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Algorithm Revision

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The Westminster School, Dubai

Computer Studies Algorithm Revision

1. Nov 2011 Paper13
The weather conditions in a town are being monitored over a year (365 days). The values
recorded per day are weather type (e.g. CLOUDY, 25)
Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or flowchart only, which:
inputs the weather type and temperature for each day
outputs the number of days that were CLOUDY, RAINING, SUNNY or
. output the highest temperature
. output the lowest temperature






7.. Nov 2011 P12

(a) Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or flowchart only, which:
inputs three numbers

outputs the largest of the three numbers

(b) Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or flowchart only, which:
inputs 1000 numbers
outputs how many of these numbers were whole numbers (integers)
(You may use INT(X) in your answer e.g. Y = INT(3.8) gives the value Y = 3)



8.June 2011 P11

Daniel lives in Italy and travels to Mexico, India and New Zealand. The times differences

New Zealand
Thus, if it is 10:15 in Italy it will be 14:45 in India.
(a) Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or otherwise, which:
Inputs the name of the country
Inputs the time in Italy in hours (H) and minutes (M)
Calculates the time in the country input using the data from the table
Outputs the country and the time in hours and minutes


June 2011 P12

A school has 1800 students. The start date and leaving date for each student is stored on file.
Dates are in the format YYMMDD (e.g. a student starting on 10th September 2007 and leaving
on 4th August 2012 has the data 070910 and 120804 on file).
(a) Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or otherwise, which

inputs Student ID for all 1800 students

inputs the start date and leaving date for each student
carries out a check to ensure the second date is later
if error, increments error counter
outputs the number of errors

Specimen paper
The exchange rate between the US Dollar (US$) and the Brazilian Real (R$) changes every day.
Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or otherwise, which inputs the exchange rate for every day
over a 10 year period (assume that each year = 365 days) and then outputs the following:
The average (mean) exchange rate
The best (highest) exchange rate
The worst (lowest) exchange rate
The number of occasions when the exchange rate was above 2.0

11. Nov 2010 P11 & P12

A school is doing a check on the heights and weights of all its students. The school has1000 students.
Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or a flowchart, which
inputs the height and weight of all 1000 students
outputs the average (mean) height and weight
includes any necessary error traps for the input of height and weight

12.. June 2010 P12

(a) Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or a flowchart, which:
_ inputs 50 numbers
_ outputs how many of the numbers were > 100
(b) Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or a flowchart, which:
_ inputs 100 numbers
_ finds the average of the input numbers
_ outputs the average



13.. June 2010 P11

A group of students were monitoring the temperature every day over a one-year period.
Readings were taken ten times every day (you may assume a year contains 365 days).
Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or flowchart, which
inputs all the temperatures (ten per day)
outputs the highest temperature taken over the year
outputs the lowest temperature taken over the year
outputs the average temperature per day
outputs the average temperature for the whole year

14.. Nov 2009

(a) A cars speed is measured between points A and B, which are 200 km apart.
A ______________________________ B
200 km
The final speed of the car is calculated using the formula:
What is the final speed of a car if it takes 2 hours to get from A to B?

(b) Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or otherwise, which inputs the times for 500
cars, calculates the final speed of each car using the formula in part (a), and then outputs:
the final speed for ALL 500 cars

the slowest (lowest) final speed

the fastest (highest) final speed
the average final speed for all the cars.

15. June 2009

A small airport handles 400 flights per day from three airlines:
Each flight is identified by the airline code and 3 digits. For example FA 156.
Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or otherwise, which monitors the 400 flights into and
out of the airport each day. The following inputs, processing and outputs are all part of the
monitoring process:
input flight identification
calculate number of flights per day for each of the three airlines
output the percentage of the total flights per day by each airline
any validation checks must be included

106Nov 2008
The manufacturing cost of producing an item depends on its complexity. A company
manufactures three different types of item, with costs based on the following calculations:
Item type 1: item cost = parts cost * 1.5
Item type 2: item cost = parts cost * 2.5
Item type 3: item cost = parts cost * 5.0
The company makes 1000 items per day.
Write an algorithm, using pseudocode, flowchart or otherwise, which
inputs the item type and parts cost of each item
outputs the item cost for each item
calculates and outputs the average (mean) item cost per day (based on 1000
items being made).

17. June 2008

Customers can withdraw cash from an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM).
withdrawal is refused if amount entered > current balance
withdrawal is refused if amount entered > daily limit
if current balance < $100, then a charge of 2% is made
if current balance $100, no charge is made
Write an algorithm which inputs a request for a sum of money, decides if a withdrawal can
be made and calculates any charges. Appropriate output messages should be included.

18. Nov 2007

(a) Fuel economy for a car is found using the formula:
Distance Travelled (km)
Fuel Economy =
Fuel Used (litres)
What would be the Fuel Economy of a car travelling 40 km on 10 litres of fuel?

(b) The Fuel Economy for 1000 cars is to be calculated using the formula in
Question (a).
Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or otherwise, which inputs the Distance
Travelled (km) and the Fuel Used (litres) for 1000 cars. The Fuel Economy for each car
is then calculated and the following outputs produced:
Fuel Economy for each car
average (mean) Fuel Economy for all of the cars input

the best Fuel Economy (i.e. highest value)

the worst Fuel Economy (i.e. lowest value)

19. June 2007

A company has 5000 CDs, DVDs, videos and books in stock. Each item has a unique
5-digit code with the first digit identifying the type of item, i.e.
1 = CD
2 = DVD

3 = video
4 = book
For example, for the code 15642 the 1 identifies that it is a CD, and for the code 30055 the
3 identifies that it is a video.
Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or otherwise, that
Inputs the codes for all 5000 items
Validates the input code
Calculates how many CDs, DVDs, videos and books are in stock
Outputs the four totals.

20. June 2006

(a) A formula for calculating the body mass index (BMI) is:
weight in kilograms
(height in metres) x (height in metres)
Calculate the BMI for a person whose weight is 80kg and height is 2 metres.
(b) Using pseudocode or otherwise, write an algorithm that will input the ID, weight (kg) and
height (m) of 30 students, calculate their body mass index (BMI) and output their ID,
BMI and a comment as follows:
A BMI greater than 25 will get the comment OVER WEIGHT, a BMI between 25 and
19 (inclusive) will get NORMAL and a BMI less than 19 will get UNDER WEIGHT.

Counter =0


weight in kilograms
(height in metres) x (height in metres)

if BMI>25 then comment=overweight

if BMI>=19 and bmi<25 then comment= normal
if BMI<19 comment=underweight
else print error
output id, bmi, comment
until counter is equal to 30

21 Nov 2006
Temperatures (C) are being collected in an experiment every hour over a 200 hour period.
Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or otherwise, which inputs each temperature and outputs
how many of the temperatures were above 20C
how many of the temperatures were below 10C
the lowest temperature that was input

22. June 2005

Using pseudocode or otherwise, write an algorithm that will input 25 marks and output the
number of DISTINCTION, MERIT, PASS or FAIL grades.
A mark greater than 69 will get a DISTINCTION, a mark between 69 and 60 (inclusive) will
get a MERIT and a mark between 59 and 50 (inclusive) will get a PASS.
Counter =0:d=0:m=0:p=0:f=0
Input mark
Counter=Counter + 1
If mark>69 then d=d+1
If mark>=60 and mark<69 then m=m+1
If mark >=50 and mark<59 then p=p+1
Else f=f+1
Until counter is equal to 25
Output d,m,p,f
23. Pupils are graded in the test based on the following marks

70 -100
55 69
40 - 54
0 - 39

Write an algorithm to input the marks for 20 pupils and for each pupils grade

Counter =0
Input mark
Counter=Counter + 1
If mark>=70 and mark<=100 then Grade=Distinction
If mark>=55 and mark<=69 then Grade=Merit
If mark >=40and mark<=54 then Grade = Pass

If mark>=0 and mark<=39 Grade=Fail
Output Grade
Until counter is equal to 25

Questions 1 to 3 contain sections of pseudocode which contain errors. Locate the errors and
suggest the correct coding
(1) The following section of pseudocode inputs 1000 numbers and then outputs how many were
negative, how many were positive and how many were zero.
Locate the 3 errors and suggest a corrected piece of code.
1 negative = 1: positive = 1
2 for x = 0 to 1000
3 input number
4 if number < 0 then negative = negative + 1
5 if number > 0 then positive = positive + 1
6 endif
7 endif
8 next
9 print negative, positive

Three errors:
line error correction
1 totals should be zero negative = 0: positive = 0

2 loops 1001 times for x = 1 to 1000

6 no checks for zeros if number = 0 then zero = zero + 1
Input (OR else zero = zero + 1 )
(lines 6 to 9 need to be re-numbered 7 to 10; also need to add the following:
zero = 0 in line 1 and add zero to output list at the end of the algorithm)

(2) The following section of pseudocode inputs rainfall (in cm) for 500 days and outputs the
average rainfall and the highest rainfall input.
Locate the 3 errors and suggest a corrected piece of code.
1 highest = 1000
2 days = 1
3 while days > 0
4 input rainfall
5 if rainfall > highest then highest = rainfall
6 endif
7 total = total + rainfall
8 days = days + 1
9 average = total/500
10 endwhile
11 print average, highest

(2) Three errors:

line error correction
1 wrongly set value highest = 0
3 while loops never stops while days <= 5000 do
9 average needs to be line 9: endwhile
outside while loop line 10: average = total/500

(3) The following section of pseudocode inputs a number, n, multiplies together1 x 2 x 3 x. x

n, calculates input number/sum and outputs result of the calculation.
Locate the 3 errors and suggest a corrected piece of code.
1 input n
2 for mult = 1 to n
3 sum = 0
4 sum = sum * mult
5 result = n/sum
6 next
7 print result

(3) Three errors:

line error correction
3 sum = 0 inside loop should be set outside loop before line 1
3 sum = 0 initial value this value should be sum = 1
5 calculation result = n/sum should come between lines
6 and 7

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