Rahdue's Wheel: Preparation
Rahdue's Wheel: Preparation
Rahdue's Wheel: Preparation
The Rahdue's Wheel is one of the full 78 card readings. The topics include telling of the past, present, and future.
Additional information also includes much past life work in regards to past situations that mirror the present for the
querent. The spread also has a block near the end of the reading, that is only turned face up per specific question
The author and creatorof thisspread also indicatestime framesforthe"dials"concerning the past, present, andfuture.
Her statements say that the past dial only goes back up to 28 days, and the future only goes towards 3 months. The
Have the client write down up to 9 questions. Also prepare a block of time about 3 hours for the full reading. Also
As a basic idea what we are doing here, the first 39 cards will be aclockwithinaclockwithin aclock. Welay down
cards from the 1 o'clock position until we reach 12 o'clock face down. We then turn them up one at a time, and
interpret the meaning from the positions. The 13'th card is laid in the center, which 'solidifies' the first 12. Wedothis
The general pattern is that the first 12 of each wheel goes in sequence around a clock dial, starting with 1 in the 1
o'clock position, going to 12 o'clock. The solidifier is placed in the center. The second dial startsat14inthe1 o'clock
position, and goes around to 25 in 12 o'clock. 26 is placed. The same goes also with 27 through38, with39placed as
1: Inner self, karmic path. The very firstcardrepresents whatkind ofchangesare happeninginyourclients'lifenow!
2: Security and relationships. Court cards will usually indicate someone significant in theclients'life.Alsodepends on
3: Plans, ideas, philosophy. A positive care here is a very good sign, as it shows that other areas lacking can be
repaired quicker. This area can also express hidden areas ofassumptionbehindsomeone'sbeliefs. Tread carefully, as
this can be especially personal. People's dreams can also be found here, showing a secretsideofthemthattheymay
4: Background, parents, home. Has your client been helped or hindered by any of these? You may find some harsh
feelings when exploring this. However, if the client is ready, this can be a way to bringthe problems andfeelings into
the light and come to terms with them. It is very possible thatthis card canshowproblemsthatare beyondtheclients
5: Hopes, desires, pleasures. A positive card can help nullify thepotentialnegativesfoundin the4'thposition.Itisalso
possible to find that the client is trapped within some social construct perhaps a faltering marriage, or dead end job.
6: Health, concerns: The book states to simply refer to a MD if the client admits any sort of health problems, but
7: Partners, loved ones. Close relationships are the target of thiscard. Energiesrelatingto partner(s), children, family,
business partners are all intertwined. Compatible energies will show a synergy between them, while noncompatible
8: The Mystic Symbolportrays potential gains. This card can be negative, but usually shows positive gains that the
querent can have now. However, a warning is made as well if the querent procrastinates, these gain maydisappear.
9: Distance, travel. Travel does not have to mean going somewhere afar. This can also mean that the querent may
have to go somewhere they do not usually frequent. It can also indicate that the querent will have togoelsewhereto
10: Karmic amplitudelife's work. Thiscard contains theseed thatcarriesthe querent'sintention.Itcould be buried,or
on the surface, but it is there. What karma has he earned? Has he expressed his talents? What is the querent doing
11: True desire for self and others. This card represents the full and truedesireforwhat wewant.Theauthor states
to question the querent as to if this isa good undertaking,and toquery if thisisagoodundertaking. I disagreewiththe
author's assessment. Going against the true will is never a good thing. Instead, I interpret this as a way to keep the
12: Hidden vibrations, only known on subconscious level. If the client is denying their true desire, this can nullify the
querent and potentially paralyse actions. This is the card, mainly for the diviner, that will show if the client is lost and
13: This card is "The Key to the Inner Wheel".This cardconfirms thereadinggivenbythe first 12 cards,and linksto
card 14 which deals with future activity. If a court card is present here, it means a new person will be playing a
prominent part of the querent's life soon. AnAceof anysuitalsomeansthata new cycleinthequerent's life is dueto
1425: These cards are to be read for the Querent's future, using the same definitions as above. According to the
21: The Mystic SymbolThe result of the harvest. Whatever the card indicates, the results will be beneficial to the
Querent. This card will show an action that will free the clientofcirculatingpatterns thattrapthem.Thequerentmay
23: Karmic AmplitudeSource of satisfaction. This card can be thought of as a rescue card. This card can showthe
avenues of possible success, and how to navigate which ones will be in line withthe querent. Ifyoudetect frustration
or disharmony in the spread, youwillfind guidance here.Notethatreading in the future 28 dayscanbeadverseunless
The past only goes back to the beginning of the esoteric month. The author claims it is from the beginning of the
current month to thestroke ofmidnightofthe28'th.Givenherextensive use ofthe Kaballah, I woulddare say thatshe
is wrong to use the solar calendar.The Jewishpeoplesstill use alunarcalendarin whicheachmonthis28days,which
34: The MysticSymbolKarma Shared.This positionshares an insight inwhichthequerentandsomeoneelse shared a
particular situation. She claims the beginningof theesoteric monthisonthefirstofeverymonth andends at thestroke
of midnight of the 28'th. A Rahdue's Wheel reading on the 14'th would only see in the past to the 1'st of that month.
36: Karmic Amplitudeadjustment relating to karma. This card relates some kind of significant change within the
querent that happened within the recent (esoteric month) past. The effects ofsaidevent may not havecaughtupwith
We have now completed the 3 wheels, in the center. Now, we will delve within the past life situationsthathave lead
the querent from their past, present, and future. We start this by thecards inposition 40 through49calledthe "Dagim
Unlike the positions of cards above in the wheels,these cardsare meanttobereadas ablock.The sequence ofcards
does NOT indicate a time sequence. the purpose of the Dagim Block is to compare a past life situationtoone thatis
Court cards are important in this block. They represent people only.If you are reading for a female, the first Queen
represents the querent. Other court cards represent people in that lifetime that are here now in the present of the
If you are reading for a male, the first King is the querent and other court cards represent other people as explained
If the client is not yet 29 years old,disregard usingkings andqueens,and insteadusePages. Thisrule appliestoeither
This card solidifies the querents intended karmic patterns. Do not reveal this card until the Dagim Block has been
The Pillar of Taleh holds the memory of our relationships of past lives. These 'genetic memories' are preserved to
remind our higher selves which were beneficial and harmful. You may learn whom you are tomeetagain, whomyou
The Pillar of Taleh works as similar as the Dagim Block, but with the focus being on people associated with the
If the querent is concerned about a family member's attitude towards a situation, a valid question would be "Is this a
Karmic Reaction?". The answer will usually turn up in the Pillar of Taleh. The possible lack of court cards could
This card is called the"Keyto Knowledge", andisplaced nexttocard #58.Aking solidifier indicatesa female will find
her soul mate. A Queen solidifier indicates that a male will find his soulmate. This card only confirms past life
The Pillar of Shor holds our memory of experience of our past lives. This memory is called the Karmic Seed, by the
Questions to watch out for are of the type "Why do I do thesame thing overandover again?". Theseshowthesame
result from the same unresolved Seed. Relationships can dissolve, and success can be unattainablegiventhe previous
Many people never have the chance to look at the Cause of the actions they respond to. People get stuck in ruts, or
As in the previous Pillar, we readthe9cards asa coherentblock. Individualcardinterpretations comeafter thewhole