who likes to serve, and franchising is the simplest way to reach
out more people and helps in establishing the brand name in the market.
(Fitzsimmons, 2006).
T.G.I. Friday’s is the world-renowned restaurant chain. There are over 826
restaurants around the world. The concept of Friday’s restaurant seems very
attractive, excellent décor, perfect food a compliment with wide range of
alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, all above that the services deliver by
employees are appreciative. Brand Friday shows rapid growth and potential in
the competitive market, the strategies of gaining customer rather than gaining
profit, works for the chain restaurant. Friday’s trying hard to satisfy every
individual customer by providing excellent meal experience. The staff of
Friday’s knows the value of customer satisfaction, want every single customer
become loyal towards the brand and will have the best meal experience in any of
the T.G.I. Friday’s restaurant. The way Friday is maintaining cost of products
and sales is remarkable, simple and straight operational process is being working
well so far. Brand Friday’s believes in providing best quality food for retaining
the customers.
Gaurav Bhatia 4
BAHM India
Service Management
The service Offered in T.G.I. Friday’s can be described as, Mass Customization,
New concept through, which a company standardized their products and
services to fulfill the needs of customers. (Pine B. Joseph, 1993). The service
offered in Friday’s is pre-plated; the delivery here needs to be quick to meet
demand of the customers. T.G.I Friday’s have more than one hundred food
items in the menu, so Friday’s believes in mass production in order to satisfy the
individual need. (Anon,2007). The employees of Friday’s gives advise and
guide the customer to have best meal experience. The successful service requires
the involvement of employees, shown by counseling with customers about the
meal experience. (Lashley Conrad, 2000). The Friday’s restaurants famous for
its quick service, Friday’s ensure that the meal will be out in less than fifteen
minutes, this shows, the brand Friday’s is quick in terms of service and delivery
process of food and beverages.
Gaurav Bhatia 5
BAHM India
Service Management
T.G.I. Friday’s is high-end restaurants, mainly target to youth and people with
high spending power. People, who are willing to pay for food with
entertainment, are the target customers of Fridays. Revenue management consist
of several points; customer willingness to pay, the value of the product in the
market and at what point of time the product can obtain maximum margin out
from the consumer. (Cross Robert and Blackswan Orient, 1997). Regular
introduction of new items or improving quality of existing items in the menu
makes Friday stand apart from the other restaurants. Friday’s keep on launching
schemes like, happy hours (50% off in afternoon time), discount on holidays,
discount on appetizers, etc. apart from schemes, Fridays arrange theme parties
on weekends, fashion with Fridays, Halloween party on Saturday and much
more. Such programs help Fridays to attract more and more customers, which
may lead to increase in revenue. (Anon, 2007). On the other hand, staff of
Friday’s knows how to convert normal guest into regular one, the staff is clear
about the organizational target. Staff utilizes the resources in the best way to
deliver the best service to target customers, this all effort together enhance the
performance of brand Friday’s and generate more revenue.
Gaurav Bhatia 6
BAHM India
Service Management
The service industry is entirely depending on the demand of the consumer and
quality provided by the firm, but no one knows when the demand of a particular
thing arises. Therefore, the service concept has to be quick in order to meet the
demand immediately. Delayed in service can affect the behavior of the customer
and on the other hand quick and quality service can convert them into loyal
customer towards the brand. Now a day, restaurants those are able to maintain
the quality and at the same time able to satisfy, the needs of customers can resist
and establish as a brand in the market. The concept of service operation should
clear to the employees and they should know the importance of guest
Regular change in menu and improving the quality of food and service, meeting
with the demand immediately makes T.G.I. Friday’s a successful brand. In every
aspect, Friday’s is able to satisfy the customer by providing best meal
experience. More over, innovations in restaurant operations and introduction of
new concepts are the key to become successful brand for Friday’s. The brand is
very clear about their target market and following strategies in order to capture
maximum market share. T.G.I. Friday’s are doing best to ensure every
individual guest will be satisfied.
Gaurav Bhatia 7
BAHM India
Service Management
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Gaurav Bhatia 8
BAHM India
Service Management
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Gaurav Bhatia 9
BAHM India
Service Management
Gaurav Bhatia 10
BAHM India