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The Reiki Symbols New Ideas 07

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A little more information…

Sheree Denise Rainbolt
Reiki Master and Spiritual Dowser

This document is offered to Reiki teachers and students as a written account of

information I received intuitively regarding the meaning of some of the symbology of
The Reiki Symbols. It comes within the framework of a research project I am involved
in concerning a new numerology system I have intuited . This project is called Jesus
Christ Numerology. Don’t let the name fool you, cause it sure did me. When I began
receiving the new numerology system, I thought it would be something entirely different
than what it turned out to be. What it turned out to be is a deeper and broader truth about
the true identity of Jesus, and the construct that created him and why. But, we won’t be
needing that right this second.

The JCN system came into my mind in April of 2007. I had been working for three
months on some research of The Great Pyramid of Giza. I was intuiting that the GP is
an important Anchor for planet earth, especially in terms of communications between the
physical and non physical. I learned a great deal in the research and came to understand
much more about the ancient Egyptian beliefs and culture. I loved every second of it.
Frankly, it was very difficult in the beginning, as I was taught, numerically, that the world
we live in is quite well ordered for you, even before you are born, and each of us has a
high potential destiny. There is much we have been taught that is not accurate, or has
been hidden. All of that is scheduled to be revealed soon - within the next 10 years,
maybe sooner, but not later. We won’t be going there for this document, but I wanted
people to understand the context of the illumination I have received.

As intuitive guidance, it will be up to each person to discern meaning for themselves.

This information is first given to me, for my personal understanding, then passed along
to others who might benefit. It may not resonate with everyone and that does not make it
right or wrong.

By now, most people have come to understand that there is no such possibility of right
and wrong in the larger view of real creation. True Creation does not stand as a witness
for boundaries. It is perception, or consciousness, that invites discernment . Whether or
not discernment is good or bad in this dimension is up to you to decide. We are told that
we come here to Know Thyself. I wouldn’t disagree with that assignment, as Self
Knowing is truly the only way to transcend 3D and 4D. Is this about Karma? Not at all.
Self Knowing is about truth. Once you know the truth of your Self, Karma is irrelevant.
It is only the illusion and the guilty mind that will teach you otherwise. Nothing you have
ever thought, said, or done can keep you from what you are. It’s a matter of believing it.
By the same token, this holds true of all living things. As we look out at our world with
our anger and disappointment, we are seeing what is not true. This needs correction.

This document is not offered to change things in the world, or fix things in the world. It
comes as more information for the Mind. For some, it will deeply resonate, and they will
see the Reiki symbols as far more important. For others, it may feel silly. All perceptions
are correct for the person holding them, and the meaning in that is ancient.

If I may make a suggestion to you, please do try not to discount what you read here at first
glance. I have done this many times in my life, only to learn the hard way later on. Read
this document at least twice. Really look at the symbols. Understand that any meaningful
healing sysmbol must correct at the point of Origin in order to heal. Otherwise, it’s just a

No guarantee or warranty is expressed or implied in any form and no liability is

accepted for any harm arising from use or misuse of this information. In medical
matters always seek the advice of a qualified medical practitioner.


My name is Sheree Denise Rainbolt. I am a professional Dowser, and a Reiki Master. I

host several online forums related to Dowsing and Reiki. I have written several formal
documents on these topics as well, specifically, The Reiki Healing Projects, and The
Eden Gate, Dowsing Ebook. These documents are free for the asking. All of my
writings come inspired from higher loving intelligence. For this I am most grateful.

I intuited The Reiki Healing Projects in 2004. For about one year, I led several RHP
groups through the six week Self healing process. The projects are based on the Reiki
Symbols. I was told that the symbols are important and carry vital energy. I was led to
understand the healing energies of the symbols, and thusly, built the projects around use
of the symbols. I did not know then, what I know now. All I knew is the projects worked.

At that time, I didn’t fully understand why the symbols were so important, but I didn’t ask
questions. I simply wrote the process and offered them to those in need of help, who
wished to take their unique journey into their own hands. The best place for it to be.

The projects proved to be very successful for many. For others, not so much. But, for
roughly 100 people, the projects were life saving. I took the six week plunge myself, and I
can say with absolute certainty that it altered the course of my life. It gave me insight I
had never experienced about myself and others. It allowed me to see where I had gone off
course- precisely. The projects empowered me and gave me the kind of clarity that can
only come when you release the inner prisoners of everyone in your life you blame for
your circumstances, no matter how horrific. Since each of the last four weeks, correspond
to the Reiki symbols, they become ingrained in a person’s energy and clearly open up
channels for all kinds of wonderful experiences to come. I have a 50 page pdf. document
filled with testimonials on the Inner Child Healing Project. I outline this here because it is
extraordinarily synchronistic for me to have come three years later to find deeper meaning
in the symbols, due to my work on the JCN.

After about a year of facilitating online projects, I decided not to lead any more online
groups for the RHP, as the energy and time required was too much. It drained me.
Additonally, there were other things calling for me. But, I kept the group, the manuals and
the files in tact, so that other Reiki peeps could come in and get the information for their
own process. I wrote a personal process, Inner Child manual, so that interested people
could use the manual on their own. It is advised that the process be overseen by a
experienced Reiki Master (at least online).
The other two projects are Dream Job and Light Bodies. All three projects have been very
helpful to me personally, and in many other ways than expected.

As it turns out, it would be nearly 3 years before I would come to a deeper understanding
of the Reiki Symbols, and why they are shaped the way they are. While the symbols seem
to originate with Tendai Buddhism, they are far more ancient than that. All of creation is
recycled through newer ideas. The Reiki Symbols reflect intention older than the
earth itself. The one fluid theme I have now found through the symbols - thus far - is the
number / or design of SEVEN (7). What makes this particularly interesting is that 7 is a
Universal number. We humans call this design a seven, when in fact, it represents the 90
degree angle. Thee 90 Degree Angle.

There are two doors (merged into one on another level) into our dimension that are used
by the Creator of the physical Universe. One is Yin and one is Yang. You will see this
reflected in the SHK and DKM symbols. The higher dimensional (single) gateway splits
into two as it enters the third dimension. The two doorways are Yin and Yang. Alpha and
Omega. Male and female. You do not choose this journey alone. That is a myth.
Depending on your own energy signature, you will be encouraged, to one degree or
another. That is why the JCN is important to learn.

The split happens once we have made the choice to experience this dimension. Not
wanting to confuse the purpose of this offering, I will close on this thread by saying that
this dimension is not our true home, and we are not suppose to be here. The split that
supports the manufactured story of Adam and Eve is not our natural state of being. But,
without proper KNOWLEDGE, we cannot choose more wisely. You wouldn’t be here
right now if you had more information. Knowledge is freedom.

I was initially attuned to Usui Reiki Ryoho in 2003. I have received several other
attunements since that time. One in person; the rest at a distance. All of these attunements
have been meaningful. I am attuned to 15 *flavors* of Reiki, but use only one in my daily
work, and that is an eclectic mix of Usui Reiki Ryoho and my own intuitive leanings,
created for my highest good. I also use a lovely system called Karuna Ki for deeper
issues, as this system is very strong; especially the attunements.

There are many fine systems in play.. The right Reiki will be shown to the right person in
all cases. There is no wrong way, and no right way, only the best way for that individual.
Everyone is unique and special, and has their own personal guidance system for which
road to take, based on many factors that other humans have no knowledge of. No one has
the keys for your journey but you.

I credit the practice of Reiki with many significant healings that have taken place in my
own life and the lives of my loved ones. The Reiki I send to global issues and the persons
involved is also making a contribution. All of us, working together from love, are making
a meaningful difference.

I am not an expert in the history of Reiki, or of the Reiki Symbols. There are many
schools of thought, and I am not present to argue them. I give you only what I receive
from my sources. This message may not jive with what you know/think to be true. My
only request is that you process this information without the need to judge it immediately.
Allow it to flow through you first. Take a deep breath and ask your Higher Mind if it is
for you.

I come across people who are very solid in their belief systems. I was one of those people
for far too long. I can’t begin to imagine how much further along I would be if I had taken
advantage of all the new information that tried to get my attention. But, we see ourselves
and our lives a certain way, especially if we call ourselves Teachers. Teachers are most
vulnerable to the resistance of new learning. The world is changing and new learning is
critical if we are to allow higher light intelligence to help us. Everything you have ever
been taught is only the tiniest fraction of what there is to know.

Lastly, I am including some interesting writings of other Reiki Masters on the topic of
Reiki Symbols to give you more of an overview of what information exists on this topic.
I do not subscribe to all beliefs outlined in all of the writings, but I include them as a
way to bring more information to the table for your own discernment. Some Reiki
Masters claim to have the only truth on the subject. That is impossible. Others admit they
share only what they feel is truth.
I want to make it clear that just because I have included the writings of others in this
document, does not mean these authors endorse my views. My truth is my truth. I only
share what I am learning because I know there is at least one other person who is meant to
hear it.

If you have an article on the topic that you would like included in this document, please
send it and I will update the file, time permitting.

I dedicate this document to the Monks of Myanmar. May all the light of love be with
them now and forever. I will always hold them close in my heart, and this document is
a tribute to their sacred energy on our planet. May their crossing be truthful.

This feels like an appropriate place to say this:

Monk : Know
They are the same letters, but for the upside down W.
Backwards- Monk spells Know (in truth). The W is a
primary signature of the dark forces of earth. Think..

W = 23
Turn it over and get M. Monk.
What do they Know ?

What do they know that would bring about their demise, again,
just five years from 2012? The end of the Mayan Calendar.
Mayan - Myanmar

Myan Ram (mar backwards)

Jesus is believed by many to have been born on April 17th.

This is the sign of Aries, the Ram. Americans celebrate Easter in
The sign of the Ram.

How the message streamed in…..

I awoke on this October morning after a good night’s sleep, which is fairly unusual due to
a large project I have been working on. I am use to staying up late to get some work done.
I have been logging 5 and 6 hours of sleep a night for about 9 months now. Last night, for
whatever reason, I found myself in bed at 9:00 p.m. - which hasn’t happened in over a
year. When I awoke, I had some very interesting energy brewing. It was notable. I felt
strong and sure of my day ahead. I planted my feet on the ground and begin to see the day
unfold in my mind. First: I realize I am out of milk and need to get to the BP.

I rose from bed and began walking towards the bathroom when suddenly the Reiki power
symbol flashed into my mind. I don’t normally think of Reiki symbols this time of
morning, as I am busy getting prepared to get three kids off to school. Then, immediately
after that flash comes the number 7. It hit me. The Reiki power symbol is the design of 7
with a clockwise vortex. It was a very strong impression and I immediately understood it.
The number 7 is the number of physical Creation itself. You may know this already. This
was astounding to me, as I had never looked at the CKR symbol as a 7 with a vortex at
it’s feet. The physical Earth springing from non-physical intention (vortex).
I would like to point out here that the word REIKI is 34 H. The number 34 reduces to 7.
In my numerology system that makes perfect sense, given the numbers that have been
shown to me. Please recall approximate Pi is 22/7. The number 22 represents the
Creator of this physical Universe.
In traditional numerology, 22 represents the Master Builder. The numerology for Reiki
is the 7. In that string, you have 22/7. The fraction (22 / 7) is a well used number for Pi.
It is accurate to 0.04025%.

I don’t wish to use this specific document to outline the deeper meaning of the number 7,
from the perspective of JCN, but I do want to remind everyone that the Creator of
physical earth, as you know it, as human beings, is not what you have been taught. So,
this makes sense to me that the power symbol would be the number 7 with the counter
clockwise vortex to counter act the clockwise motion of earth time, and it’s energy
stream, for the purpose of illumination, then healing. You are not meant to spin
clockwise. You are not meant to spin counter clockwise either. Fact is, you are not really
an Atom. You are not physical matter, or it’s activation point. But, the counter clockwise
spiral in the CKR power symbol is activated as a gentle correction for space and time.

Our charkas spin clockwise and counter clockwise. It is being made evident to me that
this is a *potential* control mechanism. But, only if you have relinquished your power.
Anything created, in all cases, can work for love or fear. That is due to the fact that the
Mind is the decision maker. The physical matter lines up accordingly. However, having
said, that, you will want to understand that the vibration of the earth plane supports a
collective consciousness. It is massive. There are forces of all kinds present. You will
often be in the mix of these intentions while in human form in this particular particle of

The Law of Attraction, which I have written about many times, is partly a distraction
from deeper truths, and more importantly, a low vibe construct. Buy it, own it. All one
need do is to see more clearly the life of Jesus, and recently, the life of the Buddhist
Monks in Myanmar. Look at the lives of innocent women in Afghanistan. The lives of
hungry children all over the world. There is far more at play than a simplified explanation
and projection of one’s own suffering and death. I can assure you that there are forces
present, with a Big Agenda, and they are keenly aware of the obstacles on planet earth,
and where they live. Have you ever wondered why, with all your skill and talent, and
intention to be a soulful light in the world, that bad things happen to you? You may have
been taught that it’s the Law of Attraction at play. What in the hell are you ignoring!
Well, it’s nonsense. Well meaning people offer up the newest pop cultural spirituality in
hopes of taking away your pain with all kinds of things that won’t take away your pain.
What takes away your pain is fearless exploring of the Self, and forgiveness of all that
you see with your body’s eyes. An understanding that there are some people who will
face great obstacle in this lifetime due precisely to their skills and talents, and the love in
their heart. Some will be tortured and murdered, as their brand of the Truth, The Light
and The Way is in the way. 8
I don’t mean to say there is not a law of cause and effect, as there is - to a degree, in this
physical dimension.. In a moment of Grace - all Karma is burned. Wake up and smell the
coffee and realize you are without sin of any kind, in truth, but Guilt will suck you into a
black hole like nothing else.

Americans are famous for taking the LOA to new heights. Ignoring facts. The more time
and energy you spend being of service to only Your self, the longer your stay here. All
physical attachments are born of unknowingness. Once you truly awaken, there is only
one mission. Service to humanity. That doesn’t mean you give blood on every street
corner and ignore your own earthly needs. It means you know. From knowing comes
balanced service. Knowing IS balance. But, do remember, please… is the primary
tool used by the darkness to separate this from that. To the degree you are able, detach
from the craving for it. Yes, bring your sunlight to the energy of money - from neutral
and knowledge, but don’t hang a veil over it. You know what that means.

The physical dimensions of time and space are lower dimensional creations. Time is
created to be linear, and seems to move forward. But, we now know from the science of
Quantum Physics that time does not really exist. The problem is that we believe it does
and therefore we maintain the construct of the time and space continuum, which I am led
to believe is not in our best interest. It is false in terms of our natural state of being.

This one message alone, changes forever the way I see the Reiki Symbols in whole.

I would like to add right here that I have no doubt whatsoever that this is the reason for
the design of the Reiki power symbol. It represents taking back our power from the 90
degree angle (7), which is not forceful, but rather the vital correction filled with the
rightful intention of Self Love. The reason it was intuited as the first symbol may be for
this reason. A conscious decision to own your power and responsibility for healing. From
only that point of consciousness can one partner with their Reiki Guides for healing.

The ultimate goal for the Reiki Symbols is to help you make corrective healing actions at
the points of Origin of physical creation, based on more information about yourself and
the world you live in. Clarity and knowledge are critical components of the journey. Reiki
will save our ship.

I am also led to believe that there may come a time, along the way, when your personal
energy is more easily calibrated in such a way that the actual drawing of the symbols
becomes unnecessary. But, it can never hurt, unless you have ascribed meaning to them
that is not helpful or honest for you. As for me, I now intend to use the symbols far more
often. 9
Certainly, the drawing of the symbols in the palm of your hand/s for attunements
would be very important. Now, I understand more deeply why this is done. The palm of
our hand is our personal roadmap and blueprint archive. Recall the persecution of Jesus.
There was a far more important reason to place the nails in his hands than you know.
I have personally witnessed what lies in the hand. At least my own.

My husband recently finished his college degree in the Environmental Sciences and it was
a very festive day. We were taking family group pictures outside the Coliseum. When I
got home a few days later, and uploaded the digital pics to my puter hard drive, I was
stunned to see that my oldest son had numbers in his palm. They were clearly visible to
me. He had his palm face up and out and sort of goofing off. I could not believe what I
saw. I saw the numbers 22-3. We have a long history with the number 22, as we lost a
baby on the 22nd of April in 1987. To see the number 22 in his palm took my breath away,
and even scared me on one level. But, you can look at his palm just normal, and you will
not see it. The camera captured it. I don’t believe in accidents.

I then went and took pictures of my own palms. I cannot begin to articulate what I felt for
what I saw with my own eyes. In the palm of my left hand was a large design in the shape
of a W ( of all letters). There were several squiggly S’s all over my palm. Ancient looking
and Egyptian looking. There was a well defined portait of my brother, all the way down to
his glasses. He doesn’t like me much right now, for the work I am doing. He is a member
of the Mormon church and much of my work with the JCN shines serious light on the
organization. So, it was compelling to find his face in the palm of my hand.

There were also other woman’s faces overlapping. Well defined. There was a picture of
one woman by a picket fence holding a suitcase. I know, I know. It sounds far fetched. I
wouldn’t have believed it myself, if I hadn’t seen it personally. But, since this has
happened, I have come to understand that our palms are really interesting organs. I have
come to believe, especially now, after the recent message on the symbols, just how
helpful it likely is, to draw the symbols in the palm/s.

This does not mean that someone else must draw the symbols in your hand, or that you
must draw them correctly. If you are holding the correct intention for your self healing,
coupled with the intention to place the symbols within your energy signature, it can be
done with only thought. When you self attune, you can place the symbols in each hand
yourself. In fact, I am a big fan of self attuning, but both applications are valid and
helpful. Thought is activation point. The rest are tools.


As I look at this symbol, I have to remind myself that these are lines, joined together for a
purpose- a picture that represents an intention. But, again, I see the number 7, first and
foremost. I also see the symbol of a tree. That may not have been the original
interpretation from an Eastern perspective, but it may in fact represent a Tree of
Knowledge. Why the Tree of Knowledge? Because Knowledge is freedom. Freedom is
an emotional experience.

The seven hovers over it. and leans in to it. It is a powerful presence. What are the two
humps/loops/holes? If the 7 is a representation of the physical creation of the Universe,
the two humps are likely related to that.

The second symbol in Usui Reiki Ryoho is the emotional symbol. Events related to The
NON-PHYSICAL Tree of Knowledge (for lack of more accurate words) is what birthed
physical creation according to many. I am seeing the 7 as the veil. The shape of the 7 is
in a shielding stance in relation to the tree. I see physical creation shielding Knowledge.

On the other side of the seven, are two circles. Their meaningful. I am intuiting key holes.
Two of them. Unlock 7 to access the Tree of Knowledge. How does one do that? Unlock
7? Know Thyself. It’s not as though knowledge has been hidden. It’s that you don’t use
your key (Mind).

Why two key holes? Yin and Yang . This earthly experience is first about male and
female from the Creator perspective. Creating with magical applications, through the
construct of Adam and Eve and the womb. Who is the Creator here? 11
First, the One splits and is given separate functions. Once that is accomplished, the rest is
gravy. The Mission is possible.

This symbology would certainly be universal. Knowledge and Freedom are universal.
One might be convinced that since this is a Eastern symbol, it must have Eastern
meaning. It does. I am certain that good people of the East want to be free. It makes
perfect sense to me that the Reiki symbols would hold a Universal message and
corrective action relating to Creation.

I can certainly understand why this info is only coming to me now. Had it not been for my
work with symbology in the JCN, and learning new ways to see things, I would never
have seen what I am now seeing.


I am not feeling a pull to look more deeply at this symbol at this time. Not sure why. I
want to make sure that my own beliefs do not interfere, therefore, I am going to pass
over this one for now. I will be asking for more guidance.


Once I absorbed the info on the CKR and SHK, this symbol became crystal. This symbol
is filled with deeper meaning. But, let’s start with the following: Again, I am using a
unique lens grounded in my work with the new numerology system, which has brought
an enormous bit of new information regarding the Creation of the physical Universe.

At first, I went a couple of days reading the symbol from the top down, instinctively. But,
later was feeling that this symbol is representing creation from the bottom up. It may even
be acting in circle. So as not to confuse anyone, I will outline my intuitive findings from
the top -down, then I will sum up the more accurate direction and meaning. I do sense
that the experience we are having as humans is not unique to earth. This script has likely
been written before, maybe elsewhere. That might indicate a circular box that we, as the
unknowing, keep building.

The top tier strokes are the design of the THE CROSS. No, this is not just a Christian
symbol. Yes, it could relate to the cross used to crucify Master Jesus, and more, but it is a
far more ancient symbol than that. Some question whether or not Jesus was actually hung
on a cross. Having the cross at the first tier design in the DKM symbol does in fact put
that to rest for me. It is relevant for a reason. The symbol of the cross is the symbol of the
four heads, the four directions. Ownership. The Cross is Universal.

Before I continue, let me say that I am finding quite a bit on the connection of Jesus
to Buddhism. I have also done some dowsing on these questions and finding affirmative
answers that Jesus was indeed connected to Buddhist culture. I am going to leave some
links at the close of this document so that you can explore that more in your own time.
But, I am no longer surprised to find such symbology in the Reiki Symbols. In fact, given
all the info I have seen - in addition to my dowsing, and my intuitive leanings, the Reiki
Symbols would indeed hold within them the *signature* of Jesus.
It may very well be that Jesus is recycled from the lineage of Buddha, and even earlier
entities, but for fresh reason that has little to do with Buddhist thought. As we all know,
there are things you gravitate to in your current life and sometimes you just don’t know
why. You know when you don’t belong at a party. Even ones you crashed.

The Cross represents a primary Support or Frame for the thought system that
maintains the physical Universe. That thought system may be rooted in death and
rebirth. The snake Orborous. The tail eating spherical existence of death and rebirth
without gaps. I was once told using my pendulum that Jesus is in the Gap.

The word cross matches precisely the same numbers for the word LUCIFER.
38 h 74 v 112 hv. Recall that 11 x 2 = 22.

Now, some people get all hung up on words, and refuse to allow words to have their way
without our resistance. Language was created to control. It is when you can peer into the
language construct THEY USE without worry or fear, that you will begin to learn. You
won’t learn French nearly as fast in Japan. You have to go to France. Even if France
scares you. So, in order to understand more deeply the forces in play here, you will need
to open your mind, go forth without your Sunday school classes and allow for new

Lucifer is the primary *name* for the dark force origin of the physical universe. There are
many other names. Son of Dagan, Baal, Satan, and more. Names are created and recreated
to keep the truth from showing up. I could talk all day on that topic alone, so it’s best to
move on. It is written that Jesus called his Father Abla. Abla is the same numerical string
as the word Baal. Same letters, same numbers. Google Baal.

The Cross, when fueled with NEW intention, takes on new identity, for you personally, at
least, but the act of Self Love is a monumental ripple through time and space that has
huge power.

The Reiki Cross overlays the illusionary cross and brings healing on all levels. You might
think of this process as the ointment that heals. But, one thing I have learned is that
healing takes place at the point of Origin. Where perception activated the illusion. Since
most people have great difficulty looking directly at the sun, the ointment often misses
it’s mark. And all the teachings about * reaching for better feeling thoughts* and the *17
second rule* (see below) and all the talk about turning away from darkness to focus on
light, will forever keep people from activating healing where (precisely) it must occur - at
least within this construct. So, the cross is offered for this reason. Notice there is not the
stroke of a rainbow. It is the cross for a reason. But, many will never see the cross. 15
It’s too painful. If only they could be an observer of life on earth, from neutral, they
would see the benefit of fearlessness.

The next strokes on the DKM feels to me now like it represents the number 17 upside
down. Again, the 7 with a 1 added. For those science buffs out there, you know that the
entire Universe is said to be 17. Above the line, you have three ones. Below the line you
have what looks to be a backwards 7 and a one. The seven comes again.

There are exactly seventeen two-dimensional space (plane symmetry) groups. These are
sometimes called wallpaper groups, as they represent the seventeen possible symmetry
types that can be used for wallpaper. Yes, the Universe, in truth, is a Holograpahic
Creation, aka Wallpaper.

The word "seventeen" is used 17 times in the bible.

The 17th book is the shortest. Someone has spent 17 years looking for the exact middle
point of the Bible. It is the psalm 117 which is the shortest. The longest one is the
psalm 119 (divisible by 17). - 2² + 3² + 5² + 7² + 11² + 13² + 17² = 666 (number of the

The Flood started on the 17th. Noah'

s Ark landed on the Mount Ararat (alt. 17,000 feet)
on the 17th.

The Italians fear the 17's, because 17 is written XVII in Roman numerals, which is the
anagram of VIXI, which means "I lived", i.e. "I am dead". In Italy, buildings do not have a
17th floor, hotels do not have a room 17, and Alitalia planes do not have a seat 17
[neither do Air Inter planes and British Airways Concordes].

It is mainly in the Chi'ism (and, because of its influence, in the Turkish epico-religious
literature in Anatolia) that a quasi-magical importance is given to the number 17...
From the ancient times, the Chi' ist mystics had venerated the number 17; this veneration
has its origins in the ancient Pythagorean speculations lying on the letters in the Greek
alphabet... 17 represented the number of those who would rise from the dead and each
one of those people was to receive one of the 17 letters of the alphabet, making up the
highest name of God, which is certainly related to the blade of the Star, arcanum 17 in the
Tarot game whose symbolism evokes mutation, rebirth, and which Dr Allendy considers
to be Karmic Liberation (alln, 364).

Moreover, according to The Book of the Balance by Gâbir ibn Hayyân, an alchemist
and a soufi, the shape (sura) of every thing in the world is 17; 17 is the very basis of the
theory of the Balance and must be regarded as the canon of the equilibrium of every

There is plenty more info on the number 17, but I leave you with that. I do want to point
out that what brought me to right here, was the beginning research I was doing on the
Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid has 17 steps to the 17th concourse / entrance. In JCN,
The Great Pyramid of Giza = 117 h (same as me h) and 234 v = 351 hv.

17 is a big deal. Seventeen = 46 h 109 v = 155 hv.. I have a long list of 155 to match
this up with. 155 connects numerically to the origins of earth and humans. It is the
number that 7 derives from. I cannot yet explain the extra one, except to say that the
extra one is prevalent throughout JCN. It may be the addition of one being. 117 is the
number representing the Great Pyramid of Giza (h). Seventeen = 46 h. Therefore,
Seventeen Seventeen = 92 h. Please remember that the number 29 (backwards) is the
number of Jesus h. - Why am I hooked on Seventeen Seventeen? Read further.

In the DKM symbol - at the second strokes are the number 17 turned upside down. You
might not see the 1 and the 7 due to the flairs of the strokes. This also represents 71
backwards. The three brush strokes above feel like the Trinity, representing the Father,
the Mother and the Son. This may also pertain to the Planetary Trine Conjunction for
the birth of Jesus. The three/trine over the 17 Universe. For many, if not most of you, this
will just seem to far fetched, or maybe even manipulated. If you were familiar with the
science of spiritual numerology, or even my system of JCN, you would be far more
impressed. This is actually quite stunning. The cross also represents the four directions,
and the four heads possibly, as outlined in the Book of Revelations.

Here is where I lend my own personal beliefs. I don’t believe the split of Yin and Yang
(for lack of better words) is the truth of what we are. It is our human experience. It is the
split mind. The masculine from the feminine. For a reason. Power and control.
I will not go as far as to say I am certain, but it feels right.

These second tier strokes would therefore represent The Creator/s and the Created. I
know it’s hard to follow. But, it seems to me that if healing is going to occur, we must
address our Origins. Our Physical Origins are indeed numbered. That number is 17. Then
7 for the reduction of the 34 of Reiki (h). It is my feeling that the true number, if we have
to pick one, for our true Creative Origin is zero point. This would be absolute Center.
That is why fear builds illusion. Illusion is magic, made with numbers. 17
Lastly, the third tier strokes are most interesting, and of the most importance, in my
view. First, something I was working on a couple of weeks ago was the numerical string
of seventeen seventeen.

Why am I hooked on Seventeen Seventeen? Aside from it’s numerical ties in JCN, I
would like to invite you to draw to 17’s - side by side.

17 17 17 + 17 = 34. Reiki = 34 h (for corrective life force)

Close the gap at the top of each pair. In other words, move the sevens over until they are
touching the ones. Keep the lines straight. Draw it. What do you see? Now look at the
third tier strokes of the DKM symbol. These are Gates.. The Gates of Seventeen
Seventeen. For a reason. It is my feeling that they represent the Masculine and Feminine.
And the physical manifestations of that intention.

17 + 17 = 34

Adam and Eve = 34 h

Do the two gates give us 234?

Adam and Eve = 70 v

Loose the zero for the number 7.

These are the doors of the split mind. The Yin and the Yang.

If I were to go into further detail on this symbology, it would likely be met with resistance
and fear, therefore, I will say that the JCN supports this theory, but it can rest without the
numerical back-up. The doors are gates. They represent what the earth and it’s creations
are built for and for what is to come.

Recall the beginning; Adam and Eve. What is to come will come whether or not you are
awakened. The only door you want and need is the door to knowledge. Therefore, the
bars across those gates are important. Include them. Symbolically, it does not prevent
what is to come, it only imprints your personal intention. This is knowledge. If you
understand it. If you don’t …don’t worry, The symbols are given to *help* do the work
for you, if you use them and believe in their inherent gift of love. In other words, what is
coming is the choice to merge the masculine and feminine. It may not appear that way,
but simply look at the USA presidential elections for 2008. Look at the world you live in.
Look at it honestly and with detached emotion. If you hold fast to your beliefs, you will
miss it. 18
Now let’s look at this symbol from the bottom up. Like the CKR symbol, we are in
essence going counter to time and space- and pointing to Origin. Remember that the
names Adam and Eve are just names for intention.

The Gates of Adam and Eve, which ORIGINATE NOT ON EARTH, but in the non
physical, with intention. . The creation of these entities is the seemingly real Hologram
known as 17. It is possible that the one represents THE ONE. The Son. The Prince.
The Great Pyramid of Giza with it’s 117 h is the TEMPLE OF EARTH for the hologram.

So, we begin with the gates. But, the bars across those gates would be the most
important correction.

A corrected view. If you ask me. From there, you have the middle tier. The Father, the
Mother and the Son as the Trinity OVER 17. Then, you have the cross. That the cross
would then be the very last symbol in Usui Reiki, tells me something very interesting.
The cross is where we are stuck. It is our own cross as well. Our belief in death and
rebirth. Even the vision of the resurrection plays a role. The story of Jesus and the Cross
is just the primary script to capture humanity and every living thing in a specific net of
belief. Separation, Suffering, Death and Rebirth if you are good and do as you are told.

Again, the third tier symbology is Universal. We are in a monumental time within the
space time construct that began billions and billions of years ago.

Please do not underestimate the power of knowledge and CHOICE based on knowledge.
You may be highly resistant to new information. That is because you are conditioned
well. Ask for help from your higher Self. It will come. This isn’t about male and female -
it’s about Aries and Pisces, Water and Fire, Mars and Venus, Love and Fear. But the
feminine is quite capable of Alpha action. The male is quite capable of the miracle of
hands on healing, and visa versa. Our wires have been crossed. There is a zero point.


I would like to make you aware of this:


Very few of the thousands of words I have done come to even numbers at the level of
HUNDREDS. The word hundred is also the same string as Lucifer. Please take a look at the other
strings I have that are a match to 300. This would indicate an alignment that either is present to
bring light to it, or agree with it and expand it. Discernment is personal.




(BWA Sheree Denise Rainbolt = 459 hv)
Lastly, here is the numerology on the letters DKM

4 11 13 That is three ones flanked by 7 on left and right.

I have no more to offer than that. You will decide, after some thought, to look at it more
deeply, and learn, or you will dismiss it. Or something in between. You are loved.

These ideas, again, are intuitive guidance and I do not make any promises that they are
accurate .You are free to think me insane.

Sheree Denise Rainbolt - Kren

I would like to share James’s and Peggy’s views on the symbols….

From James Deacon’s Website

Copyright © 2003/5 James Deacon

The Reiki symbols (shirushi in Japanese) have been the source of great interest
and much discussion over the years.

Sacred or Secret?

Takata-Sensei taught that the Reiki symbols were sacred and as such should be
kept secret - not shown to the uninitiated. To this end, her students were
required to memorize the symbols and were not permitted to keep written copies
of them.

[Takata-Sensei believed that the symbols should be treated with respect - even
the practice sheets used by students in her Reiki classes had to be disposed of
respectfully, rather than simply crumpled up and dumped in a bin.]

While the four symbols used in Usui Shiki Ryoho and Usui Reiki Ryoho are still
considered by many of us to be Sacred (or at least, of sacred significance), ever
since two of the symbols (the SHK and the HSZSN) were first revealed in a Reiki
book: 'The Challenge To Teach Reiki' by A.J. MacKenzie Clay, 21
(published in 1992), the belief in the need to keep them secret is no longer
generally considered relevant.

[I think it is also important to remember that the four symbols/their names are
not exclusively the 'property' of Reiki.]

Many people, on first hearing about Reiki, have jumped to the conclusion that
knowledge of the four symbols will give them the 'power' to do Reiki. But this is
not the case.

To reveal the visual representations of the four symbols, or the Japanese words
which form their names (and for that matter the Anglicized meanings of those
Japanese words) is not to 'give away' their power - their 'secret'. The 'secret' of
the four symbols is something which cannot be expressed in words or images,
but can only truly be understood by experiencing the symbols once properly
initiated into Reiki.


Copyright © 2002/5 James Deacon

The Reiki symbols (shirushi in Japanese) have been the source of great interest
and much discussion over the years.

It is a common belief, amongst many western lineage Reiki practitioners, that

Usui Sensei originally 'discovered' the four Reiki symbols in Buddhist texts - and
that he re-experienced them (in 'bubbles of light') and received understanding of
their true significance, in his visionary experience on Mt. Kurama.

However, in one of Takata-sensei's recorded talks, she tells the 'Story of Reiki'.
In the recording, she clearly states that Usui-sensei discovered a formula for
accessing healing in the Buddhist texts, there is no mention of him finding the
Reiki symbols in the texts.

She also states that on the last day of his meditative fast, Usui-sensei saw a
vision of millions of multi-coloured bubbles; then he saw a great white light; and
then he saw appearing before him: "what he had studied in the Sanscrit" in
glowing, golden, Sanscrit letters.

In this telling of 'Story of Reiki', Takata-sensei makes no mention of the four
Reiki symbols per se - in bubbles of light or otherwise. Rather, she states that
Usui-sensei saw Sanscrit text - a vision of a piece of text he had read in a
Sanscrit sutra.

Recently, some sources have claimed that, initially, Usui Sensei did not use
symbols in the Reiki system - that they were in fact something he added at a
later date, out of the need to incorporate an effective focussing method to assist
those students who were experiencing difficulty in feeling, and differentiating
between, certain aspects of the Reiki 'energy'#.

(In fact, the way that many people tell it, we might be forgiven for believing that
one day Usui Sensei just plucked four symbols out of the air at random to use as
the first 'Reiki add-ons' !)

However, in a discussion (in 2002) with a Reiki Master from Japan, we were
talking about this issue of the introduction of the symbols, and the version of the
story he shared, seems to put things in a slightly different perspective.

As we are all aware, ongoing research seems to continually reveal new

information as to the history and nature of 'original' Reiki.

Current understanding is that originally (- rather than being a purely therapeutic

modality,) Usui Sensei's system was essentially a spiritual-philosophical system
(incorporating certain Buddhist and Shinto elements) - a system 'for the
improvement of body and soul' - that is, a system primarily focusing on self-
development, but one which also incorporated a self-healing element.

If this was indeed the case, then 'Reiki', as it came to be understood in the West
(i.e. as essentially a purely therapeutic modality), would seem to be a natural
'outgrowth' from this original spiritual-philosophical system.'

Now, according to the Reiki Master Jiro Kozuki, when it came to incorporating
symbols into the therapeutic element of his teachings, it was not so much a case
of Usui Sensei creating four new symbols - nor, for that matter, importing
symbols from outside sources -but rather, selecting four symbols which were
already a feature of his spiritual-philosophical system, and assigning them
new significance as 'keys' (or as NLP terminology puts it: 'Resource Anchors') to
assist focus of intent as part of the evolving 'therapeutic modality' aspect of the

James Deacon 23

In my researches, I have also come across reference to the term choku rei in the writings of
Masahisa Goi, founder of the religious group Byakkõ Shinkõkai. For example, in 'The Future of
Mankind', Goi writes:

"In the beginning, Great God took His body, His light, and divided it into various
rays of light. He then functioned 7 rays of light to operate as the power source of
human beings. These 7 rays of origin, which I call Chokurei (direct spirits from God*), are the
image of God working in this world of mankind..."

*NOTE: Chokurei, as used by Masahisa, translates literally as 'direct spirit(s)' - the 'from god' part
is simply implied.

" HYPERLINK "reiki_symbolsP_naohi.htm"Choku Rei and Nao Hi: the 'secret Shinto jumon'

Dr. John White and Dr. Stanley Krippner list many properties of the Universal
Energy Field: the UEF permeates all space, animate and inanimate objects, and
connects all objects to another; and its density varies inversely with the distance
from its source. It also follows the laws of harmonic inductance and sympathetic
resonance -- the phenomenon that occurs when you strike a tuning fork and one
near it begins to vibrate at the same frequency, giving off the same sound.

By Barbara Ann Brennan

Reiki and Esoteric Buddhism
Peggy Jentoft

There are many in the traditional Reiki Schools who teach that the symbols
and mantras are to be kept secret and shared only with those who have
received the attunements to run Reiki. I do agree that these specific energies
do work only for those who connect with them and that does most often
require attunements from someone who has been attuned to the teaching level.
I know that the symbols and mantras are only tools for helping focus the
energies. This view has been confirmed by information about how Reiki is
taught in Japan that have come to light since this page was originally written.

Most people who are attuned to Reiki find that they can activate the energies
by intention alone after a while .

I have no idea what the personal Spiritual beliefs of Usui Sensei were it is
obvious that he was a genuine scholar of many subjects.

My Buddhist studies of long ago have given me some information and

opinions that I will share now. (I at one time thought I wanted to be a Buddhist
Priest even though women were not being ordained which is why I have
delved slightly into some of the more obscure areas of study).

The Reiki Symbols have never been secret they have been used in Buddhist
Esoteric Teachings for Centuries I was familiar with 3 of the symbols 4 if you
count Raku as very esoteric Buddhist principles for almost 30 years before I
ever heard of Reiki .

My studies were with some Nicheren Sects which are direct descendants of
Tein-Tai/ Ten-dai sects I have read that Dr Usui is Buried at a Tein-Tai
temple. though many buddhist sects have similar teachings and temples
traditional allowed scholars to study without strict regard for sect .

I believe that What Dr Usui Received In his meditation was access to the
Reiki Energies and that he used the symbols that as very learned Scholar he
would have known closest to the deepest meaning and Purpose of the
energies. I have now heard that there is some historical indication that he used
these symbols in teaching prior to his meditation on Mount Kurama.

The Symbols may have appeared in his vision but they were not in my
opinion, the gift /reward of his meditation they were the explanation of the use
of the energies. and a tool to share the energies with others.
To me symbols are symbols. they represent something. They can be a useful
tool for connecting to energies and for focusing but what power they may
contain, whether placed there by a spiritual master, inherent in their form , or
created by the intention of many, can be invoked and activated by intention
alone without requiring the direct use of the symbols themselves. All the
traditional Reiki Symbols are either Japanese Written characters or esoteric
symbols that can be encountered in many other contexts.

In the Tradition of Buddhist Scholarship and Priesthood each and every

Character /Symbol/ word/ phrase, contains Layer upon layer of meaning the
word myo for example contains the concepts of yin yang as mutually
possessed it contains the fusion of dark and light and refers to the entire
unknown or hidden sacred meanings of all existence and to the laws by which
reality operates ,to all "miracles and spiritual events. and that'
s just for a start.

Ku is a concept so complex that volumes have been written about it by dozens

of priests and scholars, it concerns the void, the potential and the pre-existing
essence of everything before it is physical. The simplest introduction in
Buddhist Studies to explaining the concept of ku begins "where the cherry
blossom is before there were cherry blossoms "

These words symbols phrases, were secret only in that the deeper meanings
were of interest and comprehensible only to the dedicated and gifted scholar.
the characters/symbols also had mundane common meanings and uses.

Certainly in the Tendai and Nicheren Sects it is common to meditate on gaze

at chant draw characters for the purpose of obtaining benefits and spiritual
understanding without any need to understand the meaning of the symbols in
that use they invoked, evoked power but they could also be used to write a
grocery list as it were.

It was also thought that merely to see the character or hear a phrase would
ensure eventual enlightenment.

It is still fairly common in the Nicheren Sect Lay organizations to deliberately

expose people to phrases and views of Kanji characters containing Spiritual
teaching with the idea that that exposure alone will be enough to establish a
connection to the teaching that will lead eventually to the persons

My controversial views :

I choose to explain elements of Reiki that have usually been revealed only
during the initiation training. For me and many others drawing the symbols
and Mantras is not absolutely required to activate the energies. They can all be
activated by intention alone. These pages feature Both the traditional Usui
Reiki and the modified Reiki form because the energies are activated by
intention and Attunements are given by direct transmission rather than through
a hands on attunement ritual. All the energies and functions in the traditional
system are included and additional energies and processes are received by
most people.

I have used the mantras / symbol names openly throughout much of this text
rather than just referring to them indirectly, Due to my Buddhist Background I
was familiar with most of them before I ever heard of Reiki.

The particular Buddhist tradition I followed encourages sharing sacred

symbols and sounds with others even in secular context as a way of planting a
seed for the future enlightenment of the viewer.

So I would in a sense be violating my spiritual principles were I to keep the

Reiki Symbols secret, remembering that I had encountered most of these
symbols in a Buddhist context for almost 30 years before I heard about Reiki,
and that my former (San Bruno) neighbor 2 houses up from our old house had
her children's dance costumes elaborately embroidered with a motif of what
she called "blessing seeds" that is, Cho Ku Rei Power Symbols.

To give a an example of the depth of meaning possible in one word I will use
this example from and old translation of a Buddhist Sutra of the word Reiki
which has been defined simply as Spiritual or Universal Life force or energy.
the Reiki referred to in this excerpt would primarily be that of a Buddha.

I was looking for something about Karma in a old book of lectures on the
Hokekyo (Lotus Sutra ) a translation of some Buddhist lectures from the early
thirties by Makaguchi and I stumbled across this, " Reiki" (Spiritual power) is
divided into 10.

1. the power to tell the reasonable law of cause and effect from an
unreasonable one neglecting the causal law.

2. the power to know the causal relationships ranging over the three
existence's of life- past present and future.

3. the power to keep himself in the state of enlightenment

4. the power to realize the various functions of mind.

5. The power to know the intellect of people

6. the power to know the life condition of people.

7. the power to foresee the future of people

8. the power to know the causal relationships of people

9. the power to realize the the life of the past existence and the way to

10. the power to obliterate past karma.


Copyright © 2002-3 James Deacon

[NOTE: It must be clearly understood that this article presents a Buddhist interpretation of three
symbols which we also know as the Reiki symbols SHK, HSZSN and DKM. It is not the intention
to imply that these symbols - when used in the context of the Reiki system - have quite the same
significance as they do in a Buddhist sense]

The 'distance symbol': HSZSN mantra [or: Nen Shingon* as it is sometimes called] is
essentially a call to 'Mindfulness' - it reminds us of the 7th step in the Noble 8-Fold Path of

While there have, over the years, been several suggested translations of HSZSN - including
several very misleading ones - probably one of the clearest translations is:

"Correct Thought (Mindfulness) is the essence of being".

For an animated .gif of the Nen Shingon, see the:

Wallpapers & Other Downloads page.

The 'mental-emotional symbol': SHK ('Spiritual Composure') is almost certainly a stylized form
of the Sanskrit siddham-script character known in Japan as kiriku (pronounced: k'rik or k'lik).

Kiriku is the sacred sign or emblem of both Senju Kanzeon Bosatsu (a thousand-armed form of
the Bodhisatva Kanzeon or 'Kannon') and Amida Butsu - the Buddha Amida - (or Amida Nyorai as
he is called in Mikkyo Buddhist traditions), and is regarded as itself possessing the divine grace of
both of these Buddhist Deities.

It is said that Senju Kanzeon Bosatsu watches over those suffering from a distressed Heart-Mind
and lends his hand at the time of their troubles...

Amida - Buddha of Infinite Light & Life - is widely worshipped in various schools of Japanese
Buddhism, including Tendai. He is the main deity in Jodo (Pure Land) Buddhism; and also in Jodo
Shin (True Pure Land) Buddhism which holds that Spiritual Peace of Mind and salvation are to be
achieved by relying on his power.

We are told that 'Mariko Obaasan' - a Buddhist Nun said to have known Usui Sensei, claims that
he was a devotee of Amida - and that he made an offering to Amida every day.

Kiriku is essentially perceived as a single-character depiction of the nembutsu: the sacred mantra
of Amida: "Namu Amida Butsu", and as such invokes the merit associated with the fukushu or
recital/repitition of that mantra, thus bringing Spiritual Peace of Mind ('Spiritual Composure') to the
individual reciting the mantra, or to any other being to whom the reciter chooses to 'transfer' this

[NOTE: In Shingon Buddhism, the mantra: "On Amirita Teizei Kara Un" is favoured in place of the

The 'master symbol': DKM. The interesting thing about DKM from a Buddhist point of view, I
feel, is that the real importance lies in the meaning of the KM kanji-pair

DKM: the 'Great Bright Light' can perhaps be better understood as the 'Great Komyo'

The term Komyo is something of great significance in Japanese Buddhism.

In a Buddhist sense, Komyo signifies 'Enlightened Nature' or 'the Radiant Light of Wisdom' - the
Radiance of a Deity - not one specific Deity, but any expression of deity - be it in the form of a
Buddha, Bodhisattva, 'Vidyaraja', etc. ( -even a Shinto kami for that matter).

DKM can be seen as the manifest expression of the Light of Wisdom: the means by which
illumination "dawns on us."

Komyo appears again and again in Buddhist thought, for example, we have:
the Gobukonkomyokyo - the Sutra of Golden (en)Light(enment)
Komyohensho - another name for Dainichi Nyorai (central Buddha of the Shingon sect)
Komyo Bosatsu - Japanese name for the Bodhisattva Jaliniprabha
(Komyo Bosatsu is also sometimes referred to simply as Dai-komyo)
Komyoshinden - the 'Palace of the Luminous Mind'
Komyoshingon - the '(en)Light(enment) Mantra'; etc.etc.
[Actually, DKM is also another name for the Komyoshingon - a very important (and powerful)

The complete phrase 'daikomyo' appears as part of a sacred 'nine-syllable' mantra dating from
before the 8thC:
"Shiken Haramitsu Daikomyo"
- which conceptually translates as: "The Wisdom of the Four Hearts* leads us to Enlightenment"

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It also occurs in the name: "Daikomyo-o" - 'Great Shining Bright King' .

Daikomyo-o is one of the daison myo-o (great and venerable kings of magic knowledge) -
compassionate yet wrathful deities who protect humans against evil influences, and who possess
the knowledge and force contained in mantras.

In one respect, just as the siddham character kiriku is regarded as itself possessing the divine
grace of the Buddha it represents, so too in an esoteric sense, the three-kanji phrase 'Daikomyo'
may be seen to directly represent the mystical experience of Komyo [the 'Bright Light' or
'Enlightened Nature': the Radiance of a given Deity], and as such, may be employed by one who
has achieved that 'enlightenment,' as a means of passing on (- to a lesser degree -) the effects of
that experience to others.

James Deacon

Thank you for supporting my work by supporting my online store.

Each day, draw the three Reiki symbols in the palm of your hand. Bring them to prayer
position. Inhale, then exhale through your hands. Affirm you are Love.

Is Jesus a Buddhist ? / jesus1.htm

Christ and Budda: Jesus Through Buddhist Eyes


Special thanks to James Deacon for use of his Reiki Symbols Art and his
writings. Please visit his website at


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